Here is another example of a member of staff who really needed to brush up on their zoology lessons before they started writing some signs at work. If you are working at a pet store and selling animals as pets to the public (which is a whole other story, but we digress), you better make sure you correctly identify the animals you are selling.

In what strange, parallel universe could these little furry creatures actually be labeled as bunnies? First of all, bunnies have long ears and aren’t shaped like these guys. Obviously, these are ferrets. And ferrets, are not bunnies.
Withdrawal Issues
We're wondering what exactly the architect of this bank was thinking. Is it a new way of making sure no one reads your pin code? Is this one of those new designs that force you to get a workout to get what you want out of it? That’s a pretty decent climb and solid squat you have to engage in to get your cash.

It may not be the most comfortable or convenient ATM in the world, but your glutes will thank you later!
They Really Know How to Flip My Lid
Those plastic lids are attached to the top of a carton. Yes, they are there to safely open it so that the liquid inside doesn't go flying everywhere. It's also another measure to preserve it. So how on Earth did this faux pas happen? Who wasn't paying attention when this safety lid was applied to the carton?

Another question worth asking is this: How many of these Rubicon cartons experienced the same fate? Because we can see many being returned, which is obviously going to suck for business. Unless it was a mistake caused by the mass-production machines in the factory. But of course, a human adjusts those settings so...
Out of Order
When will designers ever learn? People read horizontally, not vertically! This is a classic case of someone not thinking about how people read. So, it seems as though this signage says, “SASA LELE,” whatever that may be. Luckily, it looks easy enough to rearrange the letters.

Hopefully, the manager realized that was the issue when that sale wasn’t bringing in any customers. Or, maybe it was the manager who put it up in the first place?
Build-A-Baby Factory
This poorly placed advertisement takes away from what is happening in this ad! At first glance, this bus quite obviously belongs to some kind of robot baby-making facility.

But then you realize that all this is — is a funny error. One so bad you forget what exactly it was you were looking at, to begin with!
Lost in Translation
Someone at this company took the easy way out when they were asked to translate a sign for this company. Instead of using a book or even Google — they went to a translator service. They typed in whatever this sign was supposed to say — and what they received in return was a solid gold fail!

The website they were using couldn't connect, and someone either wasn't paying attention or didn't know English that well because this is awkward! Hopefully, some kind-hearted tourists helped them out by pointing out the error!
This Water Has a Kick To It
We're not going to lie - we love a good ol' drinking fountain. When we're walking down a corridor in a hospital or a public area, we can't help but quench our thirst for one of these bad boys. But whoever adjusted the settings to this one, or built it in the first place, was way off when calculating the power of the faucet.

What's worse is that the water could hit the power outlet and give whoever's drinking from it an electric shock! And no one wants that. Not the drinker, not the owner of this fountain, not the owner of the building. Nobody.
A Small Glitch
Judging by the well-laid beams and the overall polished look of this deck, we would say the person who built it knew what they were doing. The power cord wedged in there looks like a genuine mishap. Although a funny one.

We can't even imagine the frustration this person must have felt when they realized what happened. It does seem, however, that they know their way around the power tool well enough to dig themselves out of this mess.
Let Me Out
The best part of online shopping is when you get the actual package. You open the door, say hi to the delivery person, and proceed to unwrap whatever gift you brought yourself. Unless you were visited by this UPS guy.

This delivery person must have been sure that if he knocked someone would answer, otherwise this doesn’t make any sense. Or maybe he knew someone was home and not answering and decided to make them pay.
Nice View
This painter may be good with paint, but he is pretty bad with planning. At least judging by this picture. He managed to get himself into the painters' equivalent of mopping your house and trapping yourself in a dry corner of a wet floor.

In this case, however, it looks like the paint is going to take a lot longer to dry than it does for water. Guess he’s going to hang out and enjoy the view until the drying is complete.
Dysfunctional Balcony
The upper balcony looks pretty sweet, right? A perfect spot to relax and enjoy the fresh air. But the lower balcony? If you’ve ever played Sims, this kind of setup will look familiar.

