First days are never easy, there’s a lot of information to take in and it can take some time before you get the hang of it all. So it wasn’t that unrealistic when this 14-year-old busboy requested that he get started on the next task the following day.

It took the restaurant a few minutes to decide that this kind of behavior just isn’t going to fly and that they would much rather work with someone who doesn’t talk back. Maybe not the nicest place to work in.
Communication People, Communication!
So this guy thought his shift was supposed to start at 16:00, but apparently, it started at 14:30. We all know that 14:00, 16:00, and even 16:30 are not really busy hours in any store so they could have given this dude a break.

If the managers are so uptight and are so inflexible or not understanding, this guy is better off not working there. On your next first day at a new job, make sure to get the hours right.
The Big Boss
This is a great example of what happens when the expectations (on both sides) or not met. The job description was obviously not described in detail, as this new trainee was under the impression he would be bossing people around all day, and the last thing he had on his mind was emptying trucks.

And on the employee's side, they probably didn't expect a trainee to walk around, do nothing, and then leave after one day. At least he could have left them some doughnuts.
She's Got the Look
Did the people at the company ready think the look of this new employee would have changed in such a short period of time? I mean, how long is it between the first introduction meeting and the training sessions? Three weeks? Two months at the most?

Now, this girl can practice her new shoplifting skills whenever she visits Hollister's, not for the clothes, but for the revenge.
The One About the Rotisserie Chicken
One of the most difficult jobs one can have has got to be in a fast-food chain. Pizza, Burger, Mexican, you name it. Being around all that junk will not only make you heavy around the waist but apparently will also turn you into a shoplifter. Or a skin lifter.

If this dude was so keen on the chicken's skin, why didn't he suggest adding this to the menu? We are sure there are other lunatics out there.
Bad Influence
So, this girl woke up for her first day at work, and thought to herself, what could I do to really mess things up. I know! I'll hold back until I get to the office, and when I'm done, I will deliberately forget to flush. That will be followed by me, being on my best behavior and making an effort to practically ruin the surveys.

Well, honestly, it's more likely that the piling-up mess-ups weren't on purpose, but it's not like we can solely blame the employer on that one.
Shopping on My Break
When starting a new job, it's a good idea to check the stores and facilities in the area, as you might want to do some shopping after your workday is over or when you have a break.

We love the fact that this employer had a great sense of humor and reacted the way they did. It could be must easier, though, if they relocate their offices to a place where there are brands like Guess or Nike around.
Always Check the TO and the CC
Rule number one when sending an email, not only on your first day but every day: always — and we mean always — check who's on the To list and on the CC list. You never know. And this is something you ought to know.

We have one thing to ask, though. If the place seemed so bad and weird, why on earth did this guy accept the position offered?
The Secret Side of the Janitor's Job
If people would stick to what their job is defined to do, then many places of work would not accomplish anything. And this includes the janitors' job. Does the hairdresser only cut your hair? No, they play a role of a therapist as well. Does the secretary only make coffee and file documents? We are sure she is asked to do things that are not in her job description.

Same with the janitor. If people would understand that a happy patient is more important than a clean room, the world will become a better place.
Round Three
We don't encourage violence of any sort, and we don't really care who started. However, we have a feeling this owner's son, is taking advantage of his position and doesn't think twice before raising an arm.

All we can suggest is, don't start a new position in a new place when the boss's kid is involved. No matter what happens and no matter who starts, you will never win.
CV Fraud
You know when you apply for a job and they have a list of candidate requirements? We recommend being honest bout the qualities and knowledge you have or you might end up in an awkward situation like this lady.

Luckily enough, this lady was sensible enough not to come in the next day. She saved herself some more embarrassment.
Look Busy Somewhere Else
We love this one. I wander off to pretend to look busy somewhere else. At least this guy is honest and shares the truth about working at a tannery. A bit of information is missing as he didn't say if he went to the management and reported his, but we assumed he did if the new guy was fired.

And about this new guy, if it's too smelly, don't apply for a job at a literal tannery. Also, what's this stopping work and parking your backside on a chair business all about?
What a Waste of Time
We have a feeling the HR department of this company knew all along that the candidate was only 17 years old. It's the first thing you fill in on an application form. Unless, the form was filled in in January, and the candidate is a December birthday celebrator so whoever went through the application form, got his math wrong.

