This handsome hound is a traveler in Istanbul, on his way to have a one-month health check via bus, and he’s having a good time showing off his rippling muscles for the cameras surrounding him.

Just look at that definition. This looks like the kind of dog that you want to be guarding your door at night. Unless the thieves come ready with protein powder, this dog isn’t going to let them pass. Do the owners put whey in his daily dose of kibble, or do they just have him pull them around on a sleigh like a horse?
We Need a New Copilot
Steward, please take him to the bathroom – he needs a drink. This well-dressed dog got to look at this plane's cockpit after being so well-behaved during the flight. This probably means that the dog's owner also got to take a look at the cockpit, though it would have been pretty funny to invite the well-mannered dog up to the front but not let the owner join it.

And look at that, he's even dressed up for the occasion in a little doggy suit and tie. More people need to dress up for their time on the plane.
Taking a Seat
If you aren't familiar with dog breeds, this one is called a Great Dane. They're one of the biggest breeds in the world, as you can see here, and that means they don't exactly fit in some places. This titanic doggy is trying its best to pop a squat right next to its owner (we assume), but all it does is look a good deal strange.

It almost seems like it would be more comfortable for this dog to just lie down on the ground, but that's a lot of space that real people suddenly don't have available to them.
Getting Ready for a Flight
Cats, for the most part, don't enjoy going places unless those places are the couch, the food dish, and the litter box. And then back to the couch. Still, even house cats have to be transported across the country or across national lines every once in a while.

They obviously would not be allowed to roam the cabin while the plane is in the air. Nobody would like that, not even the cats – so they usually have to be confined to a cat carrier, which they always hate. But, that's what has to be done.
Hopping Onto the Train
Yes, it seems that even bunny rabbits need to ride the train every once in a while. Why this fuzzy guy or gal would need to travel such a long distance escapes us. It could be for a vet visit or a pet show, who knows?

Maybe he was going to visit his family. We assume that the human sitting next to the rabbit is the rabbit's owner, but there's no confirmation of that fact – maybe the rabbit is just traveling on its own.
Pleased as Punch
Flying isn't fun for many people. Sure, if it's the first time you've stepped onto a plane, you're probably pretty excited to do it, but after a couple of trips, the fun has worn off. It becomes just another small space you're crammed into, in a metal tube that is hurtling miles over the ground, powered by explosions.

This pooch, however, is ready for fun and adventure. It looks like it's about to have the time of its life being so high up. Maybe it's just always that excited. So many new people to meet, so many new smells.
Getting Used to the Train
This little gal is Athena, and it's her very first time on a train. She looks like she could still be a puppy at that size, so lots of things are new experiences. This big, moving house is just one among many.

Look at that stiff upper lip. Combined with the posture Athena has, it looks just like someone who isn't sure exactly what's going on but is still trying her hardest to be brave. A little bit of head-scratching is going to make sure things are easy for everybody during this trip.
Even Pet Ducks Have to Go Places
We'd love to know why this lady had to bring her pet duck onto the metro with her. There are lots of reasons. Maybe it has an ad shoot to go to, and this is the best way. Maybe it just needs to get out of the house a little bit.

We'd love to know what that thing is on its head because it kind of looks like it's wearing a hat. Maybe it's a support animal; who knows? Ducks wouldn't be our first choice as an emotional support animal, but there are all kinds out there.
And All the Eucalyptus They Can Eat
If you're sitting there scratching your head about why a bunch of koalas might be given first-class treatment on an airline, we're here to fill in the gaps. Well, a bunch of gifted koalas (your guess is as good as ours for what that means) traveled from Brisbane to Singapore for the anniversary of Singapore's independence back in 2015.

The airline that proudly carried them, Qantas, said that they traveled “Koala Class.” Hopefully, it isn't a long flight – we bet these creatures would get antsy.
Even on a Plane
Cats really will go anywhere and do anything they want if they think they can get away with it. This cat (whose name is Desmond, apparently) can even sleep on the headrest of a plane. Just imagine having a cat that is so comfortable flying that it's able to get up right next to the windows like that and then just fall asleep.

Some cats don't even like to be picked up! Desmond must have spent plenty of time logging flight hours to be able to fall asleep on a headrest. Quite the odd sleeping arrangement, as well.
Ready for Anything
This lovely picture comes to us from a guide dog named Axel, who had just spent a week guiding his blind charge on a week-long pilgrimage. This picture was taken on a train, with Axel ever vigilant for things that might be a danger to the man he was with.

