Being able to barter is a crucial life skill that many of us could use in life, but this person has clearly mastered it. Imagine being this bold that you try to barter an item just for a dare or two. Honestly, why would anyone want to do that?

We’d hazard a guess that this might not have worked but it’s definitely a creative attempt at getting something for free.
To Dare or Not to Dare
Being able to barter is a crucial life skill that many of us could use in life, but this person has clearly mastered it. Imagine being this bold that you try to barter an item just for a dare or two. Honestly, why would anyone want to do that?

We'd hazard a guess that this might not have worked but it's definitely a creative attempt at getting something for free.
Wish List
The workforce has seen a lot of change this last while, many people are quitting their jobs looking for better treatment, but this is something else. Expecting your circle of friends to give you a Gucci bag because you're starting a new job and feel entitled to is just insane.

We get being down on your luck and in need of some essential items, but insisting on designer shoes and handbags is simply outrageous.
Viral Tantrum
It's a little too easy to make fun of YouTube influencers who go to strange and sometimes crazy lengths to cultivate an effortlessly cool version of their life for their channel, and this certainly doesn't help.

This is now the latest edition of the “Entitled Influencers Hall of Fame” and apparently enraged the entire country of Spain in the process. The YouTuber in question insisted his empanadas should be free for being featured in his live stream, but his demands were not met and he threw a massive tantrum which resulted in his channel being blocked.
This sounds a little bit less like co-parenting confusion, and more like an unpaid dog-sitting job. Nobody should have to indulge people who are treating them like a doormat who would care for their dog for free.

This person is trying to use someone else, but in a subtle way, so that they might not notice and think they're getting that chance to look after someone else's dog.
Am I Missing Something?
So let's get this straight, it costs $350 just for the privilege of one date with Julie, which will then likely cost at least another $100. Are we missing something? It's definitely a hard pass if there ever was one and never mind the fact that she sounds like a complete nightmare.

We can't imagine anyone taking her up on this, but if someone did, they must have enough money to throw around and occasionally enjoy a date from hell.
Fulfill Our Mission
Looking for land owners and free laborers while advertising that they're helping humanity seems just like the kind of thing entitled people do. Can you imagine the legal mess it would be like dealing with this kind of person?

If someone ever asks you to volunteer your time and work for free for their so-called mission, then all you need to remember is that "No" is a complete sentence.
Tall Order
The thing about rent is that no matter where you are in the world, it always seems to be going up and London is no exception. As one of the most expensive cities to live in, it's almost preposterous to expect someone to offer you a spare room with breakfast and dinner included for only 50 pounds a week.

As if that wasn't enough, they also better have a car for him to use and this guy is expecting people reach out to him the day before he leaves!
Make Me an Offer
Ok, so this guy thinks it's totally normal to ask other people to pay him for the tree he doesn't want and what's more he expects them to remove it as well! We could be wrong but we think this guy is completely out of his mind and absolutely needs to see a specialist.

It's hard to truly understand the daring confidence that entitled people are capable of when posting something online.
Fishing for Offers
This person clearly doesn't even comprehend reality and has the audacity to insist private property owners allow him to fish on their lake. It's almost as if he doesn't know the entire world doesn't revolve around him and his fishing.

The only person worse than this is the guy who thinks he can use your kitchen to prepare his food or sunbathe in your backyard because, why not? According to him, it is there for him to use and he has every right to not let it go to waste.
What To Do
One of the most annoying things that happen when a couple decides to have a child is realizing that after all those years they spent taking care of them and raising them, is that they'll grow up to be spoiled brats. Honestly, if we were given an Apple Macbook Pro, we'd be happier than a kid in a candy shop.

If it was up to us, we would take all her Apple devices away and have her spend some time without them.
Being Busy
Every busy person in the world deserves free stuff delivered simply for being busy, right? According to this mom, she's entitled to everything she needs. But someone should let her in on a little secret... we are all busy. In fact, few people in the world have the luxury of time off.

If being busy entitled us to free stuff delivered to our doorsteps, then our home would be full of tchotchkes and trinkets.
Please Message Me Thanks
If a person is expecting a perfectly healthy horse at no cost, odds are, there might be something more sinister at play than just an unhealthy dose of entitlement. This person might be suffering from delusion and could do with a much-needed reality check.

