If you think you have a hard time walking through a crowded airport, just imagine how hard it is for the less anonymous among us. Celebrities have to deal with selfie requests, gasping fans, and paparazzi.

In this day and age, there is really no way to avoid flying if you are going to be traveling often. Even Beyonce and Taylor Swift have to fly. You probably won’t see them standing in line to board the plane, however, since they have special VIP waiting areas for the rich and famous!
Line? What Line?
You know these flat escalators at the airport? They are there for people who need some assistance moving around but they are obviously also used by fully abled people, so much so, that we forget that they were meant to help those who are struggling.

Well, this lady in the light blue dress is about to lay down some laws. She will mobilize herself with the escalator the way she sees fit and whatever abled people traffic jam that is lined up behind her is just going to have to deal with it. Power to you, lady! Walkers can walk.
Hazmat Chic
Once upon a time, the whole world had to put on a mask. Those times were dark and had people staying indoors for way longer than humanly recommended. During that time, many questionable fashion choices were made. People wore makeup even if they had nowhere to go or stayed in their pajamas for an undisclosed number of days in a row.

We embraced different levels of hyper-focus or no focus on our physical appearance. Not this woman. No matter what kind of precautions she had to take to make sure she was healthy, fashion always had to be factored in. Even if a hazmat suit had to take over a large portion of her look, she would throw in a touch of personal style wherever possible.
Holy Shirt!
When going to the airport one must decide what to wear. Of course, it's also like that when going anywhere else, but knowing that you're going to be on a plane for a few hours makes that decision a lot harder.

You want something nice and festive as you're going to a new exciting location, but you also want something comfortable as the flight itself is notoriously uncomfortable. That leaves most people with very little wiggle room in terms of air travel fashion, so maybe this guy shouldn't have been so surprised to find another man sporting the same shirt he was.
Not in Any Particular Order
This picture is brought to us, and to you, from Seattle's Airport. Obviously, Seattle knows what's up. Honestly, knowing that books, food, and beer are on offer at this location makes us think of the Seattle Airport as a genuine place to go hang out at. Seriously, what else could you possibly need?

In fact, with these goods and services around, there's a very high chance we would not even want to board our flight at all. As long as this airport has a place where one can take a nap, we might never even want to go back home.
Ponies Have to Fly, Too
Yes, even tiny little horses have the opportunity to get on a plane every once in a while. This pony, named Apple, is an emotional support pet, which seems a little unnecessary. Sure, a lot of people like horses and ponies, but an emotional support dog or cat just seems like it would be way, way simpler in the long run.

Still, there are plenty of dogs that are bigger than Apple here, and at least it won't bark. It might whinny, but hopefully, it won't be too loud. Plus, it's very exciting for all of the other passengers, too.
When Going Through Security Is an Olympic Sport
When you watch international or even national sports events, you may wonder how athletes were able to travel with all of their equipment. Well, wonder no more… security officials at Tennessee’s Tyson airport didn’t lower the bar for security just because this passenger just happened to be a professional pole-vaulter.

Instead, they passed these long poles through the X-ray machines just like a regular piece of luggage. We can’t imagine waiting behind this person in security! We just hope this traveler was being extra pole-ite to security officials!
The Awkwardness of Bare Feet in Close Quarters
There’s no denying that flights are uncomfortable. We do what we can to make flying a little less stressful – neck pillows, ear plugs, eye masks. Still, there’s something nasty about bare feet poking out at you on a plane, even though this pair of feet look clean.

And it's not as if the person in question has their feet propped up on the back of someone's armrest or sticking out between the seats in front of them. It’s not a problem as long as your feet aren't stinking up the plane or making contact with anyone else or their belongings. Maybe just put some socks on the next time.
A Non-inclusive Elevator
This picture of an airport elevator has us annoyed for several reasons. First of all, the Braille plaque is missing from buttons 30 and 65. Are the blind not meant to go there? The only reasonable explanation for that would be if those floors are observation decks and nothing else.

The second annoying thing about it is the fact that it only goes up or down five floors at a time. This forces anyone who wants to get to a floor number that cannot be divided by 5 to climb up or down at least one flight of stairs. We will not let an elevator bully us into exercising.
Pocket-Sized Penguins
While the security officers working in most airports come across things that can go from very dangerous to very weird, they are occasionally treated to very cute surprises. Officers at San Antonio International Airport got to escort some tiny but very special passengers — two tiny penguins named Penny and Pete.

While we don’t know if they got their little penguin passports stamped, we do know that they seemed to have a better attitude than most passengers do. After all, why run to your gate when you can waddle adorably through the airport?
A Furry Flight
This flight contained at least three dogs and probably more, and on a plane that small, that can mean a lot. Hopefully, they weren't barking – especially the Great Dane, which can boom with the best of them when it wants to. How do you join this animal-filled plane?

There have been restrictions on animal cargo for a while, so this group of friends chartered a private plane to get them and their pets to the Caribbean. So, sorry, but you aren't going to be able to join these furry fliers on their next trip unless you get really lucky.
Fully Absorbing Nature
The picture below, for those of you who have never been to Hawai'i, was taken at the Kona Airport. Apparently, all the gates at this Airport are outdoors! It actually makes sense when you think about it. When in Hawai'i, one will surely want to enjoy the tropical paradise and the unique landscape for as long as possible.

Locals and tourists alike are probably pretty grateful to be able to enjoy the local nature until the very last second. Maybe it's a Hawai'ian ploy designed to make people not want to leave. If that's the case, we think it might be working.
Even on a Plane
Cats really will go anywhere and do anything they want if they think they can get away with it. This cat (whose name is Desmond, apparently) can even sleep on the headrest of a plane. Just imagine having a cat that is so comfortable flying that it's able to get up right next to the windows like that and then just fall asleep.