He's cuddled around the guy's foot, which looks like the standard pose for the two of them based on how chill the dog is. Good job, bud; you're keeping him safe from things that he can't see. Guide dogs are kind of the best.
Getting Used to Flights
It doesn't matter what kind of creature you are; the first time you get on a plane and take off, it's going to be a bit unnerving. A human could not only learn what's going to happen but also why – the science of flight. But dogs can't really wrap their little doggy minds around lift and pitch and air speeds, so we imagine they're a little more confused.

This little gal – Echo – is a future search-and-rescue dog, and she was able to handle three flights before getting to her home. She seems to have weathered the trip well.
The Friendly Skies Just Got Fuzzier
A flight attendant happily greeted her very first passenger of the day, and we bet that it made the rest of her day that much easier. If you live with a pet, you might forget just how rejuvenating it can be to snuggle with a furry little friend.

Even if you're dressed up to help people enjoy their flight, there's no way not to give out a little squee when a kitten that looks like this joins you on the plane. The cat looks a little freaked, which doesn't bode well for when the plane leaves the ground.
Seems Like Everything Went Fine
Sitting next to a baby on a plane is something that nobody wants to have to do, but sitting next to a friendly little puppy? Well, that sounds like the kind of thing that everybody would be excited about.

A little puppy can still make plenty of noise – and this guy looks like he'll be a big barker once he hits full size – but the story attached to this picture says that it was a treat and a joy to be able to share the plane with this traveler. Look at that precious little face.
Off on Her Own
There are lots of people that have to take the subway. You'll see all kinds. From dancers to substance users, from businessmen to buskers, every day is going to give you something different. This gal has hopped on the train, and it looks like she might not care where it goes.

She is pretty dressed up, so maybe she has a big doggy date or an interview for her dream job in a little while. One way or another, this dog is clearly on a mission, and nothing is going to stop her from reaching her goal.
Looking at Things From a New Perspective
Seeing a dog on the subway isn't the craziest thing ever. Keep your eyes open, and you're sure to see at least one fuzzy friend during the day. Not only is this a dog on the subway, but it's a dog stuffed into a backpack, head stuck out, and taking a good, long look at everybody around it.

Dogs might not be able to pilot aircraft, but they still know up from down. That means this dog was choosing to look at everybody in this way. People look much better when they're upside-down, but don't take our word for it.
On the Daily Commute
If not for the bright white fur and the big tongue hanging out, we'd barely even be able to tell that one of the commuters on this train isn't a human. This dog looks like he or she belongs so much, we wouldn't be surprised if the other commuters know its name.

Now, that grandma in the front row doesn't look all that excited about having her picture taken, but the doggo two rows behind her looks like there's nothing wrong with it at all. Like, maybe the dog has its picture taken many, many times a day.
Always Space for a Friendly Face
Most days, the grind is the exact same thing. You get up, go to work, spend all your time there, and go home. Then there are chores to do around the house until you have a little bit of relaxation time to yourself.

But what if – now hear us out – you got to look at a dog during your commute? It might not be enough to change your entire day, but it might be able to give you a smile for a while. And a little smile might just have the opportunity to turn into a bigger one.
Get My Good Side
Even incredibly skinny dogs sometimes have the opportunity to travel, even if they do have to wear a dapper little turtleneck, so they don't get too cold. This two-dimensional doggy is on a ferry from Holland to England, and he is taking a long look out the window at the wide, wide ocean.

Honestly, the little shirt he's wearing is so adorable we can't stop looking at it. The light is perfect, too. There aren't many examples of animals on sea-going ferries, so we're glad that the one we get is a great one.
Snuggled Up
Taking a cat with you somewhere is a risky proposition. If they get away from you, good luck getting them back. That means usually you have to use a cat carrier, which cats really, really, really hate. Seriously, you should hear them howl. This guy on the subway had a different idea; it looks mighty cozy.

The cat is getting big, wide-eyed glances at everything around it. Kittens love doing that. Kittens also love to cuddle, meaning it doesn't have much of a problem with this comfy setup. Once it grows up a little bit, it might start to complain.
Too Scared to Go On His Own
Even a big powerful dog like this one can still be a little frightened of being alone while out in a strange place. According to the attached story, this dog requires its owner to hold its hand while on the subway.

We're sure that if the dog could talk, it would say that it was holding its owner's hand so that SHE didn't get lost, but who knows the real truth? We're sure that he's very ready to jump to find her as soon as she disappears, but might as well hold her hand so that doesn't happen.
On Their Way to Their Ship
Well, how else would a pirate get around while his galleon is in the shop? Ride the tubes, obviously. Of course, the parrot's owner isn't dressed like a pirate, which would be a pretty good way to give away the fact that you're a buccaneer on the high seas.

