People love jumping to conclusions about completely random things on the internet. It’s almost an Olympic sport at this point. It won’t help you build muscles or become faster, but it will probably do something to your brain. Just take this post for example.

Someone stated that this little girl grew up to be a successful French politician! How they got to that conclusion, we will never understand. Thankfully someone set them straight as the two images have zero connection between each other. We also appreciate the link to the UNICEF report for extra legitimacy. The internet needs more heroes like that.
The Good Stuff
This person is currently celebrating being at the hospital because they have some good stuff there, taking away whatever pain they're dealing with. It turns out that the pain they're suffering isn't related to surgery at all, but they might need some cream to deal with the burn one of their friends just gave them.

You know, a true friend who checks up with their mother and makes sure to face you with the truth when needed. Among the well-wishers is someone who bears the truth like a torch, burning away the original poster's lies. That's the good stuff for us.
Something Definitely Got Burned
A marshmallow on fire is a classic image of summer. All of us have enjoyed a nice melty marsh at one point in our lives. This image posted on social media seems to think that it got so hot in Arizona that the marshmallow just up and combusted – even though marshmallows burn at between 140 and 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Interestingly, it was only one marshmallow and it was already conveniently poked with a fork. Oh, and as people were quick to point out, that's a blurry gas stove in the background of the image. We don't need Sherlock for this one.
Big Drinker
Boasting about your successes has been the jelly to social media's peanut butter from the first week of the first site. Friendster? Anyway, this guy posted about all the beer he drank at a party, only for multiple friends to point out the problems with what he was saying. Friends that were there with him and watched him be a lightweight all night.

Maybe sip something with more oomph than a hard lemonade next time if you feel like having alcohol. If you don't feel like it then don't. But acting like you drank when all you had was lemonade? What's the purpose of that?
A Social Media Classic
Yes, the Flat Earth Society has been around for some time, but their incredibly round world got rocked during this interaction when they posted something that was really pretty dumb. A physics and astronomy site points out the problem astutely, which gives most people who see it a nice chuckle.

Maybe the user meant it as a common phrase, or maybe they figured the expression could still hold if the shape of the world is flat but round (like a cookie). It might just be a phrase, but it's still funny. Oh, and if you can't tell what is savage about the picture, a handy arrow points it out.
Flying With a Liar
Lil Bow Wow (who now goes as Bow Wow) is a rapper who has been prolific in his hits, but the culture swung away from him at some point. However, he still wants to pretend he's the biggest thing since Snoop, so he posted a picture of his private jet on Instagram.

He then had the bad luck of flying with someone who follows him, and who immediately called him out on Snapchat. The thing is, as long as the Snapchatter isn't some kind of a celebrity, they probably didn't reach the same amount of people as the rapper's Instagram lie.
Smuggle This, You Liar
What is it about flying and airlines that make people want to lie on social media? Perhaps it's like getting a fake designer bag and trying to pass it off as the real thing. Maybe air travel is such a coveted thing that people just need the world to know they get a regular supply of it.

One YouTuber tried to pass off a video of him sneaking to another city in a suitcase on an airline, and then the airline itself clapped back with true facts. We tried, but the video has been taken down. Darn, would have liked to see that.
Wow, a Melty Watch, How Random
When you see a clock face that is dripping and drooping, there's a pretty good chance you immediately think of the Spanish artist Salvador Dali, who lived from 1904 to 1989. The man had some famous works (like "The Persistence of Memory," which is referenced here), a famous mustache, and a famous kooky personality.

But the person who originally posted this picture seems to think that art students or enthusiasts will get the reference. Apparently, they give the general public's general knowledge very little credit. Among modern artists, Dali might be one of the top three most famous. Try something deeper next time.
What a Guy
Is there anybody here who is on the market for a new set of wheels? This looks like the kind of ad that you click on in a heartbeat. Somebody seems to be selling a car that was owned by famous racecar driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. And it is a low-mileage Corvette, too! Wow, what a steal!

Except that Dale himself offered his opinion on the deal. It wasn't his, it was never his, and he never drove it. Dale is trying to not only protect himself but the buyer as well. He's a friend to the people, that Dale.
It's a Talk Show, What Do They Expect?
The Huffington Post and Jimmy Kimmel got into a little spat, and that means it doesn't matter who wins because at least one of them lost. Yeah, so when you go on a talk show, you're going to talk about stuff, and they're pretty good about letting you know what the topics will be.

They have people who make sure of it. Also, their livelihood kind of depends on it so they usually want to stay on the VIP's good side. Kimmel isn't going to scare off his precious celebs, otherwise, it would just be him up there, laughing at nothing.
Maybe He's Just Very Fast
Go on, post about your physical feats. It's a good thing to boast about. As long as it is an actual accomplishment that you have accomplished with your own mortal body. Otherwise, it's not much to brag about. “Rob” posted about his latest time on the five-kilometer (about 3.1 miles) run, stating that he ran it in ten minutes.

That's a nice round number, Rob. But, too quickly, “Cal” points out that the world record for that distance is 12 minutes. To break that down, he would have to run more than three miles at about 3:15 per mile. Which is astounding.
He's Losing In the Picture
Dude takes a look at the competition in the water, and it costs him big, no matter what his subsequent Facebook post has to say about it. While he would try to have everyone believe he won that race, there is way too much evidence against it.

There he was just losing the race, which we are told he did by one of the other competitors. He also lost face among the people who followed him. One of the other racers pointed out that he was far behind even when the picture was taken, and it's hard to make up that distance when you're swimming.
Just Stealing Some Art, No Big
Posting a bit of your art on social media is common. People enjoy showing stuff they are proud of, and so they should be. Unfortunately, stealing that same art is just about as common.

