She made her way into the cold and refreshing water. Although she felt a million eyes staring at her she worked on convincing herself that it was all in her head and everyone was minding their own business.

Within five minutes, two young girls approached Madelyn. They were part of the park’s security team. What was about to happen left her shocked. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard.
A Long-Life Dream
Greg Miller was a simple man – he wanted little more than a nice home for his family, and he’d always imagined that his home would have a pool. It had been a personal goal of his for quite some time, and when he finally built it, he was over the moon.

Unfortunately, Greg had no idea that his dream pool, which took him so many years of saving and hard work, would turn into a huge problem. All Greg wanted was to enjoy a hot summer by the refreshing pool with his family, but it seems his neighbors managed to completely spoil that plan.
A New Home
After years of searching for the perfect place, Greg and his wife Jeanne finally found their home in the neighborhood of Old Sacramento, California. The house was somewhat old and needed quite a few touch-ups, but Greg and Jeanne were excited about this new chapter in their lives; they couldn’t wait to start renovating and making the house their own.

One thing they both were clear about from the beginning was the fact that they both longed for a pool. They had dreamed of enjoying the summer with a cool, beautiful pool, so they started saving as much as they could and were finally able to build their dream pool.
Pushy Neighbors
Greg and Jeanne didn’t have any kids of their own, but they had always been great with children and absolutely adored their nephews and nieces. The couple had barely met their new neighbors when one day, completely out of the blue, as they were enjoying the warm sun in their backyard, they saw their neighbor Sandra and her kids peeping over the fence.

It turns out that Sandra had an urgent question to ask her new neighbors, which seemed perfectly innocent at first. But the Millers couldn’t have imagined the crazy chain of events this small question would bring about.
An Innocent Request
In the politest manner, Sandra asked Greg and Jeanne if her kids and other kids in the neighborhood could use their gorgeous new pool from time to time. She went on to explain that the kids were on summer break and she, along with other mothers, was finding it extremely hard to keep them busy all day.

She didn’t want her kids to get any ideas or start doing mischief around the neighborhood, and she thought that knowing they were safe next door would be a huge help. Greg looked at Sandra reluctantly; he wasn’t too happy about being put in this position.
Something Was Off
Greg and Jeanne told Sandra they would think about it, but Greg was far from convinced. They talked about it for hours and went back and forth, but after a lot of heavy convincing from Jeanne, Greg caved in and said yes. After all, how bad could it be to have happy children enjoying the new pool?

However, Greg knew he had to set some ground rules, so he called all the neighbors and asked them over. He kindly explained that he was happy for the kids to enjoy the pool and have a nice and safe summer, but that some rules would have to be strictly followed in order to avoid any problems.
Greg’s Rules
What the neighbors thought would turn into an endless list of harsh rules turned out to be just one simple thing – no dogs were allowed in the pool, ever. The couple explained that they were thrilled to let their new neighbors use the pool as much as they wanted but it was imperative that they always abide by their one rule.

One of the main reasons Greg and Jeanne were so adamant about not allowing dogs inside the pool was because the lining of the new pool was still somewhat frail, and a dog’s paws could wreck it in no time.
Laughter and a Bark
Every single neighbor thought it was a completely sensible rule and promised to abide by it. The day after, it was a hot summer day and some kids came by Greg and Jeanne’s to ask if they could have a swim, to which they happily said yes.

Greg and Jeanne were sitting in their living room enjoying the afternoon breeze and delighted to hear the kids’ laughter and joy outside, playing in their pool. But suddenly, they heard another sound that sent them over the edge. It was an unmistakable sound – it was a dog’s bark. Somebody had broken their one golden rule.
Jeanne and Greg peeked out the window and saw that one of the neighbor’s kids had brought a huge German Shepherd into their pool. Somehow, they had managed to sneak in their dog without them noticing, and now they could clearly see the dog jumping in and out of the pool and damaging the frail liner.

Greg was furious – he had asked for one simple thing and had been a nice enough neighbor to allow everybody in his brand-new pool. They had disrespected him, and he couldn’t understand why; he’d been nothing but nice to these people. Something had to be done.
A Big Problem
Frustrated and angry, Greg rushed out of his house and walked straight to the pool – he sternly asked the kids who the dog belonged to. Finally, one of the kids shyly said it was his family dog and he was well-behaved.

