Why are these raptors carrying a pistol, anyway? Aren’t raptors extinct? If not, are they trying to become a mafia? When we first encounter this image, there are a ton of questions that might cross our minds.

Raptors were well-liked because of their extensive history with firearms. There didn’t seem to be any restrictions on it at the time. Additionally, using firearms was permitted in some limited areas. Now, however, it appears from this Montreal sign that they are all prohibited from carrying anything but flowers. They must control the raptor population!
In the Meantime in China
Alright, so this is not a Chinese film. But this also isn't a parking lot, either. So just how "China" is this picture? Well, this is a photo of one of the longest traffic bottlenecks ever documented on Earth!

Even though China is renowned for finding solutions to all issues, they still manage to almost meme themselves by appearing on the longest traffic record. It goes without saying that they wished they had taken their pillows and blankets because it was going to be a long voyage. After all, this mayhem lasted for about two weeks!
In the Meantime in Japan
Who told you that only people needed to go shopping and eat in a fancy restaurant? Deers are aware of the satisfaction that such actions bring, and they frequently enter Japanese stores and eateries.

As you can see from the image, the man has secured the door to prevent deers from breaking in and endangering the store. Shop owners are already aware of the issue, as we've indicated, and they're always ready for it. However, the deers comment, "Why won't you allow me inside? I also want to shop!" My "deer," you won't, the owner retorted.
In the Meantime in Canada
Imagine someone stealing anything from your home. What will be your opening act? My role would have been to track the thief and return my property to my house.

The reports appear to be quite the reverse in Canada, though. As you can see in this humorous image, someone is providing the thief with the rest of the stuff that goes with the stolen item. Sure, the thief will return to your home and take the remaining goods. Who knows what was imprisoned in the box, though?
In the Meantime in Australia
For Australians, wildfires and bushfires are pretty much a seasonal thing. They appear to be unconcerned, though, since they are so accustomed to such situations. At the very least, this could be what the image is conveying.

Think about the Australian fire situation. Given the frequency of these occurrences, it is understandable why this warning is valid. However, if the fire status appears "high," you weren't expected to feel at ease anywhere on the planet. But since it's just another day for our lovely Australians, they shouldn't worry about it. After all, on a scale of low to catastrophic, "high" is only the second degree. Um, yeah, sure this makes sense.
In the Meantime in London
It turns out that Londoners are among the most generous. One should be terrified of platform two, given the level of warning. However, these individuals have granted dangerous birds ownership of the area rather than making efforts to drive them away.

The inclusion of the phrase "and has claimed the platform as his own" is the funniest element of the image. But when do they begin to stake out the position? Give them what they want, please!
In the Meantime in Texas
Since seeing this picture, Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road" has repeatedly been playing in my head. When people act, they act stylishly in Texas. And it's a style you probably wouldn't have considered.

Everyone drives their Toyotas and Nissans to the drive-throughs. However, Texas residents require horses to demonstrate the "horsepower" of their vehicles on driveways. Not even horses can rest in Texas. Someone, please also purchase some Starbucks drinks for these poor souls!
In the Meantime in Finland
Finland seems to have taken the phrase "Mind your own business" far too seriously. A clear illustration of how essential personal space is to Finns may be found in this image. Please take another look at the image in case you missed it.

This is a typical situation across the country. When someone sits, their backs are turned away from one another due to the placement of the seats. Do not worry, my friend, if you are having major problems with personal space, these Finn seats are for you.
In the Meantime in Florida
Have you ever seen the movie "IT"? What if I told you that a true event inspired the story? That is correct! As you can see, the only difference here is Pennywise. Guess who assumed responsibility? Mr. Crocodile is standing by, ready to entice you into the sewer.

Even if this crocodile might not scare you, connecting the scene to the movie makes the image funnier.
In the Meantime in Minnesota
The next Nadal and Federer are what Minnesota is prepared to deliver us! We are all aware of how difficult it is to train to become a tennis star on the international stage. The Minnesota men in this photo, however, have advanced the game significantly!

Tennis must be played, despite the snow outside! They have come up with the solution of wearing skating shoes for when they have to play on literal ice. If this had been your focus, you would have already established yourself as the next tennis legend.
In the Meantime in Korea
Let's see what this Asian country can give us. Oh look, it's that man on the subway with the lashed bunny! Are you also shocked? I mean, I get that you could want to keep a bunny as a pet. However, the owner, in this instance, appears to take his pet-keeping abilities to the next level by walking it, exactly like dogs.