But maybe he could say he's on his way to a fancy dress party or something like that. It's not like pirates actually wear tri-corner hats and v-neck shirts. Well, we've never actually seen one, so what do we know? At least we know that they still have parrots.
Cleared for Takeoff
While dogs might have a tendency to freak out inside planes, that doesn't mean they can't get used to shooting through the skies. We've always wanted to see a Dachshund with flight headphones on, even if we didn't know it, and now that wish has finally been fulfilled.

A bonus picture was attached that showed the dog staring in disbelief at the fact that the ground was so far away, and it was even better. The dog is just absolutely gobsmacked in the best way. Its eyes look like they're about to pop out and start rolling down the plane.
Getting in Some Snoozes
For some reason, trains are great for sleeping. Is it the motion? The sound of the wheels running over the tracks? We're not super sure, but it works for man and beast alike. Both have plonked right out on the train to Manchester, using this time to get some shuteye in before they have to run to class or chase cats or whatever they have planned.

We're assuming they're together, but who knows, maybe it was just serendipity. Still, we imagine that a tiny little dog like that one probably needs some help reaching the ticket counter.
I Can Finally Fly
Penguins are, rather famously, flightless birds. At least, that's what we all thought. It seems they've been making friends in high places if this picture indicates anything. Just think what it would be like for one of these penguins to sneak aboard a plane without any other penguins knowing, and then just lord it over them as he describes what it was like to fly.

All the other birds seemed like tiny little specks on the ground. He'd be king of the penguins. “The One Who Flew” they'd all call him, and he would rule with an iron fist...or, flipper.
Comfortable Traveling
There are lots of pictures of dogs that are buckled in for a trip across an ocean in a plane, but this young pup looks like it has to have more than just a comfy seat.

Whether this was something the owner developed to keep it contained and happy during the flight, or it was something that the dog itself just enjoys, you have to admit that being swaddled in such a way looks like it would be pretty relaxing. It gives the dog a place to lie down without having to worry about the big stompy feet of others.
The Bravest Bunny Ever
Rabbits come in two different stripes, as far as we can tell. The first kind is that you must coddle and cuddle just right, or the stress will be too much for their poor little hearts. The other kind is like the bunny in this picture, who decided they wouldn't live their life in fear and went jet-setting across the world.

Be jealous, ground bunnies, because this animal is going to go higher and faster than you're puny little brains could ever think to comprehend. Traveling with a bunny is great because they make so little noise and don't slobber.
Wide Eyed
Here's a lesson that we could probably take from dogs. It doesn't matter how old this pooch is, it still faces life with the exuberance of a puppy. Sure, maybe you're up there in years, and you've flown more times than you can count, but remember, you can still be excited. You're flying!

You're about to be miles above the ground in a metal tube, landing safely on the other side of the world, and that can still be exciting! Just because you've done or seen something before doesn't mean it can't be exciting. Maybe it can even be eye-popping.
Finding New Friends
You might have to commute daily, but that doesn't mean it can't be a little more exciting! Do what this little pup is doing and find a new friend during your next ride. Sure, you might not become bosom buddies, but you might get a nice story out of it, and you might be able to enjoy yourselves a little more.

On the other hand, you don't have puppy-dog eyes that will get everybody but the most hard-hearted commuter to want to pick you up and snuggle, so it probably won't be as easy as this little pup has it.
Makes Any Flight Easy
The bond between man and dog can be quite strong, but this is another level. These two are cuddled up in a way that will make any dog-less person jealous, even if they aren't on a plane. However, there's a possibility that this isn't just two friends having a snuggle.

The dog is wearing a vest, which means it might be a service dog, prepared to help its friend deal with PTSD, a seizure, or even blindness at the drop of a hat. Yes, the dog is certainly comfortable, but it still looks ready to jump into action.
Off for Some Important Work
Naming a dog a standard human name is a hotly-debated topic. Imagine going for a walk and hearing someone yell, “Joey, stop eating the garbage!” from a nearby house. For this handsome retriever, however, we make an exception. It doesn't really matter what Joey wants to do, we'll make an exception.