Greg’s blood was boiling, and he angrily told them that they had broken his one golden rule and he was extremely disappointed in them. He would not tolerate this complete disregard and told them to immediately get out of the pool and take their dog with them. He made it clear that none of them could ever return to his pool again.
The kids were very disappointed and mad at getting called out. They bitterly called their dog and told him to get out of the pool, to which the dog immediately obeyed. The kids walked out of Greg’s house with sad and angry looks on their faces, as if they had been wronged somehow. Greg was incredibly upset; he wasn’t happy with the way things had turned out.

And now, as he walked closer toward the pool, he could see that the dog had, in fact, ripped the pool lining. Not only had he been disrespected, but he now had to pay a large amount of money to hire someone to repair the lining. He made a vow to himself that nobody other than his family would ever be allowed in that pool.
It Wasn’t Over
That night, as Greg was getting ready to go to bed, he couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened – he went over every single detail of his confrontation with the kids to assess if he had been too harsh. He hadn’t; these kids were told to respect one single thing and they couldn’t even do that.

Instead of being grateful and respectful to their neighbor, they just did what they wanted without caring about the repercussions. But something else was on Greg’s mind – he couldn’t shake the feeling that this wouldn’t be the end of it, that something was going on.
Leaving Town
Two weeks went by and Greg had to get out of town for a few days, and he left without thinking twice about it. After all, there had been no further issues between him and his neighbors once he confronted them and their dog. Greg had no idea what was actually going on.

His neighbors, who had always seemed to be kind, decent, and innocent people, turned out to be anything but. There was no way that Greg could have imagined what was actually happening behind his back. Apparently, his seemingly nice neighbors had been taking advantage of him in the worst possible way for weeks.
Sneaking In
Greg had no idea that ever since he kicked the kids out of his pool and spoke to his neighbors that day, his neighbors had decided to take advantage of him. Angry about Greg banning them from his pool, the neighbors had been spying on him and watching out for times when his car wasn’t parked in the driveway.

Every time they saw his car was missing and Greg wasn’t home, they sneaked into his backyard and used his pool. The neighbors were very careful about their vigilance of Greg’s car and they made sure he was never home whenever they went over. The last thing they wanted was to get caught. But one day, they dropped the ball and did something careless.
Greg’s Return Home
One Sunday night, as Greg arrived at his house and walked through his backyard, he felt something was off. He noticed the pool surroundings were completely wet and some pool toys weren’t in the same place he had left them. The only reasonable explanation Greg could think of was that someone else was using his pool without his permission.

Greg started to get mad, and the mere thought of someone taking advantage of his pool when he wasn’t there was enough to get his blood boiling. However, it was late at night and Greg decided that whatever was going on, he would solve it the next morning.
An Appalling Discovery
Greg had no idea that the next morning things would get even worse. As he approached his pool in the daylight and examined it carefully, he realized there was another massive tear in his pool lining. The scratch was in exactly the same spot as the last time the dog had ripped it, and it definitely looked like a dog’s paw was involved.

Greg was in utter shock at the sight of this; it was no longer a question; his neighbors had been sneaking into his pool with their dog and doing what they pleased. His anger began to rise like never before.
Rage Took Over
That was the last straw for Greg. It was one thing that the kids had disrespected his property when he had allowed them in, but it was something else entirely that his neighbors were sneaking into his property without permission and damaging it. He couldn’t believe he had once trusted these people and thought they were decent.

Greg took the rest of the afternoon off so he could think of a definitive and effective way to teach these people a lesson. He wanted revenge, or at least the certainty that something like this would never happen again. Greg started masterminding his plan.
No More
The big tear in the pool lining pushed Greg over the edge. He could no longer contain his anger and disappointment. He was no longer going to be the nice neighbor, he was taking action and putting an end to this appalling behavior.

Greg knew that if he didn’t stand firm now, his neighbors would continue to walk all over him, and the disrespect would never end. He was angry at himself for being such a fool and believing in his neighbors’ false kindness. He now knew there was no easy or good way to fix things, and he no longer cared.
His First Move
Despite his rage, Greg knew that his first move had to be to speak to his neighbors. He walked towards their door and when Sandra opened it, he immediately confronted her about everything. As expected, she denied ever having done anything and pretended to be offended that he would even ask something like that.