But before we all start laughing out loud, examine the types of animals people bring to Walmart. It seems fairly normal to me. The fact that we're not alone on this path makes me feel so happy.
In the Meantime in Alaska
Similar to how Australians grow weary of seeing kangaroos, Alaskans also grow weary of seeing moose. What is this animal doing in the streets, though?

Alaskan moose may have learned to respect traffic laws from humans. Whether it's this Alaskan animal or us, always stay in your lane. The moose told his friend, "Hold on my friend, the signal's still red out here!" Bravo to the cop who forced this moose to follow the law.
In the Meantime in Nebraska
It serves no purpose to purchase a refrigerator if you reside in Nebraska. When there is a natural refrigerator just outside your home, why would you choose to buy one? As we know, Nebraska experiences unusually heavy precipitation during snowfall.

This amusing image shows someone's home, where they had a great idea. Due to the significant snowfall, they are unable to leave, therefore they have converted the massive snowdrift into a refrigerator to keep their beers cold. Next time you need a drink, just open the door!
In the Meantime in Montreal
Why are these raptors carrying a pistol, anyway? Aren't raptors extinct? If not, are they trying to become a mafia? When we first encounter this image, there are a ton of questions that might cross our minds.

Raptors were well-liked because of their extensive history with firearms. There didn't seem to be any restrictions on it at the time. Additionally, using firearms was permitted in some limited areas. Now, however, it appears from this Montreal sign that they are all prohibited from carrying anything but flowers. They must control the raptor population!
In the Meantime in Russia
Wait no longer and purchase a ticket to Russia if you want to see Hollywood on a tight budget. At least, this is the impression this picture gives us. Despite all the humor between these two powerful countries, it is clear that Russia does have a soft spot for Hollywood.

We know that love weakens us and compels us to express our emotions. Russia, in my opinion, came through on this occasion. They are here to provide you with the miniature Hollywood sign as a result. Why don't you go and let us know if there is a Trump hotel there as well?
In the Meantime in France
This image serves as the best illustration of who the true world leaders are. You seem to be running late for work. Keep waiting until they are done relaxing, nothing to worry about.

According to reports, the individual who revealed this photo was present at the Tour de France event. Their fierce movement was what caused the competition's eighth stage to be postponed. Their behavior made the scene funnier even if they didn't seem dangerous. Therefore, it goes without saying who is the true monarch of this country!
In the Meantime in Sweden
Of course, a modern answer is needed for a modern problem. But there are always some who are prepared to take things seriously. Just like in this picture.

The father must have accomplished something unusual by substituting the stroller's original set of stroller wheels with these monster truck wheels. It has the impression of being a vehicle for babies rather than simply an ordinary stroller. It makes sense why the young person is feeling the tune "they see me rollin', they hatin'!"
In the Meantime in Poland
Demonstrate to others that you cannot possess bread until you purchase a BMW. Sounds like a lot of work, don't you think? The nuns also experience great stress while working to improve the world. So why shouldn't nuns be able to travel in fancy automobiles if Tony Stark from the Avengers can?

The nuns in Poland have already demonstrated to us what we have been considering all along, so this is no longer just a dream. They need to release the stress because they are human. And the BMW i8 is designed to help you relax comfortably rather than for transport!
In the Meantime in Texas
Texas is a cowboy lover's paradise. With cow sports taking over the center of the United States, it is understandable why occasionally someone would want to get a howdy-appropriate look. Even while working in construction.

It was discovered that instead of using regular helmets while working, construction workers use these cowboy hats. I don't believe that this device is in any way safe, despite the fact that it allows you to spend your working hours in elegance. But without a doubt, style is the factor that comes out on top of all others.
In the Meantime in Canada
Canada can also be referred to as "freezing cold." In this country, winter lasts the majority of the year while summer is very short. But what's the point of traveling there if both seasons are happening at the same time? How will you explain where you are?

There's a danger that others won't believe you if you're in an area without snow. The next time you visit Canada, make sure to take a photo with snow in the background—if only for this man. Look at how he's working so hard to show that Canada isn't under his foot. He isn't fooling us, though — look at his shirt!
In the Meantime in Japan
Samurai riding a motorcycle? That doesn't sound right. But it's undeniable that this Japanese man successfully combines traditional and contemporary cultures.

