Everyone assumes that bricks are pretty tough just because there are brick buildings that have survived for hundreds of years. This car shows that bricks are only as tough as the car that decides to crash through them at top speed.

The funniest thing about this picture, though, is that it looks like even if the car had stayed on the right side of the wall, it would have been parked crooked.
Where Did the Parking Lot Go?
For some people, a spot of ice fishing makes for the perfect weekend. On this lake in particular, there are a lot of people who think it’s the best way to spend some time. Unfortunately, they didn’t realize that the weather was going to turn against them and the sun was going to come out.

It looks like there are a good dozen or more cars stuck in the water now, but at least they should be salvageable. It’s not going to be easy getting them out, though, which is probably what the guy in the foreground is thinking. He’s wearing an official uniform, and he probably knows that it’s going to partially be up to him to get them back on dry land.
It’s Cool, I Can See Through That Corner
Living in a snowy part of the world can really be a downer sometimes. Sure, you can sit at the window with a hot mug of cocoa and watch the snow come down, but then the next morning, you have to drive through it to get to work. Having to clear off your car is one of the worst parts because it can be dangerous to drive if you don’t do it properly unlike the subject of this photo.

Somehow, the car is entirely free of snow except for the windshield, which is, some might say, the most important part of the car to clear off. And let’s not let the picture taker off, either. It could be the passenger, but it seems like it’s the driver, depending on the country of origin.
An Unsolved Mystery
“Where did the car go?” is not a question you ever want to have to ask, but it will be even worse if you’re the one who has to answer. Hopefully, all the people involved in this picture got out safely. We also hope that the picture is misleading and that they were just backing the truck up to the hole to get some quality ice fishing done.

The hole is quite a big one when it comes to ice fishing though, so we’re starting to get a little worried. We don’t have any other information about this event, but we hope that there was a happy ending for everyone involved, including the vehicle.
Of Course, It’s an Audi
If there was any kind of driver who thought it would be a good idea to drive headlong into a patch of wet cement, we aren’t surprised that it’s someone who would drive an Audi. Four zeros on the bumper and a zero behind the wheel, as the saying goes. Still, it seemed like it was pretty dark out, and maybe that patch of wet stuff was hard to see. All that aside, this makes for a bad day for a whole lot of people.

Someone has to get this hunk of junk out of the ground; the people who made that patch of concrete have to get back to work to make another smooth section of the road. The person who was driving the car also had a bad time, but that’s what happens when you don’t pay attention.
The Pole Wasn’t Looking Where It Was Going
Once you become old enough to drive, it’s like your entire life has changed. If you have wheels, you can go almost anywhere you want without having to rely on others. Sure, there are lots of other things to worry about, like keeping the vehicle gassed up, but the freedom of being able to spin around an empty parking lot is like no other.

That is, of course, as long as you look where you’re going. This young lady did not, which meant she managed to hit one of the few things in the entire parking lot that could have done damage to what was, almost certainly, her parents’ car. Sorry, kid, gotta take the bitter with the sweet.
There’s a Reason for the Cones
This guy thought he was clever when he tried to sneak through the cones and take off ahead of all the other drivers instead of being stuck in the single lane of traffic. The driver then figured out that there was a reason for all those cones that were keeping him from his destination.

Now, not only does he not get to his destination faster than the others, but they all get to point and laugh as they drive past him. Why was he so ready to jump the gun and bust through the barriers? Well, somebody has to watch “Wheel of Fortune.” Instead, he gets to meet a nice tow truck driver and apologize to all the workers.
Let’s Just Back Off a Touch
It's not the kind of picture we expected to see on this list, but here we are. Having to transport a vehicle when it doesn’t work presents a strange problem, and this is... certainly one of the many solutions. However, we’re sure all the other people on the road that day would have appreciated some more things keeping the smaller car in place.

There might be some straps we aren’t seeing, but it seems like this car is just hanging out in the back with nothing to keep it inside. There’s no way that the pad underneath it is secured in any way. How did the car even get back there? It becomes more confusing and dangerous the more we look at it. Hopefully, nobody is inside.
I Think I Need More Rope
Look, guys, I'm pulling as hard as I can, but I don't think I will be able to get it out of here. I'm not even wearing any pants. Everybody knows you need pants for this kind of job. We don't know why this tractor decided to take a swim, but it's in the middle of a lake now, and getting it out is more than a one-man job.

