Legos are endlessly useful. This is a cute way to keep cords neat and tidy. The Lego dude’s hand grips are exactly the right size for most phone charger cords. And it is a lot more fun than standard cord holders.

Use your imagination and create an entire scene with just lego dudes and chargers. The kids would love to join in.
Fix a Flip-Flop with a Bread Bag Fastener
We bet you never thought of this fix! It can really come in handy if your flip-flop comes apart while you’re hanging out at the beach. Picture it: It’s a scorching hot day, the sand feels like hot coals, sidewalks aren’t much better, and one of your flip-flops straps pulls through the little hole.

Suddenly, using a plastic bread bag tie for repairing something, is the most inventive fix in the world.
Glow-In-The-Dark Paint for Charger Cords
Use glow paint on your charger cord to easily see where it’s at all night long. If you decide you want to try this clever hack on your phone charger cord, make sure you get the correct glow paint.

There are a wide variety of glow-in-the-dark paints including fabric paint, body paint, and face paint, but, for charger cords, use acrylic. For best results, be sure you choose glow-in-the-dark or glow paint, rather than UV or blacklight.
Hang a Picture Straight
Use a dab of toothpaste to mark the place where you are going to want to hammer the nails and save your wall from superfluous holes. Just squeeze a dot of toothpaste on the back of the frame where the nails should be to hang it evenly and then press the frame against the wall.

You can see exactly where to put each nail. Don’t forget to wipe off the toothpaste.
Clean Lego With a Mesh Bag in the Dishwasher
So, you think Lego bricks and other pieces are impossible to clean? Not with this mesh bag dishwasher hack. Lego blocks are notorious for harboring gunk. All the crevices and parts that allow the blocks to be snapped together collect germs, food particles, and more, while kids play with them.

And Lego blocks can’t simply be wiped clean like other toys. So, put them in a mesh bag on the top rack of the dishwasher and sanitize them all at once. For best results, remove the bag before the high heat cycle and let the blocks air-dry.
Innovative Popcorn Tub
Need a free hand for your popcorn? Just flip that hoodie around and keep your popcorn completely accessible. Whoever thought of this invention was a very resourceful person. If you’re not using the hood on your sweatshirt, why not fill it with popcorn? It solves the problem of dropping pieces on the floor.

It’s one of the wackier hacks, as promised. Just be sure to carefully remove the sweatshirt without spilling a mess of tiny pieces of popcorn and salt everywhere when you’re done snacking.
Lego Key Chain Holder
Keep your keys organized with this playful use of Lego bricks. It’s easy to make. Get a Lego baseplate and start by affixing it to the wall. Double-sided adhesive strips work, but you can also use screws. Use a Lego brick that comes with three holes and attach it to your keys.

Next, decorate the base plate however you want. Later you can, of course, have fun with it and change it up.
Hammock Hack Made of Duct Tape
You’ll be chilling out island-style with this simple duct tape trick. Duct tape is amazing. For a duct tape hammock, you will need to start with three rolls of tape. It might be more interesting to use different colors of duct tape but stick with grey if you prefer. You will also need two wooden dowels about 50 inches long and 1 inch in diameter.

Wrap rows of tape from dowel to dowel. Then. Use a plastic PVC pipe or a broomstick to lift the tape to do the weaving. Attach it to two posts and relax.
Time-Saving Duct Tape Tip
Easily find the edge on a roll of duct tape with this clever solution. This is a very simple fix to a time-confusing and frustrating problem that will make you wish you had known about it already. Just think, you’ll never have to search round and round and round again once you implement this paperclip trick.

Just stick a large paper clip at the end of the tape and stick it back to the roll.
Make Perfect Pancakes With No Drips
Clean out an old ketchup bottle and fill it with pancake batter. Make mess-proof pancakes with this cost-free DIY trick. This pancake batter fix will save you time and money.

