If you keep limes on hand to add a squeeze to your iced tea or a twist to a summery beverage, then you might never have considered what the best way to slice it is.

Most of us just slice it down the middle and squeeze as much as we can, hoping we get all of its citrusy juices. But according to this box, that’s not the most efficient way.
Edible Cutlery
These spoons may look ordinary but they are actually completely edible as well as durable! Manufactured by an Indian scientist, these spoons are made out of millet and rice. Besides saving the planet from plastic cutlery, these spoons don't get soggy or break. They come in various flavors, like carrot-beetroot, ginger-cinnamon, vanilla, black pepper, and of course, plain.

If you'd like to try one of these edible utensils, they are available for purchase online, and in case you're wondering, each spoon is about 20 calories.
Labels for Your Mango
Mangoes have a small window in time when they're ripe and perfect to eat, but if you've missed it, you're bound to be at least a little disappointed. But now you don't have to deny yourself this juicy, tropical treat.

This sticker tells you what color the best tasting level of ripeness is and will save you a lot of frustrations.
The Perfect Bowl
If you've ever been to a baseball game, you'll know how messy it can be when it comes to holding your food and drinks. It takes a lot of concentration to hold your refreshments in both hands while trying your best not to spill anything and if you put one thing down on the floor, it's likely to get kicked over.

But with this bowl, you don't have to worry about carrying all your items as you can simply hold them all in one hand. Now you can enjoy the ball game, with one hand free to eat your fries and drink your soda.
Edible Water Bottles
Single-use plastic bottles are probably one of the worst things when it comes to pollution. The amount of trash they cause is just so unnecessary. But is there a solution to this problem? Now there is, with Notpla, a sustainable packaging start-up founded by a combination of entrepreneurs, designers, chemists, and engineers.

This ball of water is encapsulated by packaging that's entirely edible, which is made from plants and seaweed, so it's biodegradable and totally ok to consume. But if not eaten, the packaging will disappear anyway, leaving no trace behind.
Shopping Cart With Gadgets
When shopping for groceries, do you find the only thing you need is a good magnifying glass to read the fine print of your items a little better? Well, there's a solution for that and it's been added to shopping carts like in this photo.

If you've ever tried reading the fine print on some labels, you'll find it gets tricky so this supermarket has attached magnifying glasses to their carts for those who need a little extra help.
Chop Chop
Sure, it looks like a silly fork with silly chopsticks attached, and it kind of is. But the next time you're tasked with eating a bowl of egg-fried rice, you'll certainly be pining for this invention.

These chopsticks are also a fork, for those who aren't feeling too confident about their skills.
Pick of the Bunch
Although bananas are undeniably delicious, it's extra important to pay close attention to how ripe they are when purchasing them, as timing is everything when it comes to bananas.

This store has signs that show you how ripe they are, each sign is divided by colors, helping you choose the bananas you prefer based on their ripeness.
Reusable Food Covers
So you thought your Tupperware options were limited to sealable rectangular containers? Well, it might be time you considered other possibilities, like these reusable silicone food covers.

Made of silicone, these food covers fit perfectly over your food and will save you loads of space in your crowded fridge.
Squeeze of the Day
So, life has given you plenty of lemons and you're almost certain you're not going to eat them all before they go bad. Not to worry, there are a lot of other ways you can use these versatile fruits. From salad dressings to lemonade, and even DIY cleaning sprays!

These lemon sprayers are perfect for getting the juice out of your lemons without leaving you with a bitter mess and stinging eyes.
Fast Food
Changing the world one order of french fries at a time. Or at least that's what this restaurant was trying to do when they thought of this idea clever idea for their customers.

To help them eat their favorite side order they made their tables with diamond-shaped holes to hold their fries.
How to Eat Pringles
Before Pringles, we had potato chips that only came in noisy bags but, more importantly, making duck bills with these chips was incredibly difficult. But soon enough, Pringles came along and changed the game completely.

The only problem was getting your Pringles out of the can. Thankfully some companies in Asia designed this Pringles with a tab to lift the chips up so won't have to get your hands full of potato crumbs.
All Aboard
We've seen conveyor belts deliver sushi but we haven't seen miniature trains delivering drinks like these before. This photo was taken at a restaurant in Prague, but apparently, there are more following this trend.

In the UK, there's an eatery that delivers your cheese via a rotating cheese bar.
Coffee Chart
You might think of yourself as a coffee aficionado, but are you really? According to the experts, coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, but despite its ubiquity, most people don't know much about their drink.

