Living in a snowy part of the world can really be a downer sometimes. Sure, you can sit at the window with a hot mug of cocoa and watch the snow come down, but then the next morning you have to drive through it to get to work. Having to clear off your car is one of the worst parts because it can be dangerous to drive if you don’t do it properly. Unlike the subject of this photo.

Somehow, the car is entirely free of snow except for the windshield which is, some might say, the most important part of the car to clear off. And let’s not let the picture taker off, either. It could be the passenger, but it seems like it’s the driver, depending on the country of origin.
Well, It’s a Flat Screen Now
It used to be that getting a big new TV screen was a highlight of the home. The screens got bigger and bigger, and the picture got clearer and clearer. Flat screens meant you could put the televisions in more places, which made designing a living room easier with less space. The people who brought us this picture... we don’t think they were ready.

Or, more accurately, the mantle above the fireplace wasn’t ready. We can’t tell if the weight of the TV was too much, or it was damaged, or they set it up wrong, but it all resulted in the flattest screen ever. There’s plenty of cleaning up and repair that will need to be done here just to watch the game on Sunday.
Did No One Warn Him?
This guy seems to have been totally unaware of some things that cats have. One of those things is a general dislike of being dunked into water, and the others are all claws. They have claws sticking every which way, and they are, as he has found out in a hilariously painful way, not afraid to use them.

Your cat will absolutely climb your unclothed body in order to get away from the bath it didn’t know was coming, and you should consider yourself lucky that your cat at least didn’t decide to bust out the teeth. Those little needles are like bacteria injectors. Scratches will hurt, but they’re usually much cleaner than bites. At least this guy has learned a couple of sharp lessons.
You’re Losing the Best Part!
So a lady gets all gussied up to go to a fancy restaurant with her main man and wants to make sure she catalogs the event for all her friends. As we can all see, this ends up making a mess. Not only has she dumped her soup or stew or whatever it is onto the table, but she’s also hitting us with the oh-so-charming “duckface.”

We couldn’t get away from that trend in the two thousand and now it's a make of deep, unending shame whenever it’s seen in a picture. Why would you hold up your plate that way, now that we think about it? Just leave it on the table where it belongs, like everybody else. Or, you know, just eat it.
Back to the Store
Losing your charging cord is a bad blow in our current day and age. The number of uses for our small electronic devices grows weekly – communicating with our loved ones, working, playing games, getting around safely, and on and on. Once that device runs out of power, however, you’re sunk if you can’t charge it back up.

You’ll have to pick up a new one and then NOT do what this person did. We agree that those clamshell plastic packages are a bear to get open, but doing this is going to turn you into a horror story for the kids for years to come. And we doubt any store you shop at is going to accept this as a return.
What if We Just Moved the Sea?
Despite all the people gathered around to try and help get this vehicle out of the water and deep sand, we don’t think it’s going anywhere. Aside from shifting all that water out of the way and putting down some nice, solid concrete or asphalt, this vehicle’s best bet is to get hooked up to a tractor or something that is on dry, solid ground and strong enough to haul this SUV out of its unfortunate predicament.

Until that happens, however, you’ll have to get all of your stuff out of there and find a different way home. If you’re wondering how this happened, it looks like they have a boat trailer on the back but didn’t realize there are things called boat launches for a reason.
How Did It Get Inside?
There are few things as wonderful and simple in life as seeing that a package you’ve been expecting has arrived in your mailbox. There are, in the same way, few things as crushing as realizing that something like this has happened. How did this even occur? Who would do such a thing? Did the mail carrier or package carrier put it through a different opening in the back?

We’ve seen a dozen examples of packages that aren’t anywhere near the size of the mailbox being left on the ground because the delivery person was too lazy to bother. But this box, bearing the exact same dimensions as the package, is stuffed to the brim? Somebody wanted to go the distance, but it was in the wrong direction.
Something to Avoid
Hey, did you know that gasoline is, like, super dangerous? It can start a fire! That means if you spilled a big puddle of it on the ground or on your car, all that heat and energy that is rushing through your car every second that it’s active could make for a bad time. There’s also the fact that gasoline can really damage the paint and body of your car, so you want to avoid what this lady is doing as much as possible.

We don’t know this lady, but we’ll be kind and say that she just happened to trigger the pump while pulling it out of her car, and she isn’t just spraying her car on purpose. We’ve all done that at least once. Right?
Let’s Just Back Off a Touch
Not the kind of picture we expected to see on this list, but here we are. Having to transport a vehicle when it doesn’t work presents a strange problem, and this is... certainly one of the many solutions. However, we’re sure all the other people on the road that day would have appreciated some more things keeping the smaller car in place.

There might be some straps we aren’t seeing, but it seems like this car is just hanging out in the back with nothing to keep it inside. There’s no way that pad underneath it is secured in any way. How did the car even get back there? It becomes more confusing and dangerous the more we look at it. Hopefully, nobody is inside.
No, You Can’t Have Your Saw Back
Building a deck is a big project. It takes a lot of work, a lot of supplies, and a lot of time. There are tons of moving parts to figure out, and the power tools are just one part of the whole adventure. Unfortunately, this power tool looks like it’s become a permanent part of the adventure. It’s a little tough to see, but the cord for the saw lying in the grass goes THROUGH the slats of the deck.

If the people responsible for this are lucky, they’ll be able to find a way to slip the cord through the small openings. They will have to be very lucky, however, since those gaps look mighty narrow. If they’re unlucky, they’ll either have to cut the cord or take the deck apart, depending on which will be easiest or cheapest.
Moments Before Disaster
Anybody with a tiny bit of science knowledge knows what’s going to happen here. Mentos and Diet Coke create a chemical reaction that will fill the surrounding area with sticky, exploded soda. It’s the kind of thing that kids do in the backyard, where they’re allowed to make a mess, and it’s the kind of thing you don’t do in a small, enclosed space.

It’s especially the kind of thing that you don’t do while you’re inside a plane of all places. Just...don’t do it. We don’t know if that’s even enough materials to create a big soda burst, but we wouldn’t even want to try it. The person who took this pic knew what he or she was getting into but hopefully made a wise choice.
An Unsolved Mystery
“Where did the car go?” is not a question you ever want to have to ask, but it will be even worse if you’re the one who has to answer. The people that were involved with this picture hopefully all got out safely. We also hope that the picture is misleading and that they were just backing the truck up to the hole to get some quality ice fishing done.

The hole is quite a big one when it comes to ice fishing, however, so we’re starting to get a little worried. We don’t have any other information about this event, but we hope that there was a happy ending for everyone involved, including the vehicle.
Reaching for the Stars
We admit we aren’t exactly sure what’s going on here. A woman has taken a step stool out into the driveway to... well, that’s the question, isn’t it? Is she trying to get some spiderwebs down? Is she holding a mirror and trying to signal the nearby hill where the kids play? Maybe she’s a budding photographer, and she’s working on adding a downward angle to her shots to make them a little more dynamic.

