Yes, baseball games are enjoyable, but if you like being close to where the action takes place, you must spend considerable time watching out for stray balls (and bats). In the attempt of watching your favorite team score a home run, you may be risking the danger of a baseball, or, if you’re extremely unlucky, even a bat, hitting you right in the face.

Just like the man in the photo below. Getting hit by a baseball is enough to ruin anyone’s game experience. But getting hit by a bat? That’s a sure trip to the hospital. We just hope this man didn’t have any serious bone fractures.
Right Before the Divorce
There’s a little voice inside the head of every person who constantly wants us to make other people upset. We want to get the better of them. Maybe it’s because we want to show that we have some kind of power over them, or maybe we just enjoy seeing them get mad. On average, we’re going to guess that men and boys have to do a little more work to keep that voice from getting the better of us.

In this instance, we get a guy who is about to make this woman very, very mad at him. She was just lying out in the sun and enjoying herself, and then he came along. The way the light plays on her skin through the water is quite interesting, wouldn’t you agree?
Monsieur Moon at Your Service
Every once in a while, the sun sets and the moon rises at the proper time to create something we all call a supermoon – it's not a hero, but it's just much more significant and brighter in the sky. Sometimes, it can turn a little blue or red, too. It's unplanned, and we don't know when it will occur, but when it does, it's phenomenal.

On this occasion, someone was trying to take a pic when something got in the way. It appears to be a wispy little cloud, but it could also be a bird, bat, or maybe some superhero that wants to ruin your pictures.
Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board
There is more to this than just great sports. Who remembers playing this as a game with friends as a child? We sure do! Unfortunately, it never actually worked like we were all told that it would. But this guy seems to be able to “go there” all by himself!

Too bad for him, though; none of the judges seem to be paying any attention. He’s literally flying, and they’re all just like, “Meh, we’ve seen these ten times today.” We hear that he still scored pretty well, though. Good for him! Again, perfect timing, astonishing gymnastics, and oblivious judges who missed the entire show.
On Another Episode of Perfectly Timed Photos!!
The photo shown above gives you a two-headed rhino realness at first glance. While it's never impossible nowadays for science to produce different species, this time, it’s not real but rather another case of a perfectly timed photo. It's good as, in some way, it gives rhinos a spot in the limelight in which they remind people that they still exist, and unfortunately, they are still being hunted down.

The reality behind these prehistoric-looking animals is that they have such precious Ivory growing from them that poachers will do anything to get one. This is why the species have experienced a steady decline.
Your Crush: “I Love Flexible Personalities” You:
Here's a photo of Zhou Xiaojing, a professional Chinese rhythmic gymnast, appearing to be headless as she bends her head backward while performing her 'clubs.' This was her routine in the Asian Games for the women's rhythmic gymnastics individual all-around finals held in Bangkok, Thailand.

She has been consistent in her performances across the world, including in the Olympic games, but she never got any medals. Nevertheless, this photo of her has been famous on the internet for a very long time. She might not be an Olympic medalist, but she's renowned as the super flexible girl meme, and that's just beautiful.
Perfectly Timed Photos, the Sequel!
It's not what you think! That kid is not Jesus, and he cannot walk on water. It's just another one of those perfectly timed photos that are going around the internet; only this one could be the mother of all perfectly timed photos. Can you see how everything about him is relaxed, making it seem like he's just casually doing something that he does daily?

The kid even looks like he's tipping his toes on the water to check the temperature. To whoever took this photo, call me because I need pictures like that also! Jesus was not the only one to wall the water!
Talk About On Cue!
Every time we look at this photo, we are still amazed and can't get enough. Unless you can do a decent pirouette, you apparently can't sit or jump with these synchronized ballerinas. Ballet is a classical dance that originated in the 15th century during the Italian Renaissance. It has, later on, evolved into a concert dance by the French and Russians and, today still fascinates audiences around the world with remarkable shows.

This highly technical form of dance has become widespread since then, and it developed a French-based vocabulary. Today, there are ballet schools all over the globe and astonishing ballerinas to admire.
Grabbed by a Crab
During the 1920s, food was a lot harder to come by than nowadays. You couldn't just pop down to the store and get a big cart full of all the good stuff – a lot of people had to farm or hunt for their food themselves. Seriously, our generation takes a lot of stuff for granted - but we digress.

This lady was giving it her best, but she was on the wrong end of a crab's pincers. She's letting out a big scream, flailing wildly, and the basket in her hand, which might have been full of other crabs, is going straight back into the water.
The Slippery Slip
It's OK, buddy; it happens to everybody who's trying to fish at one point or another. Fish are slippery; there's no way to get around that, even if you're an actual pro and not a Berkeley grad who decided to go fishing with his buddy. Every seasoned fisher has experienced this at least once in their lives.

With that said, not every fisher has a photo showing the exact moment their catch of the day slipped through their fingers. But hey, this picture will be a permanent reminder of how much fun they had in the lake that day. And hopefully, that fish landed inside the net!
Give Spring a Break
The type of holiday photos you have from spring break are ones you'll always remember, but maybe not ones you'd want to show your parents, but nevertheless, they are bound to put a few grins on your face in retrospect. This picture is a classic case of photobombing, it's just not 100% clear who is photobombing who.

Was someone trying to take a picture of a young man being taken into custody and was interrupted by the girls, or maybe it's the girls who were interrupted by the police? We'll never know but we bet there's an amazing story behind this pic.
Hungry Mouse
Has Mickey gone mad? We’re not sure what is happening in the background, but it certainly looks like the beloved Disney mascot has grown tired of cheese. It’s most likely the angle of the photo when it was taken, but it certainly makes for a hilarious photobomb in the back.

Aside from that, this little girl gave the perfect pose for her vacation picture. It is kind of a perfect metaphor for Disney though, when you think about it. The big Mouse comes walking around eating everything in his path. He doesn't care who suffers. He's hungry. Classic capitalism if you ask us.
Doggie Earrings
This Doberman is so cute with his earrings! Oh wait, that is just the perspective. Regardless, we still think the dog would look cute with those earrings anyway. They never wear any jewelry, so why not spice up their wardrobe a bit? What’s the worst thing that can happen?

