As it was, Daisy had never been a pet owner, so before this doggo came along, it never really crossed her mind that maybe one day it could be a thing. But of course, all of that changed when the stray entered her life. She opened up to her husband about potentially wanting to adopt the stray in the park, and luckily, he was on board with the whole idea.

They both agreed that it would probably be a big change in their lives, but they were ready and thrilled at this new chapter in their life. Of course, before bringing the stray home, they would need to find a way to ease him into their home.
But Collared Dogs Are Not Homeless
Daisy was quite shocked at the discovery at first since she'd been seeing this dog wander around without any humans nearby during the days before their encounter. She thought to herself that, seeing as this dog had a collar on, perhaps it was not a stray dog after all but, in actual fact, came from a solid home.

Most times, when a dog has a collar on, it usually means that it comes from a place where people care enough to put a collar on it. It was quite a relief actually to know that there must be someone out there who cares about this doggo.
A Bizzare Message on the Collar
Daisy wanted to help this pooch get reunited with its owner and thought to herself that she'd better check exactly what the collar had written on it. Perhaps she could find some useful information about the owner that would give her some clues as to what she needed to do next.

She managed to get a little closer to the collar so that she could get a look at the message written on it. Daisy was quite stunned at what she read and immediately turned to her hubby. Maybe he could make sense of it all because she certainly could not.
The Next Steps
What shocked Daisy and her partner the most was the fact that the information on the collar was not really related to anything that one usually sees on a dog's collar. There was no phone number, address, or any other identifying contact details of a potential owner written anywhere.

Who gets a dog a collar and forgets to put all the necessary contact details on it? Not only that, but the collar had one sentence on it strictly asking not to give it food as it was getting too big. Looking at the dog and seeing his state didn't seem to correlate with that odd message.
Everyone Chipped In
Nonetheless, Daisy and her spouse forgot about the mysterious collar when they both noticed that the doggo seemed to be staring at their food. Perhaps the dog was hungry, and maybe they needed to feed it. Of course, they weren't going to just let the dog go hungry.

Naturally, they gave the dog some of the food they had with them at the park that was okay for dogs to eat. Her neighbors who were at the park also started noticing the stray dog that they'd seen there a bunch of times before. They also generously chipped in and gave the dog some treats.
A Male Chocolate Lab
The dog happily gobbled down the treats that they put out for him. He was quite friendly but still seemed a little weary of strangers, and he didn't come as close as most loving dogs do. As it appeared to them, the dog was clearly a male Labrador Retriever, grown to his full size.

He had a chocolate-colored coat and had an easygoing vibe to him. He definitely seemed to be motivated by food, as he would always make an appearance if there was food around. Daisy noticed that as the days went by, the Labrador just stayed near or in the park.
Stray in a Park
Before the dog was first spotted a few days prior, none of the neighbors around the park seemed to be familiar with him. It had become apparent to the park-going people that this doggo was now solely hanging around the park, rarely leaving the area.

This could also have come to be since Daisy's family and other neighbors started to leave food and water for the pooch on a daily basis. They hoped that they could get closer to the dog and scan him for any tags or chips, but unfortunately, he didn't let them get that close to him.
The Dogs Previous Owner
Daisy and her spouse were a tad worried that this dog had made a break from its previous owners due to neglect, abuse, or lack of food. She wasn't very used to dogs that shied away from people this much.

Most dogs that she had interacted with in her life were friendly and eager to be close to their human friends. On the other hand, this doggo acted a lot different from the dogs she was familiar with. Daisy monitored his behavior every day, and the more she saw, the more she came to a sad conclusion about this pooch's past.
Untrusting Doggo
It became clear to Daisy that this dog did not trust any of the humans it came into contact with at the park, including herself and her neighbors, who were feeding him daily. He also didn't allow anyone to come too close to him and if someone tried to come close, his tail was always drooping low.

Daisy knew it was a sign that he was being vigilant of his surroundings. He also refused to eat anything until the people were at least a few yards away. Only when they weren't close did he feel safe enough to start eating. Since no one took ownership of the dog after several days, Daisy decided to take action.
Animal Rescue Services
Daisy thought she could try Animal Services and see what options they have. She dialed in and explained the stray doggo's situation to them. They notified her that they were at full capacity, but they would still be as helpful as to catch him and take him in, considering he had nowhere else to go.

Daisy enquired a bit more about how the animal services handle these sorts of cases, and upon hearing what happens to unclaimed stray dogs after a while, she changed her mind completely and decided to pull the plug immediately. Perhaps trying animal services was not the best idea.
Not on Daisy's Watch
What shook Daisy about her phone call with the animal services was how they handled strays after a few days. If the strays stayed unadopted or uncollected from previous owners, then they had a doomed ending.