Some cats don't even like to be picked up! Desmond must have spent plenty of time logging flight hours to be able to fall asleep on a headrest. Quite the odd sleeping arrangement, as well.
This Bittersweet Symphony
We've got a true margarita maestro on our hands! This seasoned connoisseur knows that it's always 5 o'clock somewhere, and he's prepared to bring the party to the airport. Cheers to this guy for his portable margarita stand! But hold on a second, amigo. Is that the tequila in his hand?

You can't have a margarita without the most vital ingredient! We hope that's what he's got to mix and complete the ultimate margarita experience. So, Mr. Margarita Man, may your future endeavors involve not only the mixer but also the magical elixir that turns a mere cocktail into a legendary libation. Salud!
An Accidental Weaponry
As the Redditor who took the picture tells us, this clear box contains items that the airport has confiscated from passengers. All sorts of little trinkets that aren't allowed on a plane for one reason or another.

So let's take a closer look at what we have here; we can see a good bunch of scissors of various kinds as well as bottle openers, wrenches, and a nice assortment of other tools. But there are also some unexpected surprises such as a little matchbox at the top left corner, a dumbbell, and even some bullet clippers. Good thing the display box is bulletproof. It is bulletproof, right?
He’s a Lumberjack and He’s Okay
It took us a while to understand what we were looking at here, and while we think we have a clue, we can't really be sure. Our best guess at the moment (other than the man being a literal giant) is that he is wearing some type of JNCO jeans over a pair of stilts.

Now, as to why he is wearing that to the airport complete with a huge ax, our guess is just as good as yours. Also, is the man in the green plaid next to him part of the act? Maybe it's a Santa/elf type of situation.
Make Yourself at Home
With so many delays or long layovers, the hours spent waiting around an airport can feel like days. It's no surprise, then, that some people might just try to catch up on their beauty sleep while they wait. Usually, people will take a nap on the chairs or the floor. Very few people come as prepared as this person.

This person decided to get creative and hang a hammock between two pillars at the airport. While the idea was pretty ingenious (have you felt how uncomfortable most chairs at the airport are?), we don’t think the airport authorities were all too pleased to see this hammock in the middle of the airport!
I Can Finally Fly
Penguins are, rather famously, flightless birds. At least, that's what we all thought. It seems they've been making friends in high places if this picture indicates anything. Just think what it would be like for one of these penguins to sneak aboard a plane without any other penguins knowing, and then just lord it over them as he describes what it was like to fly.

All the other birds seemed like tiny little specks on the ground. He'd be king of the penguins. “The One Who Flew” they'd all call him, and he would rule with an iron fist... or, flipper.
Now Under CIA Interrogation
Little did this young man know that the name on his sign would catch the attention of some not-so-friendly folks in dark suits. Turns out, his buddy's name was Eddie, not Edward Snowden, the infamous whistleblower. Oops, talk about a case of mistaken identity!

We can only hope that the feds quickly realized their blunder and didn't subject poor Eddie, or our sign-holding hero, to an underground adventure that rivals a Hollywood thriller. Fingers crossed they didn't join forces with Bond and go all secret agent on them! Let's just say it was a case of airport humor gone wrong, and hopefully, our young man escaped the clutches of overzealous authorities with nothing more than a good story to tell.
Makes Any Flight Easy
The bond between man and dog can be quite strong, but this is another level. These two are cuddled up in a way that will make any dog-less person jealous, even if they aren't on a plane. However, there's a possibility that this isn't just two friends having a snuggle.

The dog is wearing a vest, which means it might be a service dog, prepared to help its friend deal with PTSD, a seizure, or even blindness at the drop of a hat. Yes, the dog is certainly comfortable, but it still looks ready to jump into action.
What Big Scissors You Have!
When you're running late to a big unveiling or ribbon-cutting ceremony, it’s easy to forget that you packed your comically oversized scissors in your carry-on! One person thought that their big scissors were no big deal — something these airport security officers obviously disagreed with.

It seems like the crowd at this grand opening may have to change their plans because these scissors are definitely not making it to their final destination. While we’re happy they found these supersized scissors, we’re just curious to know where they purchased these scissors. A clown store?
Interesting Sleeping Position
You can sleep just about anywhere if you are exhausted enough. This lady shows us exactly how it is done. This position is giving off some human ostrich vibes. Her back is going to pay for this position when she finally wakes up. She is completely folded in half! Ouch!

The airport is full of people everywhere, sleeping all the time, and I mean, why not? Airports are the biggest free hotels around. Albeit, it is actually not legal to sleep there. Who knew?
Pleased as Punch
Flying isn't fun for many people. Sure, if it's the first time you've stepped onto a plane, you're probably pretty excited to do it, but after a couple of trips, the fun has worn off. It becomes just another small space you're crammed into, in a metal tube that is hurtling miles over the ground, powered by explosions.

This pooch, however, is ready for fun and adventure. It looks like it's about to have the time of its life being so high up. Maybe it's just always that excited. So many new people to meet, so many new smells.
The man in the fetching dress and fishnets is probably the willing victim of a stag party. A stag party, for Americans who aren't in the know, is the United Kingdom version of a bachelor party. And in the past few years, it has become quite a tradition for the blushing groom to be taken on a stag party (or rather a stag journey) his friends have set up at a different location, all the while wearing women's clothing.

