While we don’t think this is Max Mayfield and Lucas Sinclair, it looks like this couple has made their best impression of that young couple. Prom photos from the eighties – or photos that are supposed to look like that – are a treasure trove of awkward moments.

The guy in the front is laid out, making eyes at the camera like it’s his job (it might be), while the gal behind him has one hand on his arm and looks a little bored. Big, poofy hair and some perhaps out-of-date clothing choices put the finishing touches on this pic.
Going All the Way
There are some events where the goal is to be dressed up as nerdy as possible. This lets some people show off all their best anime waifus, and it lets others live up to the stereotypes that they've seen from all the movies. These two are ready with a picture that is supposed to be awkward, and they're proving their nerd credentials.

Tape on the glasses, goofy, messed-up hair and the guy is even sporting a shirt straight from “Revenge of the Nerds.” Maybe they look this way all the time, or maybe they really went all out.
Might Go for a Swim Later, You Don't Know
A little bit of breakfast by the river – there's nothing like it. Remember, getting the right amount of Vitamin D is important – it's good for your skin (somewhat ironically), your bones, your mood, and your immune system. This German couple is enjoying their time in the sun, though it looks like Hans is enjoying it a touch too much.

Maybe this German gent has the right idea. His female friend doesn't seem to mind as they enjoy some tea and...donuts? Hard to tell from this angle. After that, it's time for a dip in the water.
Must Be Reading Song of Solomon
Nothing like a good book to get two young people all charged up. Those descriptions of the temple of the ten plagues in Exodus can get really hot and heavy. Or, maybe, they're just excited to learn about God's enduring love for all of humanity.

We would recommend the guy work on his combing skills a little bit. Or, at the very least, make sure that the camera doesn't capture that angle anymore. The gal looks fine, though she might be trying to figure out what's going on with his face.
Just Hold My Hand Normally
No, that isn't young John Lennon holding hands with whoever lost him to Yoko Ono. You know he never smiled. It's an unnamed couple from England that decided they would sit on a rock or a stump and hold hands like a couple of weirdos.

The pic, which we're led to believe is from 1981, is a couple of youngins just getting out into nature and doing something. Something that we're probably never going to understand since this picture is from more than forty years ago. Her face, thankfully, lets us know that even back then, this sort of hand-holding was a strange choice.
Don't Be Fresh
It's the classic story – a guy tries to get a little handsy with his gal, but the gal is having none of it. Look at her! She's about to go ape on this loving fellow, but that could be because he chose to make his move while the camera was pointed at them.

Whether that was intentional or not, we may never know. We have to imagine that a slap followed the snap of a picture being taken, and this guy had to go home with a big red mark covering the side of his face.
Old Can Still Be Awkward
It might not reach the heights of the awkward photos we had during the seventies, eighties, and nineties, but this classic look at a pair of newlyweds is still a little bit awkward. They look like they're not sure what to do now that they've handed in the paperwork at the registrar's office. Do we stay here? Is there a party? Do we just go home? Maybe we should get some lunch. Let's get some lunch.

Still, they're smiling and holding hands, and that goes a long way toward making something not as awkward. Smiles are the best choice for pictures, everybody, remember.
All Right, Now Stop It
We're told that this couple is celebrating a sixtieth wedding anniversary, which just goes to show you that joy and laughter really can keep you from aging. These two don't look a day past their fortieth anniversary. Why are they pretending to be dinosaurs to each other? The person who took the picture told them to “act like you've been married for sixty years.”

This is, apparently, what they did. It must be one of those things that only makes sense if you've been married for sixty years. All in all, it just looks like they're having some fun.
A New Generation
Yes, this couple has found themselves as part of this awkward picture, but they have a good reason to celebrate. The early 21 st century was a strange one for Russians who had lived through the terrifying era of the U.S.S.R.

There was suddenly a lot more money, a lot more food, and a lot more freedom – enough freedom for people to go around kissing each other in public while holding cell phones and dressing in swanky outfits. It's not like they were posing for a picture or anything, a camera just caught them locking lips. Wait, does the guy have a picture of a cell phone on his cell phone?
Get a Picture of Us on the Swings Next
So you've gone to the playground to get some pictures taken. Good for you! It truly is the dream. Make sure you wear your striped shirt with the shortest sleeves and get a fresh razor for your head; otherwise, it might not look right. This couple picked a strange spot for their pic, but it still turned out all right – even if it is a bit on the unexpected side.