Dear employer, next time do us a favor, check the details, and stop wasting people's time. Even if those people are only 17.
Weather Conditions
This is one of those wasn't meant to be situations. Or, we are trying to spare you from a really bad boss situation. Either way, this employee who lost their job before it even started was in luck. I mean, how inconsiderate can someone be?

The snow will carry on falling, driveways will carry on being blocked, and God will carry on saving people from terrible bosses.
Not Everything Is Stable in Life
So we have to check the facts on this one. Was the soup bowl too heavy for a waiter to carry? Was the owner in the way of the waiter and caused him to lose his balance? Was it too hot outside that soup wasn't supposed to be ordered anyway? It's easy blaming the waiter, but we have to get the facts right.

We have a feeling this restaurant owner had to blame someone and the waiter was his easiest way out.
Tactful Dude
There's something nice about taking the staff (and especially new employees) out for a drink. It's a great way to loosen up and make the workers feel comfortable, as openness will guarantee good results at work. Well, openness will bring along other things too.

Like a letter of dismissal. What was this dude thinking to himself? This is something you don't do regardless of the person being your boss or not.
It Wasn’t Meant to Be
You know Murphy? Well, he always comes when least welcomed and when least expected. And by the looks of it, he visited this new employee the night before the first day on the new job.

This was probably a sign that the new job wasn't meant to be. Can you think of a better reason for this happening?
Sick Leave Way Too Soon
Could you imagine what would have happened if the guy hadn't turned around? Not sure the visit to the hospital would have been worth the while. And firing him, wouldn't be possible either.

That could have a great limited edition treat for the factory to make. Beef stew with an added trainer for that spicy touch.
Pimp Your Ride
After their kid passes their driver's test, the first thing every parent does is explain the differences between gas and diesel. There is an extra emphasis on which type their car takes. A parent's biggest nightmare is filling the wrong type into the car. It can practically damage the car for good.

So this guy spared the chaos from the kids and caused the damage on his own. Thanks, dude!
Beginners Luck
When you start a new job, the contract has to be properly read and if there is something unclear, we suggest consulting someone who knows a little about employment contracts or is at least aware of the cost of uniforms. $50 for a pair of boots and pants? A ripoff in our opinion.

So this guy can say goodbye to his job and goodbye to his $50 and hope that on his next job offer, he will read between the lines when reviewing the contract.
Come on Baby Light My Fire
Safety is ABC in warehouses and factories that deal with hazards, and training the new staff is as important. So either this new dude wasn't paying attention during his training session, or the Oilfield people were too busy doing something else and thought they could skip the safety chapter.

Whatever happened there, and whoever is to blame, we can all be thankful that the worst that came out of this incident, are these lines we found on Reddit.
One Day, Two Months
That's the way to do it. If you're going to lose your job on the first day, make sure your future/past employer is not the brightest bulb in the box. They probably didn't realize that the people in the room are not all entitled to severance pay.

We like this. You go to work for one day and earn yourself a six-week holiday in the Bahamas. Now the only job left is finding another not-so-bright employer so the next holiday can be planned.
The New Hire Test
Before we start dishing out our thoughts concerning the next one, we wish we could have known which position this guy was applying for. Now, if he was applying for a forklift operator, then we can understand. But if he was applying for a content writer position, then we really don't understand what the fuss was about.

Some of the best music pieces and stories were written when the author or composer was happier than usual.
The Hostess With the Mostest
The hostess at a restaurant (not only Applebee's) is usually the person who welcomes the customers in when they arrive. They are in some ways, the face of the place. Looks like the face of Applebee's is not all that pleasant after all.

What did this restaurant expect? That scrubbing her name off the weekly schedule would make her disappear altogether? Couldn't the manager just tell her that her services were not welcomed anymore?
The Customer Is Always Right? Wrong!
The customer may not always be right, however, the customer is always a customer. Old age pensioners have their old ways and tend to be obnoxious when it comes to getting the small details in place, just as they want them to be.