This person posted a picture of their favorite YouTuber, PewDiePie (whose first name is Felix), and was getting away with it until somebody pointed out that someone posted the very same picture months ago – and there is no guarantee that person didn't steal it, either. Come on, dude there must be some kind of personal accomplishment that you can post about without stealing it from others.
At Least There's Easy Clean-Up
If you owned a dog at any point in your life, this was probably a sight you came home to at least once, unless the dog was the gentlest beast. Most puppies, however, aren't very gentle. This cute creature seems to have gotten into some trouble...

until one of the commenters pointed out that the pillow is opened with the zipper, not torn open as a dog would do. At least the dog is cute. However, that does beg the question — why would anyone want to frame their cute little pooch like that and mess up their own home in the process?
Real? Fake? Hard to Tell
This is the rare callout that could be true. The poster caught a kitten trying to get some yogurt, and then a commenter noted that there was an open container of yogurt on the floor. There are hints that this was staged – who leaves an open yogurt on the floor when they have a new kitten?

However, cats are known to knock things off surfaces just for funsies. Any cat owner knows better than to leave something fragile or delicate somewhere where their cat can reach. The benefit of the don't here is what if the kitten jumped onto the counter and dragged it off?
A Day in the Sun
We all need to take a day off once in a while. Lord knows we have been putting it off for way longer than we should. Some of us specifically need to get away from social media, like this guy. He went into the middle of a field and took a pic of himself, pretending he was at the beach.

Of course, you can't see any sand or surfers in his pic, so it's not like this was going to fool anybody anyway. The thing is, though, that whatever meadow he wandered off to seems like a beautiful, Instagrammable location anyway. Reality can be cool too, bro. Just look around.
It's a Lie AND It's Dangerous
Don't take pictures while you're driving, kids. It's not a good idea. Hopefully, this guy didn't get into any accidents, but he definitely got hit on social media after he took a picture of his perfect hair day in the car and said he was stuck in traffic.

Unfortunately, his big sunglasses revealed the truth of the situation – he had an open road ahead. So let us get this straight, this dude is enjoying a good hair day, an open road, and what appears to be a nice shake in the cup holder (another truth revealed from the reflection in the sunglasses) and yet he chooses to whine about something that *didn't* happen?
Taking a Crack at Black
We have to admit, that's a pretty cool picture, but it obviously isn't real. The poster was trying to make some kind of statement and show something off, but most people would pick up on the trickery even before the real picture showed up. Yeah, it's kind of a fun look for the lion, but it still isn't real.

Melanism, however, is a real thing that sometimes occurs in nature. You can think about it as the opposite of albinism, which is demonstrated by little or no pigments on one's body. Bagheera, the black leopard from "The Jungle Book," is actually a leopard with melanism!
A Paltry Painting Post Doesn't Pass
A guy posts a picture of himself, saying it was painted by a female friend of his. What talent. What skill. We can't really say for certain if this picture was or wasn't painted, but there's a pretty good chance it wasn't since it's really just a selfie with one (or several) filters thrown on it.

It might have happened in the earlier days of Instagram before filters got big, but now it's just too obvious. No shame in posting selfies, man. You don't need to have an excuse for feeling yourself next time you want to share your face on social media.
The Sneaky Picture Taker
Lots and lots and lots of young couples on Facebook have done this, even though it never works out and it always looks pretty juvenile. They pretended to both be asleep for the picture, but then who took the picture? A friend? Surely not – the friend would have captured a little more than just their blurry jaws.

The close cropping was probably to avoid the arm holding the camera. Thank god we have grown since those days. Now, couples have better things to do. You know, things like gender reveal parties and celebrating the anniversary of the first time they had burgers together.
$2.00 For Your Thoughts?
This seems like some quick wisdom about saving money, but after rubbing a few brain cells together the math falls flat. A quarter a day is not even a hundred dollars. In fact, it's exactly one percent of $9,125: $91.25. That's still an okay amount of money if you're saving for something small, but it's not like it's going to let you put a down payment on a house.

At best, it's going to be enough for a few lunches. You know, once you get all those coins out of the bottle. And assuming whatever restaurant you pick will accept payment in quarters. We hope this was just a decimal point mistake.
All Natural, She Says
All natural. No makeup. No filter. That's what the hashtags say. But this young lady's friends or fans aren't buying it. She says she just stepped out of the shower, but there is quite a lot of makeup that isn't really all that well hidden.

We might not be makeup experts, but even we know a thing or two. There's blush, eyeliner, false eyelashes, and if we aren't going crazy even some of those freckles look fake. On an even closer inspection, we realize the hair color isn't real either. That is a beautiful shade of purple but it was definitely put there digitally.
Don't Give Up the Grift
Every single one of us has had the thought to stand up from our desks and quit. Even if you work as a part-time mattress tester and part-time ice cream taste tester, it's still a job and it will have moments when you feel like punching someone over it. So, this person quit.

Usually, we wouldn't have a problem with that. It's just that here they tried to say he or she had been let go and was accepting donations during this trying time. This is called lying, and it's wrong. I guess sometimes we just have to say that out loud.
We Guess He Sees a Lot of Girls
A girl rolls out of bed with “leftover makeup on” and finds her guy has left her something sweet. Boom. Her day is made, she gets a date, the two live happily ever after, and Starbucks funds the movie based on their love story. Keep those cuteness squeals inside, people, it's a fake.

Just by right-clicking on an image and doing a reverse image search, someone found that the exact same picture is everywhere. It could be real, but that raises a number of interesting questions for the original guy who left it. Like the question if he ever got the girl he was after.
Cash Grab Squashed
One of the fun things Facebook lets you do is pick up a bit of cash by selling some of your old stuff. You can also find deals on things on the social network's Marketplace, but this person is getting ahead of themselves and auctioning this Colts blanket, which looks pretty cool if we're honest here.

He or she is going to start the bidding at four hundred big ones, even though the “handmade” blanket is available on Wayfair for less than a tenth of that. But he or she did say “No b.s.” so maybe we should trust them.
The Great Outdoors
This woman put on her hiking gear and boldly set out for a hike in the great outdoors; she even has a triumphant-looking pose to prove it. You know, on social media, where everyone can see and comment. Everyone including her very own sibling who can very easily reveal her as the fraudulent hiker that she is.

Yep, that's right, the other side of this image tells another story, and her sibling was there to tell it. As impressive as this family's backyard looks, it's not exactly a forest. You can't take a group of Boy Scouts in there for a field trip.
Benz Bash
People love clickbait, and this particular headline sure did create a stir. Who wouldn't want to take revenge on an unfair boss by smashing up their fancy car? We have all had that one boss (or more) who has made our life a living hell and sparked some wild revenge fantasies.