If this was a video, we’d be able to figure it out better, but a static image leaves us fully perplexed. Perhaps she just wanted to feel, in the most minor way possible, a little closer to the edge of the atmosphere. The stars seem so close at night; maybe she just wanted a better look.
You Knob Head
We’re not going to go around saying that construction is the easiest job in the world (that would be acting), but we feel like even the rank amateur could have figured out a better way to get this job done. As you can clearly see, the opening for the doorknob is on the inside of the door, where the hinges are, and that makes it, at the very least, a difficult door to open. Or keep shut.

The fact that someone went through all that work to get the door up on the hinges without noticing that the hole for the knob was on the wrong end. Now they either have to take it off and put it up the proper way, or figure out some way to cut out a perfect hole and plug the other side. It could be done, but it won’t be easy.
A Surreptitious Dispensation of Flora
If you’re wondering, that’s a Christmas tree being tossed out the window. It’s in mid-fall (not the season) but it won't get to complete it since it got caught in the naked branches of a bigger, stronger tree. We all love having a Christmas tree up during the Holiday season, but getting rid of it can be a hassle.

If it’s artificial, you have to get all the ornaments off and box it up for next year. If it’s a real tree, you have to haul it out to the garbage pickup location, dropping needles the whole way there. But you still can’t do what this person did and haul it out the window into the yard fifty feet below. Take it to the dumpster like a good neighbor.
An Analogy for Poor Decisions
First off, the floor looks great. Hard to beat a nice, dark varnish when it comes to making a wood floor look like it’s brand new. On the other hand, this lady has literally painted herself into a corner. Well, all right, she’s not in a corner of the room, but it’s essentially what she’s done. Maybe she knew what she was doing and painted one side the week before in order to give herself an out, but from where we’re standing, she’s going to be stuck there.

Did the person taking the picture warn her of what she was doing? It doesn’t really seem like it, since the lady is just going on with her work without seemingly a single care in the world. In fact, she’s probably happy that she’s almost done!
Hope You Have Some Scissors at Hand
Safety first, people. This guy has quite the embarrassed look on his face, but we think he’s probably happy things didn’t end up any worse than they actually did. If you get something stuck in a piece of machinery, you could be sunk in a hurry. While the poor guy has to look like he’s trying out a new style of beard until he’s able to get home and grab his razor, at least he only lost some hair.

He might have also lost a pair of earbuds, but those are easy enough to replace. Getting a new face after an accident is a lot harder and more expensive. Maybe next time, you’ll keep that beard tamed before taking on a job with that kind of equipment.
Hey, Guess What, There’s Snow
Sometimes people just don’t think the way the rest of us do. They see snow piled on the sunroof and wonder what would happen if they opened it. Well, one brave soul decided to see what would happen, and hey, wouldn’t you know it, the snow fell inside the car. While the guy was wearing a hat when this happened, the other person in the car with him had no such protection and doesn’t seem all that pleased about it.

Which one of them is responsible for this unpleasant addition to their drive? We’re going to assume it’s the guy smirking at the camera. Did this happen while they were driving? Because that seems like a pretty dangerous addition to conditions that might already be unsafe during a snowstorm.
Now You Know Better
If you want to impress your friends and create business connections, being able to take a cork off a bottle of wine is a nice way to start. On the other hand, just because you know how to do it one way doesn’t mean that’s the right way to always do it.

This person, for instance, realized that using a bottle opener to take a metal screw-top off a bottle of his or her favorite bubbly kind of ruins the cap. As long as you’re going through the entire bottle all at once, there’s no harm done. But, if you want to save it for later, then you’re going to get some wine that is flat and probably flavorless. At least this person still got to have a drink.
Adding Insult to Injury
If you’re in charge of transporting the dearly departed day after day, then you probably know they don’t go a whole lot of places if you don’t let them. The person who took this picture might have had the chance to get one of the most unfortunate images we’ve ever seen. Not only has this poor person shuffled off the mortal coil, but he or she has also been granted the indignity of getting thrown to the ground inside their coffin during transportation.

Not only that, but the coffin car that was doing the moving now has to pay for a new back window, which isn’t going to speak very well of the business. We also must ask how this could have occurred since the coffin fell out backward – was the car going in reverse?
Critical Reading Skills in Decline
When you go to school, you are there to learn a number of things. Math, science, how to type, how to play dodgeball. One of the other things it’s supposed to teach you is critical reading skills, but clearly, some are having some problems doing so. Most cat toys are pretty simple, but every area of life is getting incredible advancements these days.

Even toys for pets that usually just lie around have been jumping by leaps and bounds. Sometimes that’s literal. Yes, these toys have a thirty-minute shutoff timer so that they don’t go forever because even the most rambunctious cats will have gotten bored with it by then. The people who bought and then returned this item couldn’t figure that out for some reason.
Délicieux Triangles
Somebody wanted to get creative in the kitchen, but they forgot one of the big rules of creation: you have to create something GOOD. What we have here are, we think, croissants that have just been laid flat on the pan and baked until they are crispy and done. Overdone, most likely, since it usually takes more time to bake the raw inside of a rolled-up croissant.

These are still perfectly edible, though they might be a little hard to get through and probably don’t taste all that good. Next time, for all your budding chefs out there, you have to roll them up by hand to make them look like actual croissants. Maybe you could top these bad Larrys with some pizza sauce and cheese and make the most of it.
Could Have Been Worse
Sure, having a big piano fall onto your car seems like a pretty bad thing to happen during your day. And it is! It’s genuinely a bad thing. But at least you weren’t inside the car when it happened! We think we can all agree that would be worse. You can also thank your lucky stars that you weren’t carting around your priceless collection of Faberge eggs or ancient china dolls when this extremely unlikely accident occurred.

Was Bugs Bunny working in a movie with Daffy Duck to make this happen? Even the guy standing next to the car can’t seem to believe what he’s looking at. Where did the piano come from? Did it fall out of the sky? Did it drop from a balcony?
Snake Hugs are the Worst
We’re not exactly sure where to start with this one. A person keeps a big snake as a pet, and the pet decides it wants to wrap itself around the person’s hand so tightly that the person has to go to the hospital or the veterinarian to get it removed.

Maybe it was a wild snake who really just wanted to eat some hand for dinner, but one way or another, it results in a whole lot of discomfort and embarrassment, even if there’s not really a whole lot to be embarrassed about. Just get the snake off there, for Pete’s sake. Please, please get the snake off that hand. It needs to spend time doing hand things. Like painting.
It’s the Thought That Counts
If a bike is your main mode of transportation, making sure it stays safe is of prime importance while you’re traveling in places that could have bike fans with sticky fingers. The person that uses this ride to get around did his or her level best to make sure it stays secure, but they might not have thought it out enough.