If the stray dogs were still stray after five days, and no one had attempted to adopt or collect them, then sadly, the animal shelter would have to euthanize them, as they just couldn't keep up with the number of strays coming in every day. Daisy could not let that happen to this doggo, so perhaps she just had to take matters into her own hands.
Daisy's Deeds
It became apparent to Daisy that the neighbors who used to feed him had lost interest in the dog, and making sure that he was safe and sound was no longer something that they did. Not Daisy, though. She carried on with her daily visits to the park to feed the stray doggo and make sure he was still safe and sound.

Eventually, the dog seemingly crawled into her heart. The daily outings to the park no longer felt like a chore but actually something that she looked forward to. He started getting more comfortable with her, and she began to think that maybe there was another solution for this dog other than the doomed shelter.
A Big Decision
As it was, Daisy had never been a pet owner, so before this doggo came along, it never really crossed her mind that maybe one day it could be a thing. But of course, all of that changed when the stray entered her life. She opened up to her husband about potentially wanting to adopt the stray in the park, and luckily, he was on board with the whole idea.

They both agreed that it would probably be a big change in their lives, but they were ready and thrilled at this new chapter in their life. Of course, before bringing the stray home, they would need to find a way to ease him into their home.
Plan of Action
Of course, bringing a new animal into your home is going to require a few things first. Daisy and her hubby thought getting some pet supplies at the local pet store would be best to undertake first. They got some pet basics like dog food, bowls, and treats that the doggie would hopefully take a liking to.

After getting all the necessary supplies, they headed over to the park again in hopes of catching the dog to take him home with them. They found him close to the picnic tables and tried to see if he would try any of the treats that they had just bought.
Treats in the Park
The park was mainly empty when Daisy and her partner got there, which could have been due to the fact that it was still early in the morning. Daisy was pleased since the dog seemed happy, and as always, he was interested in the treats that she brought for him.

What surprised and thrilled Daisy the most was the fact that the dog seemed more at ease with her than in previous days and that he was totally willing to come close to her without her even needing to call him closer. Perhaps Daisy and the dog's bond had grown over the days, and maybe it wasn't even necessary to catch him. Perhaps she could just lure him to her place with treats.
A Better Life
Daisy knew that they had to move slowly with the stray and that it might take a few days to coax him to their place. She was also thrilled at the opportunity to give a stray dog a better life. Seeing how her bond with the Labrador had evolved over the days since she first saw him warmed her heart.

By now, he was already coming closer to her when she entered the park, and it made her feel like he was beginning to trust her. It seems they were successful after all, and maybe it would not be much longer until he became one of the children in their home.
A Slight Change
Previous times when Daisy went to feed the dog, she would leave the food out for him and slowly back away to give him his space. Although, today, she decided to try something different. She thought that it would be a good idea to see how the dog would react if she stayed nearby after he had received his food.

At first, the dog froze when he realized that Daisy was staying by his side for mealtime. She was slightly nervous but tried to keep calm and cool about things. She knew that a dog could easily do something crazy like run away at the inkling of feeling unsafe.
Not a Happy Camper
It became clear to Daisy that the dog was not happy that she stayed so close to him when he was ready to eat. He let out a few barks at Daisy, which alarmed her slightly, but she remained calm and started to call him quietly. Eventually, he came closer, little by little.

By this point, the dog was too hungry to refuse the food, and slowly but surely, he crept closer and closer to the food. Daisy observed that his muscles seemed rather tense as if he was ready to bolt at any moment. When he finished his food, Daisy was able to stroke him, and as she ran her fingers through his fur, she felt his mysterious collar once again.
A Hidden Collar
Daisy thought she'd try to take another look at the collar that was hiding behind the dog's fur. It was the same color as his fur, so it was easy to forget the first time she looked at it. The dog also had a very thick coat, so it was not difficult for the collar to get lost in between all the hairs.

Perhaps she was wrong all along, and maybe this dog did have a loving family all along. Either way, she was going to find out what the meaning was behind the mysterious message on the collar, even if it was the last thing that she was gonna do.
Still Doesn't Make Sense
Daisy spun the collar around to try and get to the bottom of what the written text said. The doggo was so calm this time, so she could really get closer to the tag to get a proper look. Again, she tried to see if there was any useful information on the tag, but again, she was just reminded of the mysterious text that had been stamped into his collar's tag.