A dog with a bit of eye shadow? If that is our future, sign us up. As you can see though, those "earrings" that the dog is "wearing" are no more than a pair of lights hanging from the kitchen ceiling. Do we really have to explain the illusion to you?
“Identical” Twins
We have heard that if people have a twin then they share odd similarities together. Maybe they like the same TV shows, hobbies, and even foods. For these twins, it goes a bit further and they have the same movements too! Their father caught the moment as they both fell into the ocean in perfect synchronization.

It’s crazy how much twins act alike even as they fall. The question is, did the twins both gracefully land into the water and swim with no problems whatsoever? Or, did they just land unceremoniously on the hard sandy surface and cry in unison? We hope it's the former.
She Dug that Pass
You can see the terror in her eyes as she realizes her mistake. She completely misjudged the serve and now it is on a collision course with her face. We are glad the photographer had quick fingers and captured the moment right before it made contact with the player.

There is so much emotion wrapped up in this still, and we can almost feel the sting on our faces just looking at this photo. It's like a shot from a movie, where the ball is colliding with the person's face in slow motion and all you can hear is the person slowly saying "Nooooooooooo...."
Honey, I Soaked The Kid
This kid is a perfect example of not crying over spilled milk. He literally looks like he could care less that there is a mixed drink being poured onto him. Maybe he looks like he doesn’t care because he’s super comfortable on mom’s lap. Mom looks like she is very much regretting ordering a drink with sticky juice in it at this point!

Dad doesn’t know yet at this moment, but we’re sure he had a great laugh when he saw this picture. Hopefully, he didn’t see it until after that night when the kid was cleaned up and it was funny already instead of just mildly inconvenient.
Baseball Game Mishap
Yes, baseball games are enjoyable, but if you like being close to where the action takes place, you must spend considerable time watching out for stray balls (and bats). In the attempt of watching your favorite team score a home run, you may be risking the danger of a baseball, or, if you're extremely unlucky, even a bat, hitting you right in the face.

Just like the man in the photo below. Getting hit by a baseball is enough to ruin anyone's game experience. But getting hit by a bat? That's a sure trip to the hospital. We just hope this man didn't have any serious bone fractures.
That's Got to Hurt!
It looks like this guy was attempting some sort of backflip or somersault into the pool. The whole thing would probably look pretty great if it worked out in his favor...but it worked out in our favor because this is one epic photo. Hopefully, he is alright though.

He must have calculated his distance from the pool all wrong for this to happen. The worst case scenario is that he landed on his face, broke his nose, blood went everywhere and quite possibly, he kicked the bucket. We doubt this photo would have even ended up online if that had happened.
"Benjamin Button" Syndrome?
So, take a quick glimpse at this snapshot and let us know what you see. We’ll wait. Right?! There is the classic idea that a man will never grow up. They always feel like a child, deep at heart. And it's only when they look at themselves in the mirror that they realize that they are, well, older.

At first glance, it looks like this toddler has the face of an old man, and it’s really creeping us out! Thank God it’s just an optical illusion, and all we’re seeing is the back of the baby’s head in a hat, and the man’s face that’s holding him, turned slightly sideways. Phew! Some optical illusions really do a number on the mind, huh?
Was the Party That Bad?
Beware, this photo is not for the easily disgusted. Apparently, the young lady was trying to maintain her poise, while being aware her stomach wasn't agreeing with her. As her friends gathered around her to appear in the picture, she could not suffer the discomfort any longer.

The girl’s condition sure must have turned into a party spoiler for the crowd. Well, we hope the woman got the required medical attention. As long as ended up feeling better, this photo must have been a real memento that reminded this group of friends of their time at college. Oh, to be young and throwing up all over the place!
Bubble Dog
Yes, we made a pun about the Boy in the Plastic Bubble. If you haven’t seen it, you really should. Sure, it’s sad and you’ll probably cry more than once, but it’s also a terrific movie. Anyways… Awww! Look at the little puppy chasing after the bubbles! This is another one of those “situated just right,” shots.

The angle of the camera makes it look as if the dog is actually inside the bubble. And who knows? Maybe the dog actually got trapped in a huge bubble when he was playing fetch with his owner. We would say that stranger things have happened in life but then again, maybe not. Ruff!
Mission Impossible- Feline Style
If this dog was aware of the cat hanging from the door frame, it'd be way more excited about it. This cat could drop at any time and give that poor dog a serious scare. What we love about this photo is that it clearly demonstrates just how much our feline friends are masters of stealth and cunningness.

They can move around the place so quietly and can get into the most unlikely situations. And in this household, there's a chance that this cat gets away with this kind of trickery all the time. On the other hand, maybe it’s such a standard occurrence that he doesn’t care. Maybe this cat is practicing its stunt routine.
Optical Illusion
This picture poses quite a few questions, like why would they place a mirror in such an awkward place? Were the bartender and other staff members aware of how it looked? Or maybe it's for amusement? Actually, we have a lot of questions about this photo.

Obviously, the elephant in the room here is that the mirror makes the bartender look like he's got women's legs and is wearing a skirt. He kind of looks like something from out of a weird, steampunk fantasy movie. Gender identity is a really interesting topic these days, but this just takes things to a whole new level. Regardless of the weird leg-upper body proportions, the bartender is still pretty cute.
The Fluffy Feline Missile
If we could shoot our kitties out of big, silly cannons, this is surely what the furball projectiles would look like. With that look of determination, this critter must have been chasing after something seriously exciting. Felines don’t tend to exert themselves like this unless they think it’s worth it. If we could imagine a kitten being shot from a large cannon, then, this is exactly how we'd see a furball bullet.

With such a determined look on its face, it's safe to say that this cat is chasing something she finds exciting. Felines don't usually go to these lengths unless it's something really worth their while. This cat still looks adorable with her body levitated in the air, wouldn't you agree?
Like a Scene From "Jaws"
Meet Seth, he is a risk-taker, to say the very least. He was aware of the shark lurking around and decided to continue surfing anyway. Surprisingly, the shark simply sniffed Seth, yeah, like a dog. Fortunately, both Seth and the shark did not get hurt. You could say that it was the kind of scene that would never have happened in the "Jaws" movie franchise.

One plausible reason for the man sticking around despite the presence of the shark was because he thought he would startle the shark, who would then attack, hence, he decided to stay put to see what was in store for him.
One Angry Bride
This happy couple was trying to get a picturesque photo for their big day, and it was so close to being perfect. They’re in a small area, and the woman can’t really see where her feet are thanks to the big dress – even if there wasn’t a picture to go along with that description, you could see where it was all headed.