But we are discussing color definitions here, and since when is black coffee considered coffee with cream? Also, since when do you throw the thing at the waitress? Use your words, man!
Company Policies
Every company has its own policies. These would usually cover health and safety, uniforms, sick leave and days off, and even an organized complaint policy system dedicated for the employees to share their thoughts and feelings.

In no company at any time, have we ever heard of an even-number-firing policy. Is this Noah's ark and all must go in (or go out) two by tow?
When You Depend on Someone for Your Success!
Well, we guess if there is no one to train the new employee, it can be difficult to....train the new employee. But don't these places have backups? And another thing, did they really expect someone who was obviously not that good at their job, to train someone in a sufficient way?

Maybe potential candidates should ask if the place is well organized with trainers during their interview.
Sweet Sweet Revenge
Sometimes the reasoning for being laid off on the first day has got nothing to do with the employee but falls down to ridiculous expectations from employers who believe that if they hired you — they own you.

Not when it comes to Pita Pit. There is no way the staff will let the all mighty boss take advantage and take the tips.
Are You Sure I Was Hired?
Being sacked on the first day of your new job is one thing, but being sacked without even knowing you had the job? We think the HR people at this place should have some training done, just to assure they know how to tell the difference between people who actually got the job, and people that haven't.

And for you, who got fired without even knowing you were hired, try seeing if you are entitled to compensation following dismissals without prior notice.
The Reject
It's not clear what the position was but it's clear that whatever was, the folks at Ikea did not want this person working for them. They made that clear five times, which begs the question, what made this person attempt this so many times?

We all love putting together stylish Swedish furniture, but how desperate we are to work there? Probably not as much as this person.
These sneaky law enforcement officers know how to catch people out. This poor kid was just trying to go easy on this woman, granted he probably thought that cutting her some slack might increase his chances with her, but sadly, it was all a ruse.

While they ended up sacking the guy, those cops are hardly heroes. This kind of bait and arrest schtick should be banned!
A Tad Off-Brand
It might be surprising, but multi-million dollar brands are rather image-conscious. One could say that they even spend every waking minute maintaining and investing in how they appear to the public, because, let's face it, branding is everything and as an employee (temps included,) it's important to know that.

So when this guy rocked up at this big company sporting a product of a well-known competitor, they understandably got a little sensitive about the whole thing. From the sound of this story though, it sounds like he was looking for a way out.
The Girl That Was Never There
It's great to speak another language. When faced with an obstacle, throw those foreign words at people and they sort of just back away cluelessly. Sounds like this woman definitely used that to her advantage and got to slack off at work for as long as she could.

Even crazier, it seems that it's not about language at all. She's been getting away with slacking off at work probably her whole life. Is it her snake-like charm?
Hitting the Jackpot
When slogging through the job for minimum wage, things can seem bleak, and big money can only live in our wildest fantasies. But, dreams can come true, and sometimes you can actually strike gold. This girl thought she'd try her luck with that and scratched away lottery tickets, hunting down those winning numbers.

Not long after, her boss caught her scratching away on the security camera. Not only did she not win the lottery that day, but she also lost her job. So that's a double loss. Sad.
Tea Breaks
"Like a bull in a china shop" is about the closest thing we can get to this analogy. It doesn't take heaps of training to know that teacups made of delicate china might be prone to breakage if it's getting thrown in boxes around the room like that.

This fella didn't think too hard about that. Maybe he didn't know what was inside the boxes? Then again, he did get a job at a tea store, and we can only assume he was surrounded by fragile goods. Confusing.
The Freelancer
More often than not, as much of a bummer as this is, your time does not feel like your own when working for other people. Even for those non-attached freelancers, at the end of the day, you are dedicating time and energy to others for what usually is a decent paycheque.

When this freelance translator got jerked around by a magazine, they sure did let them have it! If we were in their place, we would have taken the job and attempted to sneak in some questionably bad translations. Muahaha.
Bailin' on the Hay
Yeah, smoking near dry stacks of hay sounds pretty hazardous. We wouldn't be surprised that if this dude stayed a minute longer, he would have burned down the entire barn.

