Without any context, it’s hard to figure out what is going on in this picture. What on earth is that cat doing? And why is it doing it? Does the person behind the camera see what is happening? The cat looks like it’s five levels past scared and has seen something that’s terrified it to its cat core. Then again, it also looks like something terrifying in itself. If some kid was anywhere near the area when this happened, it probably made them cry.

Give this kitty the memo about how literally every other cat on the planet walks because he seems to be a bit confused. But hey, if this little furball didn’t decide to randomly bust a move while this chick was having her picture taken, we wouldn’t be able to witness…whatever it is that we’re witnessing right now.
The Electric Slide
Without any context, it’s hard to figure out what is going on in this picture. What on earth is that cat doing? And why is it doing it? Does the person behind the camera see what is happening? The cat looks like it’s five levels past scared and has seen something that’s terrified it to its cat core. Then again, it also looks like something terrifying in itself. If some kid was anywhere near the area when this happened, it probably made them cry.

Give this kitty the memo about how literally every other cat on the planet walks because he seems to be a bit confused. But hey, if this little furball didn’t decide to randomly bust a move while this chick was having her picture taken, we wouldn’t be able to witness…whatever it is that we’re witnessing right now.
Raspberry Face
You can almost hear the blowing noise coming from this picture. It’s like this mother kangaroo really didn’t feel like having her picture taken that day, but she went for it anyway. Hey, you can’t blame a guy for trying. But then again, you can’t blame him for making faces, either.

On the bright side, who else can say they’ve got a picture like this? It’s almost enough to make you want to fly to Australia to play with the kangaroos. Don’t worry, we’ll leave our selfie stick behind.
It's a Photo of Me Now
It was all perfect. The angle, the background, the focus, the colors, and the lighting. But then you introduce a cat, and you find out that nothing is truly perfect without a cat in it. We don't know if this lady set up the camera to take a picture automatically or if there was another person involved, but the cat became the focus immediately.

And it's not even focused on the cat! You can even see a little bit of paw. It's a nice cat to take a picture of, but that wasn't the goal here. Sorry, kitty, you get the studio next time.
Three’s a Crowd
Dogs — they are considered by many to make the best pets with their intense loyalty, unconditional love, and fun-loving nature. But even our pets can experience almost human-like jealousy when something tries to come between them and the people they love so much. Never underestimate your pet.

They are much smarter than we think and more sensitive than any other human you know. As you can see, this little puppy isn’t ready to have anyone come between him and his favorite human (either that or he’s very protective.) And he made sure to keep himself closeby by jumping really high so as not to be ignored.
Ignore the Kitten
Getting a kitten is a big part of anyone's life, and that means lots of pictures for social media. Admit it; you like pictures of kittens, too. We all do. This person wanted to get a good one of the new kitty enjoying a meal, but the other cat in the house hadn't signed off on the plan.

Even better, it's clear that the older cat is not excited about the prospect of some other little animal cutting into its food supply. Look at that angry eye, the tilted back ear. That feline couldn't be more obviously upset if it was hissing.
I Demand Attention!
It’s never really easy on a kid, whether they have two or four legs when their parents get married and shake up their world. After all, this doggo was very used to how his world worked. He went on adventures with his dad and slept in his bed, and got basically all of the attention.

But now that Dad was getting married, he knew he was going to have to share. He couldn’t help but throw a mini temper tantrum at the altar. He had to remind everyone that he was there first – and he did! Luckily, dogs get over things very quickly and easily. Although getting him off of the bed might not be so easy.
I Need Attention, Too
So, you want to get a perfect picture with one of your dogs. We couldn't agree more. Just look at the two on the left – big smiles, happy dispositions, good light, and nice framing. It all makes for a premium pic for social media or the mantle. Of course, having another dog means that isn't going to last.

People with more than one dog will agree: there's always one dog that has to be at the center of everyone's attention. And this dog, clearly, is fully aware of both what a camera does and where it is pointed. No. Pay attention to ME.
What Are You Two Looking At?
These two lovebirds just wanted to have a picture of them cuddling on the couch for one reason or another, but they couldn't even have that. A cat wandered into the frame, and just like so many other cats, it decided it was going to be the focus of the picture.