We just noticed that the rope he's holding isn't even attached to the tractor, so this one might just be stuck. It can't be stuck that badly if the guy is only up to his knees.
The Grill Is Ready
Engines can get pretty hot if the conditions are right. Using such big machines on hot summer days trying to get your work done will, sometimes, result in something similar to this picture. It's a good thing the driver jumped out. Otherwise, we wouldn't have this sweet pic, which we expect has already made it onto the cover of a Southern rock album.

We do hope that right after the driver took a picture, fire trucks rolled up, and fire suppression tactics went into effect. Gotta protect your investments, and tractors are a huge investment, even a comparatively little one like that.
Gotta Stay Grounded When You're in a Tractor
When you're controlling a tractor, you must ensure that you know exactly what you are doing at all times. The person who was using this tractor must not have been paying attention since we can see in the picture that a huge, likely very important, electrical pylon is now lying over the tractor.

It's also probably destroying the piece of farming equipment it was hauling. How many people or businesses lost power because of this? We really hope that the farm responsible for this mistake had pretty good insurance. Otherwise, they'll have more to worry about than damage to their tractor.
Handling the Hot Stuff
No doubt you’ve slid into the driver’s seat of your car on a hot summer day and found the steering wheel pretty tough to handle once or twice. Well, it turns out there are some places in the world that get a whole lot hotter than some other places. Like Arizona. That place gets mega hot. And the heat is magnified and focused into a car.

We’ve heard stories of people getting lasting burn scars from touching hot seat belt buckles at the wrong time and in the wrong place. Well, one forward-thinker had a bright idea that we might just start copying when the thermometer starts to flirt with three digits, and that’s to use a glove that is designed to handle the heat. Compared to an oven, this steering wheel is nothing.
Time to Face the Music, Lady
A woman forgot to double-check the nozzle sticking into her car before driving off, and now she’s standing there trying to figure out what to do. Here’s what we know: She’s going to have to head inside and talk to the people working there, and then she’s going to have to pay out to get it fixed.

Gas pumps these days are built to deal with this unfortunate fact of, like, being able to disconnect from the hose and shut off the gas, so the damage is minimal, but it will still cost her. And, hopefully, it will get her to be a little more observant of her surroundings the next time she needs to fill up. Let’s try to use her mistakes to teach us, shall we?
I Want My Nuggets
Sometimes, you just have a craving that you have to deal with as soon as possible. Whether that means stopping at the store for a gallon of ice cream or swinging into the drive-through for a shake, it has to be taken care of before you can go home. That might be what this person was dealing with, but we get the sneaking suspicion that there were also one or two other things that might have been occurring.

Like someone threw a wasps’ nest through the window or something like that. Or maybe they spilled their really hot coffee all over their lap and then coincidentally drove through a McDonald’s. The van even got a little bit of lift, so now it’s suspended over the floor.
Getting the Best View
So, what exactly is the point of a windshield? Well, it’s to keep your face free from all the things that can be flying at you while you’re driving. Rain and snow, bugs, dust from other cars, and plenty of other unwelcome items would very quickly get into your eyes. It’s also called a windshield, which should give you a hint as to what thing it most often blocks.

This tall drink of water is going to discover that a windshield is part of a car for a very important reason as soon as he picks up his speed. Our suggestions for this guy are to either sink the seat down really low or get a couple of old-timey driving goggles that you’d see people wearing from the 1910s. Those things are due for a comeback.
It Has All the Options
You know what’s great? Having a car that goes really fast! It will take even less time for you to get up to the speed limit in that case, saving you PRECIOUS milliseconds on your way to work every day. But what if you also tend to have a lot of luggage and need a spot in the chair next to you for your bag of fast food? In that case, you might have to spring for the larger trunk space, like this guy did.

