A pretty hilarious photo showed up on Reddit, really showing just what to expect when stepping into the state of Arkansas. The image shows a man standing beside his truck, adorned with a humorous sign featuring a squirrel, proudly declaring itself the “World Champion Squirrel Cook-Off.”

This quirky spectacle became the first encounter for someone who recently moved to Arkansas, as they strolled through the vibrant city square. We don’t even know what a world-champion squirrel cook-off would look like. Do the squirrels cook the food? Or are they the food? We guess we need to go to Arkansas to find out the answer to that question.
Here is the epitome of an Alaskan morning commute! In this hilarious snapshot, we can see the Alaskan version of rush hour traffic. Two angry sub-adult Brown bears battle it out on the road along the Chilkoot River near Haines, Southeast Alaska, blissfully unaware that a driver might come cruising through at any moment.

These bears have no boundaries when it comes to their fights – they're ready to throw down anytime, anywhere! It's like they're saying, "Move over, humans, we've got some serious bear business to settle!" This photo clearly shows the wacky and wild side of Alaska, where even the road rage belongs to the wildlife!
In this hilarious photo, we can see a vibrant red sign smack dab in the middle of an Arizona field, yelling, "Extreme fire anger, don't even fart in the forest!" Yep, Arizona's extreme heat and dry conditions make it the ultimate fire hazard. And hey, let's hope they've fireproofed those old-age homes.

Because, let's be real, the elderly have quite the talent for unleashing their unique "air fresheners." It's like a double-edged sword. People flock to Arizona to soak up the sizzling rays, only to flee when they realize they're becoming human barbecues. Locals, please keep your farts far, far away from those fiery forests!
California, the land of perpetual waves and beachside dreams, where everyone seems to be a seasoned surfer or a wannabe shredder. Surfboards, those beloved floating companions, have even managed to sneak their way into some unexpected scenes, like traffic accidents. Imagine this poor guy, minding his own business on the highway.

When suddenly, out of nowhere, a surfboard decides to launch itself through his windshield! Talk about a shockwave of epic proportions. Even the most unexpected objects can catch you off guard. (In the style of "The OC" theme song) Cali drivers, Cali drivers...watch your head! It's adding a new twist to the term "Surf's Up."
Colorado, a magnet for eccentric souls who embrace their quirks and seek out peculiar photo opportunities against a breathtaking backdrop. Enter this spirited young lady, defying convention as she merrily reenacts scenes from "The Sound of Music" while sporting a Pokemon onesie.

Colorado's identity is further defined by its embrace of nature and the inclusion of some entirely legal herbs in the mix. If you don't have a soft spot for free-spirited hippies who find peace in Mother Nature, Colorado might not be your cup of tea. However, fear not, as this diverse state is sure to offer a plethora of alternative experiences that will pique your interest, this state might just be your joint!
Connecticut is an expensive state and this sign perfectly illustrates why. If you take your kids here, be sure that they aren’t pitching any rocks off the edge or you will find yourself paying a fine plus tax. Sigh, gone are the good ole days of rock skipping.

Also, beware of the attack seagull which is flying around this area... probably attacking children who throw rocks. But here's the real question that will cook your noodle - does it count as rule-breaking if Connecticut-native Triple H takes Dwayne Johnson and pedigrees him into the water? Technically, he would be throwing The Rock.
Delaware, the ultimate haven for shopaholics looking to satiate their every purchasing desire, albeit with the added burden of meticulous tax calculations. Surely, the citizens of Delaware must rejoice at this remarkable perk! And here we have an individual who completely understands the allure, so much so that they couldn't resist pulling over on the highway to take a photo of an amusing welcome sign.

In bold letters, it says, "Welcome to Delaware, the small wonder, the first state - Home of Tax-Free Shopping. Buckle Up, it's the Law!" Retail therapy sure does reign supreme here and shoppers can revel in the knowledge that their hard-earned dollars won't be burdened by additional taxes.
Many people call Florida America’s armpit and there’s a good reason why. A lot of weird news stories always seem to take place here. This guy with a mullet hairstyle could be somebody important for all we know. But one thing is for sure - she should be locked up for at least attempted murder.

Do you know why? Because he sure is killing it with that hairstyle. And by killing it, we mean he's completely killing the vibe. And not just him, his two sidekicks are also stinking up the place with their questionable hairstyles. If this is the best that Florida has to offer, we ain't going anytime soon.
Whether you’re a Georgia Peach or Pech is clearly of little importance in the state. As is spelling in the Georgia education curricula, apparently. Considering that the state fruit is peach and every other street name has the word peach in it, we would hope that everyone would know how to spell that word.

But alas, we are the fools for actually being surprised. Heck, even the logo for "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" has a peach in it. But all in all, we hear that things are really peachy in this part of the world. Great, now we want to gobble up some peaches and cream.
Hawaii sits on top of actual volcanoes. At any moment, the whole of the island state could be completely devoured by the Pacific Ocean. In this picture, you can see a school bus that has been completely swallowed up by lava.

We just hope that no kids were on that bus when this absolute catastrophe took place. But in a way, it serves the school right for being built on a volcano. To be honest, we'd go as far as to say that all the Hawaiians should just pack up their packs and relocate to L.A. At least California only has earthquakes.
Let’s just say that Idaho isn’t exactly famous for its attractions. So this sign puts it quite perfectly in the fact that it’s blank. Basically another way of telling drivers to continue on to Washington state. We are surprised that there is not at least a potato attached to the sign.

But in terms of how this sign came to be? Either the person responsible for it actually made it blank on purpose to tell a pretty sad joke. Or, they moved to Washington to become a tour guide there and forgot to finish their job. It's definitely one or the other.
Illinois is home to many great things, including the Chicago Bulls, beautiful buildings, and a deep-dish pizza. However, in recent years, its biggest city, Chicago, has developed a less desirable reputation, earning the title of the "life-taking" capital of the United States.

The severity of the situation has reached such a level that even the local police force has adopted an unprecedented measure - patrolling the streets in armored tanks. Such a sight undoubtedly raises eyebrows and gives rise to genuine concerns about the safety and well-being of the city's residents. We hope that the Windy City and the rest of Illinois is able to bring down these alarming numbers.
Indiana is a state that promises to satisfy your hunger and the refueling of your vehicle, as you can see in this funny sign. In this fascinating photo, a no-nonsense sign steals the spotlight, boldly stating in all caps, "Eat Here and Get Gas: Tipton, Indiana."