Yes, I believe that this was the most peculiar thing that could still happen in Japan. But fear not—this is not Keanu Reeves in costume, heading home from a day of filming. Therefore, avoid asking this samurai for an autograph when you see one by assuming he's your favorite celebrity.
In the Meantime in Australia
Australia is a wildlife-rich nation. Having said that, there are numerous situations in which they must exercise caution while driving near their habitat. And nothing less is being warned by this sign.

According to the locals, these signs are posted throughout several areas to alert drivers to stay off the road and avoid unplanned attacks by wildlife. However, there is nothing to fear if you've been good this year. Now you can have a delightful and safe ride on the dangerous roads, let Santa Claus put them to work!
In the Meantime in Finland
Finns love giving each other their personal space. If you're Asian and you're staring at this photo, I'm very certain you're wishing desperately for a moment of such privacy.

Here, it appears that they have already resolved to give each other their own space, even while you're waiting for your bus or train. However, it still makes me wonder what they do when crammed into a small area.
In the Meantime in Ireland
Before I begin, please accept my apologies for making your eyes burn. When you find out the real tale, though, you could have a different opinion. Don't worry; this kind of museum hasn't yet been discovered around our globe. This is just a satirical set of directions that may be given to staff members or guests to assist them in getting to a particular location.

I can fairly presume that the museum owners may be employing this cunning tactic because many visitors undoubtedly came here solely to view this piece of paper. More people also mean more money.
In the Meantime in Florida
Let me guide your eyes to the bottom sign if you're still caught on the one up top. Similar to how I initially interpreted the first sign, I felt a feeling of veracity when I eventually saw the sign at the bottom. "As I've gotten older, I've learned that pleasing everyone is difficult, yet upsetting everyone is a piece of cake," the next line reads.

It's true, isn't it? One of the funniest and most upbeat states in the nation is Florida. Only there could you find a sign like that attached to one that states an establishment's return policy on gator meat.
In the Meantime in the United Kingdom
Not everyone in the world likes prominent personalities. Some even strongly dislike someone that they act as though they had a personal motive for this.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump was that unconnected public person for the British people. We can tell how much the British "love" and "cherish" the former American president and business magnate by looking at where his photo is displayed.
In the Meantime in Texas
SUVs and pickup trucks have always been popular with Texans. The majority of people have their enormous vehicles parked directly in the garage of every residence you check. So, don't be puzzled if you see this tiny car in this picture.

This situation appears to be one of those where the little buddy gets along with the big kids. Beware if you were one of those who considered making fun of this poor friend! The big guys are coming to take control of the situation. Putting everything else aside, the scene shown appears to be one of the uncommon ones you might encounter in Texas!
In the Meantime in Thailand
What would you do if someone splashed water on you while you were enjoying a short Tuktuk ride? Anyone would have been incensed, for sure. Even I would have gotten out of the car to confront the individual who destroyed my exquisite clothing.

There is, however, nothing to worry about. This is merely a snapshot of Thailand's weekly customary water fight. On these occasions, people play a game in which they randomly sprinkle water on others. It appears that they really like it.
In the Meantime in Wales
Naturally, we've all witnessed individuals giving strange names to locations. But now that I've seen this image, I can be confident that Wales does know how to preserve the location's oddest name. Just try to pronounce the name while looking at the picture! It sounds funnier than it is difficult to say.

It was so weird to some online users that they began to turn it into memes. It's considered that the lovely word was merely slaughtered by the vowel bullets that caused this catastrophe. Leaving everything else aside, how is this name even pronounced in Wales?
In the Meantime in Faroe Island
You might think that the image you are viewing right now is quite good. It might be compared to a picture of a lovely sky and some animals snacking on grass. That's not the case here, though. This image is meant to convey the idea that there are more sheep on Faroe Island than people.

What? The sheep here are in charge of an entire island while we're all trying to provide homes for our human populations around the world! Nothing could be funnier or more intriguing than this.
In the Meantime in Canada
Have you ever intentionally made yourself a laughingstock? Canada has demonstrated that they are unconcerned even if others laugh at them, even if you aren't one of them.

Many well-known individuals nearby should be honored by having their names put on the streets. However, at what point did Canada get so big that they ran out of names? The rest of the tale will be revealed if you simply glance at the photo. Go to That Street if you live in Canada and are having a bad day. The Other Street is available to you even if it doesn't work for you. What a hoot!
In the Meantime in Finland
It isn't a Finn apartment if your apartment doesn't have a sauna. Although it may seem absurd, it is a significant concern for the people of Finland. This is because it can occasionally be really challenging to tolerate the brutal cold the nation dishes out to them.