Don’t worry; the car still shoots flames when it speeds up. That’s the really important part, you know? Maybe this guy takes this car camping and needs to make sure that he has enough space for all of his glamping tents and other supplies.
What a Location
So a person has her permit and wants to go out for a little bit of driving. She decides she wants to go off-roading at the Badlands, a place that, historically, doesn’t have a lot of traffic. Well, too bad, that person has just flipped Mom’s SUV, and now the whole family is sitting around wondering if there’s a way to get it back onto its wheels.

Maybe a little help from the Jeep will do the trick? That seems to be the tactic that they’re going with, but they have to be really careful – one wrong move and that SUV will be on its back instead of just its side. Of course, this kind of thing would happen in the Badlands – kind of hard to flag down a tow truck.
Having a Two-Car Garage Is Great, Isn’t It?
Having a garage that is big enough to store two cars SOUNDS great, but most people know that a whole lot of that space is going to be taken up by things that are not cars. Maybe they’re things like lawnmowers or snow blowers. Maybe they’re things like kid's toys – bikes and ball gear and other fun stuff. Maybe somebody has a little home gym in there to try and get swole.

No matter what it is taking up the space, it’s all too common for one of the family’s cars to be left out in the cold. We’re picking up a couple of clues that this place isn’t used to getting a lot of snow, but even a little bit means you have to dust off practically the entire car.
Hold on Tight
Two hands on the steering wheel? Overrated. Carrying what looks like three hundred pounds of something on the top of your car without any straps to hold it down? Now that’s where it’s at. We hope that there are two other guys on the other side of the car because if not, that stuff is going to go crashing to the ground basically right away.

Also, even if there are two guys on the other side of the car, that stuff is going to go crashing to the ground right away because of how physics and muscles work. Basically, the moment this car goes faster than ten miles an hour around a corner, it’s going to go sliding off and probably hit some other poor car that was just minding its business.
Insurance Company Is Going to Love This One
While there isn’t actually any damage to the car, the potential is there. The hooves of sheep are known to be sharp and hard, and that kind of material doesn’t go very well with car windows. This vehicle has already gotten a couple of bumps and scrapes during its lifetime, but it’s an old enough vehicle that the damage could be from almost anything.

Just because there’s a sheep in this picture doesn’t mean that it was a sheep that made that dent in the bumper. Then again, that bumper does seem to be at sheep-skull height, and you know how much some barnyard animals love to butt heads with other things. Anyway, this car is the kind of thing that has been sitting in the grass for a long time in case somebody needs a ride.
Letting the Whole World Know
Ever see a car that’s been banged up and wonder what happened? This guy decided he would create what’s called a “teachable moment,” as they call it, by using a bunch of electrician tape to tell everyone what happened. Yeah, look, there’s a reason people really don’t want you to use your phone while you’re driving because this kind of thing happens a lot.

Even a quick text means you have a chance to goof up and hit someone else’s car. And let’s not even talk about talking on the phone, something that is shown to increase your chances of getting into a traffic collision by quite a lot. You might be seeing a lot of billboards telling you to put the phone away – there’s a good reason for that.
Asking for It
Anybody who has been on Earth for thirty years or more will know that a sign of this nature will just produce a bunch of damage to the car, and we’re almost convinced that this is what the person who put up the sign was hoping for. Then again, the fact that “bullet” is misspelled tells us that maybe this person was really just trying to keep people from getting inside the car.

The thing is, there are a whole lot of cars out there, and the chance of somebody trying to get in yours (even given the rash of car thefts and break-ins going around in the news) is pretty low. If there’s nothing in the car, why did you put up the sign? Well, somebody did try to get in.
When People Ask You to Move Your Car, Do It
Hey, you know those emails you got that were talking about the parking lot? Or the signs that were on the doors about the parking lot on a certain day? And the notification that went out over the loudspeakers on that certain day about a certain car?

That was today, and it was your car, and now your car is stuck between two big piles of dirt and a pallet of bricks, so there’s no way you’re going to get it out. We hope you know how to use Uber because it’s either that or begging your coworkers to give you rides to and from work for the next few weeks until the work is done. And then you’ll have to get your car washed, too.
Not Filling Us With Confidence
Sure, it’s a little worrying to see the mechanics that you hired to fix your car looking up a tutorial about how to fix your car, but let’s break it down. There are a whole lot of cars out there these days and a whole lot of little parts that go into every car. Mechanics know how to take things apart and put them together with as little damage as possible, and they have all the tools they need to do it.