For some reason, cats will ignore you until the sun is cold if you're actually trying to take a picture of them, but if you're trying to take a picture of something else, here's the cat! They're kind of like kids in that regard. It's the inverse of how much attention you want from them.
Who Do You Love?
How do you make someone insecure feel secure? By letting them know you have enough love and attention to go around. In this photo, the roles are reversed, and it’s a dog who is questioning his owner’s love when a cuddly kitten is present. He looks a little envious and insecure, wondering if he gets a cuddle session too.

Both he and the kitten are so tiny there’s probably more than enough room for both of them on their human’s lap, however, we have a feeling the little one at the back would prefer the kitten simply vanishes, and he gets the human TLC all to himself.
Kangaroos Love Paris
Paris Hilton loves attention. As she tries to get the attention of this kangaroo, she completely fails to notice what’s going on in the background of the photo. It’s not surprising that these two kangaroos are getting it on, especially at the sight of the one and only bombshell beauty, Paris Hilton.

They are clearly big fans of her. In fact, they are so loyal to her that they only stay at Hilton hotels when they travel. Paris, who’s more known for her extravagant lifestyle than anything else, is determined to capture the perfect selfie with her new friend so that she can share it with her 10+ million followers on Instagram. How long do you think it took her to realize what’s going on behind her?
Chain Reaction
A butt sniff for dogs is no different than a handshake for humans. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell which is 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans'. They also have a special organ which allows them to ignore the smell of poop when they sniff another dog’s butt.

Unfortunately for the fourth dog in the picture who’s off to the side, he’s missing out on the optimal butt-sniffing event that his other three comrades are doing. We hope Tom Six (maker of the dubious Human Centipede franchise) doesn’t make this into a film.
Optical Illusion
When you first see this picture, it’s hard to know exactly what’s happening. It almost seems like there’s some kind of funhouse mirror effect going on. Nope, no illusions here. It’s just a kid and their pet frog – in a perfect position for this selfie.

Do you think this person planned this shot out, or that it just happened like this? Even better, maybe it was an accidental shot. In any case, let’s just be glad that it did happen, because it’s pretty amazing.
Creepy Cat
Thanks to the wonders of the internet, you've learned two seemingly irrefutable truths about cats: they can be cute and cuddly, and they can also be creepy. Take this photo as proof, yes there's one sweet ginger kitty snoozing by the window but there's another cat hiding in the corner.

Cats are known for being a little nuts and sowing discord whenever they can. The phenomenon that is cat behavior has never been easily explicable, but we still find them adorable and also bewildering. If you've had cats you'll know what they can be like — sometimes sweet, sometimes creepy but always unpredictable.
How Do I Look?
There’s nothing like a prom selfie with your cat eating your big dump in the background. We could have sworn cats were meant to be the sane ones and dogs like to drink water from the toilet. That was the conventional truth last time we checked anyway.

That guy should probably give the cat some food because it seems hungry. Maybe if he stopped spending so much time snapping selfies he’d be a better caretaker.
Leaping lizards! Just look at that iguana go! He doesn't have time for your silly photos, he's got places to be and people to see. Clearly, he just needs to get to his destination, and get there quickly! No time to chat, just leaping from one wall to the next.

Maybe instead of focusing on the beautiful woman posing in the background, we should really be concentrating on this iguana and his very urgent business. Is he a crime-fighting lizard or a professional athlete? All we really care to ask is if this should really be considered a photobomb when it just makes the photo better?
Sad Eyes
This puppy looks like he’s going to burst into tears at any moment. Maybe it has something to do with the fact his favorite little human is showing attention to another dog? He’s doing that thing cats do where they turn their backs on you to show you that they’re upset. “Fine, I don’t need your attention. Take this!”

Or, perhaps his most favorite human is actually the one taking the picture, and he’s perfectly fine sharing the pets with his fur sibling. After all, some dogs just have that adorable sad look on their face all of the time.
The Head's Too Big
All cat owners know that they’ve got notoriously big heads. They’re in charge, of course, and we exist only to keep their food bowls full, and their beds warm at night. This cat’s owner decided to take a picture of how she thought her little girl saw herself – which is basically human, just smaller than most.

The whiskers are reminiscent of how a Barbie’s hair looks when someone decides to play hairstylist and gives one a haircut. Unfortunately, plastic hair doesn’t exactly fall into place like human hair. Oddly enough, the area with the kitty’s nose almost looks like the right size for a Barbie head. Just imagine Barbie’s nose where the cat’s little mouth is.
The first thing that popped into our head when we saw this photo was "Scooby-doo-be-doo, where are you?" He's right here it seems and he appears to have his very own side-kick! Perhaps he's left Shaggy and "Mystery Incorporated" to instead branch off to pursue his own thing?

