We have to admit, some facts are a cut above others and this fact about trains is pretty high up there. Who knew you could sit on a safety valve and cause a train to explode?

Who said Tinder wasn’t informative and educational? Well, we did, but that was before we saw this chat. Maybe there are more Tinder accounts out there that spew random facts.
Jen and Ben
Dating is hard and it can be difficult to stand out when matching on dating apps like Tinder. But if you're good at rhyming and witty banter, then you for sure have a better chance than the other swipees of the world.

While we don't know what happened to Jen and Ben, we're almost certain they got together every now and then.
Dating Apps are filled with tons of single people who are looking for something, but just can't quite put their finger on it. Some are looking for an ideal partner, others are looking for a fling, and some are just bored and like to pass time by swiping on people.

Clearly, Diana is not really making an effort and her match can't help but notice so of course he was going to make a comment like this.
Rhyme and Reason
Like poetry before it, the spectacular rise of hip-hop culture resulted in a number of regrettable byproducts, like freestyle rhyming as we see in Tinder conversations like this one right here.

Yes, it might be romantic at first but it can get a little annoying. Your prospective partner might find the irresistible urge to keep rhyming to be ruining your chances for a date.
Role Play
The trajectory of contemporary dating apps has painted the picture that people with great openers are definitely winning. Take this exchange as an example, where Liv is only too happy to give her number after this very smooth conversation starter.

Sometimes Tinder can be fun! Especially with conversations like this, where everyone is enthusiastic, which makes it all worth it.
Well That's an Idea
There's too much focus these days on using Tinder solely as a means to find a relationship. We're not saying there's anything wrong with dating apps, but maybe we should all take a leaf from Austin's book and use it to get our roommates to clean the apartment.

While we don't exactly want to recommend catfishing, we can totally get behind this creative way to get his roommate to clean up a little.
For most people, chatting with a stranger can be a daunting endeavor. That’s why Tinder chats can be really stressful: we’re looking to find a connection with another person while portraying the best, hopefully, honest version of ourselves.

But in this case, Izzy had no sense of humor and even though she tried besting her match, she got beat at her own game. Better luck next time!
Just imagine how juvenile it is to tell a guy that you're not interested in them, right after you've matched with him on Tinder. What are we doing here, Sarahi? Why match with someone only to say you're not interested?

Honestly, the only reason that people spout these cheesy lines is to initiate a conversation so if someone is not nearly as excited, then you better know that you're better off without them.
Super Important
Everybody needs somebody who has the same sensibilities as them, especially when it comes to important matters like having a sense of humor and when they wear their socks.

Courtney has her priorities straight and she makes sure her Bumble matches are on the same page as she is. Matching her sense of humor, Will seems like just the right guy for her!
Literal Cheesy Pick Ups
Everyone thinks theirs is the best pickup line ever, but most people lack the evidence to back it up. This is where dating sites come in and here we have proof that some pick-up lines are better than others.

Monica literally has the best cheesy pick-up lines and by that, we mean her pick-up lines are actual emojis of cheese and pick-up trucks. Why has nobody ever thought of this before?
Oh, Grace
This is probably the hardest part of the dating app scene: maintaining a conversation. The second-hardest part is probably getting a date but we'll table that for the time being while we concentrate on this.

While you're trying your best to keep a conversation going, your match might not be as eager and you're left with a conversation that goes something like this. Not everyone will have a flair for witty banter but at least give more than one-worded replies.
As we can see with the pointless conversation that's going nowhere, the dating world giveth and taketh. Yes, you may have matched with a total babe, but only to find out that she doesn't want to talk to you.

While we completely agree with the guiding principle of honesty, we also feel that if we didn't want to talk to someone, we wouldn't have matched with them in the first place.
Psychic Powers
What are the chances that this guy's pick-up line somehow fits in perfect agreement with Katie's actual life? Is it a sign they should be together? Maybe he tried that line on enough women for it to finally hit the right person?