Just because they’ve come up against something that they don’t know off the top of their heads isn’t a reason to fret just yet. People use Google and instructional videos all the time to learn things, even if it’s in their chosen profession. Ask any IT professional. Google is their best friend.
Taking the Pump for a Ride
How many times do you gas up your car? Let’s do a little back-of-the-envelope math to find out. You start driving when you’re sixteen, and let’s say you gas up the car twice a month at that point. It’s probably different for everybody, but bear with us. That’s twenty-four times a month every year. Say you drive until you’re...eighty? Sure, that’s not too bad.

That’s sixty-four years of driving, which means approximately fifteen hundred and thirty-six times fueling up over the course of an average life. What are the chances of pulling off the hose from a gas pump these days? Maybe one in a thousand? That’s a low chance...but the odds aren’t in your favor. Be sure to double-check every time you pull away, or this person might be you.
There’s a Reason It Has That License Plate
Is this the first time this sort of event has happened to this driver? Because the license plate tells us otherwise. Even for the...talented driver, flipping a car onto its roof, leaving its wheels to spin fruitlessly in the air, is a tough ask. Even if somebody can manage to do it, they will only do it once in their entire lives.

We are told that the person who was driving this car was eating cereal, and then she dropped it in her lap. We can’t believe we’re saying this, but please don’t be eating cereal while you’re driving a car. If you find out that information from us, you need to go back to driving school and stay there for a while.
Yes, We Can Tell
If you’re reading this and you know how to drive, then you had to put in the time as a student driver. It doesn’t matter how old you were when you started learning the ropes of the huge metal boxes that we call cars; you had to ease into it with a trained driver at your side.

A lot of people will spring for a little sign on the car that lets others know the person in control might not know exactly what he or she is doing, as if it gives that person carte blanche to do whatever is needed. The person who was in charge of this car probably wished to have gotten that last tap on the accelerator back since it might just take a tow truck to get this car out of the ditch.
The Greatest Parking Job Ever
Some people just have skills that the rest of us mortals could never fully understand. Some people can juggle, some can speak Italian, and some people can fit cars into places that cars should never go. We are flabbergasted that someone was able to fit a car into this spot since it seems like there’s no way the wheels would even turn that far.

Our best guess is the driver of this car – perhaps the person standing behind it in the picture – spent what we’re guessing was a full, entire hour gingerly maneuvering the vehicle very tenderly into place with minute movements of the steering wheel. How else could it have been placed there? If there were things under the wheels, maybe they had been pushed or pulled there, but that would have required a ton of effort.
You Missed the Turn!
Backseat drivers are those people who try to do all the controlling even if they aren’t in control. The term applies not only to people who are trying to actually control a moving vehicle but also to those who are trying to do anything – working on a project, painting, typing, even something like cooking. If you want to do the cooking, just be the cook; it’s not that hard.

Cats aren’t well known for their love of being in moving vehicles, but we assume this cat is cool enough to understand that it isn’t going to die every moment the car is in motion. However, it’s very clear that the cat isn’t cool enough to not be screaming at the top of its lungs the whole time.
Caught Red-Handed
The backstory to this picture is that the car got struck in a hit-and-run. As the name implies, the driver of the other car thought it would be best to peel off and leave the scene of the accident, which is against the law. The other driver might do this for any number of reasons – maybe they don’t want to pay for any of the damages, maybe there’s a warrant out for his or her arrest, or maybe it’s just been a really long day.

But the person who did this is out of luck since the license plate of the offending car is jammed into the side of the victimized car. This makes it oh-so-easy to figure out who is at fault, which might be the best thing to discover if you’ve been hit by another car.
Time to Hit the Car Wash
There is always an inherent danger in being the designated driver. After an evening full of fatty, carby foods, and alcoholic beverages, the idea of having to drive home in a car full of rowdy, gross people is exactly how we all wanted to complete the outing. Yes, that was sarcasm, just in case anybody was confused.

