Reddit user sentientmeatpopsicle (that’s quite the username) is proof there are still good people in the world. After their real estate agent asked them to keep an eye out for that special ring, they really took it to heart.

Their constituency and persistence really did pay off when, after cleaning they finally found the ring — or maybe the ring found them? Either way, what a remarkable and important find and one that the previous owners must certainly be forever grateful for.
Her Call in Life
Ellen lived in Westernport, Maryland, and had been working in the local hospital for more than 40 years. Every morning, she woke up to help others and share her knowledge and the gifts and talents she had. She loved her job, and the people she worked with loved her. Ellen was a significant part of her department in the hospital.

Everyone knew who she was, and she couldn't see herself doing anything else. Her home was a walking distance from there, and being able to go to work without commenting was a privilege. Besides her day-to-day job, Ellen was also a huge lover of music.
A Musician at Heart
Ellen loved playing the piano and enjoyed listening to piano recitals on the radio. When she was a little girl, her biggest dream was to become a famous pianist. She wanted to fill the world with the music she loved and pictured herself traveling and playing with other famous musicians.

Although music never became her profession, throughout her life, she continued to play the instrument and fill her day with pleasant tunes. Growing up, she would visit her aunt, Nora, quite often, who had a piano in her home. Nora's piano was big, old, remarkably beautiful, and delivered beautiful sounds.
Aunt Nora
Ellen closed her eyes, and she could see herself as a little girl, staring at the piano and drifting off to other lands. Nora, her aunt, knew that her little niece desperately wanted to know how to play the beautiful musical instrument, however, she wouldn't allow her to touch it.

This piano was there only to look at, and no one was allowed to touch it. This rule was not to be broken, and although Ellen was aware of this, she still tried to manipulate Nora into letting her play. Until Nora's last days, the piano was put out of reach.
Personal Things Go a Long Way
In 1969, Nora sadly passed away. Ellen was still just a young girl and was devastated by her loss. The two were very close, and Ellen considered Nora to be her second mother. Most of Nora's personal belongings were kept and stored as they found it very hard to separate from all the things that reminded them of her.

Ellen secretly hoped the piano would be passed down to her, however, she was not in such luck. Other close family members decided to keep the piano close, as it was kept in the family for so many years, and they wanted to keep it that way. Still, no one was aware of the great secret it was hiding.
Time to Say Goodbye
Thirty years later, things were going to change. The family finally decided it was time to say goodbye to most of Nora's estate and decided to have a sale. It was time to clear out everything, clean the dust from all the personal items, and move on with life.

This was not an easy task as Nora was one who collected things, and she always found it hard to throw things away. She had hundreds of books, clothes, kitchenware, and loads of souvenirs she had collected for so many years. And then, there was, of course, the beloved piano Nora was fascinated about.
She Wanted the Piano
Ellen believed this was finally her big chance to win the grand piano. She decided she was willing to buy it from the estate no matter what it cost. This was a beautiful vintage piano that had been in Nora and Ellen's family for years. It was old and not doing much but collecting dust, and she felt it deserved a better home.

Ellen knew that Nora would have wanted someone to use her piano to create wonderful pieces of music for others to enjoy and appreciate. Pianos were expensive, and what could be more wonderful than having one in your house? It was classic, it had character, and surprisingly, it was worth much more than Ellen could ever imagine.
All in the Family
Ellen's family was thrilled by the idea that the piano was going to stay in the family. They were so happy when Ellen suggested she buy the instrument, and they couldn't think of a more suitable place for it, as Ellen was a member of the family and not just a stranger off the street; she only paid $25 to make it her own.

Little did they know that this $25 was going to go a very long way and was only the first step towards all of their lives changing dramatically. Ellen pledged to take care of the piano, regardless of what it was worth, and she couldn't wait to get it into her home.
Something Was Wrong
After delivering the old piano to Ellen's house, it was so dusty that she had to give it a good clean. She had been waiting to play it for so long, as Aunt Nora never allowed her to. What she was about to discover was going to be a life changer for everyone.

Ellen was thrilled to have her favorite aunt's piano and couldn't wait to position it in her living room and play her favorite pieces. Ellen sat down, and just as she was about to play, she felt something was not quite right. The pedals were stiff, and the sounds were not in tune.
A Friend in Hand
The last thing Ellen wanted was to find out if the piano was broken or out of use. She could see her dream shatter into pieces and, for a minute, felt frustrated that all of the hard work bringing the piano to her home was going to go down the drain.

She convinced herself that all the piano needed was a little cleaning and tuning and that she would be able to play it in no time. She called a friend who knew about pianos to try to help her fix the instrument. The first thing Ellen's friend did was treat the pedals. Indeed they were a little stiff and out of place, however, he believed that there was more to it.
There Was Something in the Way
Then, Ellen's friend saw something underneath the piano, which assumably was stopping one of the pedals from moving. It was an odd shape and, for sure, was not part of the musical instrument. He stretched his arms as far as he could, aiming to release whatever was stuck there and blocking the pedal of the piano.

He discovered it to be a big wad of paper. Unknowing what these papers were, he had to work very carefully to remove them, as he didn't want them to rip or tear. After a few minutes of good pulling, they discovered a deck of cards.
Ellen and her friends couldn't believe what they had just discovered. They were holding what seemed to be a collection of old vintage baseball cards that had been blocking the piano's pedals. This deck of cards was not a modest one, and together, they counted more than 100 pieces.

This was astonishing. Like discovering a long-lost treasure that people gave up on finding it many years ago. Why would anyone hide baseball cards in a piano? Ellen asked herself. After a few minutes of taking in what they had just discovered, Ellen and her friend began looking at the cards, one by one.
Baseball Mania
There were many cards to look at; some featured well-known sportsmen, and some were just random baseball players, but then Ellen came across a card that made her stop. She knew she had already seen that face before, and after a few minutes, the dime dropped.

It was a card of one of the most famous players of all time; in the entire history of baseball, it was a card of Babe Ruth. She didn't have to be a huge baseball fan to understand what she had just found. Ellen believed this card was rare and unusual, however, she still didn't know the value she was holding in her hands.
The M101-4
For those who are familiar with baseball cards, you will know what we are talking about when we mention the M101-4 card series. These cards date back to 1916 and are considered the most valuable cards to collectors. The M101-4 series brought a change to the baseball card world, as until then, lithographs were used to create the card.

However, the M101-4 series was released, and it introduced real photographs for the first time. It changed everything about the cards, from the way they looked to how much money they were worth. The cards were suddenly full of life, and everyone wanted to get their hands on them.
Babe Ruth
Out of all the M101-4 series, the Babe Ruth was the most valuable one. The card Ellen was holding featured a very young Ruth, and even though she was no baseball expert, she had a feeling she was holding something very rare.

This was Babe Ruth before his prime, and there was no mention of him being a hitter, which he was later famously known for. Ellen assumed the photo of Ruth went back to 1941 and featured the player when he was part of the Boston Red Sox. Back then, Babe Ruth was still a pitcher, making this card definitely one-of-a-kind.
Did Nora Know?
Ellen couldn't stop asking herself if her aunt Nora knew about the cards. She never really played the piano, so maybe they never came in her way. So, if Nora was not a big baseball fan or a piano player, the odds are she never knew of their existence. She eagerly wanted to know the card's previous owners, and she had two speculations. The cards could have been from either her father, Charles, or her uncle, Robert.

She could easily visualize them as two young boys playing with the cards for hours. Because of the fear of their mother, Ellen's grandmother, throwing the cards into the trash, they probably hid them out of sight.
She Put Them Out of Sight
Ellen didn't want to keep the cards lying about in her home as she knew they were so valuable. On the other hand, she didn't want to sell them because she knew how sentimental they must be to her family. Ellen went to her bank and opened a new safety deposit box where she placed the card. She felt the cards were secured and that she was honoring her family.

The cards remained in the bank for years, and Ellen almost forgot all about them until one day, she decided it was time to sort out her will and estate. It is not easy talking about the day after, however, she knew that arranging where her belongings would be moved to before she passed away was the right thing to do.
It Was Time to Make a Change
Now, not only was Ellen dealing with her personal belongings, but one of her siblings was dealing with a severe health situation. This made Ellen even more anxious to complete her will as soon as possible and not leave things for the last minute. It was now time to make the call, but she had been postponing it for such a long time.

Ellen felt it was time to sell the card collection. She had no idea how much they were worth, however, she believed they were not increasing in value just by being closed in a safe. Soon enough, Ellen was about to discover how wrong she was.
They Were Worth a Lot of Money
As Ellen couldn't deal with auctioning the card all by herself, she hired someone to do this for her. Ellen planned ahead and did a lot of research before making any decisions. She knew she wanted to get the best price possible for the cards.

In one interview Ellen gave "Sports Collectors Daily," Ellen said that several dealers approached her, and she was offered even $40,000 for the collection. Ellen was still unsure what to do. She was positive the cards were worth more as she had done her homework and understood that M101-4 are not cards you come across every day.
He Was Going to Sort Things Out
Jerry Waybright was Ellen's very close friend. He heard about the cards Ellen was keeping in the safe and often spoke to her about them. He was a huge baseball fan and constantly found himself thinking about the cards. Ellen trusted Jerry and knew he would be the best person to consult and eventually make the right decision.