There are certainly pictures on this list that are more awkward, intentionally or not. The worst part might be that the lady's hair looks like it's a breeze away from going straight into the guy's eye.
Usually, Food Goes Into the Mouth
There are tons of pictures of a newly-anointed bride and groom doing something goofy together, and we're sure there are plenty that would fall into the awkward category. Here's one that has the groom apparently trying to maneuver a strawberry into his bride's mouth and not doing a very good job of it.

We know for a FACT that you can't eat a strawberry with your nose. Please don't ask us how we know that. You're just going to have to take our word for it. Anyway, we bet these two eventually figured it out. It looks like they're smart enough.
Staying Warm
The next time you're on a walk with your significant other in the woods, make sure you take a blanket with you in case you get cold. These two did it and it ended up looking pretty cozy, all things considered. Of course, they also seem to have brought a photographer with them, which isn't required if you want to make sure things are really cozy.

These two look both like they're waiting for their next chance to give the camera their good side, but it also looks like they're waiting for the camera to disappear so they can get really, REALLY cozy.
Your Sternum Smells Good
Nothing too wrong with this picture, but it still comes off as a bit...odd. These two lovers are enjoying a hug among the flowers, and while the guy looks pleased as punch to be in this pic, the girl has a little bit of a different vibe about her.

She's okay being there, with her main man's hands all over her arms, but she has her nose pressed straight into his collarbone, which can't be all that comfortable. Sadly, depending on the heights of the people involved, sometimes you don't have any other options.
Taking the Opportunity for Fun
If you happen upon a photographer in the wild and you're with your beau, you have a chance to make a memory that others can share in. It happened to these two, and look – you can almost feel the fun that they must have been having while they were on their walk.

They have their arms locked around each other, they're both giving the camera goofy grins, and it looks like they're about to bust out with some big laughs. The lady might have to get her hair in order before they continue on, but we think that's quite worth it.
Kitty Love
Nothing like someone that has been by your side for all that time. Someone to sit and laugh with as you give your friendly kitty a few pets. This Russian couple is reliving some memories as they sit in the shade, and just look at those outfits.

The woman is wearing a low-cut dress that falls past her feet, as well as a traditional head wrap. The guy has a jaunty cap, classic clothes, and black socks with blue sandals. This is the kind of couple that gets noticed as they stroll around town with their cat on a leash.
A Trip to the Beach
If you had to guess when this picture was taken, could you? We're stumped. The clothes don't exactly look out of date, but they also don't look like the kind of styles that are likely to be seen at the beach these days. The lady is wearing a big, oversized shirt in the sun, and that seems more like something that would be done in the seventies than now.

The guy is wearing what appears to be modern styles. It's a riddle, that's for sure. But, at the very least, they're enjoying their day at the seaside, where they are almost holding hands.
Bagels Get Everybody Excited
These two are wearing traditional Russian costumes as they snack on mini bagels and gaze lovingly into each other's eyes. Yes, the hand placement evokes a bit of unsure nature on the guys' part, but it doesn't look like the lass has any problem with him saying hello. The title of this picture mentions they're standing near a Russian stove, but we don't see one in the picture.

Maybe it's implied since she's eating baked goods. Now that we think about it, it's more likely that the guy is making eyes at the bagel and not at his lovely wife. This raises far too many questions to answer here.
Pure, Simple Bad Timing
It's not often engagement photos are ruined by the University of Chicago Obstetrics and Gynecology department, but we guess it had to have happened at least once. Obviously, these two weren't aware of what was being shown on the marquee behind them.

Dollars to donuts (two good things, generally) the photographer laughed, told them they would have to redo the kiss, and showed them what had been captured by the first attempt. Oh no, these two have to kiss again, how horrible. Just as long as the marquee switches to something else. Or maybe don't have the marquee in the shot? Just a thought.
A Couple at Odds
If two people are getting married, they take pictures. Sorry, we don't make the rules. Most of the time, these pictures are of the happy couple cuddling together, looking forward to a life spent around each other. Often there's a funny one thrown in, just because. In this picture, the bride-to-be has an idea that her future husband either didn't understand or didn't feel like being a part of.

She's doing something with leaves, and her foot popped into the air, but he isn't excited about it at all. Hopefully, he isn't rethinking anything. We also have no idea what she's trying to do. Good luck, bud.
We Will Plank Together Forever
So a couple wants to get some engagement photos done. Classic. Everybody does it. If you don't do it, it's unexpected. There are a couple of traditional shots...at a trainyard, for some odd reason...but then they decided to do a funny one. Again, this isn't really an odd thing. Lots of people end up getting the giggles out after all the serious pictures have been taken.