If they had spent a little more time on this, they would have realized that a bike thief could just lift the lock loop off the top of the concrete barrier and make a speedy getaway. And it’s not like the person whose bike this is will be able to catch the thief! Unless he stole someone else’s bike. A vicious cycle.
Some of It Can Still Be Eaten
Hey, so there’s this thing about bread that some people might not know: it rises. That’s like, the main thing about bread. All that good yeast and water and other chemicals work together to embiggen the dough so that many people can enjoy it. The person who is in charge of whatever happened here might have missed that during bread class.

Are we sure that this is actually bread, by the way? Because it looks like there are some other elements thrown in there, like tomatoes or meat or green peppers or something. Was this person trying to make pot pizza or something like that? Is pot pizza even a thing? We’re not sure, but whatever the plan was here, it didn’t work out.
One of Many Tanning Mishaps
The number of pictures out on the internet that show us someone failing to understand how sunblock works could be an entire article with many hundreds of entries. Here’s just a simple taste of what can go wrong if you don’t respect the unrelenting power of the sun.

While this poor guy might have been able to point the finger at a friend for what happened to his back, he has no one to blame but himself for his chest and stomach, which is the far worse side. Not only does he have to deal with the pain that a bad sunburn will deliver to him, but his chance of contracting skin cancer has also gone up! Next time make sure you get a good layer on there, friend.
Of Course It’s an Audi
If there was any kind of driver who thought it would be a good idea to drive headlong into a patch of wet cement, we aren’t surprised that it’s someone who would drive an Audi. Four zeros on the bumper, and a zero behind the wheel, as the saying goes. Still, it seems like it was pretty dark out, and maybe that patch of wet stone was hard to see. All that aside, this makes for a bad day for a whole lot of people.

Someone has to get this hunk of junk out of the ground; the people who made that patch of concrete have to get back to work to make another smooth section of the road. The person who was driving the car also has a bad time, but that’s what happens when you don’t pay attention.
A Hunger Emergency
Even if you’ve been driving for years, you still have to check to make sure the gas line isn’t connected to your car when you try to pull away. It’s way too easy to make a big mess and an embarrassing event if you aren’t paying attention.

This state trooper was done filling up his car and needed to fill up his tummy, but his desire for a burger and fries clouded his judgment at the pump. We’re just amazed that nobody at the station or inside the squad car noticed it. Obviously, it will be noticed eventually since the gas station probably has cameras. But do they call the police?
Making the Most of It
Now, most of us would probably just take the basket itself and carry it around in order to shop, but none of us is this lady. She’s truly broken the mold when it comes to the shopping experience, but that might be a good thing. It’s possible that the last basket in the carrier was stuck inside, and this woman simply had to grab a few items at the end of her workday, and she didn’t have the time or energy to separate the two pieces.

Maybe she was sick of having to carry the basket in her hand and wanted to carry it on her shoulder. One way or another, she’s doing something brand new, even if most of us don’t think it’s the best way to do it.
Sign? What Sign?
Getting cars into parking spots seems to be getting harder and harder these days since a lot of places want smaller spots to fit more shoppers or guests, and bigger cars can have a lot of difficulties. The thing is, that’s not really the main problem here. The issue is that the person driving this four-wheeled monster couldn’t even be bothered to read the sign right in front of him or her while parking.

They have an incredibly large car; they try to squeeze it into a spot far too small for it. And to top it all off, they don’t even get it in using the proper angle. We can only hope that this person was in a real emergency and will quickly come back to find a better spot.
All We Need to Know
Sometimes you see a picture, and you get the full story from a single image. There’s a reason people say a picture is worth a thousand words. Somebody was on their way home from the hardware store with a couple of pieces of lumber and didn’t have a better way to store it than layer it over the tops of the seats.

Must have been some pretty big pieces if that’s the case. Well, the guy had to hit the brakes in a hurry for something, and the wood – unsecured, we assume – slid forward to smash into the windshield. It made a powerful big set of cracks that will necessitate getting a brand new windshield before too long.
They All Look the Same
These days cords can rule our lives. You have to use a bunch of them to keep your computer working properly, you have to have one on-hand to keep your phone charged (because those things go dry in instants, it seems), and there are plugs for all your kitchen appliances to keep your meals coming out at the right time.

We can forgive a poor, overworked mom for getting some of the plugs mixed up, though it is pretty funny. Moms and tech sometimes don’t mix that well, and the cords are so twisted in this example that anybody could get the ends wrong. Well, we can only hope the person who took this picture fixed it.
A Face That Says It All
We can’t imagine that there are that many instances of a mini drone getting caught in someone’s hair, but there are bound to be some out there. Thanks to this picture, we know for a fact that there’s at least one, and the mini drone is stuck in the hair of a Walter-White-looking guy who similarly has to deal with going bald, at least for a little while.

You might be able to get away with just cutting through a few small patches of hair, but it’s still going to make things a little uneven. From the guy’s face, it almost looks like this is far too common of an occurrence in this household. Time to get this guy a hammer.
The Ashen One
Why is this kid covered in soot? We don’t know the exact reason, but there are a couple of things we can come up with. Maybe he wanted to know what it was like to look down an exhaust pipe as a car was starting. Maybe he was interested in seeing how high the chimney went and didn’t know that fire would leave all kinds of gross, black deposits.

Maybe it’s black paint, and this is the result of an artistic project gone bad. Maybe it’s a prank from an older sibling, and this young kid is putting on a brave face while planning his revenge. All valid options, but we’ll never know the real truth, no matter how mundane it might be.
Could It Be Any Clearer?
It’s fun to see the behind-the-scenes of a job like a court reporter, even if it means that somebody is making a fool of themselves. In this case, we see that someone has asked someone to respond verbally to yes or no questions during court proceedings. The person responded with a nod, much to the eye rolls of the person that asked the question, the court reporter, and likely everyone else present.

The person (defendant, witness, juror, we’re not sure) was asked again, and it was made clear that he or she understood. We find it a little interesting that a court reporter would use what appears to be some form of Word, but we guess there’s nothing wrong with it.
Not for Your Body
If you saw this package in the home, what would you assume was waiting inside? If you thought of body wipes for the bathroom or to keep kids clean, you’d be wrong, even though it’s a perfectly natural assumption. In fact, these are for surfaces like countertops, walls, tables, and other places.

They kill cold and flu viruses, which means they probably have some abrasive and powerful chemicals – which you also don’t want to get on your body. The construction of this packaging isn’t the worst, but it could definitely cause some confusion and even a little bit of pain if you use it in the wrong places. Kirkland needs to pay a little more attention to how they make their packaging.
A Lot of Work and a Really Bad Smell
Sure, that melty goodness looks a little tasty, but we wouldn’t recommend eating any of it. It’s not cheese, it’s not frosting, and it’s not even food – it is, in fact, plastic. A chopping board isn’t the kind of thing you should ever be cooking, even if they are safe to cook, which is rare.

