Little Betty loves her new haircut. It’s partly because she can finally see clearly again but also she loves being the center of attention, which is exactly where she is right now.

And who could blame her? If anyone deserves all the love and cuddles, it’s Betty.
How You Doing, Hun?
We can tell this dog loves listening to sensitive rock music from the early 90s. With that sly haircut, he's not going to help you with the dishes or even take out the trash, but he will make you a playlist that perfectly expresses his pent-up emotions.

Before we know it, he'll be on to the next trend which probably means dyeing his hair black and wearing skinny jeans.
Who Is Cuter?
Is there a limit to how cute a puppy can be? Apparently not. This little one may be the cutest of them all and she's not even trying. And now, with those pigtails, no one should even compete!

This puppy is so cute and tiny, it 'Beagles' our minds!
What Beauty
What a picturesque portrait of an Afghan hound, standing in the autumn forest and looking into the camera. A long bang closes her one eye, as close to perfect as it gets.

Is this the most photogenic dog on our list? There's only one way to find out...
The word majestic does not even come close to doing this doggo justice. It's actually 'roarsome' how much he looks like a lion with that mane, and he knows it, look how he's posing for the camera!

We can imagine that Rex over here enjoys feeling like he's the king of the jungle or rather king of the dog park - but don't tell him that.
As a mother of 5, Sheryl takes her parenting roles very seriously, she makes sure they get to doggy daycare safely and after that, they are all taken to swim class. Don't make her late cause she's not afraid to bark...

But her bark may be worse than her bite, just don't get on her bad side.
That's One Wet Dog
Everyone knows the feeling of getting your hair ruined in the rain. You spend ages making sure it looks beautiful and bouncy, just for those pesky droplets to undo all of your hard work. Well, it turns out that dogs can't escape this phenomenon either. This pup just went for a regular old walk and got caught in the rain, and his hair is looking a little 80s as a result.

There's some crimping going on, and he's now got bangs. It would be fun to see how this hairdo lasts when he shakes out all that moisture, we can imagine it's going to look a little wild.
A Free Spirit
Sweet Liz claims to be a free spirit, but can't help but follow the crowd, they have the best treats. She loves wearing flower crowns and when she doesn't have to pee, she likes to pose outside in nature where the lighting is good.

She may be young and naive but her innocent ways are exactly why we love her.
When Dogs Have Beards
Some dogs come with some extra fluff on their faces. For the most part, dog beards are charming- right up until they eat or drink. Then they are left with some leftovers of kibble or a sopping wet snout that gets wiped over the couch or floor, which is not as endearing.

This is what will happen when you let your beard grow out for a few weeks and shave your head, it's no small feat as only a few dogs can actually grow beards.
First Day on the Job
This dog's owner said that the pet groomer misunderstood their instructions. Our only question is, what could the instructions possibly have been? Was this the groomer's first day on the job? This poor dog must be catching all kinds of drafts that it never expected to. At least his feet are warm, we guess.

This poor pup looks as confused and traumatized as the rest of us. Have you ever left the hairdresser absolutely hating your haircut, embarrassed to be in public? That's how this dog looks and, we hate to say it, but rightly so. We hope they got a refund for this.
Why So Blue?
This dog owner told the groomer to get creative with her dog's look. Well, ask and you shall receive. We bet blue dye wasn't what she was expecting, but it certainly is creative. Plus, think of all the benefits to your dog having blue eyebrows; they can express themselves so much clearer than ever before.

If they are confused (which they will be), shocked (which they will be), or mad (which they will be), you'll be able to spot it from a mile away! And so will everybody else. Not to mention a tiny little blue mohawk, to make sure this pup can fit in with any biker gang it wants to.
Because They're Worth It
This look is a perfect real-life example of the hair we wish we had. The long locks and the smooth texture- this look has it all. With locks like this, your pet looks like the inspiration behind the advertisement!

Not many people can get their hair to look this good and it begs the question, how did this dog pull it off?
This look makes it look like he just stepped out of a limo, onto a red carpet, in front of a hundred flashing cameras. It's such a Vogue-worthy look, or should we say Doguue-worthy?

