If you live in Texas, you may not necessarily get to have a white Christmas. Unless you go out of town, you may not be used to playing in the snow and being able to build snowmen. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try! Take these kids, for instance. They decided to make the best out of what they had: tumbleweeds, dirt, and sticks.

Many people would be willing to trade their snowy, cold holidays for the warm, sunny ones down South. And some (like us) may not. We still prefer a traditional holiday season with white mountains and red Santas. So, people of Texas, it’s time to pack your bags; you are welcome to ours.
All I Want for Christmas
Some people ask for money for Christmas, some ask for a new Playstation game, and some have more humble requests like their favorite team to make it to the Playoffs. Just like this lovely lady right here who is asking Santa's help because her team's coach is probably not doing his job very well.

If it were up to us, we would grant her wish and add some arts and crafts material. It looks like she could use them to put together some more signs for her beloved team. We are all for transparency, and from what we can see, this woman is in for it too.
Ring in the New Year with a New Job
Although there are many reasons to quit your job, it doesn’t mean that you don’t want to keep in contact with the company you are leaving or with your coworkers, especially during the holiday season. This soon-to-be ex-employee made their feelings about leaving their job abundantly clear. The “I QUIT: in this resignation letter is enormous and in all caps.

But that didn’t keep them from adding the small print that they would still be attending the office Christmas party. This person knows what it’s all about, and there is no way he will miss out on the best party of the year. There are some things you have to hold on to.
Married Christmas!
We were going to write something sarcastic about this sweet Danish couple who decided to celebrate their love as well as Christmas at the same time, but then we thought better. You know what? If they feel like this is the proper way to say their I dos, who are we to judge?

If you’re going to go so hard on the Christmas angle, though, we would expect no less than a red-nosed reindeer to carry you on a sled with a "Just Married" sign. You see, when it comes to love and when it comes to Christmas, there are no rules. Anything goes, and that means clothing, too.
Emily Is Everything
Poor Emily, everybody else has stuff going on in their lives, even her parents get to be excited, but she just gets to be Emily. Well, we see you, girl. You are awesome, and don’t let anybody tell you anything different. Unless...there is more to the eye than what we can see.

Apparently, Emily is not the young lady's name. It is her future daughter's name. Although she hasn't had a baby yet, everyone is in the mood for new things, so she decided that she is going to announce what is going to be a few years down the road.
Cracking Around
Here is what we think happened at the studio where this picture was taken: Photographer: "Look over here... great. Now smile... perfect." *click* "Now give me a pose... Beautiful." *click* "Now act like you don't know each other." Family: "Umm... What?" Photographer: "Did I stutter?" The dad on the right seems to be the best one at following instructions.

On the other hand, this is a typical Christmas photoshop of an average family, in an average poss, expressing their love and gratitude towards each other and absolutely loving every single moment of it.
It's All in the Eyes
These people have obviously never heard of smizing. Otherwise, their smiles would have reached their eyes rather than stopping at the corners of their mouths and making them look like psychopaths who ate bad sushi. The baby in the middle actually looks like she's been posing for the camera since the day she was born.

Maybe the government should pass a new bill that will include the doos and don'ts regarding family photos, especially around Christmas. At childbirth, the parents will receive guidelines as to how and where to smile, and if the photo doesn't meet the regulation conditions, well, no Christmas for you.
Ho Ho, Hold Up... What's Happening?
We appreciate the seasonal backdrop, the elf costume, and the fact that this guy found proper attire for his bunny. The only thing we wish for is for the guy to not look like he just remembered his gingerbread cookies should have been out of the oven 45 minutes ago.

We know that Santa's sleigh is pulled by reindeer, but we like to think that elves have smaller ones pulled by little bunnies like the one in the picture. This is another perfect example of what Christmas presenters are not supposed to look like and what Christmas presenters are not supposed to represent.
No Gifts for Me, Thanks
Santa is usually a positive figure. You know, it's a nice old man handing out presents. Who wouldn't want to spend some time with him, right? Well, apparently, not all kids are fans of Santa. When you think about it, there is some sense to it. After all, aren't we all taught not to sit on a stranger's lap no matter what presents he has to offer and no matter how nice others might think he is?

Parents, make up your minds. If we can't talk to strangers, then Snata, as far as we are concerned, is a stranger too. Coming over once a year doesn't make him family.
Meet this guy and his invisible girlfriend, Stacy. Since they first met on an ice skating rink a few months ago, the two have been inseparable. They know that sending out joint Christmas cards is a big step in their relationship, but they are confident that this one's going to last. They are hoping to have some invisible children someday too, but for now, they are happy just being with each other.

The terms of a partner, male or female, have changed dramatically over the years. If once, a certain shape of the head and a certain length of hair were mandatory, these days you can go without, and an invisible partner counts just as much.
Wrong Religion, Guys
Those holiday decorations are getting weirder and weirder as years go by, don't you think? There are some crazy designs and interesting, non-traditional colors that may surprise you. But still, the six-point star and the blue/white color scheme should have been a big enough clue that this flag can only decorate the homes of those who don't celebrate Christmas.