Most of the time, the fantasies don't seep into the real world, but one person on the internet wanted to pretend that they did. At least this one. Well, whoever wants to take their own revenge may have to rely on their imagination because this video of a tractor smashing this slick-looking Benz is from a marketing campaign for an insurance company.
The Art Fraud
This promising young artist got accepted into the prestigious Disney College Program and even posted an adorable Disney-inspired drawing of her receiving the news. Or, at least, that is what she would have you thinking. It is just so incredibly easy to take something off the internet and repost it with no credits whatsoever, the temptation was too strong.

If only we had the Disney-inspired drawings of her being busted. Luckily we have screenshots for that, which are just as good. Hopefully, the college program caught wind of this one and let the real artist in, helping justice be served after all.
The Fuel Protest
Using powerful imagery to create change never hurts. But whoever made this poster in an attempt to unite people in the fight against corrupt systems should have perhaps been a little bit more careful in their selection. Perhaps look for an image of a German traffic jam and try to pass it as genuine.

In reality, the mass fuel protest in Germany never happened, and this image is actually just from a traffic jam in China. It doesn't take a genius to zoom in on the picture and see that all the people there look one hundred percent Asian and definitely not European. Oh well, It's the thought that counts.
Quality Control on Point
Leave it to the Redditors to cause an internet stir. When it came to this post of a faulty airplane, things could have very quickly spun out of control. Who would want to step into a plane with a broken window? Not us, that's for sure. Air travel is hard enough with the limited legroom, the dry air, and the unsavory people who might be sitting next to you.

We don't need the added fear of a taped-together airplane piled on top of that. Thankfully quality control caught 'wind' of it immediately and set the record straight. Airline workers successfully traced the aircraft in question and proved that it was, in fact, in storage. No one got on that plane!
That's "Dowdful"
We love celebrities and tend to hang onto their every word, even if that word turns out to be false. The gossip mags certainly know that, which is why they have no qualms about publishing what often appears to be exaggerated rumors. In many cases, the rumor is too far gone by the time the celeb gets to do something about it. Not here though.

Irish actor Chris O'Dowd used his platform for good and challenged this post by the Irish Daily Mirror. As an Irish actor in Hollywood, we're sure he's only too happy to play American parts, and he definitely proved that with this reply.
Super Vintage
Vintage photoshoots are all the rage, so when this Redditor posted a picture of his girlfriend's mother in the 1970s in Bristol, some folks online knew what to look out for. While the setting, the clothes, and the accessories could have fooled most people, there was one little detail that revealed the truth.

Here we learned that while the 70s did have some cool technological inventions like Walkmans and floppy disks, they still hadn't quite cracked the Fitbit. Our only hope is that whoever decided to trick people with this photography project learned some honesty. Or to be more thorough, at least.
Sounds Like News to Us
There are some big words in the English language, ones that require some serious dictionary time. Apparently, the word "news," which is supposedly an acronym, is one of them. Or so this person thought. They didn't actually post any sources and perhaps just came to that conclusion by themselves.

In order to halt the spread of some misinformation, the famous dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster came to the rescue. No sir, the news is named that way because it's about *new* events and new information. Though, now that we think about it, many of the news titles we see aren't really that new. Maybe it's time for a different word altogether.
Star Trek Scandal
Trekkies beware; there's some beef behind the scenes of everyone's favorite sci-fi show. The show's executive producer Rick Berman claimed on Twitter that actress Denise Crosby gave him her communicator badge after the shoot of the finale "Skin of Evil."

That was over thirty years ago. But both parties here have a Twitter account, so two can play this game. Or rather, one can try to play a game and the other can call him out on his BS. The actress decided to set things straight with what really happened and the truth, according to her, sounds far less sentimental.
Clock Those Hours
According to this chiropractor clinic, the amount out of hours required to get accredited is, in fact, more than what a medical doctor would need. If we were to believe every Facebook ad, then this post would perhaps be cause for concern. But we've been around for a while. We know how these things work.

Alas, unsurprisingly, someone called this ad out for being totally wrong. Our advice. Don't rail on other professions to try and boost your own. It's okay; there's a place for both doctors and chiropractors. Plenty of people with health issues and bad backs to go around. Actually, do they have any available appointments? Asking for a friend.
Soggy Chips
Giving a food outlet a bad review can be harmful, which is why many restaurant owners do not take these things lightly and strive to please their customers. They are usually willing to replace an order or change an ingredient (within reason) for the sake of good reputation, recommendations, and returning clients. That's just called good business.

Apparently, receiving soggy chips was a big no-no for this client, with the disappointment so great that nothing could rectify it, not even a new plate. The owner also felt it was necessary to point out why they were soggy in the first place!
Very Inconsiderate
When using public transport, it's courteous to give up your seat to those more in need, such as the elderly or the physically challenged, especially if you're young. Reinforcing this is great, but don't let grumpiness blur your vision.

This angry lady (who is not that old) felt super put out by these two youths taking up seats that she didn't even notice one was already available. It took an online comment to point that out. Feeling silly yet? We wonder if somewhere online there is an angry teenager posting something about an elderly person who seems to be unhappy with the youth no matter what they do.
Mom Knows Best
Most kids can't wait until they're out of the financial clutches of their parents, or at least they can't wait to boast about it, because let's face it, life is expensive, and a cool ride costs a pretty penny. This guy will tell you all about it.

When this Facebook user's mom caught wind of their kid's post, she didn't hesitate to out him. It looks like it's time for that boy to move out. Kids, let that be a lesson — either be honest with whatever you post on social media or at least make sure you and your parents don't follow each other.
Worst Place Ever
Jason was not happy with his experience at The Bierkeller and believed that it was literally the worst place he'd ever been to (and also a rip-off.) He felt so strongly about it that he had to write about it on Facebook for the whole world (or however many friends he has there) to see.

Unfortunately for Jason, the reality is a little different. Perhaps he dreamt it or got confused with another place because it looks like the owner informed him of a pivotal piece of info - that being there was impossible since the place was not even open yet.
Do the Math
Okay people, let's look at what we have here. This post is worrisome, partly because this 15-year-old is leaving school at their boyfriend's behest, partly because they seem a little young but mostly because it's completely fabricated. Yep, any human's first response would have been to voice their opinion on this obviously loaded case.

