Some may say that the fact Madelyn left that park, was those two employees’ victory, that Madelyn had lost the battle as she did eventually leave. The authorities at the park got exactly what they were aiming for.

Well, to some, Madelyn maybe lost the battle, but not the war. A new battle was about to rise on social media. The war was not over.
One day, Cindy Ackerman decided to take her young son Callum for a meal at a restaurant, but she could never have imagined what was going to happen. As they sat at their table, Cindy heard the waiter talk to her son in a very rude way, and as she understood what he was saying, she became even more shocked.

The waiter was telling them that she and her son would have to leave the restaurant at once, and if they didn’t and she started an argument, he would call security. Cindy couldn’t understand what was happening, but her blood started to boil with rage.
Utterly Confused
As Cindy and Callum walked towards another restaurant close by, her head couldn’t stop spinning going over what had just happened. This horrible waiter had, in a disgustingly rude manner, told her son, “You cannot wear that here.” And despite his tone and crude manner, young Callum innocently replied, “Why not?”

This seemed to tick off the waiter even more, since his immediate reaction was to kick Callum and Cindy out of the restaurant. As Cindy started to shout at the waiter, telling him that there was no way she would stand by and let her young son be talked to in that way, she yelled for him to get the manager.
An Unexpected Reaction
As the waiter stumbled furiously into the back of the restaurant to get the manager, Cindy thought of what she would say. After what felt like a lifetime, the manager came to the table and Cindy was expecting an immediate apology. But she couldn’t have been more wrong.

The second the manager took a look at Callum’s shirt, he turned his face towards Cindy and said, “We can’t allow him to wear that here, Ma'am." Cindy was absolutely speechless; had everyone just lost their minds? In what world was it OK for her son to be treated this way simply for what he was wearing?
As Cindy drove back home with her son, she could barely control her rage at what had happened. How could a harmless shirt cause for her and her young kid to get thrown out of a restaurant? She was already thinking of how to accurately write what had happened so she could post it on social media and have everyone know what kind of restaurant it was.

She had to make these people pay somehow. Cindy was obviously expecting her social media feed to explode with kind comments and outraged parents, but in turn, most people seemed to take the restaurant’s side. She was dumbfounded.
Attack on Social Media
Cindy couldn’t believe what she was reading on her social media profile. The reactions to her post were the complete opposite of what she had expected; it was almost as if no one understood what it was to be a parent and stand up for your child.

Did none of these people know what it meant to protect their kids? Had they no sympathy for a young, innocent boy who was unfairly treated for no apparent reason? Cindy was so outraged that she decided to fight back online and let these people know that she would not stand for this.
The Ackerman Family
From the moment that Cindy became a mother, she knew that her son was her first priority – making him feel loved unconditionally and being there to support him was all that she cared about. Cindy grew up in Ohio, raised by her aunt and uncle.

Although she never wanted for anything and always felt cared for and supported, she always felt like there was something missing. She knew her aunt and uncle did their absolute best to raise her well and made sure she had everything she needed, but she couldn’t help but feel her life was incomplete.
What Was Missing?
Cindy felt that no matter how hard they tried or what they did, her aunt and uncle’s love for her would never compare to that of her own parents. She knew they had her back always, and loved them without question, but there was always something lacking.

Therefore, she vowed to herself that when she became a parent to Callum, he would always feel protected and loved beyond measure. She, more than anybody, knew how important this was for a child’s healthy development, and letting somebody make her son feel bad was totally out of the question, no matter the situation.
A Tragedy
Cindy was no stranger to tragedy, as early on in her life, both her parents had passed away in a terrible car accident. Luckily, her aunt and uncle rushed to take her in before she was placed in an orphanage by the state.

Despite being very young when it happened, Cindy still felt a huge hole left behind by her parents’ absence, which became a very big motivator for her to have kids of her own. This became one of the most important goals in Cindy’s life – having a child of her own and making them feel safe and loved.
Chasing Her Dream
Being absolutely clear about her goals in life, Cindy made every effort to become a mother. It was the most important thing to her to mother a child, and so she embarked on learning as much as possible about being a parent. She bought and read baby books and parenting magazines for years.

When she was finally ready to become a mother, a problem arose. It was something Cindy had been dealing with since she was a teenager, and it took her a long time to understand what was going on. However, she wasn’t ready to give up on her lifelong dream just yet.
From the young age of sixteen, Cindy realized something about herself, and it wasn’t an easy thing to come to terms with. She had always noticed that having a boyfriend never went well for her and she had a particularly hard time when it came to romantic relationships. After a lot of work on herself, Cindy realized that she was asexual, and therefore not really attracted to anyone, ever.