We understand that in today's world, being politically correct is rule number one to follow; however, where and who draws the line between celebrating the birth of Christ and memorizing the Maccabees with lighting a Menora?
Oh, John
Going through three bottles of liquor tends to knock you out, and John here has had to learn it the hard way. While his Christmas party guests are having fun in the living room, he will have to sleep it off in the bathroom. Let that be a lesson, John, and next year, when you are planning to have a Christmas party in your house, try to reconsider.

It is better to find yourself in a position like this in somebody else's bathroom. Then, you are guaranteed that once you will be kicked out and forced to make your way home. Who knows how long you are going to stay like this now?
No No No
When posing for a Christmas card, you may wear an ugly sweater, you may dress up as Santa; you may even use bad special effects. What you may not do is dress your wife and possibly underage daughters in t-shirts that say Ho. This can never be excused, and there is no good explanation for this.

The worst thing that could happen is if we discover that this was deliberately done and that this father thought he was turning his family into a really bad Christmas joke.
A Humble Santa
It looks like Santa had a bad year. Either that or we just stumbled upon Amish Santa. This picture is open to all kinds of speculations. It could be that Google just caught a mall Santa next to his squat spot, or this old man felt like going out for a walk in his red pajamas.

Regardless, this is a priceless moment. If this is a Santa of some kind, we certainly hope his holiday spirit improves for Christmas. Those crossed arms ain't giving us cheery vibes, man. We promise we were good this year!
What a Big Baby!
We still aren't sure what we're looking at. It could be two adults and a baby or an adult and two babies. The jury is still out on the matter. Judging by the confused look on the little baby's face, she is not too sure what's happening either.

The poor little thing is asking himself if this scenario is going to repeat itself every year now because if it will, he must think of a good way to escape this. One time, looking like a weirdo in a Christmas photo is more than enough. Do you agree?
Here's the Grinch
This guy did badly and now has his face plastered onto the poster with the speech bubble. "Ha! Ruined another thing." While the makers of the poster chose to keep his name out, we think that it might be the notorious "pharma bro." If it is, yeah, what he did was super grinchy. Sorry to the parents of this man.

We're sorry that they ended up ruining so many things. Hopefully, everyone gets a taste of that Christmas spirit and learns from this for next year. We wonder if the local council had to approve such a poster or can anyone just put up any sign they wish to?
Santas Everywhere
It's cool to see so many Santas traveling and using the subway, especially when you get to see them doing some un-Santa-like things. We can't help but wonder where they were heading. This proves the sheer popularity of the subway — even Santa likes taking the underground train every once in a while.

If only we could have been there, we have very important matters to discuss with Santa regarding our Christmas present from when we were nine. This should become a regular thing during the holiday in every city with a subway system. Trains decorated with Santas throughout the festive season.
How About a Wedding Dress That Isn't Christmas-themed?
For some reason, some genius thought it would be a great idea to fuse a wedding gown with a Christmas tree. Beats us. Not for us, but for the Christmas enthusiast, what better way to strut your stuff down the aisle than in a Christmas tree?! Certainly not for the faint-hearted.

She looks like a great big, over-the-top Christmas tree waiting to explode into loads of Christmas presents. The kids might love it. For us, we are not so sure. We prefer going for the traditional holiday ornaments, as a normal size tree, presents all around it and women wearing traditional clothes.
Jingle Brides!
Looks like some people just love Christmas a little too much. Or literally want to dress up like Mrs. Claus. Whatever the reason, we’re trying to picture this interesting creation. Talk about multi-use! At least you know this dress will be used once every year for Christmas! So, you practical winter-wedding lovers, this dress is for you!

And what we love about this is the showcase window designer didn't spare any details and matched the other dresses on display in the exact same colors. This is what we call making simple things absolutely perfect!
The Tree Shirt
Everyone loves Christmas, and there is nothing more fun and cozy than getting into the Christmas spirit. The best way to do that is getting sweatered up, of course. It's hard to resist a good reindeer or snowman sweater, but this tree-themed top is pushing it.

The lights and tree wrapping around the sweater might inspire good vibes for the season or might weigh you down. Do we want to find out? Not really. We prefer to stick to our favorite Zara extra comfortable sweaters. Not only will they keep us cozy and warm, but we have a feeling they will look better. Much better.
Holiday Fun
If you live in Texas, you may not necessarily get to have a white Christmas. Unless you go out of town, you may not be used to playing in the snow and being able to build snowmen. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try! Take these kids, for instance. They decided to make the best out of what they had: tumbleweeds, dirt, and sticks.

Many people would be willing to trade their snowy, cold holidays for the warm, sunny ones down South. And some (like us) may not. We still prefer a traditional holiday season with white mountains and red Santas. So, people of Texas, it's time to pack your bags; you are welcome to ours.
Last Year's Christmas Decoration
We all know there is nothing worse than having a neighbor who continually "forgets" to take down their Christmas decorations. But what about those who keep their decorations (or, in that case, their tree) around for way too long? That is how you end up with a fully decorated, fully dry tree on the side of the road months after the holiday is all over.