It seems they truly emphasize the importance of getting gas while enjoying a meal, leading one to wonder if their unofficial state motto should be "will get gas for food." While other places may focus on a quick refuel and hitting the road, the people of Indiana proudly embrace the opportunity to fill up on food and gas.
While it might just seem like a big space of desolate land, there's a bit more to Iowa than what meets the eye. In this photo, we can see what can only be described as a peaceful sanctuary for only the elite truck drivers who have earned a well-deserved view of some stunning countryside - and a Pepsi.

Yes, this random spot in the middle of nowhere aka Iowa, has a vending machine for those of us who end up here and really need to quench our thirst. It is believed that this vending machine has saved many a life during its stay in this very quiet part of the world.
This picture perfectly depicts the tornado capital of the world which is known as Kansas. We hate to make any stereotypes, but this is pretty on the nose. After all, "The Wizard of Oz" begins with Dorothy getting swept up in a tornado, in Kansas, of all places, and taken to that majestic yellow brick road.

So it's not just a random story beat after all. In fact, Kansas experiences severe storms which cause lightning and sometimes destructive tornadoes. Hide your kids, a storm is coming. It's one thing getting caught up in one of these bad boys, but to see it from afar and capturing on camera? Gold dust.
This almost looks like a joke, but sadly it isn’t. Kentucky does have the best chickens, that’s for sure... but chickun’s? We will have to see and try. Yes, poultry is a big deal in this part of the country. After all, you would have to be a bit of a dunce to not know that KFC does, in fact, stand for Kentucky Fried Chicken.

But we're sure that even Colonel Sanders could spell chicken correctly. We just hope that this guy isn't representative of the majority of Kentucky folk these days. And also how ‘far’ is the sale? And ‘Biddies & Growd ones,’ it’s too much to handle.
This guy looks pretty depressed to live in Maine. Apparently, there is not much to do there but float on ice, fish, and drink beer. We can understand that floating out there in the Atlantic is better than life in Maine. Do you know who would get a kick out of this photo?

That's right folks, Portland, Maine native himself, Stephen King. We bet he could write an entire novel based on this photo. We see it now, the man who was stuck on an ice island in the middle of a lake in Castle Rock. Spoiler alert: he finally jumps to reach salvation, but fails miserably.
This sign is welcoming you to Maryland where car fires are widespread. They might as well have written on the darn sign: "Welcome to Hell, folks!" Don’t you want to visit? Ask somebody in Virginia and Pennsylvania and they’ll tell you Marylanders don’t know how to drive.

From the picture, we have an understanding of why. And funnily enough, a car did explode in one of the episodes of HBO's "The Wire," which takes place in Baltimore, Maryland, of all places. We don't think this is the same car, but it is a strange coincidence, to say the very least.
Visit Massachusetts to experience a “wicked stawm.” And while you're at it, why don't you "pawk your caw in Hawvard Yawd?" This photo is making us want to just kick back, put some popcorn in the microwave and fire up that classic Martin Scorsese flick "The Departed."

Those accents, the culture of Boston, everything about it is so "icawnic." You can also enjoy frequent bad weather and horrible accents in Massachusetts. They do have a good football team going for them though. In fact, they also have a very good baseball team. Heck, it's a pretty good state for sports. Living in this state certainly has its ups and downs.
With freezing temperatures for a large percentage of the year and basically a war zone in Detroit 100% of the year...You better make sure you come ready with your army truck and roadkill. To be honest, this looks more like one of the vehicles out of a "Mad Max" movie than a typical car to come out of Detroit.

We can imagine Eminem getting a real kick out of this photo and maybe even writing a rap from it. "I'll skin your farm animals, and put their pelts on my Cadillac, drive around at night in downtown Detroit, it's phenomenal." Will the real Detroit crazies, please stand up?!
The only sun this state is getting is a cold bottle of Sunny D from the fridge. Come to Minnesota to freeze your butt off and to sit by one of its 10,000 lakes. Or, you can play some tennis on an ice skating rink, creating the hybrid sport - Ice Tennis - or Ten-ice, as we like to say.

Remember when Marshall Eriksen in "How I Met Your Mother" played "bask-ice-ball" with his family in St. Claud, Minnesota? Similar deal. The only state where people go outside on a snowy day to catch some vitamin D. The sun is so rare there that people probably think it’s an alien invasion when it comes.
The ultimate embodiment of a Mississippi man's Tinder profile can be seen here in this exceptional photo. In the rain-soaked backyard outside Red's Blues Club during the Sunflower Blues and Gospel Festival in Clarksdale, Mississippi, a man fearlessly tends to his sizzling barbecue.

He proudly showcases his culinary skills in the art of searing beef, sending a clear message to the ladies that he's a master of the grill. But all we can do when seeing this photo is swipe right. It captures the essence of Mississippi charm, where a man's ability to conjure up mouthwatering delights is deemed as the secret ingredient to our hearts.
Just your typical school bus, but in monster truck style. We don't know how many kids go to and from school every day in a bad boy like this one. But whoever is, we want to enroll! That looks like a really sweet way to show up to class every day!

We can really imagine St. Louis native Nelly driving around in this thing singing, "It's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes!" And if you know that song, you know the rest of the lyrics. But let's get down to brass tacks: What is Missouri even and where is it? The world will never know...
Witness the quintessential embodiment of Montana in this extraordinary photograph. Picture a bicycle stationed beside a lamp post, its handlebars replaced with mammoth elk antlers. It's like something out of a Narnia novel. Such a peculiar sight is simply normal in the mysterious state of Montana.

A predominantly rural state, Montana boasts a handful of cities across its sprawling landscapes. Here, one is more likely to encounter numerous moose crossing signs than traffic lights, or even stumble upon a cyclist whose appearance strikingly resembles that of a majestic elk. It's no wonder the term "city" seems inadequate to describe such a captivating part of the US.
Nebraska has the best highway rest areas. Who wouldn’t want to stop in the middle of the road and relieve themselves on a pile of hay? You're probably just driving through and happy that you’re not staying. The cow smell isn’t exactly the most inviting.

And let's get one thing straight, you're not going to be able to check your Facebook when you're stranded in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska. You can't just write WiFi on a sign and pretend you've got it. That's not how WiFi works! But yes, if we end up in this desolate part of the world any time soon, we will probably need to do our business in the rest area, and that will suffice.
This might be one of the weirdest ones yet. These three contentious vices are all legal in Nevada but lobsters are not? Things are very backward here. Nevada is many things and weird is one of them. Don’t forget how many nuclear tests were carried out here in the desert.

But let's face it, even the most puritanical individuals out there are interested in visiting Las Vegas at least once in their lives. Whether it is to reenact scenes from "The Hangover" or to simply check out a show of the Blue Man Group, everyone has a reason to visit the Strip at some point. This part of Nevada? Not so much.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire is an important stop on the presidential election route, which does not make any sense to anybody. Considering that nobody important lives in New Hampshire, why do we take into account at all who they vote for?