It seems this person doesn't know domesticated animals like horses cost a pretty penny and for good reason! Horses are, after all, the most dignified creatures on our planet and it costs a lot of money to feed, shelter, and take care of them.
It’s really hard to like a person who has the audacity to ask for a sperm donor and expect him to pay child support while remaining completely anonymous!

If anything, she should be paying him money as the donor.
When You're in Dire Need
While we're talking about what's fair and what's not, this entitled guy expects someone to just give him a refrigerator for free! Or at least very cheap, even though they are expensive appliances.

Demanding a good working fridge for free on a Facebook post isn't as cute as he thinks it is. It's annoying and might cost him a few Facebook friends in the process.
Surfing the Net
Shopping online has been the go-to portal for those trying to furnish their apartments on the cheap and it can be a hugely helpful resource, but it's also full of lousy schemers, who don't mind trying their luck wherever they can.

If you find yourself haggling with the seller after you've come to an agreement, then you're not a good negotiator, you're just an entitled imbecile.
Well, well, well. In the topsy-turvy world of entitled people, we finally found someone so delusional she thinks she doesn't have to pay her wedding singer at all, while at the same time demanding that because it's her wedding, she deserves it for free.

At least the wedding singer had a good comeback of her own and reminded Bridezilla that she can't pay her rent or bills with exposure.
One Star
Vendors can experience a special kind of hell when dealing with potential buyers online. While it can sometimes be rewarding, other times it's simply a nightmare like when this guy threatened to give one-star because he wouldn't be getting a discount.

This guy may think he's being clever, but seriously, why does anyone ever think this threat will work?
Entitled people say the darndest things, especially when desperately looking for a babysitter. According to this woman, getting paid $2.50 per hour is reasonable, but only because you get two free meals. That's just nuts!

Never mind the fact that it's way below minimum wage, but anyone who would take that pay is not someone you want watching your child.
Give Me Free, Please?
In the new age of the Facebook marketplace and other sharing-economy companies, we have higher expectations when it comes to transacting with strangers online. Nowadays we can conveniently exchange goods and services from the comfort of our own homes, and hopefully, make a buck or two.

But in all honesty, the online marketplace can sometimes turn into a theater of debasement and terrible negotiations. Like this exchange, where the potential buyer expected the seller to send money for an Uber.
* Okay Buddy
Of all the modern messes found on the internet, few are as bewildering as the shambly shed full of greedy influencers. What makes these influencers so incredulous is not just their scale and reach. It’s also their unbelievable sense of entitlement.

The worst part of all of this is that this guy has over 1000 people following him on his channel, and they're probably completely unaware that he can be this rude and whiny.
Come On
If you’re searching for someone to sublease your apartment, online platforms are a great place to start. Unfortunately, it means you have to deal with a few bad apples, who expect to pay less because they assume you're making a profit. With this kind of mental gymnastics, this guy could enter the Olympics.

Be wary of those who try to convince you that you should rent your apartment out for less than it's worth, they would do better competing in a sport where they can display their extreme mental agility.
* Because It's My Birthday
Negotiating prices can seem like a daring strategy, but it rarely hurts to try, right? If you want to be taken seriously, then you better negotiate a reasonable price on reasonable terms. Getting a 50% discount because it's your birthday would not count as reasonable.

At this point, there’s no turning back. The seller wasn't convinced it was their birthday and he certainly wasn't going them a massive discount of 50%.
Just For You
In some cases, negotiating can backfire and some people will be offended if you try to bargain down the current price. In this specific case, bargaining down to $300 when the current price is $899, is definitely a little offensive!

Here's a tip for those who feel the need to haggle for a bargain, don't overdo it, you'll only annoy the seller and ruin any chance you had at getting a discount.
I Was Kidding
What kind of weird social disorder must one have to say, "Haha ok, sorry I was kidding" after a botched bargaining attempt? There are a lot of entitled bargainers out there, and they can be entitled in a lot of different ways.

This isn't the first time someone has used another company's prices for leverage and it probably won't be the last.
Thank You For Your Interest
If you wind up having to deal with entitled customers in the afterlife and are sentenced to spend eternity as a seller, which type of person would you be the most tormented by? We'd have to say the worst would have to be the insistent customer, who tries to explain why they want your ring at an unbelievably low price.

For pesky buyers like this, it's best to be as professional as you can and remind them that they don't have to buy your ring.
What Do You Mean?
Some kitchen appliances—like a reliable toaster—are countertop staples and everyone should have one. The problem is getting them at a reasonable price, right? Well, not today. Nowadays, finding a cheap and reliable toaster is pretty easy, it's having to deal with entitled people that's the hard part.

