Let’s be real for a moment. We all know what voice this girl is referring to. It’s the baby voice; she’s talking about the baby voice.

And we’d like to set the record straight for everyone, nobody, and we mean nobody is attracted to that baby voice. Stop doing it, it’s not cute, and honestly, it’s kind of a turn-off.
Fair Enough
While it was probably excruciating for the receiver to read this message, we have to admit we would've probably done the same thing.

OK, maybe the fact that a grown person still listens to Blink-182 can be overlooked (with a lot of effort), but peeing in the bed while you're in it with them?! No way.
Poor Adam
Adam thought he needed to watch out for Sam, but turns out there was an entirely different problem going on. At least they were honest, and apologized more than once.

However, one thing is still a mystery. Why did they only find out on transfer day? And more importantly, what's transfer day?!
Further Explanation Needed
Did this person just breakup with the wrong Elisa? Because she seems to have absolutely no idea what's going on. And neither do we. Things kind of made sense until we got to "A poltergeist love. And I need an exorcism".

All in all, maybe this person dodged a bullet, because whoever wrote this message doesn't seem to be too sane.
The Devil is in the Details
This girl seems like a bit of a lunatic, and the guy is clearly a stickler for details, especially when it comes to grammar and spelling. Although, to be fair, we kind of agree with the guy here.

There are few things less attractive than a person who doesn't write properly, especially when they're lying to get a rise out of you. If this girl hadn't actually slept with the best friend until now, she's definitely doing it when he gets back from Wales now.
Raging Mom
Anthony's mom has had enough of Susan, and apparently so has Anthony, who was clearly too much of a coward to break up with her himself.

Maybe everything she said was true, but that's still a harsh message to send to someone. Then again, nobody gets the job done better than a mother.
Mormon Boy
Apparently, this woman's hair was too much of a temptation for Mormon boy to handle.

At least he was decent enough to make it extra clear that the breakup has nothing to do with her. Still, we're really curious as to what this girl's hair looks like...
Will the Liar
Come on, Will! Why would you even ask her if she trust you if you were going to break up with her a second later?!

Maybe Will had good reason to be so mean, but that's still pretty harsh. Now this person is definitely going to be crying for days.
Just Jump
Seriously, what kind of person breaks up with someone while they're on holiday, on a cruise?! It's bad enough to breakup through a text message, but to ruin somebody's holiday is just wrong.

And this is exactly why we love the response so much. Honestly, what else can you do but laugh at the whole thing and tell the person to go jump off a bridge?
Not a Fan of Cole
Clearly, this is a breakup between kids, but it's still pretty funny. Kids have a way of simplifying everything, and sometimes being a little bit too honest, like Cory here.

She's not a fan of Cole's, and even with the bad penmanship and jumbled letters, this message has got to sting a bit.
Bobo the Lunatic
This message is absolutely hilarious. And although these reasons might actually be legitimate for some people to dump their partners, you have to admit they're a bit much.

We could maybe get behind the relationship status update and the cat thing, but everything else is just madness. Unladylike swearing and disclosure of sexual partners?! Get over yourself Bobo!
Too Much
We don't know what this guy did, but it must've been pretty bad to warrant this. Not only did the woman go through the trouble of destroying a perfectly good keyboard so it spelled out "I Hate You", but she also left a gorgeous engagement ring and a key. Ouch!

Maybe the guy can pawn the ring to buy himself a new keyboard.
Happy Breakup
While that is a very nice-looking cake, and arguably more considerate than a text message, it's still going to cause trouble when the other person opens that box.

At least they'll have a nice, delicious-looking chocolate cake with a rose made of icing to drown their sorrow in.
Dan the Jerk
If Dan had any chance of saving his relationship, he definitely lost it when he wrote that reply. First of all, what kind of boyfriend would say that about their girlfriend's sister in the first place?! Secondly, if they did, why would they bring it up to their girlfriend?!

We think this girl definitely made the right decision to break up with Dan. And we hope he's not thinking about hitting on the sister now!
Redirecting the Anger
There is no better way to diffuse a situation than by creating another one. This girl knew that her boyfriend's Xbox is one of his prized possessions, and that the mere thought of losing it would wreak havoc.

So, she figured that cheating on him and being honest about it would hurt far less than a broken Xbox. And it seems she was right.
Even though this person must have been furious at their ex for lying so blatantly, it must have been incredibly satisfying to catch them in the act.

That's what you get for lying, buddy. We would've paid good money to see this person's face when they realized their partner was standing right behind them.
The Breakup Post-it
There are few things more infuriating than getting dumped through a text message or phone call, but getting dumped with a post-it note?! That's just unforgivable.

We must applaud how concise and to the point the message is, though.
Thinking About You
Poor Karah. She was genuinely thinking about her guy, while he was trying to think of a way to break up with her. And we must say, he chose the worst one.

This guy decided it was better to just take the opportunity and break up. We wonder how long he'd been thinking about it.
The Harsh Truth
Although it isn't exactly a breakup message, there's not much left to be said after a note like this.

You have to hand it to this person though, at least they were honest.
We don't know what this person did to deserve such a mean text message, but hey, at least it was creative.

Maybe babe will find a new partner in Dumpsville. Or at least a few friends to talk to.
Chocolate Cake Break
That cake looks delicious, but we suspect whoever found it threw it in the garbage after reading what the icing spelled out.

Not only is it infuriating to get dumped with a cake, the message written on it couldn't be more passive aggressive! Hey cake baker, maybe it's actually you?!
When Autocorrect Kills the Mood
We've all been victims of autocorrect, and this breakup was no exception. This person was trying to be serious and stand their ground with the breakup, but the autocorrect was just too funny to ignore.

At least the reacted with some humor and made sure to make it clear that they are, in fact, over.
KFC Obsession
Clearly, Julien likes KFC a little too much. And unfortunately, KFC isn't ready for a serious relationship at the moment.

Maybe Julien should try his luck with Popeye's Chicken? We hear they're a bit more friendly.
Friendly Neighbors
The residents of Chicago have had enough, and we totally understand. Nobody should have to spend the whole night listening to a couple scream their heads off.

Sometimes you just have to take the neighbors' advice and get it over with. Otherwise, that building won't be getting any sleep any time soon.
Bad English
Although we will never agree with breaking up over a text message, we also have to admit that there is nothing worse than a person who can't even be bothered to write proper sentences. Some text slang here and there is fine, but this is just ridiculous.

Granted. The last message was a little too aggressive, but sometimes bad English is enough to ruin a relationship.
Small Corrections
Not only did this person have to check in because they were obviously being ignored, they had to actually break up with themselves!

It's bad enough to get a response like that, even worse to have to clarify it yet again to make sure that they're "not" ready for dating.
Take Care
The only nice thing about this letter is the pretty penmanship. Other than that, Marge felt the need to tell whoever this man is that she not only met a nice guy, but that he's a real gentleman and has a blue convertible.

Clearly, this man is off at war and Marge just went on with her life; at least she was completely honest gave her best wishes. But we still feel bad for this poor guy. As if war wasn't enough of a bad situation, this guy is going to come home to find his girl gone, his ring returned (along with a special picture, we guess), and his heart broken.
They Even Took the TV
It's bad enough to come home to a note like this, but to realize you now don't even have a TV to watch sad movies and wallow in self-pity? That's just brutal.

But hey, at least they left the mail box key. Now, that's real love.
This person just isn't accepting that they've been dumped. They refuse to make peace with it, they're standing strong and saying "nah".

To be fair, "nah" is the perfect annoying and infuriating response to a person that breaks up with you through a text message. So, good on them!
We would've paid good money to see her ex-boyfriend's face when he saw this on TV. He probably thought he would have a nice quiet evening at home and watch the game, while his girlfriend went out with her friends. Wrong, buddy.

Your ex-girl had other plans. She knows you cheated, and she knew you couldn't afford tickets to your favorite game, so she hit where it would hurt. And we applaud her.
When Autocorrect Ruins Your Life
Jenna probably wants to jump out the window right about now.