Greg knew who had trespassed into his property long before he knocked on Sandra’s door, but he wanted to give her one last chance to redeem herself before he pulled out the big guns. If she would admit to what she did and apologize, maybe he would be more merciful. Unfortunately, the opposite happened.
The Master Plan
Greg got an idea and started moving things around so he could execute his master plan. He called some people, and, in a few hours, there was a massive truck, and several other smaller trucks, parked outside the Millers’ house. The neighbors started to peep from their windows to see what all the commotion was about.

As they started leaving their houses and walking closer to the truck to see what was going on, they started whispering in confusion. What was going on at 23 Maple Lane? There seemed to be a cloud of secrecy above it all. Soon, Greg would give them a big surprise, and it wasn’t going to be a good one.
Desperate Measures
Within a few hours, the street outside Greg’s house was lined with trucks, and his backyard and house were crawling with workers. He wanted the neighbors to see that something was going on, and he would let them sit in confusion for hours without telling them what was happening.

Just as he expected, he could see his neighbors peeping from their windows and trying to make out the situation. He knew it was just a matter of time before the word started spreading around the neighborhood that something strange was happening at 23 Maple Lane, and nobody could figure out what it was.
Things Escalated
Greg was happy to know that the whole neighborhood was stewing in confusion; he was enraged at their behavior and couldn’t wait to reveal his big surprise to them. He started to overhear the whispering and gossip of the neighbors in the backyard and they were baffled by the amount of builders and work going on in his property.

Greg knew this would be a declaration of war against his neighbors, and he was prepared to face the consequences. He’d had enough, and they had crossed a big line — something he had to remind himself of every time he felt bad for being so ruthless.
They Had to Learn
His neighbors had to realize what they’d done wrong and learn a harsh lesson, and if Greg’s plan wasn’t enough to accomplish this, he would take more drastic measures. This was it, he was putting up the fight of his life against this reckless behavior. Greg had thought of a number of contingency plans in case his first one didn’t work out like he expected.

He thought of every angle and every detail, and his neighbors had absolutely no idea what he had in store for them. They could have never guessed what was coming, or that their blatant disregard for their neighbor would end this way.
The First Vehicle
Among the vehicles parked outside Greg’s house, the first one to arrive had been a smaller truck that belonged to a prestigious IT company. Greg had hired them to install state-of-the-art security cameras that were part of a sophisticated surveillance system. This was the first move in Greg’s master plan.

The cameras were in place, so Greg went to his neighbor’s door and asked her to walk with him toward his backyard. The woman and her kids were right under the camera as they stood and listened to Greg – he began telling them that the next time her kids sneaked into his pool there would be serious consequences.
The Neighbor Gets Angry
Greg’s neighbor stood there with her kids, and he could tell she was getting angrier by the second. If he ever doubted that her kids were the ones who had sneaked in, her reaction was enough to confirm their guilt. There was no reason for her to act so furiously if she and her kids were innocent.

Regardless, Greg felt good about his decision to install the cameras, because now, nothing would get past him. He would be able to have solid proof next time anyone tried to sneak in, and once he showed up at the neighbors' house with the video, they would have nothing more to do but apologize and admit their wrongdoings.
Denying Their Behavior Once Again
After standing there with her kids, Greg’s neighbor made yet another mistake – she lied yet again about what they had done. Sandra vehemently denied that she or her kids had ever sneaked into Greg’s pool, which made him get even angrier.

Of course, the neighbors had no idea that Greg had just installed new surveillance cameras, and he knew it was just a matter of time before they tried to sneak in once again. All he had to do now was to be patient and hope they would try to break in again soon. This time, they wouldn’t be able to get away with anything.
The Calm Before the Storm
After that confrontation, Greg knew the kids would be on alert and he would probably have to wait a few days before the kids tried anything again. He knew it was just a matter of time before he could catch them red-handed. Still, Greg was anxious to resolve the matter, so he thought of an idea that would surely motivate his neighbors to break in again.

He was adamant about catching these kids and seeing his neighbors' faces when he presented them with the video – he would finally get his confession and what he thought would be a sincere apology and effortful attempts to make amends.
Greg’s Idea
Greg’s sophisticated surveillance system had been up and running for some days now, and that’s when he decided to execute his idea and test what happened. Greg let his neighbor know that he and his wife were taking a vacation and the house would be empty for a few days.