The picture they ended up taking was surely quite odd. These two are planking, a fad that was really popular for some time, but died out just as suddenly as it appeared. Maybe the pictures are from that era, or maybe they just like planking.
It's a Big Difference
There are lots of couples that have to deal with a height difference, but this one is one of the biggest. Not only are these two a good foot or foot and a half different in height, but the lad also looks to be three times as heavy as his date. There's also the fact that they're teenagers, so they haven't worked out how to get through those awkward moments.

Both of them, whether this relationship stands or not, will come away a little wiser and a little more prepared for the next awkward photo. And don't worry – there are going to be plenty more. It doesn't matter who you are.
Hugging Takes Many Forms
This isn't the most awkward photo we've ever seen of a couple, but a few things do stand out. The way they have their chins on each others' shoulders is sort of weird. (Even though when you think about it, it's perfectly natural.) Nothing wrong with it, obviously, but it's the kind of hug you'd see in a Wes Anderson movie.

They're holding hands, too, but for some reason, the hand-holding looks a little strained, a little forced. Are they truly in love? Is the relationship breaking down? Is it just two stock photo models who will never see each other again? We may never know.
A Personal Finishing Line
So these two are kissing – so what? And what's that in her hand? Is that a pan with a pancake in it? What's with all the other people, some of whom are carrying their own pans? A mystery that might never be solved unless we've already solved it.

This picture was taken during the 1966 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Race in Olney, Buckinghamshire, England. Obviously. It's the most famous pancake race in the world, and the goal is to run to the finish line with a pancake in your pan, flipping the whole way. This guy has his own kind of race in mind, as we can see.
We Don't Care About the Cameras
Sometimes you just have to give your significant other some classic PDA, no matter who is looking on. These two lovebirds have a perfectly good reason, by the way – this picture comes from Leningrad, Russia, in April of 1960, and these two have just filed the paperwork at the registrar's office to get hitched.

They're hoisting some glasses and hauling some flowers as they start a life of matrimony together. We don't get a chance to see any faces, but that's not the focus here. This picture is about love, no matter who is watching.
Are You Taking a Picture or Not?
Not every picture of a couple has to be full of shining smiles. These two look like they're about ready to walk out the door of the photo studio. Maybe it's taking a long time, and they have stuff to do. Maybe the photographer has been tinkering with the settings to get the perfect shot, and these two are over it.

They did get a good shot, but this might be a clue as to why every ancient photo has everybody looking cranky – it took a long time. At least their poses are perfectly mirrored, which makes it all worth it.
A Banana and a Bunny
Who would have thought that such a pair could ever exist? We suppose there are all kinds of couples out there waiting to be discovered. Of course, you know the truth – this is just a couple dressed up for some Halloween fun with the kids. One of them is a banana in pajamas, and the other is a “bad bunny,” whatever that means.

We don't think they coordinated their outfits, but maybe this is some kind of in-joke for the two of them. They took a few pictures, and then they hit the streets for trick-or-treating with their little kids (who were dressed up as dinosaurs, in case you were wondering.)
The Opposite of the Norm
She's a tall drink of water, isn't she? Nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with that. A few things could have been done to improve the angle of the photo, but other than that, there isn't anything wrong with the photo as a whole.

The guy has a little bit of an eighties facial hair and mullet situation going on, but he seems to own it, and we've definitely seen worse. It turns out that this gal was actually insecure about being taller than her main man, but he encouraged her to wear the heels and take the picture anyway if that was what she wanted.
We're Not Wearing Any Makeup
Eyeshadow? Blush? What are you talking about? This is just how we look all the time. This interesting couple has plenty of piercings between the two of them, more than enough color on their faces, and a couple of swanky horror-movie sweaters that keep them warm on a chilly October night.

We're assuming October, anyway. Maybe this is how these two dress in April. Though all that black wool might be difficult to handle in the summer. It might be so bad that it can even end up in...murder.
Keeping Things Cool
Putting on some shades in the sun is something we all do so much that we may not even think about it anymore. But have you ever considered putting them on...upside down? It doesn't change anything, but it does give your personal flair a little bit of a unique twist. Make sure to get your best gal in the picture, but tell her to make a weird face and put her hand down her leg for some reason.

That way, you'll quickly find that you have a proper awkward picture on your hands, perfect for posting on social media and having a little bit of fun.
A Story From Christmas, Perhaps
Ralphie from "Christmas Story" once had to get dressed up in pink bunny pajamas to make sure his Aunt Clara wasn't upset during Christmas. We all know that Ralphie eventually got his one true desire, but the bunny pj's are still famous.