It's like a wealthy man becoming homeless or getting used to wearing designer labels and being asked to buy his clothes only in Walmart. So sad, so heartbreaking. Can someone please give this tree a hand?
Santa Had a Rough Christmas
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a gem. Poor old Santa, freshly released from jail after what we can only assume was a rough Christmas Eve. At least they kept his bag of toys for him. We just hope this guy could go straight home after this and didn't have to rush to a shift at the mall.

This should be a photo parents show their kids as proof that even Santa gets punished when he does something bad. It's kind of ironic, as Mister Santa knows the trick. If you are good, your wish list comes true; if you are not, you don't. What was this old Santa thinking?
What’s in the Bag, Santa?
This has got to be one of the funniest yet saddest Christmas photos around. This hilarious picture is very ironic, especially if Santa was trying to stay off of the naughty list. We have to wonder what the reason behind this was. It sure will make us think twice about sitting on Santa’s lap come next Christmas or keep us cringing when he says “ho ho ho”!

It’s a magical season, but perhaps less so for Mr. and Mrs. Claus this year. We’re sure the police had a field day with this one, though. Could you imagine this old Santa arriving at a juvenile prison, getting ready to put the young inmates on his lap?
The Reindeer Is Dinner
Being invited to neighborhood parties is not always all that it's cracked up to be. This neighbor, for instance, threw a low-budget Christmas party on his lawn. Going with the theme here, it was a BYOB kind of party… only it doesn’t look like anyone did. But check this out — that monster still had the audacity to keep all the Christmas presents!

Some people should be forbidden from throwing parties altogether. There should be some kind of regulation concerning who can have a party, definitely who can attend and without a doubt, what presents would be considered acceptable.
Same Girl, Different Bottle
This family makes sure to always be on-trend. You can tell by the floral curtains and mustache that were all the rage in the '80s. The same thing goes for the love in the parents' eyes; that's one thing that never goes out of style. You just know that the baby girl was the most fashionable girl in daycare.

This photo recreation, almost 30 years later, must have been the perfect Christmas activity, and the wine bottle was the icing on the cake. We wonder what the photo will look like in 20 years' time. What color will the curtains be, and what kind of bottle will the girl be holding in her hand?
Ho Ho Horrible
Things never turn up to be as they look on the outer packaging. You expect one thing and end up with something completely different. One of the most anticipated Christmas activities that everybody loves doing is prepping the tree. Since nobody likes ending up with a sad, bare tree, people usually turn to plastic versions instead.

Unfortunately, this buyer didn’t have any luck on his side when he received this wretched little synthetic thing. He was under some major false pretense in thinking he was going to receive a full and healthy-looking plastic tree. What a blow to the Christmas spirit!
Basically the Same
This is deceit at its finest! Riding the wave of the heat-sensitive mug trend, someone here was probably stoked to purchase this festive mug. Changing colors according to temperature could’ve been the perfect Secret Santa gift for the Christmas season. His coworker would’ve loved it... If the mug actually worked.

The seller totally deceived this customer by literally using the printed photo of the heat-sensitive mug. Time to look for another gift, dude, or embrace the fact that some people are only interested in making a few bucks, even if it is at your expense.
Happy Holidays
What a happy surprise on Christmas morning! This family came downstairs, excited to dig into all the presents under the tree. Little did they know, their dog decided to claim all the presents for himself. We wonder if any of the gifts were salvageable. Either way, it was probably quite a bummer of a Christmas morning.

The family waiting for the gifts could only wish for a sweater or a new top so they could easily get it washed and cleaned. It's either that or they must prepare themselves for a urine-flavored Nintendo Switch console and yellowish-style new goalkeeper gloves.
Merry Pupmas
What is it about Christmas trees that make animals so destructive? Every time the Christmas tree goes up, the chances of destruction in the house also increase. Apparently, this dog was not on good terms with this year’s Christmas tree. Whether he was set off by all the shiny ornaments or simply wanted to protect his family from the latest intruder, we may never know.

Either way, this family is going to be much more careful with Christmas trees in the future, or they might just decide to leave him there, hoping he will learn his lesson by Christmas next year. Do not go near the Christmas ornaments. Do not go near the Christmas ornaments.
You'll Have a Merry Christmas and You Will Like It!
This picture comes to us from the 1950s, back when curtain choices were still in flux, and Santa Clauses apparently didn't care if kids were having fun or not. The child also has the kind of face that says “Please get him away from me!”

She just can't wait to get her present and be excused to her room, where she can have some Christmas cookies. Things have for sure changed since then, and these days, if a child is not into Santa, then there will be no Santa around. And definitely not like this.
Christmas Is Canceled
We don't know much about how Santa can visit all those houses in one night, but it's clear that it is taking a toll on him. This deflated Santa simply screams that it infringed on employee rights. We wonder if he and the elves are part of the same union.