The photographer manages to snap a pic just before the woman hits the water, which also has the groom trying as hard as he can to catch his new wife, but he just isn’t fast enough. Imagine trying to keep someone from falling into the water, and you only have a moment to do it – and if you don’t catch that person, her very expensive and fancy dress is likely to be ruined.
A Surreptitious Dispensation of Flora
If you’re wondering, that’s a Christmas tree being tossed out the window. It’s in mid-fall (not the season) but it won't get to complete it since it got caught in the naked branches of a bigger, stronger tree. We all love having a Christmas tree up during the Holiday season, but getting rid of it can be a hassle.

If it’s artificial, you have to get all the ornaments off and box it up for next year. If it’s a real tree, you have to haul it out to the garbage pickup location, dropping needles the whole way there. But you still can’t do what this person did and haul it out the window into the yard fifty feet below. Take it to the dumpster like a good neighbor.
We Still Don't Get it
So what do we see here? We see a dude with his eyes closed. We see a truck far behind, unsure if it's in motion or not, and we see some or a cloud, or ..please help us understand what is going on here? Yes, that definitely describes what a perfect timing picture should look like however, if only things weren't so cloudy.

Is the car supposed to look as if the dude is holding it with its teeth? Ok, so we get that. But what about the clouds? Is it supposed to look as if the car is smoky? Or as if the could is stuck to his eyes? Any idea?
Training Chihuahuas
When you think about adopting a dog, you think about the good deed you're doing, the home you're giving a stray animal, and the wonderful experience you'll be giving your children by taking care of another living creature. Never in a million years did you imagine having a dog circus in your own home.

How many hours was this chihuahua trained before managing to pull those off? What else can this four-legged companion do to impress us? Jump up in the air? Stand on one (or two) legs and do the Macarena? To be fair, not everyone can stick their nose onto their nose. It's an art.
More Than the I Can See
It took us a while to understand what was going on here, as there is more to what you are thinking. It is a truly great photo, perfectly timed and definitely deserves a spot on this list, that's for sure. Saying that this photo has another detail that you might not spot straight away. It took us a while too.

If you look carefully, you will realize something on the driver's lap. The phone features the same image you are looking at. Again, the picture on the phone's screen is the same one you are looking at right now. You are welcome.
A Rainbow at the End of the Rainbow
Every year around the 17th of March we learn a little more about Leprechaun lore. That’s because it’s St. Patrick’s Day, the day we celebrate the luck of the Irish. Obviously, it’s the little green elves’ special day. They know all about luck and why rainbows are a sign of good fortune. According to Leprechaun lore, there will be a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Of course, they’re mischievous little fairies that can’t be trusted. But, in this picture, we can see clear proof of the truth of rainbow lore. The rainbow ends exactly at a store called Rainbow! What luck. The store must be making a fortune for someone.
Omen? Who Said Anything About Omens?
There are so many things that could go wrong at a wedding. The bride could not show up, the groom could be having cold feet, someone other than the bride could show up wearing a white dress, and we could go on forever, but to be honest, we have more things to do.

Obviously, the cake making friends with the floor isn't great, but better the floor than the dress. Yes, we know this photo is staged, and the look on the bridesmaids revealed this all, but you have to agree it looks good, and the photographer did a great job here.
Tackling Done Right
The coach was very specific — under no circumstances can the ball move to the rival's side of the court. This player was only following orders, for all we know. What we would really like to know, however, is what the referee thought about this over-the-top move. And then again, this wasn't the only time that this move was done during the game.

Maybe these are the new rules of the game, and anyone can do whatever they want whenever they want and still come back home with the trophy. What does the future bring? Are we going to see this happening in all games on all fields?
El Helado
An enterprising junior high school teacher wanted to find a way to encourage her students to remember Spanish vocabulary words. So she attached images of food to the back of chairs to help her students learn the words. It was a great idea. But middle schoolers will be middle schoolers.

And, you have to admit, it was hilarious when this boy wore a Kiss shirt to school and sat next to the picture of ice cream. With Gene Simmons’ tongue stretching several inches in length, doesn’t it make sense for him to take a little lick of El Helado?
Matthew the Correspondent
Perhaps the BBC network misplaced the last name of their European correspondent from Brussels. Or maybe the newsman was born with that last name. Born into his destiny, he likely worked his whole life to live up to his last name!

Otherwise, it’s a very impersonal description, a title you’d expect displayed under an AI drone news reporter. (Drone news anchors, they’re coming! China already employs two AI news anchors.) As it stands, it’s a hilarious fumble by the BBC. So what is next? Will we see Carol Till at the Cornet shop? Or Andy Shelveing in the sports store?
Force of Nature
You know how animals in children's books are always friends, no matter what species they are? The way we see it, those books are only miseducating children about nature. Take Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, for example. Where else would a bear be friends with a small pig? Well, we are here to set things straight, starting with this picture.

Children, this is how nature works. The world should take an example from this. It doesn't matter if you are red, brow, black, big, or small. There is enough room for everyone on this planet. Even for scary owls and frightened mice.
In Your Face
This baby obviously knows his priorities. First — eat your pasta. Second — finish your pasta. Third — dispose of your bowl. Fourth — make a gangster face at the camera. He achieved every step. The proud parent behind the camera must have had that picture blown up and framed. We would love to have a copy of that.

Now this has got to be a photo of a firstborn, as there is no way a mother of a second or third baby allows him to get away with this disrespectful behavior. Throwing a plate in the air like? Oh no. Not where we come from.
Seeing Double
It’s like seeing double, twice. Twins on the left, twins on the right. And this set of twins is sitting right next to each other, by chance, inside a subway. Not only that, but the twins’ faces show identical expressions! How could this be? It seems like they even prefer to match hairstyles.

But the twins on the right go so far as to wear the same glasses, plus identical clothing. Maybe they just got used to it as kids. And maybe there is no need to get so overwhelmed, as this is a specific twin cart of the train, and these phenomena are very common to come across.
Bird Watching
Avid bird watchers will read up about local birds and then try to locate and possibly photograph some rare or beautiful specimens. In this crazy coincidence, a bird is pictured checking out a book about birds, perhaps looking for a long-lost relative or something. It looks like the bird is reading the book, but that would be silly.

