We hope this quick Walmart run was for the following: aloe vera, moisturizing lotion, sunscreen, and something to wear. On second thought, the sunscreen may be a little unnecessary at this point. It would be easier just to put some clothes on.

For us, seeing someone dressed like this in the middle of the store is not something you see every day. However, this girl is trotting along with not one care in the world!
Leave Your Pet at Home
We had to look at this image a few times before realizing this dude had issues with leaving his pet ferret at home when he goes to the grocery store. A big issue that must be dealt with.

Now, we are not sure who's to blame for this phenomenon. It could be this guy's fault for not dealing with his condition in time, and it could be the grocery store's fault for not putting up a clear sign that said: "no ferrets allowed."
Back to Front
We can only imagine what this guy looks like on the other side. We can see a pair of sunglasses, maybe a mustache, and a sophisticated, intellectual look on his face. Just another ordinary guy.

But then he turns around...and the true party killer is revealed. This guy's hairstyle has probably been stuck with him since the late 1980s. Hasn't he been informed that people don't walk around like this anymore? Especially not to a grocery store.
Like Father Like...Pet?
They say that dog owners and their dogs tend to look alike and resemble each other after being together for many years. So they say. And they are probably right. But this lady took it all one step too far.

This lady is wearing a pair of pants in all colors of the rainbow, making her life very easy. She won't have to change the entire week, and all she'll have to do is make sure her dog's backside matches.
Pure Class
You cannot get more color and theme coordinated than this. This is pure class! We could have handled coming across one of these if we were laying on one of the beaches in the Dominican Republic and happened to bump into a group of tourists from Miami, but this happened in Costco.

And how do we know it happened in Costco, you ask? Well, the person who posted this image didn't forget to hashtag #peopleofcosco, giving the store's employees something to enjoy too.
In a Hurry?
Is this guy in a hurry or is he the walking definition of the word lazy? Does he honestly believe he will get his grocery shop done more quickly if he rides this hoverboard? He will definitely not.

He might be able to collect whatever he needs in less time, and he might make other shoppers give way when he comes drawing down the aisle. However, when he reaches the cashier, the wheels won't help, and he will find himself standing in line for hours just like everyone else.
Always Time for Meditation
You may think that the grocery store is for shopping only, but in fact, this place is used for many other reasons, like meditation, for example. Yes, the store's floor is the perfect place to take a moment and connect with yourself.

It's either that or this woman has had enough of walking around the store with her indecisive daughter and decided to sit on the floor until her shopping colleague decides what she wants.
Hush Little Baby
This next one is not exactly about what this couple is wearing. As you can see, they both have a pair of jeans and a black top on. Nothing too exciting. What caught our eyes here was the facial expression on their faces while holding their meat baby.

We can't be too wrong in assuming these two were either rehearsing a role for the next play they were in or realizing where this meat originated from and connected to their parental instincts.
When You’ve Got to Go, You’ve Got to Go
Baby nap time is precious. And getting your groceries in time just before the weekend is precious too. So, what do you do when the only free time you have is when your toddler needs a nap? Well, if you're at Costco, you don't let it bother you too much.

Costco's trolleys are spacious enough for any three-year-old to squeeze while still allowing plenty of space for all of your groceries. Who said you can't have it all?
Scuba Steve
It was just too much for Steve to change into something more comfortable before going to the grocery store, and he had to stay in his wet and cumbersome diving suit. It's all matter of priorities in life, we suppose.

Steve knows that by staying in his squeaky suite, he manages to keep other shoppers away from him and guarantees himself a short line at the cashiers.
Money Laundering
According to what people had to say after seeing this phenomenon on Instagram, this woman was either coming back from or on her way to Walmart. What other parking lot would you find such fashion choices in?

The jokes and comments that followed made us giggle. One wrote, "The buck stops here!" but the best comment was, " Washing those clothes is pure money laundering." Hillarious!
Only in LA
This can only be seen in LA. What other excuse could they be for coming across something like this? LA is the only place where everyone and everything are acceptable. Well, LA and everywhere else during Halloween.