Some have also gone as far as obtaining a wedding dress for the groom to don as the group makes its way to its destination. At least this guy's mates opted for something form-fitting, obviously playing to their friend's strength.
Kim K
All celebrities, even Kim Kardashian, have to go through airport security — even when she has a full load, complete with her baby in hand. No one is safe from TSA! She has clearly nailed her airport style, whether it is dark shades or long leather boots, this icon is always dresses to impress when traveling.

She treats the airport as if it is her runway. Is the requirement to remove shoes totally pointless, and a reactionary measure that followed one person’s decision to hide something in a shoe? Yes. Does that make wearing shoes that take 20 minutes and a gallon of oil to remove a smart choice? No.
Hitching a Ride
Oh boy, the places that this dog has seen. His huge traveling box tells us everything we need to know. It is big enough and accessorized enough to let us know that this is not his first rodeo, nor his owners'. With her sparkly sneakers and casual demeanor, she just knows that stacking her dog on top of the luggage cart is the best and most efficient way to make her way through the airport.

You just know that this pooch is a well-traveled one. It is pretty obvious that his owner has been around and has accumulated numerous stamps on her passport. This canine may not need a passport but we bet that if he had one it would have put our passport to shame.
Good One, Dad
Don't you just love it when parents are committed to embarrassing their children? As long as their heart is in the right place and you are not on the receiving end of the embarrassment, it's just pure comedy. First dance recital? They will be sitting in the front row wearing t-shirts with your face printed on them.

You're getting married? Your dad will make sure to give the most awkward speech at the reception dinner. Your dad is picking you up from the airport? He will be doing that on his own terms, which in this case, means dressing up as Buddy the Elf and making sure everybody looks.
Ryan DogSling
It is no secret that some pets can lead a life that is fancier than most humans'. Anyone who has ever laid eyes on Paris Hilton's notoriously spoiled chihuahuas can tell you that much. While some of us work full-time jobs to make ends meet, some celebrity-owned animals are living their best life without lifting a finger.

Take Ryan Gosling's dog for example. The pooch in the picture is seen led through the parking lot of a California airport by one of the hottest men in the entertainment industry today. Sounds like a life we would be willing to trade with even for a day. We wouldn't even mind the kibble.
Personalized Luggage
No, your eyes are not deceiving you — this guy has the most unique personalized luggage ever! The luggage boasts a picture of the owner. If he had lost his luggage in the past, it is certain he never will again!

We think this is actually a great idea. And how funny! No one will walk off with your luggage or claim it is theirs when your giant face is literally printed all over it. Could be a cool gag gift too. Definitely jotting this one down for the future!
Festive Paint Jobs
ANA Airlines really has taken their airplane paint jobs to the next level. They are so detailed and unique. These airplanes were covered with Pokemons — the design was actually an advertisement for the release of Pokemon Go. It definitely caught our attention!

How many kids would have gotten so excited over these, do you think? Even we want to travel in it! We bet there were some extra rare Pokemon finds on board. The Pokeballs on the wings are a great added touch, no detail was left unnoticed.
A Glitch in The Matrix?
There are all sorts of people you can meet at an airport. Age, size, ethnicity, gender, facial hair — they're all there. It's all part of the big human soup that airports, and especially airport waiting halls, have on display. But never, not in a million years, would we have guessed that such a coincidence could happen.

This woman sitting in a chair with her open laptop has a neighbor who looks oddly familiar. Where from? Well, from the sticker she has on the laptop she is holding this very second. The beard, sunglasses, and even the headset are so accurate that it almost looks intentional.
Long Line, Eh?
Traveling is totally exhausting, especially when the lines at the airport seem to never end. We never thought of this travel hack, though. Take some time to nap while you wait — you will certainly have enough time to get a power nap in.

Checking in at the airport can be a painstakingly slow process. There are security questions to be asked, bags to be checked, and sometimes there are even those special passengers who decide to rearrange their luggage at the last minute to redistribute a couple of pounds. This process can really go on for quite a while, so if you want to get a quick cat nap in there, it's a good time to do so.
The Sign Says Please No Jokes. He Must Be Serious
Someone took the security check a little too seriously. Stripping down to his tighty whities (or rather his tighty pinkies), this guy gave whatever TSA agent who handled him a little more than they bargained for. He seems very eager to prove that he is not a threat to anyone. However, he may be achieving the opposite goal.

What makes us say that? Obviously the Speedo. Nobody wants to look at a man in a Speedo. Not even at the beach, let alone at an airport right before you are about to be sitting in a metal tube with that person for who knows how many hours.
Kanye and Kim
Back when they were still together, it seemed like Kanye and Kim never dressed independently from each other. What happened to some individual styling?

They always manage to coordinate their outfits. Kim and Kanye always do this well. But they never seem to smile. Black, black, and more black it is, with a little bit of fur thrown in for some fun. Kanye is known for being quite the moody celebrity when it comes to being photographed, we can only imagine what happened to the person on the other end of this camera.
Just Too Short
We can only imagine how many daring outfits walk in and out of airports. Sometimes you see an outfit and you think, oh, this person must be going to a costume party. Is this what this guy was doing? Well, not really. The Redditor who posted the image disclosed that this scantily-clad cowboy went to pick up his brother from the airport.

But wait, it gets better! Turns out that the brother in question is a US Marine, no less. Baby brother was in the mood for some trolling and decided to put on the ensemble that would make him stand out in the crowd in the best way possible.
How About Some Leg Room
It seems pretty crazy that we have to pay extra on most airlines to just barely fit into a seat. Is it too much to ask to be able to sit with our legs down and not completely stuck bent in half? Or hanging out the aisles?