Not only is he a service dog, but he's also a mature golden retriever, easily the best kind of dog in the world. The white patches around the eyes are a dead giveaway that this dog has had plenty of years to do good work.
A Name That Makes Sense
We're a big fan of service dogs here, and this pooch – Panda – is yet another on our list of very good dogs. Not only does Panda have a name that makes perfect sense based on her coloring, but she also has a winning smile that will make everybody happy.

According to the attached story, Panda did little else but stare at the person who took this pic for the entire flight. It makes sense that a dog named after the most relaxed of bears would be able to have such an easy time while riding a plane.
Making a Connection
For most fliers, their time on the plane is necessary to get to a big business meeting, a long-awaited vacation, or something else. They might strike up a quick convo with the person sitting next to them, but nobody expects to leave planes with a new friend. That is, of course, unless you're sitting right behind a dog that is far friendlier than most passengers.

This dog proceeded to give the person behind it plenty of attention, as long as the person responded with petting. The dog did eventually fall asleep, but it did so while staring at the camera.
Sitting Peacefully
If you have a big, long ride to take, it can be easy to get antsy. Even passengers who don't go running up and down the aisles will want to get up and stretch their legs – unless they're a cat, of course.

Cats are well known for their ability to sit in a single place and not move for hours, which means that this cat is in the perfect spot. Having so many people, sounds, smells, and movement around it might not be the best option, but the harness it's wearing also probably helps to keep it in place.
The Birds Can't Escape Now
While many grown cats are content to stay in their sunbeams or near the food dish, kittens still have that spark of life that has them exploring, saying hi to new people, and generally not acting very much like the stereotypical cat.

This little one is all about taking in the sights of the tarmac before the plane lifts off – there will be plenty of sights then, too, but he might have to be in a carrier. If you're a little kitten, having the world around you suddenly fire into the sky with roaring engines might send you running.
Everybody Needs Snacks
A lot of flights have a lunch or snack service, but many still feel the need to nosh before the plane touches down. This pretty Instagramming dog is prepped for a long time in the air with a bag of its favorite snacks ready and waiting.

That image is staged, obviously, but there are a bunch of other images in the set that show this dog is more than just a model for the camera. It's seen snoozing next to its favorite stuffed animal and giving the camera a wonderful doggy smile. The treats probably helped.
A New Kind of Traveler
Researching for this article we've seen koalas on planes, cats on trains, and parrots on subways, but we've never seen a ferret so comfortable on a kayak. Maybe it makes a certain amount of sense – ferrets would be familiar with lakes or ponds in the wild.

And while pet ferrets don't spend as much time outside, there's no reason to think that a ferret wouldn't be fine with hanging out on the boat with its owner while they're paddling around on the water. It looks pretty comfortable there, even if it does seem hesitant to get near the edge of the boat.
Welcome on Board
Seeing a smiling flight attendant is a good way to start your plane ride, but this picture makes us think that there are better options. Sure, the dog we see here wouldn't be able to tell us the emergency procedures all that well, but we feel like most people would be okay with the change.

That huge smile on its face is wide enough to rival even the most cheerful attendants. Of course, this dog was really just a passenger, but that doesn't mean it can't help make everybody else on the plane that much happier.
A Furry Flight
This flight contained at least three dogs and probably more, and on a plane that small, that can mean a lot. Hopefully, they weren't barking – especially the Great Dane, which can boom with the best of them when it wants to. How do you join this animal-filled plane?

There have been restrictions on animal cargo for a while, so this group of friends chartered a private plane to get them and their pets to the Caribbean. So, sorry, but you aren't going to be able to join these furry fliers on their next trip unless you get really lucky.
Staying on the Ground
Birds are meant to fly. Well, most of them, anyway, not counting penguins, emus, ostriches, chickens, captive turkeys...okay, there are plenty of them, we guess. But this little cockatiel looks like it wants to take off but can't.

Because then there would be a bird flying around inside wherever this is, and it would never return to its cage. It has a little leash attached to it, which it probably hates but has gotten used to anyway. It's for your own good, bird. You have a brain the size of a pea, you don't know how to keep yourself safe.
Really Wants to Say Hi
Maybe you want to keep to yourself, but if you're on some public transportation, there's not really much you can do about it if someone else wants to introduce themselves. At least this picture has the nosy seat neighbor being a friendly dog. That's better than a lot of people get.

And the dog is being quite adamant about getting to know the person with the camera, too. The dog looks like an alright chap, so this journey was probably much more pleasant than it would have been otherwise.
Please Don't Roar, Please Don't Roar
While it looks like someone has taken the king of the beasts out of the Savannah and brought it to a subway in New York City, that's not exactly the case. Not at all, actually. This is just a dog, a Chow Chow, which are big, furry animals that have manes that would put Simba to shame.