Poor Jason was feeling sexy and wanted to send a text to his girlfriend, while she was trying to figure out how to tell him they need some space. Oh well, autocorrect took care of it.
Coffee Always Wins
As coffee fiends, we completely understand where this person is coming from. Coffee is all the things on that list and more, but if your partner can name more things they love about coffee than they love about you, it's pretty much over.

In all fairness, at least they took the time to draw a nice little coffee mug doodle.
Bad Andy
It looks like Andy has some serious communication issues. Apparently, he forgot to tell Jessica they'd broken up and he now has a new girlfriend. Or maybe he was just too lazy to do it and said, "hey, it's better if my new girl breaks the news'.

Honestly, we'd be far more concerned if we were the new girlfriend.
Not Working Out
Either this guy is a fitness freak and using exercise metaphors is the only way he knows how to communicate, or he's just an idiot. Breaking up with someone is never easy, and we get that maybe he tried to make it humorous, but he achieved the complete opposite.

Sara is probably better off without him, but it's never easy to have your relationship compared to doing push-ups on your knees.
In all fairness, they do have a point - 'babe' is now officially an ex. We love this person's quick wit and sense of humor, and we want to believe that they were joking playfully when they told 'babe' that they were totally replaceable.

Let's hope 'babe' understood it was all in good fun and there were no hard feelings. And nobody became an ex.
Bus Money
The first part of this note isn't so bad, if you chose to ignore the fact that this person thinks writing a last-minute sharpie letter on a dollar bill is 'putting a lot of thought into it'.

At least they were considerate enough to offer to share the car and leave a dollar for the bus. We think Mary should spend as much time mourning this relationship as this person spent writing that note.
We truly hope this person was joking, because otherwise, he's the worst husband in history. Not only did he try to breakup with his wife through a text message, they were actually both in the house when he did it!

As if that cowardice weren't enough, he just admitted to having an affair. Hey, at least he was ending it.
Please Don't Call
You've got to love notes like this - short, to the point, and with an actual kiss on them. At least she was brutally honest and this person won't be left wondering what they did wrong. They just weren't any fun. That's not hurtful, is it?

On a positive note, this woman was kind enough to leave something to be remembered by - dry lipstick. And very clear instructions.
BFF Fail
We wouldn't want to be around when Derek finds out what his best friend just did. On the other hand, maybe it was all an elaborate plan so Derek didn't have to deal with the breakup drama.

Not that his BFF is doing a better job - telling someone your boyfriend hasn't liked you for months is pretty brutal. And uncalled for. Come on guys, grow a pair. Both of you.
Millennial Breakup
Whoever said that emojis were affecting our communication skills? If anything, this clears things up - there aren't many ways in which this text could get misunderstood. You fall in love, become a couple, time goes by, the love goes away, you wave goodbye and make a run for it.

And in the odd chance it wasn't clear, two thumbs up and some cool sunglasses should do the trick. Seriously though, this guy couldn't even make the effort to type words?! The girlfriend dodged a bullet.
This is just priceless. Not only did this guy not have the nerve to breakup in person, he couldn't even write his own words?! Then again, judging by his second message, we understand why this guy had to use a Chris Brown song.

However, we do totally agree that you only live once, and this is exactly what this woman should remember next time she gets sad over this loser breaking up with her.
Relationship Status
You've got to love social media - it even saves us the trouble of breaking up with someone! No need for awkward conversations, face to face meetings, screams, crying. Just a simple click to change your relationship status and voila!

We have to hand it to Katlyn though, not only is that a very harsh way to leave someone, but on top of it all, she actually replied to Austin's comment! We truly are sorry dude.
Just a Little Space
We don't know about you, but if we were the ones breaking up with Sarah and she replied with space images, we'd never let her go. We can't think of a more clever, or more hilarious, response to the tired, cliche phrase of "I just need some space".

This person doesn't even deserve those beautiful photos! We wonder what they replied...
What Do You Think?
This person cared enough about their partner to ask a complete stranger what they thought about the breakup plan. But not enough to tell them in person.

We're sure that whoever got this message by mistake has probably never been happier to be a 'wrong number'.
Multiple Choice
We're not sure if this person is extremely considerate, or just downright insulting. Maybe we should write a multiple choice question so they can tick a box. Not only are the options ridiculous (who would want to breakup through a friend?!), but we're guessing that this note already did the job.

Maybe they were genuinely concerned about the person's feelings and wanted to make it less painful by at least giving them control over the breakup.
It's Love...and It's Over
Apparently, this woman got inspired by 'Love Actually' and decided that if place-cards worked so well to declare your love to someone, why not use it to break up, too?

You have to love this woman's clever little note transformation. And come to think of it, it's a pretty simple and accurate description of a relationship. One minute "it's love", and the next, "it's over".
It seems like these text messages might be a couple of jokes tossed around with a hilarious couple who have a good sense of humor. At least we hope it’s that way. If they are being serious, then the man got seriously played and his lady got the final last amazing word in. In short, she won by a long run.

If the situation is real, then there’s nothing to say; getting dumped when you’re expecting a baby is rough. But, being able to shove the fact that you’re pregnant in the face of your baby daddy who’s trying to dump you is the most satisfying thing. Hopefully these two were just joking around with one another or were able to reconcile their relationship, at least for the sake of their unborn child.
That "New Film"
Oh man, now this is a pretty cruel move to pull. One person asks the other if they’ve heard of a movie called “other people.” So of course, person #2 naturally thinks that person #1 is going to ask them to go see this new movie. They probably already start to imagine the romantic evening they’re going to have, huddled together in the dark theater… are they going to kiss or not going to kiss... But then, out of nowhere, person #1 says that what they want to see is other people, and they aren’t talking about a movie.

As clever as the message is, it is a pretty low move to pull and we feel sorry for the person who received this message. Kids, don’t try this at home. As for person #2, hopefully, their future involves somebody who will be kinder to them.
Being Genuine
Breaking up with somebody is no easy thing to do. Sometimes, people scramble to find the words of somebody else, like their favorite superhero, to express the way that they’re feeling. Although we are all for quoting celebrities or superheros, we think that using somebody else’s words in the case of a breakup, especially of a fictional character, is pretty low.

The clever part here is that the person being broken up with understood the reference. Perhaps what brought this couple together in the first place was their shared love of superheroes. We just hope that the person being dumped came up with his own clever lines later on in the conversation to get back at his girlfriend.
To The Point
As we’ve said, sometimes all what you really need is a short letter to get your point across. This is also true of break up notes. Of course, breaking up in person, while difficult, is always the more considerate and mature route to go. But we understand that it’s 2019 and that people no longer lack the emotional and communication skills that they did 20 years ago. So, if you’re going to break up with somebody via text, then you might as well make it quick. Of course, if you date somebody for years, then you obviously aren’t going to break up with them in a few sentences. But, if you’ve briefly dated someone especially if you’re young, then a quick letter will do.

We do love how Jenny preemptively clears up any worry that Alexander might have for her dating his friends. She lets him know when breaking up with him that she isn’t interested in his friends. We do hope that she’s staying true to what she tells him and isn’t about to go behind his back. That would just be a little much considering that she already dumped him.
The Extreme Break Up
A lot of people try to be super nice when breaking up with somebody. After all, we are talking about human emotions which are so raw and can absolutely tear someone to shreds. On the other hand, there are people who literally want to tear their significant others apart for the hurt that they’ve caused them. Well, this boy wanted nothing more to do with Valerie and was willing to go to extreme measures to guarantee that. He drew a very graphic image to illustrate to Valerie just how far he was willing to go to make sure that he would never have to face her again. We hope that Valerie didn’t see this note, because somebody of her young age is bound to be frightened and have nightmares.

As for this little boy who wrote this note, we sure hope that his parents saw it and are taking the necessary measures to find this boy some child therapy.
How Can You Be So Heartless?
We don’t know why so many people must break up with their S.O. in a public manner, but this girl decided to announce publicly to her significant other, Dan that she was leaving him for Gary. We aren’t even sure what Dan did wrong and if he deserves this sort of treatment. To add even more hurt to the situation, Laura did it on Valentine’s Day.