These two look like they're doing their best to bring up that kind of idea to this set of pictures, though that's not the only thing that they're showing off. An awkward couple of hand holds, a cat that looks ready to sprint off, a present, and a big, squat tree give us a little more to marvel at.
A Classic Halloween Getup
Is it awkward? Is it cool? Is it just a bunch of people who have gotten together to get dressed up for Halloween? The answer is yes. These two might be mixing the companies – we're not sure if Wonder Woman and Spider-Man have ever worked together to defeat a foe – but here they are together one way or another.

They aren't the fanciest costumes, but they still make these two look ready to tumble with any kind of bad guys that cross their path. Shield and sword meet web-swinging skills, which means nobody will be able to get away.
Look Up There. Look, I Tell You!
If that lady looks a little familiar, it's because she most likely is – that's none other than Mary-Kate Olsen, twin to Ashley. Here she is seen having her head pointed up at the corner of a Dallas Mavericks vs New York Knicks game by her then-partner Olivier Sarkozy.

Of course, there are plenty of pictures of famous or famous-ish people looking strange in one manner or another, but this one is a little bit different. Oliver really wants to make sure that Mary-Kate doesn't miss whatever is going on up there. Or he wants to make sure her head isn't in the way, or something. It's hard to tell from here.
A Wedding Announcement to Remember
When two people decide to get married, they send out announcements to let friends and family know about the happy news. This happy couple wanted to do the same thing, but they took it in a little bit of a different direction. Goofy hairdos, beige clothing, and a unicorn in the corner are just the start of how awkward you can get if you're both in on the joke.

The joke was up before too long, though – it's just a little too clear that these two are having fun looking as goofy as they can while they have the photographer's time.
Dad, We Need Some Sweaters
Couples have been trying to outdo each other when it comes to awkward photos recently, and this one is a pretty good example of what is out there. Yes, they're dressed in some old styles of clothes, and they've done up their 'dos to look a bit out of date, but at least they didn't have to change their glasses. For some reason, big oversized glasses are in right now.

They had to do something special for the pose, and this is exactly what they needed. Hands clasped, sole of a foot pressed together, but no other physical contact to be seen.
Yes, They're Definitely in Love
Ah yes, this couple is certainly enjoying their time together as a couple. You know, because they're a couple. They're taking a romantic canoe ride together...and they brought a photographer along with them, too. Because that's doubly romantic.

Yeah, it's a stock image, but it's still kinda awkward no matter what the context is – it looks like she's trying to kiss him on the nostril. Or rub her nose on his, or something like that. Likely there are a bunch of different pictures in this set, but this one might have been better left on the cutting room floor.
Now This Is Fun
You could raise a family of four in pants like those. Just look at those things. Incredible. We haven't seen trouser tech like that since the Zoot suits. Anyway, these two seem to be having fun, but where is all this fun happening? Well, if the information is to be believed, it's in this little island country called Cuba in the nineteen fifties.

How on Earth did these two big Berthas reach such a country during a very tumultuous time in its history? Well, chances are it was right BEFORE that tumultuous time started. There was some fun to be had then, as we can see.
Plenty of Time to Get It Right
Not everybody is photogenic. Posing feels weird, smiling feels weird, and having to take a picture with someone else doubles the weirdness for many. Of course, if you get married, you kind of have to get some pictures taken, or nobody will ever know.

This couple is still working on it, and while the pictures might not have that magical sparkle, they still seem nice enough. Plus, these two are going to have plenty of time to work on their posing techniques. Nowadays, there are tons and tons of photos that don't go on save-the-date cards, but they can still become treasured keepsakes.
Ringing in the New Year
Matching outfits, unidentifiable poses, odd facial expressions, and a background that takes up too much attention – we've hit the jackpot here. This couple wanted some goofy photos to put online before New Year's Day, and by Jove, they have them.

While they're trying to look as unenthused as possible in some of the photos, they're clearly having a good time. And why shouldn't they be? It's a nice tree, they have some nice outfits on, and they're goofing off putting together pictures that will get people laughing for the whole year.
Stop, Please, We've Had Enough
Going to get awkward photos done with your significant other is no longer an accident that you try to cover up – it's something you do intentionally. That's what the story behind this picture is, and we really want to believe it. Every single detail has been perfected to make this picture cringe-worthy, even if you know it was staged.

The creepy stache, the listless hair, the thoughtfully-bad clothing choices. The looks, the poses, the way the hands and feet are. Colorful socks and sandals are the finishing touch to this horrific picture. For this couple's sake, we hope they took real ones next.
Yes, We Are Farmers
Just in case you couldn't be sure, this picture comes to us from the great state of Kansas, which has farms, fields, farmers, and some roads, we think. This odd couple is standing in front of a huge harvesting machine (the type is unknown, we can't see much detail) and showing off the fruit of the land to the camera.