This photo was not taken during Halloween though, so it must be in LA. Apart from the questionable meggings (men-leggings, FYI), we wouldn't suggest wearing a pure clean white outfit like this to the grocery store. You never know which two-year-old throwing a tantrum with a carton of juice in their hand you might bump into.
The Greek Goddess
Costco is the last place you want to go dressed up like an adult Greek goddess. When we think of it, there is no place in the entire world you would want to be found in this.

Now, if this woman had bought that dress in a size that fits her body, we could have (maybe) lived with it. But clearly, the dress is about two sizes too small. We do appreciate the commitment to the theme with her choice of footwear.
No Excuse
We are trying not to be horrible here, but we are finding it very difficult to keep our thoughts to ourselves. Are these two friends? Sisters? It's hard to say. Either way, someone must stand up and say something.

It's simple language comprehension: they are called "underwear" because you wear them UNDER your clothes. Once it's not completely covered by whatever it is you chose to wear, you are denying them their god-given right to do their job. We all know what happens when you deny rights, right? You get strangers at the supermarket taking pictures of you.
The Wrong Aisle, Bride
This bride has told herself a million times that nothing — nothing — is going to ruin her big day. And if the caterer calls on her wedding day and says he is low on Champagne, then she will stop at Costco on the way to the chapel.

If this is not the case, and there is plenty of bubbly for the guests, then someone has to tell this bride that she is walking down the wrong aisle.
Costco Fashion
This article features lots of supermarket photographs of people wearing whatever they could put their hands on, and without putting too much thought into it. So this one seems pretty ordinary in comparison.

You can wear any color of clothes you want, you can even arrive in your wedding dress if you choose, and if you insist, you can snuggle up with your best friend and arrive at the store wrapped in a leopard print blanket. No one would bat an eye.
"Dear diary. Today is April 2020, fourth day of lockdown. I just had to get out. I have been stuck indoors for almost a week now, and if I don't go to the store, I will die. I will just die. I can't find a mask, so I will have to improvise."

"I know; I will put on the kitty mascot Jane left over at my place before the world went crazy. I must keep my sanity. I will go to the store, and for sure, I will feel much better. No virus is going to get through this one."
Flower Power
This Costco employee is really connected to her new position. She is responsible for the new flower station in the store. She has to make sure the flowers are kept fresh, with plenty of water. She also has to make sure they didn't feel alone.

For this, she dressed in a pink costume to assure the flowers know she is part of their herd and that they are never alone. She even matched her facial mask. That's commitment.
Eat Fruit, Be Cute, Whatever
What a coincidence. This young lady spontaneously went to her closest grocery store, not knowing that they were filming a new commercial encouraging people to eat healthy fruit. This was her lucky day.

And just like that, she posed to the camera with a pineapple in her hand, wearing her biggest smile and not very much on her body. She remains healthy to this day.
My Eyes Are Back Here
If the person wearing this is shoplifting and only uses this cost for disguise, then he or she is doing a very bad job. What can be more suspicious than that look on this person's back?

He (or she) might as well be wearing the same coat with a sign that says, "I am not doing anything wrong, just minding my own business and...pretending not to shoplift."
The Dad of the Year Award Goes to This Guy
Touché, dad! You have to applaud this man for his creative parenting ways. There is no better way to keep your daughters from wearing super short shorts than wearing them yourself... in public.

Still, we're grateful he decided to write the explanation for his 'bold' fashion choice on the back of his jacket. Otherwise, we'd be a little concerned for that little girl.
Shopping Cart Support
Most women try to avoid heels whenever they can, but this one is clearly the exception. Not only did she decide to wear them to go grocery shopping, no less, but she also chose what looks like the most uncomfortable platforms in the entire world.

We don't know how long her shopping list is, but we sure hope she's not planning on wearing those heels for long because that's just an accident waiting to happen. How do platforms like these even exist?!
Now, each one of these sweaters would mean absolutely nothing standing alone. One of these guys works for the security team in this supermarket, and the other...well, he doesn't. But he is probably insecure about it.

We love perfect-timed photographers. This one, in particular, makes up look back at it time and time again. It's almost like the opposite of a glitch in the Matrix.
You Had Me at Ramen
We all love some good old Ramen noodles, but this is a bit much, buddy. Here's to hoping this guy was on his way to a 'Weirdest Costumes in the World' party. It is simply the only excuse for going out in public like this.