But we do hear that the Granite State is home to some pretty beautiful vistas, the perfect backdrops for some of America's most successful summer camps. And if Walter White would go to New Hampshire to change his identity and hide out for a year, then that's good enough for us. The motto of this beautiful state is "Live Free or Die," and we'd prefer to do the former.
New Mexico
Let's delve into the essence of New Mexico. With the slogan "Cleaner than regular Mexico," New Mexico proudly distinguishes itself from the other American states. This one is infused with a vibrant lowrider culture, where these customized automobiles rule the streets. If it doesn't involve the beloved green chili, then quite simply, you are not in the Land of Enchantment.

Our lens focuses on a road sign in a rural part of the state, directing drivers toward the peculiarly named town of Truth or Consequences. Cultural pride, unconventional charms, and a touch of cuteness collide in a truly enchanting way. Just don't start breaking bad, yo.
New York
The Big Apple? More like the Big Pizza-eating Vermin! Behold, a colossal street rat adorned in an oversized costume, playfully indulging in a massive slice of New York pizza. It perfectly captures the city's eclectic spirit. Dating back to December 3, 2020, this whimsical scene showcases actor Jonothon Lyons, mesmerizing passersby in front of a bustling pizza joint.

While the photo captures the city's unique character, it's impossible to overlook the quintessential element missing—the distinct aroma of garbage, which has infamously permeated the New York streets. With its colorful characters and unmistakable ambiance, this snapshot captures the true essence of the Big Apple.
North Carolina
North Carolina may not be known for its quality school systems, but hey, they do have some great cigarette companies. It’s just probably not the place you want to send your children to get a proper education. But if we're going to be completely honest, all we can think of when we hear the name of this state is the classic song by the rapper Petey Pablo.

It goes a little something like, "North Carolina, come on and raise up! Take your shirt off, twist it around your head, spin it like a helicopter!" Great, now we can't get that little ditty out of our heads!
North Dakota
If this photo doesn't perfectly summarize North Dakota, we don't know what will. Against the backdrop of picturesque countryside, a sign steals the spotlight, its message both profound and lighthearted. In bold capital letters, it declares, "Prayer is the best way to meet the Lord, 'Trespassing is faster.'"

This clever juxtaposition humorously reflects the values of the state, where faith and a touch of irreverent humor coexist. North Dakota's serene landscapes are laden with similar signs displaying a rare mix of dark humor, heartfelt devotion, and a dash of wit. This image invites contemplation while embracing the state's unique spirit.
Oklahoma's high college-dropout rate may not be surprising, considering the state's love of alcohol. But at least they recycle it in the most resourceful way possible. Here we present you with - the keg bike. Plus, if you’re going to live in a state with little to do, you might as well make your own fun!

Rumor has it that this is actually Oklahoma native Bill Hader dressed up as a homeless guy. He's filming an upcoming comedy titled, "I Beg for the Keg." The real question you need to answer yourself though is, are we actually telling the truth? The only way to answer this question is to look it up online. Either that or just move on to the next state.
This West Coast state has developed a reputation for being a bit of a hipster mecca, most notably in the city of Portland. But in all seriousness though, Oregon may possibly be home to some of the biggest weirdos around, and apparently the most hipster of the hipsters.

Check out this guy who pretty much sums up perfectly what it means to be from Portland. He's dressed in hemp from head to toe. That beanie is just too funky for its own good, and he's writing a short story on the bus, on a typewriter. Seriously, who on earth uses a typewriter these days?! The answer is hippies from Portland.
Pennsylvania has a huge population of Amish people, which obviously contributed to the popularity of extreme sports in the state. Pictured here is an Amish girl getting her rollerblading on. She’s probably on her way to jumping out of an airplane with her siblings.

But in all seriousness, maybe she is starting off her Rumspringa. You know, the rite of passage in which a young Amish person leaves the community to abandon their way of life before deciding whether or not they want to return. It checks out in this photo. She even started to take off her Amish attire.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island is a place where your seafood might just fight you back. Just then when we thought there was nothing more frightening in this East Coast state than their accents. The lobster hear are really fierce, as you can see in this photo. As if their claws weren't dangerous enough.

These lobsters are skilled in the art of sword-fighting. Of cause, they are not strong enough to carry full-sized swords. So kitchen knives are going to have to do in this situation. We also heard a rumor that these specific Rhode Islanders place betters on the lobsters to see who wins the joust. True story.
South Carolina
In this epic photo taken in St. George - the state of South Carolina is perfectly displayed. On the 12th of April, 2014, during the lively World Grits Festival, a young girl joyfully indulges in an unusual contest - rolling in a vat of grits.

The tradition involves participants immersing themselves in the delicious mixture, with the ultimate goal of getting the most grits to stick to their bodies. Grits, a beloved staple of Southern cuisine, are a thick, maize-based porridge crafted from dried corn hominy. This event might not be for everything, but it's definitely for the people of South Carolina, that's for sure.
South Dakota
In South Dakota, you are being watched, as seen by this sign. Basically don’t mess with any of the buffalos in this part of the world, or the prairie dogs for that matter. Imagine being home to a large population of animals who call themselves dogs but they aren't even part of the canine family. The chutzpah on those creatures.

At least with buffalos, there is no confusion whatsoever. But we digress - let's get back to the task at hand. Just carry on like the presidents at Mount Rushmore have been trying to do. But unfortunately, they’re stuck in this miserable state. Let's face it though - it's a pretty sweet tourist attraction.
Against the backdrop of a picturesque farm in Tennessee, a sign displayed on the back of a truck steals the attention. Its silly message reads, "Neighbors...hide your young wife. Old daddy on the prowl." This clever quip just shows how much banter and warm-hearted nature are found in Tennessee's tight-knit communities.

The sign reflects the state's charm, where neighbors share laughs and embrace a playful sense of humor. While there is so much serene beauty to be found in Tennessee's rural landscapes, the joy of connection and witty exchanges flourish, making it a place where laughter is never in short supply.
Welcome to Texas, where cattle outnumber humans. The only place where you can take your cattle to the Sonic drive-thru and score a handicapped spot. We're sure the cattle love them some fries and a milkshake. Look at the horns on that guy!

But let's digress from the confines of this photo. Texas is huge. It's bigger than maybe most of the world's countries. And yet, it also feels very small in a weird kind of way. Do you know what we mean? The identity seems so distinctive. We've grown up to assume that all Texans are cowboys and cowgirls. Obviously, that just isn't the case. But we can only dream until we eventually visit the Lone Star State.
The only place where you could advertize on your car the number of wives and children you have. Polygamy is rampant in this state. But truth be told, this guy should probably rent a school bus. Utah is in many ways, just a normal state like many others. But then there is the Mormon element.