To help remedy that, this cafe decided to set up a chart, showing the differences between the types of coffee drinks.
The Ends Justify the Beans
This coffee shop wouldn't stand for serving watered-down drinks to their guests, so instead of ice, they froze coffee to add to their iced beverages, and apparently, it's amazing.

We can't believe we never thought of this, but it's actually genius — an iced coffee that doesn't taste watery after the first few sips, now that's something we'd sign up for!
Now That's an Idea
If you've ever been on a date then you know the incredible tension that comes with wanting to order something but not being able to cause you might wreck your smile.

The fear of getting food stuck in your teeth should never come in the way of your choices, and that's exactly why this spork has a toothpick attached to it.
Helpful Holders
We've come a long way since we started drinking out of cups, but since then we haven't changed much. Sure, we now have sippy cups, coffee flasks, and all the different shapes we like to store our drinks in, but what about how we carry them from one place to the next?

To offset the delicate act of carrying multiple drinks, these cups were designed so you can carry several at the same time in one hand. Plenty of people can benefit from these drinking handles, especially those clumsy enough to spill their drinks while walking.
From Farm to Vending Machine
You talk like a local, you think like a local, and you even dress like a local, so in that same eco-friendly spirit, it's now time you cut out the middleman and eat like a local.

But for every consumer trying to buy as local as possible, it means traveling to the nearest farmers' market that stocks local produce. Now, however, there are vending machines like this that can help.
Door Dash
Few things are more gentlemanly than opening the door for someone. But what about when you need someone to get the door as practicality rather than a courteous gesture? Like in the case of holding your drink as you open a door? There's nothing more annoying than holding your keys or wallet in one hand and your cup of coffee in another and wondering how you're going to open the door.

This is probably what happened to the person who had a bright idea that involved setting up a tiny shelf right next to the exit.
Drink Like a Fish
It's fairly obvious that we need water to stay alive, and maybe we already knew that mild dehydration can make us feel tired. This means it's wiser than wise to stay hydrated by keeping a refillable bottle on you at all times. But then there's the problem with refilling at water stations that are often not meant to supply water for bottles.

This is why this invention is the best for frequent water drinkers, with the thirstiest of stomachs.
Brownie Points
We won't sit here and tell you which type of brownies you should like. To do so would be unconscionable, as we all have our own unique tastes and preferences. Some like the gooey centers, others like the edges for the crunchier bits.

To wit, this cafe decided to label their brownies based on what part of the pan it was baked on.
Waiting Games
What if we told you that waiting for ages for your waiter to get back to your table was a thing of the past? Or maybe you're one of those people who prefer to be left unbothered as you enjoy your meal. Well, it might be if more restaurants catch on to this.

With a sign to show whether you need help, you can easily let your waiter know if you need them or if you wish to be left alone.
Everybody Loves Ramen
We've always said that there is never going to be a wrong time to eat instant noodles. It's cheap, it's delicious, and now it's even easier to make, so if you happen to be as obsessed with instant noodles as we are, then you'll appreciate this next innovation.

This package of ramen noodles comes with its own easy-to-use strainer so you can drain all the unnecessary water once your noodles are ready and enjoy!
Causing a Stir
Stocking your kitchen with the correct gadgets can be pricey and overwhelming. Do we really need that special avocado slicer? Or artisanal ice molds? Of course you don’t. This is why you'll be happy to know that some of your plain old cutlery might already come with special effects.

Like this spoon that has a line indicating where its center of gravity is. You might have already seen this type of spoon and wondered, why is there a line there? Well, now you know.
To Scent or Not to Scent
Scented soaps are, simply put, amazing. They smell all clean and fresh, but with their scents of lavenders and citrus fruits, they tend to overpower your other senses. This is probably what this restaurant thought when they designed their sinks.

Those still eating, have the option to use unscented soap, so that they don't only smell fragrances and perfume as they're biting into their cheesy pizza or enjoying their crispy apple pie.
To Nutritionally Educate
When you eat at any restaurant or dining establishment, it can get difficult to select the healthiest choice when you don't really know what's in your food and beverages. Fortunately, there are people who are trying to help by educating customers on their purchases through a 'nutrition receipt.'

The company that does this is called 'Nutricate' and they provide receipts with a nutritional breakdown of what you ordered.
The Perfect Pair
We all know that pizza and movies go together like, well, pizza and movies, but we've never seen an establishment that can perfectly weld this classic combination into one seamless business model. Until now, that is!

To make things a little easier, this movie rental store put a hole in their wall to make space for "Marco's Pizza.'
Snack Attack
Sure, there probably isn't a bad time to shop for groceries, but shopping while you're hungry can cause a lot of unnecessary spending. To avoid paying out way more than you bargained for, this store lets you snack while you shop.