Either way, we sure hope that Katie ends up going out with him cause he definitely kneads it!
Seriously, Karen
The creative and hilariously cringeworthy puns of a potential match were unfortunately lost on Karen. It seems that Karen is the human version of Internet Explorer. Very, very slow.

Not only did she not understand any of it, but she ruined her chances of going out with a guy who has at least some sense of humor. But this guy is better off, he better run for it before she calls the manager.
If you’re too nervous to start up a conversation with a stranger, you can always hedge your bets by squeezing in a pickup line with a catchy sing-a-long song. We all know this one, which makes it so easy to join in.

This guy knew exactly what he was doing, one simply cannot stop from piping in with each impassioned line. It’s like the ultimate sing-a-long song but then, of course, she walked right into that "Take Me Home" line.
Dating apps can feel like a simultaneously exhilarating and awkward exercise of adulthood. Hopes of romance wedge their way into your imagination, making you envision a new and different life with a complete stranger.

But sometimes, it escalates into something quite different and decidedly more sinister, like this response involving an EpiPen and the hospital. Though, to be honest, it is kind of weird he wrote his own death in that scenario.
Bold Move
When it comes to making a good first impression, have one chance to make it count. If you're vibing with a cute girl on Tinder, your response to her could be the deciding factor in landing a date... or getting blocked.

If you decide to be completely honest, then it might ruin your chances of ever getting the date you wanted as we can see with this guy and his bold reply.
I Love Your Smile
We're just going to say it, a decent smile takes work. And if your match can't respect that then she's not right for you dude. You're better off finding someone with a better sense of humor who'll appreciate your kind of jokes.

To be frank, we love when someone tries to make another person feel stupid or bad for a silly joke, and instead of apologizing, you just double down. It's one of the most satisfying things ever.
Normally we'd advise everyone to steer clear of talking about exes and past relationships whilst perusing a dating app. However, in this case, it actually worked out well for these two. All it took was for common interests to make themselves known!

Sometimes, not taking yourself too seriously pays off and you find someone who is happy to accept your tribute.
Creepy Jokes
This guy over here is bold. Maybe too bold. Be that as it may, a few guys like gambling on creepy jokes, and as weird as this joke is, it's a great way to check if your match has a sense of humor.

Some people might take it for granted but if she finds you even a little bit funny, it's almost guaranteed that you'll have fun while on a date with her.
How Are You?
What starts off as a typical conversation, quickly turns into an awkward encounter. If anything, this exchange just proves how important proper punctuation is when asking a question, especially when chatting with someone new.

As we can see this guy had good intentions, but his match read his question quite literally and now it's turned into an awkward answer. What happens next? We don't know but hope they recover.
Setting High Standards
One of the beautiful, ironic revelations of dating apps is that you can find someone who has the same interests as you. However, you do have to spend a lot of time swiping until you eventually find a good match.

But the good news is, in this addictive virtual world, apps like Tinder can help the nerdiest enthusiasts find each other.
Obviously, this guy said this as a joke otherwise he wouldn't have swiped, right? Surely someone wouldn't match with another person if they would rate them a three on a scale of one to ten.

But then again, you never know with Tinder... She might have felt a little rejected by his response, but at the same time she did set herself up for this.
The Worst Opening Line Ever
If like most of us, you like peppering your messages with excessively colorful language, you already know what a pain in the add autocorrect can be and how it can turn your messages into complete disasters. It's a ducking nightmare, honestly.

The embarrassment of a wrongfully-autocorrected word in an opening message is one of the worst first-world problems and we don't know if this guy will ever recover.
Feeling Snacky
When sending a cheesy pick-up line, there's always a possibility that your attempt will fail to impress. When it happens we simply need to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts and move on.

But in the world of dating apps, failure doesn't always mean it's the end of the road. You might have an intriguing bio or a cute profile photo that can rescue you and leave your cheesy pick-up lines behind.
It seems that every now and then, some fearless dating app user feels the need to point out a little flaw that a lot of people overlook. Though this sounds like they're doing you a favor, their delivery does come across as rather, um, mean.