At least the person who was riding in this car had the mind to try and lean out the window before tossing his or her cookies. The owner of the car is going to have to get it cleaned, but at least they won’t have to spring for any interior detailing. Well, maybe a little bit. We bet that some of that wonderful-looking mixture still got dragged inside the window.
Real Life Looney Tunes
It definitely seems like Bugs Bunny will stick his head out from behind this car and say “What’s up doc.”

We would love to know how this piano landed on this car. I mean, where did it even come from?
Shiver Me Timbers
This is just all kinds of bad. These people have obviously never carried wood in their car before; isn't it obvious that if the pieces are that big and that close to the window, you need to put something to protect the glass? Guess not.

Next time just secure your wood, guys!
Even Tractors Can Get Tired
Yes, tractors work hard. That's what they're for. But even these hard machines can get worn down after years of toil in the fields. Unfortunately for whoever was about to drive this machine, this tractor chose to break apart when it was in the field, which makes sense, honestly – when is your car most likely to break down? While it's driving, of course.

Losing a wheel while you're driving is frustrating and will cost you a bundle, but having a wheel like that gives out? We wonder what kind of heavy machinery is required to change that!
Nobody Move!
“Hanging by a thread” doesn't really seem to do this picture justice. One little shift and this picture will turn from a failure to a tragedy.

We want to ask how this tractor found itself in this predicament, but we're worried that speaking about it might actually tip it even further and cause even more damage. Let's just decide that this is a new avant-garde art installation.
Pimp That Ride
Sure, you could move your car when you see the sign saying the street is getting repainted. Or you could just leave it where it is and see what happens. Maybe they will paint around it; maybe the painters will leave a little piece of the road unpainted and watch chaos ensue.

Or maybe, just maybe, the painters will decide to throw their manual into the nearest trash can and give your car a little makeover. Everybody knows that racing stripes are all the rage right now.
It’s Going Down
Sadly, we think it's time to get your valuables out of there cause that thing is not coming out.

It’s a car, not a boat, people, it wasn’t designed for this. This bad day is all on you.
Cart Attack
You would think that once someone notices the carts are piling up in front of this car, they would stop and return them somewhere else. Well, you'd be wrong. Because really, who cares if the driver of that car has to spend an hour maneuvering their way out of the parking garage?

Or maybe it was just a disgruntled supermarket employee trying to teach one of the customers a lesson? No doubt, lesson learned.
30 Minutes or Less
It’s important to take your job seriously, especially if you work in the food service industry, but sometimes being committed can cause you to take things a little too far. This delivery girl needed to get the pizza to the customer’s door in 30 minutes or less.

If she was even one minute late, the cost of the pie would have been deducted from her salary (which, as you can guess, is not very high). Nonetheless, this parking job is insane, and the damage to the car is probably more than the price of a pizza.
Driving Off the Handle
How do you get to the point of actually pulling off the gearstick of a car?! Maybe that subway cup was actually filled with alcohol, and the driver decided they wanted to test their strength.

We just hope this didn't happen in the middle of a highway. And that this person's next day was better.
Subway Stop
Owning your own car is the best, and one of the best things about it is that you no longer have to use public transportation. No more standing unreasonably close to other commuters or walking in the rain to the bus stop. But there is also a downside: the high price of gas and insurance and standing in traffic for hours at a time.

It seems like the owner of this car couldn’t take it anymore and decided that they were sick of driving; they were going to take the subway instead!
Double Decker Parking
It is not clear how this car ended up balanced on the Fiat in the first place. It is like bad parking is its own special gymnastic sport. Well, this gray car certainly deserves a medal for creative bad parking.

To end up like this, they must have been taking directions from someone who has really bad depth perception or had faulty parking sensors. Either way, they should call in the professionals at this point before more damage is done to either car.
Speed Racer
We can hear the screeching noises from our screens. It seems like when he latched on the wheel to his car, the material wasn't sturdy enough for it to endure the road.