This is among the causes for why Finns favor having a sauna in their residence. This not only protects them from the intense cold but also improves blood circulation, giving their bodies a boost of energy. So if you go to Finland, don't be surprised to see a sauna in your hotel.
In the Meantime in Bosnia
Do you know what a pigtail light is? Many of us might, I suppose. Some individuals might, however, take the word seriously. Whether this is a coincidence or a joke, it's funny! But the word "pigtail" has stuck with this picture.

The unfortunate pig must have read the wrong sign since everyone did. The vehicles on the back were likely unsure about the animal's function as an indication. So, is the direction of the car left?
In the Meantime in Japan
How does one urinate precisely and gracefully? Putting jokes aside, a Japanese high school restroom must have posted the statement in the picture.

Despite how absurd the quote may seem, I must admit that it is brilliantly written, especially in light of the similar situations we are both thinking about. Those "high-school mature" boys who know how to "urinate with precision and grace" can support it.
In the Meantime in New Zealand
There is no denying how much we all love hosting parties. However, we are all subject to consumption limits too. But what if we said there was a nation where you could choose from a variety of drinks? That is correct! New Zealand is far in advance of its contemporaries when it comes to celebrating.

The first day of summer is observed as National Crate Day in New Zealand every year. On this day, the Kiwis enjoy a variety of excellent bar-b-ques, a crate of local beer, and a full day of sporting events. To celebrate National Crate Day with your pals in your flat, grab a bottle of beer, and have fun!
In the Meantime in Italy
We've traveled great distances playing a lot of driving video games. There were times when police supercars seriously chased us if we breached the law there. Italy is here right now to take the game into the streets of the real world.

It goes without saying how quickly a Lamborgini can go. In light of the foregoing, we regret to inform you that you cannot exceed the posted speed limit in your Ferrari while enjoying the roads of Italy anymore! Just as we used to see in video games, the police supercars are ready to pursue you down and thrill the townspeople with a real-life high-speed chase.
In the Meantime in Canada
Canada is here to demonstrate what a lovely and compassionate nation they are. No, don't indulge in the strong language; I'm certain they didn't intend it in this particular illustration. Or did they?

Putting jokes aside, Canadians have genuinely good hearts. However, if you get angry, anything could go wrong for you! I believe the dear police officer is the victim of a truly terrible incident for which the Canadians are rewarding such strong rhetoric. Despite their propensity for cursing, police officers are tough and compassionate in following the law.
In the Meantime in the United Kingdom
Is the UK experiencing the end of the world? What's causing them to all tumble down the hill? There is nothing to worry about, so calm down! This image shows competitors in the renowned "chasing cheese down a hill" tournament.

We won't hold you liable. Anyone who first sees this image immediately puts their hands over their heads and wonders what is wrong with the world. But every time I showed this photo to someone, they couldn't help but giggle and start rolling around on the floor as well.
In the Meantime in Australia
If you've ever heard of Australia's usual scenarios, then meetings with animals and insects on a regular basis is one of them.

This amusing image from Australia demonstrates how to deviate from the local custom by becoming frightened by a spider rather than reacting normally to it. The receipt states that a large spider was inside the box, which prevented the crew from getting to the meter. Maybe there was? Who is brave enough to check?
In the Meantime in Japan
They don't give anything that seems commonplace in Japan. Everything seems to have a twist, including trains and fast food. Everything you look at or touch exudes energy.

Why therefore should these mannequins be abandoned? Japan was like, "Bring in these cardboard men. Let's examine how to give them energy." And presto! You may find the most distinctive mannequin designs in the world in Japan. We must all agree, though, that they do seem to be wearing some nice clothing here.
In the Meantime in Monaco
Have you ever considered traversing a whole nation on foot? If that is your goal, you ought to think about going to Monaco for your next vacation.

You can see from the map image that the country is large enough for you to travel from end to end easily. The best part is that you won't need to rent a car and drive across the nation because this will just take an hour. How fantastic and inexpensive!
In the Meantime in Scotland
Have you ever thought about trying deep-fried chocolate bars? I doubt most of us would. But based on this image, it appears to be worthwhile trying. Scotland appears to be proudly offering it as a legitimate snack.

