Un aspecto curioso de las publicaciones en las redes sociales es lo informales que siempre intentan parecer. Como en la imagen de abajo, ¿qué estaba pensando este tipo? ¿Debemos creer que se toma el café de la mañana sin más ropa que un sombrero y unos jeans?

Pero, francamente, ése es el menor de sus problemas, ya que parece haber una gran discrepancia entre sus brazos derecho e izquierdo. ¿Tal vez debería encargarse de eso primero?
No one sees beyond their nose how good I look
Is the peak of beauty the disappearance of all human traits? This woman thinks she does! With almost no trace of nose and blurred lips, we wonder, what exactly is this woman trying to hide?

Come on girl, she show that beautiful face of yours. This is not doing justice to the world or to you. Let's call for a ban on all photo filters!
My natural and authentic self
It seems that today's youth preach a lot about self-acceptance, although this image doesn't speak much of that. This girl applied the filter so much that she ended up looking like a Bratz doll. And that's just her face.

Those weird huge witch fingers don't look very real either. What is this about increasing the size of her hands and phone? We're stumped here and hope these aren't the beauty standards for everyone.
Hello Skinny Jeans
Yes, this woman sure looks like that! Seriously, if this was real, we'd have to get him some serious medical attention ASAP! Fortunately, for her health, she simply stretched out her body using some nifty photoshop tools.

She also included the footstool and the bag. Things just don't look like that, and above all, human beings don't look like that!
she is the one who commands
Wide eyes, strangely full lips, we're sensing a little touch up here. Okay, maybe a big touch up! We can also see exactly where you did it, missy!

There is definitely evidence that you or someone else ran over those lips! Maybe if we didn't look into it too much, you could have gotten away with it.
where to start First off, we're glad this woman wanted to do a little holiday selfie compilation, but the progression here seems to be getting worse and worse.

What started out as a reasonably natural selfie ended up as a Christmas nightmare. Come on Karen, where's your self esteem? We hope Santa brings you some next year.
rat gym
The gym is a surefire way to perfectly sculpt your body. Do enough workouts, and you will surely get those perfect abs. Still, no amount of gym will result in the disappearance of a waistline.

So we suppose it's safe to say that this woman, while in shape, may have been the victim of some serious overediting. That body just makes it seem impossible to breathe.
the food lover
Okay, so this influencer wants us to know how passionate she is about food. We're not sure if she's driven by her enthusiasm or just her terrible photo manipulation skills.

Somehow, her eyes, even with those smiles, don't seem to have any life. How is that possible when you're holding a piece of pizza to your face?
clown feet
The thing about being naturally tall is that you may be bigger than everyone else, but your body stays in proportion. And even if you have long legs, your feet aren't necessarily going to look elongated and crooked.

This is the result of simply digitally manipulating the legs to make them look longer. What we have here is clearly a short girl who just stretched out her little legs. Imagine the stride she would take with legs like that.
volume increase
We don't know what kind of gym routine you need to achieve that look. However, we know that this is not how he got it. With shoulders like that and a tiny head that's somehow attached to that body, there's something fake.

It's also not particularly consistent. As you can see in the second image, it looks like he smoothed it out a bit. Unless this was before and after his crazy 'training'.
wedding happiness
It seems these two were so focused on looking good on their big day that they actually forgot to look happy! In addition to the various adjustments, such as a highlighter filter and extreme makeup on the bride's eyes, they added another little touch.

The secret ingredient? smiles. Yes, smiling on your wedding day is something of a wedding album staple. Fortunately for them, thanks to photo editing, they were saved from a potentially very sad day.
crouching tiger
This individual is likely performing the greatest balancing acts in the world. Balancing a glass of red wine on your butt is a cool party trick, to say the least, but with those distorted tiger stripes looking a bit too 'rigged', let's go out on a limb and call this a fake.

This little trick got this cat over 5,800 likes, so whether it's fake or real, it's still appealing to the public. In this case, authenticity does not matter as much.
Ken, is that you?
This gentleman did a great job hiding the blemishes and adding a couple of crystal blues. The result? The famous Ken doll. A slightly thicker and perhaps older version though? Let's call this a post-breakup Ken. However, it's still pretty flawless.