That would really suck if Dan had a really nice romantic evening planned for the two of them. And to send him back to his parents’ home, now that’s just brutal. Seems like she didn’t really give him much say in the matter.
If You Can’t Write It, Draw It
This guy had a hard time expressing his words, so you know what they say- pictures say a thousand words. ZF was having a difficult time coming up with the correct breakup words to Janet, so he drew a picture to express his feelings towards her. We aren’t sure how him riding a giraffe has anything to do with their break up but sometimes you just can’t explain why you no longer want to be with somebody. It looks like the boy riding the giraffe is pretty angry, so that might be how ZF feels about Janet.

Whatever it is, she probably wasn’t too happy getting this letter from him unless she’s used to his weird antics.
Keep It Short
If you’re going to go the route of a breakup letter, then it’s most considerate for you to just make it short and to the point, rather than write a long drawn out letter on how horrible the person is and all of the things that are wrong with them. Well, Carol started her letter off respectfully, but it ended pretty badly.

First of all, she signed the letter as “your friend” which is just painful if N.D. thought that the two were romantically involved or serious. And everybody knows that exes can’t stay friends. Second of all, she wrote “No one has to know we were going together in the first place,” meaning that she doesn’t want him to tell anybody that they were ever romantically involved. Now that really must burn.
Why I Don’t Like You
Getting broken up with is hard enough. But, getting broken up with and receiving a list of criticism about yourself is even worse. Well, this person left their ex quite the comprehensive list of all the things they don’t like about them. They seem pretty superficial to care about some of the things they’ve put on the list, like that they are bothered by the fact that their S.O they can name all of the members of one direction or that they think Predator 2 was better than Predator 1. Also, if they care about things like email addresses, then they might never meet somebody. But, we do agree with the fact that the person kisses everybody in their family on the lips is a bit much and we wouldn’t like that either.

This person who is getting dumped does seem to have some pretty bad habits that make it understandable why their girlfriend no longer wants to be with them. It seems that he was such a bad boyfriend that his girlfriend felt obligated to make a list of everything he did wrong so that maybe he can make some changes to be a better boyfriend to his next girl.
Two Girlfriends
Looks like Steve Frazer has been called out by both of his girlfriends and now he’s more single than ever. This sign is even better than the other ones we’ve seen of somebody’s wife calling out their husband for cheating. When Steve Frazer’s girlfriend found out that Steve was cheating on her with a second girlfriend, she teamed up with his second girlfriend and the two of them got back at Steve in a way that only badass women who join forces are able to do.

You can imagine Steve’s reaction when he understood that he was no longer going to be able to pull off dating both of these women. And the fact that he had been called out publicly was even more of an embarrassment for him. But, shame that he rightfully deserved.
Joke’s On Him
This guy was attempting to pull a joke on his lady by pretending that his phone had been disconnected when she contacted him with big news. He was clearly very taken aback by the news and didn’t want any involvement in the baby’s life. Well, he made the silly mistake of revealing his silly tactic when he spelled the word You wrong.

He didn’t even try to come with an excuse for his behavior and kept going with his joke. We wonder who this woman was that was trying to contact her future baby daddy and whether she managed to get in touch with him because if not, that dude is gonna owe a lot of child support one day.
Break Up Anniversary
Now that’s a real harsh one! Young Delandren broke up with his girlfriend of one month, Krystal. Seems like he chose to break up with her on their anniversary. He expressed how hard it was to do it to Krystal. Maybe he thought it was nice of him to wish her a happy anniversary, but it probably just added salt to injury.

Perhaps when Delandren grows older, he’ll understand that breaking up with your girlfriend on your anniversary is a horrible thing to do. He’ll also realize that a breakup note won’t cut it. Well, he and Krystal don’t seem to be older than 7 years old, so we won’t hold it against him.
Imaginary Girlfriend
If you are using dating apps, then you know what it’s like. You may come across a profile of the man of your dreams and start fantasizing about the life you’ll live together on your ranch, with cows and horses in the backyard and three children named john, joe, and jill. Your husband will work the land as you whip up fresh-baked apple pies in the kitchen. Well, seems like Greg started to envision his life with Dr. Who Girl, and it didn’t end so well for the two of them.

He seemed to notice something in her profile that made him already imagine his future self divorcing her. Although the two never actually met, in Greg’s mind, they got married and divorced. He signs off, saying that she can keep the hat and he’ll keep Hawaii. Dr. Who Girl is clearly wearing a hat in one of her pictures and lives in Hawaii. If Greg is trying to use this as a pickup line, well, I'm not sure that Dr. Who Girl will buy into it. She might find the message quite annoying. Sometimes guys write such exaggerated messages to girls when they’d be better off and have more luck just saying “hi.”
Work, It’s Over.
Break ups don’t only happen between two people. They also happen between workplaces. This breakup letter that Madelyn wrote to Five Guys is pretty genius. And, we must give her credit for writing such a super sweet letter to them. It seems like she really enjoyed her time working at Five Guys but is moving on to bigger and better things, like traveling.

From the positivity in the letter, you can tell that this traveler had a very positive relationship with Five Guys, so Five Guys shouldn’t take the break up so personally. If Madelyn hadn’t loved Five Guys so much, then she probably wouldn’t have taken the effort to write a thoughtful letter like this.
Better Read the Paper
If you aren’t an avid reader of your local newspaper, then you might want to start reading it… you never know when you could find a message directed at you, like a breakup message. I would say that it’s worse than getting dumped on social media, but considering that everybody is on social media these days and not reading newspapers as much, we guess that posting on social media is even worse. So, Kevin Maxey maybe got it good that his partner didn’t break up with him via social media and chose the early 2000’s method via the local paper. And even if Kevin was loyal to his local paper, there’s a good chance that he missed this section in the paper because most people have their few sections that they read and they don’t pay much attention to the rest.

We hope that somebody who knows Kevin at least saw this and relayed the message so Kevin knows that he is now single.
If Anybody Was Wondering
If anybody and everybody that follows @cjkarl11 were wondering, he just publicly broke up with @syd_ross via Instagram. Yes, this is the problem with millennials growing up on social media; they lose the ability to communicate with one another in person. Getting broken up with is awful. But getting broken up with on social media takes it to a whole other level. We wonder what awful thing she did to him to make him publicly announce their break up before it seems like Sydney even know about it herself. Perhaps they took things to their dm’s after she commented on the photo but we wouldn’t count on that.

We wonder what she did for him to be inclined to break up with her via Instagram and letting her down gently in the comment section. Maybe they were able to settle things in the DMs but we’re willing to bet that’s unlikely.
Get Your Act Together, Shawn
This breakup letter is precious. Apparently, Shawn was too shy to talk to Rachel since he asked her out three months ago. Judging based off of her spelling mistakes, these two are young kids. Rachel grew to be frustrated with her significant other for not talking to her enough. You go, girl, although you could have tried to talk to Shawn before breaking his little ripe heart. Shawn will learn that if he wants to keep a girl by his side, then he’ll have to talk to her and not just stare at her googly-eyed from across their math class. Shawn should definitely internalize Rachel’s advice, she gave it to him in a pretty sweet way.

Seems like he’s got some work to do on himself… but don’t we all?
Take a Good Look At Yourself
Sometimes you need a good look in the mirror to get grounded and gain a sense of reality. Or, to understand the fate of your failing relationship. Well, when this person got up in the morning and went to the bathroom to get ready, they were slapped in the face with brutal reality. Unfortunately for this person, they’ve been dumped and now they’ll have to spend some time cleaning all of that makeup off of their mirror as they cry their eyes out into the mirror reflecting on their last few years in the relationship.

We do wonder who broke up with who in this relationship and the reason for the harsh break up.
Keep Up
Sometimes, people are so in denial about a relationship coming to an end and it seems like nothing you say will convince them otherwise. It’s not clear in these text messages whether the person is talking about their own relationship or a celebrity couple that had broken up. Regardless, it seems like they just aren’t understanding the underlying theme. They talk about Seal and Heidi as well as Britney and Justin to try and express to the other person that it was real. But, the person still doesn’t seem to be getting it. TBH, I felt this way when Brangelina broke up. Nope, I just wasn’t willing to accept that this gorgeous power couple was no longer.