We've already seen the likes of Scrappy-Doo, Scooby-Dum, Yabba-Doo, and Scooby-Dee, so this must be a new guy. Just by looking at their faces, we can tell these two are up to something. We can only hazard a guess at this point but it seems they have a bone to pick with someone.
Puppy Love
If it’s someone who doesn’t get as much attention after a new baby is born, it’s the family pet. This woman couldn’t look happier to show off her growing baby bump.

Her dog, however, has quite a different opinion. He knows that the baby is going to change his life so he’s letting his owner know just how badly he feels about it.
First Day of School
Who doesn’t have a classic first day of school with the siblings picture? Parents seem to love snapping pictures and having memories of this day. They finally get to see their children all grown up. Here you have three siblings who are about to leave for their first day of school.

And not only are their parents proud. Their family pet also seems to be so overcome with emotions that he’s also celebrating, although, in quite a different manner.
Little House Pet
What parents don’t love dressing up their baby in an adorable outfit and snapping pictures of him for memories? This turned into a perfectly timed photo of the baby.

The baby looks so snuggly in his cute knit outfit. The family cat decided to cross right behind the baby at that exact moment so it looks like the baby has a tail. The new tail actually goes incredibly well with the two little pompoms on the baby's white hat!
Say Cheese
This cat looks like it sees something from another dimension looking back at him. The face is a combination of scared and smiling. Actually, it almost looks like the Cheshire Cat grinning at us.

Well, they are sitting outside of a bar it seems, so maybe the cat’s been boozing it up with the patrons all night? The cat may be the establishment’s regular furry friend who has a food dish next to the building, which gets filled up by both staff and customers a few times per day. That might explain why it’s so happy.
I’ve Heard Everything
Maybe the person behind the camera took the shot on purpose, or maybe they noticed afterward how odd the baby’s ears look. Oh wait, those aren’t the baby’s ears at all, are they? Hey, you never know with babies. We're sure you've heard the saying, “he’ll grow into them.”

The dog’s ears are perked up because he’s curious about the mini human bundle that’s wrapped up in the blanket. More than likely, they were just “oohing” and “ahhing” over the new member of the family and didn’t even notice the dog’s position. Aren’t photobombs amazing?
Sleepover Selfies
Who doesn’t take selfies when they’re with their BFF having a slumber party? Well, this girl’s dog wanted in on the Instagram glory and he wanted to broadcast his best feature — his rear end.

Needless to say, this is the most likes this girl has ever gotten on Instagram. So many that she ended up opening an Instagram page for her dog too.
A Family Affair
It's hard getting the whole family together. It could be conflicting schedules, geography, or sometimes you just refuse to be around your brother's new wife. On the special occasion that everybody does unite, a family photo is the best way to hold on to that memory until the next awkward gathering. That said, you better make damn sure that everyone is accounted for. Even some of the... furrier family members.

This wasn't the case with this family. Poor doggo got left out in the cold, only to longingly watch on from the sidelines. Well, he sure did get his revenge. From the looks of it, Rover seems to be taking care of business. Perhaps the family will know better next time.
What’s Going On?
There was a lot happening here before this epic photobomb took place. There was already a llama and a lamb hanging out, but that wasn’t enough. Nope, this emu had to come stick its beak in the frame to see what all of the commotion was about.

It really makes you wonder where these people are that all of these random animals just mingle with each other and with the visitors. They may all belong to a private owner, which would make sense as to why they’re so cool with one another. Whatever is going on, it is pretty awesome, that’s for sure.
Face Swap
Baby turned her head on this photo, so Mr. Giraffe was kind enough to take over. Looks like it was a great day at the zoo and this mom got a little more than she bargained for.

Just as well that fence is that high because, by the looks of it, that giraffe would have been more than happy to hop over and join them on the ride back home.
I’ve Got Your Back
Everyone has that one friend who can’t keep a straight face during a photoshoot. You know the one. Everyone is going to do a serious look, but this guy keeps throwing up rabbit ears and sticking out his tongue. Of course, the kitty doesn’t have opposable thumbs to make rabbit ears.