We hope one day we'll see an original, because let's face it, no one has skin that smooth.
A match from heaven
The modern dating world can be a total mess. With romance taking place on dating apps, you have to learn to work to your strengths. Or who knows, you'll end up in the unmatchable bin.

This cunning woman surely did her best to prevent that and manipulated her face to the point of not recognizing herself. The shred of humanity we see here is that she's drinking a glass of wine, unless aliens have evolved and can now consume alcohol.
the cyborg look
It seems that photographic filters are giving us visions of the future. Such is the case of this woman who became a complete digital version of herself. Is he a character from Final Fantasy? No, she's just manipulating herself to the point of looking like a video game character!

Because? We do not know! Clearly, she's not happy with her natural face, which is a bummer because natural is always beautiful! Also, those video game characters require a lot of maintenance.
hello lips
Ah yes, a woman's lips are beautiful. So red and full. They can definitely grab your attention. But no matter how alluring a set of full lips might seem, we must not forget that they are only human, and human means having things like real skin…and pores.

However, when it comes to this photo, it seems to be missing natural human features. This could be a digital recreation of a human mouth, but in reality, it is a mouth that has undergone untold manipulation, to the point that this skin appears fake.
Before and now
Getting old is a fun thing, one day you are 12 years old, living your life without a care in the world. The next minute you look in the mirror and you are 30 years old! Yikes! It just rushes at you. Fortunately, with photo manipulation, for the first time, aging could be the new way to reverse the clock, without the high price of cosmetic surgery.

This woman showed us that it is totally possible and she actually took us on a journey through time, to the day she was 12 again. And yes, just to confirm, this is not her and a photo of hers two daughters of hers, this is the same woman who goes crazy with filters.
Snow queen
This woman wanted to support her favorite soccer team on Instagram, and of course, she also decided to use the platform to do a little adjustment to her face, you know, to show us just how much of a sports fan she really is. How is she conveying her point of view? We do not know.

Seriously though, aside from the totally unnecessary editing, this woman is more like a crazed ice queen from a fairy tale than the good girl sports fan.
Good teeth!
This guy seems pretty cold at first, and like the others on this list he didn't feel the need to become a cartoon cyborg, however he did experiment quite a bit with some basic photoshop tools and treat himself to a virtual visit to the dentist.

Maybe with a little more skill, he would have fooled us. This guy could have created the illusion of real white teeth. Instead, he simply brightened up his teeth making him look very blatantly unnatural.
a chiseled jaw
We get it, sometimes you just want to look your best in photos! The weird skin blemish can put a damper on a good photo shoot, and maybe you just need to spruce things up a bit. It's totally reasonable. A touch up here, smooth things over there, reshape your whole beard... so you look like a little lego figure. You know, the usual.

Jokes aside, this retouching job is very bad and the 'artist' managed to take a perfectly human face and turn it into a total mess. Looks like someone just drew on his beard with a sharpie .
Oculus Repair
A little bit of digital tinkering can literally fix anything. Wrinkled skin, your waist, air, heck, even our eyesight. This woman decided that it was not enough to take off her glasses for the photo. Since she was already "doing some work", she might as well put those annoying glasses aside.

Not a huge difference at the end of the day! Which, considering what other people have done, we're pretty grateful for. Ok, so maybe I'll go for contacts next time.
blue eyed beauty
This already seemingly beautiful boy felt the need to take about 30 steps too far and become his own digital avatar. We love soft pastels, but the whole look is definitely a bit more of a touch up.

If he was trying to pass this off as real, we need to tip him off. But if he was trying to be a little "artsy" well then all we can say is more power to you!
The main course
Sitting in what looks like a serious restaurant, or maybe even his own home, this guy looked seriously classier. But no, no, the blue velvet tuxedo clearly wasn't enough. He also had to "dress" his entire face. With what questions? Photoshopped, perhaps?

We also love the blonde hair which, dare we say, reminds us of a certain former president. Too bad, we think the actual face on the poster is perfectly sweet!
Snow White
It's fun to play with all the wonderful features our phones have to offer, and thanks to the multitude of apps we have so many ways to tweak our features. So when you have the world in the palm of your hand, it's only natural to go wild! This woman here (or she's a ghost) decided that she didn't like the contours of her face too much, so erasing them all together might be the best option.

