This car console is the ultimate “drive-through” eating design. Either this car manufacturer totally knows its target market, or the pizza company got some inside info. A pizza-loving driver found that his box of pizza rolls fit super snugly in his console.

No need to even get out of the car to eat your guilty pleasures! Now just to invent the hands-free eating device. If anyone does this, you owe us royalties!
What’s Up, Dog?
This dog has just learned the true meaning of ‘pack.’ Here is a pack this golden retriever can actually fit in with – literally fit in with. The way this goose’s neck cradles around his buddy means this retriever is not going to look for any other packs to join.

Whenever this pooch is having a bad day, his buddy’s around to help him keep his head up. Looks like this golden retriever was the one to find the golden goose, after all.
Skyscraper Tetris
Did you know that some buildings, in their free time, enjoy a bit of Tetris? Who would have thought, especially considering the size of these behemoth buildings? But it just goes to show that everyone enjoys an odd game or two. Actually, it's just the angle that makes these two buildings look like they fit together perfectly.

Kudos to the photographer and to the architects. Maybe the architects stood in the very same spot as the photographer and wondered, ‘what if?’ The result? Two skyscrapers who try their best to complete each other. Isn’t that romantic?
Snack Spot
Ever wanted to have a picnic in your car? Look no further. Accompanying the holders for your drinks, you have a complimentary chocolate bar holder. Now, you never have to go through the inconvenience of finding a picnic spot without irritating bees and no shade.

Now, car vehicles come with the mobile-picnic option. Your drinks won’t spill. Your chocolate bar won’t slip out if you take a bend too quickly. Honestly, modern vehicles are taking snacking to the extreme. What’s next, a placeholder for your burger and little-mini holders for your fries?
Complimentary Everything!
Hotels should really not make it this tempting. If they start arranging their complimentary goods (dental kits, comb, vanity kit, sewing kit…what…sewing kit?) this neatly, they are going to have bookings like crazy. Hotels know guests can’t resist pocketing all those freebies, but this hotel is going a bit too far.

We’re going to have to invest in much bigger pockets. They’re now actually going to have to sew pockets into women’s pants. Ah, but this hotel has solved the problem because now you get the complimentary sewing kit just to enlarge your pockets.
Tattoo-Friendly Gloves
With the increasing popularity of tattoos, scarves and gloves are just one of those things which will need to adapt. It looks like one designer of gloves has caught on. Somehow the blade of the dagger is not that menacing if it is covered by leather mittens.

Someone should let the Yakuza know that now they can show the whole range of their tattoos and keep warm at the same time. Tons of mafia and gang circles probably can’t wait to get their hands on these.
Hole in One
Online shopping has boomed so much that now apartment blocks are building perfect holes to store delivery boxes. No more negotiating with neighbors to keep an eye out for the delivery man. He will just drop your package off at this new delivery drop-off hole. Just keep in mind that this hole is reserved for first-class buyers.

Only buyers who buy mini refrigerators, prams, and giant-sized vacuum cleaners have the luxury of using this drop-off delivery hole. No, that’s not it. A delivery man just got tired of carrying this package around and found this super convenient hole.
Aesthetically Pleasing Crockery
Have you ever tucked into chocolate chip cookies only to find they were actually raisin and bran flavored? It breaks every kid’s heart, including this arrangement of bowls that fit neatly into this much larger bowl.

Like me, you were probably getting your dessert spoon out to have a slice of this scrumptious pastry or pudding only to discover it is just bowls. 11 bowls stacked aesthetically onto a much larger bowl. Just don’t arrange your bowls like this when expecting guests. They will be so let down when you remove them one by one to dish up soup.
Target Practice Pizza
This pizza resembles a strange cyclops. It is little wonder parents struggle with fussy kids. Wouldn’t we all be fussy if our pizza looked like it had one huge red eye? That being said, this chef’s timing was perfect! He couldn’t have positioned these ingredients better.

That pepperoni slice was the perfect size for the red onion. And with the cheese in between, it looks like a creepy alien eye. Come to think of it, the red onion below looks like a frown, giving this pizza slice the appearance of being rather put out.
Stylish Dieting
Grapefruit is the quintessential ingredient for every diet. There is only one about dieting, and that is with these new bowls. You can serve up the most stylish and chic grapefruit with this bowl. Not only does the grapefruit fit perfectly inside, but it is tiny, too, so this bowl fits into your hand.