And we wonder if the children, coming across this scary Santa, will comprehend that Santa does exist, the parents are the ones who buy the actual presents, and if they carry on misbehaving, they could end up looking like this.
Santa Number 1, Please Step Forward
You have to wonder what's so important that all these Santa Clauses felt like they simply must call someone and that it must be done right NOW. Suppose you ignore the fact that it can practically be a Santa police lineup (though, could Santa even commit a crime?); this picture could make a fantastic holiday card. In fact, go ahead and get it printed with some warm wishes.

Anybody would enjoy getting it in their mailbox. We think it's a brilliant lineup, the colors of the scenery are perfect, and the story behind where Santa is waiting to call all those kids he is about to visit...well, that is priceless.
Merry Christmas, Family
This cat clearly had some strong disagreements about the state of this Christmas tree. Either it found the tree under-decorated or maybe just too small. Whatever the reason was, it was taken care of. So, who was the one who said that cats were useless? Who was the one who said that only dogs are true family pets?

This is a great example of how a simple cat can be so much pleasure and add so significantly to the family's household. The Christmas tree could never look so good without the help of our four-legged companion.
Not When It's Still Warm Out
Here's a man who is ready to take a stand. If there isn't snow on the ground, then the tree doesn't go up. He's put his foot down. Is this guy a Grinch or a Scrooge? Unlikely. There are plenty of people who are against the Christmas creep since the season seems to start as soon as the Halloween decorations have gone down.

What did Thanksgiving ever do to deserve this? And if you ask us, we are for this sign 100%/ There is a time for everything, and Christmas decorations and anything associated are welcomed between the first week of December and the first week of January. And that is it.
Thanks for the... Wait, What Is It?
Faking being happy with a bad Christmas present is an experience that everyone seems to have had at some point. But what about getting a present that is so cryptic you literally don't know what it's for? After diving into the online hivemind, it turns out that this is a modular trivet.

You know, the thing you put under pots and pans to protect your table/countertop? You can play with the stringed jacks depending on the size and shape of your pot! Doesn't someone control the variety of goods Amazon has on offer? Isn't there a quality department that decides if something can be considered a Christmas present or not?
Welcome Home
We don't really know if these people are each other's family or if they are just really close friends, but either way, this is one of the sweetest 'welcome home' signs we've ever laid eyes on. And props to them for going with such hilarious pictures. The only thing that beats going home for Christmas is going home to people holding up a sign like this. Fantastic job, guys!

They could have chosen maybe more flattering photos (we do understand that these were chosen deliberately), but again, what could say "I Love You" in a more funny, modern, sophisticated, and in-your-face way?
The Grinch
Besides being a Christmas favorite, the Grinch is also one of our favorite characters we grew up on. This advert was done in incredibly bad taste, and we're sorry to see the Grinch's portrait used like this! In real life, the Grinch would never agree to have his face used in adverts like this to promote some corporation's greedy agenda!

The Grinch may be grouchy, but he does have standards and prides himself on being anti-establishment... This is what can be called a really bad advertisement or really bad copywriting. We find it hard to believe this will make more people buy pistachios over the holiday season.
The Christmas Tree
After seeing this picture, you lose the right to complain about the size of your Christmas tree, the quality of your presents, and the whole event of Christmas in your household. Being in the south half of planet Earth, the seasons are reversed.

This means that in Australia, Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December like in the rest of the world; however, this falls in the summertime, when it can get scorchingly hot. Leave behind the Christmas trees and bring out the fans. Put away the warm Sangaria and get ready for some icy mojitos.
Deck the Halls
Stick a Santa Claus hat on anything, and boom! You're magically transported to the North Pole. If only it worked like that, right? This toy company tried thinking out of the box last Christmas when they added a Santa Claus hat to the poop emoji.

They thought that taking the brown emoji and turning it green would give off a Christmas tree effect, but all it does is make us sick. This doesn't put anyone in the holiday mood. However, what it does do is make some people hate the holidays, and especially Christmas even more. This is what we call unnecessary things to do to boost sales.
Santa's Little Helper
This delightful toy was placed at a shopping center's Santa's Elf workshop display. We admit we don't really know what Santa's elves look like — but we're sure it's not this. Someone took a baby doll, ripped her head off, and attached her to a stuffed animal's body. We're not sure that that's what the spirit of Christmas is all about.

To add insult to injury, whoever made this horrible toy also painted the doll's face an almost toxic shade of yellow. Now we mustn't forget that in some countries some misfortunate children don't have all the luxuries we do and may have to settle for Christmas presents like this.
The Biking Grinch
The Grinch found that the best way to deliver presents on Christmas is to rent a motorbike. It's cost-efficient, and he won't have to bug Santa Claus to borrow one of his reindeer. That would be a pretty cool story, but these two just wanted to put on some costumes and have fun.