If only we could somehow tell her that she's not. Unless this is actually a ghost trying to give itself a human face, in which case this is us telling the great beyond that you should leave the filters alone.
strangely tall
Let's go out on a limb here and say that this picture is certainly an exaggeration of the truth. Excuse the puns, but this doctored photo tried really hard to be true. Those stretched legs do not conform to the natural proportions of this woman.

To be honest, it looks like there's another person hiding under her dress. Maybe it's two kids trying to look like an adult?
the revenge of the enemy
We all have a friend we secretly hate. The person in the group who accompanies you to parties and who you wish would stay home. It seems that this lady was quite proud of her contempt for her friend, to whom she decided, through the magic of photoshop, that she should put on a few kilos around her belly.

She also took the opportunity to spruce up her chest area a bit. When you're in Rome, you know, go crazy!
ocular failure
Editing photos, even with all the apps and software out there, still requires a touch of skill and, most importantly, attention to detail. It's not something this woman thought of as she touched up her face.

As you can see, the work she did around her bangs went a bit wrong and some strands of hair seem to be floating below her eyes. Usually, that's not how her hair hangs in her face. But hey, if you don't look too closely, it looks good.
a difficult choice
Instagram filters are usually meant to enhance the original photo, but we have to say that in this case, the filter isn't really doing this woman justice. In fact, you can't even really see the details of her face!

Maybe the sweet little splash of sunshine adds a nice touch, but this girl went overboard. Let's go with option A, where you can actually see her face!
Swipe right!
Oh yeah, editing photos for a dating app is a surefire way to catch those matches (who cares about the second date!) Actually, it's all about the first impression, although that first impression is pretty shocking.

We're not sure if this is his face at all. It looks like it's heavily airbrushed, yes, but also cut and pasted onto another body. Something about the size of the head and those contours makes it all look pretty fake.
hello eyebrow
This guy wanted to accentuate his favorite features and it really didn't matter if it was at the expense of his entire face! While the Kardashians have made us appreciate a good set of brows, this guy ruins it.

It looks like someone just drew them with a sharpie . Come on, boy, you can do better than this. It's all about the details. Let's see beautiful eyebrows and not two thick lines.
The hourglass curvaceous body is a highly sought after look. There is no doubt that this curvaceous look is beautiful, which is why many women turn to photo editing apps to try to achieve it.

It's also the same reason many women go overboard with it, to the point of making their bodies seem ill-equipped to contain organs. We all know the body doesn't work like that unless you're maybe an 18th century woman who slept in a corset her whole life.
Rocker Chic
Amplifies emo vibes by increasing the contrast. It's clear that he wants us to know that we're in some kind of metal music video. And don't get us started on those eyes.

If you look closely enough, you might even be able to see how fake they are, with the white part sticking out slightly here and there.
eye i see you
These two girls chose the bug eye feature to get attention. How they thought it looked good, we'll never know. To be honest, we want to focus more on the beautiful landscape they are in.

The two girls don't look like human beings. They look like aliens imitating humans very well, but they're still not entirely convincing.
what a great diet
This Swedish TV star tried out the new diet fad known as the "photoshop diet." All you have to do is carry on as normal and use some of the great tools in the program to simply shrink your body.

The results are fantastic. To be honest though, we're all for the natural look, and this beauty didn't have to go through the trouble. Also, we can see that his head is a bit too big for his body in the retouched version.
violet perfection
Makeup application is complicated and requires attention to detail. Also, it takes a lot of work to avoid staining. But when you have a phone or a computer, or any digital device, you just draw it.

This however should not be an example as the eye lacks texture and no attempt has been made by the "artist" to make it look like real makeup. This is just a carefully drawn black liner around the eye.
Distorted image
The unfortunate thing about editing photos, especially on your phone, is the lack of specificity. Sometimes when you modify an image, everything is distorted.

In this case, this young lady tried to slim down her face a bit, but she actually ended up bending her entire phone. That doesn't look quite right, does it?
mr cool
The guy on the right actually seems like a pretty cool and down to earth guy. The guy on the left? His flashier twin brother of him? No, he's the same guy after a tacky photoshop job.

That hair shine is definitely fake, and the interesting shape he's given to his beard makes us wonder...why? Heck, even the tattoos look a bit artificial looking at them up close.
So original!
Yeah, okay, you and the rest of the world struggle with a little extra padding around your belly. It's not easy to stay in top shape, but of course, we can all dream, right? Like millions of others, this woman put her computer skills to work and got slimmer.