We're hoping a cop or a driver nearby was able to help him. Yikes!
Snow Overload
Cleaning snow from your car is a hassle, and it's one of the downsides of winter. This driver decided not to give in to the bad luck they woke up to and didn't feel like cleaning his car from snow and ice at all.

Instead, he got in and started driving his usual route. We wonder how he was able to see the back.
Thor's Wrath
Thor was fighting with his archenemy and only brother Loki in Asgard when he threw his hammer so hard it landed on this guy's car.

The driver didn't seem to mind since he was a Marvel fan, so he managed to let this accident slide just this once!
Riding Shotgun
Riding shotgun is one of the best things about being in a car. You get to control the playlist while also having the best view.

This snake was smart for grabbing the front seat, and he was looking pleased. It seems like he snuck his way in pretty stealthily.
Just a Quick Run to the Convenience Store
When you just run into the store to pick up some milk and eggs and don't even think about exiting your car before you actually enter the store in the first place. This definitely gives a whole new meaning to convenience.

They should turn the place into a drive-thru to avoid this kind of destruction. Alternatively, people could just park their cars outside of the store before they actually enter it. It's just a crazy idea.
Over the Edge
Easy there, buddy. If you're trying to accommodate someone else behind you, it may very well backfire, and your car will go flying off the edge. Well, you're either doing that, or you're simply looking for a way to have the worst possible day.

Either way, we sure do hope that no one pushes your car any more over the edge than it is. That could result in some serious damage. Next time, just park in the designated square that is clearly painted there for you. It's incredibly simple.
It's Gowing Down, I'm Going Timber
This driver came home and just parked their car in a regular spot on a regular road and went into their regular home, thinking tomorrow was going to be just another regular day. Boy, were they wrong?

This fallen tree had other plans as it decided to end its life (and the car's) that night. We're just happy no one was in the car. (Or in the tree, for that matter.)
Revenge of the Statue
If you're going to leave your car in a strange area, make sure you do so away from any potentially dangerous objects. Someone could do some terrible damage. It's kind of what they did right over here. Clearly, this person got angry enough for them to throw a giant statue right onto the car.

Do they deserve it? Hey, who knows? Who are we to judge? We're sure whoever did that probably got rid of a lot of rage.
You Shall Not Pass
The employees at this supermarket sought revenge when this terrible person thought it necessary to take up two parking spots. To teach them a lesson, they took all the shopping carts available to simply entrap the car! Now, there is no escape.

That'll teach 'em! Hopefully, this individual will think twice the next time they plonk themselves in the middle of two separate parking lots. This person brought their bad day on themselves.
Boundless Intelligence
The idea of actually entering the parking spot so you can park your car is apparently a foreign concept to this person. Where do the borders of the parking lot actually end, and where do they begin? This driver has defined those boundaries for himself and taken the liberty of leaping onto the sidewalk. Clearly, this person has no concept of space.

Add the fact that on exiting, they might be hit by all that oncoming traffic on the road, and you got yourself the worst day ever.
Thank You, Really
Looks like this one didn't quite get the "drive carefully" memo and went straight for the bushes instead. Too bad. There is clearly a reason for this terribly passive-aggressive sign. Don't abide by it? You'll learn your lesson!

They should pair the toppled-over car with the sign. Perhaps that will send a slightly stronger message.
Bad Luck Bobby
Sometimes, the world is just against you, no matter what. This poor fella didn't do anything wrong. He simply and very responsibly parked in a designated spot outside his apartment. Unfortunately, that spot happened to be a tiny pool. Did he not notice, or did the ground below him just give in?

Perhaps we're being too forgiving because it seems impossible to think anyone can be this stupid. If he did knowingly park here, then perhaps he is better off without a car.
Sink or Swim
Some cars get accidentally washed away by a strong wave or a gust of wind. Sometimes heavy rain can just send cars swimming down streets. Sometimes, however, you just get a dummy who happily drives into a pool. Like in this case.

We're not sure if this is a drunken night or someone terribly misjudged that still water for solid ground. Either way, that car is sitting deep in somebody's pool right now and it'll probably stay there forever.
Beached Out
Beach day for this gang didn't work out so well. Parking a little too close to the shoreline is a really big no-no. As you can tell, a wave can come crashing down and instantly drown your poor car. At least it didn't get washed away. Not that being buried in the sand is any better.