She was just as puzzled as before when she tried to make out what the tag had written on it. Once again, she was reminded why she just left it the last time. It didn't make any sense then, and it doesn't make any sense now.
Mysterious Details
As it appeared to Daisy, the tag was stamped with what seemed to be a username with a corresponding password. There was not even a link or any other name for a potential website for the supposed login details. Daisy really didn't know what to make of it and thought up many things that it could be.

Could it be an identifier for some sort of a service that does pet tracking? Or was it just some arbitrary details that had no links to anything conclusive? She looked a little further and saw an additional third line of text on the tag.
Curious Coordinates
Daisy saw what looked like coordinates on the third line of text and thought she'd better show her hubby, John. She held the dog and waved to John, signaling that he should come closer to have a look at the tag.

He came closer and checked the string of digits on the collar's tag, and he also thought that it seemed like coordinates for some location. They agreed that the next steps would be to try and see if they could track down the doggy's owner with the coordinates on his tag. They still, however, were not sure what to make of the other mysterious details on the tag.
Going Back Home
The dog was by now completely calm and collected around them, and Daisy and John tried to make him follow them back to their house. He followed them back with ease, and they didn't even need to entice him with any snacks.

They headed back home with the dog, and John aimed to search the coordinates online in hopes of finding a location that may lead to the dog's owners. They were both hoping that they could track down the dog's loving owners so that they could be sure that the dog was treated well at his previous location, wherever that was.
A Conflicted Car Drive
They successfully located the place that matched the coordinates that they saw on the tag. Hopefully, it would be there where they'd be able to reunite the dog with its owners. So they gently put the Labrador in their car and embarked on their journey.

The drive filled them with peace, but also nerves at the same time. Daisy and John had developed a deep care for the dog ever since the first day they met him and started to feed him. Their soft spot for him was unquestionable. And yet, they knew deep down that the right thing was for him to be back with those who knew him best.
The Car Drive
Despite their worries, they were about to have all their questions answered once they reached their destination. The ride through town was pretty quick. And by all accounts, the Labrador was pretty comfortable in the car, indicating that this wasn't the first time he had been in one.

As they got closer to the endpoint, the dog started wagging his tail a lot. It was clear at this stage that he was familiar with the surroundings. His nose was now pressed on the window, as he stared intensely at the road. They were nearly at the place where all would be revealed.
Shanty Town
With each passing moment, the car got closer and closer to the address. But the couple noticed that the neighborhood was, for lack of a better term, changing. The houses were appearing to be more and more derelict with every passing yard. This part of town didn't look particularly pleasant, that's for sure.

No more trees could be seen, and tall buildings and warehouses stood in their place. This was clearly an industrial part of the city. They also laid eyes on many abandoned houses. Daisy voiced her concerns. She didn't feel comfortable leaving the dog here as it was clearly not a place for pets.
Turn Around Now?
John and Daisy immediately stared each other in the eyes and nodded. They didn't have to say a word, as they both knew what each other was thinking. They couldn't leave the dog here. It was bad enough for humans, let alone animals.

They considered just turning around and going back home, where they knew that they would be safe, and more importantly, the dog would be safe. But ultimately, they knew that the right thing to do was to knock on the door of the location. Who knows? Maybe the owners were living there. There was only one way to find out.
A Run Down House
All they could do was drive through this terrible neighborhood in order to find the right location. So they powered through, braved up, and made it happen. As they looked back at the map on their phone, it became crystal clear that they were in the right area and should be close to the destination.

The dog was also showing signs of them getting closer to a place that he was familiar with as he was getting really excited with his tail wagging. He even started barking as they approached the destination, which seemed to be an old, run-down house. They were quite sure that this was the destination, so John pulled the car into the driveway and parked it there.
John Approached the House
Given that the neighborhood was rather dodgy and worn down, they decided that only John would step out of the car to inspect the destination. The house seemed neglected and probably not safe to house any dogs. Daisy would stay in the car with the doggo while they waited for John to see if he could find anyone living on the property.

Maybe they could finally reunite the dog with his beloved owners, but so far, the house was not showing any promise for a good future for the dog. Of course, Dasiy would have been happy to turn around and go home right there, but first, they needed to see who was living on the property.
Nobody Home
The dog was barking in the car — he probably knew this house well. Daisy didn't know if he was barking because he was excited or if the dog had conflicted feelings about the house. John quickly got out of the car so as not to let the dog's barking travel too much.

As he approached the house's door, he couldn't seem to find any doorbell to ring. He opted to give a good knock on the door. Daisy anticipated who may open the door and was waiting nervously in the car while watching the door that John had just knocked on. They waited a while after knocking, but no one came out.
Opening the Car Window
All the while, Daisy kept her eyes on John as he was trying to get hold of whoever was living at this location. She saw that since no one was opening the door, he started to walk around the side of the house. Perhaps he could get a peak through the house's windows so that he could see if he spotted anyone inside the house.