Clearly, this posed a challenge if Cindy wanted to have a child in the conventional way. But this woman was determined to become a mom, she didn’t care how it happened. And so, this little obstacle didn’t stop her or even slow her down.
Of course, not being distracted by romantic relationships or love and infatuation also had its huge advantages. This meant that Cindy was totally focused when it came to her studies, and so she threw herself into her academic work, eventually graduating with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry.

Cindy graduated with honors and didn’t take long to find a high-paying job with benefits. She could now afford to raise a child and become a mother without any of the economic worries. She was ready to make her lifelong dream into a reality, and she had no idea the roller coaster ride she was in for.
Becoming a Mother
Since she had no romantic partner, Cindy obviously had to opt for finding a sperm donor, and after much research and consideration, she finally found one. She was lucky to get pregnant on the first try – she was ecstatically happy and excited. After nine months of sheer bliss, Cindy gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, who she named Callum.

From the moment she held Callum in her arms, she knew this was the love she’d been waiting to feel her entire life. Cindy finally felt complete for the first time ever, and she vowed to herself to be the greatest mother in the world.
A Day Like Any Other
A decade went by in what felt like the blink of an eye, and Callum had become a handsome, kind, well-educated boy. He and Cindy had a lovely life, and everything was going wonderfully until one day, just like any other, they decided to go out for a meal and things took a turn for the worse.

They chose a new restaurant that they hadn’t sat at before and were excited to try out a new menu, but unfortunately, almost as soon as they sat down, the waiter started being oddly rude to Callum. Cindy just couldn’t work out why this was happening.
Choosing Their Table
When Cindy and Callum walked through the doors of the restaurant, they didn’t see any hostess or waiters, and so decided to pick a table and take a seat. As they sat, Cindy grabbed a menu and started reading it with Callum as they both decided what they wanted.

They were hungry and wanted to be ready for when the waiter came around to take their order. Callum picked something delicious from the kids’ menu and Cindy had chosen a dish, and so they signaled the waiter to come over. Unbeknownst to them, things were about to get very unpleasant in a few minutes.
The Waiter
The waiter finally saw Cindy and Callum and walked briskly over to their table, he said “Hello,” introduced himself, and gave them a huge smile. He asked if they knew what they wanted and just as they started ordering and the waiter started writing it down, he glanced at Callum’s shirt. All of a sudden, the waiter’s face completely changed.

He stopped writing down the order and just stared rudely at Callum’s shirt. Cindy and her son couldn’t figure out what was happening, they tried to gauge the waiter’s look and realized the waiter apparently had a problem with the boy’s shirt.
A Big Issue
After his huge and kind smile turned into a clearly angry expression, the waiter looked utterly offended. Cindy and Callum had no idea what was happening, and she definitely didn’t understand why that anger seemed to be directed at her son.

Right when she was about to say something, the waiter opened his mouth and let them know that they weren’t welcome in that restaurant. He used a very rude voice and unkind eyes, and directed his words straight to Callum, which clearly made Cindy very angry. Was the waiter actually saying those words to her 10-year-old boy? Was she hallunicating?
Callum’s Shirt
The waiter looked straight at Callum with angry eyes and said “Sorry, mister, but I’m afraid that shirt isn’t appropriate here.” Callum, confused and innocent, simply looked up at him and said, “But it’s my favorite shirt!” Callum was as polite and kind as he could be, and Cindy was so proud of him for acting that way.

However, the waiter seemed unimpressed, and just as angry as he was a minute ago. Things were getting more tense by the second, and so Cindy realized it was time to step in and defend her son from this crazy person who was seemingly attacking him for no reason.
Calling the Manager
Cindy couldn’t take it anymore, she had to do something about the way this waiter was talking to her son. She suddenly yelled at him and promptly told him that he could not speak to her son like that. He’s just a kid, after all. Cindy’s face was red with rage. The waiter, however, seemed completely unfased, and showed no signs of budging, much less apologizing.

Cindy wasn’t about to let a stranger ruin her and her son’s day, so she immediately demanded to speak to the restaurant manager. The waiter walked away in a huff and proceeded to call the manager. But when he arrived at Cindy and Callum’s table, his reaction left them speechless.
The Total Opposite
How had Callum’s shirt caused such a problem? It was a 10-year-old boy’s favorite piece of clothing, which had special meaning to him. It was harmless and innocent, just like Callum’s reaction towards the rude waiter had been. Cindy was humiliated, but worst of all, a complete stranger had made her son feel bad.