However, the thing is that opinions don't matter much when the case in question is completely false. An observant Redditor spotted some inconsistencies in this user's stories and rightly concluded that this was all purely for attention. It's important to keep track of your digital paper trail.
Captain Marvel News
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a pretty well-developed one with countless narratives and characters, many of them getting their own films, sometimes a series of films. It's bound to create a stir among fans whenever a new one is set to be released.

But this fan page got over eager in its announcement of future Captain Marvel sequels. Who better to end the hype than Captain Marvel herself, actress Brie Larson? Don't get us wrong, a Captain Marvel series would be great, it's just that we don't appreciate people toying with our emotions like that. Thanks for stepping up, Brie.
Hey, I'm Alive
There have been horrible celebrity death hoaxes over the years. These are often brought on by trollers and spammers but rarely is a verified publication behind such things. Notice we said 'rarely'. Rarely and never are two different things. Thanks to this screenshot, we know it has happened at lest once.

When it came to this post about "The Fog," director John Carpenter, the popular movie site, seriously botched things up, he saw the fake news and took the liberty of correcting them. And it's a good thing he did. No one can verify this better than the man himself.
Teeth Whitening?
Don't believe everything you see on social media ads. Sure, they might look attractive and convincing, but we all know better than taking them at face value nowadays. There are certain advertisers that will do anything to try to sell their product, especially if said product isn't a particularly good one. This teeth whitener is a prime example.

It took an observant Facebook user who spotted this ad to point out that while those teeth may have been whitened, it was not necessarily the product that did it. We might have to credit Photoshop for this dental miracle. This is fooling no one.
Stick to Your Story
A lot of people love reinventing themselves behind the safety of a screen. That is how we got the MTV hit reality show "Catfish." You know, the show where people who met online get to see each other in person and realize (most of the time) that their online friend has been lying about their identity the whole time.

Generally, though, people with an online alter ego stick to one idea. It can get pretty messy to keep creating different identities, especially on a single social media account. This Redditor must have forgotten their alias, or they were just seeking attention. Who knows, really, but they were definitely busted big time.
Where'd Ya Get That Sling?
It's great to get sympathy when you're feeling hurt; if you're really hurt, that is. For some reason, this Reddit user felt it was necessary to seek out sympathy for an attack that never happened! You know what? To make it seem like less of Munchausen syndrome, we'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say that the attack did happen and the only lie here is the picture.

What's even stranger, she deemed a stock image for an Amazon sling ad as the most credible source of proof and simply blacked out the face to remain anonymous. Needless to say, she was caught out.
Someone Got Lost
There are countless manipulated images online. These images are tweaked and re-touched and turned into something else entirely. Then there are photos that are simply mislabeled. Without any further contest, it would have been completely feasible for us to believe that this picture really was taken in a Delhi photocopy shop.

Luckily, the internet is a worldwide thing, which means that this picture was bound to eventually be found by a whistleblower. When it comes to this famous wall in Pesaro, Italy, it wasn't hard to get to the truth. A native Italian spotted it in a second and reached out to correct the misinformation.
Don't Censor Me
Being invited to a corporation that makes headlines day in and day out is a great honor. But the problem with great honor is that if you don't handle it well enough it can turn into a great burn. Like this burn on Twitter, which revealed one reporter's ignorance to the vast plains of the internet.

When you're dealing with tech tycoons like Elon Musk, it's tempting for many journalists to spill the tea on all the ins and outs of the cutting-edge industry. Unfortunately, this woman tried to accuse Musk of something that never happened. The SpaceX CEO made sure he got his point across about what goes public.
The Mysterious Disappearance
When the product you buy has its picture on the package, you usually expect the item to look the way it does in the picture. However, it should be pretty safe to say no one would expect this box of pizza to produce a pie with a missing slice. No, it's not Pacman-style pizza; it's just incomplete pizza! Or so we thought!

This person posted a picture of their frozen pizza that very much resembled the image on the box. Of course, anyone who is familiar with the brand, or any frozen pizza for that matter, knows very well that this would never happen. They clearly sliced out a piece, as this Reddit user wisely pointed out.
Not the Father
You can find some pretty bizarre stuff on Reddit message boards. In fact, one user just happened to be happily scrolling through when he came across someone who looked oddly familiar. It was him! And his son! Posted by a complete stranger who, for some reason, tried to pass off as their own.

It truly is a deep level of "internet sad", as the man described it. Thankfully the OP (original poster) had the screenshots to prove that whoever posted this was a total fraud. He (rightly so) called the user out berating him for trying to steal his identity!
Some Earth Day!
It looks like these environmentalists partied a little too hard that Earth Day. One might question their agenda if this is how they leave a public park. And we suppose that's exactly what the poster hoped to do. Get people to hate environmentalists. Why? Who knows.

His efforts were thwarted when a poster proved that this photo was not at all reflective of the caption. It's not even in California. This is the aftermath of a football tailgate party at the University of Georgia. Seems more fitting. Now anyone who sees this post will know to not hate environmentalists and start hating football fans instead.
Read All the Reviews
When out dining, there’s nothing less appetizing than finding unwanted items in your food — especially when those items came from a human body that is not your own. Fingernails and hair in this revolting case. Horrible. Thankfully we have Google Reviews to keep future customers safe from bad service.

Still, it's always important to read more than one review before making a decision. You never know what trolls have a bone to pick with an establishment. Here we have the owner responding back to this awful post by revealing that the restaurant is not even open. That clears that up.
Not This Time
Elon Musk gets into a lot of public scandals. Some of them he gets into with full intention while others are somewhat thrown his way. Still, he seems to handle both kinds with the same kind of levelheadedness. It mustn't be easy to feel constantly targeted by the media. But that is what journalism is all about, after all.

On the other hand, we know certain publications do tend to opt for more sensationalist headlines. Musk was having none of that and called out Time Magazine for slacking on their fact-checking skills. Checking Musk facts is made even easier when you realize you can just tweet at the man and ask him anything.
Vine Star Fail
Oh gosh, do you remember Vine? This social network had some hype around it for like a minute sometime in the 2010s but it hasn't produced any long-lasting stars. Though we guess it depends on who you're asking. Famous Vine star Thomas Sanders was so pleased when he discovered the folks who worked at the delivery place knew who he was.