Jerry said to Ellen, “I want to see those cards appraised before I die,” however, in the fall of 2017, he passed away, not living to discover the card's true value. Ellen was upset and disappointed, not knowing that there were more surprises on the way that would lead her to the right path she had to take.
More Help on the Way
The next person to come to Ellen about the baseball cards was Larry Waybright, Jerry's brother. The love for baseball probably ran in the Waybright family, as Larry was a huge baseball fan, too. He wanted to help Ellen and decided to be the middleman for the sale and try to get the best price he could for the rare card collection.

He was no stranger to the baseball card industry and knew many people who could help, too. Ellen trusted Larry and hoped the card would be appraised for as much as she expected. There was still a long way to go.
Auction Time
Larry contacted Goodwin Auctions, which was a respected company, and they offered to get 20 cards graded, which meant estimating the value of each card by using a specific estimation system approved by the baseball industry. The man responsible for this grading process was Andy Broome.

Broome was in no hurry, so he took his time and carefully estimated each card, one by one. He was thrilled by the cards, and these were unique and not something you could come across every day. The more he analyzed the cards, the more excited he became until he discovered one big problem.
The Mark Was on the Wall
All of the cards, with no exception, had a mark running down the middle. It was probably caused by something heavy that was placed on them for a very long time. He explained that if it wasn't for that mark, it would have been worth a fortune. Ellen was disappointed by the news, however, she was not all that surprised.

Ellen knew that the mark on the cards was caused by the heavy piano pedal they had been under for so many years. There was nothing much to do and Ellen convinced herself that she would take whatever she was given for the cards, however, there was one specific card she knew she wasn't going to compromise on. Babe Ruth.
2.5 Points
All of the cards complied with the Beckett Grading Scale standard. Any score over 9.5 was considered a 'Gold label.' The highest grade was obviously a ten, and Ellen was impatient to discover what score her Babe Ruth was going to get. To Ellen's surprise, the precious Ruth card only scored a low 2.5 points.

She had no idea what that meant, however, she was hoping the $40,000 she refused to accept wouldn't turn out into a big mistake. All she could do was hope that the value of the Babe Ruth was higher than what she was offered, or else, she couldn't see the card being sold at all.
It Was Worth More Than She Imagined
Ellen was now on her way to meet a representative of the Beckett Baseball Institute who was ready to evaluate the Babe Ruth card. To Ellen's relief, he said she could get between $60,000 and $75,000. Ellen's instinct was right when she turned down the $40,000 offer, and she was over the moon.

She hoped she could get the higher price for the estimation and knew it was going to be a good and interesting auction. In 2019, the card was put up for sale, but it turned out that the Beckett was not quite right. Ellen was in for the shock of her life.
The Golden Card
Ellen's Babe Ruth baseball card was sold for just a little over $130,000. An astonishing amount of money for any baseball card up for sale. The rest of Ellen's cards had to be sold together as one collection. Their condition wasn't perfect and Ellen had to compromise on the price she was asking for them.

She was able to sell them for just over $4000, and she was happy just for the mere fact she was able to get rid of them. A small investment of $25 when Ellen paid for the piano earned her an astonishing $130,000 in return, making her a very happy woman.
Put It Behind Her
Ellen couldn't stop thinking about her father and uncle, who must have spent hours as children playing with these cards, not knowing that one day they would be worth a fortune and even change the quality of life for many people. Ellen believed she could now leave this chapter behind her and continue her life, however, there was more news to come.

Not long after Ellen auctioned her Babe Ruth card, another Babe Ruth baseball card was up for sale. It was now 2021, and, to be honest, Ellen was content and satisfied with what she had earned and wasn't looking for any new adventures concerning the cards. Things were not going to go according to her plans.
There Was More From Where That Came From
The other Babe Ruth ard that was now auctioned was published by The Goudey Gum Company in 1933. The card must have been in a much better condition than hers and might have still had the piece of gum it originally came with, as it was sold for $4.2 million. When this big news came to Ellen's ears, she had to find out more about this precious (and expensive) card.

It turns out that it was one of a kind. It was given the highest rating by the Professional Sports Authenticator, and Ellen realized that what she had found underneath her beloved aunt's piano was nothing in comparison to what other people were holding. There were cards scattered around the country, worth millions without people even knowing about it.
If Only...
“If only those cards had been hidden safely, they would have been in perfect condition,” Ellen thought to herself. She began reading all about baseball card collectors and then found some very interesting information. Apparently, only two cards in card history were sold for more than what her Babe Ruth was auctioned for.

The Mickey Mantle card from 1952 was sold in 2021 for $5.2 million, and the Honus Wagner card, also sold in 2021, was sold for $6.6 million. The Wagner card was printed in 1911, which made it especially unique and very rare. We can count on one hand the number of cards from that decade known to still be around.
What to Do With the Money?
Although she didn't make a million, the $130,000 she did make, for sure made a big difference in her life. She wanted to plan carefully and wisely and wanted to make sure the money she made was used for a good cause. She first thought about selling her house and moving closer to her siblings.

They would all enjoy each other's company and they were all getting old and didn't want to age alone. Then, she thought of staying where she was, retiring, and enjoying the money until her last days. The baseball card money earned her more than enough to live a comfortable and plentiful life.
Brand New Wheels
Another thing Ellen had to do was replace the car she was driving with a new one. Her old Subaro, which she inherited from her brother, was already too old to rely on. She needed to get a car she could trust. In addition to that, the truck she owned had seen better days and was in need of replacement, too.

Ellens's story didn't remain within her community, and Andy Broome, the representative of Goodwin Auctions who was responsible for assessing the value of the card, shared Ellen's story on his website for the whole world of baseball card lovers to see.
Her Story Went Viral
He explained what made her Babe Ruth card so special and how many of these cards remain underappreciated. Andy Broome shared how he was fascinated by the fact that the piano, which has been in the family for so many years, managed to preserve such a special treasure hidden for decades.

This story made so many people climb into the attics and go through their old belongings, hoping to find an old baseball card or two, wishing for some hidden treasure to appear and change their lives forever. We all have a habit of storing old items and allowing them to do nothing but collect dust. You never know. One day your child will discover that the old vase on your dining table, which you have been preserving for years, is actually worth a small fortune.
Ellen's piano and the secret it held changed her life forever. In the following story, a mysterious object that was found in the backyard changed someone else's life forever.
David loved his garden. It was his small piece of heaven, which he would visit every day. Season in and season out, he planted his favorite plants, decorating his home with all shades of green. On this afternoon, David was getting ready to plant some new seeds. He was almost retired and looking forward to spending his free time with what he loved most.

What started as another regular day would soon turn into a mystery, not easily solved. His beloved garden was about to turn into a great riddle and change his life forever. He dug the ground like he did on any other day until he felt something hard that wouldn't allow him to go deeper.
Backyard Mysteries
David continued to dig until he pulled up what seemed to be something covered in a thick layer of dirt. Whatever it was, it wasn't so heavy, and it could have been anything. It could be a lost toy or a rooting plant root, but something inside was telling David that there was more to it.

He discovered a small box and was eager to open it right away. It's not every day that you come across a treasure in your backyard, and whatever this item was, David had to know where it came from and what its story was.
A Hidden Part of History
David cleaned the box from all of the dirt, and when he opened it, he found a watch, and this was not just any ordinary watch. He knew this piece of jewelry was worth something and couldn't believe his luck. What were the odds of finding such a precious piece behind his house?

David didn't have his glasses on and found it difficult to check out all of the small details this watch had. He put it aside and planned to check it out a little later on. Little did he know that this watch was about to change his life.
Who Lost Their Time?
The day was about to come to an end; David packed his things and prepared to take a closer look at what he had found. He shared his findings with his wife, Ruth, as this wasn't something he could keep to himself. They couldn't help wondering who the watch belonged to.

David or Ruth had never lost a watch in their life, and besides, it was a very old watch, so someone must have lost it many years before. David and Ruth lived in their house for a little over two years, so the watch must be related to someone who lived there before. But to whom?
He Loved the Old Things
David was an antique lover. He was fascinated by the past and captivated by the stories these old items occasionally brought with them. Moreover, he knew that many times, things that look ruined and worthless, can be worth a surprising fortune, and perhaps this watch did, too.

On so many occasions, people had found in their attics items that belonged to their ancestors, thinking they were not worth much, only to discover that they were worth so much more. Could there be an interesting story behind this watch that was hiding a small fortune, too? There was a story, and it was waiting to be discovered.
Turning Back the Years
The first thing David had to do was to clean the watch. It was full of dirt, and sand was stuck between the small and fragile pieces. He was just about to run it under the water, but Ruth saw what he was about to do and stopped him. Water could completely damage the watch, and even though it was dirty, there was still a good chance it was working.