A plastic one is the worst choice since, as we can now see, they melt when heated in the oven. This creates quite a bit of unfortunate effects, like having to clean melted plastic from multiple surfaces of your oven. Get ready to learn about the wonderful world of oven cleaners. It also stinks, and it might just release some nasty fumes, too.
Saving Some for Later
Everybody’s eyes are on the prices of gas these days. We’re thrilled when it drops a few pennies and aggravated when it climbs the same amount. We’re sure that plenty of people have wondered about filling up when the price is low and getting a little extra for later, but it usually doesn’t work out that well.

You see, gasoline only actually lasts – as in, can be used to fuel a vehicle – for about six months. After that, it can’t be used anymore. So while this guy might think that he’s being clever by filling up a couple of trash cans with fuel, he’s more likely just going to be making a mess as it sloshes out into the bed of his truck.
Trying to Protect Her Phone
Most of us have some kind of protector on our phones these days since they can shatter into a million pieces from one wrong move. Some just have the tough cases around them, while some also spring for a screen protector to give themselves even more defense. This woman, as far as we can tell, mistook the plastic that covers her screen protector as the actual screen protector.

While it seems as if this has helped to protect the screen, it’s also made it really hard to actually see what’s going on whenever she wants to check her apps. This has probably sent a shiver down the spine of anybody who likes a nice, fresh phone, but it’s simple enough to fix.
Dryers Are for Clothes, and Microwaves Are for Food
If you have a favorite shirt that has gotten wet, repeat after us: Do not use the microwave. Put the shirt in a clothes dryer like all the rest of your laundry. Microwaves and dryers use vastly different methods to warm things up, and if you don’t know the difference you can end up with a shirt that looks like this one.

It looks a little cool, but we bet the person who owns the shirt doesn’t exactly agree with us. He probably wanted to just dry the single shirt off without starting up the dryer, but he didn’t know what he was getting into. Amazing that the burn marks are exactly in the same spots on either side. Maybe it’s how he folded it.
Try the Print Screen Function Next Time
Technology has, for the most part, made our lives a whole lot easier. We can talk to friends whenever we want, share pictures of our food, conduct business on the go, and so much more. Still, that doesn’t mean they are perfect. You can’t just have your magical space device do whatever you want whenever you want.

Somebody apparently tried to copy the image that was on the screen, but they didn’t realize that it wouldn’t work for whatever reason. Most likely it’s because the iPad’s screen went dark before it could be copied, but it might also be made in a way that makes this tactic useless for the whole. We know you can copy phones, but it won’t always work.
How Are We Supposed to Get Clothes Back Out?
Ah, closets. We’ve been using them for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years, and they’re honestly quite the simple innovation: there are some doors. You open the doors to find a small area where you can put things. Then you close the doors. There, that’s a closet.

How can you possibly mess that up? Let’s ask the people who put together the subject of this picture. You might not realize it, but a closet that opens inward means the amount of stuff you can put inside it has been knocked down to about ten percent of the space that it has. Lunch break is over, guys, you need to fix that immediately.
A Quick Spot of Paint
We do have a couple of questions about what this lady is doing, but we think it’s best if the police ask them. Unless we’re mistaken, this woman has bought some spray paint and is doing her level best to hide the hideous yellow color of her car with a huge amount of spray paint that appears to be black.

She has also covered all the windows in duct tape, which… has really got to keep the interior either very hot or very cool, we’re not sure which. Is that legal? We aren’t at all that sure it’s legal. The fact she’s doing it as fast as she can with spray paint tells us she might not be sure either.
A Very Bad Day
The poor lady. All she wanted to do was pick up her photos and get home so she could put her feet up and manage to find a little bit of relaxation after all her hard work. She was too worried about all the stuff she had going on to notice the big patch of wet cement looming in front of her. She actually managed to get a couple of steps into it before she realized what was happening, and then she just stood there. Silent.

Like a statue made of the same thing she had just stepped in. Maybe she’s still there and has just become a permanent fixture of the parking lot. Maybe she hasn’t gone anywhere, because that seems like less work than having to go home and clean off her feet.
A Cringe-Worthy Curler Mishap
A little bit of a look behind the curtain: I’ve never used an eyelash curler. Never wanted to, never needed to. These peepers have some natural, A-plus lashes. Now that I’ve seen this picture, I never ever want to use one, but hopefully, this is just one person who made a bad mistake and now has to give people a bald eye unless they happen to have some fake lashes lying around.

And since this person is using an eyelash curler, we’re going to doubt that they have a lot on-hand. How to avoid such an unkind fate? Pay attention while curling your eyelashes; that’s how.
Trying a Little Too Hard
There are all kinds of strange and memorable things to see on public transportation, but most of the time, it just looks like this: lots of people on their phones, texting friends or watching videos, or looking at pictures of their cats.

The person who took this photo is feeling all high and mighty as he or she captures an image of almost everyone in sight looking at their phone instead of the world around them, totally unaware that it means he or she was using the phone as well. Perhaps it was intended to be a bit of intentional irony, or maybe the person really just didn’t notice. Either way, it’s pretty funny.
Not Your Normal Kind of Prize
Getting frustrated at a claw machine that keeps taking your money is as American as apple pie with a slice of cheese on top. We’ve all probably busted a buck or two trying to grab a stuffed toy for our honey, only to end up empty-handed. Well, one girl got pretty sick of it, so she DECIDED TO CLIMB INTO THE CLAW MACHINE.

It’s hard to tell how old she is because of the window, but she doesn’t look too young – one might even say old enough to know better. But she didn’t know better, and that means she had to sit inside while a bunch of people stood around trying to get her out.
It’s Cool, I Can See Through That Corner
Living in a snowy part of the world can really be a downer sometimes. Sure, you can sit at the window with a hot mug of cocoa and watch the snow come down, but then the next morning you have to drive through it to get to work. Having to clear off your car is one of the worst parts because it can be dangerous to drive if you don’t do it properly. Unlike the subject of this photo.

Somehow, the car is entirely free of snow except for the windshield which is, some might say, the most important part of the car to clear off. And let’s not let the picture taker off, either. It could be the passenger, but it seems like it’s the driver, depending on the country of origin.
At Least Use a Lid
Someone here is trying to get some gas for the lean months as the prices rise. However, once again he isn’t going about it safely, even if he does have a reason to use it before the gas goes bad. The thing about gas is it has gaseous vapors, and those vapors might be the most dangerous part of trying to pull this trick.