It's that time of year when everything is allowed; you can wear whatever you want and look like a total freak, and no one will say anything. It's great fun for the kids to see when traveling in the car on their way to Christmas dinner, and who doesn't love making the children happy?
Christmas Bazaar!
This was a lovely idea to raise some money for a worthy cause, but something got jumbled along the way. Although we all wish to eradicate childhood diabetes, getting into fistfights with young sufferers is probably not the way to do it. The point they wanted to make is obvious, but they really should have had someone else look this over before they rushed out to print signs.

On the bright side, a Christmas bazaar/craft show sounds like an excellent place for holiday shopping! Someone should go over these things before they are presented to the public. Not every good deed ends up making a difference. Some of them end up making things worse.
Presenting the "Samphone"
Clearly, the employees at this store were feeling overly festive this Christmas and decided to make a joke. Maybe they had a running bet to see which customer noticed the mistake first. Or maybe the guy responsible for the digital ads just partied too hard the night before.

Wouldn't it be funny if what started out as a simple mistake became mass confusion over a new hybrid smartphone? Samsung and Apple could finally join forces, and then nobody would ever have to prove "their phone is better" ever again.
A Christmas Miracle
You know, when we were younger ( for those who lived in a building and not in a private house) after dinner, our mothers would shake the tablecloth outside of the window to get rid of all of the crumbs. Well, this is something like it, but on a different and much bigger scale.

Did you really think the neighbors wouldn’t notice if you dropped your old tree into the yard? We know it’s hard to drag it down the stairs but come on...What were they expecting? Or maybe they thought they could stoor the tree there until next Christmas?
The Passive Aggressive Stocking
We’re really hoping this is a situation where the family was notified of Allison’s arrival at the very last minute, and not a passive-aggressive gesture from the in-laws. Clearly, this family takes their Christmas stockings seriously, just take a look at Will, Addi, and Steven’s socks! We get that they’ve probably had those stockings for years, but at least they could’ve dyed that raggedy old white sock red and green.

They didn’t even bother to write poor Allison’s name on the sock but simply clipped a post-it on it. It seems they’re hoping (not so discreetly, for that matter) that Allison won’t become a permanent stocking for Christmas, but come on, guys, try to cover it a little for your son’s sake!
Merry Christmas from Yoda
This Christmas fail is actually quite adorable: These kids always get puzzles from their grandma at Christmas, and this year, there was something special. Grandma doesn’t know what “Star Wars” is, let alone what the iconic Yoda looks like. When her grandchildren screamed with joy at the sight of a “Star Wars” -themed Christmas puzzle, she simply said, “What? It’s just an Elf!”. Bless Grandma’s heart.

On another note, Yoda looks incredibly cute dressed as Santa Claus – perhaps they should consider a “Star Wars: The Return of Santa Yoda” sequel. Imagine how amazing it would be to see R2-D2 draped in Christmas ornaments.
Eggnog for Everybody!
We truly feel for this person – few things in life are more enraging than spending hours preparing the perfect cake, meal, or eggnog, just to have it completely ruined by an accident. This spill probably caused some screams that were heard throughout the house, and with good reason – that’s a huge waste of alcohol! Also, judging by the ingredients on the table, this person wasn’t making any old eggnog, they were taking it seriously.

Then again, what are the holidays all about, if not bottomless, eggnog and joy? We hope they had a pet in the house that helped clean that up without getting too drunk.
His Own Way of Celebrating
This adorable senior Beagle decided he was too old for toys and colorful, childish presents, so he decided to rip open the books instead. He was kind enough to leave the Christmas tree intact and just go for the gifts. And although he did make a decent mess that’s undoubtedly a pain to clean up, who can resist those sweet eyes?

This old boy has his own way of celebrating Christmas, and even though he’s sorry for the inconvenience he’s caused his owners, he seems to be standing his ground, taking proud responsibility for his actions. Hey, we’re all entitled to a good book.
No Flying Indoors
Yikes! This poor girl was probably left with no other choice but to cut off some significant chunks of hair. This is what happens when your cousin gets a drone for Christmas and is so excited they can’t even wait to be outside to test it out. Luckily, the drone had a protective cage around it because otherwise, this girl would have ended up in the hospital.

We don’t know how this girl’s family managed to get that drone out without chopping off all the hair on that side of her head. Seriously, guys, drones can be amazing machines, but as a general rule, never fly them indoors!
Basically Identical
Firstly, we just want to applaud the person who was brave enough to post this unbelievably hilarious and massive fail online. The photo on the right looks like it was done by a 5-year-old, but since it was done by an adult, we can’t help but crack up.

This person chose a considerably difficult cupcake dessert of Santa’s face, and clearly, we can’t all be professional bakers – but this is just on another level. It seems this person wasn’t even trying to make their cake match the picture! To the left, a lovely Santa; to the right, a strange orange creature peering from behind some white spots. We hope it at least tasted good!
The Creepiest Holiday Cookies
You’ve got to appreciate the effort this guy made by trying to bake Christmas cookies for his girlfriend. However, he seems to have a very distorted view of what things look like – either that or this sweet man is simply not good with an icing pipe.