The stunning hairstyle, paired with the sterling eyes dogs have, this look will turn all the heads on the street, we guarantee.
Perfect Perched Ears
If you don't know what the Rachel cut is, then you might need to start questioning your life choices (or maybe we do?) This hairstyle originally belonged to Jennifer Aniston's character Rachel Green on the fantastically popular TV show "Friends."

The Rachel cut became all the rage back in the 90s and evidently, it continues to be trendy nowadays.
Last but certainly not least, this French bulldog dressed up in a lion mane, unfortunately, he can't grow his own. Cue sad horn. But this is a great idea for Halloween!

He sure is looking cute, but don't tell him that, tell him he looks fierce!
Oodles of Poodles
We can just imagine her saying, "Yes, I am a QUEEN, and all of you peasant mongrels wish your hair looked even half as good as mine!" And she wouldn't be wrong...

With such impeccable grooming and well-styled hair, we all want to show up to an event looking this polished and done-up.
Preppy in Pink
This is Brooke, she likes to spend her summer vacations in Connecticut and when she's not playing tennis she can be found reading one of her many magazine subscriptions. Her housekeeper may know too much about her but Brooke doesn't mind, as long as she gets fed on time.

She likes to bark too much, but she's working on getting better at keeping the peace.
Nothing Can Stop Her
Who thought that pink bangs are hard to pull off? Certainly not our furry friends who, as we can see, are owning this look like no other. Not to mention this gives her a pretty-but-spunky look which is just lovable.

Using these flowers as accessories can be a lot of fun if your pet is ready to wear them. Make sure that you select the softest accessories to make your dog as comfortable as possible.
Is This Dog's Name 'Karen'?
This dog needs to speak with a manager, immediately. If you work in any form of customer service and you see this dog walk into your establishment, take a lunch break. This haircut contains magic powers that turn its wearer into the worst person imaginable, and we have no doubt it can cross species.

That Kibble you just brought her? She's sending it back. That puppy sweater she bought 4 years ago from another store and doesn't have the receipt for? She wants a refund for it. To dog owners everywhere; beware, asking for this haircut comes with great responsibility.
Wear It With Pride
Now, this is one look that even humankind has not perfected yet. But almost certainly, we can leave it to our pets to stun us with their showcase of the look. A lilac-colored afro like this is hard to come by, which makes us so glad it's been captured!

This Poodle has extraordinary locks and we can tell how proud she is, you go girl!
Oh, Edna
This lady's dog got a haircut and now she looks like Edna from "The Incredibles." Just look at this dog and tell us that she couldn't design the perfect outfit for superheroes. She's even got her own stylish bandana - she was made for this. Maybe the groomer saw the potential in this pup and figured that they would help achieve it.

The dog doesn't look too thrilled with her new hairdo, but then again, she has likely been laughed at a photographed all day long, so maybe she's just tired of being the butt of the joke. Still, we're in two minds to present her with the real Edna and see how this dog reacts...
This patriotic puppy is all ready and rearing for the Fourth of July. He's had his hair cut and styled, and wearing an America bandana, adding to his overall polished look.

Will he make it to the parade? Probably not his year, but he will be there in spirit!
Is That You, Daisy?
Adorable bows! A dog's coat is not as boring as it seems–tying small ponytails and then accessorizing it with pretty bows can make any canine look like one huge fur-ball of cuteness.

In fact, giving your dog a ponytail can make long hair a lot easier to wear and more difficult to get dirty.
Wear A Hat
For the dog who doesn't have enough time to get ready before leaving the house, there's always the option of wearing a hat. The casual headgear is understated and it also looks effortless, because it is!

This dog is taking full advantage of this laid-back look and matching it with an equally laid-back sitting position.
The Karen Haircut
This haircut has become the symbol For entitled white women, with hair cut at an angle that's shorter hair in the back and having harsh blonde highlights.