At $5, this toaster is already a pretty good deal, but of course, this guy had to try to get it for even cheaper!
Entitled people are not just irritating, but dangerous. Even when they bargain down to a low price that the seller doesn't accept, they'll try to go even lower. It’s easy to laugh about this now, but when people are this obstinate, it can become a serious concern.

It's quite clear that entitled people don't play fair and the best way to deal with them is to shut down their bald-faced swindling as soon as you can.
Surprise Ruined
We don't know what it is about people that makes them think they are entitled to something just because it's their daughter's birthday. We're all for being frugal and saving money, but there's no reasonable designer that could do an album cover for €10.

It should go without saying that it’s only ever appropriate to bring their daughter's tantrum into the conversation if it bears some direct relevance to the matter under discussion. In this case, it was supposed to be a surprise but the mother wouldn't pay, so it's her fault.
*Apparently Everyone Haggles
Dealing with entitled buyers is an annoying issue for sellers that needs to be reckoned with and regulated. But it’s clear that there’s a particular urgency when it comes to curtailing their growing tendency to haggle even when told "no haggling."

Their silly demands were not met and so they resorted to threats. Honestly, the seller is better off without this buyer.
Thanks For the Tip
We can't help but think there is some sort of internet-tough guy alliance that enjoy ridiculing people's asking prices and lowballing them. They rarely buy said items, so this must be a hobby if they use so much time and effort, right?

What else could explain all these entitled buyers who feel the need to constantly badger sellers into a ridiculously low price?
Everyone knows someone who tries to haggle their way out of a deal, you know, that person who's constantly looking for a better price and will waste a lot of time trying to get it. Well, this is how it looks when they're chatting with a seller online.

It's not a pretty picture and it doesn't get them very far! Let this be a reminder to not be that annoying person who has to get the best deal all the time.
Getting Inked
It should be obvious that when you're getting a tattoo, your tattoo artist is your new best friend. They're decorating your body with something permanent. You should treat them with respect and pay them well. Don't try to wheel and deal with them to get a cheaper tattoo.

If it were me, I'd rather pay too much and have the tattooist get it right than pay less and be left with a horrible tattoo, it will outlive you after all!
Not Available
There’s so much to unpack in this disastrous attempt at haggling, which is consistently deployed by people of an avowedly entitled persuasion. If anything, this just shows that some people are so determined to get what they want, they don't even read properly and will disregard any information that doesn't serve their interests.

Not only does it say in the description that it's sold, but the seller even told him it's unavailable.
Go Ahead Then
We just don’t understand how people think the fact that they can get something cheaper somewhere else is a good bargaining strategy. Like, okay, get it there then?

We're not impressed with these bargaining tactics and if we were to rate them on a scale of 1-10, this attempt lands a very low 3.
That's Not How It Works
Ever tried selling something online and someone ignores your price, only to assume you're selling it at his price? Congratulations: you’ve just met one of the most annoying people ever.

If it's your product that you're selling you should absolutely have the final say on how much you're selling it for, not the guy assuming you'd give it to him for a low price, simply because he can.
Choosy Haggler
We hate to break it to this guy, but trying to bargain by mentioning a cheaper price you found elsewhere does not work. All it does is make the seller aware that you can stop badgering them about lowering their price.

If you have found a cheaper price somewhere else, then why would you want to haggle with another seller anyway?
Sorry Bud
Facebook marketplace brands itself as the e-commerce platform of the Internet, and for all intents and purposes, it is. But navigating through the entitled hagglers and their annoying tactics can be as confusing as watching "Friends" in a foreign language.

I don't think we will ever get over the audacity to wrangle a cheap price and then insist that they're coming to pick it up, nevermind that the seller already said it was too low!
Looking For...
"Don't mind us, we're just looking for free labor. Thanks" - This is what entitled people post online when looking to take advantage of others, because why not? While we all would like some free labor every now and then, we need to remember that it's exploitative.

Let's try our best not to be like this and instead treat people fairly and with respect, especially when it comes to their work.
Don't Even Start
We've all heard about toxic masculinity and this advertisement for a boyfriend perfectly sums it up. Toxic masculinity states that men should act tough, doesn't show any emotions and reject anything considered feminine.