The Church of Latter Day Saints was founded in this part of the world, and it does have a pretty big impact on large parts of society here. Not to mention the incredible churches that this denomination builds for its followers. It is a pretty awesome state to pass through and experience. But to live there? You might want to consider converting first.
If you leave your kiddie pool blown up in Vermont, you can guarantee yourself some visitors later on. Moose love cooling off on a hot summer day like the rest of us. It's OK if they take a dip in your paddling pool, nothing terrible is going to come from it.

But you will want to watch out for them on the road as they cause several traffic-related deaths every year. Now, let's start thinking about emptying that water from the pool and replacing it with a couple of hundred tubs of Ben and Jerry's. Now that's going to be very refreshing.
We got to give credit where it is deserved. This guy spelled most of the words right, he just missed a few. And we appreciated that he spelled police the way that he pronounces it. "Poh-lice." Love it! Virginia is the place to get happy on moonshine and get free samples.

Virginians seem nice and the police seem, well, not the brightest if we are going to be completely honest. How can something so strong and mind-altering sound so sweet and poetic? Because when the moon shines in our neck of the woods, it's a pretty beautiful thing to see.
West Virginia
Could a photo be any more West Virginian? We're not sure if that's even possible. In the aftermath of a flood, a determined lady triumphantly holds up a freshly caught trout she reeled in from the street itself. If we can learn anything from this image, it's that the people of West Virginia are extremely resilient. But that's not all, they are very resourceful.

If a meteorite was to hit the Earth tomorrow, it would be the Mountain State residents who would be the best at adapting to the extreme conditions. We would go as far as saying that West Virginians are forces of nature in their own right. Oh country roads...
Wisconsin might be the only place where you can go to a drive-thru to fulfill your cheese fix. And don’t forget to wash it down with some cold beer. Residents of Wisconsin are very particular about their cheese quality so make sure you don’t say anything bad.

Or you will regret it. Not to mention the fact that this state is, unexpectedly, home to one of the most successful football teams in recent memory. No small thanks to the one and only Tom Brady. But at least they pay homage to the real MVP of Wisconsin, the cheese, in their green and yellow jerseys.
In Wyoming, other commuters are the least of your worries when trying to get to work. Instead, you need to make way for a lot of buffalo. A lot. Check out their biggest traffic jam of the century.

These bad boys had no problem holding back hundreds of vehicles and were all worried they were going to lose their jobs because of some bovine troublemakers. But when your boss, and their boss, and their bosses, are all stuck in the same buffalo-caused traffic jam on the way to work, it's safe to say that no one's getting fired today. Also, it's snowing like crazy.
The South
Nothing screams the South quite like the exhilarating experience of an afternoon at the NASCAR race tracks. The air is filled with the deafening roar of engines and the electrifying cheers of passionate fans. It's a place where legends are made, and no driver is more iconic than the legendary number 3, Dale Earnhardt.

As the cars whiz past at blistering speeds, the crowd erupts in a symphony of support, wearing their hearts on their sleeves. From the scent of burning rubber to the sight of colorful flags waving proudly, NASCAR embodies the soul of the South, capturing its vibrant culture and spirit.
The East Coast
If there is anything that the East Coast of America is renowned for, it is the sight of an obnoxious dude posing with his collars pointed upward. Exhibit A. This guy seems so confident as he annoyingly pops his collar for the world to see. Did someone say "douchebag alert?"

Because that's usually the typical response when this kind of guy pops up in an East Coast bar. This guy is only interested in impressing his Frat friends and doesn't have any consideration for anyone else. The states on the East Coast are all about doing things your way and putting yourself first. And that's the double truth, Ruth.
The West
Welcome to the west coast where some argue it’s the “best” coast. We just think it’s the coast of enlightenment, where all who come here are soul-searching hippies carrying around a crystal with them and hugging trees. To be fair, there is a good chance that this photo was taken about half a century ago.

The West Coast has seen a lot of changes as the decades have passed and these days, it is completely unrecognizable from what people came to expect from this side of the US. You know, back in the days when all people were saying was "Give peace a chance."
The North
Life in the North, where winters last 11 months and 27 days and you get to enjoy the summer for a few days before it freezes over again. Northerners like to brag about how good they are at handling the cold. The rest of us get to boast about the fact that we don’t have to deal with the cold.

And there is nothing they can say about that. But Americans tend to forget that there are places further north than, well, "The North." What about the Great White North? That's right, folks - Canada. Large parts of the Land of the Maple Leaf are even colder than the American North.
Alaska part 2
In Alaska, people bask in the snow when it’s -20 degrees Fahrenheit outside. A little snow means hot weather and a lot of snow maybe requires a t-shirt. But -20 is definitely a day for a morning jog. Heck, we wouldn't be surprised if these Alaskans jogged all the way to the coast before swimming across the Bering Strait to the easternmost point of Russia.

Of course, that would be illegal. But based on the costumes that these racers are wearing, we actually wouldn't put it past them. Hey, if Jesse Pinkman can settle in Alaska after the events of "Breaking Bad," then who are we to judge?
Arizona part 2
In Arizona, the only way to deal with the blistering heat is to go outside fully protected. Temperatures in Arizona can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit. You need an oven mitt just to handle the steering wheel of your car because it will burn your fingers otherwise. Most people stay inside during the summer anyway to avoid third-degree burns.

We are sure that there are more effective ways to handle the heat while driving around the likes of Phoenix, Mesa, Tucson, Scottsdale, or any of the other wonderful cities in this part of the world. But if you do wear mitts, we recommend taking them off when you get to the Grand Canyon.
Arkansas (Part 2)
A pretty hilarious photo showed up on Reddit, really showing just what to expect when stepping into the state of Arkansas. The image shows a man standing beside his truck, adorned with a humorous sign featuring a squirrel, proudly declaring itself the "World Champion Squirrel Cook-Off."

This quirky spectacle became the first encounter for someone who recently moved to Arkansas, as they strolled through the vibrant city square. We don't even know what a world-champion squirrel cook-off would look like. Do the squirrels cook the food? Or are they the food? We guess we need to go to Arkansas to find out the answer to that question.
California (Part 2)
We’re happy to see that California is a safe and accepting place for gay people. What is more unfortunate is how accepting they also are of earlobe earings that all the young people are wearing these days. Whoever decided that giant holes in your ears which later turn to saggy loops is attractive, needs a wake-up call.