What am I supposed to do with all my Brangelina shirts?
Joke’s On YOU!
More often than not, your dirty laundry gets revealed. You might be good at hiding it for some time, but the stench is bound to come out sooner or later. This girl thought that she was getting away with murder, but all of her little dates would soon come to the surface and slap her in the face really hard. And do you know what would also be hitting her in the face? The key to her home. It’s time for her to move out!

This girl’s boyfriend gave her a card that read “this card will feel heavy.” While she may have thought that she was getting a piece of jewelry, once she opened the card she discovered that her boyfriend was calling her out for all the men she had been seeing on the side. Sneaking around never ends well and this girl deserves a breakup like this.
Denial is Rough
Denial is Rough As if it’s not already hard enough to break up with somebody, it’s even harder to do when your partner is in denial. When this person is going to wake up from dreamland and reality hits, they are going to be in a pretty rough place coming to terms with what just happened. She refuses to believe that her boyfriend is breaking up with her, despite him resorting to exclamation points to relay the message to her that their relationship is kaput, over. We are legit worried about this girl roaming the world on her own.

This kind of naivety can get you into major trouble.
It’s Not Your Math, It’s Me
This person makes it clear that they aren’t breaking up with their S.O. because of their horrible math. However, Ron’s awful English does seem to be a factor in the breakup. I mean I don’t really blame them. Saying “I don’t have any math,” isn’t exactly a chick magnet.

Ron thought that she was leaving him because of his poor math skills, but she let him know that wasn’t the reason. We have a good feeling that she broke up with him because she’s looking to be with a more educated man. Poor Ron, he will probably be stuck in summer school learning math and sorely single.
Can’t Have Your Cake And Eat It Too…
We’ve all heard that you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Well, this person’s partner served them up that phrase, literally. When they decided to pick up and move to Australia, their breakup was delivered via a cake. On the brighter side of things, it could be worse. This person could have been left broken up with and no cake. At least now, they have a cake to cry their tears into.

It looks like one person in this relationship was so eager to get out of the relationship and move on, that they took things to the extreme. They moved to the farthest place possible; AKA the land down under. Getting broken up with through a cake is pretty demeaning, I must say! And that person getting broken up with will never again get to enjoy another birthday.
These days, there are acronyms for everything. Nobody has time or energy to write things out. ILY is a pretty common one and it usually stands for “I Love You.” Well, when this person’s partner wrote to them “ILY,” they thought that they were getting a cute romantic text and wanted to see it spelled out.

What came next was definitely not what they were expecting; a breakup text! Can you believe that? People who don’t have the audacity and decency to break up with their partner in person, in our opinion, don’t even deserve to be in a relationship. This person was probably left heartbroken after this text and should definitely NOT forgive their ex under any circumstance.
Free Wife
This guy is having a big garage sale and you might be able to get his wife for free! You know a garage sale that has a sign “all must go” means that the owners are ready for you to bargain with them. They want to get rid of everything as fast as possible. You’ll be able to get all sorts of things for your house at a majorly discounted price.

If you don’t mind having a wife that cheats, then she’s also being sold in the sale! You’ll probably be able to get away with her for free, since it seems like this guy is very desperate to get rid of her fast. His wife won’t be too happy about this sign but erm… she deserves it.
Strong Case
Have you ever broken up with somebody that just isn’t having it? They try and convince you of the reasons why you should stay with them. That can be really tough. That’s why it’s important to stand your ground and make the breakup official, or it can encourage an unhealthy cycle of breaking up and getting back together and so on and so forth.

If they come at you with a response like “you’ll never find someone like me,” you might question and hesitate the choice you’re about to make. Well it seems like this person stood their ground and didn’t let their soon to be ex dictate their decision making.
A Wish
Who doesn’t love the old make a wish at 11:11? Even if you don’t truly believe that there’s a chance of it coming true, it’s still fun to close your eyes and allow your inner imaginative child to emerge. Well, this person’s wish of getting married and staying together forever definitely wasn’t about to come true. That’s the last time they will ever wish for something at 11:11! They probably believed after this that 11:11 brings with it an utter disaster. Here’s to making sure that you’re on the same page with your partner.

Seems like the both of them had completely different ideas for their future! One person seemed so excited for their future together and the other wanted to get out real fast.
We’ve all heard some pretty lousy knock-knock jokes in our days. But, this one must be one of the worst. Usually, you tell a joke in order to ignite a positive reaction and laughter in the person you’re telling it to. Well, that didn’t seem to be this dude’s intentions. And to think that this poor girl was expecting to laugh and then got this. Now that’s just awful.

She wasn’t expecting to cry her eyes out over the knock-knock joke. The worst part is the last text when the guy tells her that he’s being serious. Well, the girl is definitely better off without him! Anybody who can’t muster up the courage to break up with somebody face to face isn’t worthy of somebody’s commitment to them.
Publicly Broke and Single
Can we just pause for a moment and publicly applaud this woman’s courage? If your husband is going to be unfaithful, then what a better way to call him out for his wrongdoings than through a billboard on a building? And best of all, one of which that she paid for with their joint bank account! But you know what was probably priceless? The look on hubby steven’s face when he saw the sign. That right there is gold.

Looks like Emily was trying to get Steven’s attention for quite some time, with no luck. Well, Emily, you’ve probably gotten his undivided attention with this move now. And you’ve probably also stolen everybody else’s attention in the city and perhaps caused a few accidents to happen. We hope that Steven learned his lesson for his next relationship! If he ever decides to pursue one again.
Take that Paul!
Sorry Paul, as embarrassing as this public break up may have been for you, it seems like you deserve it and for that, we aren’t at all about to denounce your wife’s break up tactic. In fact, good for her. We imagine that this was Paul’s favorite cafe. We can picture him walking into the cafe in the morning, all groggy-eyed from his slumber and desperate for his favorite cappuccino before starting the daily grind. Well, his daily grind apparently involves another lady.

You got served Paul and now you are never going to be able to face your favorite cafe again! You better look for another place to get your caffeine fix. And you better run home to say goodbye to your dog, you execrable beast!
Not on the Same Page
It’s important to look for a partner that is on the same page as you. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily want all the same things as one another at the same time and enjoy all the same hobbies. But, when you’re in a relationship, you grow together and your separate paths start to merge. You may even find that after some time of being together, you can complete each other’s sentences or blurt out the same words at the same time. Well, this couple’s relationship doesn’t seem to have taken that course. It’s especially awkward when you want to express something to each other and decide to say “let’s say it at the same time,” and that epically fails.

In the case of this couple, one person had something very sweet to say, while the other had only heartbreak to deliver. Jacob apparently wanted out of the relationship, while his significant other wanted to take things to a whole new level and tie the knot. By the way, Jacob, that is a horrible way to break up with somebody. Have some nerve and be a man!
Diet Starts Tomorrow
This picture can mean one of two things. The first option is that this person is starting a keto diet tomorrow and ending their relationship with their dearly beloved, pizza. The second option is that this person is getting broken up with by a rather evil partner who chose to relay the breakup message via a box of pizza. If you’re a lover of all things pizza, then this is the last way you’d want to get broken up with.

On the other hand, if you are getting broken up with this way, at least you’d have a nice, steamy cheesy pizza to melt your feelings and sorrow into.
Time to Start Thinking
Two people are dating, but it turns out there's a third – her name is Zoey, and she is just as unhappy about "Mark" cheating as the original girlfriend. It's good that these two girls realize who is to blame in this situation – Mark.

We don't know what they get up to, but it seems right out of a raunchy high school comedy movie. Incredibly, Mark could string along two women for two years, especially in an age with cell phones, the internet, and social media.
An Important Metric
Some things are, simply put, impossible to ignore. In the animated movie canon, the death of Simba's father, Mufasa, is one of them. Of course, you have to respond emotionally, but some people have the wrong one. For instance, this person was able to laugh.