She had failed to protect her son from the ill manners of others; Cindy was irate. The waiter was a terrible person and had crossed a line of no return, and she was sure the manager would fire him on the spot. But she had another thing coming.
Get Out
To Cindy’s utter shock, the manager turned out to be worse than the waiter. As he approached their table, he stood firmly, looked at the boy’s shirt, and said that he was sorry, but he would stand by his staff on this one. He said that her son’s shirt wasn’t appropriate, and they actually needed him to leave.

Cindy felt like her heart stopped for a moment, and she was at a loss for words. It wasn’t the first time Callum wore the shirt in public, and he had never been criticized for it. People would often stare at the shirt, now that Cindy thought about it, but nobody ever dared say anything.
Finding Another Place
Cindy had heard enough, and that was about all the abuse she would stand for. So, she immediately grabbed Callum and told him that they were leaving that place immediately; they would find another restaurant nearby. Callum looked confused and somewhat sad, but he knew his mother would find a solution.

He trusted that whatever she was doing was for his own good. Cindy could barely speak due to the anger she felt in her veins – how dare these people treat her son this way? And it seemed the manager wasn’t done being rude, as he continued on.
Inappropriate Dress Code
Just when Cindy thought things couldn’t get worse, the manager continued to stare at Callum’s shirt and explain to her that the establishment has a strict dress code, and they could not allow her son to remain in this restaurant wearing that shirt. Was all this rudeness and cruelty simply due to the fact that Callum’s shirt was too informal?

Cindy asked the manager in a furious voice if he was joking. She continued to yell at him, asking what the big problem was. It’s just a harmless boy’s shirt! But little did she know that it was much more than that.
As Cindy raged on, the manager again looked at Callum’s shirt with angry eyes, saying that he was afraid the message on her son’s shirt was offensive and inappropriate. The manager’s tone of voice was cold and cruel, and Cindy was getting angrier by the second.

Confused, Cindy looked at Callum’s shirt for a minute and finally realized what the manager had such a problem with. Now, she really exploded in ire. She could not believe that two adult strangers were bullying her son for such a reason; if she had been angry before, now she was livid, and she wasn’t leaving without a fight.
A Furious Mother
Cindy finally realized what the problem with her son’s shirt was – and she was speechless in disbelief. These people had taken a wonderful message that promoted equality and kindness and turned it into something evil. She was prepared to put up the fight of her life, not only to stand up for her son, but also for what his shirt stood for.

Cindy yelled at the manager even louder that this shirt promotes love and acceptance. How could they possibly find it offensive?! Her voice was breaking with fury and utter disbelief towards the insanity of the situation. These people were not about to get away with that kind of behavior.
Unchecked Ego
It seemed that Cindy’s words only made the manager feel cockier because his expression got even more arrogant and cruel. He sternly said that their establishment has policies, and they reserve the right to enforce them. He suggested that they leave immediately. This made it clear this was her and her son’s last chance to get up and leave.

Cindy could barely utter a word in her total shock, but she knew that she couldn’t stand for this kind of abuse and insult, especially when it was directed at her son. She started to get up from the table and grab Callum.
As Cindy and the manager’s argument got worse, the other patrons at the restaurant started to notice and stare. Cindy turned red from humiliation, as she noticed that every single person at the restaurant was looking at her and her son. The thought of Callum being the center of this public humiliation just destroyed her.

She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs to denounce this injustice. She was having a wonderful day with her son and all they wanted was to share a nice meal together. How had their day managed to go so wrong for such a ridiculous reason?
Cindy had heard enough, and despite the anger and sadness she felt, she was determined to get her son out of the hostile situation and not let him see how affected she was. She grabbed Callum’s hand and told her son firmly that they don’t need to stay in a place that doesn’t value love and acceptance.

She made sure to say it loud enough for everyone at the restaurant to hear. Under no circumstance did she want her son to feel like he had done something wrong, or to take these cruel people’s words seriously. She was anxious to get Callum as far away from there as possible.
Trying Not to Cry
As Cindy and her son walked towards the door of the restaurant, they felt everyone’s judgmental eyes on them. They heard everybody whispering criticizing them as they walked through the tables, and they felt awful. Cindy had to do everything in her power not to burst out crying, especially because she wanted to be strong for Callum.