But we like the idea that Christians, regardless of their orientation, can express their faith and be proud of it at Church like this one. Also, it seems like New Hope has a sense of humor, and that goes a long way in our books.
Colorado (Part 2)
Colorado is home to the great Rocky Mountains and likewise, a lot of bears. If you don’t want to end up in the stomach of one of these dangerous beasts, then you better refrain from feeding them. And keep your kids away from them also.

Thankfully, the state of Colorado found a light, humorous way to make that point in this playful little sign. Though it might be sending the wrong message here. Kids might look at it and think they actually have a chance of getting out of the bear once it swallows them whole. It's not going to play out that way!
Delaware (Part 2)
We have absolutely no idea why this photo is supposed to be funny in the slightest. Other than the fact that the number on this license plate is 69. Some 15-year-old troublemaker must have found their way on Reddit and posted this photo to think they would get some laughs out of people.

It was taken in Delaware, a state where people generally take themselves quite seriously. Probably the best thing to have ever come out of this East Coast state is the one and only Aubrey Plaza, who starred in the sitcom "Parks and Recreation." To be fair, we imagine she'd see the funny side of this photo.
Florida (Part 2)
Only in Florida can you find alligator princesses. They reign over the land and get to call all the shots. When they want to eat children, they get to eat children. Please, just be fooled into thinking that this little thing is all pink and frills.

The thing is deadly despite its seemingly innocent appearance. In fact, we heard a rumor that in some parts of Florida, farmers will cross-breed 'gators with bunny rabbits. They are known in this part of the world as "bunny-gators." And that rolls off the tongue pretty nicely if we do say so ourselves.
Georgia (Part 2)
Yes in Georgia they like to binge. Clearly, there isn’t much purging happening, though. In Georgia, if you haven’t binged at Waffle House, then you’re basically not considered a human being. Everyone eats here. And there is plenty of time to do it; it is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Just try to avoid it from 10 pm to 4 am if you want to avoid the traffic of intoxicated people using the place as an after-party. But really, all hours are perfect to get your grease on. Because is there really a better thing to soak up all that liquor than a plate of delicious waffles? And if not here, there is always i-Hop.
Hawaii (Part 2)
In no other state is spam considered a delicacy, and eaten by the tons. While all of the other 49 states use it for dog food, because of its distant location, Hawaii became dependent on it during World War II. They are still going spam-strong years later.

We can't help but call back to that episode of "How I Met Your Mother," when Marshall Eriksen's dad convinced him is actually alien meat. After all, SPAM is an acronym for Sliced Processed Alien Meat. Yeah, we're getting more and more suspicious, especially since this became such a big deal in Hawaii.
Idaho (Part 2)
If you didn’t understand this by now, it’s a pretty well-known fact that Idaho has nothing else going for it other than potatoes. So much is the case that this state has an actual museum dedicated to all things spud. It's a pretty random thing to get all historical about, if we're being perfectly honest.

So if you don’t have some freaky potato obsession then this isn’t the state for you. And for being so close to such a beautiful state as Washington, there is no reason for staying and suffering. And the fact that people in Idaho can say, I-da-hoe in Idaho is also telling.
Illinois (Part 2)
Sure this pizza looks fabulous and it’s probably delicious. But does nobody in Illinois like themselves? Because to eat this kind of food is basically a death sentence. It's OK for tourists, who can just swoop in, have this type of pizza and return to their normal lives. But this is all the Chicagoans have!

Plus, it’s not the most slimming of foods. But that explains why people in Chicago look the way they do... every other person is another Chris Farley. OK, we're kidding. But even Ted and Marshall from "How I Met Your Mother" decided to drive across the country just to get some Gozola's Pizza in Chicago. Now that's a testament to how could this deep-dish is.
Indiana (Part 2)
In most states, tractors are used for agricultural purposes and it's just this thing that farmers use as part of their jobs. But Indiana is the state where people ride tractors for fun. Because there is absolutely nothing in the world to do there. There’s a reason why it’s called the Crossroads of America.

You get to the crossroad and you literally don’t know which way to turn, every way is worse than the next. So all you can do is drive in any direction as far as you can and hope that it doesn't take too long to make it to the next state. Word advice though - do this with a car, not a tractor.
Iowa (Part 2)
When it comes to restrooms, you want to feel as comfortable and that you have some level of privacy to do your business. In an amusing yet telling photograph, someone snapped a selfie while inside a public restroom in Iowa.

Puzzled and slightly perplexed, the individual couldn't help but express their bewilderment at the unusually short stall walls in Iowa's rest stops. But this maybe says more about the people of Iowa, who are naturally very curious individuals. Just as the stall walls offer little privacy, Iowa is a very open place, where people are expected to let each other into their lives.
Kentucky (Part 2)
The classy sign you see before you is actually the Kentucky State motto, “You honk, we drink.” It apparently came from the teachers union and their slogan, which was “You exist, So We Drink.” Just to confirm - we are telling a joke here.

The actual motto of the State of Kentucky is "United We Stand, Divided We Fall," which was actually the motto to promote the movie "Captain America: Civil War." So you can imagine how upset we were when Colonel Sanders didn't make a cameo in the post-credits scene. We waited two and half hours to not see that white suit master! But after the movie, we went to KFC anyway, so it's all good.
If we are going to be totally honest, the only city that really matters in Louisiana (to tourists, at least) is New Orleans. In N'Orleans, as they say there, you can get fat on giant beers, shrimp gumbo, and po-boy sandwiches. Not to mention party for more hours than there are in a day.

Where else would you build a whole city under sea level and offer a ton of excess water and lax nudity laws? Sounds pretty damn fun! With all of that consider, we might just take a week off to go for Mardi Gras. And there's also this bar in New Orleans, with these wacky signs at the front.
Maine (Part 2)
Welcome to the state where you fall in love with Moxie, not with humans. And in life, you need to have plenty of moxie to succeed. In Maine though, it's not a character trait. It is a type of soda.

Moxie is a local soda brand that is apparently as bad as the state. Can’t they just be like the rest of Americans and drink themselves to diabetes with Coca-Cola? We imagine that Moxie has some secret ingredients like maple syrup or moose blood. Or maybe Stephen King came up with the recipe in one of his books. Who knows?
Maryland (Part 2)
Maryland offers up some pretty delicious seafood and shellfish. But if you don’t want to get crabs, you better watch what you say in this crab-loving state. And if you don’t want to try their crab cake you will have problems because their state motto is literally “try the crab cake or get the heck out.”

OK, the state motto is actually "Strong Deeds, Gentle Words." And this sign really hits that message home. At the very least, get some crab cakes while you're in town, go back to your hotel and eat them while watching some of "The Wire."
Massachusetts (Part 2)
Massachusetts was the first state to take the plunge and legalize same-sex marriage back in 2004. And while the LGBTQ community is still struggling until this day for their rights, Bostonians and everyone else in stayed has been enjoying this change in law the longest.