Her face really gives her away, as she looks like she's the victim of a botched facelift or unfortunate photoshopping skills. Unfortunately for her, her true self was revealed. Up to you.
Bug-eyed girl
The eyes are the window to the soul, without a doubt. But we're not quite sure where these women's eyes take us, and wherever it is, we don't want to go there. Unfortunately, it seems that she mistook one of the funny features for a true staging of the face.

Clearly these are the eyes you send to your friends for a little laugh, and certainly not the kind to attract a lover. Although we might give her the benefit of the doubt and decide that she meant to laugh.
his good side
We all have a good side, yes. The side of your face where you turn your head and everyone says, "daaamn." We're saying damn. This woman thought a good profile picture of hers wasn't good enough, so she thought she'd give it a little extra trim. The result? Skin that looks like plastic.

In addition to the skin, there is also the strange little bridge between her lips and her nose, which obviously appears to be digitally altered. You can strive for perfection, but it rarely seems real.
arm candy
While we all want to show off the sexiest and most beautiful versions of ourselves on social media, sometimes it's enough for our beloved boyfriend to get all the attention. What better way to feel good about yourself than to have the most delicious candy wrapped around you? This guy went as far as blurring his own face!

On the other hand, it was the woman who thought that she had erased the boyfriend from her. With this crazy headshot, it's possible that the latter is the real story behind this photo.
fake vs. Real
We've all been guilty of posting some attraction trap on Instagram. Sometimes that can go really well, and getting all that attention can feel great. Other times, things can backfire, and your unfiltered self can resurface on the interwebs, causing quite a bit of embarrassment.

It happened to this woman. The fake eyeliner, red lips, and clearly heavily retouched nose that almost looks like a rhinoplasty left her looking less human and more like a 2D plastic character.
couple goals
What a beautiful couple, or at least, what a beautiful bride with crystal blue eyes and strangely white teeth. Our boy here looks a little on the average side. We wonder why. Maybe because she didn't apply 1000 filters on her face to make her look prettier.

His wife might have been a little generous and she had closed the gap in her teeth. With her pearly whites looking so flawless, it's kind of unfair.
good genes
One of the best ways to spot a fake photo, aside from seeing how completely fake it is, is to compare the person to other family members. It seems that these two did not like their mother's dental state very much.

So naturally they thought that a good digital teeth whitening might do the trick. Save time, money, and the stress that comes with sitting in the dentist's chair, because who wants that? So real.
Mirror Mirror...
It's natural to run away from parenting time. When he comes at you, there is simply no escape. But this woman thought she had done well with a reasonably natural-looking filter to kill those wrinkles.

Sadly, she took this selfie in front of the mirror and forgot to work on her reflection. Damn, now we see the real you. But do not worry! There's nothing wrong with this, girl!
TV vs. irl
When you find yourself on television, you have a certain image to maintain. Of course, this woman unfortunately forgot about this fact and posted a selfie with her super tuned face. With a softened lens and flawless skin, she looks a little too fake.

Someone caught her and posted a screenshot of the image on social media. I mean, yes. But we say, who cares? Nobody looks perfect all the time anyway.
just a vision
Nice try, Kathy Griffin. In an attempt to make yourself younger, you practically erased your entire face. In fact, looking at that makes us feel like there is something wrong with our vision!

As one of the funniest women in Hollywood, we hope you see some humor in this. Also, we appreciate you not messing with that delicious looking dish.
Inflatable doll
When you've done so much to your poor face that you start to look like a blow-up plastic doll! Those creepy eyes, those huge lips that look literally puffed up, we're not sure why this person thought this looked good.

There's also the very obviously airbrushed beard we have there.
Find the difference
It's about time we accepted that very few people on this planet have good skin. And if they do, it's just genetics or a very dedicated skin routine that takes time, effort, and money.

Of course, when you don't have any of those resources, just cut to the chase with Instagram! You will look like a Hollywood celebrity in just a few clicks.
a little snip
Yeah, okay, this woman gave herself the definition of a sweet chin in her latest selfie. She's certainly not the only person on the planet who did that.