We were unapologetic indulgers of that evil pastime of putting sims in a room or on a balcony and then taking away the door to see how they deal with the situation. But we would never guess a real-life architect would do the same.
Cart Attack
You would think that once someone notices the carts are piling up in front of this car, they would stop and return them somewhere else. Well, you'd be wrong. Because really, who cares if the driver of that car has to spend an hour maneuvering their way out of the parking garage?

Or maybe it was just a disgruntled supermarket employee trying to teach one of the customers a lesson? No doubt, lesson learned.
The Liquid Soap Haters
A cleaner's work is never easy. Let alone when we're talking about public restrooms. They are often overworked and underappreciated but they are the ones who make that the public germs are at bay. Well, except for the cleaner behind this soapy mishap.

To be fair, they did put soap inside the soap dispenser. But clearly, the cleaning staff here is either too tired to care or isn't a big fan of liquid soap.
"It's is Appalling"
Thank god that 'Jon Bovi' will never have to see this, because if it hurts our eyes, we can't imagine what it would do to him. A little tip to anybody planning on getting tattooed: you want to make sure you have the correct spelling before you permanently ink something on your body. Just a small suggestion.

Or hey, maybe the joke's on us. Perhaps this person was so adamant about making their point - "it's is my life" - that they decided to turn their tattoo into a statement about how little they care about grammar. What we really don't get it, how did the tattoo artist go along with it?!
Can’t Get Through
Although it may seem as though someone's bag is covering the ad's phone number, that’s not the case. Nope, whoever is responsible for this has, in fact, painted that orange backpack right over the last few digits of their number. This failure had to have at least gone through a couple of people to make it to the bench.

How do you expect to get business if no one knows how to get a hold of you in the first place? The bag also makes zero sense in the context of the ad anyway.
We Got it The First Time, Anna
Perhaps it was the blind onion next door that put together Anna’s sign. It sure seems like they went a little overboard with the whole “food mart,” thing, doesn’t it?

Okay, we get it, you’re a food mart. Geez. Wouldn’t the large print be sufficient enough to tell us that, though? The smaller words in the middle and at the bottom of the sign aren’t helpful. If anything, they’re just confusing. Did Anna really think this sign was a good idea?
No Thank You, Sir
The font choice on this work uniform may end up getting these delivery people arrested (or hit on). Alternatively, if they happened to stroll through the right crowd, maybe they’d get a different type of reaction. But it’s probably best not to take any chances, and just redo the tops, instead.

Did no one check to make sure they looked okay before they were used? Yikes! We wonder how many people want whatever this company is selling.
Mirrored Signs
Apparently, this company meant to say “mirror” and not a window. Or, they did intend to and just completely forgot about how the world works for the time it took to slap this thing on.

This doesn’t seem like a very solid advertising campaign for a company that claims they put these on professionally. Maybe they just opened? Hopefully, they’ve got it down by now.
Free Coffee
We can't decide what's worse, the fact that the staff didn't think to check this sign before they posted it or the idea of librarians not knowing the meaning of the word "free".

Come on guys, you took the time to decorate the sign with those two lovely coffee mug drawings, couldn't you spare a second to proofread them?
No Comments
Please let this be the result of someone's first pottery class because if somebody actually attempted to start a new coffee trend, we wouldn't even know where to begin.

There is not one single benefit we can think of to a coffee mug, or any type of cup for that matter, having a handle on the inside. Can you? Are we missing something here?
Presenting the "Samphone"
Clearly, the employees at this store were feeling overly festive this Christmas and decided to make a joke. Maybe they had a running bet to see which customer noticed the mistake first. Or maybe the guy responsible for the digital ads just partied too hard the night before.

Wouldn't it be funny if what started out as a simple mistake became a mass confusion over a new hybrid smartphone? Samsung and Apple could finally join forces and then nobody would ever have to prove "their phone is better" ever again.
Thinking Outside the Box
We can blame the people who installed the door for not knowing how to use a measuring tape, but we certainly can't blame them for not coming up with a creative solution. Why go through the arduous trouble of re-installing a new door, or even worse, re-locating the entire toilet, when you can just cut a little hole in the door and voilà?!