While this dog might bark, even the loudest dog probably can't stand up to a lion's roar, which can reach 114 dB and can be heard up to five miles away. So, they're visually somewhat similar, but luckily that's it.
Ponies Have to Fly, Too
Yes, even tiny little horses have the opportunity to get on a plane every once in a while. This pony, named Apple, is an emotional support pet, which seems a little unnecessary. Sure, a lot of people like horses and ponies, but an emotional support dog or cat just seems like it would be way, way simpler in the long run.

Still, there are plenty of dogs that are bigger than Apple here, and at least it won't bark. It might whinny, but hopefully, it won't be too loud. Plus, it's very exciting for all of the other passengers, too.
Pig in the City
Live from a Rome subway comes a picture of a little pig inside a baby carrier, which we aren't even all that surprised about anymore. We've seen all kinds of animals on public transportation, so why not a pig in a subway? They're friendly fellows, pigs, and even in a place like Rome, we bet this isn't an everyday occurrence.

He gets to meet some new people, the new people get to tell their friends there was a pig in the subway, and the pig's owner gets to enjoy her time moving through the city a little more. Everybody wins.
Got Any Games on Your Phone?
"Hey bud, the attendant said to turn off all electronic devices. Can you hear her? It's okay; I'll just bark for her attention and point out that you aren't following the rules." We're not exactly sure what breed of dog this one is, but it's definitely one of the big ones.

That means a big bark, which is no fun in an enclosed area like a plane ride. Still, who knows if the dog will even bark? It might just be content to sit there and stare at the person who keeps kicking the back of its seat.
No, I'm Very Comfortable
Dogs with jobs must fly around the country or the world just like humans do, but things are a little different for them. If you had a person staring at you like this the entire way, you might get a little freaked out. However, a yellow Labrador doing this is totally okay.

Some people might get a dose of sympathy pain in their neck if it goes on for too long, but there are also pets to be had. If you're wondering about the vest, the pooch is a police trauma dog that wants to make sure everybody is a-okay.
Relaxing Like a Winner
The story behind this handsome Irish Setter is that it was heading back home from the Westminster Dog Show. It didn't manage to take home the top prize, but it still deserves a nice comfy chair – in first class, even – on the way home.

Performing is hard on anybody, and this dog was content to snooze. With a little pillow next to its owner's arm and a bottle of water to keep from getting dehydrated, this dog is ready to relax. We bet everybody else on the plane was jealous or at least wanted to pet it.
The Perfect Spot
Boarding a plane, you're worried about a few things. Chief among them is maybe who you'll have to spend the next few hours sitting next to. Sometimes you get unlucky, with a snorer or someone spilling over into your seat, but sometimes you get lucky.

The person who took this pic spent their flight right next to the cutest guy on the plane. If that dog's happy grin indicates anything, both were pleased with the seating arrangement. Being next to a dog might not work if you're allergic, but for many others, it sounds like a dream come true.
Making the Most of the Bus
Riding the bus takes up a lot of time for a lot of people. Some bring books, some listen to podcasts, some look out the window, but some do what these two friends are doing and decide to get a little bit of shuteye.

The quality of the sleep isn't going to be top-notch, but if you're cuddled up with a bud that doesn't matter that much. These two even have hairstyles that look similar, no wonder they want to do the same thing while they're on their way home. They must have spent plenty of time on buses.
He Can Have His Own Seat
There are plenty of people who have pigs as pets, but hogs are kind of a different story. They're like a pig's bigger older brother. This one seems perfectly at ease doing something not as pig-like as riding an airplane.

The hog even got to get its own seat for the duration of the flight, because who was going to ask it to move? Somebody who is very brave and very stupid, we think. We wonder how a hog reacts once the plane fires forward and lifts into the sky. Even if you know what's going on, it can be scary.
The Only Way to Go Faster
Cheetahs are the fastest land animal in the world, capable of reaching speeds up to seventy miles per hour. They're long and lean, and they don't usually find their way to airplanes, except in very special circumstances.

Maybe this little guy wanted to be the cheetah that moved the fastest ever. Like, in the history of the world. Maybe it's a zoo animal that is on its way to a new home, but we don't really know. You'd think that an animal of this kind of wildness would be in a safe carrying compartment of some sort.
Nobody Has to Know
Traveling with a friend is a lot more fun. There's someone to share the costs, someone to talk to, and someone to watch your back. While this lady might not expect her pet to split their next Uber, at least she'll have someone to snuggle with.