Once Cindy got in her car with her son, she had to take a few breaths before driving; the anxiety and anger had taken hold of her, and she couldn’t stop shaking. She was doing her best to calm herself down and be supportive of Callum, who was feeling terrible himself.
Fueled by Anger
Cindy was outraged, and she decided right then and there that she was going to do something about this horrible situation. There was no way that these people were going to get away with treating her son that way; she knew that she had to fight back. She had to fight the injustice done to her son, and discrimination in general.

It was unacceptable that some people felt they had the right to treat other human beings like this simply for expressing their opinions. Cindy would make sure that everybody knew the experience they had and would denounce the restaurant.
Comforting Her Son
Cindy suddenly looked at her son sitting beside her and realized the sadness and confusion in his eyes. It became clear to her how dumbfounded Callum must be feeling; how completely confused about the restaurant staff’s reaction towards him. What had he done wrong?

There was no way that she was going to let her kind 10-year-old boy think he was guilty of something. She did her best to calm him down and explain that nothing that happened was his fault, he had done nothing bad and the ones that should be blaming themselves were the horrible people they encountered at the restaurant.
Not the End of It
Cindy turned on the car radio and found some soothing music; she then reached in her purse for some candy she always carried around and gave some to Callum. This helped distract him and take his mind off the horrible incident that had just happened.

This was definitely not the end of it, and Cindy made a promise to herself and her son that she would go back to that place and denounce their disgusting attitude. These people had no idea who they messed with, or that this mother would do anything to protect her son from injustice and cruelty.
A Sadness Only She Understood
Callum’s face was filled with sadness, and his mother immediately noticed. This sadness and confusion were part of a condition Callum had that only Cindy was aware of, and she knew that the restaurant’s staff would be painstakingly sorry for what they had done when they learned the truth.

Despite being confused, Callum knew he could always trust his mother and therefore did what she said. As they sat in the car and left the restaurant, they felt calmer by the minute as they were no longer being abused by those horrible people. Little did Cindy know that the restaurant’s staff weren’t the only ones with a problem.
Cindy decided the easiest thing to do after that extremely unpleasant experience would be to order a Happy Meal through a fast-food drive-thru. It wasn’t what she had in mind when she thought of a nice meal out with her son, but at this point, she didn’t want to risk another awful confrontation.

Callum had suffered enough for one day and she wasn’t going to subject him to any more abuse. They drove through the drive-thru lane, picked their meal, and ate calmly inside their car. Callum seemed to be feeling better already; he was focused on his food and finally managed to distract himself with his happy meal.
Using Social Media
After some thought, Cindy decided she was going to use her social media profiles to share the traumatic experience she and her son endured at the restaurant. Exposing the restaurant across the internet would definitely garner attention and go a long way towards destroying their reputation.

Getting criticized on social media was one of the worst things that could happen to a business, and Cindy intended to exact her revenge by running the restaurant to the ground. The public had to know what kind of people operated in this place and action had to be taken to prevent this kind of injustice and abuse from happening in the future.
A Quick Post
As Cindy finished her meal in the car, she quickly took out her phone and started writing a post about what just happened to her and Callum. She wrote the whole story, every detail from beginning to end, and then took a photo of Callum’s shirt to add to the post.

As a concerned mother, Cindy wanted to make sure that no other child had to suffer the abuse of the people at this restaurant. To her absolute shock, people’s reaction to her post was very different from what she expected. Some people actually seemed to condone the restaurant’s behavior.
No Doubt
Despite people’s insane reaction, Cindy never, not for one second, doubted that the restaurant had done something awful. She knew she was right, and her son had suffered a terrible injustice. Although she couldn’t understand how anyone in their right mind couldn’t feel the same way as her, Cindy didn’t need support or approval to take revenge on the people who hurt her son.

She had already told her story online and warned parents about the people who worked at that restaurant. Cindy kept thinking about all the ways she could get back at the awful restaurant staff; she wasn’t giving up anytime soon.
Back to the Routine
A few days went by, and Cindy and her son got back to their daily routine. Suddenly, Cindy remembered her post and surely thought that hundreds of new people must have seen it in the last two days and thought just like her. She logged into her social media profile and checked the comments on her post, which she thought would be supportive and encouraging words towards her and her son.