The little brown and black kitty is looking at the camera like, “she’s making the face again, isn’t she?” Don’t worry kitty, it doesn’t matter what face you make. You’re adorable no matter what.
This wildlife photographer looks like he’s literally fallen asleep on the job. But not only did he drift off. His subject strolled right up behind him and made sure to show him what he missed. Luckily, he had his time-lapse feature set up on his other camera, or else he wouldn’t have been able to see this, either. And neither would we!

Next time, maybe he’ll drink a little more coffee or something before he takes on a mountain goat. His boss is never going to let him live this one down, either. On a side note: look how heavy those horns look! The poor thing has to lift some major weight every time it gets a drink of water or eats something!
Chicken Run
This picture tells the classic tale of a group of friends, all dressed up nicely, trying to take a cute group shot. But instead of a classic photobomb with someone pulling a funny face or rude gesture, these pals got a chicken trying to steal the spotlight. And then there's the poor guy who's just trying to help and get the chicken to safety and out of the way.

The chicken is so distracting that it almost makes you miss the fact that one of the guys in the photo is wearing a t-shirt and cargo shorts for what is clearly a formal occasion. What's up with that?
Watch Out!
Even though this little kid is separated by some majorly reinforced glass, it still doesn't make the sight or feeling of a beluga whale engulfing your head any less scary.

This photobomb sure does enhance the experience of a trip to the aquarium and definitely makes you feel like you're right in there with them. Let's just be thankful for that glass though. That photobomb is the closest we will ever get to that funny moment.
Horsing Around
Cops on horses are a common sighting in many places. We're not sure how effective they'd be in an actual emergency but, at the very least, they're fun to see, and they make kids smile.

It looks like someone wanted to take a picture of the cops, and the horse clearly felt left out. We mean, come on, he is part of the team, after all. Plus, he's likely the one pulling most of the weight, so he deserves some of that spotlight.
Weddings Are Boring
While the hall of full humans joyfully watches on as their loved ones exchange vowes, this dog here looks less than impressed at this once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

Perhaps if it was witnessing a wedding between two dogs who were very much in love, it would have been different.
Stop Holding My Dinner
Going fishing with Papa is always guaranteed dinner. A tasty one too. But sometimes he enjoys showing off his catch a little too much and that's when it starts getting annoying. We get it, you're a great fisherman, you catch the best fish, but when am I going to get a bite?

Poor doggo can't help but get in on the shot when such glorious fish is being dangled in front of him. We genuinely know you're trying to show off your catch, but with your floppy-haired friend in the back there, a pouncing is inevitable. He probably snapped it right up in the next moment.
Don't Forget About Me
Here is a great photobomb pulled off by this sneaky cat who was hanging on that chair. This dog is finally getting his grand portrait taken so it can be added to the family albums, but the sneaky cat has other plans.

He is going to be so disappointed once he sees the prints. That cat is the real family troll.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
This poor gentleman ended up on the wrong side of this monkey, which is not a phrase you hear every day. Some countries allow monkeys to roam freely without human interference due to cultural and religious beliefs.

Whether this man wanted to get up close and personal with this primate, he probably didn’t want to, well, get this close. It’s definitely an unforgettable photo that will bring laughs for years to come.
Furry and Feathered Friends
One of the benefits of traveling is that it opens us up to new experiences. It appears that this woman got more wildlife encounters than she anticipated.

Her facial expression and grip on the llama reveal that she may not be keen on big birds. The poor little llama looks nearly as bewildered as she does.
Selfie Time
There's nothing like making wonderful family memories while on the road. Car journeys are where the magic truly happens. Traveling games, family squabbles, and all the rest are always in full force in the car, and family fun is had by all.

Of course, all of that family action extends to all members, even the furrier ones. And it's clear that doggo here knows that. Which is why he's front and center. Unfortunately, he didn't quite get the memo for the selfie, and his eyes were more on the road than the camera.
Hey There!
This guy was taking a tour of the farm and noticed this handsome horse standing there, probably stuck in the fence, though we can't really understand how it got itself tangled that way.

Anyway, the cow was going to bank on that attention and stepped in to say "hey, buddy, I'm here too." It looks like a fun little farm they have there. That cow looks more than happy to get in on that shot and made it a super awesome photobomb.
Beautiful Views
This man took his dog out to get a slice of paradise in the beautiful nature. The mountains and the gorgeous greenery look simply breathtaking. But nothing quite tops it off as much as the satisfied face of this wonderfully cute dog who seems to be relishing in breathing in that fresh and clean air.