He was also grateful enough to reach out to the mystery person who wrote it. He didn't have to look for far, though, since, as a fellow Tweeter pointed out, delivery instructions are given by the person making the delivery, in other words, Thomas Sanders himself.
Car Collision
Sometimes driving can be hard. This is why you need to pass a test before getting a license. This is also why so many accidents happen even to people who have passed the aforementioned test. But when accidents do happen (if things aren't too serious), it's always a relief when the blame is on someone else.

Except sometimes, try as you might, you can't blame anyone but yourself, and some people will gladly tell you as much. This is why this screenshot is super cringy. This person was exposed, and now they have to deal with the embarrassment of telling that little "white lie."
In the Box
You can find tons of things on Facebook Marketplace. Some old, some new. Just make doubly sure you don't fall for every ad you see there and that you know who you're buying from. A little chat with the right questions can usually save you a lot of time, money, and heartache. This guy thought he could get away with this little sales fib.

Little did he know that his face is right there in the thumbnail and unmistakably wearing the "new pair" of sunglasses he's trying to sell. Also, how can his ad say that the glasses are in the box and then show a picture of them OUTSIDE the box?
No Pets
Pet: a domesticated animal that lives in the home, typically a dog or a cat. A house in which there is a furry creature roaming free, claws and all, will have a harder time keeping its furniture in good condition. That much is common knowledge. One should clear up their definition of pets before selling furniture that supposedly never had an animal on it.

That should also go without saying. But it looks like some people just need everything spelled out. That cat is right there in plain sight. How exactly did they think they'd get away with this? Well, we suppose they weren't really thinking.
Not a Shadow of a Doubt
Newsflash: You don't have to give people a reason as to why you like or don't like a picture of yourself. You can just post it and go about your day. If people don't respond to it the way you hoped, that is their own problem. Here, though, this guy has managed to make this picture his own problem.

A photoshop job? Fake squinting? Who knows. This guy's supposed shadow is on the wrong side of his body if he claims that the sun was in his eyes. It looks like he got a lot of hate for this image, which is sort of understandable. The bigger question, though, is; What is so great about this photo in the first place?
Your Smart Is Showing
For someone who claims to be incredibly smart, this person isn't all that when it comes to writing. The beginning of his post makes you think there is a 'but' in there after which they will describe the flipside of being so brain-heavy. That's not the only promise that ends up not being fulfilled.

This genius kid proved just how easy they have it. With their immense brainpower, they can calculate complex problems in their head. Electrons and nuclei? No problem. Unfortunately, they slipped, and a fellow scientist picked up the flaw and immediately corrected them. Someone with an IQ of 150 should be ashamed.
Fly Your Flag
Stephanie wanted to show her patriotism by calling out Ikea on their flag-hanging manners. Ikea might be Swedish, but this is America, people, and they have to know that. Hanging both flags at the same height? As if they are somehow equal? What kind of blasphemy is this?

Well, turns out that it is the legal kind, as the Swedish furniture giant was happy to point out. And also, the non-offensive if you ask us, but not if you ask Stephanie. Unfortunately for Stephanie, this wasn't any shade-throwing on Swedens's part; this is just the law between two friendly nations.
Space Experts
When it comes to space innovation, America has often been one of the leaders in the game. As this post indicates, when Russia had its stab at it, their attitude was a little different and, ultimately, pretty damn smart. Too bad the post was just plain wrong and misinforming.

We are not saying that the Russians weren't smart, we are just saying that this pencil saga just didn't happen. But what internet trolls don't know is that there's really a whole complex history as to why the space pen was created in the first place. Thankfully this user put it out there and educated everyone.
A Good Christian
This woman loves The Rock, but as a lady who lives her life by the good book, his 'body markings' trouble her. Beliefs are important, and this lady wants him to know that. Absolutely nobody asked her but that did not stop her from commenting what was on her mind either way.

Just one of the hazards of making Facebook something people anywhere and everywhere can use. For free. The good thing about it, though, is that other people on Facebook also have the liberty to call her out on some double standards. Along came this Facebook user and gave her a little bit of her own medicine. Yikes.
You Have 30 Seconds
Nowadays, hackers can work their way into just about anything. Especially now that everything we use has internet access. Not only can computers be hacked, but so can phones, cars, smartwatches, and even some refrigerators! Surely some dude's iPhone is no biggie for this tech genius. We're not really sure about why, but this hacker was set out to destroy.

Luckily, the "victim" didn't flinch and calmly tested the supposed hacker until more than thirty seconds passed. It looks like it worked. If not, that hacker probably has some sweet pics of cute pigeons. Lord knows we could all use some cute pigeons.
Miracle Weight-Loss
This woman has become the poster kid for weight-loss success. Unfortunately, countless random weight-loss companies are trying to cash in on that and use her photo without her permission. Posting this picture online was probably both a blessing and a curse for her.

A blessing since she probably inspired many others to switch to a healthier lifestyle, and a curse because other entities use it without getting her consent first. And boy is consent important. If others are publically posting her photo, she can publically call them out (or even sue), which is exactly what happened here. Hopefully, they got the message.
I Think Therefore I Am
Spreading misinformation on the internet is just so ridiculously easy. But you know what else is ridiculously easy? Finding people who will happily and publicly call out or disprove misinformation as they see it. Just go on any public social media account (science or politics will probably be the easiest) and see for yourself.

This self-appointed English teacher took to the internet in order to educate the masses on the English language. They had a lesson to teach, and they were going to do it, dammit! It didn't matter if they were right or wrong! A funny Redditor decided to educate them using this famous meme.
The Mountain Strikes Back
Ser Gregor Clegane, AKA The Mountain, is one big guy who easily towers over the rest of the "Game of Thrones" characters, as seen in the left picture. But back home, amongst his brothers, he's the short one. Except these guys are not his brothers.