Cindy was expecting insults and outrage towards the restaurant waiter and manager, but she had another thing coming. She couldn’t believe her eyes once she started scrolling down the hundreds of new comments.
Awful Words
As she read through people’s comments, Cindy couldn’t believe her eyes. There were hundreds of comments containing awful, hurtful words about Callum’s shirt. For some reason, people had taken the restaurant’s side of the issue, and to Cindy’s utter shock, many agreed with the fact that her son’s shirt was very offensive.

Was she going crazy? Was there something about the shirt’s message that she was missing? Cindy found it unbelievable that people would react in that way; how could they possibly think that what had happened was in any way Callum’s fault? She felt that the whole world was going insane.
The Shirt
The shirt that Callum was wearing that day was a simple green shirt with one sentence written on it, but it had a very special meaning to Callum. Cindy remembered the day she bought the shirt for her son, and how he had insisted on having it.

Cindy was aware that the message on the shirt was blunt and obvious, but she also realized how important it was for her son to wear it. She got him the shirt and decided to not care what other people might misconstrue from it, but she never thought it would get this extreme.
A Simple Message
The green shirt had a short but direct message; it read “I May Have Autism, But I’m Just Like You!” Cindy saw how Callum’s eyes lit up when he saw the shirt, and so she decided to get it for him for his birthday. She realized the message was blunt, but it meant a lot to her son and that was all she cared about.

Cindy quickly learned that wearing that shirt made Callum feel much more comfortable with himself, and having her son feel that way was priceless. Like any other mother, Cindy just wanted her son to feel happy and confident.
Wrong Assumption
The restaurant staff had seemingly assumed that Callum wore the shirt as a cruel joke towards people with autism. They didn’t like reading the word “autism” written on a shirt and found it offensive to people who are living with the condition.

Ironically, they had completely misunderstood Callum, and Cindy soon realized she had to share the truth about her son and explain what had happened from their side of the story. The people who worked at the restaurant, as well as every single person who commented on Cindy’s social media post, should understand what was really behind Callum’s shirt and attitude.
Living With Autism
When Cindy was pregnant, her doctors informed her that there was a high chance that Callum would be born with autism. But, as hard as it was to hear, she knew it wouldn’t affect her son’s chances of living a good, happy life. She would be right by his side and support him always and learn the best ways to teach and love him.

She was aware that Callum would live a very different life than other people and would have a hard time with things that everybody else found easy, but she was determined not to let this stop him. He had a right to a good and safe life, and that’s exactly what she was determined to give him.
Cindy went back to her social media post and explained what she thought should have been obvious to everybody from the very beginning. She wrote that the reason Callum was wearing that shirt was because he had autism; she pinned the new caption and offered an apology for not having explained this before.

But to her, it was unthinkable that someone without autism would wear such a shirt, and thus she never imagined for one moment this was what other people thought. Cindy was anxious to see how people replied, she had no idea what the internet’s reaction might be.
A Million Apologies
Once people read Cindy’s explanation on the online post, they realized how mistaken they had been. There was an outpouring of apologies that brought Cindy to tears, and she finally understood what had happened. What had once been a sea of criticism and hurtful words turned into heartfelt support and words of kindness and encouragement for Cindy and her son.

People began to write angry comments about the restaurant’s awful behavior, and they were outraged that a young boy with autism had been kicked out just for taking pride in his condition. The number of comments was incredible, and word finally reached the restaurant’s social media page.
An Immediate Response
Once the restaurant read the comments online, they knew they were in trouble and had to issue an apology and respond immediately. The way the manager and the waiter of the restaurant had treated Cindy and Callum was appalling, and a clear public relations fiasco for their business.

The restaurant’s reputation was on the line, and if they didn’t make things right, they would probably have to close due to all the public pressure. The restaurant decided to issue an official statement and post it on their social media page, offering a heartfelt apology and explaining that the manager had been fired. And that wasn’t all – the restaurant owners contacted Cindy privately.
A Big Apology
At first, Cindy didn’t even reply to the restaurant’s emails and messages, and she wouldn’t pick up their phone calls. But after days of insistence from the owners, Cindy finally picked up the call and heard a heartfelt apology coming from the other end of the line.

She was at least relieved that people seemed to finally realize the harm they’d caused her son. The restaurant owners explained that they had a surprise planned for Callum and begged her to go back with her son so they could somehow right the mistake they’d made. Despite her anger, Cindy accepted – Callum deserved a public apology.
A Big Gesture
Cindy and Callum were invited back to the restaurant, and he decided to wear his favorite shirt again. Once they arrived, a new manager with a huge smile and a kind voice greeted them at the door and walked them towards their table. He told them to order whatever they liked from the menu, and the meal would be entirely on the house.