It's might be true that gender stereotypes and expectations about masculinity are deeply ingrained in our society and in us — but we should do our best to relieve ourselves of these ideas and get as far from anyone who puts an ad out like this.
Free Marketing on Youtube
Video platforms like YouTube have provided us with so much entertaining content over the years, with new music videos and viral footage uploaded on the platform every day. But like most things on the internet, YouTube isn't perfect.

Underneath all those videos and behind every channel there's always some guy looking for free exposure so he can make money.
Free Haircut
Sure, you've been thinking of doing something good for a change, but, as much as you’d like to help, you know there are people out there who really need aid and would much rather help them than an entitled person asking for a free haircut because none of the big chains want to do what they want.

It's tough out there to be asking for handouts, especially if you're broadcasting that you're just a fickle person who thinks they know better than professional hairdressers.
How Much Is That Dogsitter in the Window?
As you scroll through the posts on your Facebook feed, you'll encounter a few heartfelt posts you's like to remember, funny videos you'll definitely watch again, and a few unbelievable posts from less enlightened people that will confound you.

There are few things in life as cute and adorable as dogs, but some people still have to eat and paying a salary of $300 for a month's worth of work is not going to pay the bills!
Not For the Money
The modern job market is competitive, complicated, and cutthroat. Just look at this ad for a technical writer posted by this "author" who is looking for a free ghostwriter. The ghostwriter also needs to know a lot about coding and shouldn't mind being paid peanuts.

Landing a decent job in this economy is bound to be difficult but we never imagined it would come to this!
Invaluable Research
Right, because law school isn’t ridiculously expensive, or anything! We're totally sure that anyone who went to study law did so for the invaluable research they'd be doing while not earning a salary.

Before we raise our objections, someone should enlighten the OP about the real world and how it works if you want to recruit someone with a law degree to work for you.
What Do I Do?
This post about being bothered by their neighbor taking showers is equal parts annoying and laughable, and it's proof of how entitled some people are. Seriously, where do these people come from?

Complaining about their neighbor showering at a perfectly reasonable hour is one of those things that just doesn't make sense in a rational person's world.
She Should See Them
This lady seems like one of those who likes to spy on her neighbors and yell, "Get off my lawn!" to kids passing by. Sure, she's miserable that the world doesn't revolve around her but that doesn't make it ok to be so cranky all the time.

Indiscriminately telling people what to do and how they should do it means she's probably not a very happy person and maybe she should consider spending less time worrying about others and focus on why she is the way she is.
Two Minutes After Closing
"Why won't you let us in, we are here two minutes AFTER closing time!" That is probably what Srah was yelling as she banged on the door. The customer is not always right, but they always think they are, even when they arrive two minutes after closing time.

This just goes to show that some customers are the worst and definitely worth losing.
True Colors
Being a Server gives you great insight into the types of people that frequent your place of work. On any given day you get to see dozens of people and interact with them. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to treat you well and at the end of the day, they just reveal their true colors.

We would think that after spending a morning in church, people might behave a little better but this post proves the exact opposite.
What would a list of entitled people be without mentioning Karen? If your name happens to be Karen, you may have noticed a growing trend of people using your name as an insult. The name has become a derogatory label for a wide range of behaviors thought to have connections to privilege and entitlement.

We can't help but wonder what goes through someone's mind as they're justifying taking legal action against a group of children.
Corporate Ethics
Let's forget about Chick-fil-A's ethics for a moment and just acknowledge how phenomenally stupid this idea is. Requesting anyone to work for free is a huge no-no according to the labor department. All it would take is for one of the "volunteers" to make a complaint and the company will have to face serious legal action.

It baffles us when we see things like this, knowing that multiple people in the company had to have signed off on this. How some people get into a position of authority and eventually agreed to this idea is beyond us.
How Low Can You Go?
The price of coffee can be fairly arbitrary. There isn't really any industry standard as to how much a cup of joe should cost. Each coffee house names there price, and many adjust it for a variety of reasons. A classic tactic is to add discounts to the coffee depending on how pleasant the customer is during their order. In this case, if you say "please," then you get two bucks off your cup.

This person couldn't even muster a simple "please." They were offended by the idea of even saying the word. They expect to just say the order, without being polite. Thankfully, someone was quick to put them in their place, which was right at the bottom.
Happy Birthday to Me
In this life, in order to be really happy, we should never expect anything from anyone else. If someone is nice enough to get you a birthday present, then that's wonderful. But expecting something is a huge mistake. What's even worse is putting out some kind of public announcement to ask friends for birthday presents.