Fortunately, many people aren't afraid to clap back and give them a taste of their own medicine so that next time they might rethink their 'good intentions.'
Automated Messages
Flirting via messages can be equal parts exciting and confusing. We all love a well-curated message that's sprinkled with a healthy dose of flirty banter, but sometimes those kinds of messages reveal a lot more than we would expect.

Calling anyone who isn't your actual father, 'daddy' is decidedly cringeworthy and incredibly awkward.
Best Joke Ever
Negotiating the line between playful jokes and hurtful remarks can be difficult at times and unfortunately, some people don't seem to have the best reputation when it comes to being nice on dating apps.

Poor Jamie knows this to be true — even though he had the best intentions he still got shut down faster than a malfunctioning computer. If only we could have heard the best joke ever, it might have been better than his profile.
Predicting the Weather
To be fair, what this guy is saying is pretty accurate. We've all prepared for a day without any rain only to be stunned when we're caught in a shower, only to say "but the weather said it wasn't going to rain!"

While it is a weird way of explaining to someone why they should go out with you, the logic is pretty solid. In this life, nothing ventured, nothing rained.
Truth or Dare
Oh to be young! We all remember how it felt when we had our first kiss or how exciting it was to play 'truth or dare.' It was magical but it's really hard to recapture those feelings when you grow up and life becomes a lot more complicated.

Maybe that's why we turn to dating apps in the first place, so we can escape life as we know it and hopefully feel a little more alive.
Well, That's Still Interesting
In our modern age and continuously evolving discussions it can be difficult to keep things interesting and maintain an engaging conversation. We can't help but sympathize with this guy who was quick to share an interesting fact with his potential date.

Unfortunately, she's tough to please and not at all impressed with his random fact about the collective name for a group of baboons.
Hi Finn
As a single suitor living in modern times, you have to come up with creative pick-up lines or funny openings to attract a potential date. Having a cheesy remark about their bio just doesn't cut it anymore because it comes across as lazy.

Not that you have to pull out the dictionary to select the best words for a perfect text, but intelligence is appealing. So putting your intelligent foot forward makes you seem capable of rational and sensible thinking.
Simon Says
No one is perfect. Despite their perfectly posed photos and pearly white teeth, this includes your fellow Tinder users. As tactless as it may seem, some people can't help but voice their thoughts, even if they are a little darker than they should be.

We're sure Maddy was joking because this is a dating app where people want to take each other out on dates and not the other kind of taking out.
Maybe Next Year?
Aside from the myriad of reasons, some people just use dating apps when there's nothing else to do. After it's all been swiped and done, it doesn't look like these two are going anywhere and certainly not making any plans to meet.

The need for companionship, even if only virtual, continues. Maybe they'll manage to find the time in a few more years.
Kinda Cute
It’s interesting to observe Tinder users as they try to walk the tightrope of what’s considered acceptable chitchat when really, all they're meant to find out is if this person actually wants to go out on a date with them.

In this case, we're not sure if Aoife really wants to go out with this guy or if she just feels guilty about offending her suitor.
Pretty Smooth
The exchange of wearable possessions is nothing new. Girls have been stealing their boyfriend's hoodies since the 1950s when Letterman's jackets were in fashion. Now here's a guy willing to give up his for the promise of a date.

Giving a girl something of yours that is this comfortable has long been a part of courting and dating rituals, and this offer is no different.
Bad Boy
If you're somehow just utterly hopeless at flirting with girls, you might just want to put it all out there and be as honest as you can be. It might seem a little arrogant or come across as conceited but in this case, it's quite the opposite.

He's not bragging about being a bad boy with a leather jacket and chain around his neck, he's just saying he is bad at everything.
Bearded men often find their facial hair is a great conversation piece when out in public, especially in today's day and age. Yes, it might attract attention and it may cause some people to do a double-take but is it great for attracting dates?