Santa (which we can only recognize by the white beard and red clothes) seems to have a flat-topped hat, Rudolph looks like a tanned donkey, and God only knows what that yellow creature at the bottom right is supposed to be. We still congratulate the guy for the effort, and as long as they tasted good, it wasn’t a complete fail!
Been There, Done That
Secret Santa parties are always a hit-and-miss, especially when it comes to work parties. Some people have been working together for years and already know what to gift the other; some are new additions who have no idea what to buy, and others know their co-workers so well that they buy them shirts they already own.

On the one hand, it was the perfect gift because they knew their fellow co-worker would love the shirt. On the other, they didn’t count on him already owning one – and wearing it on that exact day! Oh well, let’s hope exchanging it for another wasn’t such a hassle.
Pick Another Card… Any Other Card!
We can’t imagine what the greeting card company people were thinking when they printed this one. Did they want to make a card that congratulated brothers for being great boyfriends to somebody else? Was it a mistype? Whatever happened, this card should be pulled out of the production line because it’s simply too confusing.

“Merry Christmas to my wonderful brother and boyfriend” – there’s simply no way to read this and make it sound right, is there? Perhaps the greeting card people wanted to celebrate how boyfriends become such good best friends that they feel like brothers. Regardless, we advise this person to just gently put the card down and look for another.
Expectation vs. Reality
DIY projects are abundant on the internet, and it’s always exciting to try some new arts & crafts during the holidays, but sometimes, things just don’t turn out as promised. Like these beautiful Christmas ice marbles on the left – who wouldn’t want to decorate their snowy lawn with these?

The instructions sounded simple enough – fill some balloons with water and food coloring, place them outside for a night, and once frozen, you can cut off the balloon, and a giant, colorful, magical ball will remain. It seems these people tried their best, but somewhere during the “cut the balloon off” step, there was a massive fail. Oh well, perhaps the blue and red balloons can be saved?
Un-merry Christmas
We don’t know what country this bill is from, but we truly hope this isn’t an old photo of when the 500 Euro note existed. Regardless, whatever the currency, this is one of the most infuriating Christmas fails we’ve seen: Giving this much money as a holiday present only happens between people who are very close to one another.

So, shouldn't the gift giver have known that the gift receiver is an envelope tearer rather than a gentle opener Hopefully, this person was able to tape up the note, take it to the bank, and get it exchanged for a new one.
R-rated Christmas Cookies
The recipe for these Christmas cookies called for chocolate Kisses in the center, but this person didn’t have any, so they decided to use standard chocolate chip bells instead. The result? Cookies that go with milk in more ways than one! Despite the failure, those cookies do look delicious, and we’re sure people will eat them at the holiday party after they’ve had a few drinks.

Just remember to take them to the office party and not as a gift for the in-laws. And if they’re for kids (more like toddlers), they won’t even notice what they look like as long as there’s chocolate involved. Besides, what’s Christmas without a little cheeky fun?
Nothing Like That Christmas Spirit
When you have children, vacations take on a whole new meaning since the days of sipping margaritas quietly by the beach are long gone. This toddler, however, seems to take the cake when it comes to ruining the Christmas spirit.

These parents are going to have to come up with a creative solution to their problem – like perhaps getting a wheelbarrow and loading their kid onto it so they can move around and finally leave the airport. If you think about it, though, we’re sure plenty of people feel exactly like what this toddler is doing during the holidays.
Cheeky Reindeer
We would really like to meet the people behind these Christmas decoration designs – do these companies not realize what their “reindeer” look like? This person tried to decorate his front lawn with happy reindeer cutouts singing Christmas carols, but they failed to notice their lovely décor looked like a bunch of singing human backsides.

This house was probably the laughingstock of the neighborhood until someone finally bothered to say something to the owner. And hey, perhaps that was their purpose all along, to make people laugh as they saw his caroling tushies. To the design team behind these Rudolphs, just take a second look before you ship the decorations out, will you?
Tom Is Not a Fan of Christmas
This is Tom, it’s his first ever Christmas, and he hates the holidays. Then again, it’s hard to find something cats don’t hate, other than destroying the world. Anyone who’s ever had a cat knows that they’re in for a world of chaos, especially when it comes to plants and stringy decorations.

But this shameless cat seems to particularly hate Christmas trees with a passion, as demonstrated by the absolute lack of guilt on his face. We’re not sure what the other cat’s stance on the Christmas debacle is, but he seems to be letting Tom take the lead on this one. After all, there are few things a cat enjoys more than watching humans’ world fall apart.
Professional Gift Wrapping
This is what happens when your parents decide to gift wrap your Christmas present at the very last minute – they don’t notice the small details. Details like the fact that “Let it Snow” spells something else when the paper is folded in a certain way.

We’re sure whoever was the recipient of this magnificently wrapped gift had quite a laugh at their parents’ expense. To be fair, the parents probably cracked up as well when they realized what they’d done. At least the white bow gives it a little bit of elegance – until you read that word everywhere, of course.
The Decorative “Trees”
You always want to be supportive when your parents take up hobbies, even if they seem a bit odd at times. This person’s dad took up a perfectly lovely hobby – woodworking. To give his family a little Christmas cheer, this dad figured he would go to his workshop and make little Christmas tree figurines for his child, which is lovely.