The best part is, it will only cost you 25 cents for a fruity snack, which means this is not only cheap but also healthy.
This Will Definitely Come in Candy!
Most of us have been told a book worth of urban legends about what can happen when we swallow gum. Well, Trident finally had enough and started incorporating into their containers little wrappers for your used gum.

Now there's no more worrying about where to put your gum while you're on the way to a meeting or a date, or whatever errand you're busy with. You can simply place your gum in the wrapper and forget about it.
Expiry Dates You Can Actually Read
There are two ways to approach tiny expiration dates on your milk bottles that are often hard to find, if not impossible to read. You could search through the whole row until you find one with a date you can see and easily decipher or you hope for the best.

With almost 80% of Americans throwing away perfectly safe and drinkable milk, this manufacturer had a bright idea to counter those numbers and put huge dates on their milk bottles that are easy to read.
Confectionery Free
Of course you're gonna buy a pack of donuts if your kids are begging for them, especially when they're right next to the checkout and you're so close to the end of your shopping expedition.

But in just a few short hours, your kids are hyperactive and you've realized that pack of donuts was not the best idea after all. This supermarket decided to help parents out a little by providing confectionary-free checkouts.
More Than Just a Microwave
I think we can all agree that the microwave is an incredible invention. We use it almost every day but we still have to contend with that annoying beeping sound it makes when our food is done.

But not all microwaves have to be like this, in fact, some have been designed with a button that mutes the sound, so it won't send a beeping noise through the house when your food is done!
Cool Your Wheels
There are a lot of useless car amenities out there, but this cupholder is not one of them! It's got a setting to either heat or cool your beverage. Who said having a cupholder in your car is just a convenient way to hold your cup while you drive?

Now you don't have to worry about cold cola getting warm or your piping hot coffee turning lukewarm, cause there's a cupholder setting for that.
There's a Bag for That!
It's difficult to imagine a world without pizza. The humble pizza still remains the cornerstone of American fast food, as it's one of the few dishes that can satisfy the craving for something cheesy, doughy, delicious, and fast.

Now, there's not much we need to innovate when it comes to pizza, but what about how we carry it? Putting a square box in a plastic bag almost certainly means it slides to one side and folds over your pizza before you realize what's happening. But now, there's a bag that's been specially made to carry that precious cardboard box.
Got Fresh Breath?
Aside from tooth pain, swelling gums, and other consequences of bad habits, the most common reason we go to the dentist is to solve the mystery of bad breath. This eatery has a complimentary mouthwash machine in the bathroom.

Not only is this pretty nifty, but it also makes your eating experience better knowing you can leave with fresh breath without having to fully brush your teeth or chew menthol gum.
Fresh Pizza Vending Machine
Isn't it every pizza lover's dream to travel to Italy, and eat this doughy dish topped with cheese that was just baked inside a 7ft-wide aluminum box?

We don’t know when exactly, but at some point, people wanted pizza availability at any hour of the day, and that's probably how this idea was born.
The Southern-based quick-serve establishment is known for its controversy, really good chicken, and now for not charging customers for ingredients they don't want in their orders.

This is a genius idea, if only more restaurants and fast food joints would do this, we'd be much happier to order from them.
Velcro Bag
On its own, Velcro is a great invention and has been used for so many amazing things, from velcro wallets to velcro shoes, but we've never seen it used like this before.

Using velcro to bag dry ingredients like rice would make it easier to store and keep away from little bugs and cockroaches.
A Pull-Out Oven
It's been a long time since humans had to cook over an open fire. With temperature controls and convenient settings, we can all enjoy tastier meals that are much easier to make. But apparently, we are getting even smarter! It only took a few decades before someone realized we can get a better door to open our ovens.

Introducing this bad-boy, with a pull-out door that makes it much easier to see if your food is ready or if you need to turn it over, without hot steam in your face.
The Perfect Cereal Bowl
This is called the Obol and it's the original cereal bowl that allows you to control how much cereal you want in your milk while keeping the rest from getting soggy.

It has a spiral slide design and divider, to help you eat your breakfast exactly as you like it.
Many of us have a long history with our toaster — it's probably the first appliance that we used to make food. It's hard not to love this appliance as we use it every morning to toast our sourdough bread.

If you thought there was no way to make your toaster any better, you'd be wrong. This toaster has a frozen and 'a bit more' option.
Food Huggers
These food-hugging covers are made to perfectly fit your avocado, and that's not all, they come in different shapes and sizes.