Meanwhile, this child can’t believe his luck. A real, live bird lands near his hand on a book that can only offer pictures and words about birds. That’s some true detail. A coincident? Or maybe an extra sharp vision of this bird?
Enzo Ferrari Reincarnated
In one life he’s Enzo Ferrari, the manufacturer of world-class Italian performance machines, and in the next life, he’s a professional superstar on the sports field. Some people have all the luck. Ferrari not only founded the venerable Ferrari company—his main occupation was racing cars! So, he goes from racing top-quality cars around a track to being one of the best footballers in the world.

The only drawback is that when he was reincarnated, he came back to Germany as Mesut Özil which meant he had to allow Mercedes-Benz to sponsor him. Of course, Ozil won the World Cup, but his appearance is pretty iconic too.
It's Called Dodgeball for a Reason
There is nothing like s good game of dodgeball to separate the coordinated from the uncoordinated. The poor girl in the picture seems to belong in the second group, but that doesn't mean she's doomed. Once she gets her glasses fixed and learns to dodge balls properly, she might even make it into the school team. Or not.

It's either that or she thought this could make a great Halloween or fancy dress costume and then decided to add a ridiculous look on her face to spice things up and make it look authentic. Either way, it looks hilarious and this is a perfectly timed photo.
A Striking Manscape
One could take in the beautiful landscapes of the South China Sea all day long. But who would think a man’s body might look like a reflection of an island mountain range? He looks just like a carbon copy of the landscape, like a mountain’s shadow. He’s a living, breathing manscape.

William Blake once said all the world can be seen inside of a tiny grain of sand. So, a man in a mountain, or a mountain in a man, it’s not too far off. And for those little creatures on the sand, coming across this had really strained their daily outing, collecting shells and seaweed for their dinner.
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
One of the things that never ceases to amaze us is the human variety. How different people are in terms of face, culture, and social conventions. Oh, and how calm they can look when a snowball hits them in the face. This man looks like he is about to enter an epic snowball fight, but the ball has not yet landed, this is the minute before the mess.

This is also a guy that I saying to his kids (or his long-time college friend), you can through as many snowballs as you want on my face. I am not going to scream, laugh, or through anything back.
Not so Sweet 16
Sweet 16th birthday. Being able to drive a car legally. Moving closer to being able to vote. Inching towards being able to drink legally. It doesn't get any better than that. Well, actually, it does. There's news, and politics, and student loans, and having to earn your own money.

So basically, sweet 16 is our way of trying not to cry when thinking about the loss of our childhood. Anyway, happy birthday, darling! I made you a cake... Oh lord...And on the contrary, 16 is first kisses, first proms, first boyfriends, and first boyfriends with cars. Should I continue?
Perfect Parenthood Pictures
We've all been there. Our toddler insists on doing it all by himself (or we've had enough and can't be bothered to push the swing), and then, before you realize it, they are down and have landed on their faces. The mother (we feel it's the other "they") got this on camera because she was filming her child anyway. Ouch!

This hilarious moment was folding the previous 10 minutes that sounded something like this; "Film me on the swing, film me on the swing, mummy, you are not filming me, I can see you talking, film me on the swing."
Warning: Possible Flooding
Siofok, Hungary, is the nation’s most popular place for summer holidays. Beautiful Lake Balaton offers long sandy beaches and plenty of sunshine. There’s a medieval abbey on one end of the lake and a walkway of classy bars and exquisite restaurants on the other.

But it’s a rainy place, so if it’s flooding, you might want to try Budapest instead. In this coincidence of natural disaster proportion, it looks like the sea rose to meet this stylish surfer. A lot of thought was put behind this ad, and it is no coincidence that Decathlon and Global warming clash.
Les Misérables Meets The Shining
Just when you thought late 18th century France couldn’t get worse, “Here’s Johnny.” Destitution, starvation, endless suffering. And, now, introducing a deranged ax murderer who calls himself Johnny. This is precisely what happens when Hugo, Kubrick, and King meet up.

Add Jack Nicholson to the act, and there’s no reason to believe the advertised “musical phenomenon” is not a perfect way to spend Christmas day. In other words, this is the modern version of "Les Miserables." The original cast just wasn't good enough for the Gen Z's, and a modern and fresher feeling had to be added.
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Itsy Bitsy Spider came up the waterspout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Unless it went to the television screen and managed to manage not only the viewers but also the ones on the other side of the screen. Now we know it is never a perfect time to have a slider climbing up tour screen; however, you can't argue that this photo was taken in perfect timing.

We do have one thing we can't get our minds around. In order for the photographer to know this man was going to cover his face and say wooooo, he must have watched this before. The only surprise here is the spider, and we doubt it was planning his escape route.
The Art of Blending In
This guy left the pad for the day, styling a modern baggy-style striped ensemble with ’80s dayglo orange shorts and an electric orange and white stripe tee. He topped it off with a sparkling white cap, and he finished it with white sneakers. In any other setting, it is a flashy fashion statement. As it is, his digs are causing drivers to confuse him with a traffic cone.

It was such a funny coincidence that someone photographed this scene through the car windshield! At this intersection, he could pass for a construction worker. At the very least, he already has a construction-themed Halloween costume lined up.
Walking on Water
Sit back and tell us the tale of Dogster — the dog that walked on water. When Dogster was born, his parents knew he was special, but not in everyone's- special hipster kind of way. He has always had a special connection with seal puppies and other marine creatures. As he grew older and his connection with the ocean grew deeper, Dogster became world-famous.

He now has his own YouTube channel where he teaches people and pups of all kinds how to embrace their inner mermaids. He is a true believer in the saying that if you have the ability to dream it, you have the ability to do it...and this flying canin is doing it all.
Tragic Mistake
Did the San Jose Mercury News make a tragic mistake? Did these two make a tragic mistake buying that house? Was getting married a tragic mistake? And why do they look so happy? The real story is that when these two got married, the bride asked her brother to save the local newspaper for them on the day they tied the knot.

When he gave her the issue that was published on her wedding day, the leading headline read, “Tragic Mistake.” Just another hilarious coincidence. Luckily these two have a great sense of humor. Could you imagine the look on their face if they didn't?
Making a Splash
Cannonball jumps — out, belly flops — in! Especially when the belly in question is this glorious. It doesn't look like there are many people in the water, and maybe that's a good thing because it looks like the water level in the pool is about to rise dramatically.