But we have a serious question: Couldn’t they have, at the same time, decided to make those horrible accents illegal? Seriously, it would make the world a better place. And would it get rid of those horrible Ben Affleck or Mark Wahlberg impersonators? But with all of that said, "The Town" is a pretty good movie. Not as good as "The Departed" though.
Michigan (Part 2)
Michigan is basically covered in this white stuff for a large portion of the year. And it isn’t what you think it is. It’s actually a very strong white salt that is used on the roads in the winter to melt the snow. Pretty clever, if you ask us.

But what it also does is damage your car’s undercarriage. We can only imagine what it’s doing to the people there. And the elephant ears they chow down on at state fairs are definitely not helping their cause. But hey, "American Pie" is set in Michigan - East Grand Rapids, specifically. And the weather looked pretty good in that movie.
Minnesota (Part 2)
After Prince’s passing, Minnesota literally has nothing to be proud of. Maybe the Vikings are ok right now but they will suck again soon. And the people there are probably miserable. You can’t possibly be happy in the cold like that. OK, we take that back.

Marshall Eriksen from "How I Met Your Mother" is everything we would come to expect from the people of Minnesota. Salt of the Earth, really friendly, loyal, and enthusiastic about everything. Even though, let's face it, there really isn't that much to be excited about in life. God, Marshall! Why can't you just chill out for once?
Mississippi (Part 2)
Let’s just say that people in Mississippi are not so bright. They still haven’t realized that they lost the civil war over 150 years ago. That’s just sad. Hey, you rebels - what are you going to rebel against? Education or hygiene? At the university Ole Miss, there’s only one thing worth majoring in - and that's beer.

But maybe the thing we love most about Mississippi is the fact that the Mississippi River doesn't run exclusively through its state of the same name. You can go through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana via this body of water. And that's pretty awesome.
Missouri (Part 2)
Now, we have never quite seen a theme park like this one! Nestled in the heart of Missouri is a majestic place that has name that we are not sure is a well though-out pun or just an unfortunate mistake. Of course, we are talking about the Uranus Open Factory, which this person took a photo of while driving through one of the state's many towns.

One thing is for sure. The people of Missouri know how to have fun and not take themselves too seriously. You could even go as far as saying that these warm people are pretty cheeky when it comes to their wordplay! But what kind of rides or amusements to they have in this place? Are they planet-themed? Or something else entirely?
Nebraska (Part 2)
There is the middle of nowhere, and then there is actually nowhere. And according to this visitor of Sidney, Nebraska, they finally found this nihilistic void that many thought was unreachable. We don't know what inspired this pet shop owner to hang up a sign that says "You Are Nowhere."

Did they have a moment of clarity and were trying to be randomly philosophical? It just comes across as alienating and doesn't inspire us in the slightest to pay a visit to this part of the world. Normally, when people travel, they want to go somewhere, not nowhere. So don't go here.
Nevada (Part 2)
Is there a man even more synonymous with Las Vegas than the one and only; the King of Rock n' Roll; Elvis Presley? The man wasn't even from the State of Nevada. And yet, just like how Frank Sinatra sang about a city he's not even from (he's from New Jersey, and he made the song "New York, New York"), Elvis sang to the heavens, "Viva Las Vegas."

And the icon of this casino-laden haven has thanked the "Hound Dog" icon ever since. In fact, endless numbers of Elvis impersonators do shows in Vegas (and beyond). After all, we can't experience the real Elvis anymore in person, so we just have to make do with all of his variants.
New Jersey (Part 2)
New Jersey - the one place where you don't actually need a gym to be your best self! A pretty wild photo emerged on Reddit, capturing a shirtless gentleman effortlessly lifting dumbbells right on the street in the Garden State. The caption accompanying the image says, "#1 reason I refuse to go to Seaside, NJ."

Clearly, New Jersians have no inhibitions when it comes to putting their body on display, despite the fact that it can get pretty cold here depending on the time of year. If you're seeking a unique blend of beachside amusement and unforgettable encounters, then Seaside, NJ might be the place to go.
New Mexico (Part 2)
There isn’t much going on in New Mexico. For this reason, people have to come up with supernatural things like UFOs in order to get attention. So basically, if you go to New Mexico and come up with something to attract tourists, you can be famous.

And that's exactly what Vince Gilligan did when he made the groundbreaking show "Breaking Bad." Since Walter White and Jesse Pinkman blew our minds and put Albuquerque back on the map, New Mexico tourism numbers have skyrocketed over the years. And truth be told, these degenerate aliens look like the kind of thing Pinkman would have played with.
New York (Part 2)
Only in New York can you eat 50 hot dogs in 15 minutes and be considered a champ. If you think you have what it takes to top that, New York is callin’ you. You just better not care at all about your health.

But if you don't want to participate in such a dangerous sport, you can still come to the Big Apple and enjoy a hot dog. We recommend going to Gray's Papaya. It's the classic place to go for a big tube of processed meat cushioned in a soft bun, topped with some ketchup, mustard, pickles, and sauerkraut. Oh, it's just divine.
North Carolina (Part 2)
In North Carolina, all people really care about is NASCAR. And if you are not into it, then you have absolutely no reason to be there. Also, if you are transgendered you really need to find a new state because you aren’t allowed to use their bathrooms.

Besides this, they love left-hand turns in North Carolina and never turn right. Are the NASCAR tracks always on the left? If you are able to take politics out of the equation, you can maybe just sit back, have a beer and watch a ton of cars battle it out while going round in circles for a few minutes. It's pretty fun when you don't put too much thought into it.
North Dakota (Part 2)
If we're going to be completely honest about North Dakota, there are two things to consider: The weather is pretty undesirable and there’s nothing to do. You need to get creative or you will find yourself bored to death. For one idea, check out the sport this man made up; lawn mower racing.

The sport has become widely popular in North Dakota, with 11 people showing up last year to cheer them on. Look at the size of that thing. It's tiny! Who knows, though? Maybe this will catch on and even become a sport at the Olympics. Maybe 300 years from now. Only time will tell.
The weather in Ohio is basically winter all year long. Due to this, it is also under construction for much of the year. So living in Ohio sucks and driving through it sucks because of the construction. It's pretty annoying, for locals and visitors alike. Basically, just avoid the state at all costs.

And then there is Ted Mosby from "How I Met Your Mother." He hails from Cleveland and, although he falls in love with New York City (and every woman he meets, apparently), he still has fond memories of his upbringing in Ohio's biggest city. Just don't bring up LeBron anytime soon.
Oklahoma (Part 2)
We are not going to dive too deep into anything too political or historical here. What we will say though is that Native Americans have a rich and special heritage in the state of Oklahoma. They still have a deep connection to the land and treat their traditions and culture with the utmost seriousness.