The guy looks a little bit like Steve Buscemi, but likely he's just sun-weathered from his time growing oats, corn, wheat, or whatever else the crop of the year is. It almost looks a little staged, but the guy's hand is all blurry, so we don't think they were posing.
A Funeral or a Wedding
We're not sure if this couple looks happy or sad in the picture, to be honest. They have some almost smiles on their faces, but neither of them actually looks very pleased with everything that's going on. What's the backstory? Well, these are actually the married Romanian singers Olimpia Zaharia and Constantin Draghici.

The picture comes to us from the nineties, a time when clothes weren't comfortable, and people barely tried to hide it. This couple looks like they've spent more than enough time staring down cameras.
That Weird Transition Year
The seventies? The eighties? Neither, in fact. This picture of a young couple and their little guy on the Santa Monica Pier was taken at some point during the strange year of 1990. Technically in the eighties – hair metal was big, hair was bigger, and the fashions hadn't swapped over yet. But Nirvana was just around the corner, and grunge was about to replace neon.

Every couple has a goofy swimsuit shot, but this couple might be aggravated at the fact that the mullets are front and center. Still, it's a nice memory to have of a day at the beach.
We Aren't Sure Where to Start
Now, this is a picture. This businessman can't wait to get a mouthful of chicken despite the crooked chompers peeking out between his lips. The elderly woman is hanging on to his arm in order to keep him from going mad with chicken desire. All that plus the glasses, the suit, and the napkin in his hand is just fantastic.

How did it all come together? Where does this night lead for these two? Why is she looking at him with such pride as he enjoys his meal? Why does he look like he's getting away with something as he leans into the lady on his arm?
Bound Together Forever
Nothing like a piece of jewelry to tie two people to each other. However, this isn't exactly what most people have in mind when they think of the concept. This punk couple – identified as Phil and Mandy – are chained together at the nose, and we have to admit this will make life difficult for them.

This was in April of 1981 when punk was something that meant something, but who knows if this personal fashion choice meant enough? They seem to be okay with it, even if it probably got them a couple of funny looks on the street and at the dentist's office.
One of Them Enjoyed It, at Least
These two got in front of the camera, but it looks to us like only one of them was really into it. The guy seems to be a little upset to have to take a picture in matching pajamas, but at least his gal is excited about it. He barely even looks awake.

These two are Julianne Hough, from “Dancing With the Stars,” and her ex-husband, Brooks Laich, a hockey player. Well, they do look comfortable, at least. And it has more than a hundred thousand likes on Instagram, so she's not the only one that enjoyed it, at least.
All Smiles
A British couple starts their lives together in a dapper gray suit and a classic white wedding dress, and the bride is giving the biggest grin of her life to the camera as the groom hauls her off to the honeymoon suite. This comes to us from the eighties, and while the new missus is there to say goodbye to the crowd and to thank them for celebrating, hubby clearly has some other things on his mind.

Sure, the outfits might be a bit dated, and the groom might have wanted to turn around and give the camera his best, but there's not much wrong with this pic.
That's Not Where You Kiss
We might not have a degree in kissing – not yet anyway – but we're pretty sure that's not how that works. In fact, the space under the nose isn't even a part of the body. Maybe a part of a personal bubble, which can still be intimate, but okay.

So the lady is puckering up, and the guy hasn't gone for the gold just yet, but how can you deny someone like that? Goofy clothes aside, these two could be from almost any period in the last forty or so years. And additionally, goofy clothes never go out of style. Hard to if they aren't ever in style.
Are We Sure This Isn't from “Stranger Things”?
While we don't think this is Max Mayfield and Lucas Sinclair, it looks like this couple has made their best impression of that young couple. Prom photos from the eighties – or photos that are supposed to look like that – are a treasure trove of awkward moments.

The guy in the front is laid out, making eyes at the camera like it's his job (it might be), while the gal behind him has one hand on his arm and looks a little bored. Big, poofy hair and some perhaps out-of-date clothing choices put the finishing touches on this pic.
A Mirror in the Middle
No, you aren't seeing double – you're seeing identical twins Mike and Jamie Major, who are in a picture with their respective girlfriends at the time, Julie and Clare Wyatt, who are also identical twins. The picture is from 1989, and while we've done some research, we can't say for certain if either of these relationships went the distance.

You'd like to think that if one pair got married, the other pair did as well, but who's to say? It makes sense that one twin would find the other twin attractive, though we don't want to think too hard about it.
Not Where You Normally Grab
Some guys feel awkward holding onto a girl. We get it – you don't want to get anybody angry. We do wonder what the thought process was behind this particular handhold, however. Maybe the guy was just trying to be funny because he knew there was a camera taking a picture, maybe this was something for an ad shoot, or maybe she just likes having her hair held.