Laugh! Sure, maybe you've seen it a dozen times, but to be able to laugh at such an event is a clear sign of a cruel soul. Most likely, this isn't an actual breakup, but it will give the other half of the relationship pause when thinking about their future.
Spitting Bars
When someone breaks up with you – or dumps you, as seems to be the correct term here – it can be hard to form a good response. This person has no problem firing back with a poem that, while might not be original, certainly helps soften the blow.

We're a little upset that the person wasn't able to use the proper form of the word "too" in the last line, but all of these things are just coming from high school anyway. It's not like they're there to learn. We on the internet need all the drama we can get.
Communication Is Important
In any relationship, getting your feelings across to the other person is essential. That means leaving the lines of communication open at all times, unlike how these two did things.

Blake and the other person seemed to think the same regarding the length of the relationship, but at least they both went about it like mature adults. Just kidding, Blake goes silent as the other person keeps trying to talk. Eventually, Blake admits they aren't feeling it, and the other person agrees. Glad that's over with.
Read Between the Lines
Oh, maybe just read the lines, buster, because it's pretty clear this relationship is just as cold as yours. But, on the other hand, it seems like the other half of the relationship still holds a little candle – with which they would like nothing more than to set Gray aflame.

Hopefully, Gray got the message, which should be pretty easy to understand. Also, stop texting at two in the morning. People are trying to sleep. Put the relationship to bed, and then get some sleep.
Singing the Wrong Tune
So let's get this straight. Just so we're clear. So that we understand what's going on here, one person, Clark, sends, "I think we should break up" in quotes, and Blue agrees, thinking that a split is for the best. Clark says that they were quoting a song.

Blue switches and says yes, that's what I was doing. Everybody is relieved. And we're supposed to believe this was anything other than a gag so they could take a screenshot and post it on the internet? We're not buying it. Try a little harder next time.
Uh, Sorry
We get that sending a text to the wrong person can happen, but this seems suspicious. Do you accidentally text a question about a breakup to the person who was going to be broken up with? It doesn't taste right. It's got a scent to it. It feels a bit off.

This (like we're guessing is true for so many others on this list) is staged. If Jenna was being told about an impending breakup, she wouldn't shout TELL ME at whoever the random texter is. Instead, she would start screaming at Josh. At the very least, it's a way to make Jenna the one to break it off.
A Great Time Saver
It seems like Amanda was playing the field in a big way, casting the broadest net possible to catch the right fist for her hook...? That analogy got away from us a little bit.

If we're doing the math right, she was stringing along three different guys simultaneously, and then she also decided to get back with her ex. Good luck, we guess. We will be here talking about how glad we are to dodge that collective bullet. Amanda couldn't even be bothered to break up with all three of them individually.
Time to Drop Some Weight
It's always lovely being told precisely what you need to do to improve your life, and many people head to the doctor for that reason. They don't always hear what they want to hear, but it's usually the proper advice. This doc has told someone to dump their significant other.

This seems a little extreme, but we didn't go to medical school, so we'll give the doc the benefit of the doubt. Then again, the recipient of this breakup message is still labeled Bae, complete with a cryptic emoji, so maybe it isn't as extreme as all that.
This Is What I Think of Your Valentine's Present
After a bad breakup, there has to be some catharsis, some release. All the feelings being pent up for that long need somewhere to go. Unfortunately, the emotions often go into the destructive category, often targeted directly at the ex's possessions or the gifts they handed out.

For example, this photo shows us that a giant bear with a big heart will go up in big flames once you introduce a lighter. We've never set fire to a stuffed animal (we know, we're lame), so we'd be interested in seeing how quickly it goes up. Hopefully, that's the only thing that went up, though.
There for All to See
For some people, destruction is sure to follow a breakup. This person got struck after cheating on the other half of the relationship, resulting in their old van getting its windows smashed out and plenty of naughty, naughty words sprayed on the side.

We don't even get to see what happened inside, but we bet there was plenty of destruction there, too. Now, this groovy old van is being hauled away, where it will likely be crushed into a cube or recycled into something people will want to drive.
Hard to Miss
Communication is essential in a relationship, and communicating that a relationship is over is just as important. When you're breaking up with someone, say it clearly, so there isn't any room for confusion.

As this example shows, using the words "I'm breaking up with you" is a pretty standard way to do it – hard to misinterpret that sort of statement. Of course, there are many better ways to do it, but this is the bare minimum you should be using – it's not a break. You're breaking up.
Cool, Free Stuff
Revenge is something we're told is sweet, best served cold, or something we should try to avoid doing. When a jerk breaks up with you, you're allowed to get a little bit of revenge. Giving his stuff away is one of the classic examples.

Of course, the gal could have chosen to sell the property and make a few bucks, but this is just as good. We see a poster in there as well as something that ends with "-softener," which could start with water-, stool-, or several other things. This not only gets rid of some trash but embarrasses him as well! Nice.
Turnabout Is Fair Play
The card starts with the classic beginning, but everybody who's been on the internet for a few years knows that anything could come after "violets are blue." It also seems like this person has an excellent reason to give their beau the boot after a full calendar year of bad behavior.

The little bit at the end might not have the same rhyming scheme, but it's a vital code to the whole card — time to get out of my life and start ruining someone else's. I'm barely even going to give you good handwriting.
Get the Dog Out of There
We hope this guy blocked the alleged Brenda on all his social media and phone because this kind of breakup will get you some angry messages. We'd also like to applaud Mark for leaving a couple of notes right there on the door.

Finally, we hope Brenda takes this opportunity to look at why she might have pushed Mark away – and scared a dog off at the same time. But if Brenda is like so many other Brendas, she's going to assume Mark is crazy and figure she doesn't have to change at all.
We've Seen Worse
Plenty of breakups end with tears, anger, shouts, and many hurt feelings, but there are also plenty of simple facts of life. For example, a long-term relationship wasn't in the cards, and both sides parted ways knowing there were better things for them.

In this example, the person on the right left the person on the left with a gif from one of the most classic breakup songs written since 2000. This was part of an inside joke between the two, which almost makes us sad. However, they were still clearly friends.
So you want to break up with someone, but you also want them to feel like something good just happened. What's the best way to go about it? We suggest getting a cake that says "It's done" or something like that, so at least they can eat their feelings.

This person decided to add a confetti effect to the breakup. It makes it feel like a party a little bit. You, too, can quickly achieve this by holding down the send button (we think this is only for iMessage) and selecting one of the effects. That will make it all better.
Learning the Ropes Early
Kids are getting into relationships younger and younger these days, but this isn't exactly that. They know those deeper relationships are a part of life, so they try to mimic the adults and find someone they like. And this isn't too bad of a letter. Just a gentle question, yes or no?

Or maybe, someone might have to explain to us. We guess that "maybe" becomes "Complicated" once the kids reach Facebook age. Thankfully, "Ashely" lets this poor guy down easy, saying he'll be the next up to the plate once Kyle proves a failure.
That's How She Feels
Mr. Ex-Boyfriend just can't let things go, can he? These two seem to have been over and done with but his libido is making him do some stupid, stupid things.

We hope the girl in the green text bubble managed to cool down some of that apparent enthusiasm. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than a couple of winky emoticons to get out of this one, buddy!
He's Been Sitting on This One for a While
One of the things most of us do after a breakup is plan the most epic response to tell the other person should the future have us run into each other again. We rarely get a chance to play this scenario out in real life. This guy, however, had his shot and he took it with both hands.

We wouldn't be surprised if it turned out he had the text written into his notes, waiting for the right time to be copied and pasted into this chat.
Up to Something Illegal
Mark doesn't seem to have much dignity, does he? Even though his ex-babe broke up with him a month ago, he is still eager and willing to reply to her texts within a moment's notice and suggests they do something together. Except it's all a ruse!

Mark isn't up to anything that involves the former girlfriend. Unless it involves her getting what she deserves, that is.
Pinky Promise
So many people think they can keep being friends after their romantic relationship is over, just like the person in gray. However, very few actually succeed. You know, there's the emotional residue, jealousy, petty fights — all that mess of human feelings that would best be avoided.