He turned around and shouted something in Daisy's direction, but since the car's windows were closed, of course, Daisy could not hear a thing. Without thinking, she opened the window so that she could better hear what he was trying to say.
An Overly Excited Doggo
Opening the car's window seemed harmless at first, but this was exactly what the dog was waiting for this whole time. He saw this as his opportunity to get out of the car. He was so quick that Daisy wasn't able to stop him in time.

The overly excited dog jumped from the back seat and straight over Daisy and through the window onto the lawn of the house. It all happened so fast that Daisy barely had enough time to process what had just happened. The next thing she saw was that the dog was outside of the car.
A Window of Opportunity
The dog was now happy to be outside of the car so that he could pursue whatever it was he wanted to pursue around the house. He went straight to the side of the house. Perhaps he wanted to enter the house, which seemed like familiar territory to him, according to John and Daisy.

John saw the dog approaching him, but he was definitely not going to stop this charging animal. The dog went for a broken window. Before John knew it, the dog had jumped straight through the opening, and all of a sudden, the dog was now inside the house.
Daisy Panicked
Daisy was quick to get out of the car so that she could see what had happened to the dog. At this point, Daisy's stress levels were quite high. She closed the door and walked up to the lawn to meet her hubby, who was also in shock. They both debated about what steps should follow now.

There didn't seem to be anyone living at this place, yet the dog managed to get inside. Are they supposed to try and break into the property to retrieve the dog again, or should they just wait outside and wait for either someone to come or for the dog to come back out?
No Other Signs of Life
They decided to try and break into the home. Perhaps they can get the dog back, or maybe they can see if someone lives there. First, John started pounding on the door with a lot more force than the first time when he knocked. There was no response yet again, so he started shouting: "Hello! Anybody home?"

He called this out a few times until it became clear that no one was going to come out of the property. The only thing that they could hear at this point was the barking dog through the broken window. Other than that, there didn't seem to be any other signs of life at the property.
The Back Door
While John stood at the front door, Daisy made her way around the house in search of any hints or people that may be living on the property. They both wanted something to happen soon so that they could get to the bottom of this and just figure out how to navigate the whole situation of the stray dog.

Daisy discovered a back door, which turned out to be open. Normally, Daisy would not just trespass the way she did today, but she needed answers. She thought to herself, was she really going to enter a potentially danger zone in an unknown neighborhood?
Calling John Over
Daisy was well aware that she was in weird territory, and all she wanted was to see the Labrador again. This was the most important thing to her right now, and she was willing to do anything for that to happen.

She was going to take the risk of entering the sketchy property, and she was sure, at this point, that no one else would have ever done something like this for a stray dog they had met a few days ago. But first, she thought it would be most sensible to call her hubby over. Better to enter the property with her husband by her side than go in alone
An Abandoned House
As John approached Daisy, she could see that he seemed a lot more hesitant than she was. He knew how badly Daisy wanted the best for the dog, though, and perhaps the only way of achieving that was to enter the property.

All that was left for him to do now was to accompany his wife and make sure that nothing crazy happened as they tried to enter the property. So far, it just looked like an abandoned and dilapidated house. Who knows what could be lurking around the corners of this poorly lit house they were about to enter?
Graffiti Covered Walls
They proceeded to open the door with a lot of force and might. The door opened with a loud creaking sound. The vibe was eerie and haunting, but they powered through their fears and got inside the house. It became apparent to the pair that there was not a soul in sight.

It was also evident that the house hadn't been inhabited for a very long time. There were a lot of signs of decay and dust in every direction that they looked. The walls were all covered in graffiti, and most of the furniture seemed destroyed or just completely worn out.
Anybody Home?
The overall atmosphere of the abandoned house was, as expected, unpleasant and unwelcoming. It got Daisy thinking about why the stray dog was so attached to the house in the first place if there didn't even seem to be any people living there.

What so ever was the reason that the dog was so connected to this abandoned house in the first place? And why does the Labrador have this place's coordinates on the tag around his neck? There had to be some reason, like somebody that had lived there in the past, but who could it be if there seemed to be no one there now?
The Staircase
The couple strolled around on the bottom floor in hopes of finding some clues to all the mysteries. It was clear to them that there were no signs of life on the first floor whatsoever. John did spot a tiny staircase that could lead them to the second floor of the house.