You see, if the vapors have filled a space, one little spark or flame will send the whole thing up in a mushroom cloud. If you don’t have a lid or a cap on those cans of gas, then they’re just bombs waiting to go off.
That’s Why They Call Them Bucket Seats
Either somebody was being negligent in taking care of the car, or this snow really came out of nowhere. Places that are flush with convertibles, like Florida, or the California coast, don’t get much snow – if any at all – so the owner at least has an excuse, though this picture could come to us from plenty of places.

Most of the time a little snow is no issue, but if it gets into the upholstery, not to mention the delicate electronics, then you’re definitely going to have a bad time. At best you have some soggy seats; at worst your car’s electrical system is shorted out and you’re stuck there until you can get it fixed.
Trapped by the Delivery Driver
Maybe the driver was proud of himself for finding a place where the package fit so well, but it didn’t exactly turn out the way anybody was hoping. It seems that the people who lived inside that apartment were unable to open the door! After a call to the building’s maintenance, they discovered that the problem was because of the package they ordered – not what they had been expecting, no doubt.

It looks like a nice place to fit a package, but it came with some rather aggravating consequences. We hope this couple enjoys their new bath mat or whatever else they ordered because they certainly had to work for it.
The Good News Is It Isn’t Going Anywhere
On the one hand, at least the people in charge of transporting this four-wheeler decided that it would be best to tie it down as much as possible. On the other hand, none of them stopped to think about how the physics of this would work. The best possible solution is that the truck starts up and begins rolling, and the people driving it realize they can’t go anywhere and put it in park to adjust things.

The worst possible solution is probably that both the truck and the four-wheeler go spinning into a crash. Seeing as how someone is taking a picture of it, we bet that it’s all been fixed and everybody was fine.
There’s a Reason for the Cones
This guy thought he was being clever when he tried to sneak through the cones and take off ahead of all the other drivers instead of being stuck in the single lane of traffic. The driver then figured out that there was a reason for all those cones that were keeping him from his destination.

Now, not only does he not get to his destination faster than the others, they all get to point and laugh as they drive past him. Why was he so ready to jump the gun and bust through the barriers? Well, somebody has to watch “Wheel of Fortune.” Instead, he gets to meet a nice tow truck driver and apologize to all the workers.
Where Did the Parking Lot Go?
For some people, a spot of ice fishing makes for the perfect weekend. On this lake in particular, there are a lot of people that think it’s the best way to spend some time. Unfortunately, they didn’t realize that the weather was going to turn against them, and the sun was going to come out.

It looks like there are a good dozen or more cars stuck in the water now, but at least they should be salvageable. It’s not going to be easy getting them out, though, which is probably what the guy in the foreground is thinking. He’s wearing an official uniform, and he probably knows that it’s going to partially be up to him to get them back on dry land.
No Fires Inside Tires
Making sure your tires have the proper amount of inflation is an oft-forgotten part of car maintenance, and it’s good to see someone making sure they’re at the proper psi. This, however, is not the way to do it. It looks like the lady is trying to fill up her tires with a fire extinguisher, and we can think of a good handful of really important reasons why she shouldn’t be doing that.

Just think of the financial cost! Getting air for your tires at the gas station is, like, two dollars. Getting a new fire extinguisher is more like twenty, and that’s one of the cheaper options. You shouldn't fill a tire with foam, either. We really hope somebody stepped in to help her out.
Sorry, What Do You Mean?
We get that you like your dog. That’s fine! Expected, even! But... we feel like somebody made a big mistake while designing this window sticker. At first glance, it seems to be fine, but then you actually read what the words and symbols say, and you realize the message isn’t exactly what you thought it was.

Odds are, this sticker is just a way for a dog owner to talk about the proper and correct sort of affection he or she has for the hound of the household, but it can still be confusing. Just move the bone to the bottom, that’s all it will take. Or put the bone in the back and use the heart in its place. This isn’t hard.
Maybe It Will Fit Inside
We’ve all made purchases that haven’t exactly worked out and been forced to return them, but this is a little different. Surely these people could have realized that something that big was never going to fit inside a little compact car like that one. In fact, it looks like if you took out absolutely everything from the interior of the car it still wouldn’t fit.

Seats, engine, steering wheel, everything. Maybe they didn’t know how big it was going to be in its boxed-up form, but they should have been able to guess. We assume these two are calling others, trying to figure out if anybody has a truck that is big enough to carry this big piece of furniture.
At Least You Won’t Lose the Keys
Not unless you lose the lock itself, that is. This person might have thought to be clever when attaching the keys to the bar of the lock itself, but a little bit of extra thought will reveal that, in fact, he or she was not being clever. Unless there’s another way to get this lock open, it’s just become useless without the help of a locksmith or a very sharp saw.

The best part is that person absolutely knows it, too. Why else would there be a picture that was so close up to the mistake? Even if the person who took the picture wasn’t responsible, the picture-taker probably let the person know what a silly thing they’ve done.
Cookies to Die For
Sure, maybe you want to have some good food for a wake or a funeral, but we feel like this kind of treat is in what some might call poor taste. And that’s not even talking about how the cookies actually taste. We assume they don’t taste very good since we’ve been around cookies for a while, but we can’t say for certain.

They look like the kind of cheap, crumbly cookies that barely have any sugar in them other than the abrasive and sharp orange sugar that will get all over your face and clothes as you try to eat one. The only way we’d be okay with these is if they’re at a Halloween party. These cookies are scary.
What Did He Think Was Going to Happen?
As humans that have eyes, we are able to see things. We know that such sweeping generalizations can get people in trouble these days, but we feel confident about that one. This guy was hopefully able to use his eyes to see if that item — a couch, we think? — was able to fit into his tiny little car.

Yet, he took that information and put it right in the mind garbage since he still tried to fit it in any way. We’ve all tried to do that thing where you stuff a big item into a small storage space, trying to jam it until it fits, but this just isn’t going to work. Time to call a friend, buddy.
The Guy Just Thinks Differently, That’s All
Reading this story is a ride. The confusion from the person on the left, the different kind of confusion from the person on the right. The fact that the guy actually stuck a cereal bar into a bowl of milk and expected it to do something other than get soggy. The practically unintelligible grammar that the two are slinging back and forth is bound to get you rolling.

Not only that, but you get to learn what not to do about cereal bars. Still, a bar of compact cereal that you can throw into milk to have it expand into a breakfast seems like a pretty good idea. We don’t think the guy on the left is the one to get past production problems, though.
The Army Is Always Prepared
The people that are pictured here must have been a couple of drinks deep into the night when they took this picture because the person who left a comment is a hundred percent correct – Swiss army knives have a corkscrew on them for a reason. It might not always be to open a bottle of wine, but they’re there.

Instead, this woman decided that the best way to open a bottle of wine with a cork is to stick the knife part of the Swiss army knife into the cork to try and pry it out. We’re sure you can figure out why this might not be the best solution. Next time, gals, just use the corkscrew that is right there in your hands.
The Wrong Kind of Awareness
No, this extensive pool isn’t at the entrance to the great prison of hell, Pandemonium. It’s just outside of some random business or hotel or something like that on our real, actual planet. We’re told that the reason this pool has been colored this specific color is that the people in charge of it wanted to raise awareness for breast cancer.