Callum immediately smiled and got very excited that he could pick and choose any and all items from the large menu without thinking about the cost. And giving them a free meal wasn’t the only surprise the restaurant had planned for them.
A Significant Donation
When Cindy and Callum had finished their wonderful meal, the waiter arrived at the table and placed a piece of paper on it. For a second, Cindy thought it was a bill, but on closer inspection, she realized it was a check for $5000. The restaurant had made a donation to the known autism advocacy group “Autism Speaks,” in order to show how strongly they felt about supporting Callum and other people with his condition.

They had truly made an effort to correct their mistake. Despite how terrible she and her son had felt that day, the restaurant had gone out of its way to make amends, and Cindy was happy that her son’s condition was getting the awareness it needed. People needed to educate themselves on autism.
Organizations Reached Out
The event became so publicized on social media that advocacy organizations even contacted Cindy to offer help and support. The organizations offered Cindy a myriad of resources that she was desperately in need of to better handle Callum’s condition. From information and connections to qualified therapists and local autism support groups, Callum got all the help he needed, and Cindy was over the moon with gratitude.

Without intending to, Cindy and Callum became important ambassadors for autism and the importance of educating and making others aware of it. They attended and spoke at events and helped many people going through the same journey.
Correcting Their Mistakes
As time went by, the staff of the restaurant took further steps to make amends for their awful behavior and create a kinder, more aware atmosphere at work. The owners made it mandatory for every single employee to receive sensitivity training and get educated on an individual’s specific needs and conditions, including autism.

They helped and donated to several local autism advocacy groups and organizations, threw fundraising parties, and even gave a large chunk of their business profits to autism research and support groups. It seems they had truly understood the gravity of the situation and had done their best to atone.
Pushing Forward
This life-changing event made Callum realize how supported and loved he was, especially by his mother, who would always be by his side and fight for his happiness. As time went by, Callum grew into a strong and confident young man, happy with himself and totally accepting of his condition.

He never stopped wearing his beloved, favorite green shirt, aware that it wasn’t only important to him, but also to a wonderful cause that affected millions of people worldwide. Callum felt like he could do anything, and most importantly, he finally felt like he had a place in the world.
Callum and his mother were unjustly kicked out of an establishment for a wrong reason, but the place was able to make amends. When the woman in the following story was kicked out of an establishment, things did not have such a happy ending.
Living in the 21st century, one might think that people have bridged prejudice, discrimination, and being narrow-minded like some people in our next story. Isn't it time we learn to accept people for who they are and not for the way they look or the way we think they are reflected?

What started off as an ordinary family outing, ended up being one of the worst days of Madelyn Scheaffer's life. Never in her wildest dreams did she think going to a water park would result in such a way.
A Simple Begining
Madelyn Sheaffer was in her 30s. She lived in Odessa, Missouri, and was considered an average loving mother. Never had she had an outrageous story or scandal to her name and life was pretty good.

Like all mothers, all she wanted was the best for her children. She loved and protected them and made sure they had everything they needed.
Once in a Lifetime Incident
What Madelyn didn't know is that she was about to confront one of the most humiliating and heartbreaking situations of her life. Nothing could prepare her for what was about to come.

Not only was the incident disgracing and shaming, but it was mostly her response that turned this story into one to remember.
How Did It All Begin?
To fully understand Madelyn's horrific experience, we must go back a few years, prior to the incident we'll later detail. What happened back then was about to have a direct influence on future happenings.

When Madelyn was in her twenties, she fell in her bathtub and hurt her back severely, which resulted in a herniated disc. This meant some tissue from her spine was displaced after her fall.
A Harsh Reality
Her life became a misery. She couldn't walk properly let alone handle daily chores. Even the smallest activity became almost impossible to handle.

Her ways of life and lifestyle weren't making her situation any easier and she felt that enough was enough. She was going to take a new path in life.
Stuck in the Tub
When Madelyn fell and hurt herself in the bathtub, she literally couldn't move. She was stuck in one position and when the medical help arrived, she was in such pain, that she couldn't cooperate. She insisted no one moves her and remained in that same position for hours.

That time alone in the tub gave her some hours to think and to realize that her life couldn't continue the way it did. It was time for things to change and this fall was a sign.
Heavy on the Scales
Madelyn was a heavy girl, and because she spent so much time taking care of her family, she didn't realize how big she became. Her weight was unhealthy and her overall medical condition was in danger of deteriorating if no action was taken.