He doesn't even care that his owner only wanted to take a picture of the view. We're still not quite sure what makes this picture so beautiful — the look on this dog's face or the serene green backdrop. Either way, this looks like paradise.
Focus Issues
Look, every single pet belongs in the family photo. It's just not complete without it. These fluffy family members are just as much a part of the family as any mother, father, son, or daughter. This means, technically that the rest of the family is also quite important.

So it would be ideal to see them in the photograph as well, you know, along with their dog. Guess he got over-eager or was intrigued by this little machine called the camera and it made him get up real close. Hopefully, there will be another round of snaps and everyone will end up in focus.
Sorry, Girls. Move Out the Way
This playful horse made his mark in this cute tour group photo by photobombing the heck out of it. What was meant to be a little horse riding memory for this school trip, actually turned into a hilarious picture with an over-eager horse! We can't exactly blame him. He was ridden on all day long and deserves to be in on the fun.

It almost looks as if he saying "muahaha, you can't get rid of me!" They don't look to be bothered. That jolly old horse must have been really fun to ride, constantly making them laugh all through the journey. They'll certainly be going back or recommending it to their friends.
Sup, Dude?
This great family photo that was taken in the Caribbean was seriously improved by this glorious photo-bomb of a very chill-looking turtle. The shelled creature must have poked its head up just to see what all the fuss was about.

When the turtle reached the surface, he saw it was nothing but yet another family taking a picture of their fun times at the beach. By the look on his face, it looks like he's just seen it all.
Unhinged Ostriches
Despite what watching Disney movies might have led you to believe, birds don't usually help princesses braid their hair. Most birds just like to chill in the sky, but the ostrich, who is too big to fly, just enjoys creating chaos here on the ground.

This picture will tell you everything you need to know about this big bird — its main activities are eating and stealing, so maybe it's better to just stay away from them.
Yeah, Whatever
When you're hanging out near whales, nothing can impress you anymore. So if a whale happens to leap out of the water and crash back into it causing a giant splash, other folks might look at that and see a real spectacle.

This bird, not so much. Those eyes are just screaming "bored" over yet another hyperactive whale. That backsplash must be a real pain in the neck. Literally.
Didn't See You There
This sloth very innocently photobombed this tour group's jungle photo. It may have ruined it in a way, but it also made it pretty darn cute.

Those kids will look fondly back on that school trip and see it as the highlight of that day!
Usually, it is other humans who photobomb us exactly when we are trying to take the perfect picture. In this case, it wasn't a fellow tourist but a local pigeon that destroyed the holiday photo.

We have heard that sometimes locals get mad at travelers for taking too much space, but couldn't this local pigeon do something else to demonstrate its frustration?
Not the Head!
Elephants seem to be playful and fun to be around. At least, that's the impression we get from looking at this vacation photo. Taken in South Africa in 2014, the pose the elephant chose for this picture caught the tourist by surprise.

We bet it's a weird feeling to have a trunk on the top of your head, but in our opinion, nothing could have made this picture more memorable and adorable.
This is not the first time a dog has stolen the show in a family photo and it sure as heck won't be the last. We're going to let this slide because this photobomb is just too cute.

In fact, we don't need another one. That pretty much beats any future photo that this family will ever take.
Don't Forget About Me
Barnyard animals hanging out are the stuff of children's literature. It's all sweet friendships and important life lessons, right? Well, not if you ask the kitty here.

It appears that the cat thought she was alone up until that point and was content to keep it that way. She's had enough of everyone else's shenanigans. Doggo and Goose wanted to make sure that this was not the case and that they were here to play.
Where Do Babies Come From?
Oh, look at that! It's a stork delivering this baby to her new home! The tales of storks delivering babies date back to the Roman era. Many cultures from the past centuries also saw storks as a symbol of good luck.

In Fact, in nature, storks are known for being very nurturing parents to their offspring, even after they've learned to fly. Maybe this is where the story originates. Besides good fortune, storks have been associated with family values and commitment. Especially in ancient European Cultures.
That Sneaky Lizard
Never turn your back on someone. You never know what they'll say about you. The moment that cat turned his head, this bearded dragon threw some shade at the cat.