She's all bundled up, which means it's probably cold outside – that means there's a good chance her little kitten is feeling the chill, too. There's also the possibility that the woman is not too pleased about her picture getting taken, though it could be her attempt at a sneaky spy look.
Forevermore Riding Public Transportation
Yes, even goths have to ride on the subway to their next coven meeting, dark laboratory, or grocery store. This woman is all kitted out to make a dark appearance wherever she goes, though it's all too likely she's just taking her bird to the vet for a checkup.

We love the bright green bag, despite everything else being totally black. It's also fun to point out the guy next to her who is acting as if this is a totally normal thing on the subway. And who knows – it might just be exactly that.
Staying Warm However Possible
For some reason, this man has chosen a pair of bunnies over a shirt, but we're sure there's a good reason for such a thing. Like...maybe he...ah whatever, we can't come up with anything. He's got a pair of rabbits that don't look super pleased to be in such a strange place, but rabbits are fearful little creatures about most everything, so we shouldn't be too surprised.

The guy looks plenty pleased about his little pets, however, so maybe they're just as pleased about being able to take a ride with their bud. Are they there to keep him warm?
Snuggling in a Hood
Rats get a bad rap, but they're often quite pleasant to be around. In fact, mice are usually the ones that you need to get away from your home and away from your food more often. Rats are bigger, and they often look meaner, but they can be quite friendly, too, as this picture proves.

They're a couple of cute little guys who are snuggled against their owner's neck, taking big sniffs of the air. As long as they don't jump down and start running around on the floor, nobody should have a problem.
No, We Aren't Together, Why Do You Ask?
Here we see a bunch of people getting ready for what is likely a meeting of the local birds of prey club somewhere in the city. Those pigeons have made a mess of their last statue. Other than that halfway-reasonable option, we're not really sure what these five bird fans could be on their way to do.

Maybe they work at a zoo, and they're taking the birds out for a day trip to see the sights? That...doesn't seem like something a zoo would do. There's also the chance this wasn't planned, and they just sat next to each other randomly.
Lloyd Center Welcomes all Creatures
Just take a look at that picture and tell us where you think that is occurring. If you guess Portland, then congratulations, you win our prize! The prize is three nights in Portland! Second place is six nights in Portland.

Yes, not only does someone in Portland own a llama, but they've decided it's a good idea to take that huge, wild animal onto public transportation. Clearly a good idea. Of course, he's very well-trained. Still, this isn't the kind of thing you see every day in places other than Portland, so take a look while you can.
Hopping a Train
This dog looks like he's been riding the rails in and around Mumbai for quite some time. No leash, and there are plenty of strays in the area, so it's a safe assumption that he's all on his own for a bit.

On the other hand, he looks well-fed and has a nice, healthy coat, so there has to be somebody out there that is taking care of this guy. Maybe he has to make the rounds every day to make sure he gets the proper amount of food, and that means riding the rails.
A Pair of Pups on the Rails
There are plenty of dogs out there that aren't able to handle being in a moving vehicle, but after enough time and training, they usually settle down.

This twosome of pooches have no issue being in a big moving contraption, as you can see – they're cuddling up for a snooze in one of the comfortable seats and don't even mind sharing. They'll have to move if somebody wants to sit there (unless this is a ticket-per-seat situation), but until then, they are ready to catch some shuteye.
Can Your Tongue Get Sunburned?
These two traveling companions are enjoying some sunshine while huddling together...somewhere. It's a little hard to tell where exactly. It could be a train or a bus or a plane – we're not sure, all we know is that it's sunny out, the wall behind them is kind of dirty, and these two are having a good time.

Also, we checked our sources and found that, yes, you can get sunburned on your tongue. Anywhere in your mouth is fair game for the sun. Hopefully, it didn't take too long to snap this pic.
Still Learning How to Travel
Young animals are weirded out by almost everything. Being stuck in a small place that is surrounded by noise and vibrations and turns and sights whipping past is going to get them all riled up. So getting them used to the sensations while they're young is a good way to make sure they don't freak out every time you want to go for a ride.

This kitty is getting in some training, and he doesn't look all that pleased about it. Oh, and in case you wanted to know, the cat's name is Ben Kenobi.
A Very Special Carry On
Chihuahuas are the world's smallest dog, and they're a nice animal to have around – they're small enough to pack into a bag, which means you can take them almost anywhere. This little guy has visited St. Louis, Missouri, inside a handbag, able to take in the sights without doing too much walking.