Dieting will no longer be boring or dull if you invest in this dinnerware. If you’re looking for a wedding gift, this dish is the perfect one for a couple that needs to diet, especially once they get back from their honeymoon.
How Do You Back Out from This One?
Either this is an example of great driving or terrible driving. Even though the driver decidedly did a good job, we’re not sure they backed out of this one. Just to be safe, the police cordoned off this side of the street because getting this vehicle out was not going to be easy.

Probably better to keep it in the canal since it is such a perfect fit. While the vehicle is crammed so exactly into the canal, we’re not so sure whether the driver is completely comfortable. The car is nice and snug, but the driver is probably not.
20/20 Sea Vision
Even scuba divers need 20/20 vision! In fact, they probably need it more because they have to share the water with all types of sea creatures. Fortunately, this diver made a plan, and they forever said goodbye to their FOMO days when diving. They attached their prescription glasses to their scuba mask. And it was a perfect fit!

Not only will this diver catch all the wonderful marvels underwater, but they will see them better than everyone else. Better hand them the camera.
Considerate Flower Plants
The designer of these pot plants must have a love for symmetry because you can’t find pot plants that are any more symmetrical. The good news is that if you love order, we have found the ideal terrace. The bad news is that there is something eerie about having two pot holders that fit perfectly into the tile plan.

Perhaps this is how the layout of all future apartments will look. Not that we’re complaining. The terrace is exceptionally ordered, which truly compliments the fabulous view.
Dr. Truck and Mini Car
It is difficult to know what is going on here. Either the smaller car has broken down and is getting a piggyback ride on the truck, or the little vehicle is actually the bigger one’s much more intelligent sidekick. Kind of like “Pinky and the Brain.”

Or perhaps, it could be that online companies have upped the product lines, and now you can get this smart car conveniently delivered to your door. While we are not too sure how the smaller vehicle came to be in the loading zone of the bigger car, we do know it is a perfect fit.
Vertical Problems
Now, we know what delivery drivers do when they are feeling a bit edgy and risky. We can certainly say this truck driver was pushing their luck when they decided to drive their truck in this tunnel. On another day, this may not have ended well, but today, this truck driver defied many of the recommended height suggestions and got to use the shortcut after all.

They better just hope that there are no speed bumps or exit signs on the tunnel's exterior because their luck might run out.
Just Canned It
There are two explanations for this. Either it is modern art, and it is making an edgy statement about modern culture, or this is discreet littering. Whichever one it is, you must admit that the artist or litterbug nailed it, or in this case, they canned it.

If a litterbug is responsible, they definitely got their can in the wrong can. They missed the trash can by miles. It is definitely, discreet littering at its best. Perhaps, we can expect a new trend to develop from this. Move aside parkour; now we have city littering.
The Dog and the Sea
This coastline and this dog have a strong affinity, so much so that this here pooch completes the coastline. Without this white strike through the sand, this dog would feel lost, but now he has found where he belongs.

If the legendary writer Ernest Hemingway came across this pair, he would have released a book called “The Old Dog and the Sea.” Sadly, their connection will have a tragic ending. Star-crossed, if you will, or rather, just that high tide will break their union.
Every Pot Has Its Lid, and Every PC Has a Desk
Don’t Feel Left Out. Now everyone can have their own Cinerama experience at an affordable price. There’s a popular furniture chain that allows you to order this desk. And though this desk ordinarily would not work with any other model, there just happens to be the perfect model for it.

With this match made in heaven, now ordinary people can have a Cinerama experience in their own homes. Just make sure, if you get the desk that you’re willing to, get the curved monitor too.
Finally, we have proof of what shadows get up to when no one is looking. We have always suspected shadows of having their own minds. In this case, we have a shadow collaborating with the sidewalk and this steel box.

It would take a true shadow-logist to understand exactly why this form has appeared. It could be the angle of the sun or the depth of the sidewalk. Or we can just say this shadow got bored with having no one else to get behind and copy, so this lonely shadow opted for this old steel box.
Art Imitates Life
With the neon pink lights reflected on this railing, it is hard not to be awestruck by this perfectly timed photo. They almost seem in one, or rather the London Eye seems to be an outline for the railing. Though the railing is a bit rusty and has fallen into a bit of despair, the cityscape in the background makes the whole scene rather romantic.