David took a clean cloth and gently wiped off the stuff that covered the precious piece of jewelry. A lovely watch was revealed in front of David's eyes. He was amazed by how beautifully the watch had been preserved, buried for so long underneath the ground.
Time for a Professional Touch
After cleaning as much dirt off as possible and after consulting with Ruth, David decided to take the watch to be professionally cleaned. There were several watch specialists in their hometown who would give his findings the appropriate treatment.

There was a limit to what David could do on his own, and the watch had so many small details and so many small parts that needed attention. Even the watch's strap was almost unrecognizable, being so dirty and out of shape. The watch might not be worth too much. However, the story behind it was just as important for David to discover.
It Was About to Cost Some Money
The watch specialist explained that cleaning the watch would be costly. It required so much delicate work, and everything had to be precise and done carefully. David knew he had no choice, and whatever the watch was worth, being a small fortune or not, it would for sure cover the cleaning expenses. What happened next, no one expected.

David handed the watch over to the specialist, who was shocked by what had just been presented to him and remained speechless for a few long moments. Even though the watch was very dirty, the specialist knew what this watch was all about.
Never Seen Before
The watch specialist explained that he had seen so many watches in his life before, in all different kinds of conditions, however, this was something he had never seen before. He told David not to get his hopes up as these fragile pieces can get damaged while buried in the ground, leaving not too much hope for ever being repaired.

The watch specialist promised he would do his best and try to make the watch as clean as possible, as there was a story waiting to be discovered that could not be ignored for much longer. Was David ready to reveal the truth about his mysterious finding?
There Was a Story Behind
There was no way David was going to leave the watch alone with the specialist, and he insisted on staying to watch him practice his craft. David and the watch specialist were both eager to find out if the watch was worth something and, if so, how much. Someone must have lost it, might be looking for it and offering a generous reward for it. Who knows...

The watch was not in such great condition. The front glass cover was completely broken, and many small parts were broken or defective. The good news was that these were all parts that could be easily fixed and at a reasonable price.
Dreams Coming Ture
While the watch was being treated, David and Ruth began daydreaming about what they could do with the money, if indeed the watch was worth a lot of money. They were both dreaming of a nice holiday, which they had;t taken in a long time, and besides, the list of things they could do and people they could help was endless, so any surprise amount of money would do.

Although David was hoping for the watch to be some sort of expensive brand, this was not the case. The watch specialist could not identify the watchmaker. He gave the partially cleaned watch to David and said that this was the best he could do.
He Wanted Much More
David was disappointed. He was sure that the watch's value would at least cover the cleaning expenses. However, no one could say what brand it was or what its value was. All of those stories of people finding treasures in their backyards and making fortunes from the junk they had discovered were not David's case.

Even though the watchkeeper could help David, something inside wouldn't leave him at ease. David knew there was something more to this watch than what everyone thought, and he was not going to let go. He was going to get to the bottom of this no matter what it cost him.
Second Opinion
David decided to take the watch to another watch repairer for a second opinion. He heard once of a watch specialist who had a shop not too far from where they lived. It was worth the trip, and he had nothing to lose. The first watch specialist charged David almost $250 to clean the watch, and David had to get that money back somehow.

Even if it wasn't a luxury brand like Rolex, for sure, it was worth something. He was planning to dig deep into the history of the watch and discover who it belonged to. However, the first thing to do was to get its value estimation.
No One to Talk To
David arrived at the watch shop that was out of town, however, it was closed. There was no one around, and the doors were locked. David looked through the transparent window, and something caught his eye. He couldn't get his eyes off it and almost forgot what the purpose of his journey was.

David saw an old picture hanging on the wall. It was black and white, and it featured a man. The man was middle-aged; he softly smiled at the camera, and he had a watch on his wrist. David immediately recognized it. It was the same watch he found in his backyard.
What Was Going On?
This was too odd to believe. David instantly took a photo of the picture he saw in the jewelry shop. This was history. This was an ancient watch passed down from father to son and is now in his possession. David stuck to his belief that there was much more to this piece of jewelry than what the first watch specialist initially anticipated.

David was not going to give up. He was going to get to the bottom of this. David made his way back home, anticipating to share the big news with Ruth. She was his soul mate and would advise him the best.
Maybe There Was Something to Be Found?
While Ruth was preparing dinner, David decided to go online and see if he could get some more information about the mysterious watch. He came across various articles about people who found watches and ended up making a fortune, or even better, finding the owners of the watch and being able to return it to them.

Besides that, he couldn't find too much information about the maker of the watch or how much it could be worth. Little did David know that this watch was about to change many people's lives, including his. Just when he was about to give up on searching, his phone rang.
Mysterious Number
On the other end of the line was the watch specialist. The second watch repairer that David intended to visit, however, came across a closed shop. At first, David didn't understand where the watch specialist got his number from and was able to contact him. However, he then recalled that he was the one who initially called him, before personally visiting the shop.

David felt very uncomfortable answering any of the questions asked from the other end of the line. The specialist asked many questions about David's visit to the store, however, one question made David feel very suspicious. The specialist asked David why he took a photo of the picture on the wall.
It Was More Than Just a Photo on the Wall
The man on the other end of the line kept asking why David found this photograph so interesting. He went on and on about the significance of it until David felt so uneasy and decided to hang up the call. He felt he had to get his mind straight and think things through.

He turned his phone off completely so the specialist couldn't contact him back straight away. Nothing made sense anymore, and David was confused and disappointed. He tried to figure out what was going on and why the specialist was so disturbed by him taking the photo, however, he couldn't get any answers.
There Was No Going Back
David turned his phone back on and went out for a walk. Within a few minutes, his phone rang again, and it was the watch specialist once again. He began by assuring David that he had no bad intentions and asked him to come by the shop once again.

It took David a few minutes to make up his mind, and he eventually decided to pay the shop another visit. What did he have to lose? At this point, the watch was worth nothing, so things could only get better. He assured the specialist that he would arrive at the shop within the hour.
He Revealed It All
When David arrived at the shop, he explained the reasoning behind taking a photo of the picture hanging on the wall. He told him that he had found the watch buried in his backyard, that he had taken it to a specialist who cleaned it up but could not estimate its value, and that now he was hoping he could help him solve the story behind the mysterious piece.

The watch specialist carefully observed the watch and, for a while, remained silent. Then he looked at David and suggested he leave the watch with him. David didn't like what he was hearing.
How Could One Watch Be So Harmful?
The watch specialist explained that for everyone's safety, it would be best if David left the premises, leaving the watch behind. David was concerned about Ruth, who was alone at home and couldn't understand how owning a watch, being old or not, could be of any harm to anyone.

The specialist insisted the watch stayed with him and assured David that he would update him as soon as he had more information to share. David wasn't at peace, however. He felt he had no other choice but to take the specialist's advice. David drove back home and shared the news with Ruth.
It Was His Watch!
Ruth said that if the specialist was so eager to keep the watch, it must be worth a lot of money. How else could they explain his mysterious behavior? What would the specialist want to keep the watch if it didn't have a significant meaning or great value?

David decided to call the specialist and to make sure the specialist remembered who the watch belonged to. What happened next would leave David shocked and in disbelief. This episode was about to turn into an enigma and his backyard into a crime scene. When David called the shop, it wasn't the specialist who answered. It was a police officer.
Illegal Stuff
David didn't understand what was going on. However, the police officer was so eager to talk and immediately asked David to confirm that the watch was found in his backyard. Within moments, the special police forces arrived at David's house.

Before he knew it, David's backyard was sealed off to everyone, including David and Ruth, and turned into a place of crime being investigated. David and Ruth had no idea what was going on. Numerous police cars encircle the house. No one is allowed in, and no one is allowed out. One of the police officers asked to talk to David and Ruth indoors.
David and Ruth Were Prime Suspects
The police officer began investigating David and Ruth. They asked when they moved into the house, if they had any renovations done, if any person apart from them had stayed in the house since they moved in, and carried on questioning them about their day-to-day habits and ways of life.

A journalist was there too, documenting everything, portraying David and Ruth like two criminals. The two were overwhelmed and found everything a little too much to take in and comprehend. David observed his house, the living room, and the garden, and then he saw someone he had already seen before.
The Watch Specialist
David looked closely, and there he was. It was the watch specialist who approached David and introduced him to someone who worked at the regional museum. The museum representative explained that the watch belonged to some notable person who had died in this area a few years previously, however, his body was never found.

After telling the story in detail, the museum added that the watch was worth (to the museum) a lot, and the fact that it was found in their backyard automatically turned it into their possession. When David and Ruth realized how much they were about to earn from their findings, the whole episode suddenly became easier to take in. There was a significant loot awaiting him.
It Was Their Lucky Day
David and Ruth gladly passed the watch over to the museum and enjoyed their earnings. They were able to go on their tropical holiday as they had planned for years, they were able to help their family with whatever they needed, and they had no worries about their retirement years.