The airlines keep changing their interiors to allow more passengers to fly per flight. It is really hurting the passengers, though. They may be making more money, but the loss of legroom sure makes us not want to fly!
Granddad Olympics
The Reddit user who posted this picture captioned it with the words "so much grandad-ness in one photo" and they couldn't be more right. Other than pulling out a butterscotch candy from a jean pocket (which one of the men in the picture could very well have done after the shot was snapped) it has everything grandad.

The beer gut, the talent to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere, and the double lens act of combining eyeglasses with a magnifying glass — it is a work of art, if you ask us, no less. 10 out of 10 in our book.
A Surprise Photoshoot
Okay, this must be the sweetest picture in our entire list. You can't tell by just looking at it but there is an adorable story behind it. As the Reddit user who took it tells us, they were at JFK, trying to take a selfie, as one does.

However, as is sometimes the case for all of us, the camera that switched on was the one facing the world rather than the one capturing the phone holder's face. The sweet cleaning lady who was on the opposite side thought that the camera was genuinely pointing at her and struck a pose. Her wide smile is priceless.
Nature Called Him Too
The person who posted this picture was at an airport bathroom stall when they heard the little tippy tapping feet of a sweet black French bulldog. Most of us would feel uneasy seeing a pair of eyes staring at us from below the door as we're using the toilet.

However, we would not mind a visit from this little pooch no matter what it is that we're doing at the moment. Think of it as being blessed by a fairy out of the blue. It has four legs and a shiny coat of fur, but it is a fairy nonetheless.
James Van Der Beek
Actor James Van Der Beek seems to be unphased by his celebrity status. He knows that he will always get stopped by adoring fans wherever he goes!

We have to wonder, who took this picture? A fan? Paparazzi? Or another TSA agent? Either way, he seems totally on board to participate in this photo op. His huge grin, despite being given a pat-down by security, has got us on board the James Van Der Beek train!
Matching Outfits
This guy was flying home for the holidays dressed like this to surprise his family. Before the Flight, he met this stranger at the airport. Needless to say, they immediately became best friends.

This is one reason to love airports; you're almost always guaranteed to see something that will brighten your day!
Emergency Phone
This Out of Service sign was found at the airport and it's so polite. Let's hope people pay attention and don't get themselves into an emergency anywhere close to this phone. Looks like somebody added the disclaimer after the fact, so there must have been some kind of misunderstanding.

If you happen to have a crisis of some kind, it looks like you'll just have to take your emergency somewhere else.
Cyberman Only Fly First Class
Even Cybermen want to have shiny shoes and we can't blame them, a small bit of dirt or dust will ruin their entire outfit and make them look much less intimidating.

Was it just their feet that got polished or all of their armor? It must be a nightmare getting them through security.
Forget Generational Stereotypes
This generation and their cell phone addiction, honestly, you can't go anywhere without seeing the baby boomers scrolling on their phones. Have you heard that Millennials suffer from terrible phone addiction?

Have you lampooned Millennials for not being able to look away from their screens? Well, it turns out they're not the worst when it comes to social media and using the phone.
Rocking Chair
Waiting for your luggage to arrive can feel like a drag; sometimes you end up waiting for hours, so this guy decided to take a seat in a rocking chair. Now, did he bring his own, or does this airport happen to have rocking chairs randomly placed around the terminals?

If we're totally honest though, it's genius, because who doesn't like sitting in a rocking chair?
Watermelon Hats
When you want to prevent aliens from reading your mind but in an eco-friendly style, forget tinfoil hats — this is how they do it now. We can't help but wonder what kind of adventure these two are about to have.

On a more serious note, they must be Saskatchewan Roughriders fans; they're known to have a proud tradition of wearing watermelon hats.
Grand Slumber Party for One
This intrepid traveler masterfully occupies not one, not two, but three seats at the airport. It's like witnessing a masterpiece of human architecture, with limbs carefully arranged to achieve the perfect equilibrium of relaxation. He’s sending a clear message to fellow travelers. His comfort knows no bounds and neither does his audaciousness.

But let’s try and give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he dozed off during a long layover. He could be sick. It really does seem like he’s been sleeping forever. Having said that, it might be a good idea to check if the man’s still breathing!
Knitting Club
This is one professional group of grandmas if there ever was one. Making the best use of their waiting time at the airport, these ladies whipped out their balls of yarn and knitting needles and went to work. We have no idea what products they are working on but we bet they will be masterfully crafted.

There is nothing in the world that gives a better sense of having one's life together than being a bespectacled lady over a certain age with a carefully coiffed 'do peacefully manipulating thread to her own will. We would love to join their knitting club.
It's Corn!
The first thing that came to our minds when we saw this corn airplane was the ubiquitous corn song from "Recess Therapy." For those of you who aren't in the know, "Recess Therapy" is the sweetest, most wholesome web series in the world (in our humble opinion).

Featuring live interviews with playground kids between the ages of two and nine, one interview featuring a little kid named Tariq went viral when little Tariq, who was eating corn on the cob sang the corn's praise and was remixed into an actual song. Now everyone traveling through this Atlanta Airport will think of the adorable Tariq when looking at this corntastic airplane.
Lost Claws
While we’ve seen our fair share of interesting souvenirs, this one is pretty unique. This traveler wasn’t in a shellfish mood when they decided to bring a taste of New England to their friends and family by trying to put a massive lobster in their checked baggage.