Of course, the gal he's with will have to do all the hard work, but that's to be expected. In the meantime, this little guy will be able to sit back and enjoy a new place without ever leaving the comfort of his cozy home.
Touch Is Important
Some animals love physical contact with their people. Yes, even a cat, those animals that barely care if you're in the house unless you're feeding them, sometimes want a traveling buddy. This cat, who goes by the name Lucy, is a fan of holding paws while she's traveling with her owner.

This is despite, or likely due to, Lucy being stuck inside a cat carrier while they have to travel. Just from the few details in the picture, we're going to guess this was a train, and obviously, some cats need to be kept safe so they don't roam around.
A Big Fan of Traveling
Having a friend who is always willing to go traveling with you is a huge boon to someone who can't bear to stay at home for too long. We now meet Pueblo, a pooch that is all too pleased to get on the next plane and head to the next destination. According to the story, Pueblo and his owner have traveled to Los Angeles, Atlanta, Miami, and Austin.

Pueblo appears to be a Welsh Corgi, which is friendly and gets along well with others, but even some of them don't travel well. Pueblo, though? Pueblo is ready to go.
Tired Out After a Long Trip
Yes, sometimes even cats like to travel, even if it does mean being away from nice, dependable sunbeams, a fresh litter box, and a full food dish. This cat has been going a long way, all the way back from Mexico to who knows where.

It seems to be doing okay while in the car, able to rest its head in a classic comfortable pose. Whether it's taking in the sights that are whizzing by or posing, this picture has definitely caught this cat's good side. And soon, everybody will be home and relaxing on the couch.
Not a Fan of the Vest
Look, little guy, if you're going to be going on trips with me, that means you have to follow the rules. What I say goes. And I declare you must wear an adorable little red vest that makes your perfect little puppy-dog eyes pop. And, yes, you have to stay on the leash. In many places, that's a law.

Don't worry; we'll still bring along your much-too-big bed for you to snooze in, but from the size of those paws, we get the feeling we're going to have to get a new bed before too much time has passed.
A Pooch That Looks Thrilled to Travel
Some animals just need to be on the move. They can't ever sit still, even if that means constantly jet-setting around the world or hopping into the car for trips. This guy has a smile that says, “let's hit the road,” and it's clear that the owners are all in agreement.

That long stretch of highway behind them is free of other cars – it just has a romantic, route-66 look to it. They've spent hours in the car, and they're going to spend hours more, but with man and dog both smiling into the sun, there are no issues.
Always Looking for the Next Sight
Don't worry, the driver was stopped while taking this picture. And we're very glad that nobody was hurt since it would be a crying shame for anything to happen to such a cute, adventurous kitty.

It's got wide eyes as it drinks in every that is zipping past the window, and it's getting used to sitting on its owner's shoulder, which probably would not be able to continue once it puts on a little weight. So take advantage of the opportunity while you can, furry friend. Man, why are kittens so darn cute? They're just so huggable.
We're All Smiles Here
Puppies are packed full of energy, have high spirits, and can't wait to see what's around the next corner. Everybody loves to see them coming, tongue lolling and tail wagging. This guy is cocooned inside a bag as he rides the subway.

The dog has to be in a proper carrier to ride on the subway, which keeps it safe from potential dangers and keeps other people from being worried. Though it looks like most people have little to fear from such a creature – he's more likely to give you a friendly lick than anything else.
A Number-One Traveling Companion
For our money, it's hard to beat a Siberian Husky. Just look at those eyes. A handsome hound that also has heterochromia? It's just unfair to all other dogs, is what it is. This dog, who goes by the name of Ozzy, is right at home while traveling via car.

He looks curled up for a nap, yet the sharp eyes are on the lookout for anything that goes whizzing past. We all wish we could just curl up in the car and take a nap, but the seats aren't the right size for such things. Also, we're usually driving.
New Sitcom This Fall!
There are few things better than seeing a guy smiling with his dog, and this pic is right up there with the best. Big smiles, bright eyes, and that framing – perfect. This guy and his dog – the dog's name is Quaid, apparently – are all set to conquer the horizon in their set of wheels.

They could be going to the store, they could be going to the pet store, or they could be going to a distant location across state or country lines – it doesn't matter to these two. They're always going to be ready.
Completing the Look
If you have a bunch of tats on your neck and a ton of piercings in your ear, where do you go from there? Dyed hair, obviously, but everybody has that these days. How about adding a travel buddy, like a friendly rodent?