We'd like to have a little peek at whatever cart/bag he is leaving the store with. Sure, it will be all Ramen, but what flavor is this instant-noodle connoisseur going with?
No Joking Here
When you have lemons, turn them into lemonade. And when you've been given a rough deal, and you have to spend your life in a wheelchair, grab that opportunity that comes your way and spread your words of wisdom to the world.

This guy is aware that not everyone rushes off to get vaccinated and wanted to show them what could happen if they don't. Powerful!
The Godfather of Tie-Dye
Say hello to the godfather of tie-dye, or maybe he's Jerry Garcia's long-lost cousin. In any case, we are loving this man's ensemble. Just look at that attention to detail — the shoes, the suspenders, the pants, the shirt, and the lack of shame...

But seriously, jokes aside, we commend this man for being himself and wearing what he wants. And we hope he finds the Kool-Aid he's looking for.
It's That Time of Year Again
We don't know about you, but we would LOVE to be friends with these guys. Never a dull moment, always cheerful and always ready for a party. They didn't even mind not having Santa outfits that fit.

One commented on this photo and said, "It's possible you both will get diverticulitis if ur not careful!". As if that was the least of their worries.
He Works Hard for Her Money
Here is your average guy coming home from the office and deciding to stop on the way home and pick up a present for his daughter from the Lego store. In extra high heels.

We are opened minded, and we accept everything and everyone, but we do ask you, please, make up your mind. Either go for the full office attire or the full go-go dancer.
A Hairy Situation
This has got to be the hairiest woman we have ever come across in our lives. She is obviously having a bad hair day. However, this does not excuse the rest of her unacceptable appearance.

So it's not your day, and you couldn't be bothered to tie up your hair decently, but going to the grocery store in a pair of overalls only?! Now that's pushing it. (Ok, we know it's a guy, but could you imagine it not being?)
Don't Mix With Other Colors
How often have you accidentally put a colored top or pants in your white load? It has happened to every one of us at least once in our lifetime. And it has happened to this dudette too.

It's no wonder she is walking along the laundry detergent aisle, looking for the warning on the bottle's label. She could have sworn it said, "Mix With Other Colors."
Our Favorite Easter Bunny
Meet Mr.Easter Bunny. He comes around once a year to make your Easter merry. But if you see him at the supermarket, make sure you leave in a hurry! He is not as sweet as you may think he is.

Our first reaction is pretty much the same as a kid's, though — we're totally amazed by this man's dedication. Every Easter, rain or shine, this guy sinks into the Easter Bunny costume and scares the living daylight out of the shoppers.
Color Matching Before Anything Else
Sometimes you pay so much attention and importance to one thing you unintentionally neglect other important issues, which, looking back, should have been treated otherwise.

Take this lady, for example. The only thing she had on her mind was matching the color of her pants to her shoes, not thinking at all about what she would end up looking like.
Enough Is Enough
By the look of it, the guy or girl hiding in this airless and suffocating unicorn costume has had a little too much liquid down their throat. How else would you explain this next outrageous shopper?

Two minutes before this photo was taken, the unicorn was standing on the other side of the aisle, trying to get hold of its daily loot.
A New Sheriff in Town
Please meet Fred. Fred is the child behaviors supervisor at Walmart. He is there to ensure no spoiled child throws a tantrum, disobeys their parents, or 'accidentally' unwraps a candy bar before paying.

Walmart wanted to avoid children being seriously terrified by the sheriff. They decided to put a small hat on his head so that the children could relate. If you ask us, the children will be terrified by Fred regardless of the size of his hat.
It's Called Fashion
Ever heard of waiting to put on your show's costume only when starting the show? We're all in favor of modern-day, hip fashion, but this is just wrong. And probably extremely uncomfortable to walk in.

We find it very hard to believe that this guy managed to get any of his shopping done wearing this. He can only be grateful for online delivery and takeaway.
Little Red Riding Hood
Even though he probably got his fair share of looks at the supermarket, this cute old man still decided to wear what he wanted and be himself. And we love him for it. Besides, that is a very modest and proper red dress, not to mention his carefully done ponytail and cute little black shoes.

Something tells us he even took his time to carefully choose the pair of earrings he was going to wear. And those electric blue socks too!
Flamin' Hot Cheetos
Don't get us wrong, we love Flamin' Hot Cheetos — but dressing up as one for your trip to the supermarket seems like a pretty extreme move if you ask us.