The strange habit of beating and frying anything they discover is as Scottish as it is human. This dubious meal is battered and deep-fried to give the chocolate an outer layer of crispiness. Even while it might taste wonderful, its health benefits might be in doubt.
In the Meantime in Singapore
In one of the richest nations in the world, don't be shocked if you find garments dangling from the balcony. I find it odd that Singaporeans practice hanging their garments to dry on bamboo poles. In Singapore, bamboos are commonly accessible.

If you're having trouble drying your garments, you may always choose this approach to benefit from quick drying. Furthermore, no one can give you thorough instruction better than the Asians if you're interested in learning alternative methods of naturally drying your garments.
In the Meantime in Thailand
Thailand is one of the greatest countries to teach you basic etiquette if you're eager to learn it. This is only one example of proper etiquette that asks visitors to remove their shoes before entering the structure, as you can see in the image.

This is an intriguing idea since it helps keep the house from being unclean by preventing outside dirt from getting inside. As a result, it's about time we stopped needing to clean the floors if we, too can adhere to this protocol.
In the Meantime in Slovakia
We'd like to show you the Slovakians' peculiar Christmas preparations. As intriguing as that may appear, it has long been a part of their heritage.

Slovakians traditionally prepare fish for Christmas dinner. And when we say fish we mean fresh fish. Just how fresh? So fresh it literally swims in their bathtub for a few days until chop-time. This is quite advantageous since it easily cleans its tract. The fact that these fish are bottom feeders adds weight to this. Naturally, individuals tend to stay out of the bathtub during these times unless they want to share it with their dinner!
In the Meantime in Denmark
In Denmark, it has long been customary. Anyone single, even at the age of 25, gets smeared in cinnamon, as seen in the image.

The intriguing point is that there is no particular reason for such a situation; it exists just because it has been part of Danish culture since the 16th century. Danish men who are still single at age 25 are referred to as "pepper men" since they are covered in this spice. In conclusion, this is just another justification for the Danes to celebrate!
In the Meantime in Turkey
Turkish desserts are well-known worldwide. If you've ever been to Turkey or watched any documentaries, you've probably noticed how many different dessert options they provide their clients. This image, for instance, displays the strangest dessert available in Turkey.

The next dessert is made using chicken breast that has been shredded and combined with milk. I still don't see the connection between chicken and dessert, even though some people describe it as a delightful snack.
In the Meantime in America
Officially, it’s called the United States of America, as if it owns all of America. But the USA is not the only nation on the North American continent. There’s Mexico and the countries of Central America. And Canada. (Can you imagine Canucks being the United Provinces of America?)

The point is that US Americans don’t care about any other kind of Americans. A lot of them say their nation is the best of the best. Like Ricky Bobby, “If you’re not first, you’re last.” Americans are a proud bunch, though their ability to demonstrate good writing skills and general knowledge is highly questionable.
In the Meantime in Canada
Numerous times, people unintentionally use the restroom for the other gender. Canada provides a fantastic option for you if you are one of the individuals who has ever been troubled by such conditions.

This image from Canada shows a sign explaining that people of all genders are welcome to use these facilities. So it doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman when using the restroom. Canada has the world's friendliest people, as we already know.
In the Meantime in Japan
Have you ever used a wooden bathtub? There's a probability that most of us here have never even seen one. However, if you've ever been to Japan, you might just have opened your luck.

Modernization speaks for us as citizens of the West. We have used ceramic bathtubs for as long as we can remember, so we are accustomed to them. However, these Ofuro baths are unique to Japan.
In the Meantime in New Zealand
Why individuals choose to preserve such long names they can't pronounce well will likely always be a wonder to me.

One of the longest names has 85 characters and is the next word. Have you yet attempted to pronounce it? If so, we can appreciate what you're going through right now. Give people who chose to maintain this as the location's name a moment of honor. Just because you can't pronounce the name doesn't mean you it should be lost forever. What a hoot!
In the Meantime in India
In India, truck drivers carry amazingly oversized loads. It doesn’t even seem possible. But it’s better than making two trips, or three, or four!

Other super-sized cargos found in the South Asian country are loads and loads of people piled on a bicycle or motorbike. After all, besides yummy food, India has the second-highest population in the world. One Indian per bike or car is a ridiculously impossible idea.
In the Meantime in Iceland
Watch out for Elves! They exist in Iceland. Thirty-seven percent of Icelanders are fairly confident elves probably exist. What is telling is the fact that very few Icelanders will outwardly say that elves do not exist.