The Mountain took to the internet and fixed this fake information, telling us that those guys were Icelandic basketball players (that explains the tallness) and not actually related to him. In fact, he has no brothers at all! This post did make us wonder, though, how tall his two sisters are and if there is any family resemblance there.
Mark's Fave Film
The internet has made it so easy to put words in someone's mouth. All you have to do is go on one of the numerous social networks out there and say that Joe Whatshisname said a thing. Boom. It's out there. The thing is, it's equally as easy for the star of your post to go on the same social network and call you out on your lies.

It must be the greatest compliment in the world when the legendary Luke Skywalker loves your new action movie. If only that was the actual reality. Hamil must have been super adamant about disliking the film that he took to Twitter to confirm this fact. That "NOT" really drives home the point. Sorry, Zack.
Hanging With Harry
Running into celebrities can be crazy. Those people you see on the screen and read about in magazines usually feel like they live on a different plane of existence than us common folk. This is why it's so exciting to see them in person and have a real interaction.

It looks like this guy's run-in with Harry Styles at the Tigers game also made him $100 richer. Very cool story, bro. But as it goes with mega-pop stars, they're definitely used to some outlandish stories of fans knowing them. Luckily Harry decided to let everyone know that this story was pure imagination.
False Banana Alarm
Spotting this secret banana message does look troubling at first glance. No one wants to see someone stuck in supposed slavery in Bali! An actual cry for actual help! How often do you see those things so explicitly in your day-to-day life? Not that often, which should have been your first sign that there is fakery involved.

Thankfully for those who missed the first clue, there is that comment at the bottom to help everyone calm down. While this looks troubling at first glance, this cry for help turned out to actually be a hoax, at least according to this avid Redditor. We can all feel relieved now.
That's Not Chicken
The fast-food industry in America has taken its lumps, and quite a number of them are deserved. Then there's this photo, which purports to show “mechanically separated chicken,” a pink slime that is used to make all the nuggets and patties for restaurants, and even that it contains everything from a chicken: bones, organs, and more.

Sounds offputting, if not a good weapon in favor of vegetarianism. Good thing it's all a figment of the poster's imagination. Turns out it is actually tubby custard from the kids' show “Teletubbies,” which is neither supposed to be chicken nor was actually eaten.
Christmas Gifts
This fella wanted to send a kind message to the world, one that reminds all of us of what the Christmas spirit is really all about. What is it about? It's about giving, and with such a generous tip, he sure does give a lot.

The only problem is that this tip may have been a ruse and the copy of the check for the server may have a very different number written on it. We guess we will never know, but one thing is clear. We're calling nonsense on this Christmas post! Guess the only real place left to learn about the true meaning of Christmas is the Hallmark Channel.
Emergency Facebook Status
It can be a frightening experience when faced with danger. The best thing we can do is remain safe and get help. That should just go without saying. Sounds like a basic human instinct. But sometimes you just have to let your Facebook friends know what's up. Maybe that's a new human instinct, we don't know anymore.

Like in this case — we have this person who thought it was more important to update their Facebook status AND continue with the back-and-forth chatting in the comments instead of just calling the police. Are they bluffing or just addicted to social media?
Seems Off
Social media platforms are filled with fun little quizzes to take and share on your page. Most of the time they are just good harmless fun. Not here though. What we have here is just straight-up humiliating. Of course, when it comes to social media, it's all very public, that is the point after all!

So when this smart person decided to share their IQ test on Facebook, they seemed to have missed the results (written in giant letters.) Unfortunately for them, it says it right there, twice in fact. We're not quite sure how they missed the written results but their IQ results might be indicative as to why.
Internet Ignorance
There are so many know-it-alls on social media. Good and informed experts that post useful pieces of information for all use clueless folks out there. It's truly a service to humanity! Who needs Wikipedia anyway? Just ask people online and they will give you all the information you want! This post demonstrates that beautifully.

These experts in the field thought they'd share their knowledge but at the same time open themselves to counterarguments. Did they expect that response? We think not! Fortunately, this Ph.D. holder publically proved them extremely wrong while simultaneously pointing out their total lack of accomplishments. Burn!
Already Viral
When people post fake photos they tend to forget how traceable they are. If you got your pic from page one of Google Images, it's likely anyone else can too! Sadly this poster didn't think that through and tried to pass this image has their own original ink!

Wendy's knew better! Let that be a lesson, folks. If you're going to lie and post a false image that does not belong to you, make sure you jump to at least the fifth-page result. Nobody ever scrolls that far. Heck, most people don't even get to the bottom of the first page.
Time Is Money!
Wow, who knew choosing a chair could be so expensive? And we aren't even talking about a space-age desk chair with lumbar support that will comfort your poor, poor spine. Conservative pundit Ann Coulter has issues with the drags of the seat selection process. Apparently, the whole procedure really cuts into her earnings, costing her a pretty penny!

But if there is anyone who gets this issue, it's Chris Evans, who really hates how he has to spend thousands of dollars on really any day-to-day activity such as teeth brushing. The award for Best Troll definitely goes to Captain America!
Art History Expert
Here we have ourselves a very confident Art History student who seems to have proudly crushed their professor during class. No doubt, this sounds like quite an epic tale and an empowering experience. False, of course, but maybe delusional people feel empowered by those too, you can never know.

Note the specifics were not mentioned, which is already a red flag. Then there's this over-the-top story that sounds totally fake. In case you didn't need the extra confirmation, someone came along and completely called bogus on this entire post. A fellow student who happened to be there during the whole ordeal.
Seems Staged
Cats and boxes have a relationship better than those of most people. Our fluffier friends often themselves in funny and cute positions that beg a snap of a camera. But sometimes we are just so obsessed with their cuteness, as pet moms and dads we're guilty of staging such photos.

It gets weird when we pass it off as real. This one looks a little far-fetched, trying to sell the unlikely scenario of a cat that actually went into the fridge without anyone looking and crawled into a pack of beers. One commenter felt the need to call them out.
Power Move
People love nostalgic shots, scenes of places, and people that remind of us another time. But as they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same. This vintage scene from a supermarket for example is actually not so vintage after all.