If the Labrador was not on the first floor, then perhaps he had run up the stairs to the second floor. They started to hear the dog's familiar bark that was coming from upstairs. They both looked up and as they approached the stairs, the sound was getting louder.
A Man in the Bed
They decided to follow the barking noise and made their way up the stairs to the top floor. They reached the top of the stairs, which marked a bedroom, in which Daisy saw their Labrador friend lying on the bed. As it appeared, the dog was not alone.

Next to the dog, there was an old and weak-looking man under the covers. The man was so powerless that he did not even notice Daisy and John at first, as he appeared to be in really bad shape. It seemed to them that the house wasn't completely abandoned, seeing as there was actually a man living there.
He Started Noticing Them
After a few moments of Daisy and John being in the room with the man and the dog, the man started to notice that it was not just him and the dog in the room anymore. He looked a bit startled at these uninvited guests who didn't seem to know what to do with themselves.

Their Labrador friend, on the other hand, was excited to have them around and showed it by wagging his tail as he was looking their way. Since the dog approved of their presence in the room, the man calmed down and realized that maybe they weren't there to cause any harm.
They Started Talking
The three people started talking to one another. The conversation started off slowly, as the man could only speak with a low and soft voice. He also needed to take long breaks between his words and sentences. Through the conversations with the man, Daisy and John learned that he had actually been living in the house for several years now.

Allegedly, the previous owners of the house just abandoned it since no one was interested in buying it due to the terrible condition that it was in. That didn't surprise the two as they could see the shape that the house was in, and it was not good.
Jacko the Labrador
As they got to talking some more with the older man, they also learned that the Labrador's name was Jacko. Apparently, Jacko used to belong to the previous owners of the house, but just as they deserted the house, they also ditched their dog along with it.

Before the old man had moved into the worn-out home, he had been homeless for decades, always just sleeping on the streets or other abandoned areas that he found along the way. He stumbled upon the empty home when he needed shelter from a storm one night. The dog and the man bonded instantly and have been there for each other ever since.
Jacko's Collar
They started talking about Jacko's collar, and they found out that the old man was not the person who was in charge of putting the coordinates on the tag. According to the old man, the dog came with the collar, so it must have been the previous owners who were responsible for the collar's coordinates and other strange details.

The man stated that he loved the dog and was there for the dog if anyone found him, like the couple now. That was at least until one week ago, around the same time that Daisy spotted the dog in the park.
A Trip to the Park
The man opened up to the couple and admitted that since last week, he had been feeling like his health had taken an abrupt nosedive. He had a feeling that his days were numbered, and perhaps he was near the end of his life.

He felt that it would be better to pass away without his doggo Jacko by his side, who would then be left all alone to fend for himself. The old man, therefore, felt it was best to ask an old pal of his to take Jacko to the park so he could hopefully find a better life there.
A Goodbye
The old man had hoped that someone like Daisy and John would spot the stray dog in the park and take a liking to him so that they could give him a better home. He told the pair that it would be his last dying wish for them to take full responsibility for Jacko by adopting him and taking really good care of him.

The man knew he was no longer fit for the job. He appreciated the fact that they tried to track down his owners with the coordinates on the tag so that he could at least say goodbye to Jacko one last time.
Adopting Jacko
John and Daisy were quite surprised to hear all of this and offered to drive the man to the hospital. The man kindly refused and explained that he had already lived his life to the fullest and that he was now at a stage where he was ready to leave this world.

It was really tough for the couple to process what the man was saying, but at the same time, they were quite happy that they could give Jacko a better life. The hardest part was seeing the old man's teary eyes when Daisy and John agreed to adopt the dog.
Forever Home
Jacko and the couple locked eyes, with the latter knowing that this was the right thing to do at this point in their lives. With mixed emotions, they were sad for the man, but forever grateful that he could pass on the beautiful gift that Jacko was to them. As far as they were concerned though, it was a new chapter in their lives.

They now had another living being that they needed to take care of. Upon their return home, Jacko made himself feel comfortable in an instant. Being the Labrador that he is, he loved the water, and now that he was nice and clean, he was ready to be a fine house pet.

Here are three things you might not have known about having a dog. Having a dog helps you stay active (walking it three times a day), It has been proven that having a dog can reduce the risk of heart disease, and it can help lower stress levels. In this next story, Catherine Svilicic discovers a few other things about being a dog owner. This is a story about courage, unconditional love, and how the ones closest to us, no matter if they are human or not, still manage to surprise us with their overwhelming behaviors that will forever remain a mystery.
More Than the Eye Can See
There is so much more to dogs than eating too much and making a mess without cleaning up after them. So, if we put aside the fact that they can be costly and need attention even when it less suits us, they are adorable, and this next story will show us just how much.