In this place with landscapes that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth, elves and gnomes, would be right at home. Belief in elves is so endemic, that at least five percent say they have seen an elf. It’s just part of the culture.
In the Meantime in Russia
Russia spends a lot of money on many things, however, a large portion of the government's annual budget actually goes to child play. The Russian government supplies Inflatable Dolls to preserve this strange tradition.

We know. This is more than weird but millions of Russians participate in this race every year. The Bubble Baba Challenge is basically a swimmer trying to make it to the other side of the river with an inflatable doll. Traditionally, this takes place at the OB river and the swimmers must complete at least 100 m accompanied by their... um... floating friend.
In the Meantime in Sri Lanka
Coastal fishing is a common occupation, but no one does it like a Sri Lankan! With an adept sense of balance, they perch themselves on rudimentary platforms on top of a stick and somehow manage to reel them in. Don’t try this at home.

This old tradition is practiced on the south shore. The island nation of Sri Lanka in South Asia boasts amazing natural wonders. Unfortunately, war has predominated. From 1983 to 2009 there was a civil war. However, many other countries have tried to rule there. Probably for the pole fishing!
In the Meantime in Spain
The running of the bulls in Pamplona seems like Spain’s reason for existing until you find out it is actually part of the nation’s week-long San Fermin festival in July. The old tradition dates back to the 13th century, but due to its brutal nature, it is not actually in favor of many contemporary Spanish people.

The annual running of bulls through town may have originated from a practical old-world ritual of employing men to lead the herd to its designated ranch area. But no one cares. Angry bulls chasing crazy people never gets old.
In the Meantime in Thailand
Tourism is a significant contributor to Thailand’s economy so well-marked toilets are of the utmost importance. Bangkok and the beaches are a big draw, but so are the food and the cheap prices to travel and shop there.

For some reason, the Thai folk use hilarious signage to mark restrooms. This includes illustrative material instructing how to use a toilet. One sign designates that one should not stand on the toilet seat, toilet usage that you have never even thought of!
In the Meantime in Australia
Australia has been a tourist destination forever. Its laid-back Aussie culture brings people there in droves. Natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest ecosystem, host millions of species. Since 80 percent of the animals in Australia are specific to the large country, there are unique critters you’ve probably never seen, and of course, it is the land of marsupials.

It’s also home to many of the world’s most dangerous snakes, like the common death adder. Australians usually do not mince words. That’s why this sign puts it all out there: “SHARK SIGHTED TODAY.” You can still go in if you want, mate, the water’s warm. Just enter at your own risk.
In the Meantime in Vatican City
Yes, Vatican City is a country. It’s the smallest country in the world with barely a two-mile border with Italy. The Vatican monarchy has Benito Mussolini to thank for its sovereignty, the fascist leader signed the order in 1929. Bodyguards surrounding the Pope have very specific requirements.

They must be Catholics from Switzerland and at least 5’ 8” tall. But no one can protect the Pope from gusts of wind. Perhaps divine intervention will come to the rescue? It’s covering his face! The Holy Spirit? Anyone?
In the Meantime in Belize
Located at the most southern end of Mexico in Central America, and with tropical shores lapping up Caribbean waves, it is a paradise to see. Belize is small and one of the world’s least populated countries, but people have lived there for a long time.

There are 600 of the best Mayan ruins in Belize. Local signs are part of the fun. This one entreats tourists to drive slowly. To make it clear, it points out that Belize has two cemeteries and no hospitals. One cemetery for speeding tourists and one for locals?
In the Meantime in South Africa
Separate cold and hot taps still exist in South Africa, despite the fact single water taps were invented in 1880. In South Africa, handwashing choices are limited. Warm is not an option! These faucets are also found in English sinks.

Dual taps are a remnant of British influence, not the fault of South Africans. Besides inefficient plumbing in common, the two nations share a love of sports. At first, the British set their sights on South Africa for trade purposes. But after diamonds were found there in 1860, the empire’s interests peaked.
In the Meantime in Mongolia
A large percentage of people in Mongolia live as nomadic herders. It’s not an occupation for the weak of heart. These folk cross frozen landscapes, including lakes, sea ice, and rivers, escorting a variety of herding animals. Yaks, horses, goats, sheep, and reindeer are sometimes stubborn and try to escape.