This may not be a standard wave pool, but something tells us that it was wavy all right after that jump. Can you imagine the tsunami or the lifeguard hitting the panic button and asking all of the other swimmers to get out of the water? So much drama over one man and one belly.
The Smashing Book
One can only imagine the ways The Smashing Book might instruct on how to properly smash objects in need of smashing. Creepy-crawlies require swift and direct action. If The Smashing Book is not available within close vicinity, grab anything with a solid surface and crush it!

Another option is to capture the creepy-crawly intruder and show it the door. If you’re not squeamish or you are not plagued by bug invasion, the book’s also a good tool for creating smashing websites. So remember, you can squash any crawling reptile around as long as you use the right book.
I'm Flying!
Ballerinas will tell you that this guy is probably trying to work on his jet. Bikers will probably tell you that this guy is working on a special stunt. Other people will tell you this man is trying to kill himself, and no matter how many times his Italian mother ( we have a feeling she is Italian) told him to stop doing what he was doing.

So it's all about perspective, really. Until we see the picture taken 2 seconds after this one, we will assume that this guy simply learned how to fly. We just hope that the damage wasn't too severe.
Taking a Risk
Little brothers can be so annoying sometimes. What we are looking at right here is obviously not a big-bro-little-bro situation (different birds, duh), but the sentiment is still there. Honestly, the most interesting thing about this picture is probably what happened the second after it was taken, if we're going to be completely honest.

Did the eagle show the crow who's the boss? Did the crow prove itself worthy of hanging around large birds of prey? We want to know! When it comes to photos like this, it is always the photo to impresses us the most and not always the story behind it.
Vampyr Services
Nothing to see here. Mosey on. Just a vampire stopping at the blood bank to make a withdrawal. What’s wrong? It’s really not that different from fast-food takeout. The Red Cross saves lives. The vampire agrees. They’re not only saving the life of the vampire by feeding it, but they’re saving the lives of its countless intended victims.

After pangs of conscience plaguing it for years, this vampire is dealing with its guilt by purchasing pre-drained blood. Monsters have feelings too! We said it once; we will say it again. There are things that can only happen down under.
Moon Rise
On some days, the moon needs a little lift to rise on schedule in the evenings. Introducing the moon crane! The moon crane is the perfect solution. On the other hand, it could be a planetary catastrophe if the crane drops the ivory orb! Luckily, the moon is kept in orbit by a mysterious force no one truly understands.

Even Newton threw his hands up, wondering if gravity comes from God. It's either that or some pore child lost his great big silver yellowish ballon. We kind of have a feeling it's the first option, but then again, you never know.
Not in The Pool
When we were little children, no matter how many times our mother told us not to pee in the pool, whenever we were in the deep blue water, we just had to go. There was no way we could keep it in. Even if we had just gone, the minute we touched the water we had to go all over again.

By the look at this perfect times photo, the little girl didn't even wait until she was in the water. She got into position, held her breath, and off she went. We hope her mother wants around to witness this. This could have been the last time for her at the pool that summer.
Catch Anything Good?
So, we thought about it, and there could be a few reasons why this person is fishing in the midst of a storm. One reason is that he is very brave. Another reason is that he is not very smart. The third reason is that he is Poseidon himself, so he practically controls the sea.

So yeah, it's either one of those reasons or that he's just super passionate about fishing. Another reason we thought of, maybe this is all down to the photographer. All he wanted was a good shot of a man, with the water splashing and not a soul in the distance.
Downwards Facing Dog
This has happened to us all. We've joined the new Yoga classes at our local gym, and the instructor has asked us all to get into the downward dog position. THE WHAT? WHICH DOG? It took us a while to get used to the definition, and today it has become a common phrase among many. Saying that no one expected this to happen.

It doesn't take much to create such an embracing photo. All you need is a Yoga class, a talented photographer, and a moment you can never replicate. Rember. Yoga is good; yoga is great; however, yoga can be an awkward time too.
Tasty Head
Positioning yourself in front of something to create an interesting image is not something new. People have been waiting for the exact moment to catch the sunset, or the exact spot informed of the Aifal Tower, to send back home a great photo that makes you look twice. These two took it all a few steps further.

The dudette had to open her mouth at a very specific angle so her colleague's head fits around her mouthlines. Now when we think of this, we are not sure the guy in the back was ever aware of what was going on. Creepy...
Old College Cheer Squad
This is what we call perfection. We are not referring pt the actual position of these guys; we are talking about the photographer who managed to catch this moment; one second later, we assume they would have been more on the sand. Most of the dudes look fit, so surprisingly, they manage to balance themselves.

We wish we could have been a fly on the wall or a bird in the sky and witnessed the seconds before this great fall. Definitely, a pure college moment to cherish. We wonder if the standing guys and girls were asked to stay like this until the couple that fell got their act together...
Now You See Me Now You Don't
No matter how many times we looked at this photo, we still couldn't understand who was up on the top of this mountain and where exactly the photographer was sitting. Now, we have heard multiple stories of this sort considering a pacifier (the quick way to send your toddler to pacifier rehab); however, we have never heard of someone losing their glasses this way.

We must admit that regardless of the glasses, the photograph is quite spectacular. We love the way it is split down the middle, with the mountain on one side and the ocean and sky on the other.
“Killed by Nail Biting”
Out of all the ways people cope with stress, nail-biting seems like it would be one of the least harmful. It’s common for folks to head to the bar after work to release the day’s stress, others smoke to relieve tension, and, now that it’s becoming legal, certain herbs are another stress-release option. Compared with these substances, nail-biting would seem to be innocuous.

Although, fingernails serve as a haven for millions of germs. Painful cuticle mutilation is no fun, either. But here, just as this stressed-out woman is biting her nails, a news headline screams: “Killed by Nail Biting.”
It’s the Cookie Monster Panel
Here are a couple of guys who met by random chance. Hitting the bar to wind down after a long day of work, they discovered an unlikely friendship. When these two coincidentally ended up sitting side-by-side at the local pub, they didn’t plan their Cookie Monster wardrobe, but they ended up becoming a Cookie Monster tag team anyway.