Looks like our poster often creates a little social media stir with the fake posts. As they put it perfectly "Why y'all always lying?" Really, why? Honestly, it seems like a caption that reads "I just took this shot at this supermarket and was surprised with how vintage it looks" would equally have attracted the same attention.
The Intruder
If we've learned anything, it's that people will go above and beyond for attention on the internet. This poster tried to make it look as if they innocently forgot to log out of their Facebook on a library computer and someone posted this flirty status to communicate with the owner of the account.

We would have all been inclined to believe it had it not been posted from a "mobile" account. Unfortunately for them, that little technical oversight made them just look very stupid. Next time, instead of posting it yourself, try to actually leave your account open on a public computer. Let's see how well it turns out.
Workin' Hard
Schools love it when their athletes show academic promise. These young baseball players showed just how invested they are in academic studies when they're not killing it on the field. Scholastic efforts with stellar sports records will have colleges fighting for them like roosters over an ovulating hen.

At a closer look, however, this star baseball player seems to be so focused on his studies he forgot a pen. He also forgot his notes. And we bet that if we could check out the books in the other athletes' hands we would have found more damning evidence. Could they have tried to just be a little more believable with this photo?
Devout Vegan
A noble decision we'll admit. This person felt that they could no longer participate in this industry and publicly (and proudly) declared their new vegan status. Oh, the drama, oh the praise, oh the pedestals they were put on and the monuments built in their honor. Oh, the humiliation when their lie was outed by a person who knows the truth.

While online they seem committed, that very day they chowed down a half chicken and half steak bowl at Chipotle. Let's hope they came to the life-changing revelation directly after their trip to Chipotle. Can't a person go vegan for like an hour?
NPR Knows All
Many people will agree that Tupac Shakur left this world far too soon. So if you're going to say something negative about the rap legend, be prepared for the backlash, even if you're a media giant like NPR. Actually, the backlash might be even more intense of you are a media giant.

One commenter points out that the geeky radio station streamer is not exactly the authority on all things "cool" especially when it comes to old-school rap. Also, what are we in grade school? Since when does the headline of any piece of so-called news try to determine whether something is cool or not?
Animal Expert
Know your animals before posting about them — this should be a rule most people would just follow intuitively. Sadly, though, some social media users are just not that kind of intuitive. We have an inkling that this person skipped their grade school biology lessons and did not really get how to classify animals.

If they knew anything about reptiles they would know that a fluffy squirrel just ain't one of 'em! Perhaps they were confusing mammals with reptiles because a dolphin is not a reptile either. Unless there are some newly evolved lizard squirrels and dolphins we don't know about.
People love jumping to conclusions about completely random things on the internet. It's almost an Olympic sport at this point. It won't help you build muscles or become faster, but it will probably do something to your brain. Just take this post for example.

Someone stated that this little girl grew up to be a successful French politician! How they got to that conclusion, we will never understand. Thankfully someone set them straight as the two images have zero connection between each other. We also appreciate the link to the UNICEF report for extra legitimacy. The internet needs more heroes like that.
That Watermark Though
Our dear Rick wanted to show off his photography skills on Facebook. After all, he does have some impressive products to show the world. He has clearly been hard at work perfecting his favorite hobby! Who knew he would get so good in such a short time?

Hang on. Unless he's marketing himself under the pseudonym Nick Boyer then we're pretty sure that photograph is not his! Oh, Rick! Always check the watermark. We hope Nick doesn't get any word of this. On the other hand, maybe they could partner up! Rick and Nick Photography? Rick can do the marketing.
Life of the Party
If by VIP treatment they mean partying alone in the comfort of their own home then sure, we'll take it! That sounds like a jolly good time indeed, which will make anyone feel like they're treated well. But if you're online saying that you're partying up a storm when you're actually in bed watching "Modern Family" well, we're not about that!

The cringiest part of this post is the 'friend' (or family member, or roommate) that outed them publically on Facebook. Yikes. While it's not great to lie online, looks like this poster needed a little bit of a social boost. Sigh.
Come On, Susan!
Dear Susan narrowly escaped some frightening lighting! Yikes! Just as well she made it home so she could snap this very professional and beautiful photograph of the skies. Wow, that picture looks so professional. It's like that image is so good, you could actually go online and buy it!

Which is apparently exactly where she got it. You can even get it printed on a pillow thanks to Stacy Fortson, the creator of this work! That'll teach you to present other people's work as your own, Susan. Also, what's the deal with the sharpened claws? Is that slang for manicure or is she also trying to get people to think she's a cat?
It's Like Salt but Like Sugar
It's a very frustrating feeling when you've invented something new and groundbreaking but discover later that it's already been done. Just like when someone who has had a bit too much of the devil's lettuce can think that bicycles with a motor could be cool, forgetting about the existence of motorbikes.

This invention for instance could have been a genius additive for food. Unfortunately, it wasn't because of this fella. Someone thought it was necessary to put an end to this crazy sweet salt invention and show them a picture of a bag of sugar, or as this person puts it, "salt that is sweet that will flavor food sweetly."
Not So Great
“The Great Gatsby” has become a little more popular in the last decade, despite being written almost a full century ago. This fun Facebook interaction shows us that even if you are able to make fun of someone for something, that does not mean someone wouldn't throw it right back in your face.

Yes, the person making fun of others for having read the book hadn't actually read the book. Then again, he didn't say he had. Not explicitly anyway. He just said if you have you aren't special because it's something everybody does in high school, which he attended.
Caught Red-Handed
Not so much of a social media post, this lie documented in a screenshot is just too good to be left out. Dry, lifeless conversation aside, this picture includes a big no-no when it comes to relationships: lying. Babe number one wants to know what babe number two is up to.

Babe number two is about to hit the hay, but babe number one knows the truth. Who answers a question like this – supposedly between romantic partners – and ends it with “and you?”? If this interaction is real, well done to babe number one, but it seems pretty plotted to us.
He Drops the Knowledge. Somewhere Else
Everybody wants to get in shape these days, and for good reason. It makes you healthier and happier on top of improving cognitive abilities and quality of sleep. Ask anyone. Well, anyone but the guy in this picture. There are lots of people out there who say they know the goods on how to drop fat and build muscle, including this guy.