Someone felt the need to catch her. She poor woman trying to live her life and look pretty. Away, trolls .
added abs
Putting a nice pair of photoshopped abs on your not-so-summer-ready body is a classic. But even the simplest things require some skill.

In this case, it seems the amateur photoshoper didn't realize his new set of abs was placed on top of her chain necklace. Either way, we're sure he looks great even without the added abs!
More honesty online please!
Pictured below is YouTube personality James Charles. The two photos demonstrate a big problem with beauty influencers: they are trying to sell us something that they themselves cannot achieve.

When you remove the filters and the flattering lighting, you can see that James's skin looks just like ours! There really is nothing to be ashamed of here. We just wish influencers were more honest with us.
Alien invasion
Ni siquiera estamos seguros de por dónde empezar con este. Nada de este tipo nos parece humano. Los ojos espeluznantes como los de una muñeca, la mandíbula exagerada y excesiva, y la piel tan alisada que no parece más que piel.

La peor parte es, por supuesto, la forma en que el lado izquierdo de su cara se mezcla con el cielo. Esperamos que esto haya sido sólo una broma de algún tipo, y que este tipo sepa que siempre es mejor parecer, bueno... humano.
Sentirse fucsia
Lo entendemos, todos hemos pasado por ello. Acabas de viajar a España y has conseguido un precioso jersey fucsia que quieres lucir. Pero simplemente no es tu mejor día de cara, así que intentas agregar algunos filtros y hacer algunos pequeños ajustes en tu cara. Dos minutos después, terminas luciendo así:

¡Hay tantas cosas malas en esta foto! Los ojos, la barbilla, todo le quita protagonismo al precioso jersey fucsia.
Error de aumento
Cuando la gente gana músculos y volumen, tiende a parecer que tiene la cabeza más pequeña. Tiene sentido, una parte de ti se hace más grande, por lo que las otras se ven pequeñas en comparación. Pero aún así, hay ciertas proporciones humanas que nadie puede negar.

Si tu cabeza es tan pequeña y tu cuerpo es tan pequeño, ¡encontramos photoshop! La próxima vez asegúrate de agrandar tu cabeza también.
En muchas representaciones populares de brujas, tienen manos largas y aterradoras acompañadas de uñas largas. No estamos seguros de si este es el aspecto que buscaba la mujer en esta imagen, pero definitivamente es el aspecto que obtuvo.

Cuando pensamos en nuestras propias inseguridades, nuestras manos no ocupan el primer lugar de la lista, pero oye, si existe, el ser humano encontrará la manera de sentirse inseguro al respecto.
Toda piernas
¡Nos hemos enterado de que este fallo de photoshop en Instagram fue sacado de un anuncio real! Cuando se trata de sesiones de fotos profesionales para marcas conocidas, esperamos ver habilidades superiores de photoshopping.

Esta popular marca de ropa probablemente no se enteró. En serio, ¿qué pasa con las piernas de este estilo? ¡Alguien debería haber sido despedido por esto, ya que este es un error que es difícil pasar por alto!
Cuidado con la brecha
Estándares corporales tóxicos, ya estamos hartos de ellos, pero parece que internet no. En su día, se estableció de alguna manera que todo el mundo debía tener un espacio entre los muslos.

Si bien algunas personas tienen uno de forma natural y eso está totalmente bien, simplemente no es algo que todos podamos lograr, y ¿por qué deberíamos hacerlo, realmente? Este hueco en el muslo es otro fracaso de photoshop, la edición de imágenes debe dejarse en manos de los profesionales, o no hacerse en absoluto.
Editado hasta el límite
Escucha, para nosotros, ambas fotos parecen increíblemente falsas, pero tenemos que admitir que la imagen de la izquierda ha sido llevada un paso demasiado lejos.

La foto de la derecha sigue fomentando unas expectativas muy poco realistas, pero suponemos que todo se logró con maquillaje, iluminación y quizá un pequeño retoque de photoshop. La foto de la izquierda, por el contrario, ha sido editada hasta la saciedad, y no es un espectáculo bonito.
Labios apretados
Si le mostraras a esta chica las dos fotos una al lado de la otra, estamos seguros de que preferiría mantener los labios sellados cuando se le preguntara por su situación labial. Una pregunta que viene a nuestra mente es, ¿cómo reaccionan sus amigos, que saben cómo se ve en la vida real, cuando ven sus fotos online?