There are all kinds of people out there. This picture comes from USSR-ruled East Germany during some time in the eighties, and maybe things were just different there.
Scary, but for a Different Reason
This picture comes to us from the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade in New York City during the nineteen eighties, and while these two might not have scary costumes, we're still a little put-off. They might just be mugging for the camera, but we'd still be reluctant to approach these two if we saw them on the street.

How does a guy look so crazy with nothing more than a fake knife in his head and a plastic nose on his face? What exactly is he supposed to be? Cujo the dog at the end of the story?
We Think These Two Are Famous
We're not sure if we're able to correctly call any picture that has Kim Kardashian in it awkward. Weird, annoying, or heavily edited, yes, but awkward? The jury is still out. Here she is trying to reach her famous lips up to her then-husband Kris Humphries, who was married to her for a grand total of two years.

No, Kim isn't that short – Humphries was a professional basketball player and stood at six feet, nine inches when this picture was taken. Kim is probably wearing high heels now that we think about it.
Could We Try Another Angle?
A little bit of awkward family photography works for everybody, but we do think this one could have used a professional touch. Taking it from a different angle so that the gal wasn't hiding most of the guy is a first step. There's also the angle of the woman's head looking over her shoulder. It's just not the best framing, that's all.

With a few different choices and a better pose, we doubt that this photo would have ended up on this list at all. The hands' placements and positions also seem a bit strange, like it's really unnatural.
Taking Cover
Somewhere in the Czech Republic, during some time in the seventies, this picture was taken of a couple of lovebirds who were just looking for a little privacy while they locked lips. We assume that's what they're doing, anyway. That is a huge guitar. How are you even supposed to play something like that? With two people? That makes sense.

The guitar is so big that it looks like they could have their heads inside the body. We're pretty sure that they do not since that would mess up the instrument's acoustics, but they would certainly fit.
Wrapped and Ready for Christmas
We all love to put on some goofy holiday sweaters for a party and take some pics, but this one is a little more awkward than normal. The two halves both have their holiday duds on, and they're posing with some puckers that look a little too put-on to be real.

Yes, it's a picture for Instagram, so obviously, it's staged, but it's the kind of photo that you put online and then eventually take off because you don't want to be reminded of such an awkward moment.
At the Top of the World
Climbing is never an easy feat. If you have to get stuff like crampons – the metal spikes that are on their boots – to reach the top of a mountain, you know you have a challenge on your hands.

If you have somebody in your life that is willing to load up on gear, bundle up in a bunch of layers, and start climbing through layers of the atmosphere, then you might just have someone special on your hands. These two look like they're ready to take on their next peak if the energy the lass is showing is any indication.
Not Your Average Wedding
Most photos of weddings have the groom in a nice suit, the bride in a brilliant white dress, and the rest of the wedding party arrayed around them. This isn't the case here, with a photo that shows us a couple from the seventies posing right before or after their nuptials.

The year was 1976, and the world was in a confused mess – sort of like now. They might not be dressed to the nines, but a couple of boutonnieres, a white top hat, a simple wedding veil, and a couple of other details turn these two into a couple of perfect seventies lovebirds.
Old Love
We're told this picture was taken on the thirty-first of December, 2049, but we're going to guess that's a mistake. It's likely exactly a hundred years older than that, even if the outfits in the photo look like they could be even older. Maybe they're getting dressed up the way they did when they were young, or they were bringing back the old styles.

No matter how it happened, these two seem to be enjoying themselves. Top hats, bow ties, pearls, and fresh white gloves put the finishing touches on these outfits and give us something to enjoy in the future.
Throwing Us Off the Trail
You might think that this photo is from deep in the seventies, and you'd almost be right. According to our sources, this image was taken all the way back in...2012. They got a couple of models dressed up to look like they were from that storied time in the twentieth century, and they did pretty well.

Despite the fact that the focus seems to be on the woman's right leg. Everything else is just kinda blurry, but that might have been a stylistic choice. The clothes and decorations aren't too bad other than the crazy outfit the lady is wearing.
Something We've All Seen Before
When a couple goes on vacation, they don't always have to have tons of events planned out. Sometimes they can just sit and enjoy the sun. During a holiday in Blackpool, this couple is stretched out in the fresh air.

The guy is just snoozing away after a long, hard season of work. His wife or otherwise his lady is taking in a good book next to him, eyes protected with a pair of shades and a head wrap. It must be cold in Blackpool that time of year – these two are bundled up.
We're Getting All Mixed Up
This hip and happening couple is ready to hit the sock hop or the soda fountain with their friends in a jalopy, and...wait, what? Is it actually a picture from the eighties at a fifties-themed costume party? Well, that's just confusing.