Now, this is what we call thinking outside the box. Besides, we're sure anybody who uses this toilet is bound to have a good laugh.
The Alternative Phone Booth
Nowadays, you'll be hard-pressed to find any public phones, let alone an actual phone booth. And while coming across this photo would usually make us a bit nostalgic for a time when we weren't all glued to our smartphones, this is just flat-out hilarious.

To whoever installed this phone, what did you actually think the purpose of a booth was?!
In Case of Fire...Hope for the Best
Unless those are water pipes, this is definitely one of the worst job-fails in history. Did they think the hydrant closet was some sort of modern art piece? Or perhaps they thought that messing with the design of the stair rail was far worse than dealing with a raging fire.

We really hope those rails are easily detached, or that they took them out altogether. On a positive note, at least they spelled 'hydrant' correctly.
Those Are Some Weird Looking Bunnies
Here is another example of a member of staff who really needed to brush up on their zoology lessons before they started writing some signs at work. If you are working at a pet store and selling animals as pets to the public (which is a whole other story, but we digress), you better make sure you correctly identify the animals you are selling.

In what strange, parallel universe could these little furry creatures actually be labeled as bunnies? First of all, bunnies have long ears and aren't shaped like these guys. Obviously, these are ferrets. And ferrets, are not bunnies.
In Case of Emergency, Don't Take the Stairs
We would really love to meet the planning committee for this building. Maybe they thought it would amuse the residents to step out onto the emergency stairs and fall off the building, because who wouldn't find that incredibly fun?

Or maybe the building just moved a few inches overnight.
More Like...Horny Hippo
Clothes with animals on them are just the best for kids. It teaches them the wonders of the animal kingdom from a very early age. We just hope that you're able to teach your kids the right animals and that the clothes manufacturers your buying from understand zoology as well.

After all, hippos aren't normally known to have horns. We think this store got them confused with rhinos. Once the image had been printed onto the shirt, the people who worked there just thought themselves, "Oh well, people will still buy it. Who cares?" Well, to answer your question. We care.
Nothing Like 'Thirst' Place
As if it wasn't annoying enough to not win first place, this person now has to think about the fact that he was third at a competition where they couldn't even spell the word "third"! Talk about adding insult to injury.

You'd think there would be some sort of quality control before these medals are manufactured. Or do we dare think that the people in charge of the competition actually thought that's how you spell '3rd'? Hey, maybe they just wanted everybody to feel like they won first place.
High-Security Parking Lot
Either someone decided to install this boom barrier as a joke, or the residents of this town were extremely honest. So honest that they'll pay for a parking ticket even when they don't need to. Unless, of course, they're driving a truck the size of a house.

We wonder if it ever occurred to the people who did this, that there's a reason why it's called a "boom barrier." The operative word here is "barrier."
Common Sense is Not That Common
There's a reason why architects and interior designers get paid so much — because this is exactly what would happen if we tried to do their jobs. Our houses would end up looking like a bad Tetris game.

Maybe the owners wanted to save a few thousand dollars on a proper architect and had their 5-year-old draw the blueprint. These people will never know what lies at the end of those two drawers, so at least it can work as a good hiding place.
Extreme Sports
Apparently, this place in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, decided to force handicapped people into extreme sports. As much as you have to appreciate the good intentions behind this, you have to ask yourself, what were these people thinking?

What's even funnier is that the woman seems to be excitedly waiting for her friend in a wheelchair to take the dare and roll down the stairs. The least she could do was move that plant out of the way!
False Advertising
By now, we've all learned to not take advertisements too literally. But this is just hilarious — it's almost as if someone was trying to show everybody this phone was an absolute farce.

Either that or the staff at this tech store threw the "floating" phone in the water and left before they realized it had sunk. All we know for sure is that Dick Smith must've dealt with some pretty confused customers that day.
Age Is Nothing But a Number
We hate to be the bringing of dad jokes, but this one really does take the cake! As kids, we all loved watching a few episodes of "Sesame Street" here and there. Whether it be Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, Elmo, or the Cookie Monster, these characters taught us so many things, but in a playful way.