Then, on the day they were supposedly leaving, Greg and his wife got in their car and drove around for a few hours. He expected to return to the house and replay the camera footage to find his dishonest neighbors sneaking into his pool, thinking he had left for an indefinite time. But what he came home to was far worse.
Greg and his wife arrived at their home after a few hours driving around and what they found left them in shock. Greg didn’t even need to look at his cameras, because he had caught the kids right then and there! As soon as he walked into his backyard, he saw his neighbors’ kids splashing about in his pool.

And worst of all, their huge German Shepherd dog was in the pool with them. He was beyond furious – this was a disrespect at the highest level. He immediately told the kids to get out of his pool and ran over to their house to speak with their parents.
Time for a Fight
As Greg stood in his neighbor’s doorway and waited for her to answer, he could feel his blood boiling with rage. Suddenly, his neighbor opened the door, and he instantly told her what had just happened. But the woman’s response was the most shocking thing of all. Instead of apologizing profusely, which is what any decent human being would have done, she simply replied, “You can’t stop the children from using the pool.”

He couldn’t believe what he was hearing and nearly passed out from the amount of anger he felt. This woman seemed to have missed the point that “the pool” wasn’t the property of the neighborhood, it was HIS pool! Greg felt like screaming at the top of his lungs.
Taking a Breath
Greg felt like starting a huge fight right then and there, but he knew he wouldn’t solve anything by doing that. So, he took a very deep breath and told her that he didn’t want to hear another word from her, but he would be bringing over all the repair bills for the pool.

Moreover, there would be a very big bill from that very day, since he had just caught her kids with their dog inside his pool a mere 10 minutes ago. Greg explained that he expected these bills to be paid right away, or things would get worse.
Utter Shock
His neighbor was speechless, and it was clear that she was at a loss for words and had just learned new information about the repercussions of her kids' actions. However, she didn’t want to seem weak so held her position and opinions firmly. She curtly said that she was definitely not going to be paying a single penny of his repair bills since they hadn’t done anything.

“You can’t force me to pay anything”, she yelled, as she proceeded to call her kids into the house and slam the door in Greg’s face. Greg was overjoyed because this woman had no idea that he now had enough evidence to take her to court.
Seeking Legal Advice
Greg had never been a conflictive person, and the last thing he wanted was to get into a legal fight with his neighbors. But these people had gone too far, and despite giving them every opportunity to redeem themselves, they just kept making things worse. He gathered the video footage from his surveillance cameras and called his lawyer.

His lawyer explained that he definitely had a solid case for the small claims court, and so they proceeded to file a motion. Greg’s neighbors had no idea what was coming, and that’s exactly how he wanted it. They would never get away with anything again.
Going to Court
In a few short weeks, it was time for Greg and his neighbors to go to court. As it was the neighbors’ turn to issue their statement, Greg was elated that they kept on denying absolutely everything, because that just made his case stronger. Not only had they entered a property illegally, but they were lying under oath.

He couldn’t wait for his turn to come up so he could show everybody the video evidence and shame these people like they rightfully deserved. His neighbors had no idea of the surprise they were about to get; this time, they would have absolutely nothing to do but stay silent and feel awful.
Irrefutable Proof
Greg was happily listening to his neighbor’s statement, anxiously waiting for his turn to go on the stand. Finally, he was called up by the judge and gave the USB memory stick to an officer who proceeded to play what was on it. As the video footage started to play, Greg’s neighbor widened her eyes in shock.

She sat quietly as she saw her kids and their huge dog sneak into Greg’s backyard and use the pool for hours. The video also showed how the dog’s roughhousing had torn the pool lining. The evidence was damning, and she knew there was nothing else to do – Greg had caught them red-handed, and he had every right to be furious.
The Judge’s Ruling
The moment that the judge watched the video footage provided by Greg, he ruled in his favor. Greg’s neighbor was ordered to pay every single repair bill that Greg gave them or would give them in the future. Of course, Greg was relieved by the ruling, since it meant that he wouldn’t have to pay for all the expensive repairs from his own pocket.

It was only fair that his neighbors pay for the damage they caused. Still, there was something bothering Greg; despite the court ruling in his favor, he wasn’t convinced that his neighbors wouldn’t try something again once some time had passed. He never wanted to deal with a situation like this again.
Additional Safety Measures
Even though he had installed a state-of-the-art surveillance system which his neighbors were now fully aware of, Greg decided to go the extra mile. He didn’t trust these people one bit, so he had a very tall fence put up around the entire backyard to ensure it wasn’t physically possible for the kids to get in.