Thankfully boss-man caught wind of this and let him go, because, as we know all too well...where there's smoke, there's fire. And who needs bales of hay to catch fire?
A Heart of Gold
It's a fair assumption to make that the staff at facilities like these have a propensity for caregiving, especially for those with certain disabilities, but this employee is not a great example.

When escorting his charge on a shopping day, he treated himself to some sweet electronic goods, then brought him back to the hospital as if nothing happened. With the goods stashed in the storeroom, it didn't take that long to bust this dummy. The police then showed it up, so it's safe to say that he was no longer an employee of that facility.
Always Be Punctual, No Matter What
Rushing to work during morning traffic jams is the bane of everyone's life on the planet. Throw a car disastrous car pile up into the mix and time is not going to be on your side. Try as you might, if the cars aren't moving, you're bound to be late to work. Seems reasonable right?

Apparently not! This sneaky boss also made it seem like everything was all hunky-dory but changed his mind as the newbie walked through the doors. We wonder what happened between that phone call and his arrival. Could this be the truth? Suspicious!
What a Mix-Up!
This poor high school student did everything by the book, which is more than most adults! Sadly, some formula specifications were not updated for the mixing process and the kid had to bear the brunt of it all.

It's a shame that the manager wasn't made to reckon with his mistake in front of the customers. Sometimes the universe just works like that. We're sure that kid went on to get a better job. At least after high school.
Walk the Plank
Ask any man or woman of the sea, and the great big blue is a gift from the heavens, it's the Lord's tears, and disrespecting it is simply blasphemous. So when this newly drafted seaman joined the deck and threw his water bottle directly into the ocean, the rest of the crew were shaken to their very core.

When the captain caught sight of this horrible act, the next step was obvious. He was pushed into the sea. We're kidding, but he did get the boot immediately. Legend has it, the infamous litterer hasn't bought a bottle of water ever since.
Veggie Portions
As a new employee, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the hierarchy of bosses. Especially if you have certain issues that need to be dealt with, it would be wise to first approach your direct manager before you go running off to the CEO and ramble on about shift matters...or in this case, the size of your coworker's servings to customers.

A general manager might be able to handle that with a quick "don't overdo it with the portion sizes" but this brave and bold new employee who had been there for a single day thought she'd take this up with the franchise owner of the entire chain, and with an attitude too! Naturally, it was goodbye new girl.
I'm Just a Jeans and Flip Flops Kind of Guy
Networking at suave events is a big part of good business, so when this newbie was invited to a black-tie event by his new employer to just simply shadow his colleagues, it seemed pretty obvious to show up in, well, a tie. He even got a heads-up from the boss.

Sounds like his career at that place was short-lived, as he rocked up to that fancy party ready for the beach instead. As you can imagine it was goodbye new guy and back to human resources.
Shift Adjustment
Availability is probably right up there on the list of work requirements. Sure, some college degrees and work experience can take you places, but if your schedule is a little too blocked up to show up to work, that might ultimately get in the way of things.

When this young woman told her employer "I know my application said I can work any time but really I can't work nights and weekends" it proved to be problematic, as she was hired specifically to work nights and weekends. Priorities, baby.
The Case of the Missing Newbie
Who has the energy to work? All those hours spent doing tasks takes time away from our truly favorite activity, sleep! But when you find out that you can kill two birds with one stone, then why not?

This guy had the bright idea to get a job where he could sleep too. At least he thought it could work out like that. Needless to say, things didn't go according to plan when his coworkers and boss walked in on him asleep on the shelf.
The Juice Flood
Yikes. This clueless worker got fired for turning all that iced fruit and ice cream into a sea of melted flavored liquid that flooded the entire shop. The reason?

They stupidly forgot to seal the cooler, leaving it open over the whole night. Sounds disastrous right? Or delicious! We can't decide! Though the managers at Jamba Juice reached a conclusion very quickly and told that person to get gone, and quick!
Calendar Thief
There are certain things thieves love to get their hands on. Things like electronic gadgets, jewelry, clothes, and even art. But calendars in a little bookshop are an odd choice.