Shorter hairstyles may project confidence and that's exactly what this pooch was going for!
Meet Alice
Meet Alice. Alice is a nice gal if she wants to be but tends to scare off the other dogs with her standoff style. Whether it's her bright pink hair or her dotted collar and dress, we can tell that Alice wears exactly what she wants, without caring much for other people's opinions.

And rightly so, she looks great and nothing should make her change who she is.
Big Hair, Don't Care
Hairstyles in the 1980s included the mullet, large hair-dos, puffed-up styles, tall mohawk hairstyles, jheri curls, flattops, and hi-top fade, permanent waves, and softer cuts all typified the decade. And it's safe to say that the 1980s was a great decade for hair.

We may not be brave enough to wear our hair like this, but for Poodles, it's a totally different story.
Dog or Cockatoo?
Where on earth do you start with something like this? What was the instruction to the groomer? Do your worst? Make him look like Guy Fieri? This poor pup looks like it doesn't know what hit him, and honestly, we don't know either. All we know is that he looks pretty silly and that he won't be going back to these groomers anytime soon.

You have to admit, though, he is a cute little guy, and seems to have a docile demeanor, which would come in handy at a time like this. Hopefully, he didn't have a big date scheduled at the puppy park.
Mohawk Mutt
This chap's name is Henry, and Henry looks so human-like here that it's a little uncomfortable. Like many tweens, Henry was given a bad haircut that he could do nothing about. You see those beautiful curls on his ears? Well, he had those over his whole head, until a groomer with a vendetta decided that Henry needed a mohawk.

Now he looks ridiculous, and kind of ticked off about the whole thing. Why do this? Who looks at a dog and thinks that what is missing from their aesthetic is a mohawk? Henry's family was apparently cracking up over his new hairdo for days, which we're sure did wonders for his self-esteem.
He Has the Best Hair
We don't know how this hairdo came to be, but this dog has been left looking like Donald Trump. Just look at that combover - bleach blond, unnaturally swept to the side, bigoted. You name the Trump quality, this dog now has it. This pup now embodies everything Trump stands for, thanks to this hairdo.

Arguably, this dog rocks the hairstyle better than the man himself, but the pup doesn't even know what all of this means for him. He won't understand why, all of a sudden, people are approaching him in the streets and asking for his takes on foreign policies. Someone better fill this pup in, quick.
A New Dog
People love seeing before and after photos, and how adorable is it when applied to dogs! He was a cutie as a scruffy ball of fluff but the preppy cut will get him further in life. He could ace that job interview he's been nervous about and getting the next-door neighbor's number will be a piece of cake with his new look.

Yep, he's a keeper and we wish him well as he climbs up the corporate ladder with Tiffany by his side!
She Loves It
Little Betty loves her new haircut. It's partly because she can finally see clearly again but also she loves being the center of attention, which is exactly where she is right now.

And who could blame her? If anyone deserves all the love and cuddles, it's Betty.
Those Are Good Bangs
Her mama gave her a ponytail with bangs and all we have to say is good job mama! This look takes us back to preschool when life was simple and hair was even simpler... But let's not digress from the topic too much.

This little pup is such a cutie and this hairstyle only made her cuter.
You Can't Sit With Us
This dog definitely has an attitude and it shows. Her long locks are the envy of every dog in the neighborhood and she knows it. She struts her stuff as she makes her way through the dog park and lets her hair flow.

The next thing we know, she's going to Labradoodle in her journal about her plans to take over the world.
A New Take On Album Covers
If you thought we didn't need another album cover that looks like this, then you are sorely mistaken! With her windblown hair and sassy stare into the distance, this posing pooch gives us one thing that other models cannot, and that's adorableness.

With her little paws, who could resist taking a photo of this classy canine?
So Pure, So Sweet
Dog hairdos are so much fun to play around with. Don't deny yourself the pleasure of coming up with something unique for your pet. Like this for example, where her human family may have gotten a bit carried away.

It wasn't done at a salon but it was a fun activity that they both enjoyed.
Too Cool For School
Here we have a cool dude who is pulling off a mohawk better than any character from Guitar Hero, if only we could be this cool. He's ready for a biscuit and unmistakably knows how to rock and roll.