From the minute she decided to change her ways, she began losing weight and two years later was 100 pounds lighter. Not only was she healthier, but her self-esteem and confidence went rocket high.
As Good as It Gets
In the years to follow, Madelyn was in the best shape and weight she has ever been in. The time and effort she invested were well worth it. Life couldn't be better.

Falling in the bathtub was a wake-up call for her which led her into a battle she had to fight. But little did she know, that wasn't the last battle awaiting her.
Her Confidence Was at Risk
The boost of confidence was about to be destroyed in just one day. She had struggled to lose the weight and all it took was one person to knock the tower of confidence and enthusiasm down.

That one event would not only astonish Madelyn, but it would also make her decide to tell her story to the world. The whole day would become viral and astonish everyone else.
The Waterpark
Madelyn was planning on spending the day with the family at a waterpark. The park which was supposed to be a place of pleasure and joy turned into a horror scene and made her day a misery.

She wore her bathing suit and her smile, paid for the tickets, and looked forward to having a great day outdoors with the ones she loved.
It Was Getting Hot
As the temperatures became higher that day, so did the number of people in the park rise. The place was crowded and at first, Madelyn felt uncomfortable exposing her body in a bikini.

After observing the park, she realized there were people there in all different shapes and sizes which assured her, she had nothing to worry about. Before she knew it, her clothes were off and the family fun day was about to begin.
Big Brother Was Watching
She had learned to love her size and accept her body. She was tall and beautiful, and most importantly, she was healthy. One thing she didn't know was that she was under the supervision of the park's law enforcement.

This was the first time she had worn a bikini in public, and it wasn't going to remain peaceful. The last thing Madelyn wanted was extra attention to her body, however, that was exactly what was going to happen next.
The Authorities Were Calling
She made her way into the cold and refreshing water. Although she felt a million eyes staring at her she worked on convincing herself that it was all in her head and everyone was minding their own business.

Within five minutes, two young girls approached Madelyn. They were part of the park's security team. What was about to happen left her shocked. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.
What She Heard Was Unreal
At first, Madelyn thought she misheard what was said. She looked around her and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Perhaps she got everything wrong? Perhaps it was all in her head? She questioned the two girls and asked them if what she heard was in fact what they said.

The two employees didn't hesitate and admitted to saying what Madelyn had heard. They told her the bottom part of her bikini was too small and was revealing too much. That wasn't appropriate for a family park.
This Was Unfair
Madelyn was insecure with what she had on and now she felt even worse. She felt the remark was unfair. She didn't deserve it. She was aware of what she had on and in no way was it any more revealing than what other women had on.

Why were those employees picking only on her? What made them ask her to cover herself when many women around them were exposing just as much?
She Was Not Letting This Get Away
Now, on one hand, Madelyn felt embarrassed and ashamed and all she wished for was to disappear, but on the other hand, this situation was unfair and was discriminating against her. She wanted to get to the bottom of this.

She was not going to hide away and take any nonsense from those two employees. This was the first time she had ever experienced such embarrassment in public. What started off as a humiliating situation, very fast turned into resentment and anger.
She Was Going to Fight All the Way
She had worked so hard to lose weight and work on her self-esteem, and she was not letting two park workers ruin that with just one comment.

She felt the frustration build inside of her, steam was coming out of her ears and as far as she was concerned, those two employees were going to regret saying what they said.
Double Trouble
Madelyn later learned that the two employees commented on her bikini and asked her to cover up not because of the size of the bathing suit but because of her age. A woman passed her 40s shouldn't be revealing so much flesh.

“My body is different than the young girls that were walking around in their bikinis, but why should I be made ashamed of my body? I am comfortable in my bikini. I am happy with who I am”, Madelyn said to the two employees.
The Employees Thought Otherwise
The two employees were sure Madelyn would cover herself up, however, after hearing her counterargument, they weren't so sure anymore. Madelyn was confident with what she had to say.

If this had happened a few years back, she would have probably not been able to handle the situation, however, these were different days and different things were about to come.
Supervisors on the Call
The two girls weren't prepared to let go and offered a compromise. Madelyn either puts on a pair of shorts or leaves the waterpark. There was no other alternative.

Madelyn's temper skyrocketed. She wasn't having any of this. She told them that their offer was unacceptable and that if they wanted her out, they had to get their supervisor to take her out. She was stubborn as a bull.
Did They Regret What They Said?
The two employees weren't expecting that. When they first asked Madelyn to cover up, they never thought it would escalate to such a high level and a feeling of regret hovered over them.