After seeing this perfectly-timed photo, we are going to be hanging about railings and harbors in different positions, scanning all angles for the right shot.
Inconspicuous Chopping Board
It's hard to believe, but there is actually a chopping board at the bottom of this metal sink. From far, it looks like anything from a horizontal elevator or a microwave that uses infrared light to heat meals. But to say it is an innocent sink with a chopping board seems unlikely.

If you had to spray paint the board silver and put the board back in, overflows are bound to happen. Colleagues or workers will just turn on the taps expecting the water to drain.
Stop Hanging About!
This could be the latest drone model, an optical illusion, or a robotic envoy from our future robotic masters. The perfect symmetry implies that it has been destined with perfect precisions, making all of its pieces align exactly. In reality, it's a stack of hangers carefully placed atop one another.

Unfortunately, it is not an envoy from future robotics leaders, so we just have to wait another decade before we know whether or not robots will take over the world. We know quite definitely that hangers won’t – they’re too busy playing “pick up’ hangers” in the closet.
How Many Charles Dickens Books Does It Take to Fill a Sill?
The actual answer is all of Charles Dickens's works. The honest answer is more than most people will ever read. The person with this window sill must be Dickens' one true fan.

Either they kept renting a house until they found the perfectly sized windowsill to fit in their whole Dickens collection, or they had it personally built. The truth is no one can say because no one is going to go through with getting hold of these exact books to check if they fit exactly into all windowsills.
Colonel Cooler Box
This inflatable toy is definitely coming with you on the next family trip to the waterpark or pool party. The fact that its plastic feet fit perfectly into the cup holders on the cooler box is not just coincidental. It shows the mind of a kid who believes that family cooler boxes should be inseparable from inflatable family pool toys.

They’re not only a perfect fit, but they’re almost matching colors. The next time you’re out of gifts for a family friend, just get them a matching inflatable for their cooler box.
Three’s Not Always a Crowd
There is probably a special meat-ing going on here. Fortunately, we can say there is nothing fishy going on around here. No space except for the meat-ing attendees. Whatever the reason for this gathering, we can say dinner is going to be good tonight.

While this crowd has definitely reached its limit, at least after this meal, you’re going to have three deliciously-cooked steaks. Sometimes, you’re just lucky, and all three pieces of steak fit into one pan. It is even better news if you have three mouths to feed.
Who Wore It Better?
Have you ever arrived at a party and had the dreaded realization that another guest is wearing the exact same outfit as you? This unlucky attendee did not count on the floor having a matching outfit. Perhaps if she stayed vertical rather than horizontal, nobody would have been any the wiser!

When laying on the floor, her blue pants met her patterned top in perfect symmetry, with the blue carpet meeting the almost identical patterned tile. Had it not been for the limbs, we're certain she would have been walked over.
DNA Puzzle
Genetics is an amazing thing. So amazing, sometimes, that human beings fit together like puzzle pieces. Have a look at this fantastic symmetry between mother and daughter: the mother’s thumb fits perfectly against the bridge of her newborn daughter’s nose.

While the image itself is giving us Massive Attack vibes (every 90s kid, raise your hands!), we cannot help but be awed at how these two very different body parts fit together flawlessly.
Spicy Icey-Cream!
Ice cream. The ultimate comfort food. Many a person has found themselves tucking into a large tub of the stuff while sobbing their eyes out over a recent breakup. However, if you shove a spoonful of this dessert into your mouth, you will be crying for different reasons!

A sliced onion plopped seamlessly into this ice cream scoop, creating a very deceptive image of delicious dairy! Life lesson: sniff the ice cream before putting it in your mouth!
Nifty Noodles
The small mercies of life make chores just a tad more easy for you. When it comes to ramen and noodles in general, we are all way too familiar with the very crunchy, crumbly process of getting it to fit into the pot.

If only we could all be as lucky as this noodle lover who opened his packet, plopped the entire block of ramen into his pot, and voila...instant, circular fit first time!
Quaker Stacking
Some things may not be particularly necessary (or helpful even), but the satisfaction of seeing two unrelated objects fit together is a reward in itself sometimes. We can only assume this person was either bored or a serious perfectionist when they slid one puffed quaker oat into this vial.