And you can make flawless round pancakes. Without all the messy drips, you will save lots of work when it’s clean-up time. Plus, save money by making a perfect pancake breakfast at home.
Never Lock Yourself Out of the Room Again
Just use this clever rubber band hack on doorknobs, and voila, doors won’t lock accidentally. This is also good for small children. A child could get locked inside of a bathroom when they’re too young to operate the lock mechanism.

So, just put a rubber band on one knob, twist it once, and place it around the other knob, and you won’t have to worry about it again.
Is the Escape Button Missing?
Looking for a fun way to replace keyboard buttons that have popped off? Use this Lego hack for replacing broken keys with a Lego brick. It will look a lot cooler than a missing key, and it’s super easy.

Color-code key replacements to easily recognize the button function. This hack won’t work on all keyboards, but if it fits yours, you’re set!
See Clearly How to Park Straight Every Single Time
This tip works well if you have underground parking at work or if you have a marked space in your building at home. Just paint lines on the wall that correspond with the parking space. This brilliant hack will not only make you seem like a competent driver but will also help you avoid any superfluous dings to the side of your car.

Pulling in too close to another car is asking for a dent. Pro tip: If you don’t want to get the paint can out, just use white duct tape.
Easily Stem Strawberries
Simply insert a straw from the bottom of the berry and twist. If you have a kid who won't eat a strawberry unless it is cored, give him or her a straw and let them have fun doing it themselves.

The straw corer idea also works great if you just want to throw some strawberries in a fruit salad. You can probably get one at Target, but why not save money with this simple tip?
Keep Gift Wrap Neatly Rolled
Organize rolls of gift wrap by using this empty toilet paper roll trick. Just one slice and it’s done. Keeping wrapping paper neat and tidy is sometimes better said than done. When rolls unravel, the wrapping paper can get damaged by wrinkling or tearing, so simply roll them back on an empty roll of toilet paper and secure them with an elastic band.

With this toilet paper roll trick, you won't have to worry about wasting the festive paper. This is a really easy and practical fix, any gift wrapper would agree.
Organize Your Charger Cords with a Lego Dude
Legos are endlessly useful. This is a cute way to keep cords neat and tidy. The Lego dude’s hand grips are exactly the right size for most phone charger cords. And it is a lot more fun than standard cord holders.

Use your imagination and create an entire scene with just lego dudes and chargers. The kids would love to join in.
Keep Your Hands on the Wheel
Drive safely with this clever extended straw idea. Taking your hand off the wheel to grab a drink can cause you to swerve. So, problem solved. All you have to do to get a utilitarian gadget like this is to connect several straws together until it is as long as you need it to be.

Some drivers may gawk. They may laugh, but sooner or later you know they are going to want one of those straws too.
Bacon and Wax Paper Trick
Freezing bacon is a good idea. It saves longer, but once it’s frozen the slices fuse together like a brick. This tip is a great way to save and use strips of bacon. It will save money by wasting less. To freeze bacon the smart way, tear off a long sheet of wax paper. Then, just place a strip on it, one at a time, folding it over.

Continue like that until the stack is done. Put it in the freezer in a zip lock bag and take a strip or two out anytime.
Innovative Ribbon Organizer
If you need an organizer for ribbons, a paper towel holder is just the trick for you. Some people use lots of ribbons. Keeping it in a bag or a box can cause the ribbon to unravel, get tangled, and become damaged.

Plus, it is hard to see and use which ribbon you are looking for. This clever storage hack for ribbon is perfect. Be sure to use a paper towel holder that has a wide enough rod to fit the ribbon spindle.
Get Chips Out With Less Mess
Is your hand too large for the Pringles can? Use this simple hack for easy access. It is a very simple solution. Just get a piece of printer paper, cut it to the right size, and slide it in the chip canister.

It is also a great way to catch crumbs. Finally! A way to serve Pringles without getting your hand stuck inside!
You Can With a Pringles Can
Once the chips are all gone, a can of Pringles is still useful. It is just the right size to store dried pasta. The can is airtight and easy to access. It keeps spaghetti that has been opened nice a fresh, and it’s totally free.