When the cute puppy days are over, we are usually left with a roaring four-legged beast who needs to be watched. Especially when there is a little baby in the house.
Mysterious Language
There is a lot to learn about dogs' behavior, and most of the time, we have no idea what they are trying to say to us. The dog's ways can be misinterpreted by us and can lead to many awkward situations, which is exactly what happened to Catherine Svilicic.

Being a young mother, she was very cautious about anyone or anything going near her baby, and when she saw her beloved dog swinging around her 17-month-old daughter, she was stunned. How could this have happened?
An Animal Lover From Birth
Catherine had only recently adopted her Doberman. He was a gentle and smart dog, and she was sure it would only benefit her baby's upbringing. It was no secret that children who grow up with animals tend to get sick much less and grow up to be more sensitive to their surroundings.

When Catherine saw her dog behaving so viciously and so meanly towards her daughter, she had to put a stop to it. She approached the two and then realized she got it all wrong.
Was a Rescue Dog the Answer?
When Catherine initially thought of taking in a dog, she was concerned. Rescue dogs had a reputation that wasn't in their favor, and the dog, being a Doberman, made things seven worse. With a baby in the house, things could get ugly.

Having said that, she wasn't going to let fears and prejudice rule her world, and despite everything, she found room in her heart and in her home for a four-legged companion to join. Little did she know this decision would change her life forever.
No Less Than a Doberman
For years, Dobermans were used as guard dogs and were known as a dangerous breed. When it comes to strangers, their somewhat vicious characteristics explode, and they can become very dangerous. However, not all are alike.

Domesticated dogs, like the one Catherine has, could calmly lick her face and spread their love. As long as the dog was well-raised, given all that it needed, there was really nothing to worry about. Or was there?
Welcome Khan
When Catherine adopted her dog from the dog shelter, she named him Khan. She was told that Khan had already been through a lot — he was passed from home to home and was in desperate need of a loving family. It was also explained that if the dog wasn't used to being around babies, the adaptation will take time.

The smell of diapers and a baby's unexpected behavior were all things Catherine had to take into account when adopting her new dog. Charlotte, Catherin's daughter, was 17 months old and was ready to embrace the new family addition.
No matter how much experience one has with bringing up dogs, no one can prepare you when a rescue dog comes into your home, especially if it had been abused in its former home. And this was the case with Khan.

Charlotte was an only child, and now with Khan joining the family, she would have to share her mom's attention with a dog. These changes would be difficult for everyone, but no one knew just how much. Things were about to change, and not all for the better.
Four Days Later
This next incident happened just four days after Khan joined the family. Catherine knew it was too soon to trust either Khan or Charlotte, so she kept an eye on them while they were keeping each other company in the backyard.

What happened next scared the living daylight out of Catherine. This was her biggest fear coming true. This was the moment she dreaded and the only thing that might have made her change her mind about bringing a dog into the family.
He Attacked Her for No Reason
As Charlotte and Kahn were playing on the grass, Khan suddenly, without any notice, took the baby and tossed her across the yard. Fragile little Charlotte flew more than a yard away and landed brutely on her back.

Everything froze. One can never anticipate how one would act when something like that happens. Catherine couldn't believe what she had just witnessed, and everyone around her, including herself, remained still and in absolute shock.
It Was a Different Dog
Khan looked angry and vicious, unlike the dog she adopted just a few days earlier. Catherin was disappointed with the dog and angry at herself and couldn't stop asking herself what on earth happened that made Khan flip like that.

She wondered if maybe Charlotte teased Kahn or physically hurt him, however, deep inside, she knew that nothing of the sort occurred and that it was more than she could comprehend at that moment. What was going on with Khan? Was this only the beginning?
He Felt Threatened
Khan was threatened by Charlotte, however, no one knew why. No one could say what was going on in Khans' mind and what alerted him and made him feel so insecure. Catherine was terrified and fearful of what was next to come.

She was afraid Charlotte would develop a fear of all dogs. She feared this incident would make their house pet-free, which Catherine wanted the least. Indeed, this incident was going to change so many things, and Catherine wasn't aware of what she was about to discover.
What Was Going On?
Khan was continuously tossing Charlotte around, and surprisingly the little baby remained oblivious to this and continued to play on the grass. Before Catherine could even approach the two, Khan grabbed onto Charlotte's diaper and aggressively continued to throw her about.