So it's no wonder that many kids love getting a cake for their birthday in the theme of this beloved show. We just hope that you receive the cake from someone who takes the order properly, unlike this poor person. Seriously, the bakery really thought that the kid's name was CK-543C. Dude, he's not a droid from "Star Wars."
A Bench With a View...of Nothing
We really hope that this was some sort of joke on the part of the construction workers. Otherwise, you have to wonder, what other mistakes have they made?

We're assuming the bench was there before the wall and someone just made a huge miscalculation. Unless someone thought this was a wall so worth admiring that people needed to sit down for it.
Wrong Way, Buddy
It's understandable for somebody to make a mistake when putting up household fixtures, but this is just too much. We would say it's the construction equivalent of frying an egg — you have to work really hard to mess it up.

One has to wonder, didn't the person try and close the door right after installing the knob? Then again, nothing a simple screwdriver and some extra screws can't fix.
The Lemon Law
They say that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And if that's not possible, then make some lemon water out of it. It seems that someone at this food court had no idea how to actually make this refreshing beverage for their customers. Listen, we've never made it ourselves.

But we imagine that one of the first steps is to fill the dispenser with water all the way up to the top. And also, you need to cut the lemons into slices, so that the flavor of the lemon can actually infuse with the water. It's going to remain contained if you just put whole lemons in there.
How in the World?
The QA department certainly took the cake with this one. We can understand spelling mistakes on a billboard, writing down the wrong measurements when it comes to construction, or putting the wrong price tag on a product, but this?! How did the people responsible even manage to mess up so badly?

These geniuses put the touchpad above the keyboard, which is bordering on a complete lack of common sense. Were they trying to build a special computer for people who enjoy engaging in hand acrobatics every time they use the laptop? Come on people, how do you manage to build an entire computer upside-down?!
Cheesy, But Not Easy
Man, there's nothing quite like a good ol' cheeseburger. And if you don't like a delicious beef patty wedged in between two soft bread buns, then why not enjoy a fish fillet burger instead? Of course, this item off the McDonald's menu can also come with a slab of classic burger cheese.

But normally, it's inserted inside the burger, placed perfectly between the top bun and the protein of choice. This, unfortunately, is way off the mark. We imagine that at burger-making school, they teach you some fundamentals like: "Don't put the cheese outside the burger or on the side of it." If you get this one wrong, you should probably look for a new line of work.
What's a Jeopard?
Maybe we're stating the obvious, but spelling mistakes are never good. Still, it seems that these kinds of mistakes are even worse when it comes to products meant for children. Could you imagine having this puzzle as a kid and thinking that Jeopard is a real thing?

What happens when the kid asks his parents to go see some Jeopards? Gotta break it down to him that just like Santa and the tooth fairy, Jeopards aren't real. Maybe this is some kind of game that tests kids how to pick out misspelled words. Or maybe that is just wishful thinking.
The Wrong Gender
At first glance, there's nothing wrong with this design. It's just a beautiful mural of a man and a woman hiking, drawn on the doors to the bathroom stalls. The problem is that usually, the bathroom with the woman on it is, well, the women's bathroom.

But, alas, the mural wasn't thought through, and the opposite gender is drawn on each one of the stalls. We bet that has led to some awkward mistakes. Listen y'all, going to the bathroom shouldn't require some kind of mental arithmetic every time we need to go! It should be the simplest thing in the world, and this isn't it.
30 Minutes or Less
It’s important to take your job seriously, especially if you work in the food service industry, but sometimes being committed can cause you to take things a little too far. This delivery girl needed to get the pizza to the customer’s door in 30 minutes or less.

If she was even one minute late, the cost of the pie would have been deducted from her salary (which as you can guess is not very high). Nonetheless, this parking job is insane, and the damage to the car is probably more than the price of a pizza.
Talk Into the Remote
Technology moves at such a rapid pace that not everybody can keep up. But even so, with everyone and their grandmother owning a smartphone, it’s hard to believe that some people don’t know what a recording device looks like or that you can just use your phone. You know what would probably not work well as a recording device? A television remote, that’s what.