Except for the fact that these really don’t look like trees, do they? In fact, they look like a lot of things – wooden darts, ring holders, basically anything but a decorative tree. Regardless, this person won’t have any other choice but to thank their dad, laugh internally, and place them on the mantle for everyone to see during Christmas.
Christmas Card Gone Wrong
Ok, so maybe this wasn’t the idea when you thought of sending out a lovely, traditional Christmas card to your family standing amongst beautiful sheep. But it’s still one of the best holiday cards you could hope for. Imagine getting a Christmas card from a family member and expecting the same old photo and seeing a hilarious sheep attack!

The typical family portrait where everyone is perfectly posed and wearing their cheesiest Christmas attire while they smile and wish you “happy holidays” – OUT. This malfunctioning thing right here – IN. Maybe it was planned this way because honestly, that woman looks like she’s about to crack up with laughter. Clearly, the sheep wanted to be part of the Christmas cheer.
We Couldn’t Help It, Mom
Anyone who’s a pet owner will be familiar with these guilt-ridden faces, as well as the absolute feeling of hopelessness when these furry creatures we love so much leave a mess that is impossible to clean up. We don’t know how long these pups were left alone for, but they somehow managed to trash the entire living room, rip open the Christmas gifts, and pile them by the fireplace.

Maybe they thought they were helping somehow, although we doubt they would look so guilty if they actually thought they did something good. We feel for this person who has to not only do a deep clean of their living room but also rewrap all the Christmas gifts. Not cool, pups.
Ten Points for Creativity
Imagine finally having found that perfect Christmas gift for someone after days of deliberation; you’re at home, the gift is in your hand and you’re ready to wrap it with your gorgeous Christmas-themed wrapping paper that was left over from the previous year. And suddenly, you realize there is not one single piece of it left!

You don’t have time to go buy some because you’re on the way out to the Christmas party, so what do you do? You do what this fabulously creative person did – take some birthday-themed wrapping paper and add the “Jesus” with a black Sharpie underneath. After all, it is Jesus’s birthday.
When the Design Guy Comes to Work Drunk
Maybe the lettering machine was wrong? Perhaps the person in charge of the printing on the mat had a few drinks too many? Or maybe it’s just the legendary rapper’s welcome mat – “I am Dre, aiming for a white Christmas”. Not only did they separate the words in the worst possible places, but they also misspelled “dreaming,” making it just an all-around fail.

The person in this store should ask for a full refund and get rid of those mats! To the makers of this holiday mat, we assure you that one thing people dream about more than a white Christmas is a correctly spelled welcome mat.
The Evil Tree Ornament
Let’s please all agree that this classic Christmas decoration should be retired from use… for good. We understand the importance of traditional ornaments, especially when they’ve been part of a family’s holidays for decades. But folks, this white angel is the stuff of nightmares!

With all the gorgeous ornaments available nowadays, sometimes it’s time to renew and let go of the old. Bring the elves, the stars, the stockings, the reindeer, the colorful orbs, anything but this creepy angel. It actually looks like she has fangs on her cheeks, and those eyes are way too scary for Christmas. Put it in the trash, buddy. Or save it for Halloween.
Christmas Toilet Paper
You’ve got to love anybody who takes Christmas so seriously as to put holiday-themed toilet paper in their bathroom. Then again, we’re not so sure how right it would feel to use Santa’s face to wipe your bottom.

Also, the printing department behind this toilet paper didn’t seem to think about how their “Ho, Ho, Hos” would look when the paper was actually put in its place. But hey, all things considered, “Oh Oh Oh” certainly seems more fitting to a bathroom experience. At least whoever uses this will get a kick out of the misprint and have holiday cheer even in the restroom!
Seriously...What Were They Thinking?
We have to imagine that this was some kind of prank from a disgruntled employee or that the decoration director for that mall is out of their mind, because what sane person would put a Christmas tree like that inside a mall?!

Was this part of an inside joke about how “crappy” the holidays can be? Was it an ode to the famous emoji? The idea of a single spiral band for a Christmas tree is all good and well, but people, please choose a different color at least! Then again, mall shoppers probably had a blast just making fun of this insanity.
Christmas Tree or Slime Ball?
This abomination of a cake looks like it should be on some kind of TV show for the biggest holiday baking fails. Then again, to be fair, this person chose a professional-level cake and clearly didn’t consider the amount of skill that was required. The result was a gigantic green slime-ball-looking thing with M&Ms and clustered cocoa puffs.

Which makes us wonder why this person chose puffs to make a star in the first place. We hope it tasted the opposite of how it looked, although we suspect this person had some convincing to do when it came to handing out pieces of cake to their holiday guests.
Santa and His “Reindeer”
You would think that one of the leading chocolate companies in the world would have a first-rate design department when it came to its chocolates. Well, you’d be wrong, since Lindt put out these Christmas edition boxes of Santa and his ‘Gold Reindeer Sleigh’.