We guess the clues are there – that does look like some eighties makeup the gal is sporting, and the hair doesn't really fit with the aesthetic of the fifties. This couple does their darndest to come up with some outfits that would fit during the era, and they seem to have gotten pretty close. The poodle skirt is a perfect touch.
The Whole Package
They have the white picket fence, the big flower bushes, and the smiles. These two are living the American dream, and they're even managing to do it in California during the fifties. While the lady looks like she's a classic fifties housewife, the guy could be from modern-day California, except instead of being married with a house, he's living with three other tech workers in a two-bedroom apartment that costs $5500 a month.

He could still be wearing that same shirt, though. And the glasses. And have the same hair. Man, weird. But, cuddled up to the lady in this pic, he seems more likely to be an accountant or something like that.
Hard to Place
We don't have a date for this one, but it doesn't jump out at us as being from any specific decade. Maybe the sixties? Maybe the seventies? It's possible that this isn't from a retro period – it could be a staged photo that is just used as something to evoke those awkward times.

The picture is just staged a little too well. They're right in the center of the couch, at the top of the rug, equal in height...even the background has them right in the center. We're not saying for sure, it just seems likely.
Headed to the Rodeo
The time? The nineteen seventies. The place? Nebraska. These two hip cats are on their way to the social event of the season – the rodeo. We're sure you can tell from the fancy duds that are part of their getup.

The missus has a hair-saving wrap and a classy shirt, while the mister looks ready to jump into the arena and start riding in a pair of boots, a dapper hat, and a pair of shades that look like they could handle a solar eclipse. Still, that's too nice of a shirt to be riding bulls.
Bringing Back the Awkward
It seems there's a trend going around that has couples trying to get the most awkward photos possible. This one is from some time during 2021, which means they try as hard as they can to be cool while also being awkward – and that just makes it seem even more awkward.

There are a couple of photos in this set, and each one is worse than the last. Bad hair, frumpy clothes, awkward poses...it all comes together to create some photos that will make you glad you aren't following this trend. The hand on the gal's leg is the perfect touch if you'll forgive the pun.
Taking Us Back
You might see this elderly couple and think they're from the sixties, fifties, or even forties, but the truth is they're from now-ish. Around this time. This couple decided to wear some of the classics as they took a stroll along a Beirut waterside in Lebanon.

Did they have to? No, not at all. But it's clear they wanted to, and we are better for it. It's a popular spot for many, and this couple knew they should get dressed up if they were going out. It's likely those are the kinds of clothes they wore while they were younger, too.
Well, Hello There
Now, what on earth are we looking at? Are they frightened by something? Is the woman okay? Are those teeth on her dress? Not only are we seeing a cultural divide – this is an Italian couple that has visited America – but we're seeing the differences between generations.

The pic was taken in the fifties, so there is a lot of difference to highlight. The clothes they wear have fallen out of favor (or were never in favor to begin with), and the age of the photo makes it even harder to see why they were wearing them in the first place.
Getting Their Groove On
If you were a married couple during the seventies, you got your boogie on. That was just what you did. In fact, you got your boogie even if you weren't a married couple. That's just the kind of decade it was. These two are long past their courting days, but it looks like they're having plenty of fun getting down on the dance floor despite that.

It isn't the most attractive photo out there, but these two don't seem to mind that much. It looks like they're perfectly in sync, ready to touch hands in the center or whatever the next step in this dance move is.
Go on, Guess the Decade
Why yes, it was the seventies – how did you possibly know? It's true. This happy couple comes from the grooviest decade when styles were big, colors were brown, and glasses covered the entire face. This pic is of German actor Thomas Astan and his girlfriend, in the garden, enjoying a little bit of sunshine as they laugh.

It looks like styles in Germany were more or less the same as in America despite the distance. Sweater vests, wide, flared pants, goofy glasses, and totally ignoring the hair. In fact, if we told you this was from America, we bet you would believe us.
They've Seen It All
This picture comes to us from the fifties or sixties, and given the ages of the couple, it's likely that these two have gone through quite a number of tumultuous events. The Great Depression is almost a given, though they might have been young when it began.

They saw the beginning and the end of World War II, perhaps the most world-changing event in the twentieth century. No wonder they can't find the energy to smile – they're probably busy growing food or raising cattle or something like that. At least they got dressed up for their picture.
Staring Into the Cameraman's Soul
We're going to guess that this picture is the real deal – it wasn't staged or played up for fun; it was just a true and proper picture that a young couple wanted to take to remember their relationship. And you know, it's not really that bad.