The person in green definitely prefers avoiding it at all costs, which might explain why these two weren't a good match to begin with.
Read on to learn about boyfriends: how you can’t live with them, but you can't live without them
Thinking about getting a boyfriend? Well, congrats and welcome to one of the most potentially stressful experiences of your life. If you’ve ever had a boyfriend or have experienced this phenomenon in some way, then we’d like to venture a guess that you can absolutely relate with the other people who’ve dealt with them.

To help you make it through your adventures without going crazy, we think it will help to realize, you're not the only one and yes, there are countless others who have already waged this war. So let's learn from each other's battles and learn to laugh at our common experiences.
Food Solves Everything
There’s a reason the word “hangry” was invented. There is no scarier state than when a person is hangry and ready to start a fight.

That being said, there’s a nice easy fix for this one. FOOD! Just get that girl some tacos, and all will be well.
Too Many Options
Honestly, we can’t even really blame this guy. Sometimes even for girls, the amount of legging options is overwhelming, so how can we expect a man who’s never worn a pair of leggings to have a handle on the situation?

His panic is justified in our eyes.
A Very Legit Apology
It’s true that video games do have a tendency to bring out the competitive side in all of us. Especially Mario Kart.

So if you’re gonna have to apologize after a harrowing race, it’s honestly not a bad idea to do it with a cake. That way, everyone ends up happy.
Deeply Accurate
Let’s be real for a moment. We all know what voice this girl is referring to. It’s the baby voice; she’s talking about the baby voice.

And we’d like to set the record straight for everyone, nobody, and we mean nobody is attracted to that baby voice. Stop doing it, it’s not cute, and honestly, it’s kind of a turn-off.
This is Not a Joke!
This girl literally isn’t playing. Onion rings aren’t like fries that come in a huge pile.

There are a limited number of them, and you best believe that you’re gonna eat and enjoy every single one. So yeah, she has the right idea. If you gotta use the restroom, check those onion rings and check ‘em good.
Step One, Identify the Stage
This is actually pretty genius. This girl’s boyfriend first needs to identify which stage of grief his girlfriend is in so as to give her the correct kind of support.

If she’s in the feelings stage, most likely logical reasoning won’t be the answer. It’s a pretty smart move. Actually...boys, take note!
We’re Fighting but also Give Me Attention
Sometimes when you’re in a relationship, you just need some personal space after a fight. But also, after a fight, you need some physical affection.

It’s a fine, fine line between “get out of my face” and please cuddle me. The inner conflict runs deep. Sometimes you just have to settle for something in between…
Bleak, But maybe True?
Okay, this is a pretty bleak look on dating...but also kinda true? One can only hope that the more you get to know someone, the closer you’ll get and the more you’ll like them.

And sometimes that really does happen! But also sometimes this happens where you discover all their eccentricities, and it’s not to your liking.
Ew Though…
Okay, first of all, no judgment. But second of all, why the foot?

This is a case for a private detective. Does he know he’s grabbing her toe? Does he care? Does she care? This is a case for some sort of private eye; we need answers!
We’re still on the fence about whether this metaphor is endearing or borderline offensive.

We have no doubt that this girl’s boyfriend meant this in an endearing manner, but also likening a girl on her period to a ketchup packet is just….we don’t even know. Should we start using this?
For some reason. Boys can never seem to learn the ins and outs of periods. It’s really not that deep; why do they still seem to think that a girl will use 100 tampons in a three to seven-day period?

And furthermore, why do they think we don’t know what we need? We gotta educate them….for their own good!
An Unrelatable Statement
For those that do not have a boyfriend, there are plenty of upsides. A significant other can annoy you like a sibling. But you all definitely don’t have to deal with that, and you should rest easy knowing this.

Can’t relate to tales of sorrow? Nice.
Um, That’s Cute...Kinda
Okay, so ultimately, this guy got his girl flowers and said he loves her.

The comparison was….a little strange, but we have to assume their dog really loves eating poop, so that must mean he really really loves her. Bizarre, yet heartwarming?
A Well Organized Tea Spiller
Gossip is a girl’s best friend….that’s the say, right? So when this girl’s boyfriend showed up to dinner with gossip notes he’d written so as not to forget any of the juicy details, we’d imagine she was pretty into it.

We’d like to nominate him as "boyfriend of the week," please.
Look of Love
Sometimes you can’t just go right out and tell your guy you want him to do something romantic for you. You have to just strongly insinuate...with your eyes.

Then you can get mad at him when he doesn’t get the hint because he’s a boy and leave him totally confused about what happened.
The Accuracy Though…
Nobody and we literally mean nobody, looks “beautiful” the second they wake up: Bedhead, puffy eyes, stinky breath.

But no matter what you look like, your guy usually thinks you look pretty anyway. And that makes up a happy morning mess. This picture is the absolute most accurate depiction of this phenomenon.
This is a Case for a Detective
Girls absolutely love finding reasons why their boyfriend, who is very affectionate and tells them how much they love them all the time, might not be totally into it.

Honestly, I think it comes from years of idiots, so guys, you’re just going to have to accept that's how we are and deal with it.
Clearly Written by a Boy
Okay, we’re not saying this isn’t true—it kind of is. Sometimes you make an inappropriate joke thinking it’s gonna be hilarious, and then you end up offending your partner.

But….how often out of all the times this happens does a girl do this? Probably way less than men, let’s be honest. Read the room, guys.
When You Have Natty Light on the Brain
We are going to ignore the fact that Natty Light is the beer of people who don’t know what beer should taste like and focus on this absolutely ridiculous misunderstanding.

Either this guy was legit messing with his girlfriend, or he seriously thought she was asking about Natural Light, the beer, and not actual natural light.
One Shirt, Two Shirt, Red Shirt, Blue Shirt
Can we really expect more from men, though? If they only have, like, two shirts, anyone, at least their nice shirts, right? You gotta look at the upside.

At least he doesn’t have two crusty shirts with holes in them. And it's fun to dress them, so if the first four dates went well, then just take him to buy some new shirts and put him in the kind of stuff you’d like to see. Easy peasy.
Well, That’s...Infuriating
Who else here can relate to putting your entire soul into a message, so your significant other knows exactly how you’re feeling/what you’re thinking?

And who else here has gotten something similar to what this girl got? Boys commonly respond with either the one-word answer or the non-sequitur.
This girl’s boyfriend literally pulled out the PEMDAS card during a fight. We have mad respect for him, and we like to think it probably diffused the situation pretty well.

Two negatives do, in fact, equal a positive, so that means neither are mad anymore? Right? That’s according to this guy’s logic, and it seems sound.
We Must Be Unsure
There’s no way around it. When your guy asks you what you want to eat, it’s written in girl code that you must say “I don’t know” even if you do know.

We didn’t write the rules; it’s just the way it is. So, boys, you should get used to making the executive decision in that regard.
True Story
Everyone thinks the way they load the dishwasher is the right way. Indeed this seems to be a long-running trope since...well...probably the invention of the dishwasher.

And before that, it was most likely something else. So this girl definitely has it right.
Great Thought, Bad Timing
When you need a tampon, it’s usually a pretty urgent situation. There’s no time to be debating the nature of the entire industry.

Does it warm our hearts that this girl’s boyfriend feels our pain? Yes. Was this the time to be talking about it? Not even a little.
We’ve Got a Cheese Situation
Honestly, if you had to break down long-term relationships into specific text messages, this is pretty accurate.

It’s literally proven that the body’s reaction to cheese is to release endorphins, so it’s no wonder that making sure there’s cheese in the house is very important. If you’re out, the situation must be remedied, stat!
That Escalated Quickly
When it comes to boys, please lower your expectations; we repeat, please lower your expectations.

If you think you’re about to have a cute little back and forth, think again. It’s going to escalate, they’re going to say something dumb, and you will be disappointed. It’s just nature’s way of proving the smarter sex.
Punny, Very Punny
No, this person is not the first to make this joke. In fact, judging by the picture, this isn’t the first time he’s made this joke in front of her.