Naturally, this spiny souvenir set off a few alarm bells for security officials. While lobsters are apparently allowed to travel, this person must have been in quite the pinch if they decided to simply throw this crustacean in and hope for the best. Hopefully, he was returned to the ocean.
Spread Your Wings and Fly Commercial
Most security officers working at major airports typically see the same sort of things on a daily basis, which means seeing something like a real bald eagle is probably very exciting. Passengers and security officers got to get up close and personal with the symbol of our country, a bald eagle named Clark.

Clark, who lives at the World Bird Sanctuary, put on quite the show for the officers, even spreading his wings. We’re sure those wings were happy to take a bit of a break and let someone else do the flying.
A Cyborg?
Here are a few things that ran through our minds when we tried to figure out what kind of contraption this man has on his head: At first we thought it was some fancy new VR helmet. Next, our minds when the direction of a slide projector. After that, we thought about some reimagined version of a futuristic Mad Max on his way to Burning Man.

We could have kept speculating but then we went searching through the Reddit comments on this post and learned that apparently, it's some sort of an air filtration system. Just let the man breathe, will you?
The Traveler
This is definitely a double-take moment. All the passengers walking by this sleepy dude thought it was an actual man trying to get some rest. We thought the same thing and then we read the caption.

Found at an Orlando airport, this is actually an art installation called "The Traveler" that was created by a most talented artist named Duane Hanson which we will definitely hear more about in the future. Every single creative choice made here is just so spot on. From the sportswear to the luggage to the slightly beat-up sneakers, this work of art is a masterpiece.
Wheeling Around
It is the biggest American cliche for a hard-working person to want to eventually retire and move to Florida. But we have to say it doesn't sound that bad. It must be the warm climate and the already substantial community of retirees. This picture from the Fort Myers, Florida airport seems like a pretty sweet documentation of what senior citizens can do in the Sunshine State.

They can meet a bunch of new friends and no matter their mobility, they can go on nice trips together. Now our only question is why do they need those big red sticks poking out of their wheelchairs? These are too reminiscent of flagpoles on bumper cars, and lord knows wheelchairs are definitely no bumper cars.
The Class-Clown
Mr. Suit-and-Sign has definitely decided to make a bold statement! "Loose women" it is, huh? Talk about a sign that screams "Adventures in Misinterpretation!" It's like he's playing a risky game of airport sign roulette. Maybe he's trying to start a social experiment or simply embracing his inner Casanova. Oh, dear.

It seems subtlety wasn't his strong suit when crafting that sign. It's a classic case of foot-in-mouth syndrome, sign edition. Well, dude, you've officially made your intentions known. Let's just hope you attract more laughs than lawsuits and find a sense of humor to go along with your misplaced signage.
He Bear-ly Fits in a Seat!
Travelers must have been surprised to see this oversized bear in one of the waiting areas. But before you assume he missed his flight, or the TSA confiscated his jar of honey, the story behind this bear is even stranger.

A popular YouTuber (yes, that’s actually their job!) decided to use this bear as a stunt, but when security officials suggested that they check the bear, the bear’s owners were suddenly nowhere to be found. No word on whether or not the bear is currently living in the woods outside of the airport.
Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous
Looking at the Reddit comments on this picture it seems like this fabulous man has been known as quite a traveler. Sure, this was the first time we ever saw him (and we sure would have remembered a white-haired man dressed in a skin-tight Barbie pink costume that is more commonly seen on drag queens or women who work for a very specific industry) but that's just us.

It seems that people all over the US have seen him at different airports always dressed to the nines in something bold, skimpy, and unexpected. In all honesty, we just want the man to be comfortable so maybe loosen the corset a little?
Shoes on a Plane
Social norms? What social norms? This person decided they could air out their shoes on a flight whenever they wanted to. A maverick traveler who wants to keep their feet feeling breezy and carefree. One can almost smell the stink as the air circulating around this unconventional foot exhibition — as if stale airplane smells weren’t bad enough.

Where are those oxygen masks when you need them? We've all been there — trapped in a metal tube soaring through the sky, desperately seeking any form of comfort during a long flight. But some individuals take airplane comfort to astonishing new heights, or in this case, lows.
We Need a New Copilot
Steward, please take him to the bathroom – he needs a drink. This well-dressed dog got to look at this plane's cockpit after being so well-behaved during the flight. This probably means that the dog's owner also got to take a look at the cockpit, though it would have been pretty funny to invite the well-mannered dog up to the front but not let the owner join it.

And look at that, he's even dressed up for the occasion in a little doggy suit and tie. More people need to dress up for their time on the plane.
Man’s Best Friend Also Loves to Fly
For many people, a dog is more than just a pet — for some, they’re their best friend, assistant, therapist, and even eyes! Knowing this, it’s no surprise that people would want to take their pet dogs with them, even when they travel.

This owner decided to buy an interesting dog-friendly backpack for when his dog gets tired of running from airport gate to gate — and we’re sure they got plenty of stares (how adorable this pup looks in his doggy backpack). We wonder if this fluffy guy is flying first class. We sure hope so!
Dropping the Vegan Diet?
Coming in hot from the Pearson International Airport of Toronto, we proudly present to you this toilet bowl full of vegetables. Actually, we can't really say we present it proudly. We doubt that anyone who was involved in the happenings that led to this picture is proud of it.

What compelled a person to dump a bunch of baby carrots, potatoes, and maybe cauliflower (if that's what we think it is), into this porcelain throne we will never know. And quite frankly, maybe that's for the best. We don't think it's the kind of story that would make anyone look good.
No Autopilot on the Ground
Autopilot gets a whole new meaning when you look at this picture. This pilot, or rather a man dressed as a pilot, thought he might have some fun at the expense of unsuspecting passengers at the airport.