However, pink is a specific color, and just dumping a bunch of coloring into the water isn’t going to raise much awareness for breast cancer. It might raise awareness for another kind of cancer, though: leukemia, which is when there is cancer in the blood. That would make a little more sense for this display. Pink requires a tender touch.
It’s Kind of a Cool Look, Though
People who have trouble sitting and paying attention like to do a couple of things to keep themselves busy. Maybe they pace or play with a fidget spinner, or maybe they like to draw in a notebook. Even if they don’t have a notebook, they can still move the pen around to stop any other fidgeting from happening.

Just make sure the pen cap is on, though, or you’re going to end up as the person who drew all over his or her jeans. There are way worse things that you could become known for, and it doesn’t look terrible. It’s just pen ink all over your jeans. Maybe that sort of thing will come out in the wash.
Gotta Work on His Planning
Working all day to paint an entire roof is a noble endeavor, but that doesn’t mean you can just do it without any thought. Very much the opposite, in fact. You have to know exactly what you’re getting into, or you’ll end up trapped like this poor guy.

He was just doing his job, painting a roof a hideous bright mint green color, and then he realized that he was trapped in a spot far from his ladder or any other way down. We can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to figure out the best way to get out of this little pickle, but there aren’t going to be many options other than getting his boots covered in mint green.
Keeping Up With the Joneses
If all your neighbors are doing something, you might feel like you’re being urged to join in the fun or the work or whatever else is going on. One of the people from this place used a piece of duct tape to seal a crack in the lid of the garbage can, and their neighbor, seeing that they were marking their territory, decided to do the same.

While the initial tape wasn’t for anything other than function, this actually seems to serve a nice purpose. If somebody’s bin gets lost or damaged, you know whose is whose. It’s not often that a fail gets turned into something that is actually beneficial, but remember you can also turn something bad into something good – even for other people.
The Pole Wasn’t Looking Where It Was Going
Once you become old enough to drive, it’s like your entire life has changed. If you have wheels, you can go almost anywhere you want without having to rely on others. Sure, there are lots of other things to worry about, like keeping the vehicle gassed up, but the freedom of being able to spin around an empty parking lot is like no other.

That is, of course, as long as you look where you’re going. This young lady did not, which meant she managed to hit one of the few things in the entire parking lot that could have done damage to what was, almost certainly, her parents’ car. Sorry kid, gotta take the bitter with the sweet.
The Bank of the Pig
As much as things would be improved by adding Peppa Pig to them, this cartoon character is not currently present on any legal tender. Unfortunately, one employee wasn’t paying attention to the money that was handed over and thought that the five-pound note with the big pink pig was good enough for whatever was being purchased.

It actually is a pretty good facsimile of legal tender, if not for the fact that it has Peppa Pig on it. The right size, the right shape, lots of creases and chips, and the design is pretty close to the money that some countries have. It still doesn’t count, and it might even be a forgery, but it’s still not bad.
At Least You Can’t See the Faces
When you are in the midst of your most private moments, you hope that nobody will be able to look at you. You get a little room to yourself, or at least a little stall, where nobody can see you shamefully dispense waste. This bathroom, however, does things a little differently, and by that, we mean worse.

The doors seem to have been installed upside down, meaning there is far too much space under the doors for people to peep through as you take a tinkle. Only the most desperate or unlucky will decide to use the facilities here. Maybe they have a hostile takeover of the other bathroom if things get bad enough. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.
No Argument Here
While we’re sure the actual coffee company that we see here is no big fan of how this van works out, there are probably a lot of people who couldn’t help but laugh. This company, well-known though it might be, isn’t thought to serve the best cup of joe that you can find in most places.

There’s also the whole culture, which gets people’s names wrong, sells goofy music at the front, and takes up a whole lot of space. Maybe the person who designed the van isn’t a fan of their kind of coffee and threw in some sneaky shots to feel like he hadn’t just worked for “the man.” The artist for this van only hand-grinds his beans.
For When You Want to Support the Team but Not Watch the Game
Stadiums seem like a very complicated thing to put together and build a plan for. You need all the facilities, all the walkways, all the seats, all the vending spaces, and on and on. We’re sure that every stadium like this one has a few foibles that make it a fun place to visit.

Still, a whole section of seating that doesn’t have a view of the action is really something that should have been caught during the planning stages. On the plus side, if your team is doing badly, you can pretend you’re doing something more fun, like literally staring at a brick wall. Sports fans know that watching your team lose is the pits.
Someone Was Here Before You
Forgive our shock, but we were pretty disgusted to see this picture for the first time. You might have been as well, but at least we can tell you that the toilet seat isn’t ACTUALLY that dirty. The seat where you sit and the bottom of the lid have details that just make them look like they’re wet, but they aren’t actually wet.

However, most people who see a toilet like this one will, for good reason, turn up their noses and move on to the next stall. It’s only after close inspection that you find out the toilet is perfectly clean. Maybe that’s the whole point – someone found a way to make sure no one else ever uses his or her favorite toilet.
How Would You Get Back In?
Balconies are a nice addition to a home. You can sit out there and enjoy the sweet summery air, sip a cup of tea during the morning, or enjoy a brew later at night while enjoying the stars. The people who put this building together knew that balconies are a big draw. Except that they might have forgotten one thing.

One really important thing. Not enough space for a couple of chairs! No, no, we’re kidding. There seems to be no way to actually reach the balcony. You can take advantage of it if you have a ladder from the floor below or if you’re willing to drop down from the balcony above, but you’re already on a balcony there. Seems like an unnecessary trip.
One Angry Bride
This happy couple was trying to get a picturesque photo for their big day, and it was so close to being perfect. They’re in a small area, and the woman can’t really see where her feet are thanks to the big dress – even if there wasn’t a picture to go along with that description, you could see where it was all headed.

The photographer manages to snap a pic just before the woman hits the water, which also has the groom trying as hard as he can to catch his new wife, but he just isn’t fast enough. Imagine trying to keep someone from falling into the water, and you only have a moment to do it – and if you don’t catch that person, her very expensive and fancy dress is likely to be ruined.
Well, at Least It Works
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a Tetris door. If you’re building a structure like a home, then you know there are tons of details that you have to try and fit in wherever you can, like vents or cords, or plugs. Sometimes you realize that things don’t work the way you had first imagined, and you end up having to do something like this.

But hey – as long as the door still closes, we don’t see anything too wrong with this. Plus, it’s a conversation starter. That’s always nice to have in a home, but you can’t take it with you if you want to move out. Well, not every home is perfect.
Making the Most of It
A handy dandy bottle of liquid soap is a really nice thing to have while you’re washing your hands. If you don’t have any of that, then you might have to use a bar of soap. Hey, as long as it gets your hands clean, right? However, you have to be able to get the bar of soap, and we don’t know if that’s possible here.