What started off as a mystery, was eventually solved, at least partially, as the body has still not been found, and the lives of so many have been changed following this amazing finding. One man's loss is another man's gain, and with no doubt, Davd's journey paid off at the end of the day.
The little watch David found turned out to be part of a much bigger story. Can you imagine what would have happened had he found something bigger? That's exactly what happens in the following story.
Have you ever wondered what's hidden deep underneath your house? Surely just dirt, you might think. However, you might be surprised to find something spectacular hidden right under your feet. It’s always a little magical when we find hidden treasures in our backyard — we feel like modern-day explorers.

There are stories of people finding 650-year-old treasures, a rare whale fossil, a WWII airplane, and many other oddities you’d never imagine lying right under our noses. This exactly happened to Irwin when he discovered what was under his backyard. After finding the original house plan, he saw something very peculiar that he'd never noticed before.
Detecting Metal
To discover what was hiding underneath the ground, Irwin brought a metal detector expert on board to do the job. When the detector started beeping incessantly at a random spot on the lawn, the expert marked them immediately. He believed this is where the mysterious underground surprise could be found.

The metal detector expert was suddenly filled with intrigue. He knew the machine wouldn’t have started beeping like that if this were regarding a simple pair of barbecue tongs. There was more to this finding than he could ever imagine.
Open Sesame
Irwin was curious and had his theories about what he would find. Maybe some antique coins? Or some secret items dating back to WWI? Anything was possible. He started to dig. He found a metal object, completely covered in dirt, so he still couldn't be sure what it was. He’d heard the stories about the insane discoveries people made by unearthing thousand-year-old artifacts in their backyards. Was he about to become part of one of those stories?

What he discovered as he kept on digging, was a metal lid. He still wasn’t quite sure what the lid was a cover to. Apparently, the lid was extremely heavy to lift, but he was eager to know what was underneath it. At this point, he was ready for anything to happen. Was this the entrance to an underground tunnel? Was it a storage unit filled with boxes from hundreds of years ago? Whatever it was, it had been down there, untouched, for a very long time.
Magic Revealed
When he lifted the cover, he discovered various objects. Still, he was unable to make sense of them. They looked like blades, except they were descending further into the ground. Were those stairs? In order to get a better look, he needed to get more dirt out of the way so he could crawl inside.

These weren’t regular stairs but a rather old-fashioned spiral staircase. Just like the ones you see in horror movies. What was at the bottom of the stairs, and why did the objects look like blades? This whole scenario was getting creepier every second.
Paranoid Ruins Perhaps
According to the map of the house, he figured this was most likely a bomb shelter. Was this simply a 1960s fallout shelter that someone had built in the panic of the Cold War? Maybe the work of a paranoid neighbor who was fearing some apocalypse? Anything was possible.

The most curious thing, however, was the fact that the house plan wasn’t very exact in showing this tunnel and staircase. Irwin wondered if this was something that could have been there even before the house was built. If so, why hadn’t the previous owners do something about it? Whatever this was, it hadn't been touched in years, and Irwin felt he must bring this mystery to an end.
Professional Touch
So far, it seemed like a bomb shelter with some sort of electric fan. Whoever built this was no amateur but someone who knew exactly what they were doing. And what’s weirder, they apparently planned to be down there for a long time.

When Irwin saw the professional air fan, he knew there was no way this was built on a whim. No one takes time and invests in such a way unless they were worried and knew that the air fan would come into use. This was no kid's hide-and-seek spot.
Walking Down History
Irwin wanted to clean up the staircase so he could carry out his investigation safely. He realized there was a lot of rubble to clear since part of the walls and some stair steps themselves had started to chip off and fall everywhere. The staircase path down and the entire floor were covered with ruins. Irwin used buckets to clear away the debris and emptied them outside. There was a lot of work in front of him, however, he had to get to the bottom of this.

After much hard work and labor, Irwin managed to clear the staircase. He could finally see clearly and view the structure properly so he could determine what on earth it could be. It was definitely a shelter of sorts, but there was still a lot of space to be examined. Was it a simple, small underground shelter? Or were there secret pathways and tunnels leading somewhere? Maybe even to a second set of stairs! He was about to find out.
A Little Help From a Friend
Irwin decided to recruit a friend’s help. He thought it was smart to have some backup in case the ground collapsed and he was trapped underneath. Imagine being trapped underground and nobody being able to help you since they can’t even hear you scream!

But first things first — the group of friends wanted to build a safer entrance to the shelter. This way, they could ensure the structure was stabler and had much fewer risks of a disaster. They added more concrete to rebuild the entrance and were ready to finally discover what was going on underneath their feet. They were about to be very surprised.
They Gave It All They Could
Clearly, the area hadn’t been touched in years, and Irwin and his friends had a lot of work to do. It took them days to rebuild the entrance, but once they finished making sure it was sturdy and secure, they placed steel rods just as an extra measure.

These rods were to be the body for a new structure they were building, a sort of tunnel entrance to their new-found shelter. Irwin realized that his planes were constantly changing. He began digging in the ground to discover what was hidden underneath, and now he found himself building new structures and facilities.
This Only Happens Once
The process took time, but the men knew they were about to make a crazy discovery. After all, how many times do you get to uncover an old bomb shelter in your backyard?! This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It bacame the story of the day and the entier neighbouthood was glud to the new news.

They had to make sure the entrance was safe so they could explore thoroughly without any problem. Having one unsolved discovery underneath them was its own challenge, so the last thing they needed was to create another mystery with the disappearance of men in Irwin's backyard.
Wasting Time
After they finished securing the entrance, they added concrete to the outside of the shelter. Adding the concrete was critical, though it was very time-consuming and extremely hard work, but what other option did they have? There were building materials everywhere, the heat was tiring, and the discovery had all of a sudden become a big building project. They knew this finding was going to change their lives forever. There was no going back.

Irwin and his friends placed a Sonotube cardboard shape inside the entrance of the shelter in order to protect the inner part from damage. A Sonotube is a concrete or cardboard form that is used to create round columns for buildings, entryways, light posts, and many other types of structures. Then, their next step was to add a conduit for electricity. The truth is, none of them had any idea how long they were going to be down there. They knew they were about to confront something big and exciting, however, they had to prepare themselves for the worst.
Weather Conditions
Irwin could see the progress of their work, but they still had a lot to do. Adding on to this, the weather was not always on their better side, and it started to get very hot, making it difficult to work long hours under the scorching sun. Irvin's friends decided to cover the area with a tent so they could at least have some shade and be able to continue with their work. No one knew how long this project was going to take.

Irwin's backyard started to look like the site of an archaeological dig. There were steel tubes, wooden planks, chainsaws, hoses, buckets, paint, and any other building material you could imagine! At least everything was safe from the severe weather conditions under a new tent. It managed to successfully keep the rain and harsh sun rays out of the work area.
The next step was to add an air vent pipe so that they would be able to breathe underground. Just like someone before them installed an electrical fan in order to guarantee proper air circulation, they had to make sure they did the same through the new pipe.

They could see how much progress they’d made, but there was still a lot of work to do, and they weren’t going to stop until it was all nicely done! Irwin didn't share this with his friends, but he was getting anxious to bring this project to an end. Little did he know, things were not going to turn out as he initially expected.
Hard Day's Night
Their next step was to fill in the gaps with concrete in order to make the structure sturdier. They wanted to make sure they took care of every last detail, and so did their work very thoroughly. There was no room for short cuts and there was no room for messing about. It had to be done to perfection.

They decided to put concrete in the upper forms too. They wanted everything to be as secure as possible. We’ve all seen what happens when unstable structures remain untouched for many years. Accidents are bound to occur and these guys weren’t about to let that happen.
They Could Make a Living Out of This
For extra support, they put the rebar in the base area. Already, it looked so much better ans slowly slowly was becoming to look very much profetionsl and not an amatures hobby. Now, it even looked like one of those professional, secret government hatches from a sci-fi movie.

Obviously, they were making great progress with the project, but of course, they still had more work to do. Irwin and his friends had no idea what was about to happen and had no idea what to expect. This was a mysterious project, with a clear beginning and a very obscure end.
One Step Forward
The time had come for Irwin and his friends to take off the forms from the top of the entrance. Now they could really see how much progress they’d made. They would soon discover that their effort was worthy.

The hard part was over, all they needed to do was wait for the concrete to dry. They jokingly agreed that if an obscene amount of money were to be found, they would divide it equally between them all, even though it was found on Irwin's property. Was this mystery really a large amount of money? Was Irwin going to discover a jackpot?
Entering the Unknown
The men were astounded by their progress. They couldn’t believe how different it looked from when they first found it. Before they had started working, it was an abandoned underground facility, and now, it was the entrance to the unknown. The mystery was revealed, however there was astill alot of work to be done.

Now, it looked like professional construction workers had been building it for years! It looked great, and now it was secure enough to be properly explored! It was time to discover what they have been waiting to find out for a very long time.
What Was Next?
It was now time to work on the inner part. Their first step was to make a way with the rusty steps since these could be quite dangerous to cut your skin on. They needed to use a propane torch and grinder in order to loosen the screws. So they took down a pair of stairs of their own and started loosening the tight screws, which hadn’t been touched for god knows how long! They were another step forward toward the great discovery.