We're hoping this was either a bet that this girl lost or Halloween because there is simply no other rational explanation of why someone would dress up as a snack to go grocery shopping!
Unsatisfied Customers
What happens when you've returned so many items to customer service that they no longer want anything to do with you? You dress up as a creepy pink fox, of course!

What we find most cringe-worthy about this photo is the fact that the fox is looking straight into the guy that snapped this photo's soul as if to say, "what are you looking at, mister?! You ain't ever seen a fox in a store before?"
The Perfect Wedding
Either this couple fell in love at Walmart, or someone messed up and forgot to book a wedding venue. Either way, this is an excellent utilization of space at your local supermarket.

We have so many questions regarding this photo. We can't help but wonder what people ate at the reception. Did they hop over to the frozen foods section for pizza bites and soda pop? Who officiated the wedding, was it the branch manager? We need answers!
The Graveyard Shift
From the looks of it, this guy was dragged out of bed (or perhaps a rodeo?) and was asked to stand guard and watch the cookies. Confused, he accepted the challenge but quickly realized that no one cared about the cookies at 3 A.M and promptly fell asleep.

Lucky for him, he was placed in the middle of a supermarket, so whenever he got hungry or thirsty in the middle of his "hard" shift, he could just look around him and take whatever looked most appetizing. In this case, looks like he was in the mood for some Dr.Pepper.
The Unfortunate Mullet
The look on this lady's face screams, "I know, this is a bad haircut. There's not much I can do about it now, though, so why don't you just take a picture and get out of my face."

Apart from the fact that this is one of the weirdest haircuts we've seen in a while, we're wondering how this woman's hairdresser managed to pull these all together. Spikes on top, tail at back, and an undercut. Can someone please explain?
Rainbow Ninja Gypsy
Here is a woman who dressed like this, not for Halloween and not for a fancy dress party. She feels comfortable in all colors of the rainbow, covering her head to toe.

This woman is making life very difficult for mothers with young children at Walmart. How on earth are you supposed to teach your kids that it is impolite to stare?
Cat Woman, Literally
This woman gives a whole new meaning to "cat lady." It's one thing to talk about your cats nonstop. It's another thing to bring them with you to the supermarket. This feline friend looks like this isn't its first ride on its lady's back.

It's used to the weekly visit to the grocery store, and everyone that works at the market is used to it too. It has been agreed that as long as it stays where it is, no one will get hurt.
It's not every day that you go to Walmart and see...this. At first glance, this is a pretty frightening sight to see. You don't know what on earth is going on under that mask and cloak.

But then, when you see what this guy was purchasing (limes and beer), you're immediately calmed by the fact that you understand that even the reaper likes to party!
Prehistoric Party!
It looks like someone is about to have the party of a lifetime, and we weren't invited. We're not bitter, just a little upset that no one thought of inviting us to this dinosaur party.

Shopping in this costume seems pretty impossible, so kudos to this guy for managing to get everything he needed for his get-together! We'd clap our hands, but that might be in poor taste as the T-Rex might think we're making fun of his short arms.
The Human Fish-Tank
What does one do with a water jug once everyone's done with the water? You turn it into a human fish tank, that's what you do! This man's new face armor is so hardcore he can't seem to see through it to count his money correctly.

This is germaphobia at its finest. The only problem is when you're entirely shielded, it's hard to manage your way around the market.
Brighter Than the Sun
We hope this quick Walmart run was for the following: aloe vera, moisturizing lotion, sunscreen, and something to wear. On second thought, the sunscreen may be a little unnecessary at this point. It would be easier just to put some clothes on.

For us, seeing someone dressed like this in the middle of the store is not something you see every day. However, this girl is trotting along with not one care in the world!
By the looks of it, this woman will be in dire need of some assistance. Her leather pants are so tight she wouldn't be able to bend over to pick up her favorite Fruitella flavor. Next time she has errands to run, we're sure she'll be throwing on a pair of sweatpants instead of putting these on.