Furthermore, he put up a huge sign on his fence that clearly read “Private Property. Trespassers Will be Prosecuted.” Greg hoped these extra measures and the court’s ruling would be more than enough to keep the neighbors off his property for good. He knew this would make him very unpopular with his neighbors, but at this point, he didn’t care.
Neighborhood Reaction
Just as Greg had predicted, once he put up his fence and warning sign, he started to get backlash from the neighbors. They would cross to the other side of the sidewalk if he saw him or his wife strolling by, and they would give them mean, judgmental looks. Obviously, his next-door neighbor was the angriest of them all.

She was furious about it all: the judge’s ruling, the public humiliation in court, and the fact that her kids could no longer enjoy the pool. Greg was appalled by the fact that nobody seemed to understand his right to protect his property. How could people not see that he wasn’t the one in the wrong?
Everyone Was Affected
Greg also thought that it was incredibly unfair to his other neighbors, who had done nothing wrong, to keep them from using the pool. But unfortunately, the kids next door and their dog had ruined it for everyone. He wasn’t happy to know that there was so much tension between him and his neighbors, but he knew that he had done the right thing.

He preferred to be hated than to be disrespected and taken advantage of. Perhaps he could slowly start to trust his other neighbors some time in the future, but for the time being, he was standing firm in his opinions.
Standing His Ground
Although he knew he was doing the right thing and kept standing his ground, Greg had to deal with some very unpleasant encounters. Several of his neighbors came to speak with him in private and called him out for his behavior, telling him he was exaggerating and being too selfish.

Others called him downright “un-American” since he was going out of his way to not be neighborly. Greg learned how to ignore these ridiculous comments and not let them affect him. He knew what was actually happening and he had a right to protect his property just like anybody else.
Getting Tired
Although Greg was as clear as he could be about the fact that he was doing the right thing, he was also getting tired of living with so much tension. He didn’t mind people’s opinions and nasty comments, since he had learned not to care about them, but he also didn’t want to live in a community that hated him.

Also, his wife Jeanne was growing tired of the meanness, so she asked Greg if there was any way to fix the situation without compromising their convictions and property. In the end, the Millers were peaceful, nice people who had always gotten along with their neighbors, and they wanted that harmonious atmosphere back.
A Show of Faith
After carefully talking it over with his wife Jeanne, Greg decided that the best solution was to give his neighbors a second chance. Although he struggled with his own decision, since deep down he knew these people didn’t deserve any more chances, he knew it was important to his wife to keep things calm and go back to the harmonious community they once had.

Greg knew that he had to do things differently this time since he already knew what and who he was dealing with. But he really did believe that a show of faith towards his neighbors might end up being the best thing for everybody.
A Watchful Eye
Greg thought about the first few times the kids came over to the pool, before they decided to bring the dog, and remembered that everything went wonderfully back then. The problem is when the kids decide to ignore his rules and bring their huge pet.

Maybe he could work something out and demand that an adult supervise the kids to make sure they never brought the dog again. He discussed it with one of his neighbors and they thought it was a reasonable request. Greg hoped this would be enough to ensure the well-being of everybody involved and make sure his pool never got damaged again.
No More Than Once a Month
After much thought, Greg decided he would let his neighbors enjoy his pool once a month, with the condition that kids always had to be supervised by an adult to make sure no dogs were brought over.

This gave the neighborhood kids a way to enjoy their summer and have fun, and most importantly, it gave Greg the peace of mind that his property was safe, and he was on good terms with his neighbors. However, this was only part of the solution, since Greg also had to think about smoothing things over with the neighborhood adults. So, he thought of something else he could do.
Getting the Community Back Together
Greg thought of a plan; he would take the opportunity to turn the monthly opening of his pool into a community event. For one day a month, whenever the neighborhood kids were allowed in his pool, he would also invite their parents over for a big barbecue. It was the perfect plan: the kids could enjoy themselves while under the supervision of their parents.