Next time, park a little further inland so that when you leave, you actually still have a car.
That Escalated Quickly
It's Monday morning. You're rushing to work, and you think to yourself," Getting out of the car is just too much of a hassle." The natural step is just to go down the escalator in your car. No need to actually exit the vehicle. Surely, that escalator is wide enough to take an actual car.

By the looks of it, the dude just abandoned the car at the bottom of the escalators and that was that. Now it's someone else's problem.
Tight Squeeze
This fella just popped over the hedge thinking it would be totally alright to squeeze in there. Obviously, their spatial judgment is seriously off, as there is no way this car could actually fit in.

Let's be honest, though. It's not like whoever did that seemed particularly concerned over what happens to other people's cars. It must have been a real pain getting out of there.
Breaking Through
While not really common, we do hear about cars crashing into houses from time to time. But a car crashing into a solid brick wall? Now that is something new.

This one gets extra points for ruining the day of both the driver and homeowner, all while leaving a cartoon-like hole in the wall.
Getting to Work on Time
No one wants to be late for work. Just the looks and raised eyebrows are enough to make even the most self-confident person feel uncomfortable. The driver realized they might be late and got a little creative.

They decided to park on the chimney and just slide down it Santa-style and save the wait for the elevator! Now, we are left wondering how they got back home at the end of the day...
Break on Through
Everyone assumes that bricks are pretty tough just because there are brick buildings that have survived for hundreds of years. This car shows that bricks are only as tough as the car that decides to crash through them at top speed.

The funniest thing about this picture, though, is that it looks like even if the car had stayed on the right side of the wall, it would have been parked crooked.
Parking Acrobatics
What is truly amazing about this picture, except obviously that the car is upside down, is that the vehicle does not appear to be damaged in any way, leaving us all scratching our heads to figure out how it got there.

Was Dwyane Johnson nearby doing some light morning lifting? Is this a prank gone wrong, or maybe right? Either way, the driver had a massive change in their morning commute plan.
Anything but the Stairs
Apparently, this man was just NOT going to take the stairs; whether it was laziness, a weird stair-phobia, or an accident, he actually seemed pretty calm considering his car was hanging in the air.

As long as he doesn't try to get out of the car using the door, everything will be fine (which is probably what the firefighter is telling him). We can relate; sometimes (literally) nothing is better than going up a flight of stairs.
Awareness Is Key
It's a good thing that the authorities are aware of this smashed car and the even more smashed house.

It's a good thing to be aware. You know, like being aware of the rules of the road or being aware of the proper way to operate a motor vehicle. The kind of awareness this driver seems to have forgotten about.
Saran Wrap Surprise
If you look carefully, there seems to be some kind of notice on the window of this car, which probably means this isn’t this car’s first parking offense. The neighbors must have been pretty sick of their behavior to spend their valuable time on this well-executed act of vengeance.

The real question is, how many packages of plastic wrap did they use so they could so thoroughly cover this entire car? Well, we guess whoever owns it will be able to give an educated guess once they are done being miserable unraveling it all.
Trashy Parking
We don’t know how long that person was parked there or why local authorities opted for this punishment instead of having them towed, but the current situation is most unfortunate. Maybe the local authorities had nothing to do with it, and what we're looking at is the neighbors' work.

You know, something along the lines of "park-like trash and get your car trashed." Either that or the car has developed its own personality and is now camouflaging itself, trying to become one with its new habitat.
Between the Lines
The really amazing thing about this picture is how straight they got the car. This would be a perfect example of parallel parking if they, you know, did not damage their car from both ends.

Watching this person wake up in the morning after a clearly wild night and trying to maneuver out of this spot would be both sad and hysterically funny. Good luck, buddy!
An Icy Shower
This is a sad case of bad luck. Whoever owns this car may have believed that they were protecting it from the elements by parking in this garage, but that plan clearly backfired.

There is no way that their little ice pick or even a shovel is digging them out of this mess. They should try bringing an extension cord and a space heater, or maybe just wait for spring.
Hapycar – Is It Really?
Backing into a pole is one thing, but backing onto a pole is a different story altogether. They’re going to need some help getting out of this jam because just driving away from this position is not recommended.