C is for cookie, and M is for the monster, and these two hecklers at the end of the bar rowdy it up as a team with boisterous sports commentary directed at the TV. It’s not unusual to hear the duo shouting at referees hundreds of miles away or blasting players for flubs with angry epithets. While they’re there, they share some playful banter with the bartender, no doubt.
Mario Bros.
What if Mario and Luigi had a bakery and restaurant business instead of being the most popular Nintendo game ever? After a long, drawn-out sound effect of a balloon deflating, it would make sense that these two brothers would have next-door restaurants. But it’s a lot more amusing to watch Mario and Luigi work side-by-side on gaming consoles.

Rescuing Princess Peach from the villain is definitely much more meaningful work. Plus, the video game franchise is not only insanely more profitable but way more fun! In the future, the two will join hands and turn these two corner kebab shops into a mega-size superstore. Then, they will be unbeatable.
From Bronco to Bessie
We can guess what brought on this epic fall. It probably started with the horse finding out that the rider is called a cowboy. The horse's next thought was, "Well, if he likes cows so much, he might as well go ride one of them." The rodeo obviously did not go as planned for this cowboy, to say the very least.

Maybe he will consider changing his title to houseboy next time and save himself some trouble. This is just another great example of why sports and activities that involve animals should be banned. Not only here but all over the world.
How Do I Look?
The real story behind these pictures here is that of David Slater, a nature photographer. There was a two-year-long trial to determine if the pictures' copyrights legally belonged to Slater or the monkey —a crested black macaque. After seeing the monkey's picture in Slater's book, PETA filed a lawsuit in the monkey's name, claiming that he should have been the legal owner of it.

We can't believe it took two whole years for the court to rule in favor of the human, but it did. There are thousands of photos of innocent animals out there, with no proper legal representative.
Say Cheese
This picture tells us a great story. It is the story of a man; let's call him DudeBro. DudeBro went on a much-needed vacation to a faraway island. One of his vacation goals was to make an unlikely friendship. And boy did he do that.

When most people decide to make a new friend, they go for a fellow human, but not DudeBoro. On his first day of vacation, he went diving and met a shark. Naturally, DudeBro asked if they could take a selfie together. The shark's immediate reaction was to smile for the camera, and the two have been inseparable ever since.
Say Ahhh
This perfectly timed photo of the last few seconds in the life of that poor fish is as tragic as it is hysterical. We can almost hear what they were thinking about when the picture was snapped. The Pelican was thinking, "Score!" and the fish was thinking, "Oh man... Can someone tell my wife I won't make it to dinner tonight?"

We know what you're thinking — pelicans and fish don't speak English! Well, don't be so sure about that. For all we know, they speak English very well, they just don't want us to know it. The food chain is crazy, y'all!
New Hairdo
Who said that dogs, no matter what breed, don't have style? It is evident through this photograph that when it comes to hairstyle, four legs, and a tail will never come in their way. This dog is obviously stuck in the 1980s when Wham ruled the world and punk ruled the salons. All that is missing is an ultra-pink headband, and this companion is ready to rock.

Now seriously. This is what we call perfect timing, as there is no way this was staged in any way. It is not by chance that the dog in the back was feeling joyful that day and had its tail up high. We can't imagine seeing his back lock of hair showing from any other position.
Under (Or Over) the Sea
What was this woman thinking? Did she seriously think they would invade the dolphin's habitat and the dolphin, alongside its friends and siblings, would just remain calm in the water? Did she seriously think the waterpark's managers would take advantage of such an incident and publish it for all eyes to see?

This guy's (on the right) idea of a honeymoon was not exactly aligned with what she had in mind. Next time, let the lady decide where you are going and whose habitat you are going to invade. Trust her; it will not include flying dolphins. In fact, just let her decide everything from now on.
This Cat is on Fire
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Catzilla. And the person who times this photo so perfectly is with no doubt a photozilla. Surfing the web, we have come to realize that this photo had been titled in so many ways. It has been described as the most epic cat pic on the Internet and the single best cat image, and certainly in the top five.

We still can't stop wondering how the photographer managed to freeze the moment. They either did something to make the cat open its jaw just as the burning sun was setting, or, this, this is no sun, and the dude was willing to do whatever it took to create a great shot. Even setting the field on fire.
Who's Riding Who Now?
Humans like to think of themselves as the most superior beings ever walking the earth. After all, they are the ones who invented Wi-Fi and Starbucks and scented candles. But it takes only one misbehaving animal to remind everyone who is the real beast here.

We can only hope that the cowboy landed safely and that he and the horse could sort out their differences over a big hay bale. We hope people around the world just give up on sports and activities that involve animals. It's clear that no one is truly happy with everything that is going on.
Six Pack Cat
Yes, we know this image is quite old and has been running the web ever since the internet was born, but you've got to admit that there's got to be an image to define perfect timing; it's got to be this. You can consider this being cheap advertising for Abercrombie & Fitch (whose revenue apparently only benefitted from this), or you can go with the flow and work on new slogans for the brand like, Abercrombie is not only for pussies.

Who's ever side you choose to take, remember this. No cat has a six-pack, and no bag comes for free. So, it seems like whoever pulled this great image off must have paid a lot of money.
In Plain Sight
This would be an ingenious way to hide that perfect pair of flip-flops you’ve always wanted. They blend in nicely with this metal rack. Hidden in plain sight, no one will snag them. Get in the car, go home, grab that two bucks sitting on the counter, and those darling flip-flops with the polka dot bow will be yours!

When you get back to buy them, they’ll be sitting on the rack completely undisturbed, hidden perfectly. Otherwise, at $1.99 they’d be flying off the rack. Alternatively, you can break into your savings and purchase a pair of extravaganza Gucci flip-flops, with an inner layer of sheep's skin and decored with a skane print. So, what will it be?
It's the End of The World
We honestly don't know how to begin. What comes first? Firstly, the facts here are wrong as this photo was apparently taken at Luton airport in the UK and not in Israel. Now we have that out of the way; this photo screams "oblivious to life as we see it.

The Hassid on the left is not aligned, which turns this image into a picture disaster instead of being picture-perfect. And we can't help ourselves from remarking on the one on the far right. He looks like he is running toward someone. Besides those two comments, everything else seems fine.
Head Over Beer
As exciting as mass concerts may be, no one can deny that they have a substantial icky factor. All those people crammed together tend to have an aroma that is somewhat... upsetting, to say the least. Also, people trying to push ahead to be as close as they can to the stage means you rarely get to see the artist correctly yourself.