Honestly, we don't know. It depends on the guy and it depends on the beard.
Making It Weird
Can all the single people in this dating app directly report to the Headmaster, please? Yes, dating apps can be awkward and your match might say something weird that may or may not ruin the conversation.

But that's all a part of the game, so you might as well embrace it and enjoy your time on Tinder while you still can.
Wait, What?
The number of men and women on dating apps specifying a minimum height requirement or a certain dress size for a potential match is stunning.

It's no secret that men and women are often drawn to certain physical features when it comes to finding a partner, but Imagine being 4’11” and calling anyone else short. She can barely ride a rollercoaster, and she has the nerve to say that.
How Did You Know?
Sarcasm is the language of love, and once you understand the ways of its biting humor, you'll be able to better navigate the treacherous waters of Tinder. Sarcastic comments aren't for everybody, and many people may take them personally.

But in certain circumstances, sarcasm can de-tense an awkward situation, and it can inject a little levity into the conversation. Just like in this chat right here.
Puns for Everyone
We'll be the first to admit that we love puns. Yes, we know puns are basically the embodiment of "dad jokes" and are commonly thought of as pretty silly, but we still think puns are hilarious.

In our opinion, if you're still getting to know someone and throw a pun their way, only to have them throw one right back, then we'd recommend you get married right away.
There's a surprising amount of comfort going on with these two. In most cases, if you want to dress to impress on a date, then Crocs are not okay. Don't even think about it, unless your date likes them too.

Crocs are known for being super comfortable but also super ugly. However, in some strange turn of events, they've become the ultimate statement. Just look at what Justin Bieber is wearing whenever he goes out.
For a Poem, Press 2
Amidst an ocean of generic Tinder messages, one daring fellow decided to curate an automated notification in which he offers either a pick-up line or a poem. How could anyone resist?

Of course, Jenna requested both, and fortunately for her, her suitor rose to the challenge, and boy did he deliver! It may be a little awkward but at the end of the day, it's still a poem.
Texting in Rhyme
As long as humans live on this Earth, people will continue searching for potential dates. And as long as people continue searching, some of those people will prove to be incredibly better at it than the rest of us.

Take this Tinder exchange as an example, not only are these two enjoying a flowing conversation but they're both doing it while rhyming!
Train Facts
We have to admit, some facts are a cut above others and this fact about trains is pretty high up there. Who knew you could sit on a safety valve and cause a train to explode?

Who said Tinder wasn't informative and educational? Well, we did, but that was before we saw this chat. Maybe there are more Tinder accounts out there that spew random facts.
Duck Pics
It's heartwarming to find out that pretty much everyone is having the same awkward, weird, and annoying dating experiences that you're having. At the same time, it's also nice to know that there are people out there who are happy to poke fun at the whole situation.

Whatever your experiences are, good, bad, or simply weird, you probably still appreciate photos of cute and adorable animals.
A Storybook Romance
Most of us could probably learn a thing or two about romance and flirting from these exchanges on Tinder. But not this one, well... Not exactly. It might not be your perfect storybook romance, but at least it's funny!

While it's not the most romantic exchange, its many implications make sure it nestles its way right into your funny bone.
In life and love, it's the little things that count, and remembering details about your partner helps keep the spark alive. Nick's match gets it and in their chat, she made a running gag about it. Who said romance was dead?

Being wooed by a potential match when you're still virtual strangers isn’t as classically romantic as a candlelit dinner overlooking the sunset, but it's the best time to show you care, even if it's adorably awkward.
Sarah: 1, Match: 0
Sarah's match started a conversation nicely, but somehow totally tanked himself a moment later. Asking for some demonstration of humor is always a good idea, provided you're confident about your ability to get whatever joke gets thrown at you.

Not only did this guy miss the obvious pun, but he also became salty and offensive. He's definitely not the guy for you, Sarah.