What have you done that could compare? These people will pull your man card in a second! The chase can be hilarious, but the nomads always win. Mongolians always finish the journey by taking the entire herd to better grazing lands.
In the Meantime in Austria
In Austria, the hills are alive with the sound of music. That is all we know, learned by watching the musical of the same name. Echoing around said hills is yodeling, a unique type of singing accompanied by these very long Alpine horns.

The yodel started out as a means of communication by shepherds. If an animal wandered off, a special yodel would announce it. There were hundreds of different yodels known to Austrian villages but most of them are lost to time. What about those horns? How are they transported? Roof rack?
In the Meantime in Japan
Japan is a very orderly nation. Part of the reason for that is great respect for the rules and following them. The Japanese are known for being polite and demonstrating self-control. But geez.

Look at these people! I mean, yes, the arrow on the other side of the stairs does point down, but that side is also barren wilderness while everyone else is cramped together on the left. We wonder the kind of angry looks a rascal in a rush might get for going on the wrong side.
In the Meantime in Sudan
So, you think you’ve seen a dust storm? No place has dust storms like Sudan. The phenomenon is known by the name "haboob", and it's basically a mega wall of dust that is 70 miles wide and 5,000 feet high! Translated from Arabic, it means “violent wind” and when one rolls in, it’s a bad day.

The massive wall of sand blocks out the sun entirely. It is nature in its indomitable form. When a haboob is coming, there’s no place to run.
In the Meantime in Taiwan
This is not a picture of the bathroom section in a hardware store. What you're looking at is a restaurant in Taiwan. Where stinky food and toilets are somehow made appetizing. Relations with China have been contentious, but what they agree on is stinky tofu. It is fermented tofu that smells terrible, at least to a western nose, and it is a culinary obsession in Taiwan.

It’s like Taiwan has a penchant for mixing disgusting things with food. One of the most unique restaurants in Taiwan is a place where they serve food in a toilet bowl while also having patrons sitting on toilet bowls.
In the Meantime in Equatorial Guinea
Even before Portugal colonized Equatorial Guinea, there was this ginormous frog there. The people of this African nation speak Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Yet, even with this heritage, the country has no UNESCO sites. Nothing to see there. Wait one minute. Behold, the Goliath frog.

It’s the world’s largest frog, the Hulk of the amphibian world, and so large that it can build its own dams.
In the Meantime in the Falkland Islands
The Falkland Islands are a string of over 700 islands found south of South America. The country is very sparsely populated. It is densely populated, however, with sheep and penguins. For every person who lives in that island nation between South America and the South Pole, there are 160 sheep!

The Falkland Islands is home to lots of penguins too. There are five species of those funky birds. It’s a rare place where both animals are seen together, an off-the-charts adorability factor, most people would agree.
In the Meantime in New Zealand
No shoes. If you walk down a street in New York City barefoot, you’re not only risking an injury that may turn into a staph infection, but you’re going to get some backward glances. Perhaps assumed to be a homeless person. Not so in New Zealand.

In the nation so far east, it is the first to see the sunrise each morning, and kids do not wear shoes at school. In a land that preserved the Hobbit village from “Lord of the Rings” for visitors, maybe it’s not that surprising.
In the Meantime in Columbia
So, we all have our eating habits, some might be bizarre, however, when a country has a dish that has almost become a national icon, we become concerned.

We've heard of grilled cheese, cheese-flavored snacks, and even cheese-flavored popsicles, but cheese to accompany hot chocolate? Gone too far.
In the Meantime in Portugal
Food, glorious food. Even if it doesn't always seem that way. We took a little trip to Portugal to glance at this dish, say "nope" and go back home.

Picture this. Bread, ham, sausage, more meat, cheese sauce, beer sauce, and if that's not enough, red and tangy tomato sauce covers the whole lot. We prefer sticking to our own.
In the Meantime in Japan
Japan would be my first choice if I had to name the world's most straightforward nation—at least after viewing this picture. Japanese people are always thought of being the kind of subdued, respectable people our parents always wished for us to be. But regrettably, it is so satisfying when the most respectable country exhibits behavior that corresponds to our absurd ideas.

This Japanese store unequivocally demonstrates the need to stop sugarcoating clothing sizes and identify the size in terms of body type. Don't misinterpret this, though, as there may be a reason for it, or it could be a marketing ploy.