This soon-to-be birthday boy had the nerve to ask his friends on Facebook to transfer him money for his big day. When no one answered, and rightfully so, he updated the post to try and guilt-trip them into coughing up. Needless to say, it didn't work.
I Couldn't Chair Less
Having a reclining seat for your home office is a valuable household item these days. It's great for your back and can give you the optimal level of comfort, whether you are busy getting work done or spending hours on online gaming. This person was in search of one of these chairs but simply didn't have the patience to speak with the seller.

They simply couldn't comprehend that other people might be interested in buying it and sabotaged any chances of buying it, probably for a good price too. Word of advice, maybe improve your negotiation skills and you might just get a chair out of it.
These days, YouTube is the optimal way to build a fan base with content, whatever the topic or niche may be. But there is plenty of toxicity out there in the comments section. Some followers become almost religious in their devotion. And they will build their entire life around when your videos may drop. It's part of their routine.

They want to listen to your latest video, whether it's on the way to work, in the gym, or from the comfort of their bed. This person couldn't handle the fact that so much time had passed since the last video had dropped. Clearly, patience isn't his strong suit.
No Reservations
The idea of reserving a park bench, some pool chairs, or any kind of public space is completely ludicrous. It would be one thing if you put this sign up 30 minutes before the event. That in itself, would be annoying. What this image doesn't tell us is the context behind it.

Apparently, this person placed the sign on the bench four hours before the photo was even taken. And still, no families or kids were there to be seen. To make matters worse, it was done on Labor Day weekend, and the temperatures were very high. Not to mention the fact that the other tables were full.
For the Children
There is nothing worse than someone trying to pull some kind of guilt trip. That is exactly what this guy was trying to pull when negotiating to buy a second-hand computer. After asking to sell it for a price much lower than what it was valued at, the guy had the nerve to criticize the seller by trying to school him on retail prices.

The seller was having none of it and simply told him to look elsewhere. That's the only way you should deal with people trying to take advantage of you. You have to stay firm and not budge.
That's an Order
Facebook marketplace is as ideal a place as any to find second-hand items at affordable prices. You won't believe the kinds of things people are selling there, and you won't necessarily have to break the bank either. But it's kind of like Wild West in this part of the web.

Potential purchasers can be downright rude and not necessarily know how to communicate with the seller. Here is a perfect example of that. The guy selling the item in question gave a perfectly reasonable response. And yet, the buyer straight-up ordered him to deliver it to him anyway. The nerves on this guy!
What a Ride
Some people just think that the whole world revolves around them and that others should pay for them no matter what. For context, this guy left his work phone at someone's apartment. He then proceeded to ask the person to send it to him in a taxi. Then, he ordered her to pay for the ride before it arrived.

At that point, the person had enough of his entitled ways. So she called him out for exactly what he was and how he didn't even ask her. He just expected. That's the only way you can deal with these types of people.
We Hate Phoneys
As people are more dependent on phones than ever before, there is an argument that they are killing the world as we know it. For a start, high streets and physical retail outlets are dying because people simply want to order digitally instead.

And then you have those people who simply wait in the car, playing on their phone while their loved one does the actual shopping. This bothers workers all the time. The way they look at it, a couple is simply two customers. If one person isn't even stepping foot inside the store, then that's half of the business out of the window.
The Freeloader Landlord
There's nothing worse than a nightmare landlord. But what if you end up having to live with them? This person was not pleased at all when they found out that their landlord decided to move in. But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Apparently, the landlord had kicked out a sweet elderly neighbor in the complex so that he could move in instead. What makes the situation even more ridiculous is that the landlord ended up asking the current tenant for the password to his WiFi! We'd get it if they shared the same apartment, but this is a whole new level of freeloading.
Care With a Small "C"
When it comes to receiving care, it can be pretty expensive. This person was frustrated seeing that he already pays a lot of money to receive care from this organization. And yet, he received this slip asking for further donations, or, a "gift in appreciation" as they called it.

Usually, the people who need care are those who are either too old to take care of themselves, not in a physical position to t take care of themselves, or can't afford to take care of themselves. And sometimes, it's all three. At the very least, this person couldn't justify giving any more money to this organization after already paying them so much.
No Changes for You!
We consider this to be a pretty grey area. And the question here remains, who is the entitled person in this scenario? Is it the customers who are so picky and would dare to offend the chef by making changes to the dishes? Or, is it the chef for puts their own pride and menu before the needs and demands of their customers?