From watermelon to onion, these can keep your produce fresh for longer, without the need for single-use plastics, foil, and bags.
Time to Ketchup!
Ketchup is basically the perfect American staple condiment. No matter what you love or hate, there's just something about ketchup that makes it an invaluable part of any kitchen. It goes with everything, from fries to burgers to hot dogs — which are all the classics — and more!

And now, this restaurant found the ideal gadget for their customer's condiments with this special holder to make sure the ketchup bottle is always ready for use.
Cupcake Dispensary
Some people might say that baking should be a calming, uncomplicated, and leisurely pursuit. We're not sure who those people are, but we certainly have no problem with a vending machine that dispenses cupcakes.

These automated cupcake machines seem to be quite popular in New York, with people waiting in lines just to get their sugary fill.
Of course we have McDonald's on our list! Everyone is familiar with the famous franchise and according to photographic evidence, this Mcdonald's has a walk-thru.

McDonald's Express has several locations all across the globe where you can order food via a walk-thru.
Flavored Edible Cups
By swapping single-use plastic for these cups made out of seaweed, this company has found a solution to one cause of plastic pollution.

These come in different flavors, from papaya to lemon and the texture is said to be chewy and soft.
Pecan Pie
Is there anything vending machines can't offer? Actually yeah, it can't offer relationship advice, nor explain how to fix a broken toaster. We know this because we tried. But in case you haven't noticed, vending machines can provide almost anything, even pecan pies.

This machine was installed in 2008 by the Berdoll Pecan Candy and Gift Shop, and you'll be surprised to know it's very popular with locals.
Some Coca-Cola and Ice
This ice-cold Coca-Cola bottle was made of actual ice and was sold on selected beaches, from Los Angeles to Argentina. This campaign was made in 2015 and while we haven't seen it since, we think it was a great idea.

This bottle made of real ice proved to be the perfect temperature even on the hottest of days while also being beach-friendly since it melts!
A Dedicated Pizza Button
After a long day of sightseeing and touring a new city, all you want to do is relax in your hotel room and catch up on your favorite show while enjoying some delicious food that you didn't have to worry about preparing, right?

Well, this hotel makes sure they have their guests' happiness as their number one priority, with a dedicated pizza button on every hotel room's phone.
Ain't Nobody Got Thyme for That
Students and suburbanites alike have often romanticized the idea of cooking with herbs. But who has the time to chop up all their herbs? Well, these scissors meant exclusively for herbs help speed up your meal prep.

With five blades you can snip basil, chives, parsley, chives, and dill in record time!
Get Juiced to It
Any decent breakfast worth its salt includes at least one carton of orange juice, but with everyone having a cup it soon runs out and the last person always ends up with just a little sip.

But not with this bottle of OJ, it has little transparent openings that let you see how many glasses are left inside. Now that's nifty!
The Nose Knows
Take-away coffee has been enjoyed for about as long as Starbucks has been around, which is more than 50 years! But since their arrival, their lids have not been designed with noses in mind, which meant drinking from these cups was always a little uncomfortable, if not completely awkward.

Now you can enjoy your Pumpkin Spiced Latte or that Caramel Snickerdoodle Macchiato you've been wanting to try without smashing your nose into the lid.
Glass Case for Your Phone
Taking out your phone at the dinner table might seem harmless, but wait until you spill your drink over it! At some point or another, we've all messed our phones up and deeply regretted it afterward.

Fortunately, diners at this restaurant have a repository where they can put their phone in the table. Now they don't have to worry about spilling things on their phone or getting it sticky.
Olive and Kicking
Olives are a cherished Mediterranean fruit that can bring a salty bite to nearly any dish. Storing olives in the liquid they come in is key to keeping them delicious but getting them out has always been a real hassle.

As luck would have it, someone had the bright idea to invent a branch for all those olives in a jar, so they can easily be taken out.
More S'Mores!
When the leaves start falling and autumn arrives, so do cardigans, Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, and bonfires, and what would a bonfire be without s'mores? Though, admittedly, s'mores are strange little treats. How can puffy round marshmallows be expected to fit perfectly on graham crackers?

Who knew marshmallows could be improved upon? But everything has its time and place, just like these squared-shaped marshmallows that are ideal for making s'mores.
Now That's Convenient
Hard-boiled eggs are possibly one of the easiest things to cook and still, people manage to mess them up. Which is totally ok, — we do it, too! This is probably why supermarkets have started stocking them.

In the mountainous country we all know as Switzerland, supermarkets paint their hard-boiled eggs, that way you can easily differentiate between the fresh and hard-boiled ones.
Steep Dreams!
A cup of tea has always felt so comforting, and at the same time a little refreshing. So, if no break is complete without a cup of tea, then this is a great way to make your next sip much less stringy.