Maybe this car just needed a quick check under the trunk, and the driver was only cleverly getting it into position. In that case, good job.
Rush Hour in Real Life
There used to be a board game called Rush Hour in which you had to move around cars and trucks to let the red car get out of the parking lot. There was usually only one correct way to move each car in order to win. This looks like a crazy real-life version of it, except there are no winners here.

Instead, the board is filled with angry drivers who seem to be driving in circles in an indiscernible pattern. Maybe what they really need is a giant hand to guide them and finally get them out of there.
Police Car Pile-Up
We don’t know the history of this incident, but we have to assume that the red truck landed on top of this police car on purpose. Was the driver trying to keep from being arrested? Because although it is true that the cop car cannot chase them in its current condition, the red truck isn’t able to move either.

The cop who is writing this up seems cool and collected, leaving us with the feeling that whoever did this has already been apprehended and that he’s seen worse.
Hi-Fives All-Around
Okay, we know what happened here. It is a simple case of an idol meeting some fans. The truck is obviously some big famous star on the road, and all the parked cars on the side of the street were lining up to meet it.

They were going for the car way of high-fiving a long line of fans (except with side-view mirrors instead of hands), and everyone got a little too excited, resulting in this timeless picture.
Take a Load Off
Maybe this car pulled a few too many stunts on the road, and like a professional athlete, it got benched and had to sit the rest of the drive out. Or maybe it needed a break and decided to stop at the nearest bench.

Either way, somebody should explain to this car and its owner that benches are for people and not cars. In its attempt to take a break, this BMW ruined it for the rest of us because those benches are not going to be safe to sit on once it moves on.
Hosing Around
The law about not parking in front of a hydrant exists for a reason. In case of fire, that hydrant will be needed to put it out. If you get caught, you will face a stiff fine, but another option is that there actually will be a fire. In that case, your car windows will be broken by the fire department to get the tube through so that they can use the water to put out the fire.

Guess this BMW should have considered all of that before parking illegally.
Stunt Gone Wrong
Is this a parking lot or a monster truck rally? We have absolutely no idea how these drivers managed to leave their cars in this position or how they are going to get them out of it. Seems like someone thought they were Evel Knievel and could jump across all the cars in the lot.

When seeing the end result, it is clear that they should have heeded the advice often seen on TV: “Don’t try this at home.” Hopefully, they learned their lesson and will leave stunt driving to the professionals from now on.
Post-It Palooza
Parking in a handicapped spot is the height of selfish behavior, and you can’t expect to do something like that and not face some kind of retribution. Hats off to the person who devised this Post-It punishment. They must have spent countless hours getting all these stuck on and making sure they were just right.

The result is not only amazing looking, but it gets the point across perfectly. We hope the driver used the time needed to remove these from their car to reconsider their actions.
In this case, carpooling was obviously not the better option. It is hard to understand how the car even got into the pool from this shot. It must have been dealing with a lot of pressure. It is not easy being such a cliché: a red family car has to live up to all kinds of demands that we can’t even imagine.

It ultimately came to the decision that it had no option other than to take the plunge. We are certain that once it is pulled out and dries off, it will see the error of its ways.
This poor car chose the perfect spot and parked carefully between the lines, not suspecting that the danger would actually be coming from above. As for the top car's driver, we must commend the fact you were able to accomplish such a feat.

How do you even begin to explain what happened here to the owner of the bottom car? The irony alone is enough to make you start laughing and never stop.
Not everyone wants to leave their car in a dark and drafty parking garage all day, so this person had the bright idea of creating a window so their car could enjoy a bit of sunshine while they were away. Not only was the car happy to enjoy a bit of sun and a fresh breeze, but other cars got a bit more air, too.

The parking garage owners got some renovation work done for free. All in all, this is definitely a win-win situation for everyone involved.
"Toeslide" Check
This car tried to do a toeside check slide and managed to nail it! He gained momentum, landed on the railing, and just kept on driving.

It clearly landed the trick, but now the next part is getting down.