And let's not ignore their incredible attire. Their clothes are absolutely beautiful to look at. They are the result of meticulous preparation, laden with beautiful patterns, all of the colors of the rainbow. These designs have been passed on from one generation to the next and will continue to be passed on for hopefully, many more generations to come.
Oregon (Part 2)
Consider the number of wild animals that live in Oregon. If you also live in this pleasant part of the world, then you should get used to them chilling in your backyard, on your porch, and with your other house pets.

As you can see here, a resident's cat and dog looked pretty comfortable sharing some of their porch space with a local deer, who took it upon themselves to make the third bed their own. Fortunately, the people of Oregon at least adjust the bed sizes accordingly. We are sure it is not so easy to fit that deer in the door, though.
Pennsylvania (Part 2)
Some places around the world are just cursed with the most unfortunate names. There is Accident, in Maryland. There is Ding Dong, Texas. What about Coward, in South Carolina? And we definitely can't forget about good old Truth or Consequences down in New Mexico.

But the place name that maybe takes the cake is the one and only...Intercourse. We are not entirely sure why this place has such a suggestive name. But apparently, in Pennsylvania, there isn’t much to do if you live outside of Philadelphia. What makes the name even funnier is that it is located in Amish county.
Rhode Island (Part 2)
It is pretty cool that Rhode Island is the birthplace of Mr. Potato Head but that’s literally all they are known for. Why the state hasn’t just been demolished and recreated into a parking lot for New York? It is beyond our understanding. But again, there are worse things to be famous for.

Of course, Mr. Potato Head found his way into the classic "Toy Story" series, going on adventures with more conventional toy heroes like Woody and Buzz Lightyear. This Mr. Potato Head is pretty big, so we hope for everyone's sake that he doesn't come to life when we're not looking.
South Carolina (Part 2)
Only in South Carolina do people prefer their cars as dating profiles over Tinder. That is exactly what this guy did. He must not be such an attractive fella himself. You know what they say about guys who lift. The more they lift, the smaller the brain...Or maybe it is something else entirely.

You're going to have to come back to us on that one. Whatever the real phrase is, one thing is for sure. This is all kinds of disrespectful, and we imagine that some karmic forces will be at play in the most brutal way for whoever drives this bad boy.
South Dakota (Part 2)
South Dakota, a state in the Midwestern region of the United States, is known for its unique quirks. Its most famous claim to fame is often joked about, stating that it is simply not North Dakota. However, South Dakota offers more than that.

It is home to the iconic Mount Rushmore National Memorial, featuring the carved faces of four influential American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. But South Dakota also has its uglier side. Take this photo for example, in which people who step foot in this state are expected not to spit seeds into the urinals or to chew in them. Seems fair, if you ask us.
Texas (Part 2)
One might assume that all that Texas is is a state full of cowboy hats and cows. And for the most part, they would probably be right. Here you see a farmer washing the backside of his cow before their date. At least, that's what we guess is going on here.

Listen, all animals deserve to stay clean and treated with dignity. And this certainly applies in the Lone Star State. We are definitely interested in getting this kind of treatment one day. Though the sheer force of this shower might send us miles away. Only cows can withstand this kind of pressure.
Utah (Part 2)
Utah, the land of strange contradictions! In this state, they take their polygamy drama more seriously than an episode of a soap opera. While the authorities closely monitor beer to ensure it doesn't exceed a whopping 3.4 percent alcohol, they turn a blind eye to men juggling multiple wives. Talk about misplaced priorities!

It's like they have a logic deficiency disorder or something. But hey, you gotta give them credit for keeping things interesting. The beer here is as weak as the arguments supporting polygamy. This state, in all honesty, defies all sense of reason. With that said, it has some stunning landscapes.
Vermont (Part 2)
Vermont is where all of the people with a strong opinion are thrown into, so nobody has to hear them. That, in itself, is quite a strong opinion, so we guess we're moving to the land of Ben and Jerry's! If you didn’t understand, Bernie Sanders is the US senator from Vermont.

He does have some things worth taking note of, but a lot of people have stopped listening to him over the years, especially since he lost the presidential race. But Bernie has since become quite a memorable figure - most notably for the meme where he is shivering in his mittens during the inauguration of Joe Biden.
Virginia (Part 2)
Welcome to Virginia, where most of its residents still believe the Civil War is going on and the other 1% live in the D.C. suburbs. Just kidding! Because of the historical importance in this part of the country, Virginia is home to many reenactments of the American Civil War by passionate living historians.

While these reenactments happen all over the world, Virginia is home to a significantly high number of these events. Truth be told, these reenactors really make the occasion feel authentic. From the tattered flags and the military attire to the booms and the gunsmoke. It's quite a hoot!
Washington (Part 2)
Without a shadow of a doubt, along with the Space Needle, one of the most popular tourist attractions in all of Seattle in the Pikes Place Fish Market. Needless to say, the place totally smells like fish and the more people who visit wearing copious amounts of perfume, the better.

Come here so you can fit in with the locals and even learn how to toss around a fish like them. Throwing fish - it’s the city sport. Sure Seattle is also famous for things "Sleepless in Seattle" and "Grey's Anatomy," but you can't quite beat this iconic fish market.
West Virginia (Part 2)
Welcome to the land where you don’t need teeth and you can roll around in the mud like a pig. If you don't tick either of these boxes, then you might have trouble getting the ladies when stepping foot in West Virginia. Just kidding!

And the hottest guy of them all in this beautiful state is the one who can do the hardest mud belly flop. And this guy in the picture? He’s the mayor of the town. Do you want us to tell you we are joking or do you want to go and look that up on Google?
Wisconsin (Part 2)
Welcome to the state where boats have bigger wheels than cars. Not only are the boat’s wheels huge in Wisconsin but so is lake life. Something is just not natural about saying boat tires. We guess the people of this state need to be amphibious when it comes to their vehicles.

Cars need to have the ability to thrive both in the water and on land in this part of the world. Because you just never know when you might need to hunt for some deer or do a bit of fishing. Either opportunity could present itself at the drop of a hat.
Stereotypical Girls – Nationwide
Have you ever wondered how girls are stereotypically portrayed across different regions in the United States? Let's dive into the following series of slides that shed light on the diverse representations of women across the country.

These visuals will offer you a glimpse into the various cultural and regional influences that shape the perceived appearances of ladies in the U.S. From the vibrant urban styles of the East Coast to the laid-back charm of the West Coast, each region brings its own unique flavor. Get ready to explore the intriguing tapestry of stereotypes that influence the portrayal of women in America.
Girls Of Alabama
If you've had the luck to attend Alabama's two biggest music festivals, then you've undoubtedly encountered the quintessential festival girl armed with her trusty selfie stick. These festivals, where the music flows and the vibes are contagious, attract a special breed of selfie lovers.