We hope this was an April Fool's Day prank and not just any random day prank. After all, airports and airplanes are littered with people who have to put their trust in the hands of another human being to get them to safety while flying a metal bird in the sky. Seeing that human sporting dark glasses and a walking stick is not very comforting.
It's Bigger on the Inside
Obviously, this tiny Fiat 500 can't really hold the luggage that a commercial flight can, but you have to admit that it's a pretty clever marketing technique. We bet that the passengers waiting at this conveyor belt for their bags to show had a nice time seeing the vehicle that rolled them out.

No matter how big the trunk of your car is, we are certain that this one is bigger. This one will never run out of space when you go grocery shopping and will easily hold all of your camping gear the next time you venture with your family into the great outdoors.
TSA Romance
Hey man, this isn't the 1800s. If you enjoy the company of your own sex it is nothing to be ashamed of. And if you don't enjoy the company of your own sex then you don't have to make a big deal out of it. And by making a big deal out of it we mean wearing this t-shirt to the airport.

Just show up on time, make sure that your carry-on doesn't contain any liquids, and do whatever TSA asks you to do. Trust us, patting down strangers for hours on end is no treat either. Just like any other job, it's just another task that needs to be completed.
Roulette Baggage Claim
If you think the normal logistics of retrieving your bag from the baggage claim madness is not too much of a challenge, take your chances with a little game of baggage claim roulette.

Take this unique advertising technique for example. Too often, it can all feel like roulette when you go wait for your luggage after a long flight. This advertising campaign is sure to bring a smile to weary travelers, but what happens when more than one bag falls on the same slot on the carousel? Who gets the luggage? Will there be an airport brawl? We think they just may have something here.
Plane Pull
As intriguing as it was to see a huge group of small people tugging an airplane, we had to do some digging to see what in the world was actually going on here. Google actually proves that a Plane Pull is actually a thing.

This picture is from August 2017 and features a team of athletes from the University of Southern California competing in the Special Olympics. This group of determined youngsters is doing its best to pull a full-on plane through a distance of 12 ft. Also, different airlines and airports hold their own plane pulls as fundraisers. Who would have thought?
No Make-Out Sessions
Sometimes, when we drop off a loved one at the airport, we know we won’t be seeing them again for quite a while. Those are the hardest goodbyes to say because we know that we’ll be missing out on some important moments.

You hug your loved one and try to draw out that moment just a bit longer – but you’re limited to precisely three minutes at one airport in particular – the Aalborg Airport in Denmark. The Aalborg Airport has a designated Kiss & Goodbye zone, where loved ones can park for a short time, to say goodbye to the person traveling. But only for three minutes.
Cool Ad Placement
We just HAD to learn more about this cool way to roll up to the airport! And we did... It turns out, Adidas, as part of their big build-up to the FIFA 2006 World Cup, decided to literally launch players into the public with their +10 Impossible Team campaign.

TBWA had launched a huge outdoor campaign on the road to and from the Munich airport, boldly featuring German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn diving in to make a save. The imagery is mounted on a bridge across the motorway, which also happens to be breaking Germany’s laws, which ban such advertising on the autobahn.
Poor Fergie! She encountered some trouble while going through security at the airport. They made the singer go past multiple security points and get a pat-down. Fergie sure looked MAD — I mean, wouldn’t you be too, if you were Fergie? I mean jeez.

Celebrities are celebrities for a reason, it’s not like they’re going to hijack the plane and hold all of the passengers of the plane for ransom. Celebrities just don’t do those sorts of things; they should be held to different standards and rules, obviously. I mean, could you imagine: Fergie the Terrorist? What the hell, TSA?
Mr. Pink
It is hard not to like his outfit, especially when you take a peek at that statement bag. WOW. Is he going to New York Fashion Week? Is he a celebrity going incognito? You probably should not take fashion advice from this pink fanatic, unless you want to show up somewhere looking like a huge piece of bubblegum.

I think it is safe to say that this is the way to go if you want to be absolutely certain that no one talks to you at the airport, or while on the plane. I think this guy is a genius. It is all a ruse so no one talks to him! Be anti-social, but do it in style!
Bears on the Runway
Welcome to Alaska! Onlookers were freaking out when they saw this polar bear on the runway at an airport in Alaska. It’s not uncommon for airports to have issues dealing with bird strikes, but issues like this one in icy Alaska are a bit rarer. Just look at what's going on here...

This polar bear somehow found his way onto a runway at Utqiagvik. Airport personnel are not authorized to haze or chase the protected marine mammals. Security at the airport said they were happy the bears ran toward a snow dump rather than airport buildings or equipment, where they could have been a danger to people outside vehicles.
Airport Nap
Sleeping in airports can be dangerous or illegal, but spending overnight in the airport is a cheap travel choice some people make. That is not to say that it is comfortable by any means. This is not a night at the Ritz. In fact, I can’t really imagine a worse place to sleep.

This cuddly duo, for whatever reason, decided to cozy up and sleep right here on this bench. I wonder how many minutes of shut-eye they actually clocked while using each other as human headrests!
Airports can be a strange place at times — and if you’re looking for a good laugh, you’ll be sure to find one. Like this guy, for instance. This guy turns an uncomfortable situation into something he can use — an ordinary airport chair into a fancy footrest.

Using his backpack as a pillow seems quite uncomfortable, though. We wonder why he chose that as his main source of comfort for this cat-nap. A rolled-up sweatshirt could have been a slightly better option, no? Either way, mad props to this guy for absolutely not caring what anyone thinks, and here’s hoping he doesn’t have a stiff neck when he wakes up!
Making Chairs Into a Bed
I’m parking right here for the night! When you are tired and you have to catch long-haul connection flights, there is absolutely nothing worse than not having a warm, cozy bed to snuggle up in and sleep off your jet lag while you wait for the next leg of your journey.