We can't help but wonder if, after this photo was taken, she actually considered bending down to see if any of the lower-hanging varieties were worth the risk of ripping these up.
What? You've Never Seen a Pet Lizard Before?
We're sure you've seen people walking around with their pet dogs in the supermarket. In fact, you may even have seen someone walking around with a parrot on their shoulder. We've seen some weird stuff in our day, but never have we seen anyone walk around with a lizard in their arms.

This woman's obedient reptile is so perfectly placed it looks like she's walking around with a baby.
When Plaid Is Life
This beautiful woman looks like she hopped out of the shower, grabbed the first thing she could find, and ran to the supermarket to...um, sniff a bar of chocolate? We're all about the perfect photo op, but this one went a little overboard in our opinion.

Not to mention her boyfriend is probably looking for his favorite shirt! We wish someone looked at us the way she's looking at this chocolate!
Strike a Pose!
Have you ever seen someone that's gone to the supermarket just to take photos of themselves? People who don't need to buy anything but felt cute and wanted to take a picture in the grocery store's fluorescent lighting?

Oh, you say you've never heard of it before? No worries, you're looking at one of them right now. This "influencer" was feeling good about herself and wanted everyone (including her local supermarket) to know!
Stuck in History
Either this little old lady didn't pay attention to the weather forecast (if it was THAT could, she wouldn't have left the house), or she is stuck somewhere in history. People don't dress like this anymore.

However, the more we think about it, the better we understand the story. She's a little old lady. What else does she have to do on a Wednesday morning besides getting dressed?
Take a Nap
This girl forgot to check Walmart's opening hours and found herself squeezing in some extra sleeping hours until the store opened. She is even using her backpack as a pillow. She's got it all sorted.

Luckily for her, Walmart sells all other accessories she will be needing, such as a blanket and a set of pajamas. Next time, the shopping cart will be much more comfortable.
The Greatest Showman
This may come as somewhat of a surprise to you, but showmen are just like us! They need to go shopping for food, just like the rest of us, humans.

He's dressed to impress, and he sure did leave his mark on us! Excuse us, sir, would you mind performing for us? Yes, right here in the middle of Walmart!
Instant Regret
Have you worn something you hated so much you just wanted to rip it off of yourself? Well, this woman knows exactly what that feels like — except she actually went through with it.

She was about halfway through when she realized that maybe ripping off her shirt in the parking lot of her supermarket may not have been the smartest idea.
Retail Transformer
Imagine walking into your local Walmart and being greeted by a Transformer! By the looks of it, the franchise decided to promote its newest line of toys by placing real-life transformers in Walmart branches, and we're guessing it worked!

This is a pretty cool business move. We don't even care that much about Transformers, yet there is something about this guy that makes us wish someone buys us a Transformer next Christmas.
I Can't See Any Blue
Congratulation's to the new parents. And congratulations to the two parrots. To be honest, at first, we thought these were two baby car seats, but then we saw they were way too small and realized no babies were on board.

Don't get us wrong, and everyone is entitled to do and carry whatever they want but is it us, or did these people name their clearly red bird Blue?
Hannah & Joey Forever
We have one bet as to what's happening in this photo. Hannah was walking down the aisle when she looked up and saw her best friend, Joey. That was at that moment she realized she couldn't go through with her wedding.

The two ran off together, stopping at Walmart to pick up essentials before starting a life together! We're so happy you said yes to true love, Hannah!
Goat Bjorn
Last time we checked, the name of these carriers was "Baby Bjorn" and not "Goat Bjorn." We're not judging. We would just love to understand how this could be considered comfortable for anyone involved.

Carrying a goat on your back sounds like hard work, and for the goat, well, there is no way that it is comfortable sitting in a baby carrier. If we had to choose a baby product to hold a goat in, we'd probably go with a stroller.
Call Me, Beep Me!
Are you sick and tired of dating apps? So is this guy! He's so fed up with online dating, and he decided to take an original approach in hopes of finding love.

We give him an "A" for the effort. This shirt is a real eye-catcher, and it has us smiling. Having said this, we think that he may need to work on his handwriting. It looks like a first-grader wrote this.
Truth or Dare
We bet that everyone that passed this couple in the department store did a double-take to make sure they weren't imagining this odd sight. The leash this woman is holding, attached to her partner in crime, is for real.