Seeing the lumpy piece of carbohydrate snugly glide in, the person started stacking the rest. It might have been just that bit more satisfying if they stopped at the rim!
It’s A Wrap
Coincidental OCD’ers, take a long, hard look at THIS work of art! Christmas time provided this gift giver the perfect opportunity to make a wrapping masterpiece as their wrapping paper folded over and over to create a close-to-perfect angular pattern. An array of colorful, glittery squares met at ninety-degree angles to form a kaleidoscope of geometric equilibrium.

The perfectionists among us must be praying that they do not receive this gift to unwrap! The wrapping paper is a present in itself!
The Ideal Horizon
It might take a craning of the neck, but the slight strain is worth it to see this skyline impeccably meet up with this power line. A soft bank of clouds seemed to gently rest on this taut, overhead electricity cable, creating the perfect optical illusion between the clearer blue sky and the cloudy overhang above it.

To top off the effect, a steeple raises above one of the buildings, slicing through the blue sky into the white clouds. Ah, oddly satisfying!
The Book Does Not Lie
Not all mountains are created equal, and the most observant hiker can guarantee you this. While out hiking the Appalachian Trail, this highly alert and sharp-eyed couple noticed a mountaintop that resembled something they had seen before.

When they held their Appalachian trail guide up to the mountain, the image of the mountain on the cover aligned perfectly with the actual mountain itself. Let’s just hope they did not hear the Dueling Banjos tune while admiring the view...
Twin Trees
We think this driver must have aced his driving license the first time around due to their observation skills. While looking in their rearview mirror, this driver saw that nature can also prove that trees can be “twinning,” too!

The tree in their rearview mirror matched up almost identically to the tree in front of their car. Is this the most satisfying optical illusion, or are the trees conspiring to mess with us…?
The Shadow Knows
As the old saying goes: the shadow knows. And, in this instance, this shadow certainly knew what the perfectionist in us needed. The sun cast the most precise shadow it could ever have when the shadow of a rail sat dead center in the yellow parking lines around it, even looping seamlessly around its ninety-degree corners!

We need to find this spot to ensure that absolutely no cars park there to disrupt this unintentional miracle.
What Are the Cheesy Chances?
We have no doubt that those with Type A personalities would rather go hungry than tuck into this toasted cheese sandwich. This breakfast maker did not think twice when they threw two slices of cheese onto two slices of toast – it happens millions of times a day worldwide, we imagine.

But what does not happen millions of times a day is for two slices of cheese to match up superbly on the pieces of bread.
Lemony Layer
This chance wedging will definitely not leave anybody feeling sour! A patron received their cola drink with the lemon wedge garnish wedged to perfection in the middle of the glass. The lemon created two separate layers of cola with a very gratifying layer of air in between.

And, if anyone is confused, adding a slice of lemon into cola drinks in the United Kingdom and South Africa is a pretty common thing!
Laying It All Out
The tradesperson has some exquisite tiling talent! Any tiler will tell you that cutting and matching up tiles is either a nightmare task or the domain of a serious veteran. We hope that this tiler was a veteran and did not suffer any post-traumatic stress from getting this job.

Large, white, square tiles had to align with a radial cut of rectangular brown tiles. The final product was so good one could almost believe it was a trapdoor, one we would happily enter.
The Minion
There was nothing despicable about this minion’s fortuitous lining up. A “Despicable Me” fan dropped a copy of their DVD into the rack only to notice that the metal pattern of the rack curved around the minion’s head and looped to form glasses around the glasses, almost creating an identical outline of the minion.

If it were up to us, we would just go and buy another copy and leave this one firmly in place.
Solar Symmetry
The shadow knows yet again, and the sun does let us down. A passerby spotted this almost too-good-to-be-true shadow framing around its fence. With the amount of these perfect-fit images, we are beginning to wonder, though, if some people hang around waiting for the magic to happen.

Nonetheless, at least they were there for this highly rewarding snap of natural art. If it just were not for that half-inch gap on the left!
Wonderful Wafers
The graphic design team of this product just had to be aware of this perfect fit. If they were not, then it is a case of one of the most hands-down fulfilling coincidental fits ever.