But uh oh, the tables clearly turned. That cat did not let that slide. If we were that lizard, we would be pretty scared.
Blue Eyed Trouble
This innocent blue-eyed guy just wanted to take a nice selfie of himself for his favorite dating app. But, when you live with a cat, there's no such thing as doing something without being interrupted.

This little kitten isn't keen on the idea that his owner will have someone new to play with. The owner did get a cute picture out of it. They both have striking blue eyes, which might prove to be an advantage on dating apps.
Bird's Eye View
Birds have a funny relationship with humans. Usually, when we try to get close to them, they run away from us. If we offer breadcrumbs, they might come closer. But, when we don't want them around, they will definitely show up.

This poor woman was just trying to relax with a good book. It's just, this bird won't let her. In the most inopportune moment, this sparrow decides to land on her hair and give her a mean look.
Mission Impossible- Feline Style
If this dog was aware of the cat hanging from the door frame, it'd be way more excited about it. This cat could drop at any time and give that poor dog a serious scare.

On the other hand, maybe it’s such a standard occurrence that he doesn’t care. Maybe this cat is practicing its stunt routine.
Just Like Us
We tend to think that animals are inherently different than humans. But, if this article proves anything it's that, just like us, animals love being at the center of attention and love having their picture taken.

Even goats want to get noticed once in a while, which is why this one decided to stick its face right in the camera.
The Llama Ruins
Let's face it, we go on vacation in order to see the sights, but we also go in order to upload pictures of ourselves next to breathtaking views. This llama wanted to show her face next to a UNESCO World Heritage Site nonetheless, and she got what she wanted.

These are the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, an important historic site, and this llama just needed to go down in history as someone who visited it. Who could blame her?
Yikes! A Dolphin
Taking children to the aquarium is a great way to help them learn about different fish. Of course, parents usually want to get a picture of their toddler viewing aquatic life for the first time, as a souvenir.

What the parents didn't expect was to see their child so horrified. Not by a shark or a whale, but by a cute dolphin. Even though dolphins are not harmful at all, this still makes for a funny picture.
Underwater Exploration
Just looking at this picture will make you want to go snorkeling, right? Especially if you can manage to catch a school of fish photo-bombing your picture. It must be a weird feeling to swim among so many sea creatures.

This guy should definitely keep this one to show his grandkids. Watching this photo will make one imagine that you're visiting SpongeBob SquarePants at Bikini Bottom.
Here's Donny!
Donny the mini donkey, as we are told the fluffy equine in the forefront is called, wanted to come and say hi. He was apparently having a good day and wanted to share it with the world. He didn't even notice that the human with the funny contraption was oddly focused on the chickens.

For some reason, though, it looks like every day is a good day for Donny. Hanging out with the other animals on the farm, munching on apples, feeling the breeze ruffling his bangs — what's not to like? We would trade places with Donny in a heartbeat!
Oh, Hi, Tiny Human!
This sweet pug was about to come and congratulate her new baby brother, perhaps sneak a sniff of that tiny head, when she realized that there was a camera around. What we believe happened was that she realized they were about the same size and just deduced that this meant they ought to be pictured together.

Obviously, her owners were the last people to prove her wrong. Actually, looking at this adorable photo, it seems that she wasn't wrong at all! The size thing will most likely change in just a few short months so the little pug might as well take advantage of it while she still can.
Color Me Interesting
Mandarin ducks are known for their bright and vivid feathers. Seriously, this color palette and striking hues look like the work of the best fashion designer in the world. Not many people, however, know that the female mandarin brings a lot less to the table in terms of color.

Mostly coated in different shades of gray, she is often ignored when her more colorful partner is around. Well, this female just about had it with this nonsense and was going to do something about it. Hey, mister camera dude! I may not look like a quacking Pantone catalog but I'm just as interesting as this guy!
This Couple Is Now a Trio
Sticking out your tongue for a picture used to be something we thought only humans in their early teens do. This giraffe proved us wrong, though. As this cute couple was strolling around in what appears to be a zoo or a wildlife shelter of some sort, they stopped by the giraffes to take a picture.