Debe ser realmente incómodo para todos los involucrados. Realmente no creemos que el montaje fuera necesario en este caso, simplemente podría haber llevado el maquillaje de otra manera.
Piel sin poros
Esta chica combinó diferentes tipos de trucos para completar su objetivo de subir un tutorial de plancha para el pelo. En primer lugar, se puso unas extensiones de pelo rizado, porque no iba a dejar que su pelo sufriera daños por el calor.

Por si el pelo falso no fuera suficiente, completó el look con grandes ojos falsos y una piel de porcelana sin poros. ¿Cuál es más preocupante? Te dejamos a ti decidir.
No es día de piernas
Si conoces los chistes de culturismo, probablemente hayas escuchado el viejo sobre cómo a veces los hombres se saltan el "día de las piernas" y terminan asegurando brazos musculosos mientras aún lucen piernas escuálidas.

¿Es posible que el hombre de la foto simplemente haya olvidado el día de las piernas? Claro, esa es una opción. Otra opción es que mientras aumenta digitalmente sus músculos, se olvidó por completo de sus piernas.
Medio Popeye
Un aspecto curioso de las publicaciones en las redes sociales es lo informales que siempre intentan parecer. Como en la imagen de abajo, ¿qué estaba pensando este tipo? ¿Debemos creer que se toma el café de la mañana sin más ropa que un sombrero y unos jeans?

Pero, francamente, ése es el menor de sus problemas, ya que parece haber una gran discrepancia entre sus brazos derecho e izquierdo. ¿Tal vez debería encargarse de eso primero?
Instagram: Feed vs Historia
Estas dos fotos fueron publicadas el mismo día. Uno fue publicado en el feed de la chica, mientras que el otro en su historia de Instagram. Como puedes ver, ni siquiera parece la misma chica. La forma de sus ojos es completamente diferente, sin mencionar el color de ojos más claro.

Sus labios, su nariz, todo es diferente. Realmente deseamos que la gente aprenda a aceptarse tal y como es, sin necesidad de filtros ni máscaras.
Suspendió su clase de photoshop
Si bien estamos muy contentos de ver a esta chica graduarse, nos sorprende ver que no ha podido conquistar una de las habilidades más básicas de la vida: ¡un buen photoshopping! ¿Qué les enseñan a los estudiantes universitarios en estos días?

Al menos, cuando mire hacia atrás en esta época de su vida, siempre podrá decir que la universidad fue un borrón, y lo dirá de verdad.
Eternamente pequeño
Un fallo de photoshop en una aplicación de citas, ¡qué emocionante! Parece que, por mucho que se diga, la gente nunca aprende. Hay una cosa muy sencilla que debes tener en cuenta para hacer photoshop con éxito: la proporción. Y sin embargo, parece que al igual que muchos otros antes que él, este tipo se olvidó de ello.

Tal vez la próxima vez que pueda dedicar más tiempo a aprender las proporciones corporales adecuadas, hasta entonces, su cabeza siempre será pequeña.
¿Has visto mi nariz?
Sabemos que tanto las narices pequeñas como las cejas grandes y pobladas están de moda, pero incluso una tendencia actual puede llevarse demasiado lejos. Esta señora parece haber perdido la nariz por completo mientras ganaba un conjunto de cejas que nunca pasarán desapercibidas.

No estamos seguros de que esto sea lo que ella busca. Pero sabes qué, las narices están sobrevaloradas, ¿quién necesita respirar cuando te ves tan bien?
¿Quién necesita órganos de todos modos?
La medicina moderna cree que los órganos son una parte crucial de la existencia humana. Los influencers, en cambio, parecen sentir que los órganos sólo estorban. De lo contrario, ¿cómo podrían explicar esta imagen?

¡Una cintura tan pequeña no dejaría espacio para nada más! La próxima vez que veas una foto en Internet de una cintura diminuta, recuerda que es 100% falsa.
¿Los Sims han vuelto?
Si tuviéramos que adivinar, diríamos que se trata de un personaje de CGI, tal vez uno que pronto se estrenará en una película de acción. ¿O tal vez es una sim que alguien creó mientras intentaba construir su pequeña y feliz familia en "Los Sims"?