Although we have to admit, seeing this athlete during a serious press conference with a TV remote stuck in his face, kind of made our day.
Going Bananas
The person who came up with the wording of this sign is most likely the first chosen for a game of Taboo but does not seem like the ideal person to be printing out labels for products in the supermarket. To be fair, it’s hard to remember words first thing in the morning, and ‘long yellow things’ is a pretty great description of bananas.

Still, it would have been better to drink some coffee and come up with the actual name.
Pixel Puzzle
This looks just like one of those pixel puzzles. We can’t help but want to pick up the red square and put it in the right place, but we can’t and it’s driving us crazy. If we feel like we’re going insane, we really hope that no one who is suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder ever walks by this sidewalk.

We can’t imagine how they would feel about it. This may be an honest mistake, but we suspect that whoever was laying these bricks got bored and decided to play a trick on people passing by.
Head of the Student Body
Being a teacher is one of the most important jobs out there, but it is also incredibly difficult, especially if you are teaching teenagers. It is not enough to just teach the material, you have to make sure that the kids are getting it, even when learning is the last thing on their minds. This student tricked their teacher into thinking they were attending class by using a balloon as their head.

Although this is incredibly inventive, whoever bought it is clearly a newbie, because we’re sure an experienced teacher knows all the tricks and would become immediately suspicious if a student’s head was down for the entire class.
Header Goes Here
Although it may seem like a glamorous profession, writing is not always an easy job. It often comes down to creativity and inspiration, things that nobody has all the time. For people who write for a living, staring at a blank page with no idea how to fill it, can be quite frustrating. It seems like the journalist who was covering the basketball game, couldn’t come up with a snappy headline.

He decided to save it for the end, hoping that inspiration would strike. Apparently, it didn’t, and he just plain forgot to fix the gibberish he had written in the first place. We’re left wondering where the editor was while this whole thing went down.
Let It All Hang Out
The person who installed this bathroom door clearly needed better instructions but honestly, they should have known better. It is not only customary that the stall that houses the toilet has more privacy, but it makes better sense too.

Urinals are designed that way because men pee standing up. Meaning that when a man is using the bathroom, he stands with his back to the door and his private areas are not on display. As for toilets, even the most flagrant exhibitionist needs a little privacy sometimes.
Marquee Madness
Managing a local movie theater seems like a great gig. You get to watch all the new releases, you can invite your friends to sneak in for free, and you probably have access to all-you-can-eat popcorn. Unfortunately, the manager of this theater got a little confused with the marquee out front and mixed up the names of the two movies playing: 'Suicide Squad' and 'Sausage Party'.

Not only do moviegoers have no idea what’s playing when, but the names they accidentally wrote sound either intensely depressing or extremely sexual.
Proofread Please
Maybe, because it's a children's book that barely has any words in it, they thought there was no need to hire someone to proofread it. Or maybe, they did have someone proofread it, but all he did was make sure the number was spelled correctly, missing the fact that there are, in fact, six bananas and not five.

The parents that read this book to their children probably had a lot of explaining to do. What are they going to say when the next page says 20 apples and it only shows one potato? Then they're going to have a serious crisis on their hands and will have to consider taking the book back to the store.
The Mice Bag
Come on, McDonald's. You've been around long enough to know the importance of proper marketing. Then again, they're truly offering a sweet deal right there. One dollar for 10 pounds of mice? That's a bargain.

Just the phrase you want to see at your favorite fast food restaurant - "10 lb. bag of mice." We have heard plenty of terrible stories of fast food restaurants being infested by all kinds of pests such as rats and cockroaches, but this takes things to a whole new level of disgusting. Does anybody want a McMouse Burger? We think we'll just stick with KFC, thank you very much.
What’s in a Name?
In big and sensitive news stories, reporters often rely on sources that wish to remain anonymous in order to protect their reputation, livelihood, and even their lives. But if you decide to appear on camera on a local news program, you are probably not worried about being recognized.

Therefore, we can safely assume that the name here that appears twice under this man’s face was not meant to disguise his identity, someone simply forgot to fill in his name and where he was from.
A Precarious Position
It is pretty clear that whoever first built this column did not do a bang-up job. Although compared to whoever tried to fix it, they seem like a master craftsman. There is an actual hole in the middle of the column, and it seems like bricks are going to start tumbling out of it at any second. You know what’s not going to stop a ton of bricks from falling? Plastic wrap, that’s what.