Little did they know, one of the regular tenants had the exact same thought! And not only was it going to get in the frame, it was going to do it with a bang — tongue out a la Miley Cyrus and blocking the boyfriend from view.
An Unhinged Anhinga
These two birds are not even the same species but they seem to be communicating just fine. Actually, drop the 'just fine' part. There is communication going on there alright, it's just that it doesn't seem like the very pleasant kind. We are not sure what this anhinga is warning the duck about, but it must believe that it's very important.

Maybe the human with the camera is looking too suspicious, walking around with that odd plastic box, making weird clicking noises. You can never trust those clicking humans, no matter how many times they've given you breadcrumbs at the park.
What Do You Mean Ten Legs?
Pictured at Camano Island State Park in Washington, this Red Rock Crab sparked the interest of a traveling photographer. However, he was not the only one whose interest was sparked. His dog, Sam, seemed to be just as intrigued.

So much so that he couldn't bear moving away from it enough to be out of the frame. Why is it in the water? Why is it so hard? Why does it need so many legs? Can I eat it? Can I play with it? All those questions buzzed around in the little pooch's head so intensely that it made his eyes pop!
Gorilla Guy
We share so much of our DNA with primates that it only makes sense to call this picture a family photo. You've got to hand it to the gorilla in the back window. Without it, this picture would have been just another boring photo of a guy in a zoo.

Seriously, who goes to the zoo and then takes an INDOOR picture that features absolutely NO animals in sight? Isn't that what one's home is for? If you're asking us, this ape was doing that guy a favor by photobombing his bland picture. We hope the monkey was compensated with some yummy fruit as a thank-you for his contribution.
Cat on Cat
Oh, what a sweet up-close encounter with a handsome whiskered Kitty. At first, we wondered what it was doing here as we couldn't see much of anything else with this black and white fluff ball so close. But then we caught a glimpse of that cream-colored cat in the background having trouble with her focus being stolen.

The owner of the two felines tells us that the up close and personal one is named Figi and the one in the background is named Jade. Two very fitting names if you ask us since Figi is obviously lounging as if on a tropical island and Jade must shine like the crown jewel she is at all cost.
What the Horse?
What a beautiful green meadow. So peaceful, so green, so lush. No wonder these sheep look like the happiest beings on the planet. We would trade with them in a heartbeat. That must also be what the photographer thought when he whipped out his camera, but before he was able to capture the serenity his lens was photobombed by a horse.

Sure, the serenity effect of the whole thing is kind of taken away by this friendly equine, but in our opinion, the clip-clopper actually made things better. Pre-horse the image would have made a fantastic desktop wallpaper. However, post-horse it is definitely poster-worthy.
We All Have That One Friend
You know what friend we're talking about. Their heart is always in the right place and they will be by your side no matter what. However, they might take "being by your side no matter what" a little too literally.

You're sick? They will bring over some soup. You're throwing a birthday party? They will come first to help you start things up and leave last after they've helped you clean. You're trying to get a good use out of the sun hitting just the right spot? They will join the frame. And apparently, ostriches do that too. It's actually adorable.
The Stare
These two give the words "staring contest" a whole new meaning. While usually a staring contest would include two people staring at each other trying not to blink, this cat and dog duo is staring intently into the camera, each for its own reasons.

The dog, we're assuming, is trying to put on his best face as a guardian and protector of his human. The cat, on the other hand, seems to be trying to burn a hole through either the dog's back or through the lens. Funnily enough, the cat (whose name, we are told, is Mendel) doesn't seem willing to leave his patch of sun to properly fight for focus.
Feline Frida
This sweet couple are clear fans of any and all kinds of art. They have artwork hanging on their living room wall and even their cat looks like a work of art. Just look at that detailed fur and bushy tail! In fact, we are told the cat is named Frida, presumably after Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.

In our opinion, then, this picture and the cat in it don't really count as a photobomb at all. What we think happened here is that the two wanted to take a picture featuring the greatest passion, which would make the feline presence in the frame completely intentional.
Christmas Kitty
If pets are indeed capable of grasping the concept of the spirit of Christmas, we have a feeling that the dog in the picture did not get the memo. Good thing it has a cat friend to show him the ropes.

Don't worry if you can't see the cat right away, it took us a while too, possibly because of all of the Christmas decorations and twinkle lights or needing the frame, but it's there. Right under the tree to the right. All playful and furry, it is more than willing to teach its canine friend all about the true meaning of Christmas, which is obviously back scritches and yummy treats.
Cat Parenting
This young woman got a new kitten and she is about to find out the hard way that parenting a small creature, be it human or not, is not a walk in the park. As any human parent to a human child would love to tell you, getting some alone time turns into a mission impossible when you have little ones to take care of.