With their perfectly styled outfits and infectious energy, these girls are on a mission to document every epic moment of their festival experience. Whether they're striking a pose with their crew or capturing the essence of the event, these selfie-loving mavens bring an extra dash of hilarity and charm to the already unforgettable Alabama music scene.
Girls of Southern California
Welcome to the land of sun and stereotypes, Southern California! Here, you'll encounter the iconic SoCal girl in all her glory. In the heart of Los Angeles, you'll find a breed of cheerleaders who are not only sizzling hot but also ridiculously talented.

These fabulous ladies are the ultimate sidekicks for sports teams, making other teams wish they had their own squad of dazzling cheerleaders. With their stunning beauty and killer moves, they bring a dose of glam and spunk to the sidelines. SoCal cheerleaders prove that you can rock a pom-pom and slay the game at the same time. Go team, go!
Girls of Colorado
When you go to big music festivals in Colorado, you'll see lots of girls who love the hippie style. You'll be lucky (or maybe unlucky) enough to meet them. These cool girls represent peace, love, and flower power effortlessly. Imagine them wearing colorful tie-dye dresses, flower crowns, and having a carefree attitude that spreads to others.

They fit right into the beautiful Colorado scenery, feeling zen and enjoying the music. Meeting these bohemian girls might leave you amazed or wanting to join their fun group with a tambourine. And if you're able to hang out with them in Aspen like Harry and Lloyd from "Dumb and Dumber," then even better.
Girls Of Georgia
The sassy southern-style skater chick is in full effect in Atlanta, Georgia - the hippest of the hipsters in the South! These trendsetting ladies bring a whole lot of charm and a touch of quirkiness to the table. Picture them rocking their unique outfits, with a mix of vintage tees, ripped jeans, and those rad skate shoes.

They effortlessly glide through the streets of Atlanta, leaving a trail of style and laughter in their wake. These skater chicks have mastered the art of blending southern charm with hipster coolness. Their fashion game is on point and will leave even the most cynical visitors grinning from ear to ear.
Girls Of Boston
The wickedly funny girls of Boston take hipster culture to another level. Imagine them rocking the latest trends with a touch of quirkiness. You'll spot them strutting through the streets of Boston, flaunting their vintage threads, oversized glasses, and a wicked sense of humor.

They're the connoisseurs of indie music, the masters of ironic jokes, and the ultimate coffee snobs. Sure, there's Harvard, the Red Sox, and Dunkin' Donuts, but there are also these cool cats who know how to rock the East Coast with their own brand of sarcastic charm. So, don't "pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd" to0 quickly. Pick up some "Bahstan" chicks on the way!
Girls of New Jersey
New Jersey girls are a breed of their own, separate from their Jersey Shore neighbors. These ladies have got style for days and a hipster look that could rival any neighboring state. Imagine them strutting down the streets with their top-notch fashion game, effortlessly blending vintage pieces with a touch of modern pizzazz.

They've got a knack for turning heads and making fashion statements that leave even the trendiest hipsters in awe. Whether in bustling cities or charming towns, these girls bring the sass and the style. Garden State girls can slay the hipster game with their own unique Jersey flavor. Their fashion-forward antics are unmissable!
Girls Of New York
Let's give a shout-out to the girls of New York, where the city never sleeps and the stereotypes are larger than life. In the bustling streets, you'll spot these edgy ladies rocking oversized boyfriend t-shirts, sporting backward hats, and flaunting arm sleeve tattoos.

They exude a cool confidence that is undeniably New York. But beware, these girls aren't to be underestimated. They possess a certain dangerous allure, a mix of street smarts and fearless ambition. Keeping an eye out for quintessential New Yorker girls is must. There is no denying that it can lead to an adventure filled with unexpected thrills.
Girls of Pennsylvania
Hold on tight, because Pennsylvania is about to unleash its arsenal of beauty! Feast your eyes on these stunning natives. From the towering cities to the rolling hills, Pennsylvania is like a hidden treasure trove of beauty queens. These girls have got it all - charm, elegance, and a dash of that Pennsylvania pizzazz.

Whether you're wandering through the streets of Philadelphia or exploring the picturesque countryside, you'll be left in awe of the sheer beauty that this state has to offer. Your jaw is going to drop and just like Rocky, you're going to get knocked out by Pennsylvania's finest ladies.
Girls of South Carolina
The coolness factor reaches new heights in South Carolina. Look no further than the boulevards of this southeastern gem, where you'll catch sight of the iconic hipster girl effortlessly gliding on her skateboard. She's got that undeniable skater girl vibe, proving that she's got both style and skills.

As she cruises past, you can almost hear her singing, "She was a skater girl, she said see you later girl." With her unique fashion sense and laid-back attitude, she embraces the perfect blend of southern charm and hipster coolness. This fashionable skater girl adds an extra dash of flair to the South Carolina scene.
Girls of Tennessee
You can have a good ol' patriotic laugh with the girls of Tennessee, especially in Nashville! These gals take American pride to a whole new level by draping themselves in American flags, channeling their inner Statue of Liberty. But here's the twist: they rock those flags with nothing but confidence underneath!

Talk about a bold fashion statement. These fearless ladies strut their stuff, proudly displaying their love for the good ol' USA. Keep an eye out for these flag-waving fashionistas in Nashville. Just remember to keep your laughter and applause in check, because they take American pride and comedy seriously!
Girls of Texas
Meet the iconic Texan country girl, donning her trusty overalls and proudly sporting a cowboy hat. She's the epitome of Lone Star State charm and style. With a twinkle in her eye and a boot-scootin' swagger, she embraces the rich Texan heritage with every step.

You can almost imagine the sound of horses neighing and the faint strumming of a guitar as she saunters by. All she's missing is a straw in her mouth, completing the picture-perfect Texan stereotype. Cowboy hats have been seen flying all over the place from encounters with these delightful country gals, who bring a little extra yeehaw.
Girls of Washington D.C.
In Washington D.C., style meets politics in a hipster fusion. These fashion-forward ladies may not look much different from their California hipster counterparts, but they give off a unique charm all their own. With their impeccable sense of style, they effortlessly blend beauty, fashion, and a hint of political savvy.

Picture them strolling through the city streets, oozing confidence and emitting those unmistakable hipster vibes. Whether they're sipping craft coffee or engaging in passionate debates, these D.C. girls are a force to be reckoned with. There is no denying that people, in general, in this part of the country, are traditionally stunning and have undeniable style.