And Greg and his wife could start making friends with their neighbors again, allowing them to fix things and feel like they were a close community once again. Greg called each and every one of his neighbors and extended heartfelt invitations to his monthly community barbecue; they all accepted.
Healthy Boundaries
As time went on and Greg hosted a few barbecues, his neighbors finally got a chance to talk to him and get to know him. They slowly realized that Greg had always had a logical reason for doing all the things he did. He was a decent and kind man, not the selfish, grumpy neighbor they all pegged him for.

It made sense that he wanted to take care of his pool and his property, and he had every right to do so. His rule was simple: no animals were allowed because they damaged the pool. He wasn’t asking for much.
Repairing Relationships
It seemed that Greg’s efforts had paid off since everybody in the neighborhood was friendly with him and his wife again. Some neighbors even personally apologized for having judged him so mistakenly and treated him with such disregard in the past. They told him he was absolutely right to act the way he did and reassured him that they all respected his family and his property.

They would never do anything to offend him again. And they were incredibly grateful to get a second chance. Unfortunately, his next-door neighbor was another story. She was the only person in the entire neighborhood who hadn’t come over to Greg’s barbecues even once.
Everyone Wins
Greg started to accept that some things couldn’t be fixed, and he understood that his neighbor was still angry about the thousands of dollars she had to pay. But he also knew that this had been entirely her fault, and thus she had to take responsibility.

The other neighbors wanted to fix the remaining tension between Greg and her next-door neighbor, and so one day, they asked her to please come to Greg’s monthly barbecues. She finally agreed to go and approached Greg so they could talk things out peacefully and with a different understanding of things. So, they sat down in Greg’s backyard and had a very long talk.
Much-Needed Understanding
As Greg and his next-door neighbor sat and talked, he finally had a chance to tell her his side of things in a calm manner. It seemed that his neighbor had heard what he said for the very first time and understood him. She apologized profusely and told him that if she had known her kids were bringing the dog to his pool, she would’ve punished them.

In turn, Greg explained that this wasn’t even what had made him so angry – it had been her complete lack of consideration and responsibility the first time he approached her. She completely understood this and told him she hoped they could make amends going forward.
When Greg kicked the kid out of the pool, it was for a completely justified reason. In the following story, however, you will find a grown woman kicked out of a pool for the most absurd reason you could possibly imagine.
Living in the 21st century, one might think that people have bridged prejudice, discrimination, and being narrow-minded like some people in our next story. Isn't it time we learn to accept people for who they are and not for the way they look or the way we think they are reflected?

What started off as an ordinary family outing, ended up being one of the worst days of Madelyn Scheaffer's life. Never in her wildest dreams did she think going to a water park would result in such a way.
A Simple Begining
Madelyn Sheaffer was in her 30s. She lived in Odessa, Missouri, and was considered an average loving mother. Never had she had an outrageous story or scandal to her name and life was pretty good.

Like all mothers, all she wanted was the best for her children. She loved and protected them and made sure they had everything they needed.
Once in a Lifetime Incident
What Madelyn didn't know is that she was about to confront one of the most humiliating and heartbreaking situations of her life. Nothing could prepare her for what was about to come.

Not only was the incident disgracing and shaming, but it was mostly her response that turned this story into one to remember.
How Did It All Begin?
To fully understand Madelyn's horrific experience, we must go back a few years, prior to the incident we'll later detail. What happened back then was about to have a direct influence on future happenings.

When Madelyn was in her twenties, she fell in her bathtub and hurt her back severely, which resulted in a herniated disc. This meant some tissue from her spine was displaced after her fall.
A Harsh Reality
Her life became a misery. She couldn't walk properly let alone handle daily chores. Even the smallest activity became almost impossible to handle.

Her ways of life and lifestyle weren't making her situation any easier and she felt that enough was enough. She was going to take a new path in life.
Stuck in the Tub
When Madelyn fell and hurt herself in the bathtub, she literally couldn't move. She was stuck in one position and when the medical help arrived, she was in such pain, that she couldn't cooperate. She insisted no one moves her and remained in that same position for hours.

That time alone in the tub gave her some hours to think and to realize that her life couldn't continue the way it did. It was time for things to change and this fall was a sign.
Heavy on the Scales
Madelyn was a heavy girl, and because she spent so much time taking care of her family, she didn't realize how big she became. Her weight was unhealthy and her overall medical condition was in danger of deteriorating if no action was taken.