Taking selfies, as it turns out, can also become a lot more difficult than it used to be. All this girl wanted was to try and take a cute picture of herself when her new kitten, or rather her new kitten's booty, thought it should join the fun.
Ticking Timer Bomb
Setting up a timer for a family picture is never as easy, simple, or effortless as movies and TV shows make it look. First off, there usually is only one person in the family who has an idea of how to operate it. Then there's the fact that people hold their poses and smiles for way longer than they're used to, which results in oftentimes creepy facial expressions.

However, after a few unsuccessful attempts, there is usually a product most family members are happy with. When you factor in a cat, though, there is one more thing to consider, as this family would happily tell you.
Jealous? Me?
Living on a farm, or even visiting one, sounds like a splendid time. There are all these Wide Open Spaces, the connection with nature, and if you're lucky, new friends in the form of Barnyard animals. But if this picture is any indication, not all animals are very good friends, at least to each other.

Sure, these horses can feed from the same trough and sleep in the same Barn, but once there's a camera involved, it's all petty fights and passive aggression. This big guy wants to enjoy the spotlight all on his own? Not if the one at the back has any say in the matter.
Dog's Night Out
We don't know where this picture is taking place but our best guess is that it is the home of one of the four happy young women in the frame. The girls look like they're pregaming before going on a nice night out on the town. At least that's what we gather from the wine bottle in the frame.

Little Fido, however, was not going to leave his post and just let them go unprotected. He was about to tell them as much when they were trying to take a photo and ended up jumping into the frame, creating one of the best flying dog Illusions we have ever seen.
Cheshire Cat Is Real
Lewis Carroll's famous book "Alice in Wonderland" has been captivating numerous people for well over a century. One of its cool enigmatic characters is the iconic Cheshire Cat. Coming and going as he pleases, Cheshire has a smile that has become a cultural phenomenon, but up until this point, we never thought we would see one on a real-life cat.

Sporting Alice's signature blonde hair, the girl in the picture could easily pass for a modern-day Alice. And with that grinning feline photobombing her selfie, we would totally believe that the nonsense fantasy book was, in fact, a documentary. Now we wonder where she may have put the rabbit with a pocket watch.
Who Photobombed Who?
Now, this is a riddle. Obviously, there are two equally picture-worthy subjects in this frame — a doggo and a catto — but which one was intended to be the focus here in the first place?

One option maintains that it was the dog, who was looking picture-perfect while lounging on the living room carpet only to be surprised by the little basket kitten. The other option maintains that the basket kitten got himself into a little pickle that had to be documented and that the carpet pooch came to either help or just get a piece of the action.
Who's the Real Jerk?
Cats are notorious jerks, that much is common knowledge, or at least, common internet knowledge. It shouldn't take more than 1 minute of social media scrolling to find a photo or a video of a cat doing something it very well knows it's not supposed to be doing. The truth is, however, birds can be just as jerky as cats, if not more so.

Case in point, this feline-parrot Duo. While the sleeping cat has definitely had its fair share of mischief, it looks as innocent and as angelic as a newborn baby in this picture. The bird photobombing the bliss is obviously not even sorry, nor will it ever be, for taking the spotlight or for pooping where it's not supposed to.
Hey, I'm Adorable Too!
Did you know that cats can sleep for up to 16 hours a day? That's literally most of the day. You would think that with this kind of sleeping schedule your common house cat won't be too much of a hassle to handle or care for.

However, your furry friend makes fantastic use of its waking hours and keeps itself busy with eating, complaining, and somehow making you feel expendable while also begging for your attention. This photobombing feline obviously knows the job. In fact, she might even be Employee of the Month if she had a higher-up to report to.
He Just Wanted to Say Hi
It is common practice for modern-day youngsters to send each other selfies as a means of asking what's up or reporting that everything is okay. This is what the young woman in the picture was trying to do — send her cousin a random selfie to properly encapsulate her current state of mind.

Her big chunky cat has obviously been around for long enough to know what's going on and thought it could be cool to participate. And you know what? It really is cool. This absolute unit of a cat has turned what otherwise would have been a regular fun picture into something truly epic.