Perhaps the woman has a calendar collection and simply took the job so she could have more calendars. Whatever the reason, Calendar Lady was never seen in that bookshop again.
Not to be "Truffled" With
Truffles are extremely rare and hard to find delicacy. It's no surprise that one can cost $90, perhaps sometimes even more. So it's natural to assume that these things wouldn't casually be sitting in the display window, especially considering storage conditions.

Well, this dude clearly didn't cover truffle rules during his training and had no clue about how to handle them (though the manager seems skeptical.) We just hope that customer got their real truffle in the end.
Mommy, Help Me!
There's a real art to salary negotiation, not many people have the confidence to take on such a difficult conversation, and of course, even those who do can still be uncomfortable. So why not outsource it to people who can do that for you?

Like your mother! Since mom knows best, she tried to look out for her baby boy and get him the best offer. Of course, that cost him the job. Are you surprised?
It's a Stink Up
This sounds like a true nightmare. As if job interviews weren't stressful and uncomfortable enough, this innocent interviewee had to sit through a funky-smelling fog in a room with no air. We can't imagine how embarrassed the HR woman must have felt.

Perhaps they had better luck with the next candidate who had the fortune of sitting in a fresh-aired room.
Dipping In
There is a certain temptation a waiter must fight as they serve the food. All that deliciously prepared food constantly goes to the customers' bellies and never to theirs! It's enough to make you insane!

But this newbie boldly went where few, possibly no server has gone before. Straight for the dip. And in plain sight of the manager no less. The diners must have sat there in horror as they watched their waiter have a go at the food they ordered. Thankfully, he was fired.
The Bartender
Working at a bar is tough, and tending to thirsty patrons can get a little overwhelming. It's possible that for this very reason, this new employee bailed on his first night and sought freedom in the comfort of Instagram and cigarette breaks outside the pub.

It wasn't two hours into his shift when the new guy invited his buddies over for free drinks, some of which were too young to even be there! Needless to say, he was fired on the spot. But it didn't end there. This jokester then had the nerve to actually appeal it, despite all the evidence against him. We're talking CCTV footage and statements by several witnesses.
No Human Contact, Please
The beginning of this story has a positive start. Formal training- check, work experience- check. It seemed like the girl had what it took to become a decent coffee shop worker. The thing about coffee shops is that they're filled with people.

It sounds like people skills were not her forte. The best way to deal with that? Hide in the back near the ice machine, away from warm-blooded humans.
Rack It Up to Zero
Workplace injuries can cost business owners a pretty penny. This is probably the reason why this dry cleaner owner sacked the fool who kept accidentally hitting his head on the "rack thingy." Whether it was truly in the way, or the worker was just not paying attention, we will never know.

The moral of the story, if you find yourself getting knocked in the head repeatedly from just being at work, you might want to change your environment, or just stop standing up altogether.
The Liability
Hiring new workers is always a risk, what seems alright on paper may not translate to real life. So when this new cook stuck his hand into a deep fryer on a dare, it was clear to the boss that this wasn't going to be a good fit.

What was he trying to get out of that? Who knows! Perhaps compensation for a work injury, maybe just simply a laugh from his coworkers. Well, he certainly wasn't laughing at the end of that in the hospital.
Bro, Do You Even Forklift?
As a forklift operator, there are a few requirements for this kind of job. One of them is knowing how to operate a forklift. The other is knowing how to operate a forklift, and get it. It's safe to say that this guy handed in a very short resume, or at least had a rather brief conversation with the manager, all of which was centered around the extent of his fork lifting knowledge.

It all looked promising and on his very first day, Mr. Forklift Operator ignited that sweet, sweet engine and promptly... drove into a support beam that stood in front of him. You can guess what happened next.
A Life-long Career
It can be fun starting a new job with a good friend. Granted that friend shows up. In this case, that didn't happen, so perhaps that's less fun. To be honest, a new employee who passes a note through their friend stating that they're not showing up may not be the best hire in the long run.

Let's say that the business dodged a bullet there. We hope that the more responsible friend lasted a little longer there too. From the sound of it, that might have been the case.
Working Out the Terms
There are quite a few dummies on this list, but this time we're going to side with the employee. It seems pretty reasonable to ask what the wage will be and making a perfect pizza can be challenging, especially at this "awesome" pizza place.