From the minute she decided to change her ways, she began losing weight and two years later was 100 pounds lighter. Not only was she healthier, but her self-esteem and confidence went rocket high.
As Good as It Gets
In the years to follow, Madelyn was in the best shape and weight she has ever been in. The time and effort she invested were well worth it. Life couldn't be better.

Falling in the bathtub was a wake-up call for her which led her into a battle she had to fight. But little did she know, that wasn't the last battle awaiting her.
Her Confidence Was at Risk
The boost of confidence was about to be destroyed in just one day. She had struggled to lose the weight and all it took was one person to knock the tower of confidence and enthusiasm down.

That one event would not only astonish Madelyn, but it would also make her decide to tell her story to the world. The whole day would become viral and astonish everyone else.
The Waterpark
Madelyn was planning on spending the day with the family at a waterpark. The park which was supposed to be a place of pleasure and joy turned into a horror scene and made her day a misery.

She wore her bathing suit and her smile, paid for the tickets, and looked forward to having a great day outdoors with the ones she loved.
It Was Getting Hot
As the temperatures became higher that day, so did the number of people in the park rise. The place was crowded and at first, Madelyn felt uncomfortable exposing her body in a bikini.

After observing the park, she realized there were people there in all different shapes and sizes which assured her, she had nothing to worry about. Before she knew it, her clothes were off and the family fun day was about to begin.
Big Brother Was Watching
She had learned to love her size and accept her body. She was tall and beautiful, and most importantly, she was healthy. One thing she didn't know was that she was under the supervision of the park's law enforcement.

This was the first time she had worn a bikini in public, and it wasn't going to remain peaceful. The last thing Madelyn wanted was extra attention to her body, however, that was exactly what was going to happen next.
The Authorities Were Calling
She made her way into the cold and refreshing water. Although she felt a million eyes staring at her she worked on convincing herself that it was all in her head and everyone was minding their own business.

Within five minutes, two young girls approached Madelyn. They were part of the park's security team. What was about to happen left her shocked. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.
What She Heard Was Unreal
At first, Madelyn thought she misheard what was said. She looked around her and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Perhaps she got everything wrong? Perhaps it was all in her head? She questioned the two girls and asked them if what she heard was in fact what they said.

The two employees didn't hesitate and admitted to saying what Madelyn had heard. They told her the bottom part of her bikini was too small and was revealing too much. That wasn't appropriate for a family park.
This Was Unfair
Madelyn was insecure with what she had on and now she felt even worse. She felt the remark was unfair. She didn't deserve it. She was aware of what she had on and in no way was it any more revealing than what other women had on.

Why were those employees picking only on her? What made them ask her to cover herself when many women around them were exposing just as much?
She Was Not Letting This Get Away
Now, on one hand, Madelyn felt embarrassed and ashamed and all she wished for was to disappear, but on the other hand, this situation was unfair and was discriminating against her. She wanted to get to the bottom of this.

She was not going to hide away and take any nonsense from those two employees. This was the first time she had ever experienced such embarrassment in public. What started off as a humiliating situation, very fast turned into resentment and anger.
She Was Going to Fight All the Way
She had worked so hard to lose weight and work on her self-esteem, and she was not letting two park workers ruin that with just one comment.

She felt the frustration build inside of her, steam was coming out of her ears and as far as she was concerned, those two employees were going to regret saying what they said.
Double Trouble
Madelyn later learned that the two employees commented on her bikini and asked her to cover up not because of the size of the bathing suit but because of her age. A woman passed her 40s shouldn't be revealing so much flesh.

“My body is different than the young girls that were walking around in their bikinis, but why should I be made ashamed of my body? I am comfortable in my bikini. I am happy with who I am”, Madelyn said to the two employees.
The Employees Thought Otherwise
The two employees were sure Madelyn would cover herself up, however, after hearing her counterargument, they weren't so sure anymore. Madelyn was confident with what she had to say.

If this had happened a few years back, she would have probably not been able to handle the situation, however, these were different days and different things were about to come.
Supervisors on the Call
The two girls weren't prepared to let go and offered a compromise. Madelyn either puts on a pair of shorts or leaves the waterpark. There was no other alternative.

Madelyn's temper skyrocketed. She wasn't having any of this. She told them that their offer was unacceptable and that if they wanted her out, they had to get their supervisor to take her out. She was stubborn as a bull.
Did They Regret What They Said?
The two employees weren't expecting that. When they first asked Madelyn to cover up, they never thought it would escalate to such a high level and a feeling of regret hovered over them.