These old steps are what remained. They knew these stairs definitely couldn't be trusted, and it was just a matter of time until they started falling apart. Irwin decided to keep these as they were a living piece of history. Who builds stairs like this nowadays? Irwin knew that when this project is over, he will only be left with his memories and a great story to tell. He had to hang on to some piece of evidence.
The Narrow Way Down
The way down was very narrow. There was just enough room for one person to do down at a time, and it had to be done very slowly and cautiously. There was no room for mistakes here. It was time to roll up the sleeves and start working on the inside. No one was afraid of getting ab little dirty.

Irwin and his friends knew that the oxygen levels down under were going to be low. They knew the working conditions were going to be harder than what they were up above. It was time to take a deep breath.
What Did They Find?
Irwin and his friends were inside. Finally, they were able to see what was hiding beneath them. The space underneath them could have been anything; however, there were no obvious clues scattered to help them figure out what was going on.

It wasn’t quite what they had imagined. They had more work on the inner part than they initially thought, and they had realized that the mystery they were after was going to have to wait. Besides, even if they didn't yet find what they were looking for, in the meantime, they were creating a haven down below.
There Was More to Come
What Irwin and his friends came across now really took the wind out of their sails. After entering the shelter, they looked up and realized the space's ceiling was covered in fiberglass. And not only that, the fiberglass was tearing off.

Irwin knew that if some of that fiberglass came in contact with the skin, it can irritate it, and even worse, it can cause permanent damage to the lungs. Unfortunately, they had no way around this, and they had to strip the fiberglass completely off.
Optimism at Last
The ceiling project started off as a task of horrors, however, a sense of relief was about to knock on their door. They soon realized that the fiberglass was not attached to the ceiling. This meant they wouldn't have to spend hours on removing it, and they could simply pull it off.

This didn't mean it wouldn't be time-consuming. The ceiling was built at such an angle that they had to think of a creative way to remove the fiberglass. How long was this going to go on? No one could say.
What Was the Next Step?
Eventually, only a bare concrete ceiling was exposed. The fiberglass was hanging there for a few good decades, and Irwin and his friends cleared it all out before planning their next step as they came closer to their great discovery. Irwin had no idea that the project would take so long, and he began to feel a little awkward when it came to his friends. He initially only asked for a little help in forming a stable and reliable entrance to the shelter. Now, his friends were practically managing the entire project alongside him. But not to worry, they, too, were in for a surprise.

Meanwhile, Irwin was thinking of a way to cover or disguise the entrance of the shelter. There was no way he could leave it looking like this. Opportunities make a thief, and if he would have left as it was, he would be calling for trouble. He had to protect it and seal it, and working on the inner part, which was underground, was just not enough. Irwin was so eager to find out the mysteries of this place; however, he had to prioritize his work, and disguising the entrance came first.
Back Yard Home
Irwin got out his Shapr3D. He began designing what would soon be the entrance to the unknown. In his mind, he could almost picture what he was about to build, and the shelter below was pushed to the back of his mind. This sketch would soon turn into every child's dream. It would soon be an object of envy amongst his neighbors and not only because of the wonders he preserves beneath the ground.

He constructed a frame and added windows that at first resembled a big dollhouse but then soon enough turned into a small cozy room. The windows were attached, and the complete frame finally stood firm. When Irwin initially discovered that something was hiding beneath, never in a million years did he imagine that he would end up constructing this. Like many things in life, we make plans but never know what lies ahead.
A Secret in Life
Irwin got some windows and began cleaning them up from dried old paint and rust. He was building a structure without even realizing what he was building, and one of the greatest secrets of life was about to be revealed. This secret would teach him a lesson or two. What started off as a simple dig in the backyard was now about to explode into something that was there all along. He just had to open his eyes.

Irwin added the roof and painted the door and window frames, which turned out much better than he imagined. It was absolutely perfect. This was a great way to disguise the entrance to the shelter and an even better way to add color to his yard. It was warm and inviting, and...then it hit him. Irwin suddenly realized what the great mystery was and what was lying beneath his backyard all those years.
Potential Was the Magic Word
Irwin knew that no matter what he found at the end of this journey, he would not lose out no matter what. He had discovered a space underneath the ground where he could escape to and turn into a haven if only he wanted. It was there all along. All it needed was some TLC, and it could quickly become the new favorite room in the house (or, better said, under the house). Irwin set his imagination free and began visualizing what he could do with his discovery.

This was the big secret that was hiding there all along. There was no need for WWII stories and no need for conspiracies about who dug the shelter and why. It was irrelevant information as Irwin had found his loot. The shelter beneath the ground could be whatever he wanted it to be, and the inviting entrance only made the place even more unique. It was there all along; Irwin just needed two things to realize this. He needed his friends, and he needed to open his eyes.
Irwin thought he knew everything there was to know about his house and still managed to be surprised by what he found. In this next article, you get a chance to learn about some of the oddest oddities people discovered in other people's homes or the new houses they have just moved into.
When visiting someone’s home for the first time, most everyone is curious to see what’s inside. What’s in a person’s home definitely shows who they are; the paint, furniture, overall decor, how clean the bathroom is, and even how the place smells.

When moving into a previously-owned place, the curiosity might not be the same. After all, the place is supposed to be cleared of any item of the former tenant. Well, "supposed" is a strong word. These next stories will leave you amazed at the peculiar things people found while visiting someone else’s house or in their brand new homes.
A Valuable Smile
Hopefully, the previous owner didn’t miss his old golden teeth. We get why they kept it in the safe. The best place for any precious metal is probably safe, but it’s certain that the new owners probably didn’t expect to find gold in the form of someone’s teeth inside the safe that was left behind.

As gross as it may be, they could have turned in the teeth and probably made a little money off of them.
Cashing Out
Reddit user Grahamtg21 said that, when they moved into their new house, they found a whopping $14,000 behind a toilet! What a housewarming gift. So why would there be $14,000 behind a toilet you might ask?

While it’s not totally clear, it seems that the owner just wanted an extra stash of emergency money and really didn’t want anyone to find it (as we doubt anyone would want to look for potential cash behind a toilet).
A Surprise Antique
How would you like to find a surprisingly valuable antique in your home? One woman found just that when she moved into her new place.

Reddit user Crisy_Apple_Pie confessed that, when she moved into her new place, she found an old piano left behind. But not just any old piano, this was truly an antique. In fact, after it was assessed, the piano was estimated (if it would have been in better condition) to be worth $10,000.
Old 7up Cans
Finding anything in your home that was left by someone else can feel eerie, but thankfully in this case…it was just 7up. Except, they were really, really old cans of 7up. You have to wonder why the previous owners didn’t want to finish it.

Reddit user RathrDash1ng said that this particular edition of 7up was from the 80s and that the seals on the tops of the cans did not stand the test of time, leading to the contamination of the liquid. Sounds pretty gross actually and worthy of the trash.
Old Underwear
Now, this one’s pretty disgusting, it’s almost a violation. Reddit user Wompguinea had a very unfortunate and highly unpleasant experience when they found someone’s old underwear (that of course didn’t belong to anyone currently living at the home). It’s hard to imagine what it was like to accidentally pick up old underwear that belonged to a stranger.

Yuck! Leaving behind your nasty, old underwear almost seems intentional, but hopefully, it was just an accident. Be sure to take your items with you when you leave.
Surprise! It’s a Basement
Many homes have basements. But, depending on the region and country in which you live, certain homes may be built without a shelter or extra space underneath. Reddit user Enkibean said they bought their new home, believing it did not have a basement at all, only to discover that it did indeed…have a basement.

Those who were selling the home forgot to mention it explicitly but it was finally unveiled on moving day as the boxes began filling the home.
The Good Dog
Imagine finding a dog waiting for you when you move into your new home. Now, depending on if you’re a dog person, this might be the best thing that could be left behind for a new homeowner.

But, considering the neglect of the previous owners, it is also pretty sad. Happily, not only did Reddit user Iconana get a new best friend, but the Great Dane finally got to be in a home where he was loved and wanted. What a happy ending indeed.
A Weird Carpeting Secret
There are certainly worse and weirder things to find under your carpet but 64 palm frond crosses are certainly random. As usual, this brings up many questions as to who the previous owners were and what their lifestyle might have been.

It certainly isn’t every day (or every year for that matter) you find such a large number of palm frond crosses and especially, hidden under a carpet like they are not supposed to be seen. Perhaps it was their secret carpeting method?
A Hidden Cottage
Homes with a lot of history often have a lot of secrets both inside and outside. And for the ground around this historical, Georgian home, there must have been a lot of overgrowth to conceal an entire cottage.

But this certainly must have been an interesting find for this family and also a potentially useful one. The homeowners had a lot of options as to what they could do with an old groundskeeper's cottage or how they could renovate it.
Surprise, It’s Plutonium
Now this is perhaps one of the rarest (and most toxic) things you could find left behind on someone’s premises and it’s also illegal.