This girl here thought she could get past all the icky stuff, and she knew exactly how she was going to do it. Sitting on the shoulders of her friend means that she doesn't have to squeeze in with everyone else and get the perfect vantage point. It was all so simple! Then came that beer-ridden paper cup and ruined everything. Next time, she will bring a helmet.
Hello Kitty
Cats and lions are felines; it only stands to reason that they are equally cuddly and love playing with humans, right? They both purr when they are content and satisfied, love fish, and mind their own business when things don't concern them. Right? Wrong.

What were you doing when the entire world was busy watching Tiger King on Netflix? That is a sure receipt for losing a limb! It looks like this guy will not go anywhere near a common house cat, let alone a lion, anytime soon. Honestly, it's what's best for him and for any cat he stays away from.
Gandalf Spotted on a City Bus
That sure looks like Gandalf. One can only imagine why the sagely wizard chose to commute by bus, but it’s definitely him. Or.... It could be the actor who plays him, doing a little sightseeing on eco-friendly public transport. But wait! Is this some kind of joke? Two Gandalfs on one bus!?

It’s like seeing double—two rows back sits another sage wizard in reading position. I wonder if anyone asked for an autograph? But which would they pick? The worst thing that could happen is that we realize that this is a new fashion statement and we are going to come across this more and more frequently.
A Walking Masterpiece
It is masterpieces such as this one that inspire us to consider the significant differences between a distinguished artist and those guys who paint the walls in your house. This canvas of blue and yellow is surely a favorite of many. And, if a Modern Art Museum hosted a “dress like your favorite painting day,” this dude would definitely be a runner-up.

As a track runner for Michigan, it suits him. Perhaps this Michigan State alum was pleasantly surprised to find his jacket matched a renowned work of art, or maybe he came prepared to match his favorite masterpiece. To the untrained eye, it looks like a hilarious wardrobe coincidence.
It’s an Important Question for Everyone
Really, that lower part (heh) could have just been on its own and it would have made for a funny picture, but the addition of the billboard above it just makes it so much better. The billboard looks like it’s for a logistics company – the words are a little blurry, but that’s what it looks like it says. Obviously, the two elements aren’t related.

We’re left wondering what the truck is supposed to be advertising. Is it talking about, like, a medicine? Maybe it’s wondering if you’re doing enough to help the homeless community in your area. Maybe it’s literally wondering if you like your butt enough. We’re not going to look it up to try and find out, because...we probably won’t get the proper results.
Yup, Looks Like Some Gingivitis
Dogs can be some vicious creatures, but there’s nothing dangerous going on here. It also isn’t a trip to the doggy dentist, despite how fun of an idea that is. No, the dog with the open mouth, a greyhound, is just yawning and trying to get a little more oxygen into its body. The dog under it, possibly a Tibetan terrier or a soft-coated Wheaten terrier, is just standing in the right spot to make it look like a big bite is about to occur.

The direction the shadows are falling makes this look like this scene is about to explode into a bout of violence between a couple of dogs. Thankfully, it’s nothing but a sleepy picture that makes us want to curl up with our favorite dog on the couch and take a nap.
Do You Think He Knew?
We don’t really think that the guy in this photo would choose to stand there if he knew what kind of picture was being taken. The angle, the height, the direction of the water that is clearly and obviously coming out of the wall, and shame on you if you didn’t think so, it all lines up perfectly.

The color looks a bit too natural for something that would be voided – even people who drink a ton of water will have a little bit of coloration in there. Thankfully, this picture is just a shot of a little girl playing in some water coming out of the wall as her adoring father looks on. There’s nothing else to it, and that’s something we are eternally grateful for.
Animals Don’t Always Like to Be Touched
When you’re at a place with a lot of animals like a zoo or a petting zoo, you might think that they all love to have your attention. Sometimes, though, they just want a day to themselves. They’re a lot like us in that way. For instance, we can look at this picture, which is of a girl at the zoo who really wanted to say hi to this llama.

But the llama wasn’t interested in getting to know her, and responded with a spray of spit. Llamas are actually pretty mean. Even if they like you, they’re probably going to spit on you. This girl’s hair did what it could to shield her, but that’s still pretty gross. Should have gone for the little lamb, little lady.
The Finishing Touch to an Outfit
This guy is a little dressed up for his trip through the subway, and he didn’t even forget his most important accessory: his hat. It might be a picture on the wall or on the window behind him, but he still has it one way or another. Back in the day – and we’re talking about decades ago, here – you wouldn’t dream of stepping outside without a hat on was something that you simply never did.

You ALWAYS had a hat with you, no matter what the weather was, what the temperature was, or what you were heading out for. We don’t know why the public view of headgear has swung so far in the other direction, but hats are far less common now. You’ll still see them around, but the kind of people like this guy are few and far between.
The Dog Woman is Here
If you’re like us, you probably saw this picture and let out an involuntary sound of confusion and maybe even fear. Unless you’re looking closely, it really looks like that is one, single creature that is scratching its chin as it looks out the window. It isn’t, thankfully – it’s a woman who is holding a dog on her lap.

All the lines of the face seem to merge perfectly, and the hair is just the right color to interact with both the dog’s face and the shadow that the low light is creating. The ears are almost perfectly in line, and the hand seems to be right at the dog’s face, probably because she’s scratching the dog’s chin or something. Maybe she’s feeding it. Actually, what is her hand doing there?
Coming in for a Landing
Photobombing is an art that you have to hone over the years. With the advent of digital cameras, people were given a whole lot more chances to work on their craft. This woman seems to have things figured out when it comes to timing as well as the best way to make her entrance.

Instead of a picture of the guy in the back, the camera focused on the woman who came running in, which is the best way to accomplish a photobomb – it was so successful that even the camera decided she was the focus of the picture and not the guy. He’s too far away for the camera to take a good picture anyway. Maybe this wasn’t everything it was trying to take, but there’s only one subject here.
The Last Time They Ever Saw Her
If you’re looking for a fun way to hurt yourself, nothing will beat a big trampoline in the backyard. Who among us has not wanted to send his or her younger sister shooting over the house with a couple of well-timed bounces? Sure, it might look like a lot of fun, but if you don’t do it the right way, you get a picture like this one.