Next, when Madelyn wouldn't leave, the police arrived. A fun sunny family day out in the water park turned into a crime scene with Madelyn being prosecuted and two young girls accusing her of absolutely nothing.
It Was Time for the Men in Blue
The waterpark authorities called the police as they wanted Madelyn to leave. They didn't check further into the two girls' accusations and chose the easy way out.

Most of the people around were supportive of Madelyn and didn't understand what the fuss was about. The police officer understood Madelyn's argument, however, explained that according to the law, they had to ask Madelyn to cover up or leave, as that is what they were called to do.
The Unexpected Support
Madelyn was escorted by the police out of the waterpark. She couldn't believe this was happening. The police officer approached her and said; "I hope from the expressions on our faces you can tell how we feel".

Both Madelyn and the police officer knew something wrong was happening. They couldn't believe that in the 21st century people were still treated the way she was. Someone had to put a stop to this.
Wrong Judgment
After years and years of feeling embarrassed about what she looked like, she had finally learned to love her body, and there was no way she would let people treat her that way. She was a victim of discriminating judgment.

She had overcome her fear. She knew she did no wrong. The people around her supported her and even representatives of the law, the men in blue, gave her their full support. Well, as much as they could anyway.
Was She Giving In?
Some may say that the fact Madelyn left that park, was those two employees' victory, that Madelyn had lost the battle as she did eventually leave. The authorities at the park got exactly what they were aiming for.

Well, to some, Madelyn maybe lost the battle, but not the war. A new battle was about to rise on social media. The war was not over.
It's Facebook Time
Madelyn posted her story on Facebook and within no time it became viral. Her post reached so many people who showed her great support and encouragement. Her followers reacted against the waterpark and demanded that action is taken.

Almost every person who came across Madelyn's post had a comment to share and criticized the park severely. There were very few who wrote that the park had a policy that had to be respected, but then again, they were only a few.
The Truth Came Out
Madelyn was overwhelmed. Not only was she showing the park's authorities in a bad light, but she also managed to reach other women who were in her situation too. Women who might have been embarrassed in public for any reason, but most of all, women who felt like her.

Women who have self-esteem issues, being heavy or not, or women who feel uncomfortable with wearing bathing suits out in public for any reason they had. She felt there was a purpose for what had happened.
It Was News O'clock
Madelyn's story was everywhere. Even on tonight’s local 41 news. While she was waiting to be called, people who passed her commented on how ridiculous the incident had become and complimented her on the way she looked in her bikini.

She later felt that it was time for another post, this time a thank-you one. She recognized how much love was sent her way and how much appreciation and gratitude people were feeling, so she had to send some in return.
Over the Ocean and Across the Sea
Madelyn's story became international. People from all over the world reached out to her and shared their support. 500 letters from Brazil were sent, together with a few more hundreds from China, Greece, and Hong Kong.

Things were about to change. Not only within Madelyn's local community, but they were about to change worldwide. Humanity was going to change, and it was going to change for good.
A Moment of Gratitude
Madelyn carried on by posting how she is grateful for those who express pride over shame, no matter what shape one's body is and no matter how tall or small they might be.

She carried on by saying that we have beautiful bodies in many shapes and sizes and she was overwhelmed and comprehended that she was not alone.
It Was Not for the Money
Her purpose was never to slander the waterpark and she didn't intend to cause them any harm. She didn't intend to get any money out of them and all she wanted was to be treated equally.

No money in the world would be enough to solve the ignorance and the insensibility the authorities in the park had. The problem is based on their mindset and attitude which led the police to do something they didn't necessarily believe in.
She Had Something to Say
Madelyn demanded one thing and one thing only. She wanted Oasis Water Park to amend their swimsuit policy. It was discriminatory and had to be updated. She believed there was nothing wrong with having a dress code, but only if it applied to all, and in this case, it didn't.

As for the water park, we're not sure but what we can say is that Madelyn reached so many people out there and managed to leave her mark. So many lost souls who were hiding deep inside their sorrow, thanks to Madelyn, managed to rise and confront acceptance.
She Left Her Mark
Madelyn was thrilled. She managed to bring awareness to those who were ignorant and managed to push the kick-start button that would lead to change.

The battle that was only hers became public property and we hope that it has managed to make a significant change in people's views and beliefs.