Only those reindeer look like bunny rabbits – or severely deformed reindeer that are having a tough Christmas. Maybe the Swiss chocolate giant came up with a new breed of animal for Christmas – the ‘reinbunny’. Then again, let’s be honest: whatever they look like, milk chocolate will always be devoured in seconds, especially if it’s from Lindt.
Merry Underwear Christmas
Nothing says “Merry Christmas,” like getting a hot cup of cocoa and strolling down the center of your small town under the glowing Christmas decorations. That is until you look up to admire the pretty lights and realize your town is decorated with huge fluorescent underpants.

It looks like Mrs. Claus did some laundry and hung Santa’s magical underpants to dry. In reality, the decoration department of this town probably didn’t have the energy to change up the lights once they realized what it looked like. Then again, they do give the town a very original Christmas look.
Dr. Seuss Would Be Furious
This person’s partner went to work and found someone had pulled a prank with the Grinch-themed Christmas decorations. Dr. Seuss would be furious if he saw how his magical world of “Whoville” was being desecrated, but you have to admit that is pretty hilarious.

We don’t know how the female workers took the joke since no one wants to come in to work and find an open invitation like the one on these doors and just casually walk through. We wonder how much time this lovely message was left there before the boss found out and corrected it – or maybe they found it hilarious too and left it there for the entire holidays.
Minnesota Needs Some Joy
It seems that whoever oversaw the Christmas billboard for the Freshwater Church in Waconia, Minnesota, didn’t take the time to see how the sign would look before they put it up. Either that or the believers in Waconia are having a hard time with their faith.

Just a little more space between the “Now” and the “Here” would have made for a lovely invitation to a Christmas service. But now, any drivers will be greeted with the hopeless message that “God Is Nowhere”, and from a church no less. Come on guys, these drivers need some cheer on their long drives home for Christmas, so please do some proofreading next time!
Merry Christmas From Waffles
Either Waffles is truly not a fan of the holidays, or that camera flash scared her witless! For the first time ever, this owner decided to make a Christmas card with his beloved dog Waffles, and it couldn’t have come out better. Even though, yes, things could have looked a little more natural if it didn’t look like Waffles just saw a ghost.

Or maybe she’s just appalled that her owner is willing to send out a Christmas card with his beard haircut. Maybe they got mixed reviews from their family and friends, but honestly, this is one Christmas card that should be framed. How often do you get to capture a hilarious moment like that?
A Unique Touch for Christmas Dinner
When considering what to buy your teenage son for Christmas, one must think beyond the boy's wishes and take the entire house into account, including your stove and what is in it. The last thing you want is some electronic flying modern skateboard making its way into the stove's glass door and making you order McDonald's for your holiday feast.

Forget about the completely ruined turkey; put aside the pudding and the potatoes that will now feed only the cats. It's the teenager's temper we fear most, which is something we cannot and will not deal with this Christmas.
Christmas on the Roof
This is one no one takes into account when hanging Christmas lights. This woman planned to decorate her house with glamorous and colorful lights and then return to the kitchen and make dinner. What she didn't take into account was the ladder falling down, leaving her on the roof until someone came to her rescue.

Now, the only suggestion we can give you if this ever happens to you depends on whether you took a telephone with you or not. Then, getting down can be very simple. Call your local pizza parlor, order your favorite pie, ask the pizza deliverer to help you down, and give the pizza deliverer a really big tip. Now you are down, and you have dinner prepared.
Lightning Cat
Who was the one who persuaded this family to adopt a cat? It couldn't have been the kids (kids are usually all for dogs). This might be a lot of fun for the family and friends to watch, however, we feel the cat is not enjoying this as much. Not everything that is related to the Christmas Tree is enjoyable.

No one can say if the furry companion is actually enjoying itself hanging there or if it was an attempt to take its own life. How inconsiderate can one cat be to use up one of its nine lives on Christmas day? The children will never forget.
Not Everyone Loved Christmas
This next scenario happened some years ago at a Tesco branch in the UK. Tesco is one of the biggest supermarkets in the kingdom and is known for its variety of extra-large chocolate boxes sold over the holiday period. Jack is not a lover of Christmas, and this was the day he decided to let the whole world know.

We can't seem to decide what is the worst outcome of this incident. Will the minimum wage workers have to tidy this mess up? Maybe the children who came all the way to the shop to choose their favorite tub of chocolate only to discover Jack had other plans for them? Or is it Tesco themselves, not realizing Jack was planning all this to distract everyone before a bigger mess he would cause?
Adult Sweater
There is a point in life when your parents lose their senses. Their sense of judgment, their sense of taste, and their sense of what sweater you buy your student son for Christmas. There is no other way to express this phenomenon. We mean, it's black on white (or rather white on blue), in your face, no clues are needed.

So, on one hand, it's nature as pure as it can be, but on the other hand, it's a little more than that. Picture this. At a family Christmas party, Uncle Phil has had a little too much to drink, and then he sees this. This dude's holidays have been ruined forever.