Repurposing stuff is good for the environment, so you can feel good about that too.
Bread Toasting Hack
If you toast two slices together, you will have soft bread on the inside and toasted bread on the outside. Most people would not think of doing something like this.

It takes a clever mind to come up with a better way to toast bread. Especially if you love bread that is toasted but you also love the softness of bread in your sandwich.
Cookbook Hanger Hack
Keep cookbooks clean and easy to read with this resourceful clothes hanger idea. Cooking is messy. It is also time-consuming and limited by timers, so there is no time to be reading through a recipe when you have something on the stove you don’t want to burn. Use a hanger with clips to hold your cookbook open at the place you need.

This trick is perfect because it keeps the cookbook clean, and it allows easy access to the cooking instructions. Not all cookbooks can be supported by a pants hanger, FYI!
Sleep Through Boring Meetings With This Clever Trick
Get in a quick nap while it looks like you’re paying attention. If you're artsy enough, that is. Simply use makeup to paint realistic eyes on your eyelids so it looks like they are open even when they are closed! This is a wacky idea that someone probably tried at one point. Sleepy people are endlessly resourceful when it comes to catching a few more Zs.

Use this hack at your own risk, we wouldn’t want your boss to fire you. You can make it look even more realistic if you print out actual pictures of your eyes.
Ingenious Wooden Spoon Hack
Have you got a small dog and a widely-spaced fence? If you are worried about the little pooch squeezing through the large hole and escaping into the dangerous street, you'll be happy to know there's a simple fix for it.

Find a wooden spoon longer than the spaces in your fence, and insert it into the top of the pup's harness. This makeshift gadget will keep your dog safe inside the yard.
Prevent Boiling Water From Boiling Over
Wooden spoons have many uses. This tip keeps the utensil in the kitchen. But instead of using it for stirring, this hack is a way to prevent a mess on the stove. Place a wooden spoon across the pot.

This simple trick will stop water from boiling over by working as a guard and popping all the bubbles when they hit the spoon.
Ice Cream Cone Stopper
Stop melted ice cream from dripping out the bottom of the cone. This is a practical and yummy way to keep an ice cream cone from becoming a drippy mess. For the sake of soaking, place a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of the cone before scooping in the ice cream. It will be a sweet surprise for anyone.

Better yet, consider the problem of melted ice cream leaking onto one’s shirt solved, finally.
Beach Day Solution For Cell Phones
Going to the beach with your cell phone? Bag it! Put it in a zip-lock sandwich bag to keep sand and saltwater out. This is one of the simpler hacks that can save you a lot of frustration.

Getting sand in the crevices of the buttons, in the speakers, or in the charging input can result in having to get a new device. Play it safe and keep your phone covered.
Microwave Cleaning Hack
All you have to do is put a cup of water and a slice of lemon in the microwave and set it for two minutes. The lemon/water condensation makes wiping away food particles quick and easy.

Of course, you can keep doing it the old-fashioned way—scrub and scrub until your arm gives out. Or save yourself time and energy and just do it this way.
Brilliant Pizza Box Hack
This idea is spot on if you find yourself cleaning up after the pizza party and you can’t find the dustpan. Repurpose that used pizza box. It’s not only an environmentally friendly way to reuse the box, but it is also simpler than a standard dustpan.

Once the debris is swept in, there is no need to dump it and put the dustpan away, just throw it all into the trash can. Done.
Make Your Taco a Smart Taco
This taco trick is inventive and delicious. To be honest, we haven’t given this one a whirl, but it seems brilliant. When tacos fall apart, it’s no fun, especially if you don’t have a fork on hand.

With a leaf of romaine, even if the tortilla fails, the lettuce will hold the taco fillings together. Plus, it saves time. No more washing and drying and chopping up lettuce. This is a win-win hack.
Convert Your Kitchen Faucet Into a Hose
Pool noodles have more than one use. Quite a few, actually, as this list shows. With this tip, you can fill up a household bucket. Large buckets do not always fit in the sink. And if they do, the tap doesn’t reach. This is where the noodle comes in to act as a faucet extension!