Because plutonium is a radioactive substance, it cannot be legally owned by anyone. The questions for this find are nearly endless. Plutonium is the most toxic when it is inhaled so thankfully they had a geologist for a neighbor who could help them figure out what the substance was and how to get rid of it.
One Clown Is Too Many
Few people like clowns and some people just plain hate them. There is just something about grown adults wearing heavy makeup and acting silly and unpredictable that is unsettling.

Although they originally began as entertainers, they have gained a creepy reputation over the years. Undoubtedly there are few of us who wouldn’t want to remodel our homes after finding clown paintings (in the basement of all places). The previous owners must have been big clown fans or at least circus fans.
Where’s the Beef?
Categorize this one under disgusting leftover finds. Finding someone’s old food is pretty gross but straight raw meat? That’s next-level disgusting and also extremely unsanitary.

In fact, it may be one of the worst rotting leftover food items you can find, let alone inside your home. It’s hard to imagine the shock on this couple’s faces when they finally figured out that the terrible smell belonged to a piece of raw, rotting meat. Who knows how long it had been there.
Knife Anyone?
While it must have been quite a shock when Reddit user Littlesnappea found a drawer full of knives, it isn’t all that bad to have a variety of knives left behind in your new home.

After all, a drawer filled with steak knives, paring knives, and pocket knives means you would most likely never have to worry about finding or running out of a proper cutting utensil. Hopefully, the previous owners at least left all of these knives clean, well-sharpened, and rust-free.
A Vintage Desk Set
Now, finding a vintage desk along with a full set of vintage office supplies from the 1940s would be a really cool find. It’s remarkable that the previous homeowners didn’t take it with them when they moved.

It would also be interesting to know if the desk and the vintage office supplies were worth any significant amount of money. Either way, what a neat item to both display and use in your home, and what a fascinating story to tell your guests!
Big Country Fans
When most people think of country music and country music fans, they typically associate both of them with the U.S. But of course, country music has made its way around the globe and, apparently, there are some very big country music fans in the UK.

Or, if they left 300 boxes of albums behind, at least they used to be country music fans. But just what can you do with 300 country music albums if you’re not a fan yourself? Perhaps Reddit user DemonEggy sold them online or in a yard sale.
Etch-A-Sketch Artist
Being an artist requires talent of course, but being an Etch-a-sketch artist requires a very unique type of talent, it means one has to be patient and not prone to many mistakes.

It must have been pretty entertaining for Reddit user Jacksonkisses to find this rendition of The Last Supper. Instead of a kitschy sketch, they probably wished it could have been at least a painted replica of The Last Supper but hey, at least they didn’t stumble across anything disgusting or disturbing.
It’s Raining Mayo
It’s raining mayo! There certainly could be worse things raining down on you and thank goodness the mayo was in packets, not jars.

The real question is, of course, why the previous owner saw fit to keep a questionable amount of mayo packets in their maintenance box. We guess you just can’t let a good thing go and that includes mayo. If they weren’t expired, perhaps Reddit user PhillipJGuy made use of them. What’s next, ketchup packets in the medicine cabinet and mustard packets behind the couch?
An Eight-Legged Friend
Some homeowners here have found animals (or animal parts) left behind, but tarantulas? That’s a pretty rare and shocking discovery! Some people are cat people while others are dog people and, hey, some are even reptile people, but spider people?

That’s pretty hard to come by. It’s incredible the furry little guy was still alive after a few days and he certainly was in luck that the new homeowner decided to keep it. What a story the new homeowner would have to share about his new pet!
Birds of a Feather
This one can also be filed under disgusting and/or very random in the list of the strangest things people have seen at someone else’s house.

Indeed, finding a bird wing (and no bird attached to it) is a pretty unnerving and gross discovery. The fact that it was under the kitchen sink leaves one to wonder what on earth happened there that a bird was left without a wing. Maybe the house cat got a hold of the poor creature.
Time to Move
This must have been a terrible, shocking (yet intriguing) discovery for Reddit user jayneblonde002. The first thing to check (and hope for) is that there is nothing in the coffin. Perhaps it was just a leftover Halloween decoration?

Unfortunately, probably not. Hopefully, the history of the house and the previous owners was uncovered and all fear was extinguished. Still, finding a coffin under your new house doesn’t exactly help you sleep at night. In the end, you may want to just move to a new house altogether.
Showering With Your Food
Typically, people take their food to the kitchen or dining room table and a number of people take their food to the living room or even their bedroom. But have you ever showered with your food?

That’s pretty unappealing, especially if your food is a live catfish! Many Reddit users commented that this is an incredibly strange thing to do. Hey, every family has its quirks, including keeping their soon-to-be-eaten catfish in their bathtub.
When Nature Calls
Having a fully functioning toilet (or any toilet for that matter) in your dining room could definitely offer you convenience but it probably wouldn’t impress your dinner guests that much.

One question for this Reddit user is if the toilet was… a concealed room or simply sitting out in the dining room exposed. Perhaps the dining room used to be a bathroom and the previous owners decided to keep the toilet there? (Though why the toilet remained there will probably continue to be a mystery.)
What Happened to the Dog?
Dog hair inside an oven: certainly not a good sign (and certainly pretty gross) when you move into a new place. And, perhaps even more concerning, what happened to the dog that resulted in its hair put in the oven?

Hopefully, the previous homeowners were good dog owners. It may have taken a while for the new homeowners to settle into using their new oven, even after cleaning it. After all, there was probably anxiety about finding a dog hair or two in their dinner.
A Bowling Champion
If you are not building your own home yourself and are buying it from someone else, you often know little about the people who once lived there. But one thing’s for certain about these previous homeowners: someone loved bowling! And, with approximately twenty trophies, they were a good bowler at that and probably part of a bowling league.

It’s too bad they left all their trophies behind. Maybe it will inspire one of the new homeowners to take up bowling.
How Shocking
Who could these previous owners have been? Spies? FBI agents? Avantgarde psychologists? The questions will never end.

After all, the average person doesn’t own an electroshock therapy kit. Electroshock is typically thought of as being used as a means of interrogation, intimidation, or, frankly, unhealthy psychological therapy to help people learn to break bad habits (much like a dog with a shock collar). The fact that this was from the 1900s, though, makes it an interesting piece of history.
Now many children (and even adults) like the glow-in-the-dark, stick-on stars. They light up a dark room and allow you (with the ability to place them however you want) some creativity. However, the stick-on, glow-in-the-dark stars are not everyone’s home decor aesthetic and can be seen by some as a bit childish or kitschy.

So these new homeowners may have had their work cut out for them in trying to remove all of these stars. Good luck!
A Little Sketchy
Now, this is a find with some tantalizing (albeit slightly sketchy) history. The new homeowners may have known about the previous homeowner’s spy-like profession before they moved in. Or, perhaps the previous homeowners were relatively transparent about what they did for a living, just in case they had accidentally left behind any, em, questionable objects or equipment.

Hopefully, the previous owners were working for the right government. But, hey, maybe the new homeowners can put that old equipment to good use.
Clowning Around
Finding a clown nose behind your old dishwasher seems innocent enough except for (as with so many of these strange items found in other people’s homes) the questions it brings up.

Was the red clown nose leftover from Halloween or a costume party? Was at least one of the previous homeowners a clown as a part-time job? The placement of the object even causes one to ask, was there, at one time, a clown hiding behind the dishwasher?
Some Family Therapy Might Be Needed
Leaving behind the ashes of your deceased parent in your old home is truly quite strange.

One would think that the ashes of a loved one would be one of the first things you would pack with conscientiousness and care unless these previous owners weren’t particularly close with their late father. Needless to say, it would be an awkward phone call for the new homeowners to make, having to inform the previous homeowners to please come and pick up their dad.
Good Oral Hygiene
What can be said about finding 52, perfectly well-packaged toothbrushes? Maybe the previous homeowners must have either been passionate about good oral hygiene or had been doing some apocalyptic stockpiling?

It’s recommended to change your toothbrushes frequently to avoid bacteria overgrowth and make sure the bristles are still efficient. So, at least these left behind items could be put to good use and meant that the new homeowners were relieved of having to purchase new toothbrushes any time soon.
See You Later, Alligator
Finding a mummified alligator certainly gives new meaning to the playful phrase “see you later, alligator”, doesn’t it? The home must have been in Florida where alligators often find their way into residential neighborhoods.

Florida residents often have to keep watch for small children and pets (and also anyone really) who could possibly come face-to-face with the everglades predator. It must have been pretty frightening to find this mummified creature in their crawlspace, but this alligator is the safest one there is.
A Celebrity Sighting
So the previous homeowners had some sort of relationship with Bon Jovi and there’s a photo to prove it? That’s a pretty neat discovery unless they’re really good at photoshop.

However they knew Bon Jovi, it’s surprising they would have left the photo behind. But perhaps they are such good friends with the rockstar they knew they’ll get a photo again in the near future. It might actually be fun for the new homeowners to keep the photo around the house as it could make for a fun conversation at their next dinner party.
Super Toxic
Why anyone would want to keep two very toxic substances anywhere near where they are living is quite perplexing. Asbestos is a substance that was added to many products over the years but has now been declared dangerous and detrimental to your health.