But there’s always one solution as a last resort, you can create a makeshift bed out of airport furniture. While sleeping in the airport is actually not legal, this tired traveler found a way to get a little bit of shuteye. Major props to her!
Sleepy Time
An airport is a place where you can find a number of people sleeping just about everywhere, and I mean, why not? Take this lady, for instance... This lady is out cold in this wooden chair. It sure does not look comfortable, but it does not seem like she cares one bit.

She has kicked off her shoes and put her feet up, literally. You have to wonder what made her feel so at home in this little airport chair. Maybe she has one just like it at home. Maybe she is just flat-out tired. Either way, you go girl!
Is She Dead or Dead Asleep?
She should have probably realized that she should sleep near other travelers. This is how airport security makes sure they are actual travelers and not just homeless people – it is sometimes hard to tell in certain airports. What's a little bit more worrying, though, is this lady seems to be too peaceful...

Is she simply exhausted? While travelers sleeping in airports are generally pretty safe, there have been a few unwanted touches and missing gadgets! So, whether you're playing dead or dead asleep, be smart and be safe!
Superstar Singers
If you think you have a hard time walking through a crowded airport, just imagine how hard it is for the less anonymous among us. Celebrities have to deal with selfie requests, gasping fans, and paparazzi.

In this day and age, there is really no way to avoid flying if you are going to be traveling often. Even Beyonce and Taylor Swift have to fly. You probably won’t see them standing in line to board the plane, however, since they have special VIP waiting areas for the rich and famous!
The woman pictured here looks far from someone you would judge poorly at the airport. Her skintight dress and Chanel bag, paired with her photoshoot-ready hair and makeup, make it look like she is actually about to jump into a photo shoot or movie set, rather than take a rest in the airport.

Looks like she is using the airport runway a little too literally. Fashion Week bound? Maybe!
Just Trying to Get Some Shut-eye
Airports are kind of like casinos in the sense that you can never tell what time it is. It is somehow both simultaneously way too late and way too early, which is why if you take a look around you you are highly likely to find at least one person sleeping in an ungodly position on the floor, in a chair, or even just curled up around their luggage by the bathroom.

This red-velvet-clad group of senior citizens is actually a pretty standard part of the local view. We do wonder, though, where they all got those matching scarlet blankets.
After a long flight, the last thing you want to do is wait in line for an overpriced taxi for hours. Some lucky people get the privilege of getting picked up by a car service. We admit, we always check out those name signs to see if one is waiting for us.

But this sign, we're not sure if that should be public information, dude... Who wants the world to know they just came back from rehab? Maybe Amy Winehouse, but definitely not us!
Where Is GI Joe Going?
This little soldier figurine was found at an airport counter by someone with a very keen eye. We can only assume it was also put there by someone with both a very keen eye and a very subtle sense of humor.

The TSA agent (presumably) in the background seems pretty unaware of the fact that there is a teeny tiny plastic man dressed in combat gear and holding a shotgun just a few feet away. She's either oblivious to him or just so used to the security arrangements changing all the time, so upon seeing the tiny plastic soldier she just figured it's a new safety protocol and went about her day.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
I guess it makes sense that stars have to pass through security at airports. It is all for safety. We have to admit though, that it is seriously impressive that they travel in style and stay camera-ready even during mundane tasks like going through airport security! Jennifer Love Hewitt keeps her cool and looks effortlessly chic!

While you may spot a celebrity or two making their way through security, you probably won’t see them standing in line like the rest of us. Most major airports have VIP waiting areas for famous celebrities!
Rudolph Must Be on Vacation
This dandy Santa Claus was spotted at Heathrow Airport in London and we bet it really burst some bubbles for any traveling children around. They were forced to face the hard truth that Santa (who obviously exists, he's right there) doesn't take the sled or the reindeer when he goes on his annual trip around the world handing out presents.

It seems that the white-bearded jolly good fellow is forced to handle the trials and tribulations of commercial air travel just like the rest of us. Maybe it's not as magical as flying deer but you have to admit that sometimes boarding a plane on time and with no unexpected airport troubles is pretty magical as well.
Roller Bag
I wonder if there were no taxis around to help this poor traveler get to the airport in time. This poor guy on the back of a bike better hope his little suitcase makes it to the airport in one piece!

This is believed to be the fastest a roller bag has ever rolled. Usually, we leave it to baggage claim to ruin your luggage, but man, this guy takes the cake!
Black on Red
Coming to us from the Tel Aviv airport, this picture is priceless. A couple of Hasidic Jews are waiting in one line or another (we all know there are just way too many of them at an airport) not suspecting that the railing they're leaning up against has some pretty provocative ads displayed underneath it.

We wonder if they were ever tipped off about their precarious position. Fully bearded and dressed in pretty fancy suits, we are quite certain that they have never imagined that they would star in this half-and-half ensemble of serious black and flirty red. Not to mention the feather boa!
Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp always travels in style, and his accessories play a big part in that. However, his trip to Australia with his now ex-wife Amber Heard truly was an airport fail...

They tried to illegally bring their dogs on their private plane into one of the strictest countries in the world. They got a big kick in the down under and were told to get the heck out and turn their plane around.
Future Heartbreaker
Kids' fashion is usually pretty inconsequential. Sure, you notice a cute outfit here and there, but most kids aren’t out here walking the runway on a daily basis. But this kid’s outfit changes that assumption because it’s all too perfect. This adorable little boy is wearing a shirt that reads, “Sorry girls, I only date models.”