When put side to side, the wafers on these boxes create a seamless transition, and where one half of the wafer ends, the other begins, forming perfectly shaped waves of wafers. Try and say that tongue twister fast!
Charging the Dates
Plug us in! A USB charger placed over the curves of these calendar date blocks sits marvelously aligned with the rounded edges of the blocks.

What we yet again suspect is a case of possible boredom (let’s be honest, what use could a USB on a paper calendar have?); this person had their OCD satisfied by seeing the smooth round edges of the USB line up precisely with the equally round calendar blocks.
A Lego Fan’s Dream Come True
Lego aficionados already have a reputation for loving items that fit perfectly together. Come on – it’s Lego! We ALL are mesmerized by the mathematical precision of its scenery! This Lego lover had an extra dose of awesome alignment, however, when their Lego pieces fit snugly together in the container.

Rows of tiny x-shaped Legos touched each side of the storage box, forming a radiant sea of perfectly fitting red.
A Clean Fit
Get the glue! This shower mat is never leaving its spot! A shower mat found its match made in heaven when its dimensions fit perfectly over six tiles. We do not care how far away it is from the shower itself; we’ll risk the slip just for the perfectly fitting satisfaction!

There might actually be a gap in the market for designers and builders here: design homes and products that just “happen” to sit in true symmetry.
Driving and Dining
This car console is the ultimate “drive-through” eating design. Either this car manufacturer totally knows its target market, or the pizza company got some inside info. A pizza-loving driver found that his box of pizza rolls fit super snugly in his console.

No need to even get out of the car to eat your guilty pleasures! Now just to invent the hands-free eating device. If anyone does this, you owe us royalties!
A Perfect Circle
This porthole provided the perfect picture frame for this tourist. The passenger was on a boat ride on the river Thames in England when he took a snap of the London Eye – the famous Ferris wheel – through the porthole in his cabin.

Instead of getting a blurry image of the well-known landmark, they noticed that they got the Ferris wheel smack bang in the center of the window, creating an awesome circular frame.
A Full Deck
Judging by the very sound stacking of this person’s card game drawer, we do not think we want to get into competition with them. Clearly, a card game-loving overachiever (what other word could we use?!) created an edifying grid of card decks.

Imagine sliding this drawer open and seeing the four-by-seven grid so tightly fit you could not even get a credit card between the different packs. OCD heaven!
This Console Has You Covered
When you want to get your game on, and I don’t mean the traditional kind of game, you can just whip out your handy console case. Who knew those old console devices were multi-functional? Is this why the youth beg their parents to play computer games? Well, obviously, gamers know the truth.

This dynamic console device has been keeping teenagers happy since the last century, and it looks like that will not change any time soon, no matter how rapidly technology in gaming and entertainment evolves.
Mattress Tetris
Two questions: do you love sleeping, and do you love Tetris? If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, then this company has the dream job for you! This truck delivering mattresses revealed a real-life work of Tetris art.

These expert packers wasted no space as they tucked these mattresses into the truck. One does have to wonder how it felt pulling all those mattresses out, though. Messing up that perfect arrangement would give any of us perfectionists sleepless nights!
The Tiles Know How Much You Weigh
Is this tiler a weight watcher’s worst nightmare? Or did the designer of this scale just happen to think of the perfect aesthetic? A homeowner found that their scale sat squarely (see what we did there) in the middle of their floor tiles.

There is an opportunity here to actually remove those tiles and simply cement the scale in place. However, we have no doubt that this will eliminate any possibility of having guests ever again!
The Perfect Fruit Salad
No more fruit needs to be added to this ideal fruit salad! A watermelon fan sliced and diced their watermelon up and put the segments into a Ziploc bag ready for the refrigerator. By pure luck, each piece was the perfect size to form a layout that looked like product packaging!

The real die-hard types among us would argue that the minor gap between the Ziploc bag and the watermelon slices at the bottom disqualifies it from perfect fit purity.
The Anointed Vehicle
This driver had no idea that they had become “the chosen one” by parking in this particular spot. A gap in the top of a building created a spotlight of sunlight on this car. This photo, taken from a bird's eye view, makes it seem as if some divine providence is illuminating the vehicle.

We do not know just how partial the benevolent forces of the universe are to this particular model of car, but what we do know is that the driver is going to be touching a SCORCHING steering wheel!