Another advantage — usually, even if the bucket does fit in the sink, it is very heavy once it’s filled. So, use a pool noodle, make cleaning easier, and save your back.
Pool Noodles Are a Source of Endless Hack Ideas
Noodles can be adapted to car bumpers for extra protection from rear-end bang-ups. Many of these bang-ups happen while we’re trying to parallel park.

Even if you zipped right into that spot next to the sidewalk, someone else who struggles with parallel parking is going to ding up your bumper. For extra protection, attach a pool noodle to your front-end bumper too!
Repurpose Your Child’s Old Crib
This is a brilliant idea. Get more miles out of the crib by converting it into a desk. Simply use a sheet of chalkboard as a desktop and make the crib into a tabletop or a play station. Kids will spend hours drawing and painting.

This innovative crib hack makes a perfect space for any craft project. Fun, clever, and practical. Why have we never thought of it before?
No-Drip Popsicle Holder
Reuse that Starbucks lid. For this hack, flip the lid around, thread the popsicle stick into the little hole, and you have the perfect popsicle solution. Make sure the lid is upside-down. Kids will be happy.

They don’t like sticky drips getting onto their hands. And, as an added bonus, besides catching drippage, this contraption just might catch pieces of the popsicle when it inevitably starts breaking apart.
DIY Ingenious Toaster Hack
Just flip the toaster on its side and make a grilled cheese sandwich without the mess of a frying pan. This is an enterprising way to convert a common toaster into a toaster oven. Many simple meals can easily be prepared. For grilled cheese, place a slice of cheese on a slice of bread and stick it in there.

Be sure to have your plate next to the toaster for when the apparatus triggers the eject function. Safety tip: Keep metal utensils like spatulas outside of the toaster. Don’t get zapped!
Make a Spout Out of Any Bottle
Poke a few holes into the seal of a bottle. Then, squeeze liquids out precisely instead of accidentally pouring out too much. Waste not, want not (whatever that means). This imaginative idea works with any liquid in a bottle with a safety seal. Whether it is vinegar for cooking or bathroom disinfectant cleaners.

Plus, those seals can be a bear to remove. This hack saves the frustration of trying to peel it off.
Perfect-Every-Time Eyeliner Trick
This makeup tip will allow you to draw perfect lines when applying eyeliner. Just press a spoon over your eyelid and trace. Applying eyeliner in precise lines is not that easy. Most makeup artists will use some sort of trick to lock in that level of detail.

This simple hack works with an item everyone has at home in the kitchen. Be ready for friends to be impressed.
Beach-Savvy Sunscreen Bottle Hack
Keep your phone, keys, and I.D. safe at the beach by hiding them in a repurposed sunscreen bottle. It doubles as a theft deterrent. Even if a thief goes through your stuff, he won’t see anything valuable. Those items are tucked inside what looks like sunscreen. Sand proof. Thief proof.

Conveniently accessible. Just rinse clean a good-sized bottle of used sunscreen, and that’s it.
No Long Matches? No Problem
In a pinch for a long match? A stick of spaghetti can be used to light even the most hard-to-reach candle wicks. Most people do not have long-stemmed matches at home.

They’re like a relic of the past. These days we use long-neck butane utility lighters. But those run out of fuel. No fear, a stick of spaghetti burns just like a match. Light the tip and reach those hard to get to places.
Zoom In on Great Plays
When you’re at the ballpark, do you miss watching the close-up shots of televised games? Even if you happen to get seats right above the home team’s dugout, the outfielders are still going to be too far to see.

Bring your binoculars and view those up-close angles yourself. See the expression on the pitcher’s face as he flings the ball. You can even take zoomed-in photos of your favorite players.
Windows That Won't Open (Or Close)
Like many things in life, windows get stuck too. They get so stuck that breaking them seems to be the only solution. So, before you go on breaking walls and replacing tracks and glasses, grab onto your bar of soap and see how magic is made. Rub the metal tracks with the soap.