With so many people drinking it, it only makes sense that there are mugs that have been specially crafted to secure your tea bag string for you.
Spice It Up!
Once you've developed an appetite for spicy food, it gets easy to become tempted to increase your hot options. From spicy jalapeno poppers to Vindaloo curry, there are so many dishes that can satisfy any palate.

For those who are ready to turn up the heat in your meal, there's this bottle of hot sauce that allows you to adjust your level of spiciness.
Milk on Tap
What makes one cafe better than the next one? From quality roasted beans to creating a unique menu, there are a number of reasons why one coffee shop stands out among the rest. And this one is definitely one to remember.

This cafe decided to repurpose taps that are usually reserved for cold beverages to dispense milk and cream.
Pop Up Bowl
It seems pretty easy to make the perfect batch of popcorn — it is a simple recipe, after all. But making the popcorn hasn't always been the problem, it's cleaning up afterward that seems to have most people annoyed.

This pop-up bowl stands up on its own and that also means you don't have to use another bowl that you'll have to clean up.
Beyond Burgers
Meatless burgers have really come a long way in the last few years. With all the technological advancements, scientists have finally found a way to make plants taste exactly like meat!

They managed to make their product with the same levels of protein as their animal counterparts but with no cholesterol and less saturated fats.
Holy Guacamole
Avocados are notorious for being either not ripe enough or too ripe, with only a short window where it's perfectly ripe. Most of the time, it's difficult to know what state it is in because of its rough leathery skin.

But this Avocado has a clever color sticker, showing you how ripe it is, according to your eating preference.
Blurred Limes
If you keep limes on hand to add a squeeze to your iced tea or a twist to a summery beverage, then you might never have considered what the best way to slice it is.

Most of us just slice it down the middle and squeeze as much as we can, hoping we get all of its citrusy juices. But according to this box, that's not the most efficient way.
Yogurt Lid to Spoon
Yogurt has a place at nearly every table, not just at the breakfast nook. So far it doesn’t seem like any of the yogurt companies have our back in terms of cutlery — most of the time we're left without it.

But for many, sipping dairy products in the hot sun may not be how they enjoy their yogurt, which is why this lid came to save the day. Finally, a yogurt lid that can transform into a spoon!
Pizza Scissors
As humans, we've long been a species of innovators. From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Edison, to today's world, where we have our fair share of creativity. Nowadays, we are obsessed with comfort food and which online store has the best onesie.

Speaking of comfort food, we've come up with the best kind of scissors imaginable, pizza scissors! Our increasingly growing bellies thank you.
The Burrito Box
Behold, the burrito vending machine. Isn't that nifty? Burritos are valued for being the most American of all the Mexican-American dishes, and this is one heck of evidence.

If you travel up the west coast, you will still be able to find a wider variety of burrito types that evolved to fit the culinary landscape. And inside a gas station in West Hollywood, California, you can find an automated kiosk that serves burritos!
Go Nuts for Coconuts
Coconuts have been called the tree of life, and nowadays, we've found many uses for them that go beyond the pantry. From coconut oil and water to coconut flours, sweeteners, milk, and even butter, coconuts are now being used in a wide array of products.

And because there are only a few things that are better than fresh coconut, this company decided to take advantage of its shell. So, instead of processing it and packaging it in a bottle, all they did was attach a pull top that will open for easy drinking.
All Kinds of Burgers
These days, it’s difficult not to find yourself in the general vicinity of any cheeseburger. Our love of all forms of beef and thinly-sliced cheese between two buns has grown so much that it only makes sense that you can order one from a vending machine.

Like this one in the Netherlands, which sells all kinds of burgers. So, even when your favorite fast food joint has closed and you're hankering for a burger, you know you can get one here.
Ready-Made Meals
Who said that vending machines are only for sugary snacks and drinks? Why can’t they also sell healthy stuff like what you would find at a restaurant?

That’s exactly what this vendor was thinking. So they made these incredible machines that make all types of food available fast.
Lego Tables
Lego has undergone some serious changes over the last few decades. Once they were simply brightly colored bricks designed specifically as toys for children, but now Lego boasts collectible sets and maps of the world.

This Danish restaurant took it one step further by using Lego to keep track of occupied tables.
Shake and Pop
Whether you like it salty, with a bit of butter, or prefer it coated in a cheese seasoning, this versatile snack is something we'd all like to munch on when we go to the movies. But it does get tricky to season it once you've sat down in the theater.

What often happens is you end up eating all the salt at the top and then you're left with the blandest bits at the bottom. But not with this bowl of popcorn, cause it comes with a closed lid to help movie-goers properly shake their popcorn and make sure the seasoning is even on each and every kernel.