Maybe you can open up the top and grab the bar out of the container, but that’s annoying, especially when you have wet hands and need to grab the soap. That thing is going to be flying across the room as soon as you try to grab it. If only there was something simpler than this to keep your hands clean!
The Sign Made Me Do It
Advertisements try to go hard, and sometimes they succeed. Sometimes, it seems, they succeed a little too much. Unfortunately, the people in charge didn’t think about what would happen if people actually took the ad for this alcoholic lemonade seriously. As we can all see, it resulted in a whole lot of shards of glass and a practically-useless bus stop. Was it the lemonade’s fault? Hard for us to say.

It could be in a neighborhood that just gets that kind of thing. The lawyers for the company would certainly say no, but they’d have a hard time convincing anyone except for the biggest hard lemonade fans. They’d probably meant to break “the mold” and not “the bus stop.”
Working for Your Money
If you want to withdraw some of those sweet greenbacks, you’re going to have to get up to the ATM and feel those quads burn. Is money only available to those who can conquer this climb? No, but people who want their money from this spot will have to limber up a little bit.

Just like the lass in this picture, they’ll also have to make sure they can hold themselves in the right pose, which has gotta be murder on your shins. Taller or wider people will have a big issue doing this, as well. Hopefully, there are some other places where they can cash out.
While the Water Is Safe
Fishing is an art just as much as a sport, meaning you have to strike while the iron is hot. Well, it seems that there are a bunch of fishermen who will find the iron cold the next time they check. An absolute monster of a fish (variety unknown, at least to our untrained eyes) is casually swimming around a couple of poles set up in the water.

Though there isn’t any line attached to the poles... so maybe the fish has come to accept this is a safer place than it seems to us. Is the fish aware that this used to be a dangerous place? Or is it just enjoying the water on this sunny day? The fishy mind is a strange thing.
Plumbing Is Harder Than It Looks
The number of fails that people can find when it comes to sinks, showers, toilets, and tubs is legion. Why it’s so hard to make a sink that outputs water properly is a question that will always pop up. In this example, you don’t even get to say that it’s a problem the installer couldn’t see – anybody with a pair of eyes and knowledge of how water works could see that this setup wouldn’t exactly fit the bill.

Indeed, turning the water on does get your hands wet, but not the way most people would like. Here’s a quick tip for you budding plumbers out there: the only thing between the faucet and the drain should be a pair of hands.
A Show for the Right Person
You’d think that only being able to see the right side of a television screen would make it hard to understand what’s going on, and you know you’d be right. Or, correct. You know what we mean. How the TV ended up jammed through a wall is fully beyond us.

Did the TV go up first, and then they realized they needed a wall there? Did the wall come first? We can’t figure out how somebody would not think it’s the best idea to take the TV down. Is the TV actually regularly on? Do the people on either side have to call each other to figure out what’s happening? There must have been a better way to do this, no matter what they were trying to do.
Caught Red-Nailed
Hopefully, this isn’t one of those situations where the newspaper is from the future, like that show “Early Edition.” Good show, by the way. Maybe these two ladies saw the cover and decided to have a little bit of fun with it. Is it possible to die because you’ve been biting your nails?

Apparently, the headline comes from the fact that a habitual nail-biter eventually contracted a septic infection, leading to heart failure. So that’s a bummer. This is, thankfully, incredibly rare and unlikely, but it might still be the kind of thing to get you to stop the bad habit. All of your friends would like you to know that it can be pretty gross. Plus, your nails will look a lot better.
We Might Not Be Boating Experts, But…
We’re pretty sure that a boat shouldn’t be right there. Specifically right there. We guess it could be some kind of modern art about the silly way man tries to defeat nature or something like that. Or, maybe the person driving this boat hadn’t exactly passed his or her boating courses and figured that it was close enough. Well, you can see the result of such astounding hubris.

The person who owns this boat has to make an embarrassing trek to the closest tow shop or Coast Guard, or whoever else they’d need to get that boat back off the rocks and into the water. Where a boat can frolic and play with all of its boat friends on the friendly waves.
Uh, Are There Any Other Bathrooms?
This one might work but only if a few conditions are met. Firstly, you have to be able to actually get to the bowl by moving the lid out of the way, and right there, it looks like we’re out of luck. Then the toilet would actually have to function. As in flush.

There’s a chance that it might work, but we don’t honestly know WHY since the first step to using this toilet is already a no-go. Finally, you’d have to have the right kind of bottom to be able to fit on it. Either that or some really, really good aim. Otherwise, if you need to use the can, you’re just going to have to keep on moving.
A Bad Omen
Your Sweet Sixteen birthday party can be a really big, important event. You’re moving from being a young girl into the start of womanhood, and while you might not be there just yet, you’re starting to get more responsibilities and perks. You can drive a car, but you have to get a job. But you also might have your own checking account and get to learn how to manage your money.

Also, you get to enjoy a sweet sixteen birthday party! There are few events in a young girl’s life like it, as long as your mom doesn’t drop your cake all over the floor. Yes, it does kind of seem like a bad way to start your proto-adulthood, but cakes are pretty easy to get overall.
Are You Sure It’s Is Your Life?
The longer you look at this poorly-planned piece of ink, the worse it gets. Not only is it in a horrendous bit of comic sans-esque font that looks haphazard at best, the quote isn’t even right! “It’s My Life” is a great line from a great song sung by someone named Jon Bon Jovi.

“It’s is my life” is not a lyric, and we’re relatively certain even if it was, it wasn’t sung by someone named “Jon Bovi.” We don’t know how this absolute train wreck of a tattoo came about, but we wouldn’t be surprised if the person who got it woke up on the couch, shocked to find this new addition to his or her shoulder. Is it still there? We hope not.
Is This Supposed to Come Off?
Now, we aren’t what you would call automotive experts – as long as it has four wheels and an engine somewhere, it’s a car to us – but we’re pretty sure that the gearshift is supposed to stay nice and connected to the car. Maybe this is some kind of new automotive trend, but we’d still prefer it all stay as one working piece.

Thankfully, as far as parts coming off the car goes, this one could be a lot worse. Even if you’re in motion or the engine is on, you can safely move the car to a parking spot and try to figure out what to do next. Even better, in this example, the car is already in the park, which means it’s not going anywhere, and there’s no danger.
That’s Gonna Take a Lot of Quarters
There are lots of images out there that have people parked in stupid spots. Sometimes people draw attention to it using chalk. Another tactic, since it so often happens at grocery stores, is to use shopping carts to block the cars in and teach the driver a much-needed lesson. That seems to be what happened here, but there’s an additional twist.