She looks fairly nonplussed about it. But at least we know he thinks she’s a keeper!
Classic Noodle Head
Dear girl, with the spaghetti in your hair, we’d like to ask you to step down off your high horse. Not every person who glances in your direction is hitting on you.

Sometimes, you have to accept the fact that you just have a rogue piece of pasta stuck to your head.
It’s the Thought that Counts
You gotta give it to him. He tried. He really tried to do something thoughtful after his trip to Florida.

Is it gross that someone else’s pistachio shells are mixed in with that jar of seashells? Yes. Was he trying to be a good boyfriend? He was, he really was.
Know Your Partner
Here’s the thing. If a girl says, she doesn’t want a present. She does. If she says she isn’t hungry, don’t order her anything, she is.

And if she says she wants a small order of fries, she doesn’t; she wants a large. This is, in fact, science, and it can’t be argued with.
She Made the Right Choice
We’d like to give a round of applause to this girl for her stellar sense of humor. That’s first and foremost. Secondly, we literally don’t blame her even a little bit for choosing the cat over the boy.

It shouldn't have even been a difficult decision. The cat comes first.
Cheese is not a Joke
Zero judgment here. A quesadilla is literally nothing without enough cheese. So if you have to take down your significant other to make yourself the perfect meal, then it must be done.

We don’t have any qualms with this one; carry on.
A Real-Time Saver
This could potentially be a real-time saver!

There’s probably like a solid 10 arguments that repeat themselves, so just give them a number or a letter, and boom, you’ve already got all the answers. We’re all for this.
Them Fightin’ Words
When you spend so much time with someone, it’s almost impossible not to get frustrated with them or have a few small spats here and there.

So it might actually be kinda healthy for them to get out all their aggression at a fun, organized paintball party event. More couples should probably do this.
This Boy Gets It
We all know that in a relationship, one has to compromise quite a bit on all kinds of different things.

That being said, sometimes the compromise is….shall we say...less of a compromise and more of just giving in to your partner’s will. This guy here knows the deal. When debating what movie to watch, just watch what she wants to watch and make it easier for all parties involved.
A Good Reason to Get Married
Sounds like a pretty solid reason to get married, no? You’re dying to find out just how annoying someone can be.

So you tie the knot, and voila! Their most annoying self comes out, and you’ve officially achieved your goal!
When Two Become One
It’s pretty natural that after spending lots of time with someone, you start using their slang, and you have all kinds of silly inside jokes.

This is true with close friends you spend a lot of time with, family, and significant others. You just kind of start kinda...morphing into the same person.
Vaguely Threatening but Okay
Like, yeah, this one is kind of an unsettling text to wake up to from anyone, let alone a significant other. Without context, it does send a vaguely threatening vibe.

That being said, this girl’s boyfriend seems to know her well enough to just kind of let it slide.
An Urgent Burrito Question
Let’s be honest. This question is actually quite urgent. So urgent that this girl needs to look at her phone while driving? No.

So urgent that she might want to pull over and tell her boyfriend how she likes her burrito? Yeah, probably. A well-fed girlfriend is a happy girlfriend. We know from experience….as the well-fed girlfriends.
Neighborly Love
We can't help but wonder what the reactions to note were? If it was us, we'd be heartbroken that nobody loves us, even accidentally!

At least this guy was trying to be honest and make amends for any possible confusion.
Thoughtful Gift
Not all men are as romantic as we'd hope but at least their logic seems sound. This guy wanted to profess his undying love for his girlfriend as best as his reasoning would allow, which meant getting something more enduring than roses.

We can't fault him for being as candid as possible, but at least get a nice card!
Banana for Scale
Some boyfriends like to make homemade cards for Valentine's day, which results in adorable cards like this one.

It's more than just a sweet card though, it also has a banana for scale, to give it just the right undertone of funny.
Some heroes wear capes, others save heart-shaped cornflakes for their Girlfriends. This specific little note along with the heart-shaped cornflake is incredibly sweet and corny!

Sometimes, it's the thought that counts and this proves just how thoughtful Joel can be.
Boyfriend Logic
This guy was trying to teach his girlfriend how the thermostat works, we think we'd prefer not freezing over presents. Is there anything worse than sitting at home with cold feet and a freezing nose?

If you don't freeze to death, you have plenty of money for presents. The energy savers' dilemma...
Donut Be Alarmed!
Some people like to send texts or leave sticky notes around the house to let their loved ones know they're on an errand, while others prefer novelty and create a page to save as the desktop screen for their loved one to find.

At least he'll return shortly with delicious deep-fried breakfast circles! Now that's a message we can support.

We do appreciate the effort though, what else are boyfriends for if not to warn their partners of spiders.
Fridge Note
They say the best kind of love is unconditional love, but in some relationships, it helps to keep some conditions in place...

In that case, it's best to communicate your needs as best as possible, like spelling it out on the fridge in a subtle message.
Dating can be tough, especially when two people are getting to know each other right at the beginning of their relationship.

Sometimes your nerves can get the better of you and make you do something silly that you'll think about for a long time after...
Spoiled Bacon
Nothing says I care about you like a handwritten note with an original message. But what we want to know is why would bacon ever become spoiled? In what world will someone leave bacon uneaten?

All jokes aside, this note must have been made by a microbiologist, how else could we explain someone knowing so much about what grows on spoiled bacon?
One More Day
Getting through the week can be a real bummer sometimes, especially when you have to eat your leftovers because that's what responsible adults do.

But it does help when you have someone to share it with, no matter how inedible your casserole is, at least you know you're not eating it alone.
Busting Stereotypes
There is a pervasive stereotype that claims women know where everything in the house is, but why stick to outdated beliefs and notions about gender when you can break free from the stereotype?

This guy did just that, he knows where everything in the house is, even the smallest little paperclip.
Where's Wally?
Humor is the lifeblood of any relationship. If you can get your partner to laugh then it's certain that they will soon be smitten. Keep them laughing and they’re yours. Now and forever.

This woman's hubby decided it would be fun to dress up and sit in the background of her Zoom calls, now he deserves a husband award!
Don't Be Mad
Here's a tip, if you have to start your message with "promise you won't get mad," then you might want to rethink your decisions. While designing a patio with a Super Mario Pattern might seem impressive, it's highly likely that your wife might disagree.

It could be worse though, cause this design does look like you're about to enter a real-life videogame.
Sweet Bot
Sometimes dating a robot will make you realize that having a partner who is human is not all it's cracked up to be. Or it might make you realize that certain aspects are essential, like, say, a sense of humor.

As with all dating experiences, you sometimes find yourself a person who can be both.
A Truthful Dedication
Well, at least he's being honest! Some book dedications seem so insincere and rather cliché, Unlike the couple that's all about professing their undying love, this guy wants to keep his work as accurate and candid as possible.

Although, we're pretty sure his wife and kids didn't appreciate his candor as much as we do...
Now That's Just...
Hysterical! But we're sure she was just livid that her boyfriend left her there on her own after saying that. Jokes, pranks, and laughter can help create a solid foundation for any relationship.

But some jokes and pranks are so savage, you don't want to remember them, especially if you had to deal with shady side-eyes.
A Round of Applause
What every couple needs is a common thread that bind you and your partner together and humor can certainly be a vital part of creating common ground.

Having a playful, optimistic outlook on life can certainly help keep things fresh and lively! It also helps if you have an audience that always claps when you wake up...
Looking Good
Now we're not going to lie, he does look good. Is it just us or do you also think Gigi should appreciate her boyfriend more and his willingness to show off her new outfits...

Is there anything more fascinating than a man comfortable in his masculinity? With some upbeat music and a little dancing, he could be TikTok's newest star.
Dad Joke
This is a joke that she would appreciate more if he only kept the joke between them and never around new people, friends, or even family. A "just-between-you-two" joke .... trust us, she'll appreciate it more...

If she still doesn't like it, he can at least use it again in ten years, when she turns 42.
Oh, Snap!
Now that is a neat trick, but not something we'd recommend if your significant other could get upset. You can try this if you want, but you've been warned, it's risky!