Sorry pizza owner guy, but you gotta learn how to handle your workers! With that said, it sounds like there's no bad blood there, and this ex-employee/regular customer is definitely contributing to his replacement's salary.
So Much for Nepotism
The perk of working at a place where one of your family members is the manager generally results in some serious job security. But this kind of approach didn't fly over here and the other co-manager made damn sure that family relations alone are enough to get by.

That's why when the newbie informed her boss that she got inconveniently held back over dinner, she was fired on the spot! And that's how you do it, folks!
Always Scan the Room
When bailing work, it's important to enjoy your "day off" in a place that is far away from coworkers. You want to avoid all potential run-ins, especially with your boss.

This chump hadn't even started the job and was already trying to cheat the system by not coming in. Little did he know his boss-to-be was out on the town, and so naturally he became an ex-boss.
The Copywriter
As a writer, it's important to maintain a certain level of originality, you know, really find your voice as a writer. And true, while we're all inspired by those who came before us, most writers will try to put their spin on it, at the very least not copy it!

Not only did this writer outright copy another person's piece, but he copied his own boss's work. That's next-level arrogance. Or just stupidity perhaps.
Super Stealth
When you're in HR you're dealing with hoards of potential employees, and naturally, just due to such high volumes of numbers, some whackos are sure to come your way. And when we say whackos, not simply people are who unqualified for the job.

In this case, it was a full-blown criminal, who the cops knew as a repeat offender! Be careful who you hire folks, there are some bad eggs out there.
It's Not You, It's Your Personality
A big part of coming to a new workplace, aside from bringing your particular set of skills, is also showing up with your unique personality. It's an important part of the hiring process and bosses certainly do look for specific personalities that they believe will thrive in the work environment.

Unfortunately, this chain store rearranged certain steps throughout the process. The result? Hiring a worker before finding out that they're not suited to the job. We're curious though, what on earth was this person's personality that was so unhirable?
Lobster Gladiator
Lobsters are vicious things, though you wouldn't necessarily know that when watching them just chilling in their tanks. That's because their pincers are securely wrapped with rubber bands preventing any potential "whoopsie" attacks.

Sadly for this quickly fired employee (and all the other beta lobsters), he did not know about this crucial fact. We suppose the lobster special was erased off the board that day!
Thank You, Next
First days are never easy, there's a lot of information to take in and it can take some time before you get the hang of it all. So it wasn't that unrealistic when this 14-year-old busboy requested that he get started on the next task the following day.

It took the restaurant a few minutes to decide that this kind of behavior just isn't going to fly and that they would much rather work with someone who doesn't talk back. Maybe not the nicest place to work in.
Employee of the Year
Sometimes you love a clothing store so much that you just have to work there! But then you start the job and you realize that you don't get to spend your day just shopping for free, because of customers, showing up on time, and all that other annoying stuff that comes with having a job.

This girl learned that pretty early in the game. After she treated her family to new threads, that is. You would think that after that disastrous day, no one would see her again. That was until she faked her death years later in order to get a refund on worn-down clothes. Some people.
That Little Brat
We've all had teachers that have shaped us, some for the good and some, unfortunately, for the bad. By the sounds of it, this teacher was one bad apple. Sure, she may have had some trauma with rich kids but it sounds like her anger was a little misplaced.

Thankfully, the good teacher was there to witness this at play and had the wherewithal to get rid of her immediately. This is not the kind of teacher you want around your kids.
This Business Is Thriving
This sounds like an interesting way to run a business. Get rid of most of your workers before it your restaurant even opens. Truthfully, it sounds like this evil boss just needed some cheap labor to get to prepare for his grand opening. He probably held onto a couple of waiters at the end.

The moral of the story, folks — always work out your terms before starting a new job. Even if it's minimum wage! If anyone knows about which restaurant, let us know how business is doing!
Company Expenses
It took less than an hour for this schmoe to use the company credit card for his own personal enjoyment. Perhaps he thought that listening to good jams on company property was a crucial part of the job, how can one be productive without good old Kanye anyway?