It sort of makes us want to get one but we know we couldn't pull it off as well as he does!
Nice Dreads
Whoever said that dogs couldn't have dreadlocks? Oh, wait... nobody ever! A mere few dog breeds are blessed with such vivacious dreadlocks. like the Komondor, also known as the Hungarian sheepdog, is a large breed of livestock guardian dog with a long, corded coat.

This look might look tousled and even unkempt but a lot of effort goes into looking this disheveled!
Look At The Camera
This pretty princess doesn't look all too pleased to have her picture taken. "How dare a peasant point their camera at me with such spontaneity!" she must be thinking to herself.

But we know this isn't true, she might not act like it, but she is definitely enjoying all the attention for her new haircut.
Is That Justin Timberlake?
You know when you're going through a rough patch in life and you just want a change? Many people decide to change up their hair, but this person decided that that was too big of a step, so they changed up their dog's hair instead. The result? Awful. What else did you expect when you bleach a dog's hair?

Also, how did they get the dog to be still for so long to complete this process? Did they use foil wraps? Maybe this dog's owner is a professional hairdresser, so they know the tricks of the trade. Either way, at least they'll be able to spot him from a mile away, so those running incidents at the park will be a thing of the past.
Is This Real?
Being different from most hairstyles, this is sure to be a little strange, seeing a perfectly round huge head sticking out in front of a body with four legs, but then it'll be one of a kind.

Perfectly round haircuts are the latest trend and it looks just as funny as it sounds!
She's Got Style
She's beauty and she's grace. This pup is clearly spoiled in life, and we're jealous. Why can't we live so luxuriously and pampered? We guess it's all about the luck of the draw...

This pooch is looking quite pawsh, she even has a bow fashioned out of her hair! Not only is she sassy, but also fur-ocious. Along with her little t-shirt, this sweet pooch is quite fetching!
A Wig
Dogs are so close to us that we sometimes forget that they are animals at all. As a result, some people love to dress their dogs up, with a wig being a fun and easy way to fiddle around with your dog's hair without too much stress for your pet.

Wigs are a great way to see what your pet will look like with a certain hairdo without having to commit to that specific style.
Billy the Beach Boy
As the local beach boy, little Billy sure knows how to have a good time. We can imagine him having a laid-back personality, but also a little more entitled than most since he is obviously spoilt.

When he's not hanging out at the beach, he can probably be found sorting through the latest fashion, he may be cute but having this kind of style doesn't come easy.
Frizz Central
All curly girls can relate to this picture. "Just brush it out, it will look so much better!" says Becky with pin-straight hair who couldn't hold a curl to save her life. Well, Becky, THIS is what happens when you brush out curly hair. You get a giant frizzy mess, the likes of which you have never known.

Someone thought it would be cute to brush out their poodle's hair, and the result is hilarious. This poor dog had to endure all that brushing, just to be laughed at. Maybe it was relaxing for the dog, at least, given that poodles have a reputation for enjoying being pampered.
It's A Fur Coat
When giving your dog a haircut, make sure you have enough time to actually finish the job, otherwise, they might end up looking like this. The reasoning behind this look might have been 'the shorter you make the hair on the dog's face, the easier his life will be." But at what cost?

Surely there's a better solution to deal with an unruly coat? Maybe something that doesn't end up looking like a rushed experiment like this?
Is That Dumbledore?
This look is really difficult to achieve. Were they aiming to model their pet's look on Albus Dumbledore or Gandalf, cause that's exactly what it looks like!

He looks so wise and at the same time so cute, but how?
The Zoolander of Dogs
Wow. Just wow. The backstory here is that this poster's significant other owns a pet grooming parlor, and someone came in with a crazy request. This dog got the full treatment and even has an outfit to boot. Maybe it was Halloween, or Purim, or this dog just needed a new look after going through a breakup?

Whatever the reason behind it, he looks crazy, but kind of awesome. He's got the confidence, and we're sure he's going to be getting boatloads of compliments for weeks to come. We wonder, how long does it take for dog hair to grow out?