This will make those glass windows slide along the tracks and giving you plenty of fresh air (or keeping the cold out).
Lost Your Contacts? Not For Long
Get off of your knees, as we have found the perfect solution for lost contact lenses. One of the most frustrating things that can happen to a contact person is losing a lens. If you don't have a pair of glasses at hand it even makes things worse. There is no way in the world that you will find them.

Wipe off the grouchy look from your face, turn off all of the lights in the room, take a flashlight, and within no time, your lends will sparkle like a star in the sky.
Smelly Sponges
After our bathroom, the kitchen is probably the cleanest space in our house. We are always around cleaning pots and pans, throwing leftovers into the garbage, wiping the surfaces, and getting pissed off that the sponge smells bad again. We have a hack that will make your sponge smell like it never smelled before.

Wet the sponge, place it in a microwave for one minute on high. This will kill the bacteria that causes the smell.
Ever Heard of Free Cooking Spray?
Next time you are in the supermarket and you walk by the cocking sprays, just keep on walking. That is one thing you definitely don't need to spend your money on. Instead, invest in a standard transparent liquid spray. Fill it with your regular cooking oil and you're ready to go.

This will protect the environment, balance your diet with less oil, and for sure save you some bucks.
How to Bring Your Herbs Back to Life
Parsley and coriander wrapped in the freshness of wild mint, combined with energizing rosemary and breathtaking Aloysia celebrating their existence. The sad thing is, this celebration lasts for a max of two days. How to keep this party going you ask? It's simpler than you think.

Place the roots of the herbs in a jar of water, just like with flowers. Cover with a plastic bag, place in the refrigerator, and these herbs will keep on partying for days.
What Has Water Got to do With Mayo?
Watermarks are annoying. Honestly, what is so difficult in taking a cloth and wiping the surface? No matter how clean your kitchen table is, if there are watermarks, it just doesn't look as it should. Stay in the kitchen, open your fridge and take out the Mayo. You are in for a surprise.

Put some Mayo on the watermark, leave it for about 45 minutes and it will be as good as new. Who would have thought there is more to this condiment?
Spicy Ants
If you live in a house or ground-floor apartment, you are for sure familiar with the next problem. The sun is out, the weather is warmer and the change in season brings along some unwelcome guests. They are small, they get absolutely anywhere and we have found the perfect way to get rid of them.

Scatter some Cinnamon (yes, the same cinnamon you use in your apple pie), and no ant will ever pass your front door again.
Sweet Bites
Some people are more sensitive than others when it comes to mosquitos. Some mosquitoes can be extremely dangerous and carry diseases that are transmitted through their bites. Not a very pleasant thought.

Mix vanilla with water, and you will not only make your room smell nice and sweet, but you will also keep those flying buggers away. An extra tip from us, keep the dark clothes away and stick to light pastels. Apparently, mosquitoes are attracted to the darks.
Egg Yolks Saved for Later
It's that time of year when you are asked to make your famous meringue pie. You have made the meringue, added the fruit, and the egg yolks are now sitting there, as abandoned orphans, waiting for someone to take them home. Throwing them away is out of the question, so we are sharing with you a great hack that will make the yolks keep for a few more days.

Place them in a bowl, add some water, cover with plastic wrap, store in the refrigerator and they will keep good, waiting for the day you are ready to prepare your sweet custard cream.
Say Goodbye to Cold Slices of Pizza
Now, we are not sure if this hack is recommended for single guys only, or anyone can use this whenever needed. In most family homes, there would be no leftover pizza to start with anyway. However, when you live alone or share a place, a slice or two might be spared for the next day.

Heat up your iron, turn it upside down (be careful here), place the cold slice on the iron, and wait. When you start smelling pizza fragrance in the air, it's done. Enjoy!