When little Charlotte realized what was going on, she didn't burst out in tears or anything like that, however, she did seem surprised by the dog's behavior. Catherine said that if she wouldn't witness this with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it.
Khan Was Allerting, but From What?
Catherine put down whatever she had in her hand and ran out to her daughter. Khan turned to Catherine and barked as loud as he could. Then, it all went quiet. Khan fell down to the ground. Catherin and the rest of the family, who stood nearby, were in total shock.

She first approached Charlotte and made sure she wasn't seriously hurt. There were no serious bruises, and the little baby seemed, overall, content. Then she turned to Khan, and she immediately knew something was wrong.
The Dime Had Dropped
Catherine was uneased. She knew something was wrong with her dog, but she didn't know exactly what. She tried to see if he was hurt somehow but couldn't see a thing. Then, she put two and two together and realized something she didn't realize before.

Catherine's intuition told her that Khan was trying to protect Charlotte from something and that it was to keep something away from her when he tossed her left and right. Whatever it was, it left Khan seriously injured, and she had to get help immediately. Time was short.
Catherine Was Hopeless
Catherine then noticed a big wound on one of his front legs. He joined their family just four days before all of this happened, and already he was injured and uneased. Catherine felt bad and hopeless and didn't know what else to do. Khan was with them only for a few days, yet she felt connected to him.

Khan was not aggressive as she initially thought. On the contrary. He was protective of little Charlotte and looked out for her from whatever threatened the two. What did Khan see that alarmed him so?
Khan Was Going Down
After a first analysis, it was assumed that Khan had poisonous fluids in him. He was breathing heavily, and no one could say what it was or if he would make it through the night. Was that Khan's purpose? To save Charlotte and move on? Catherine found it impossible to accept.

Catherine was scared, she was restless, however, she was willing to do whatever it took to save her dog's life. Khan risked himself for Charlotte; it was time to show her gratitude and appreciation. It was now time for her to save him.
Catherine Heart Opened
Khan was weak and vulnerable, and his tongue was hanging out. He looked helpless and irresponsive and pleading for someone's love. Catherine was there to give him hers. She was all he had, and she knew it. He looked lacking in life already, but Catherine was determined not to let go.

She whispered to Khan that they were going to get through his, no matter what. It was a heartbreaking situation, and it was the last thing Catherine thought would happen to her four days earlier.
She Rushed to the Vet
Catherine put Khan in the back of her car, he was breathing heavily, and she didn't know how much time she had. She was on her way to the nearest vet, hoping the doctor would have some good news for her. The poison was sinking in, and the clock was ticking.

Catherine was shocked by herself and said, “I never knew I was able to drive this well. I guess adrenaline does its thing.” It sure does.
She Was Hysterical, and Khan Was Almost Gone
Catherine parked the car, took Khan in her hands, and rushed into the clinic, crying her eyes out and screaming for help. The vet and nurses rushed out as they heard her yelling voice. Khan was so heavy she couldn't believe she carried him all the way.

This is where the protective motherly instinct kicked in. And Khan must have felt the same when he was playing with little Charlotte in the backyard. Something took over him, just like something took over Catherine, and she could carry him no matter how heavy he was. But what was it that made Khan jump on Charlotte?
She Couldn't Believe What It Was
When Catherine was told what approached her baby daughter a few hours earlier in her own backyard, she was speechless. It was no less than a Mulga. A big, long venomous snake threatened her daughter's life, and her dog, whom she adopted just four days before, was like her savior.

Just as the Mulga was preparing to attack Charlotte, Khan was in an attack position and wasn't going to allow anyone to hurt his friend. Now, when realizing exactly what went on, there was nothing that Catherin wanted more than for Khan to pull through.
Suddenly, They Were a Family
At this exact moment, Khan became a part of their family. There were no ifs and no buts and no reasoning and no excuses. Catherine realized that this precious dog was sent to her, and she did not choose him randomly. Coincidence, yet again, had no room.

He was important to her just as much as Charlotte was and was willing to do whatever it took to ensure he was better. She was even willing to let him sleep on the couch. Charlotte was safe at home, however, Catherin was still troubled. Could you imagine the outcome of this incident if Khan was not there?
It Was Almost Too Much
Khan was moved into the emergency unit at the clinic, and a scene of grief and sorrow fell over Catherine. This was almost too much for her to handle, but she had to stay with her head above water. Catherine knew that she would not be at ease until her dog was out of danger.

Just thirty minutes after being in the emergency room, Khan was moved to a different ward. Then, the doctors who treated him came out to see Catherine.
She Wanted to Know More
The doctors had no answers. It was too soon for them to say if his situation was reversible or not. They did whatever they could, and it was now up to his body to fight the venom. The medication was going to help, however, it all depended on how strong Khan's body was. This was not what Catherine was expecting to hear.