We hope this is the result of a truth-or-dare game and that these people don't walk around the world looking like this.
Breakfast in Bed
This woman took the term Breakfast in Bed, all the way. She got out of bed, stayed in something less than her pajamas, went to the grocery store, and picked up some breakfast. How simple can life actually be?

It is only people like us who actually get dressed in the morning. Who knew you can do without it and just go shopping?
That's What Friends Are For
What a creative solution to reaching the goodies on the highest shelf! This is why you should always go shopping with a buddy; you never know when you'll need to reach for something on the top shelf.

To be honest, it beats our strategy of waiting for a tall person to walk by. Though, you never really know if you're bringing along a friend you can trust...
It Was the Night Before Xmas
We're not sure why this person is wearing the Grinch costume to a Walmart visit, but we are sure that he (we feel it's a he) definitely spread good cheer and smiles to all other shoppers, putting them all into the Christmas spirit.

On second thought, it is more likely that this scary Grinch scared the living heck out of the other shoppers and was asked to take his business elsewhere.
Cashing In
The best part of going to the arcade wasn't the games, now was it? Nope! It was cashing in all our tickets for prizes and toys!

Instagram influencer Tina Woods seems extra excited to be waiting at one of those counters, waiting to cash in and collect her prizes! The thing about arcades is... You always have to spend at least $100 to get a $2 prize at one of those.
Looking for Easter Eggs
That Easter candy looks delicious, but they must have placed something extra tasty on the top shelf because this woman seems to be getting in her daily stretches while reaching for it.

Who knows, maybe Walmart hosted an easter egg hunt, and this woman is going all out to win the golden egg! Either way, the good stuff is always on the top shelf.
Time for New Friends
This woman seems to be living the plot of the movie "Big." She grew up overnight, but her clothes have stayed the same size as when she was 12.

Did her friend wearing the hat think it was better not to say anything before leaving the house? If so, it was definitely a wrong call! Maybe she should get both new clothes AND new friends.
Dissonance Pants
Are those pants leather? Are they really the best choice for what seems like a hot day, judging by the tank top she’s wearing?

Well, they do say that beauty is pain, or in this case, sweat. At least she'll have body wash to use for her next cold refreshing shower! And we aren't even talking about the brave choice that is her scaffolding of high heels.
Anything for Instagram
Some people will do anything for a unique photo to post on social media. In our opinion, there are some things you should steer clear of. Sitting on dairy products is one of them.

Not only is sitting on food against the rules, but it is also pretty gross too. Food is placed on that counter, and she is putting her backside on it. Ma’am, please leave!
Excuse Me?
This is a clearly overdressed woman. Her picture is taken at the grocery store while picking up some fresh fruit before returning home. Doesn't this lady have simple, day-to-day clothes?

She doesn't seem to mind and is playing hard to get, not even looking at the camera. We honestly can't blame her! What other better thing has she got to do anyway?
Security Scandals
The security at this supermarket has taken its responsibilities to the extreme. If this security guard should come across anyone misbehaving or trying to shoplift, they will have this dude to deal with.

With his plastic Halloween sword and keeping-my-distance sunglasses, no one has a chance. The shoppers of this grocery store are as safe as they will ever be.
Quick! Look Away!
You think you've seen it all — well, you haven't. When we were kids, we thought we were clever by fooling our parents around; now, when we have kids, we are amazed as to what they can come up with.

This little bit has decided that he has had enough of his parents. He would like to exchange his siblings and decided to hang out here until they eventually stop looking for him.
Burning Man Coming in Handy
Last year when this young lady returned home from the Burning Man festival, she just knew that her outfit will come in handy. That her black plastic days were not over and that she will see her money's worth.

There is no harm in going to the local grocery store dressed like you're in a post-apocalyptic movie. In fact, some other shoppers even find this entertaining. Look at the expression on the woman behind.
Help on Aisle 3
Short people have it hard, y'all. Sometimes we think that the people who work in the supermarket put all the excellent stuff on the high shelf on purpose, don’t you?

This woman is putting all of her tiptoeing ballerina skills to work trying to get whatever it is she wants down. We hope she managed to do so without dropping everything else on the shelves!
A Bit Too Far
There is a bikini, and there's a bikini. This is not a bikini. This is a very small doesn't-cover-you-up purple pair of underpants that you forget to put something over before you entered the grocery store.