Maybe the person has a severe allergy and needs alterations made to the dish. But then again, you come to a restaurant that has been established for more than half a century. It's well-respected and they place great pride in their traditions and their popular dishes. It's a tough one.
Always Leave a Note
So this guy has an extra parking spot, like many people do. He noticed something peculiar though. For many weekends, a random car kept parking there. While this was somewhat frustrating, he let it slide and just thought, "You know what, live and let live."

But one day, he decided to park a little closer to it. Later on that day, he saw that the driver had left the following note on his windshield. "Please park a little further from the line so we can use our spot. Thank you and happy new year." Hey folks, since when was this your spot? Do you pay for it??
I Was First!
An Urban Air Adventure park opened? Sweet! Apparently, the first 200 to arrive for the 10 am opening would get a 1 year free membership. How cool is that? Well, while people did actually arrive early for the opening, one guy considered himself to be the very first person of the first 200.

But he wasn't even there at 10 am, he just left a chair there with the following note on the back of it. It's basically the most ridiculous way of calling dibs. Let's face it, there are no real rules for this kind of thing. So just take that note and throw it in the garbage!
DIY Science
Don't you just hate it when people freeload off your hard work and claim to be part of the team when they did absolutely nothing? That's the issue this guy ended up with when a co-worker used all of his resources in the lab. So when he was called out for being incompetent, he claimed the apparatus and tools that the other person was using.

Hey guy, if you don't like it, you can always do the experiment by yourself so you don't have to blame anyone else but yourself. Some people just have zero accountability when push comes to shove.
Bathroom Etiquette
Let's face it - gender-neutral bathrooms have their flaws. For a start, they can be platforms for some truly awkward moments and everyone involved can be left feeling extremely uncomfortable. In theory, we should all be respectful of each other's privacy and be able to conduct ourselves appropriately in a public restroom, regardless of what gender we are.

But as you can see in the following story, it doesn't take too long before someone feels like their privacy and dignity have been violated. Thankfully, this story shows how two men handled the situation completely differently. Where there is despair, there is also hope.
Oh My Landlord
Dealing with landlords isn't always easy. In fact, many have a reputation for being difficult to work with. And for one reason or another, they can make life a living hell for their tenants, especially if they are trying to move out. This guy needed to move on because of his own personal reasons and informed his landlord about it via a message.

However, the landlord didn't react so well to it and criticized the tenant for informing him so late. Hey landlord, you can't account for when a tenant needs to leave. It can be next year, it can be tomorrow. Put on your grownup pants and deal with it.
You No Speak Ingles Too?
We live in a globalized world. Wherever we may be, there could be people speaking all kinds of languages that are not necessarily the national ones. Take somewhere like San Diego, for example. This part of America has a vibrant Spanish-speaking community.

But some people can be ignorant of that fact and simply expect everyone in this bustling city to speak English. While we advocate for the people to try and learn the language of the country they have moved to. But when you live in a city that has a Spanish name, you can probably be excused for speaking Spanish there.
It's Only 30 Bucks!
Sure, some things are too expensive to pay for. But if someone sets a certain price for an item where proceeds go to charity, then you either make the payment or say "good day" and move on with your life. You definitely don't do what this guy did. Basically, he wanted to buy a toy for his wife's horse (don't ask).

The person selling them was raising money to help people who had suffered from the effects of wildfires in Australia - a very noble cause. After trying to pay one-sixth of the asking price, the seller insisted that they couldn't lower the offer. At that point, the guy started to criticize her for her use of pronouns!
Due By!!!
You know the expression "golddigger?" Well, there's nothing wrong with trying to date rich people purely for their wealth. While we'd say that working hard to amass your own wealth is a more fulfilling life, we're not going to judge.

But if you can't even spell basic words while admitting to your gold-digging ways, then we guess this is a bit of a non-starter. First of all, it's "Greece," not "Grease." And it's "Dubai," not "Due by." Learn how to spell the places you want to travel to before you start spewing nonsense on Facebook. Believe it or not, rich people also value intelligence.
Picking a name for your child can be quite a stressful ordeal. And your main hope is that you pick something that is original, and meaningful and you won't be accused of copying from someone else. From this exchange of messages, it seems that the new mother chose a middle name for her daughter that, amazingly, someone else also chose for theirs.