The doctors suggested Catherine returns the next day. There was not much for her to do there, and it was a time-will-tell kind of situation.
She Could Only Hope for the Best
Catherine went through a few restless nights. Now, although she was relieved that Charlotte was safe and sound, she was worried about Khan, however, there was nothing she could do. Not at this stage, anyway.

After a restless night, Catherine was getting ready to go back to the clinic and see how the night was for Khan. She was expecting the worst but, deep inside, was hoping for the best.
So Many Questions and So Few Answers
Was Khan getting better? Was he able to rest through the night and let his body heal? Did the doctors have any answers, or were they about to tell Catherine that they still had no answers for her? Was the news going to be optimistic or heartbreaking? Did anyone have answers?

While waiting for some comforting answers, it hit Catherine that she, in fact, had a great big Mulga growing in her backyard. If Charlotte had been attacked, it could have left her paralyzed, or even worse, it could have taken her life.
What Are You, Mulga?
The Mulga is one of Australia's most known species, so what was it doing in Catherine's backyard? It is a deadly creature and in no way considered child's play. It can kill a fully-grown human within no time, which means the little baby wouldn't have stood a chance.

Khan instinctively jumped on Charlotte because he knew how deadly this kind of snake really was. He protected the little baby and took the injury himself. Now, Khan was between life and death, and no one knew how this was going to end.
Part of the Flock
Kahn was with his new family for less than a week and already felt like part of the flock. Time was not an issue for him, and his commitment and love toward his family were unconditional.

He saved the little baby's life, but this came with a very high price to pay. It was still unsure if Khan was going to make it. He was subjected to one of the world's most dangerous reptiles, and he was doing poorly.
Wonder Dog
Catherine was hearbroekn. She could never repay Khan for what he had done for their family. She named him Khan the Wonder Dog, and at this time, there was nothing more for her to do but just sit, wait, and pray.

The hours went by, and the doctors gave Khan some more anti-venom, hoping he would soon retune to the active and dynamic dog he was before this terrifying incident.
Isn't It Ironic?
While Catherine was waiting to embrace Khan's fate, she thought of the entire situation and felt that it was all too ironic to be authentic. Khan was a rescue dog that was rescued by her. He was seriously neglected by the last family that had him and desperately needed a warm and loving home.

When Catherine first saw Khan, he was thin and injured with broken ribs. He was abused and mistreated. Catherine was unsure if he would make the perfect companion, however, she was in for the surprise of her life.
She Really Did Rescue Him
If it wasn't for Catherine, Khan would have probably been put down. The rescue team said that he was in such bad shape they were unsure if anyone would want to take him in.

At the time, she wasn't very keen on adopting him, however, something drove her to him. The feeling was stronger than her, and it was as if she couldn't help it. She just had to take him in.
Time Will Tell
Catherine was back home as there was nothing for her to do in the vet's clinic. After a few hours, she decided to call the doctor, hoping he would have some good news. No good news was awaiting her.

The doctor explained that Khan had been uneased all night and that it was still too soon to say what were his chances of survival. All Catherine wanted to know was if she could eventually after this episode was over, bring him back home. There was no answer to give her yet, however, Catherine would soon be amazed by life's wonders once again.
Out of Danger
A few days had gone by, and a few sparks of optimism were sprinkled from above. Khan was still very sick, however, he was out of immediate danger, and the doctors ruled out the chance of him becoming permanently paralyzed.

Catherine was relieved. She took a deep breath and felt a heavy load taken off her shoulders. She began visualizing Khan back in her yard playing with her daughter, but then her daydreaming was interrupted.
One Lucky Dog
The doctor explained to Catherine that Khan was lucky not because his body was able to fight to poison in his bloodstream but because the snake didn't inject too much venom when it bit him. If the snake would have completed what it had started, Khan, without a doubt, would have been gone. Catherine wasn't concerned about what would have happened, and all she could concentrate on was the fact that her dog was getting better.

So, did Khan eventually come back home? Were he and Charlotte able to form a good new relationship, or did Charlotte develop a fright from dogs that couldn't be bridged?
Choosing Your Home
Khan eventually did return home. It took him a while to completely stand on his own four feet, however, when he realized he was returning to Catherine and Charlotte, he made a speedy recovery. Khan will forever be known as the hero dog, and the family will forever be grateful for what he did for them.

Catherine knows that her intuition, as always, was stronger than anything else, but when she went to find a dog to join her family, she never thought that picking one was something she wouldn't have to worry about. Catherine didn't have to choose Khan, as Khan was the one who chose her.