It comes from 1977, and the couple – called Frank and Barbara – look cuddled up for good. Frank already has some envious eighties hair going on, but Barb is rocking a stellar 'do. Sure, the pose is a little odd, but we think we can forgive them for that.
We Are Royalty of the Forest
Here we can see Italian actress and TV presenter Sandra Mondaini in a stunning white dress with her leg lifted up – she's helped by her husband, fellow Italian TV host Raimondo Vianello. He is wearing a wig for some reason. This pic is from 1974, at which time the couple hosted the TV variety show “Tanta Scuse.”

Whether this was a promotional shoot or just the kind of thing Italian celebrities got up to at the time, it looks like it was a fun day in the woods. Hopefully, nobody got hurt while trying to take this picture.
Everybody Knows Red Hair Is Fake
This is the kind of picture that looks...well, we aren't going to say it isn't awkward because it clearly has that look to it, but it's the kind of thing that is SUPPOSED to be awkward. The dead stares, the uncomfortable cat, the kitschy sweaters, the uncomfortable hairdos...it all stacks up to this being a staged, awkward photo. Which is fine!

We wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the photos of older generations were similarly staged, though it's impossible to tell at this point. Why any guy would have that kind of haircut escapes us.
We're Not Going to Apologize
We're told that this photo comes to us from the early sixties, though the outfits look like they belong square in the previous decade. However, the expressions and attitudes are universal. A couple is macking on the deck of a ferry, totally oblivious to the fact that they might be disturbing the other passengers.

This guy next to them, who looks a little bit like Sean Astin, is trying as hard as he can to ignore the proceedings, but it's clear that it's affecting him. Then again, this could have been staged. Those two are really going at it.
Trained Him Early
This picture is a classic, all the way from 1965. A young couple had been spending some time on the beach, and once they were finished, the guy took the time to clean off his gal's shoes. The look she's giving the camera tells us that she's fully aware she's picked the right man – not everybody will be so caring.

Is it just us, or does it look like the guy is wearing a tux? He's for sure wearing a suit coat, and he could also be wearing a tie. Why get so dressed up for a trip to the beach? Why have someone else with a camera there? We bet there's a deeper story to this one.
Getting your pic taken while wearing an ugly Christmas sweater is becoming a fun little tradition for many people. A way to cast off the aspersions and forget that you have to look perfect all the time. This couple has quite the outfit prepped for their fun holiday picture, and the lens flares add another dimension.

The cat's eyes are glowing, the lights are smeared, and there are plenty of other additions like antlers, ties, and more. We have to blink and look away if we stare at it too long, no matter how fun it is.
Going for the Gold
We start to wonder if there is some sort of competition for couples to take the most awkward photos possible. If so, this one must have taken home the gold because boy howdy. This is the sort of thing that gets discovered fifty years after the fact, and then it's either hidden deep in a box in the attic, or it's proudly displayed for all to see.

What to talk about first? The woman proudly displays her braces – both the upper and lower row. They have almost matching frilled shirts, and it's just hard to say that such a rosy color is a good look for the guy.
Are You From the Future?
If you're young, it might be a little strange to think about, but even people that are older than you can have fun. Yes, even your stodgy old grandparents like to get together and tell some jokes once all the youngins are in bed. That's how we get pictures of these two elderly jokesters wearing some space-age sunglasses.

They might be prepared for the next eclipse, or they might be here to tell you that there's a future disaster they need your help with. The best part is it looks like they barely want to be in the picture with each other.
Ah, the Eighties
What's to say about this legendary decade that hasn't already been said? It combined the off-the-wall personal styling choices of the seventies with a booming Reagan economy that came together to form neon, leg warmers, and hair so big it could be seen from space. This pic, which comes from that storied decade, is a perfect example.

We're not sure which year, but the hair, the glasses, the background...it all just screams Bon Jovi, jazzercise, and “Miami Vice.” Seriously, it looks like that lady's face is going to get swallowed by her hairdo. And the guy has a flow that won't be seen as the norm until the first few months of 2020.
Step Out of the Time Machine
There's nothing wrong with this couple, of course. By all accounts, they look like every other couple from the sixties. Dad's in a smart suit, Mom's in a nice dress, and both of them are surrounded by mid-sixties tchotchkes, aggressively floral wallpaper, and furniture choices that may lead them to red faces when they think back on them in the coming decades.

No doubt these two are grandparents – or even great-grandparents – at this point. Oh, there's also some kind of creature next to the lady's legs, but we aren't sure what it is. An owl?