If you aren’t familiar with Aldi, they’re a budget store that sells the essentials for less. One of the ways they do that is by “charging” for carts. You put in twenty-five cents, pull a cart out, and get that quarter back when you return a cart. For this person to drive away, it will cost a whole lot of time and quarters.
A Classic Example of “Hold My Beer”
You’d be surprised how much fun it is to go to the playground and goof off even while you’re an adult. As long as you aren’t bothering any of the kids there, you can enjoy the slides, swings, and all the other fun pieces, but watch out – you’re bigger, and the playground parts haven’t changed their sizes.

This guy must have forgotten about the way time changes you, and now he will live on in infamy as the dude who got stuck in one of those playground twirling things. How did this poor man escape? Did he even manage to make it out? Maybe his friends had to call the fire department right after taking a picture as proof. Hurry up; he doesn’t look too happy.
The What Now
It’s the kind of sign that will make practically everybody do a double-take. We’re sure that a museum about a canal is a perfectly interesting place if you like that sort of thing, but most people who stop in may be a trifle disappointed.

Oddly, this canal museum is only open from two to four P.M. on Sundays, and there are quite a lot of off-color jokes we could jump to, but we’ll just go with the fact that it’s kind of strange for a museum to only be open for a few hours one day out of the week. Must be one of those museums that is just a single room in the city hall or something like that.
Far Better Than Expected
If you have an Instagram account or a Facebook account, or an account on almost any social media, you’ve probably posted a pack of pics that show off your food purchases. The thing is, they turn into a dime a dozen. Showing off the fancy food that you’ve financed on a fine vacation makes them a little better, but only slightly. But this picture...this picture is one to save.

Seagulls – just like humans – love a mouthful of tasty ice cream, but they aren’t usually this daring. This one has been caught red-handed taking a huge bite out of that cone. It likely ruined the treat, but maybe it got a tasty mouthful anyway. Even better, the person with the camera got a picture worth sharing.
Making Do
You must admit this is quite an unexpected sight while you’re driving down the road, but if it works, it works. Some guys needed a lot of lumber for a project, but they forgot to take the truck. Instead, they had hopped into the sickly green compact car before realizing they didn’t have enough space.

So they put those big muscles to work to devise a method that will absolutely get them stopped by the police if an officer catches them. It looks like they have half a dozen planks of wood, which means one wrong move, and it’s going to be all over the road. Hold tight, guys; only twenty more miles to go!
That Will Teach Him
If you have a wife who is kind enough to make your lunch before you head off to work, make sure to let her know how much you appreciate it. Don’t take such a blessing for granted, and absolutely don’t refer to her as “the sandwich maker” in front of your friends, or she just might choose to forget to take the plastic off the slice of cheese.

It looks like there’s a little note written on there, probably one that is none-too-kind, too. The fact that there is clearly a bite taken out of the sandwich is even better – it means the guy didn’t notice the foul play until it was lunchtime and he was hungry. Only then did he find out he had to finish the job.
Going for a Bright Color
There are plenty of ways to cook a big hunk of meat, and this is... certainly one of them. Depending on what animal that meat comes from, it could be safe to eat it raw. It looks like beef, so they should be good, but we feel like the person in charge could still try a few other things.

There’s no way that this big chunk of meat could ever be cooked through using this method, even if they were aiming for rare. You have to cook it in the oven first and then give it a sear in a ripping hot pan to give it a nice crispy edge. Is this person going for ground beef? Because you’re going to need a much bigger pan.
Rest in Peace, Cookies
Sliding some fresh cookies out of the oven is a wonderful feeling. You get to celebrate a job well done, you get a great smell in the home, and you have a tasty treat to enjoy. Of course, you have to actually bake them properly. It’s not too difficult, but apparently, it’s possible to fumble the ball on the one-yard line, so to speak.

This person has good-looking dough, but they tried to bake them on wire racks, not pans. Anybody who knows about how dough melts, and reforms into tasty, tasty cookies can tell you that they become kind of like a liquid before they solidify. If they’re on a rack as we see here, then they’re just going to seep right through and make a mess in the oven.
They Just Love Chopping
The person who was wielding the knife here did such a fine, upstanding job on the tomato that he was all raring to go when it came to the avocado. The big problem is that an avocado and a tomato are two very different fruits. One of them is soft and squishy all the way through, while the other has a big, hard, round pit in the center.

If you go at an avocado as you go at a tomato, the best result you can get is your knife stuck in the middle. You might also break the knife, or what happened here – not only is the knife now probably dull, but you have to do just as much work or more getting the pit out before you can enjoy any guac.
Congratulations, You’re a Cartoon Character
You’ve had a long day at work or school or wherever you find yourself, and all you want to do is sit and have a sandwich and a drink to make yourself feel a little better. Your big, long sandwich then gets stuck in the vending machine before you’re able to get it out. But you know what to do.

You put in a little more cash and get a specific fruit drink, which should knock the sandwich down at the same time. But it doesn’t. Not only are you still lacking a sandwich, but you also now don’t even have a drink to show for your time and money. This looks like the kind of thing that would happen to a down-on-his-luck character from a Nickelodeon show.
It’s Wood, Isn’t It? It Will Burn
Having the right kind of fuel is critical for achieving a proper day with the grill. The right kind of lighter fluid, the right charcoal. Sure, you can stick a big piece of wood in there and hope it will light on fire, but your chances aren’t all that good especially if it’s one of the biggest pieces of wood you can find.

This log could probably burn for hours or even days and still have plenty of fuel left in it to cook up burgers or brats. A piece of wood that thick might also refuse to provide any heat, meaning you’re going to have some hungry folks and a park grill that will need to be cleaned by you.
Maybe Next Time Just Use a Cleanser
We’re sad to inform you that keyboards can get incredibly gross and dirty. You’re touching them all day, which means they collect dust, skin cells, and bacteria. And a lot of keyboards are really hard to clean, even if you’re able to pop the keys off. If you can do that, however, don’t do what this person did and stick all of the keys into boiling water.

Sure, that will get rid of the bacteria that might be hanging around, but keyboards are made of plastic. Plastic melts when exposed to high heat. Yeah, it’s incredible. Just like in this picture, all of your keys will become melted and impossible to use. You’re going to have to get a new keyboard, and that will take a lot of wasted time.
So Close
The person driving this rent-a-truck was pretty confident about being able to sneak it through a tight tunnel. And, to his or her credit, it looks pretty darn close. Those corners of the truck just barely got stuck, and that means this person is having a really, really bad day. Not only does this person have to deal with moving or transporting all that stuff, but now there’s also the fact that the truck is stuck.

The police or fire department might have to come; there’s going to be damage to the truck, damage to the tunnel itself, and damage to this person’s pride. U-Haul might not let them rent any more trucks or might make the rents more expensive. They’re certainly going to pay more attention to clearance signs in the future.