Why doesn't the store have a policy that covers what is acceptable and what isn't? And if they have one and this lady decided not to respect it, where is the supervisor?
Show Stopper
This girl was thinking about more than just her shopping when she went out to the shops that day. And we will assure you that she turned many heads while marking things off her shopping list at Walmart.

This woman knew exactly what she was doing when she strutted down the bread aisle wearing what she was wearing and owning it.
Lazy Sunday
Leggings are a comfortable choice to do just about anything in. In this case, the leggings seem to be just the right fit to help this athletic shopper get everything done in a fast and efficient manner.

We have a feeling this shopper knows a thing or two about efficient shopping. She has her grocery list on her phone, her bag out of her way, and she's ready to get shopping!
They're More Than Good; They're Great!
Who else remembers the catchy jingle in the Frosted Flakes advertisement years ago? Every time that tune comes to mind, we're off to the grocery store to buy ourselves a box!

We’re not sure if this woman is so short or the shelf is so high that she actually had to climb into the cart to reach her Frosted Flakes. Either way, it looks like she and her friend are having a blast.
Everyone's Favorite Chocolate Spread
The Italian chocolate hazelnut spread Nutella is clearly delicious, but that still doesn’t explain why there are four shelves packed with it in the grocery store or why the woman has decided that the Nutella on the top shelf is the most delicious.

What does she know that we don’t? And why is she reaching for another Nutella when she has one in her hand already? So many questions!
Everyone Is Welcome
We assume that this lady went to Costco with her little boy, and while they were having lunch, her boy had to go to the bathroom or something, and she stayed there with his Pikachu.

However, it would be much more interesting if we said this woman went to Costco with her Pikachu and wasn't in the mood for cooking, so they both decided to stay there for lunch.
Two in One
We’re not sure what is going on here. This woman couldn't make up her mind as to what shoes to put on, so luckily for her, one (questionably authentic) shoe company had something just perfect for her.

Two in one. Jordan sneakers on high heels are the big new thing in fashion, so hurry and grab yourself a pair before this lady takes them all.
Kashera Kashera
Some people are born to do a job. The minute they are brought into this world, their destiny is set for them. Take Kashera, for example. Can you imagine her doing anything else?

You couldn't trust any other employee with your money more than you could ever trust Kashera. There will never be any money missing, all bills will forever be organized facing up, and if you are ever short for small change, you know who to turn to. Kashera Kashera!
She Couldn't Wait
This is a clear example of why you should have dinner, drinks, and desserts before heading off to your local grocery store. Otherwise, you will end up having a photo taken looking like this.

We are not all that bothered that she wants to flatten her baguette into a pitta bread, but what we are more concerned about is the fact that she is drinking straight from the bottle and not pouring the drink into a cup.
Are You Talking to Me?
This woman stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things she needed for dinner. She also took the to pose to the cameras, and we've got to say, we're not mad about it.

She's the classic example of a woman who overdresses to go shopping, and by the looks of her boyfriend, he's not mad about the whole idea either. Just mad at whoever dares to look at his girl the wrong way.
The Best of Both Worlds
When @RimaNelli does her shopping, she stands out even in her workout clothes! Though, we're not really sure how you work out with hoops that big! Plus, she seems super committed to her healthy choices.

Talk about having your cake and eating it too! She is sipping a smoothie, and before she is even done, she is already checking out the labels to see what can give her even more nutrients.
What Was Going on Here?
Did this young lady really believe that a transparent plastic box would protect her against whatever she wanted to be protected from? Even the improvisation of the strap that is keeping the box on has been done in such an aggressive way.

The least she could have done was to trim the edges off, so it has a professional touch to it. However, we do praise the girl for using proper plastic gloves and not just a couple of plastic bags. Well done!!
Our Favorite Purple Peep
This woman is clearly ushering in the spring with her lilac-on-the-lilac ensemble. We wonder if the groceries she bought were purple as well, though we can't really think of any purple foods. Do blueberries count?

And in homage to Easter, her fashion trend of choice is lavender peeps all the way. Speaking of Peeps, does anyone know where we can get any?
Not a Care in the World
This poor man obviously sat somewhere wet and muddy and is now walking around, looking like he had an unfortunate accident. A really smelly accident. If we would bump into this dude in the store, we would say something.