This little man looks like he's scheming up how to take over the world, but likely he's just making sure he's clean and tidy for a big meeting or something. Rats can actually be quite clean if they're given the chance – just like humans, they don't really like being dirty. Sometimes they just are, though.
A Happy Traveler
Not every dog that rides on public transportation is happy to be doing so, but this little animal looks pleased as punch to be going for a trip. Dogs, in general, like to go for rides. There might be food or the P-A-R-K at the end of it.

We're not sure where this bus or train is heading, but the little dog has no issues. Other than the sun shining right in its eye, that is. Nobody likes that, even dogs. But how will it look out the window otherwise? Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.
Looking Ahead
Sure, the driver has to be looking out the front at almost all times, but that doesn't mean the passengers do. Dogs and other pets tend to look out the side windows since that is where most of the stuff is. This frazzled little pooch, however, has his or her eyes pointed straight ahead.

That's where the real action is. Or, maybe that's where a cool car or something like that is. It's just lucky that this dog is such a small little friend, or he would never be able to fit on the center console.
The Car Means Excitement
This furry friend always looks like he's ready to ride no matter where the car is headed. Just look at that outpouring of excitement! The eyes wide open to take in everything they come across, the mouth hanging open in a big, toothy smile, and the tail that would normally be wagging, but there just isn't enough space in the footwell of the vehicle.

We're sure once Rusty gets outside, he's going to be a bundle of joy and plenty of wags. All dogs know that when you get in the car, it's time for some fun.
Showing Off the Muscles
This handsome hound is a traveler in Istanbul, on his way to have a one-month health check via bus, and he's having a good time showing off his rippling muscles for the cameras surrounding him.

Just look at that definition. This looks like the kind of dog that you want to be guarding your door at night. Unless the thieves come ready with protein powder, this dog isn't going to let them pass. Do the owners put whey in his daily dose of kibble, or do they just have him pull them around on a sleigh like a horse?
Hanging On for Dear Life
Is that called a barkpack? Ah, no, stop hitting; it was just a joke! Here's the deal with people putting their pets in bags and backpacks like this one – it's sort of the law! In many places, if you take your pet on public transportation, they have to either be in a pet carrier or in a bag such as this one. This is to prevent any damage to the pet or others.

The kind of situation we see in the picture is the best because the dog can look around and have contact with its owner, danger-free.
I Feel Great Regret
There are a lot of dogs out there that love to jump in the car and take a ride, but this little guy doesn't appear to be one of them. His tag says Hades, and he's really feeling the heat as the car drives around.

Apparently, he sat stock-still and barely moved an inch for the entire car ride, which was about thirty minutes. Still, he's clearly a young guy, and he'll learn soon enough that getting into the car means going somewhere fun. Usually. There's also the veterinarian's office. But after that, it's the park.
A Long-Haul Partner
Kids love to pull down on a phantom cord to get truck drivers to blast a horn, but what if they saw this girl sitting behind the wheel? It's the kind of thing that would get a parent's attention. This girl is apparently a trucker's best pal, and she keeps the seat warm while the driver is gassing up during a long day on the highways.

Sitting on the roads for hours or days on end has got to be draining, but with a friend like this one sitting in the co-pilot's seat, it has to be a lot easier.
Getting Ready to Hit the Road
Let's set the stage. You're a young puppy, and you've just been picked up by this big creature that talks to you in a soothing voice and cuddles you close. He puts you in a strange contraption and takes you to a new place that has a soft bed all your own, lots of food, toys to play with, and plenty of snuggles.

Wouldn't you enjoy that strange contraption, too? Especially once it takes you to a big wide open place where you can run as much as you want. No wonder dogs like the car so much.
Keeping a Lookout
This is Freya, and the new owner (or a friend of the owner, it's a little unclear) traveled all the way to the mythical land of Canada to see her. And it's clear why! She's a sight to behold. Such grace. Such beauty. And she likes to hang out on car headrests, despite most cats hating having to ride in the car.

Freya has no such fear. She is the queen of the car. She has her eyes peeled for anything or anybody that might try to knock her off her perch, however. Who would dare do such a thing?
Is There a Salon in There or Something?
That dog is spending a little bit of time inside a travel crate, but it certainly doesn't look like it. It looks like there's a team of tiny hairdressers inside that will get back to work as soon as the dog dips back into the bag.

It has such luscious curls it looks like it's on its way to a commercial for shampoo or something like that. There are also the big, puppy-dog eyes, the cute little nose, and the small size – if this isn't the cutest puppy in the world, it has to be up there on the list.