A little one flipping over the side, feet stuck up in the air and head already out of frame. We hope she’s okay – there’s a chance she might have gotten hurt, but young kids like that are surprisingly resilient. If a forty-year-old man had done that, he probably would have had to just like there for an hour or so before even being able to get back up.
Target Acquired
We really hope that wasn’t a powerful laser, or else that lad very likely had a bad night. Maybe he was feeling a little hot under the collar already. Obviously, this was just a picture taken at the right time to catch the light hitting such a spot, but we wouldn’t be surprised if it was intentional. A person that has that kind of haircut probably doesn’t make a whole lot of good choices.

There’s a chance there’s a person behind him who is creating the image, but it looks like he has a mullet that is tied in a tail or something like that. Both of these guys also look like they’re both eighteen and forty-two at the same time. Maybe that’s just what most British guys look like. They look like they’re British.
Making a Splash
Every creature has to do it at some point, and if this is a creature that is getting photographed a lot, then of course we’ll see it take a big squirt into the water at some point or another. That’s quite the introduction, though. If you weren’t aware, when birds void themselves, it’s a combination of the solid and liquid waste, which is how you get such a...unique consistency.

Ugh, we’re going to make ourselves sick. A lot of birds will do this sort of thing right before taking off, but not every bird can fly – this appears to be a penguin of some kind, so it is landlocked unless it’s discovered something very special. Even with the amount of output we see here, it isn’t enough to achieve lift.
There are Products for That
Well, we’re sorry lady, but not everyone has time to shower three times a day. Some of us have to go to work! And then we get sweaty, can see where this is going. We’re not sure if the woman in the back is actually reacting to the woman in the front, but there’s always a chance.

The woman in the front looks like she’s a little too proud of what she’s doing to elicit that sort of response, though. She was just showing off how flexible she is, and it’s actually quite impressive. There aren’t even a lot of women who can attain that sort of pose, and the number of guys who are able to do so are far, far fewer. Clearly, not everybody loves it, though.
There’s a Big Reason That This Person is in School
If your head is that small, it can be hard. All of your eyes and other facial features will be shrunken down, yes, but there’s a lot more that you’ll have to deal with. You should spend a lot of time focusing on your studies. It takes a lot of time to get over the whole “pinhead” name, but being smart is one good way to do it.

We’re surprised that this person decided to make a hair bun – that will just make the head look even smaller! If you’re struggling with small head syndrome, you want to grow out your hair to give yourself a little more volume. It won’t completely reverse it, but it will even things out a little bit.
Looking Past the Doily
Yes, this is clearly an old photo, and yes, the number of people who have a little bit of white lace on top of their TV these days is pretty darn low, but that doesn’t mean this isn’t still a great little pic. Back in the day, people had bigger TVs that they could decorate, and now they’ve gotten thinner.

We’re actually pretty sure that this is a staged photo from a television show, but we hope it’s a real one that was taken at just the perfect moment. But you have to admit that it’s a little too perfect for us to just laugh and move on. The guy is looking right around the corner of the doily, which hangs so far down into the TV that you might as well not even use it.
Like Something from “Alien”
We can’t say for certain if H.R. Giger was on the camping trip with his woman, but this really looks like the kind of thing that would show up in the “Alien” series of movies. Giger would have to put a lot of his personal touches into the look to make it ready for a horror movie, but it’s a good start.

Clearly there’s a person behind this woman whose arm we see, but we can still let our minds wander a little bit. Think of how nice it would be to have a little arm in there. You could bring a bowl of cereal or something up to your mouth, and use the little hand to scoop it in. We’d probably be able to do away with forks and spoons, too.
A Dog in Disguise
There are some people out there that have a little more energy, and a little more joy in their lives. They’re more willing to take on a fun new game or go running through a park. Are they actually dogs? No, of course not, but they still might be willing to hang out with the dogs every once in a while.

The sun is at the perfect angle and the person is standing at the perfect place and twisted in the perfect way to make a shadow that looks a whole lot like a Labrador on the wall. But there isn’t really a dog there? We don’t think we see one, but we don’t see everything there. There could be a dog somewhere in between those two guys.
The Shadow Knows
There’s a pretty good chance that the person who took this picture was able to set it up to make this image, but who knows? Maybe it was just the sort of thing that happened all on its own. If there is a lot of sunlight coming in the window and the dog likes to sit in the sun and take a long nap, it’s easy enough to slap on a window decal that will tell you where the dog likes to spend its downtime.

It will still take a little bit of work to get this shot at the right time – dog in the right spot, sun shining through in the right way. We all think it’s a great picture, but how long did it take for someone to get this?
There’s Always Someone Watching
There’s a really interesting phenomenon that humans have developed thanks to having to look for challenges and dangers in the wild – it’s called pareidolia. It’s when the brain sees or hears something, and converts it into a pattern even if it’s just a random image. That’s how you’ll see a face on the ceiling while you’re trying to sleep – it’s our brains just doing their thing.

This lampshade makes something a little different – the shade and bulb and other elements make it look like an eye that is peering at you as long as the light is right. If you don’t like being watched, you’ll hate this sort of thing. This is a little bit of a different picture than some others on this list, but that image still won’t show up very often.
Can You Figure Out What Decade This is From?
Big, billed cap, sunglasses, baggy clothes, and a TV screen that says, for some strange reason, Yo. Yes, this image comes to us from the nineties, and it’s stuck there pretty hard. Christmas looks like it was a good one for this kid, with plenty of presents to open and snacks to eat and pictures to take, with a trusty Nintendo Entertainment System (or “NES” for the uninitiated) waiting for when things settle down.

A little bit of Super Mario Brothers, maybe? That seems like a pretty good day. We bet that this was the perfect time to take this picture because the screen was scrolling something on it. It’s just the perfect way to tell us that we’re back in the roaring nineties.
Such Power
Look at that walk. Just look at what she can do to her surroundings if she isn’t keeping herself in check. What energy. What moxie. Make sure not to get in her way, because she isn’t going to let anything – and certainly not some wrought iron fencing – get in her way while she’s heading to work. This woman has probably walked past this bit of broken fencing a hundred times while heading down the street.

We wonder if she ever stopped to realize that her legs lined up with the bends in the fencing ever so perfectly. How many times did she walk past this camera (we’d like to know why a camera is there, but that’s another question) before she was at the perfect distance, and moving at the perfect speed? We may never get a picture like this again.