We would have said that the store has some great deals on pants and that he should consider them. Do you think we will make ourselves clear, or should we be more upfront?
Cheers to the Weekend!
Standing in front of the wine selection, finding it hard to make up our minds. This is all of us on the weekend, right? In all honesty, this may as well be us during the workweek as well!

There's nothing quite like a quick run to the supermarket to pick up our favorite bottle of vino, is there? We get it, girl, we would have dressed up for the occasion too.
Calling Her Name
This woman is all of us, she’s trying to be healthy and perusing the flavored water options, but she keeps hearing the sweet sound of all the tasty and sugary sodas calling her name.

You can practically see the tiny cartoon angel and devil battling it out on her shoulders. We know what side we're taking! Which one would you choose?
Arizona Spring Formal
Our favorite part of high school was formals, and getting ready for them! This girl is all dressed up and ready to go in her form-fitting blue dress, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t taking time to stop and smell the roses.

Or, in this case, checking out the wine selection this store has, trying to figure out what would be best to bring.
Cheaper by the Dozen
The stripes on @LaurenDrainFit are mesmerizing and hard to look away from. So are her impossibly high heels. Good thing she has stopped moving and is wondering if she has enough eggs at home. Otherwise, she may accidentally hypnotize the entire store.

Which may have led fellow shoppers to drop egg cartons and glass jars! We wouldn't want that to happen, now would we?
Out of the Venue and Into the Supermarket
These women seem way too happy and way too overdressed to be filling up their cart like that. Perhaps they were on their way back from an under-catered wedding and needed a bite to eat?

We have to assume that this mother-daughter (or maybe sister) duo was at some kind of fancy party and was suddenly overwhelmed by the need to cook a three-course meal in heels.
Protein, Protein, Protein
It’s no wonder the woman in the pink and white striped dress stands in front of the deli section. We’re sure she needs to eat plenty of protein to maintain those biceps.

We wonder what else she picked up while at the supermarket. We want whatever she's having! Though she's probably also having about 5 CrossFit sessions a week. Talk about going to the gun show...
A Whole Foods Friend
Going to Whole Foods is not just about grocery shopping. Who knew you could meet while having your lunch at the hot food area?

This woman who was shopping there, for example, looks extremely friendly. We can definitely imagine having a post-shopping lunch with her. Maybe we found a new shopping buddy — everyone knows that grocery shopping is a lot more fun when you're doing it with a friend!
Pepper Celebrate!
This woman is inspecting the quality of those peppers. Her top half looks completely respectable and appropriate, but her bottom half is wild. We mean wild to the extreme.

Unfortunately, our lawyers have said we can’t show it to you, so you’ll just have to trust us. Looking at this picture, though, we can't help but crave a bowl of peppers. Who's with us?
Skeleton on Aisle 5
Oh, the thought of turning a corner at the supermarket and bumping into this gives us the heebie-jeebies! This pic could be fun, or it could be the beginning of a horror movie, but it is probably just a picture of a bored teenager at Walmart.

We hope this kid knows that it is good manners to buy something after you've touched it. On the other hand, maybe the skeleton felt a bit lonely and just wanted someone to dance with. In that case, you don't need to buy it.
We Do Anything for Our Kids
This mother is our hero. We adore her. We can almost hear the conversation she had with her kid before all this happened. Boy: Mom, let's play warriors. Mom: Just sit still, and let's get this shopping thing over and done with. Boy: If you don't play warriors with me, I will throw a tantrum, cry my eye out and make sure you wished you never took me with you. Mom: Ok, son.

She knew exactly what battles to fight and which ones need to be given up on before they even start.
And Why Not?
We like the way Walmart is going. They think of everything just to make your shopping experience better, and more memorable. Name any other store that welcomes you this way.

As it turns out, the violin player is not employed by Walmart; however, they allow him to perform at the entrance of the shop and make a few dollars. Everyone is a winner.
The Officer's Girl
As it happens, all officers you see in his photo have little girls. And all little girls happen to have a birthday at around the same time (or Christmas is coming, and the officers want to buy their girl a gift).

How else would you explain four police officers in uniform standing at the doll section in Walmart, looking as if choosing one was the hardest decision they had to make all year?