If the woman next to him looks a lot like a model, it’s because she is. This boy and his mom ran into Victoria’s Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whitely at the airport. What are the chances? Of course, they had to snap a photo because the shirt choice was too perfect to ignore. Hanging out with models in a first-class airport lounge sounds like a life highlight for anyone, much less a toddler.
Piggyback Watchers
There is so much waiting going on at an airport. We are usually instructed to get to the airport about 3 hours before our plane is supposed to leave. But the sad truth is that those who follow this rule just end up having a lot of time to kill at the airport. Sure, there are all the TSA procedures and check-ins to do, but even after completing all of this, you might still have to face some waiting time of an hour or more.

While the bespectacled man at the forefront was able to prepare in advance and download a movie to watch on his laptop as he waited, we can't say the same about the kids in the background. Probably bored out of their minds, they were caught piggyback watching "The Avengers" alongside this unexpected benefactor.
Trolly Dad
For some reason, we all tend to think the past was a lot better than the present. We keep imagining the individuals of the past had fewer problems. But, this black and white holiday photo from the late 70s or the early 80s proves otherwise.

Kids were still kids, parents were still parents, and making your way through the airport when your little ones (and you) were tired of traveling was still a pretty daunting experience. Just like us today, this dad had to carry not only his suitcase and bags but also his three tired children. Nothing has changed.
Giant BMW
This ad was spotted at the airport in Hamburg, Germany. It boasts a huge, larger-than-life BMW.

Picture yourself just casually walking through the airport, getting ready for your flight, and being faced by a huge BMW grill. It can certainly cause you to want a brand-new car. I’m sure many people stopped to touch and feel this enormous sign. It’s extremely captivating, well done BMW!
Paris Hilton
No one was getting past these TSA agents, not even one of the most famous blonde superstars, Paris Hilton! She manages to look good and camera-ready even while going through security. Impressive.

It surely is a hassle going through airport security like that, so we applaud her on her ability to keep cool and look cool while making her way to the gate. Good job, Paris!
Airport Aerobics
While you are waiting for your flight, why not be productive and get fit?! Take part in airport aerobics with these girls. Staying in one place for too long isn’t good for you — you need to get up and get your blood pumping. It is also a good way to pass the time while you are waiting for a flight.

These girls took it to a whole new level, practicing some yoga poses at the airport hall. They must have had a ton of time to kill. Would you take an airport aerobics class?
Mr. Vader
We can’t quite tell if this was a genius marketing idea or just some super-fans who were extra excited for the Star Wars film to come out!

These storm-troopers were spotted waiting around the Denver International Airport around the same time the Star Wars movie was about to premiere. Super-fans or not, this idea definitely did not go unnoticed and brought some chatter and excitement about the new film.
No Durians
The durian is a unique and exotic fruit that smells awful. In airports all over the world, the exotic durian is actually illegal to bring on to your flight, since the odor would be extremely unpleasant in a small space.

Do not feel bad for the stinky durian though, in some places you cannot bring fruit or produce of any kind on your flight when leaving certain destinations. We have to admit, we are interested in trying this little guy. Just not in a confined airplane, don’t worry.
Kids Love Traveling
These parents have come up with a genius idea, and have completely changed traveling with kids. This is a brilliant idea for when your kid is too tired to move. Even better — it will even prevent them from getting lost. All aboard.

We sure wouldn’t mind being wheeled around like that, does that mean that we need to start having a tantrum? I mean come on, would you want to carry this kid all over the airport? While airport exercise is crucial, carrying such a heavy load would be a lot to handle.
Sushi Luggage Wrap
This baggage claim in Japan resembles a fancy restaurant, but do not be fooled. These travelers made their suitcases extra unique by getting covers that looked like sushi rolls.

Sounds like a smart move. How many times have you grabbed a piece of luggage only to realize it is not yours? People tie ribbons and put stickers on their bags to differentiate them, but this seems like way more fun. These would also make a cool gift, don’t you think?
Happy Camper
Having to carry around your camping gear can be a hassle. It's usually pretty heavy and cumbersome no matter how fancy or well-suited your backpack is. And don't even get us started on tents. However, this picture shows what is probably the only situation in which having a tent somewhere that is not a campsite can actually be useful.

In fact, the tent owner could be on to something. In case you need to spend the night at an airport, like a long layover, or for whatever reason, carrying a small tent with you could be the way to make sure you have privacy and a small space to snooze in without spending a dime.
A Blushing Bride
Bachelor parties and bachelorette parties have completely different vibes. While the ladies tend to center the bride's party around themes such as unity, love, and empowerment, the men would have a different idea of celebrating a friend's last night as an unmarried man.

That idea would go in one of three directions: Minimally clothed women, friendly gambling, or (and we're assuming this is what we're looking at here) going to great lengths to embarrass the husband to be as much as possible. Yes, even if it means getting him to walk around a London airport dressed in a wedding dress.
Gaga Airport Fashion
Lady Gaga, the eccentric fashionista actress and singer, takes airport fashion to a whole new level. She is taking the term ‘runway’ a little too seriously here. These looks seem to be right off a fashion runway — not an airport!

While most of us probably want to be comfy at the airport, Lady Gaga wants to stand out, and that is totally OK by us. Think of all the people she is entertaining. People-watching material at its finest!
No one is safe when it comes to airport security and strict TSA. Not even one of the world's biggest celebrities, Rihanna! Looks like she gets screened too, and she sure does not seem happy about it.

Although celebs do need to clear security, they get VIP treatment for boarding, so your chances of spotting them are pretty slim.