Mercury is highly corrosive and can lead to neurological and behavioral problems if ingested or exposed to the skin. The new homeowners would have wanted to have the mercury and asbestos properly disposed of as soon as possible!
A Very Fun Find
The previous homeowners probably couldn’t take their zipline to where they were moving next, so it’s nice they left it behind for the new owners to enjoy. Not only do the new people get to enjoy nature, but they also get to enjoy the excitement of ziplining in their own backyard!

Of course, ziplining isn’t an activity that you want to do without any prior preparation or education so hopefully, they educated themselves on the safety of ziplining before attempting it.
Do You Speak Chinese?
Either the previous owners or someone who lived in the home at one time must have had some Chinese background to have had newspapers in the language.

The fact that they were “hidden” though is a bit more suspect (also the fact that they were hidden in an advent is interesting) and makes you wonder why. It would be interesting to know what date the newspapers were from and for the new homeowners to find a Chinese speaker and find out what they say.
Hit It With Your Shoe!
Finding any large creature or insect in your home is startling (well, depending on what sort of person you are) but at least this was a fake one.

Spiders usually do little harm (unless they are a Black Widow, Brown Recluse, or other poisonous species) other than scaring us half to death. If possible, it’s nice to let the little creeps free outside but it’s understandable if this woman wanted to grab the nearest shoe and destroy that (fake) spider!
A Secret Apartment
You may have seen some strange things in your neighbor’s house but did you ever discover a secret apartment? Reddit user Eagle206 mentioned that their friend (who worked at an old school) stumbled upon a fully furnished apartment inside the school. That’s one way to feel more at home at school.

The apartment dated back to the 1900s and was presumed to belong to the caretaker of the school at that time. It’s amazing what can be discovered when you’re least expecting it.
A Fair to Remember
There can be some creepy finds in houses but sometimes there can be a find that is both unusual and fascinating. Reddit user ren_grossmans_ghost commented that, inside an old cigarette box inside their home, they found some old stamps but they also found something else.

Also inside the box was a ticket to the Chicago World’s Fair from 1934! So make sure you check the old boxes in your home, you may have something special in there.
Secret Documents
Finding something unexpected in your house can be a pleasant surprise, but it can also be a startling or unsettling one. Reddit user klydefr0gg certainly stumbled upon some very exciting and highly confidential stuff!

The fact that the mysterious items were found on the other side of a broken lock in their home only makes it that eerier. But honestly, it's kinda cool to learn your house used to be a CIA hideout!
A Special Treasure
Reddit user sentientmeatpopsicle (that’s quite the username) is proof there are still good people in the world. After their real estate agent asked them to keep an eye out for that special ring, they really took it to heart.

Their constituency and persistence really did pay off when, after cleaning they finally found the ring — or maybe the ring found them? Either way, what a remarkable and important find and one that the previous owners must certainly be forever grateful for.
A Very Historical Book
For Reddit user Aiko, finding a practically ancient family Bible in their new home was a very unexpected surprise. While it is agreed upon that the Bible is a very old book, finding a family Bible this old was quite unique.

It’s even more incredible that the finder was able to track down the relations of those who owned this near-historical family Bible. Thankfully the back of the Bible had clues as to who the owners were. The descendants of those who owned the Bible must have been really fascinated by the find.
A Startling Find
Can you imagine living in a home that used to be a funeral parlor? When Reddit user KnittyViki moved into a former funeral parlor, stepping into that hidden room must have been a little more than eerie.

They were also probably relieved that all they found were objects as mild as stained glass, unusual equipment, chemicals, and scented salts. It’s most likely assumed that the articles belonged to the former funeral parlor. The homeowners eventually decided to give the items to an antique shop.
Really Random
Many people have boxes of random items in their house but these new homeowners found boxes of other people’s random stuff in their new place. Reddit user R12356 said that they found fifteen boxes of pine cones when they were insulating the attic.

It’s assumed that the pine cone collection must have been for crafts. They also found some toys from the 50s behind the piece of drywall, which must have been a fun find too.
A Stinky Discovery?
Combine strange, spooky, and stinky and that’s what you have when you find a giant, scary, smelly voodoo doll. After moving into a previously occupied home, Reddit user Withcinnamon noticed a bad smell coming from their attic. Upon investigation, there was a very, very bizarre discovery.

It certainly must have left them with many disturbing questions. It would probably be best for everyone’s mental and physical health to have it removed.
A Sentimental Commode
Many people can keep a healthy distance from what they do for a living, but others become very attached to their work. Reddit user I-amthegump (yes, this is an actual user name) mentioned that one of their tenants, who was a plumber, once had a very interesting day on the job.

The plumber must have been a big fan because he decided to keep the toilet in his home after that! We guess if you are a big enough fan, nothing of your idol’s personal items is too over-the-top.
Some Nice Leftovers
Popsicles. Pop. Toilet Paper. Lawn care items. You’ve heard some pretty awful leftovers and discoveries in a home, but how about these rather pleasant leftovers that Reddit user Witchymuggle found? It wasn’t anything dirty, disgusting, disturbing, or expensive to remove or clean up.

In fact, you’d really say it’s uncommon kindness and consideration of this previous owner to leave helpful and even fun items behind for those moving into the home after you. Rather random items yes, but rather considerate? Also yes. Some faith in humanity is restored.
A Big Scare
When you move into a new home, you certainly hope that everything will be clean, safe, and comfortable. But unfortunately, some dwellings come with shocking surprises. Reddit user Kralcster confessed that, when they moved into their new home, they found something they’d rather not have anywhere near them.

They discovered an unexploded parachute bomb from WWII! They had to call the bomb squad to come and safely dispose of it. What a disturbing welcome home present.
Close Call Encounters
Finding something dangerous in your new home is not the surprise that Reddit user elaniRyder or their mom were looking for. It would be interesting to know what other things these crazy previous homeowners left behind.

Having a dull machete nearly fall on your head would be a pretty terrifying experience as dull blades can oftentimes be the most dangerous. So, whoever left their dull machete behind must not have needed it for quite a long time…since it was dull anyway.
A Raccoon Door
Imagine that instead of chasing the neighborhood raccoons away from your garbage can, you welcome them into your home. It must have been a big surprise for Reddit user Bojinglejangle to suddenly see street raccoons walk through her friend’s door.

Now, raccoons are cute but it’s hard to imagine letting wild ones in through a doggy door. The biggest concern would be if they could get into your house when you weren’t at home to supervise them.
A Sharp Situation
Sometimes you need to be on guard when inspecting something inside a new place. Reddit user Bellapace said that, when they went to repair a broken pipe in her new place, they found clumps of razor blades! Sounds pretty sketchy, doesn’t it?

Who would have thought that a mid-century modern home had a slot in the medicine cabinet to discard used razor blades? Apparently, the previous owners weren’t too concerned about removing them!
The Christmas Room
Have you ever left your Christmas decorations up till January? February or March? Well, how about having a whole room dedicated to the huge holiday year-round?

Redditors replying to this post from Dreamcrusher69 found the room creepy — especially the part about Christmas music playing continually. While Christmas is certainly the “most wonderful time of the year”, part of what makes it special is celebrating it during one part of the year. However, if someone wants to keep the cheer every day of the year, why stop them?
As Seen on TV
Many of us have been there: It’s late at night, you're vulnerable and a commercial pops up to sell you that combination juke box-egg-slicer for only $19.99.

It sounds like the previous owners of this home weren’t so much into online shopping as they were into “as seen on TV” shopping. Honestly, as long as it hasn’t been used that much, these items sound like quite a nice thing to find left behind in your home. And if you don’t want it, there’s always a rummage sale option.
Initials Everywhere
There’s nothing that reminds you that you’re using something that belonged to someone else more than them leaving their initials on everything.

Apparently, Jim ‘88 didn’t think about resale value. Yes, it would be rather hard to settle into a new home (even if it is just a rental) when the previous resident’s initials are all over the place. Maybe they were able to check their agreement and find a way to cover all the writing up. Or, they could leave their own initials and continue the tradition.
Fun House
This quirky, curious house sounds either like how Reddit user firegecko5 described it (like a scene from “Willy Wonka”) or else like a place straight out of the children’s book “Alice in Wonderland”. Perhaps the previous owner was a bit of a mad hatter?

It’s imaginable that it would be time-consuming and inconvenient to have to change the home back to a normal, functional, and aesthetic place. The design choices certainly would make an interesting topic for your dinner guests though.
I Hope You Brought Bread
How Reddit user Brainwashedafterall stumbled upon this crate of butter is unclear but they certainly weren’t expecting the popular dairy substance, let alone an entire crate of it, to turn up in their new home.

It just goes to show you to expect the unexpected when you are exploring a new space. The previous owners must have really, really, really loved the household staple spread. And just maybe somewhere else in the house was a crate full of loaves of bread.
The “Second” Pantry
Adjusting to a new land and a new culture isn’t always the easiest and often presents overwhelming challenges. But, according to Reddit user imonsterFTW, this ingenious Japanese family found a way to make everything in their house meet their needs.