This seems like a truly dangerous situation and a professional should step in before the building comes tumbling down and someone gets hurt.
Delicious Cheesecake
To be fair, some of those cheeses do look like perfectly delicious slices of cake. However, when looking over at that almost empty cup of coffee, thinking they used a tray of cheese as the dipping snacks just makes us want to vomit. Could this simply be a case of using the word cake instead of cheese by accident?

It's a lovely picture, though. Too bad they weren't actually advertising cheese. It would help if cheeses weren't made and sliced in the exact same way as cakes are. But then again, both cake and cheese can be made in any shape imaginable. So it's a real conundrum.
Floodwater Rising
Whatever landscape artist designed this park, it looks like their resume should be thrown in the gutter and they should not be used again in other projects. They obviously did not have a basic comprehension of how sewers work.

We hope someone came in and fixed the problem before the rain got even worse. Otherwise, not only will there be an unplanned swamp in the middle of town, but the park’s trees and other greenery could be irreparably damaged.
Worst Phrasing Ever
Kruger & Matz have just won the prize for the worst phrasing and marketing failure ever. We understand that English is maybe not your first language, but if you're going to advertise something, make sure it doesn't have a double meaning! Especially one like that!

Also, no one's mentioning the huge elephant in the room. This box is supposed to contain wireless earphones. And yet, the image on the box clearly shows earphones that have wires attached to them. So what is it? Are they wireless or aren't they? For the sake of the odd phrasing, we really hope they are wireless.
The Frisbee With Two Mouths
Not that kids, or whoever is using this Frisbee, would mind that the little smiley face on it isn't a Rembrandt. But, it should at least respect the basics of a face's anatomy, like a tongue coming out of a mouth, and not a nose.

Maybe the toy company was feeling cheeky and decided to make their Frisbee smiley have two mouths because they're just cool like that. We don't know about you, but this is really annoying us and we would probably think twice about using this Frisbee as a source of entertainment while at the park. We'll stick with a soccer ball.
Keeping It Real
More and more companies are trying to improve their image by giving it to the customers straight. No more false advertising or inflated discounts. That may have been Speedo’s thought process when they came out with this ad for the Kick Junior swimming goggles.

They could have claimed that the original price of the goggles was much higher than the discounted price shown, but instead for some reason revealed that the price was exactly the same. Well, we guess there’s no rush getting to the store for that discount then.
Compare Foods?
This grocery store is named Compare Foods, which we assume means that they want you to compare the quality and price of their foods with that of their competitors.

What we don’t think they intended was for employees to hold food standoffs, in which one type of food is compared to another. Although, if that was the concept they were going with, it seems strange to compare watermelon and corn. They would start with something simpler which is used as an expression all the time –comparing apples and oranges.
Stay Out of the Bike Lane
This sign achieves something pretty amazing; it defies its own instructions! The sign reads “give cyclists space”, which is a great sentiment, unfortunately, it completely undermines that statement by being positioned in the middle of the bike lane.

We have no idea what they were thinking when they put it up and dangerously blocked the bike lane, forcing bikers to swerve into the lane used by cars. Luckily, the cart has wheels, which makes this absurd situation easily rectified.
Geography 101
Turns out that geography was not a very popular subject in school. At least judging by the fact that the designer, printer, and distributor of these shirts never noticed that the name under the continent was incorrect. It just goes to show, that most of us are really not smarter than a fifth-grader.

Some double-checking would have saved time, money, and embarrassment. Although admittedly both continents start with an A, which might make fixing the shirts slightly easier.
Come on, Disney
Really, Disney? That's where you decided to cut the sign? We assume that this sign was placed inside a shuttle bus that takes families to and from Disney World. It does make perfect sense to have some kind of sign that advises kids on how to step on and off the bus.