But, it turns out he isn't interested in letting us know, especially since it seems like “Outside Magazine” used his picture without his permission. Still, he is in good shape, so a triathlon is probably a good choice.
Looks Like You Forgot Something
This guy has been working on his body, but anybody who has actually gotten six-pack abs (or seen one in real life, for that matter) thinks the picture is laughable. Getting shredded – such as the original poster is trying to say – is legitimate hard work and takes a lot of time and dedication.

More than the week he said it took him. The only thing that took a week to complete here is the Photoshop 101 course he probably slept through. The conversation goes back and forth, with nobody really buying it...and then someone points out his belly button has disappeared. Slam dunk.
Maybe It's a Nickname
Art theft is a pretty big problem on the internet. It's just way too easy and way too tempting to just copy something you find online randomly and post it to social media. If there isn't any attribution on the image itself (and even if there is) it will be shared over and over again with attribution.

Or, as this person has done, claim the credit for themselves. One quick friend did the proper googling and pointed out the problem. Sorry, Rebecca, but you just got called out. Next time either draw the thing yourself or don't post the darn picture.
It's Right There in the Picture
Two things about this. First off, the actual message is pretty sweet. There is nothing wrong with doing something romantic that celebrates the love you have for your partner. Making symbols that signify lasting love has been shown to make love stronger (though how that is measured is beyond us).

On the other hand, the message says it took place in Paris, but the picture very clearly shows the Sydney Opera House past the chain-link fence. Someone may have missed a geography class or two. Maybe it was just symbolic of the symbol they had done? Either way, embarrassing and awkward.
At Least Go Down the Page a Bit
Showing off sick flips is a social media standard. For someone who has been training and practicing their skills on the powder, getting a good pic is a dream come true. Especially if you have friends who simply refuse to go outside when it's snowing.

This is probably why this person decided to use a picture from Google images, and not an actual picture of himself. It's even a pretty old picture. The benefit of the doubt is this person wanted to show off the trick he pulled, even if it wasn't him in it. Or he's just a liar.
Meet Dave. He's Real.
Getting engaged is, as long as you're doing it right, one of the most magical moments of your life. Well, the original poster here (green) decided she didn't want to wait to actually get engaged to announce it on Facebook, and it's pretty clear she didn't think it through.

Oddly, she didn't consider the fact that some of her Facebook friends actually know her in real life and can sense something about this whole announcement is off. “Dave” comes out of nowhere, and the picture of him she posts is taken from somewhere else. We guess she just wanted the attention.
Tell Us More About This “Bieber”
One of the cool things YouTube offers is music. Lots of small artists and bands post their songs there, and plenty have discovered tunes they love just by letting autoplay go and seeing where it takes them. But, when someone with the username “Biebersgurl4ever1” posts on a Bieber song saying she doesn't listen to JB, something doesn't seem correct.

Was it a prank? Was it meant to be ironic? Did the person get hacked by a troll who changed their handle as a joke? Either way, someone on Tumblr pointed out the inconsistency, and no matter what kind of music you listen to, it's good for a laugh.
Airline Burn
Some guy or gal got it into his or her head to brag about doing something fancy by posting about it like it wasn't even a big deal (which makes the cry for attention that much more apparent). That something fancy is flying to Zanzibar via jet. A very specific jet, from a specific company.

And that specific company doesn't fly to Zanzibar. It's one thing being called out by friends or family members, but being called out by the company itself? That's the kind of thing that will see a Twitter account go private for a little while. Or deleted altogether.
That Cake Isn't the Only Thing Getting Burned
One person on Twitter decided to bake a cake and accidentally dropped his or her phone in without realizing it. But one astute friend, who also posted the picture, pointed out that the picture the original poster showed was actually a part of their own YouTube video.

Now, why would anyone fake their phone being baked in an oven? Is this some kind of new Munchausen syndrome? Trying to gain some sympathy by pretending something horrible happened to your electronics? What could the response possibly be? If the original tweeter had any kind of brain, there wasn't one: just let it go.
Thought I Looked Cute, Might Delete Later
Ah, the noble selfie. We've all posted a pic or two to our Facebook or Twitter accounts with our best smile, best hair, and best outfit. Our friends can like it or not, but it's out there. Except we usually don't then lie and say we posted it by accident.

One young lady put her best face forward and tried to pass it off as unintentional – until a friend piped up and pointed out that it takes more than one misclick to get a picture on social media. It's not like a pocket dial, lady. These things don't just happen.
The Rare Double Callout
Somebody wanted to hit the town and have a few drinks with their loved one. So far, so good. Power to them for making some one-on-one time for themselves. Nothing wrong with that. But there is something very wrong with lying to a friend to get out of coming to dinner.

Also, if you ARE going to lie to a friend, don't do something as stupid as exposing yourself online. She's going to need to do something quick to save face. Oh, and then the lie she told to her friend was refuted by her boss. Double oops. There's a danger in being close friends with your boss.
It Was on National TV, Bud
Here's something about guys you might not know: They don't get complimented that much. It's amazing how long they'll remember someone telling them “nice shoes.” It's sad but it's true, and it's probably what created the circumstances for this post.

This guy went a little too far trying to make up a story of someone paying him a compliment, and a friend realized the conversation was a little too familiar. In fact, it was between two really famous people and was probably viewed by millions of people. Have to be more original than that, even if you want to feel handsome.
I'm Smartering
Back when Facebook was less about posting perfect pictures of yourselves and arguing, people would post “updates.” It was like... what they were doing at a given time. This person did so and was immediately got called out by the person he or she is studying with.

Back during the time of updates, people lied a lot. We guess they still do that now, though. Let's put this one under the category of “wishful thinking.” You know, when finals are breathing down your neck and you start feeling like the end of the world might not be such a bad alternative.
No, She's Real I Swear
Bragging about that cutie you have on your arm is social media basics. A lot of people, we are sad to say, want to brag BUT DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE A CUTIE! Tsk, tsk. One young gentleman decided that the best way to get around this problem was to take a picture from the internet.

Unfortunately, he took pictures that are from what we're going to carefully call a “gentleman's website.” Theft isn't gentlemanly, kid. Another thing that is ungentlemanly? Lying to people online about having a girlfriend. Or just lying to people generally. Better to be an honest single gentleman than lying about being taken.