No, tacha eso, ¿y si es una esposa de Stepford de la vida real? La miserable verdad es que esta foto es de la red de Instagram de una chica real (¿?).
Esta foto fue publicada por un usuario de Reddit, que la vio en una aplicación de citas. Sí, una aplicación de citas. Estas aplicaciones no tienden a sacar lo mejor de las personas.

Desde las fotos que nunca quisimos ver, hasta los mensajes groseros y el ghosting, los swipers parecen intentar hacer cualquier cosa que pueda llamar la atención. Claro, se hizo notar, pero por todas las razones equivocadas.
Ojos grandes
La historia detrás de esta imagen no es lo que cabría esperar. Los ojos espeluznantes más grandes de lo normal no fueron añadidos por la persona que aparece en la foto, sino por los estilistas que la peinaron.

Al parecer, con el fin de intentar hacerse notar en Instagram, este peluquero ha querido hacer hincapié en cómo todos y cada uno de sus clientes consiguen un look único. Claro, hace que su foto destaque, pero no por el corte de pelo...
En vano
Mira a este tipo, de verdad, míralo. Parece que a estas alturas, el hecho de llevar sus propias manos, extremadamente musculosas, es suficiente entrenamiento. Si estos brazos fueran reales, ¿cuánto crees que pesarían?

Todas esas venas que se ha añadido con photoshop hacen que se parezca más a Hulk y menos a un hombre deseable. Por desgracia, todo su trabajo fue en vano, tal vez la próxima vez debería pasar su tiempo en el gimnasio en lugar de en la computadora.
Chandelier humana
Todo el mundo quiere ser la estrella de la fiesta, pero no todo el mundo puede soportar parecer un candelabro humano. Muchas drag queens utilizan relleno para crear la ilusión de un cuerpo imposible, y esta diva quería lucir una cintura ceñida.

Pero, cuando la cintura ya no se puede apretar, entra photoshop. La pintura distorsionada en la pared del fondo delata a esta princesa.
Cara nueva, ¿quién es?
Dos fotos del mismo tipo, incluso podrían haber sido tomadas el mismo día, pero no hay rastro de su cara original en la nueva con photoshop.

Como es el caso con muchas de estas imágenes alteradas, ¡realmente creemos que este muchacho se veía perfectamente bien antes! Su foto posterior parece sacada de una película de terror.
Esto es incómodo
Cuando envíes tu currículum y añadas una foto, ¿por qué no modificarla un poco? ¡Es tu única oportunidad de dejar una gran primera impresión!

La chica de la foto lo hizo, pero se llevó una sorpresa, al parecer, tuvo que presentarse justo delante de su currículum, ¡con su foto muy retocada! Al parecer, esta es una práctica común en Asia, así que quizá debería haberlo sabido.
Todas iguales
¿Te has dado cuenta de que todas las caras de Instgram se ven iguales? Todos tienen los mismos labios, las mismas cejas y los mismos ojos. Esto se debe a que todos usan la misma aplicación para cambiar sus caras.

Honestamente, en este punto ni siquiera podemos estar seguros de que el fondo que la rodea sea real. Si miras de cerca, puedes ver que su cabello se mezcla de manera bastante extraña en el horizonte.
Ajustado al jet
Este tipo está a punto de volar al destino de vacaciones de sus sueños, pero antes de hacerlo, tiene que tomar una foto y subirla a Instagram.

Pero, para impresionar a sus seguidores, decidió hacer algunos cambios en sus piernas y brazos. Cómicamente hizo sus piernas tan grandes que no hay forma de que puedan funcionar. Sin mencionar cómo se olvidó de su propia cabeza y la dejó demasiado pequeña.
Cuando las cosas se salen de control
Parece como si la cabeza de la Barbie se superpusiera al cuerpo de una clubber. Los rasgos faciales parecen haber sido dibujados por un pintor en su diminuta cabeza.

Las manos son más grandes que la cara, y la cara es más blanca que todo. Oh, espera, no todo, Sus uñas son aún más blancas. No estamos seguros de lo que sucedió aquí, pero definitivamente se nos ha ido de las manos.
Real walls have curves
This is just a nice bathroom selfie. You know them, we are 100% sure that you have taken one too. Don't even try to deny it. These kinds of selfies were originally something people only did to check how they looked, but pretty soon, they also started posting them online and editing them.

This one looks innocent enough, unless of course you look at the wall to the left.