But if it's partially hidden, how are they supposed to follow the full instructions? We expect more from a company that is so interested in sending the right message to the youth of the world. Thanks for trying to keep our kids safe, Disney. We really appreciate it.
Self-Serve Kiosks for Drunks
When we enter a fast food restaurant, we assume that everything is designed with plenty of thought put into it and for a good reason. But in this case, we have no idea what the engineers here were thinking. Unless the guys at Taco Bell had the 2 AM drunks in mind when they built these self-serve kiosks, we don't know what to think.

Sure, it's perfectly convenient when you're wasted and want to place your order while you're lying comatose on the floor, but if you're sober and taller than a five-year-old, this is extremely annoying. It's very good for squatting though, that's for sure.
You Better...
This may just be wild conjecture, but we are going to assume that someone was a little distracted on the day they had to spray paint the word ‘stop’ on the road. It seems strange otherwise that they ended up with the catchy word ‘sotp’.

The funniest thing about this mistake is that there is a stop sign right in front of the eyes of whoever was working there, clearly illustrating how to spell the word correctly.
The Other Left
When purchasing a new electronic device, you expect a state-of-the-art modernity. However, when that device comes with a remote with a button that says left and points right and vice versa, we are forced to wonder about the quality of the television the customer has purchased.

Also, this begs the question, if you want to go left do you press the button that is pointing left or the button that says left. A little trial and error should do the trick, as long as you mark it correctly afterward.
The Pen is Mightier Than the Knife
We don’t know what school needs the contents of this stand for their curriculum. Please let us know, so we can make sure not to enroll our children there. Unless schools have really changed over the past few years, this is probably not the right tool for the classroom.

Whoever set up this display must have a strange sense of humor, have had a really bad learning experience growing up, or trying to get some attention from their boss.
No Words
This is so ridiculous we can't even find a title appropriate enough to describe this mess. We understand that there are many people out there who are under the impression that planning and building can be done by anybody. But folks, this is really not the case.

We can't even begin to understand how this happened. Maybe the person just did it on purpose and stored away all the things they never want to see again. Whatever the case may be, it's a real missed opportunity, as it's a perfectly fine set of drawers that can't be opened or closed, and that just sucks so much.
Patriotism at Its Finest
We are all for patriotism and Americans have a lot to be proud of. From the country’s rich history to its amazing accomplishments. However, waving the American flag above the words ‘made in China’ seems a bit strange.

People who get this box would either assume this was a mistake or possibly mistake the American flag for the Chinese. Either way, it is probably a good idea to show your civic pride somewhere else.
Hotel Hooligans
The workers at this resort were apparently sick and tired of being told what to do by the hotel management. They executed revenge in a slightly strange but satisfying way. Deciding that becoming a union or organizing a strike was old-fashioned, they just disobeyed the clearly stated rules of the establishment and drove their managers crazy.

For example, we’re sure that these pool chairs that shouldn't have been there “under any circumstances” are a clear act of rebellion.
Whoever manufactured this bag had no idea what they were doing. They obviously wanted to create something to do with a popular franchise that people would want to buy – but they didn’t know which franchise, so they went with a few, only they couldn’t get those right, either.

That’s pretty far from Hannah “Montan,” or her face. And speaking of face, why are there three of the same one, but not the right one? Obviously, it's Harry Potter. And apparently, one Harry Potter wasn't enough. This just screams out "All of pop culture is the same, so confusion is the least of our worries."
Open 24/9
This store may exist in an alternate universe, but in this reality, a week is only made up of seven days. There is a chance that the person who was responsible for the sign may have been missing a stencil for the number 7 and decided to make do with what they had which was a 9. We mean, 9 is bigger than 7, so that must be better, right?

The unusual number does make the store seem extra committed and the comedic value might end up actually bringing in new and amused customers.
A Miracle?
The person who placed the ‘water’ sign above this wine section may have been inspired by the Sunday sermon they attended. They tried to remind us all that Jesus had performed the miracle of turning water into wine. Another option is that someone who really loves wine wanted to encourage customers to drink more of it and to feel free to enjoy it during all hours of the day.

They do say that you need eight glasses per day for a healthy lifestyle. So, go ahead and drink up!
Now That’s A Neat Trick
This strangely hung sign could be a marketing ploy to make us sit up and take notice of the different parts of this outfit, but we think it is more likely a magic trick gone wrong. The amateur magician who hung up this sign is clearly obsessed with the sawing-a-woman-in-half trick, unfortunately, they didn’t know how to put her back together again.