It turns out though that the person who messaged her...she didn't even know her! How was she supposed to know that she also gave her daughter the middle name "Kay?" For her sake, we just hope that her surname doesn't start with a "K" as well, for obvious reasons...
Recipe for Disaster
Creating your own recipes for meals requires experience, a deep knowledge of what tastes good and what doesn't, and plenty of creativity. Cooking is an art form, at the highest level, at least. But some cooks are very communal in their philosophy.

Although part of their goal is to make a living from their talent, they also want to share their recipes with the world and simply build a community, whether that be in person or online. This cook came across a very difficult follower, who wrote a comment complaining about how difficult it is to find her recipes. She was quick to put her in her place.
Talk Is Cheap
You know who might be the most insufferable entitled people in the world? That's right, entitled parents. We live in a generation where many kids are accused of being spoilt rotten. As a result, this manifests itself in poor behavior at school. And what's worse is that the parents will defend their poor behavior!

But this letter took this level of entitlement to a whole new level. This mother wrote to her child's teacher about how apparently, the kid complains to her every day about how the teacher calls her out for talking too much in class. Breaking news, and talking excessively in class, especially over the teacher, is never acceptable.
The Community-Shattering Antenna
Imagine being so enraged by the installment of an antenna that you reached out to the head manager of the building it was installed on because you think it will "hurt" your community. Also, someone reminds this guy that this antenna has been put on a McDonald's, which isn't exactly the Eiffel Tower.

Not to mention the fact that this neighborhood doesn't look particularly unique without the antenna. Seriously, who cares? And what's even crazier is that it's not just the original poster who is enraged. Apparently, other members of the community have left because of this antenna! What an absolute tragedy.
First of all, you would think that an organizer who works at a church would be a little more compassionate to the rest of the congregants. This person came across as super aggressive on the church's Facebook page when she asked if anyone would be able to transport 20 people for a 100-mile long trip.

But that's just scratching the surface. It turns out that she was expecting to find someone who would do this job for free! Despite the recommendations and ideas from people, she kept dismissing everyone, alienating people in the process. We thought that churchgoers were supposed to be inclusive and tolerant of everyone.
It's Chick-fil-A, Not Chick P-lay
For some people, the local fast food restaurant is the epicenter of the community. Sadly, fast food can tend to be very affordable for families with low income, even less expensive than a lot of healthy food out there.

Thankfully, certain fast-food places cater to their communities in a variety of ways, whether it be through events, or even play areas for kids. But we believe no one should solely depend on a local Chick-fil-A for all of their amenities. This person expected way too much from their Chick-fil-A and came across as way too demanding from this Facebook rant.
If You Suck, You Suck
At the end of the day, some people just can't handle criticism when it is due. And there are plenty of people out there who suck at parking. This guy is one of them. Despite this, he was offended by the note that someone left on his windshield. Apparently, he had taken up a couple of parking spots.

But as far as he was concerned, this was a perfectly acceptable thing to do. How dare people who desperately need a parking spot call him out on something that, while not specifically against the law, is a pretty terrible thing to do?
Take a Long Look in the Mirror
Listen, mirrors aren't exactly hard to come by. But a nice-looking one that is being sold on Facebook Marketplace for just ten bucks is pretty hard to turn down. It's no surprise then that a lot of people enquired about this mirror, including this person. Unfortunately, they missed out on the opportunity to another buyer.

And they certainly didn't take it well and sent this passive-aggressive message to the seller. We get it, the person has cancer and is going through a tough time. But that's not the seller's problem. We guess if you round it off with some smiley emojis, then you're off the hook.
Just Thinking About the Employees
There is no written law for this, but it is always welcomed when customers return their shopping carts to the station when they are done with their grocery shopping. But on those days when the shopper leaves it stranding, the employees will take it upon themselves to return it themselves.

And then there is this nightmare shopper, who believes that some worker's entire employment rides on this task. She thinks that returning shopping carts is their sole responsibility. If she does it herself, then she'll put them out of business. She's either super naive or just out of touch with reality.
How Cruel of Them for Adopting Me
Let's be real here, adopting a child is one of the most selfless things a family could ever do. Sure, they might be doing this because it is their best chance of having a child, so in that case, they have their own personal reasons. But you are ultimately bringing a parentless child into your home and automatically giving them a better life.

And yet, this person was convinced that she was unfortunate for being adopted. She wishes that she had been adopted by a richer family. Sure we all wish that we could have more money. But show a little bit of gratitude, please!