A telltale sign that you shouldn't send this text is if you're partner is known to be insanely jealous, like green in the face with red eyes kind of jealous, then it's a definite no-no.
A Shopping List
First of all, that's a huge refrigerator! And second, this may be an efficient way to send a shopping list, but whoever is doing the shopping is probably going to be boiling with rage.

How is she supposed to see what's in the fridge with one photo? Efficient shopping list sender one moment, deceased boyfriend the next.
Wife Hack?
This guy thought this is a good idea to show he's contributing to household chores... seriously?! Why doesn't he just help out with actual chores instead of inventing shortcuts that take just as long and require just as much effort?

He might have saved 5 minutes of his own time but he's at risk of losing his wife's respect and showed he couldn't even contribute to their household, now if that isn't a red flag, we don't know what is!
Formal Notice
A little messiness is acceptable when a couple first moves in together, but once a couple settles into a routine, tensions can build and this living together situation can start to feel a little less romantic.

In that case, a sweet note may not be enough to catch your partner's attention, instead, try typing out a formal-looking notice that will not only catch their attention but make them aware of just how upset you are.
Cookie Monster
It's easy to get complacent in a relationship, which is why it's important to spice things up every once in a while. Some men take their significant others out for a spontaneous romantic dinner for example.

Others leave notes on cupboards to remind their girlfriends where the baking mixes are so they know it's time to bake some of their favorite treats.
An Indecent Proposal
Some people can't help but snoop around in their beloved's belongings, and this is exactly why they shouldn't. While it may be tempting, you still don't want to ruin a surprise that took months of preparation.

In this case, the soon-to-be-engaged boyfriend knew he couldn't prevent her from investigating, so he gave her another surprise and completely dashed any expectations she may have had.
Another Prank
Sometimes a little humor can go a long way, in this case, this prank literally went on an excursion as post-it notes stuck to a car. When his girlfriend found out, she didn't have time to remove them so she had to drive through town with them on.

Well, that's one way to get to prank your girlfriend! Let's hope she knows how to get him back cause driving around like that sure is embarrassing!
The Perfect Match
Sometimes a gal just wants to be wooed and taken on a romantic date. Is that too much to ask? We hate to break it to you all, but yes, it is. One look at this girl’s face tells you all you need to know about her boyfriend’s romantic date idea.

He thought it would be a clever idea to take her to the place they first met. This sounds like a cute idea until you realize the pair is standing in front of Tinder headquarters. They matched on the app, and she’s ready to reinstall it and start swiping right again.
Sunshine and Natty Light
Sometimes modern dating can bring moments of pure sunshine and rainbows. This hilarious exchange between a boyfriend and girlfriend about their new apartment is a classic situation of miscommunication but in the best way. She thought they were talking about natural sunlight, and he thought they were talking about a brand of beer.

You can tell by reading the texts that they have a great relationship. They both had a good laugh about the misunderstanding later on after this tweet went viral. Hopefully, she brought home a pack of Natty Light to celebrate. Love isn’t dead in our modern world, after all.
Sorry, Bro
Being cheated on is never fun. But, being the unknowing person who hooks up with the cheater can feel even worse. This tiny note was left behind in a girl’s apartment in the last place she would look. Why? Because it was meant for someone else to find.

The guy who slept over taped the note to the bottom of the toilet seat, knowing that her boyfriend would find it. The note-writer had hooked up with this girl and didn’t know she was in a relationship until the morning after. By way of an apology, he left behind this secret note of solidarity. This is definitely a situation where the “bro first” rule makes sense.
A Hallmark Remix
Many of us love the predictable romance of a Hallmark Christmas movie. Every plot is basically the same: a big-time career woman moves back to her small hometown and falls in love with a down-to-earth heartthrob right before the holidays. But we must think about how the big city ex-boyfriend must feel about the whole situation.

This tweet shows the point of view of the forgotten big-city boyfriend, and he’s not all bad. He’s the one who supports her ambitions and career goals, after all. In classic post-break-up fashion, he’s planning a super fun trip to ignore how upset he is about being dumped. The evil ex has feelings, too.
The Lurking Blues
We all experience some degree of jealousy in a relationship. It’s a natural human emotion often counterbalanced by trusting our partner. However, sometimes feeling jealous and upset is totally warranted. By “sometimes,” we mean when your man likes and comments on things he shouldn’t comment on.

Why did he like that girl’s picture? He’s following who? What does that cryptic late-night comment even mean? Dating is definitely harder in our modern age of social media. You can’t trust anyone. Oh, and don’t even think about secretly checking his DMs. You might not like what you find.
A Cozy Night In
If you’ve tried dating and have found little-to-no success, you’re not alone. Some people give up and try other ways of meeting “the one.” Considering the lackluster options on many dating apps, this doesn’t seem like a bad idea. One guy planned a cozy night in with the perfect date, and we’re kind of jealous.

He brought a brand new date home and decided to plan the perfect low-key evening. Netflix and chill, red wine, and a bubble bath sound pretty romantic. If he’s lucky, he’ll score at the end of the evening. He has a pretty good chance since his date is the “Fallout 4” video game.
A New Vacation Wardrobe
A good partner is hard to find. That’s why you do everything you can to keep them, right? However, this girlfriend took things to the next level. Her boyfriend was going on a cruise without her. She wanted all the single ladies on the ship to know he was taken.

She made him a collection of new shirts that all proclaimed his relationship status. What better way to remind your man while he’s relaxing on vacation? Of course, some people might find this stunt overbearing and a bit much. But can we blame her for wanting to keep a good thing going?
Single Forever?
It’s easy to compare your love life (or lack thereof) with everyone else’s, especially on social media. It seems like everyone in the world is finding love and hooking up except for you. What’s up with that? We’re here to remind you that it’s not the destination but the journey. Take your time, and love will follow.

Hearing messages like “you already meet your soulmate before age 21” can be disheartening if you’re 22 and single. However, don’t worry too much if you find yourself alone and without a soulmate. It might not seem like it, but there is plenty of time to date around and find “the one.”
Get Your Milkshake Ready
This photo may look like a simple Dairy Queen milkshake sitting in a front yard. However, it’s actually a testament to how hard dating can be. The girl who took this photo is looking for some new boys to date. So, she took inspiration from the Y2K classic hit “Milkshake” by Kelis.

Unfortunately, her efforts don’t seem to be paying off very well. She’s staying optimistic, but we have our doubts. That cute little milkshake is hanging out in the front yard all alone. Alas, her milkshake did not bring all the boys to her yard. Better luck next time.
Modern Dating: IKEA Edition
Choosing an awesome picture of yourself is one of the most important decisions you will ever make when building the perfect dating profile. It’s tricky business. You want to strike the right balance of humor, wit, and approachability. Your profile picture is the first thing potential matches will judge you on.

That’s why this idea is either totally genius or absolutely misguided. Some guys have resorted to photoshoots at IKEA to get the perfect shot. These guys will read books upside down, pretend to put away dishes in fake kitchens, and work hard in fake offices just to look accomplished and cultured. Would you swipe right?
The Other Woman
When you're first getting to know someone, all it takes is one misstep to ruin a potential relationship. Unfortunately, this guy might have been that giant misstep for his roommate. One evening, his roommate asked him to clean the apartment because he was bringing a girl home later. It was then that he hatched the perfect maniacal plan.

Like any good roommate, he cleaned the apartment and did his best to set the mood for his buddy. What better way to create a romantic vibe than an impromptu shrine to the late Princess Diana? The lovelorn lines about Thom and Diana written in Comic Sans are a nice touch.
No Show Fee
This photo is absolute proof that online dating is a dystopic nightmare. A woman’s roommate had arranged to meet some guy she met on Hinge but got cold feet last minute. So instead of letting him know she wanted to cancel, she stood him up. Not the best decision, but it happens.

This woman was shocked when she saw a Venmo charge for eight dollars a few days later. This guy, who she had never met in real life, was trying to charge her a “Hinge no-show fee.” No one likes to be ghosted, but treating a date like a broken contract is a weird move.