On the other hand, it is more noticeable than a regular ad and may make more people consider buying separate items of clothing, or the whole ensemble.
A Poppy Beverage?
Water does come in many forms, liquid, and vapor, but popcorn is definitely not one of them. What is even stranger, is that McDonald’s doesn’t even sell the movie theater treat, so we’re left wondering how they ended up with bags and bags of the stuff.

Not that we’d mind munching on a little while waiting for our Big Macs and fries, but truthfully, we would prefer real ice to keep our soft drinks cold. Popcorn floating in soda simply does not have the same effect.
Risky Business
We get that this company wanted to cut costs on the packaging, but they probably should have done something to differentiate these two packages. Say you are just trying to take a nap and you wind up stuck on the toilet for three hours.

Or, you actually want to clean your colon and you just knock yourself out for eight hours in the middle of the day, instead? We would use some red tape or something on one of them, just in case. This is like something that would be taken straight out of one of the "American Pie" films, or the teen comedies of the early '00s.
Taking a Wrong Dip
All in all, this is a pretty good gag. Dipping the wrong end of the cone in the chocolate ensures two things: you can’t hold this tasty treat without chocolate melting all over your fingers, and you're bound to get disappointed when you open the packaging and see that white ice cream which was left uncovered.

This is something that could ruin someone’s cheat day. We don’t know if we should applaud the saboteur or be angry at them.
Seeing Yellow
Crayons are an innocent thing that is meant to bring joy to children and adults alike. This misprint, however, will make colorblind individuals extremely unhappy. Drawings will certainly become more interesting if four different “yellows” are unknowingly used and we will get the chance to see the sun drawn in colors which we have never seen used before.

We’re not sure whether whoever is responsible for this misprint has something against yellow or if they are simply trying to promote color equality.
This Indecision’s Bugging Me
If you finish your shopping and are confronted by this door on the way to your car, you may feel overwhelmed. Do you enter or not enter? Are you trapped here forever? We don’t know if this mistake was caused by bad design, a careless worker, or a raving sadist, but it has left us with a well of indecision. We say just enter.

If anyone hassles you about it, just point to the sign and say that you were following directions. They won’t be able to argue with that!
Missed a Step
We don’t know who was responsible for filling this candy machine, but we are going to go out on a limb and guess they were new to the job and more than a little distracted.

Maybe the instructions just stated that you must open the machine, remove the lid, and put the candy in. But even if it is not specified that you should open the big packages and pour in the little treats, their common sense should have kicked in. We hope people notice that nothing is going to come out before they put their money in.
Unable to Follow Instructions
We don’t know what the reason is that you can’t stack these boxes, but it seems like this clear directive was ignored, over and over again. We assume that the words 'unable to follow clear instructions' will appear on the employee evaluation of whoever did this. On the other hand, this rebellious act could have been done on purpose.

This employee may have really wanted to quit but couldn’t find the courage and believed this act would do the job for them. Well, they certainly got their point across...
Basic Geometry
Food preferences differ from one place to another, due to local customs, climate, and cultural background. But there is nothing more American than a hamburger or hot dog on the grill. Every child knows that a hamburger is made of a circular meat patty, while hot dogs are longer and leaner.

Whoever made these packages seems to have missed their basic geometry classes and doesn’t know the difference between a circle and an oval. Or, more likely, they just weren’t paying attention and mixed up the labels. We hope their customers were paying more attention.
Not-so-Custom Customized Pillow
There's nothing like a beautiful, customized accessory. Whether it be a shirt with a personalized message or a birthday cake with a "Happy Birthday" specifically for the recipient, there's something about a customized message that just makes the gift so much more meaningful. But in this case, it was anything but.

Apparently, the person who ordered this throw pillow online had no idea what they were actually buying. Either that or they missed the box where they were supposed to erase “sample text,” and type their own message. Missed opportunity? Yes. Hilarious mistake? Also, yes. There's also a chance that the company forgot to use the message submitted to them.