They may have been used to washing dishes by hand their whole lives so why not continue as they usually do? As for food, they probably made far fewer trips to the grocery store by having a second pantry. What a good idea indeed.
It’s Just an Expiration Date
Now, having expired foods (not simply a few days or even a few weeks but years past their expiration date) in your home is probably not the best way to safeguard your health.

Some people rely on canned and boxed foods to stay fresh and edible for months but even these can eventually expire and be unsafe for consumption. This friend of Reddit user Lucid623 must have truly taken expiration dates as only a suggestion. It would be interesting to know if this friend had a lot of stomach problems.
A Dog’s Dream
If Reddit user Cant-TurnLeft had a dog, having dog food suddenly pour out of the wall would probably be a dream come true. As with so many of these in-home discoveries, so many questions arise about this bizarre event: how did the dog food get into the wall? What was its purpose? Did a dog once eat that food?

Depending on the amount of food, it could be that a mouse stole the dog’s food and was hiding it in the wall for later, but we bet there's a weirder explanation.
This was a bizarre coincidence for Reddit user Artforge1. It’s imaginable that the first thing he did when he saw the necklace was to give it to his wife, thinking it was somehow hers.

Of all the houses on earth (and all the necklaces on earth) it is almost rather magical the couple would find a necklace with the wife’s name and place of birth on it. It would be interesting to know what else they might have found in the home.
A Super Spooky Find
This one might be the worst one yet, and we've seen some really bad ones here. Reddit user Honkey_McCracker noted that in their attic they discovered quite a few doll heads.

Yes, not just one, but an attic full of them! Pretty spooky right? We can’t imagine they felt at ease with the discovery but surprisingly they just left them all in the attic. Finding a new home sounds like a better option.
Just, Yuck
Now leaving a sandwich bag full of fingernail/toenail clippings behind in your old home makes absolutely no sense and, frankly, is entirely revolting.

Think of all the possible reasons why you might keep a bag full of fingernails and toenail clippings in your home and it’s almost certain you will come up with no good reason. None. Perhaps the only relief this discovery provides is knowing the previous owners didn’t walk around with grotesquely long fingernails and toenails. Yuck!
The X-Ray Collection
X-rays are often fascinating to look at as you get to see the inside of the human body or other objects. Whoever used to live in this old home must have either been a radiologist or someone who was very, very fascinated by x-rays.

After all, if you’re going to x-ray a banana, you must be pretty into the whole x-raying process. Perhaps the new owners could get a little bit creative and make some home decor or wall art from the x-rays.
The Toilet Bowl Bouquet
What could say “welcome! Have a seat!” better than a toilet bowl bouquet? Perhaps the bouquet of flowers was placed there as a joke for the guests or perhaps someone thought (very incorrectly) that they could dispose of the flowers by flushing them down the toilet once they wilt.

Or perhaps…they ran out of vases? Definitely a bizarre find inside someone’s home. Hopefully, the toilet bowl bouquet at least made the bathroom smell nice and the foliage didn’t mess up the plumbing!
There Are Kitchen Drawers for That
Perhaps this set of silverware was more valuable than Reddit user Xmissxandristx thought and that’s why it was hidden inside a vent?

Or perhaps the previous owners ran out of space in their kitchen cupboards and drawers? The questions and speculations are nearly endless. At least it is something that can be put to good use, especially when you move into a new home.
Important Discoveries
Now if you found items like these (legal documents and especially someone's birth certificate), you would definitely want to return them to the previous homeowners as soon as possible.

And childhood drawings may not always demonstrate the most talent but are probably very sentimental, especially to parents. Reddit user mycrawlingeye was probably able to get in contact with the previous owners and return these important and sentimental items to them. Someday soon their daughter will need her birth certificate for a lot of life events.
Look for the Sign
Whether it was a prank of the previous homeowners to take this road sign or they sincerely intended to use the sign for some purpose, stealing it (which it sounds like they most likely did) is illegal. But this sounds like something that college kids would do just to entertain themselves.

The best move that the new homeowner could make would be to return the sign, if possible. Or…there’s always the option to keep it and find a creative decorative use for it too.
Find Your Segway
When moving, it’s hard to imagine someone leaving something as fun and nifty as a segway behind. The previous owners may have simply forgotten to take it with them or maybe they didn’t want to go to the trouble of listing it for sale or packing it up.

Like Reddit user diemperdidi5 said, a segway is a pretty random object to leave behind in a home but at least it’s also something very cool (and useful) to find. Best to just hop on and enjoy!
On the Chopping Block
Definitely not a childproof home, a guillotine is perhaps one of the most eccentric and startling items you could find in someone’s home.

Thankfully, it sounds like it had not been in use and that the previous owner was indeed just eccentric and must have been interested in medieval history. For this new homeowner, however, if the guillotine was quite old, they could perhaps get an estimate on how much it might be worth. Either that or use it to chop watermelons.
Where’s the Light?
The first question this Reddit user must have asked themselves is where is the light that this bizarrely placed switch turns on. The ceiling light switch must have had a purpose at one point to be specifically placed there.

If there was a light in the room that the switch turned on, it would be massively inconvenient to use. The new homeowners would have either wanted to call an electrician to rewire the light (depending on how critical it was to light the room) and get a pole they use every time to turn on the light.
What Did You Use Those For?
Catheters are a remarkable medical tool but typically very uncomfortable and sometimes painful for the patient. So it’s a wonder what a box of them would be doing in someone’s home.

The strongest possible explanation as to why this person has a box of unused catheters is because they might have worked in the medical field or at least worked for a medical supplies company. There’s really nothing good you can do with a leftover box of unused catheters other than donating them to a medical supply company.
Are You Missing Something?
There are few things as revolting, mysterious, and mildly traumatic as finding human body parts, let alone in your new home. At least this Reddit user was contacted by the previous homeowner (and owner of the finger) and got the story behind the severed finger to relieve his mind and his questions.

But the better question may be why did the new owner keep a severed finger for three weeks? It would seem the normal reaction would be to throw it away.
Secret Skis
What an interesting day to find a pair of secret skis concealed in your ceiling. And, if you’re into skiing, it would be a pretty fun day too.

The fact that the skis were sealed into the ceiling is a bit odd but maybe the previous owners had a good excuse. They might have been very expensive skis and they might have worried their house would be burglarized and someone would steal them. Or, the ceiling might have been the only real storage space for the awkwardly-shaped skis.
What a Stink
No one likes it when their pet has an accident in the house. Nobody likes finding dog poop in their yard or in their home if it doesn’t even belong to their dog.

The previous homeowner might get the benefit of the doubt in that the poop was hidden in the closet by their sneaky dog and therefore they didn’t see it to pick it up. But super old, crusty dog poop in a new closet certainly isn’t the homecoming anyone wants.
The Poor Parrot
Finding a deceased anything (or anyone) in a place you’re now calling home is not ideal. And it was Reddit user NorthGuidance who discovered that poor Polly went bottoms up.

Hopefully, the parrot died from old age and was a well-cared-for pet. Although the fact that the previous owners didn’t bury it might imply something different, at least they had the decency to cover his body. Why you would leave your deceased pet behind is definitely a major mystery.
They’re Survivors
It’s good to be prepared and it sounds like these homeowners weren’t about to let an apocalypse take them by surprise! With looting and panic buying, being prepared in case of a national or global emergency is a good idea. Some individuals, though, get very, very carried away by stockpiling food, weapons, and other items they believe will help them survive in case of a sudden, chaotic event.

The good news for the new homeowners is that now they are prepared for the next potential apocalypse.
A Romantic Find
When it comes to finding something that belongs to someone else in your home, something personal isn’t always better. But, in this case, this is a pretty special discovery.

Reddit user Loopyprawn recalls their mother finding these remarkable, historical items, including love letters from a soldier to his lady in their home. The fact that these very personal letters were written during wartime made them a perfect donation to a museum!
Don’t Forget to Pack Your RPG Rounds
So many questions for the previous homeowners of this home in Spain. Why did they own a live RPG round? Why was the live RPG round concealed in the back of a wardrobe?

Weapons of warfare don’t exactly have a “home sweet home” feeling. Thankfully, these new homeowners knew enough about what the object was to call the right person and have it removed. Hopefully, they checked the other areas of the home to make sure there were no AK-47s or Bazookas!
Hope He’s Locked Up
Now, this in-home find would leave you with too many questions and frankly, concerns. Finding an inmate badge is one thing, but it does make the mind wander. What landed this guy in prison? Why was his badge not with him? Did he ever get out?

Perhaps Reddit user LordOfTheLols took it upon themselves to further investigate where the badge came from and why it was in their home. But it was probably quite unsettling to discover. Let’s hope the prisoner’s still locked up.
Isn’t That Just Ducky?
What you find in a home leftover from previous owners often gives a substantial commentary on who they were and what their lifestyles were.

Now, finding a dead duck in the freezer? That might leave you with a question or two. A hunting trip might have been the reason behind this find. But why does a frozen, dead duck have to stay behind when you move into your new home? Take it with you!