Next, when Madelyn wouldn't leave, the police arrived. A fun sunny family day out in the water park turned into a crime scene with Madelyn being prosecuted and two young girls accusing her of absolutely nothing.
It Was Time for the Men in Blue
The waterpark authorities called the police as they wanted Madelyn to leave. They didn't check further into the two girls' accusations and chose the easy way out.

Most of the people around were supportive of Madelyn and didn't understand what the fuss was about. The police officer understood Madelyn's argument, however, explained that according to the law, they had to ask Madelyn to cover up or leave, as that is what they were called to do.
The Unexpected Support
Madelyn was escorted by the police out of the waterpark. She couldn't believe this was happening. The police officer approached her and said; "I hope from the expressions on our faces you can tell how we feel".

Both Madelyn and the police officer knew something wrong was happening. They couldn't believe that in the 21st century people were still treated the way she was. Someone had to put a stop to this.
Wrong Judgment
After years and years of feeling embarrassed about what she looked like, she had finally learned to love her body, and there was no way she would let people treat her that way. She was a victim of discriminating judgment.

She had overcome her fear. She knew she did no wrong. The people around her supported her and even representatives of the law, the men in blue, gave her their full support. Well, as much as they could anyway.
Was She Giving In?
Some may say that the fact Madelyn left that park, was those two employees' victory, that Madelyn had lost the battle as she did eventually leave. The authorities at the park got exactly what they were aiming for.

Well, to some, Madelyn maybe lost the battle, but not the war. A new battle was about to rise on social media. The war was not over.
It's Facebook Time
Madelyn posted her story on Facebook and within no time it became viral. Her post reached so many people who showed her great support and encouragement. Her followers reacted against the waterpark and demanded that action is taken.

Almost every person who came across Madelyn's post had a comment to share and criticized the park severely. There were very few who wrote that the park had a policy that had to be respected, but then again, they were only a few.
The Truth Came Out
Madelyn was overwhelmed. Not only was she showing the park's authorities in a bad light, but she also managed to reach other women who were in her situation too. Women who might have been embarrassed in public for any reason, but most of all, women who felt like her.

Women who have self-esteem issues, being heavy or not, or women who feel uncomfortable with wearing bathing suits out in public for any reason they had. She felt there was a purpose for what had happened.
It Was News O'clock
Madelyn's story was everywhere. Even on tonight’s local 41 news. While she was waiting to be called, people who passed her commented on how ridiculous the incident had become and complimented her on the way she looked in her bikini.

She later felt that it was time for another post, this time a thank-you one. She recognized how much love was sent her way and how much appreciation and gratitude people were feeling, so she had to send some in return.
Over the Ocean and Across the Sea
Madelyn's story became international. People from all over the world reached out to her and shared their support. 500 letters from Brazil were sent, together with a few more hundreds from China, Greece, and Hong Kong.

Things were about to change. Not only within Madelyn's local community, but they were about to change worldwide. Humanity was going to change, and it was going to change for good.
A Moment of Gratitude
Madelyn carried on by posting how she is grateful for those who express pride over shame, no matter what shape one's body is and no matter how tall or small they might be.

She carried on by saying that we have beautiful bodies in many shapes and sizes and she was overwhelmed and comprehended that she was not alone.
It Was Not for the Money
Her purpose was never to slander the waterpark and she didn't intend to cause them any harm. She didn't intend to get any money out of them and all she wanted was to be treated equally.

No money in the world would be enough to solve the ignorance and the insensibility the authorities in the park had. The problem is based on their mindset and attitude which led the police to do something they didn't necessarily believe in.
She Had Something to Say
Madelyn demanded one thing and one thing only. She wanted Oasis Water Park to amend their swimsuit policy. It was discriminatory and had to be updated. She believed there was nothing wrong with having a dress code, but only if it applied to all, and in this case, it didn't.

As for the water park, we're not sure but what we can say is that Madelyn reached so many people out there and managed to leave her mark. So many lost souls who were hiding deep inside their sorrow, thanks to Madelyn, managed to rise and confront acceptance.
She Left Her Mark
Madelyn was thrilled. She managed to bring awareness to those who were ignorant and managed to push the kick-start button that would lead to change.

The battle that was only hers became public property and we hope that it has managed to make a significant change in people's views and beliefs.