Well, corporate didn't see it that way and sacked this guy immediately after they saw what he was racking up on the company's credit card. We totally get it.
Houston, We Have a Moron
There can be a lot of awkward fumbling around on your first day at a new job. If you're a waiter and you drop a few plates on your first shift, it's annoying but forgivable. Dropping a wrench from 150 feet in a space shuttle is next-level clumsiness.

There can be no 'oopsies' when it comes to anything space-related. And how do you go about docking 3.3 million dollars from someone's pay? Keep this person out of there.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
It's important to stand up for yourself, especially as the new guy, even if you're in that sort of initiation period. Because let's face it, you don't want to become the doormat of the lot. This new worker, however, took that approach and went into overdrive when he took on the general manager.

He didn't actually know it was the general manager, even with the label clearly printed and pinned onto his pocket. But, hey, the new guy wasn't employed to read, he was employed to do things like taking out the trash. Except he wasn't into that either.
The Ladies Man
This young stud found his dream job at the check-out counter, where he could...check out the ladies. Unfortunately for him, things didn't go according to plan and all those cute checkout ladies ended up feeling creeped out by him.

But he had at least one person in his corner, and that was his (probably even creepier) dad! We're happy to hear that the store took care of this issue! No one wants to go to work worrying about their overly flirty coworker.
I Ain't Doing That!
Most likely, at some point in your working life, you've waited tables. Heck, even some CEOs were once busboys at Chuck E. Cheese, and if you're starting out on the job hunt, your last table waiting gig will be the first thing on your fresh resume.

There are a handful of folks however who refuse to get their hands dirty and this girl is definitely one of them. When asked to clear a table, she scoffed at the mere idea of it. We'll hand it to her though, at least she was completely honest when asked if she wanted to even work there. And voila, she no longer did.
Going the Whole Nine Yards
While golfing is hard work, golf course maintenance is probably pretty challenging too. In the case of this unlucky golfing enthusiast, hopping into the golf cart proved to be anything but simple.

Who knew that a golf cart had that much horsepower, to begin with? It was strong enough to keep going with a power washer hose wrapped around it! Sounds like an expensive mistake.
And Poof...She Was Gone
When this manager hired a worker at the local diner, he was expecting her to carry out her shift until the very end. Not this one. She supposedly stepped out for a moment, but that moment stretched into about an hour and things started to get suspicious.

At some point, the boss went around the establishment (and outside) looking for her, but mysteriously, she was nowhere to be seen! Later he called her house, only to be answered by her mother. He was forced to pass on the awkward message of "you're fired." Oddly enough, mommy dearest ended up getting mad at him!
The Drywall IT Guy
The IT industry is flourishing and everyone is trying to make some cash in tech land. While you can learn a lot about these positions on the job, some experience and education can help. In all fairness, the employers did believe that the new guy had exactly that.

Unfortunately for him, two hours later, it became clear that this man had no idea what he was doing and had come from a very different background. Drywall installation to be exact. We'll hand it to him, while he may not know anything about computers, he certainly knows how to fool people, at least temporarily.
In Deep Bubbling Trouble
Working in a kitchen can be dangerous. Sharp blades, flames, and pans of sizzling hot oil fill the place. It takes a lot of care to navigate the hazardous environment of a restaurant kitchen, or sometimes any kitchen for that matter. So when this new kitchen porter waltzed in with zero thought, disaster struck.

Sadly it involved a huge bag of cheese and an unlucky chef. One really should know how to carefully handle themselves around a deep fryer. Honestly, it sounds like he was asking for it. Our heart goes out to the chef who got rushed to the emergency room. That worker should be nowhere near a kitchen ever again.
Cutting You Out
Interns don't do the most glamorous work, it's true. In fact, they're rather simple, laborious tasks that could essentially be done by robots most of the time. The real perk is just getting those bright young minds exposed to the exciting world of grown-up work and office life. Woohoo. And sometimes that involves simply cutting up bags of zip-ties.

That's a simple task, right? Unfortunately not. Some of these fresh young graduates are a little too used to critical thinking, and a little less used to common sense, such was the case with this promising intern who cut in half $2000 worth of cables.