Not far from the fisherman’s dock, they found a small dog house which had been abandoned. It was far enough away from crowds and the town, where it would be noisy and filled with cars and other people. But still close enough that the fisherman could keep an eye on the house.

The fisherman started to look for the dog house that they had found, they hoped they would be able to find it quickly. The fox needed a new home, and Cliff was gently carrying the little fox, hoping to deliver it to its new home. The poor fox was still just sitting in the bin, anxiously awaiting.
Starting A Boat Business
The three friends loved the sea so much, they knew every single aspect of it. They knew every species of fish and crab and creature in that sea. They got to thinking, why not turn this shared passion into a business. Maybe they could make money off of these things that they were experts in and enjoyed so much.

Nobody was surprised when they announced they were going to buy a boat together and start their own business. Nobody knew what to expect, especially not the three of them. They were hoping that their passion and knowledge would help their business thrive.
Passion For The Sea
The fisherman knew the best time to fish. They knew everything about the sea. They would start their days just before sunrise, since they knew that was the best time for fishing. They would always be the first people awake. They would be on the lookout for crabs mostly, but sometimes they would catch other local fish that they would find to sell to restaurants around town.

Money did not really matter to the friends since they loved what they did so much. Business started to take off, and while they didn't have a huge company, they did much better than they expected.
A Successful Business
They started off with a small client list, and it continued to grow into quite the successful business for the friends. You could say, there was nothing fishy about this business. They continue to deliver fresh local fish. Their product was of quality. They kept working hard, and they were insanely driven.

Their business kept growing, their client list was getting bigger every day. They were actually surprised at how easy it was for them to enter this industry. It definitely made them proud. They couldn't help but wonder why they didn't think of this sooner? They could have been making money all along!
A Great Team
The bonds that these friends had was fueled by their passion for the sea. They were there for each other at all times to help with whatever they needed. Although they spent every moment together on the job, they almost never had any fights.

Probably one of the reasons their work and fish production was so amazing was the fact that they had such a strong friendship and shared such dedication. Nobody seemed to mind that they spent so much time together on such a small boat. They had a strong work ethic and had excellent communication with each other. That helped everything to continue to go smooth.
A Lot Of Time In The Waters
Their work days would last for hours, and they started before sunrise. Apparently, the more fish they were able to catch, the more money they could bring in. Because of this, they would stay on the boat for as long as they possibly could to get the most out of their workday.

It didn't take long for them to realize passion ran through their veins. They had ancestors who were also fishermen, and they came to realize that this passion was literally in their genes. They understood that they were meant to be fishermen, this was their fate. Because of this, their work made them extremely happy.
Physical Work
At the end of their long work days, the three fisherman friends would be entirely drained. You could see by the looks on their faces and the fatigue that showed in their body language that their business wasn’t as easy as it may have looked to outsiders. It was absolutely draining.

Little injuries here and there was something they got used to quickly as it was a daily occurrence. Since the seas were pretty rough, it was almost impossible to get off the boat without getting some bruises, scratches or bumps. All that aside, they still love their job and didn’t mind the hardships.
One Morning
Just like every other day, today was a day where the three friends would go to the waters to start their workday. For some reason, on this specific day, Mallory was the first one to get on the boat, and she began getting everything ready for their journey of the day. She seemed to be over-excited for whatever the open sea had waiting for them

The others, Allan and Cliff, came to join her just a bit later. They began helping her get the bearings. Despite the frigid temperature, they absolutely could not wait to navigate into the seas and discover what would wait for them inside.
Checking Everything Was There
Each morning, the three fishermen had to go through a long checklist before heading back out into the sea. Since it was not an option to travel back to their home base once they were out, they had to be sure they had everything they needed for their time at sea, whether it be a tool they would need or other supplies.

Each morning, they would go over the checklist a few times. As soon as they were sure everything was on board and ready, they would then get on board themselves, start the engine and head out to sea for yet another day of fishing.
A Fun Job
Every day was an adventure for these fishermen. It didn’t matter that they spent all day every day together or that they knew each other for such a long time, they always were having fun! Every day was a new excuse to share memories, jokes and funny stories among them. It was so much fun for the group.

Just before the sun hit the horizon, they knew it was the right time to leave. They had to time it perfectly before the sun got too high up in the sky. It was time to recheck everything on their list and make sure they had everything.
The Crab Spot
Thankfully the waters were calm on this particular freezing morning. They got in the boat and headed offshore ready to start their day. They started to go toward the usual spot they liked for crabbing.

After circling around a bit, the fishermen found just the right spot where the water depth was perfect for the crabs to keep coming back. At that point, it was time for them to throw the crab cages into the water and wait. This part was not particularly interesting, as it was mostly a waiting game. The cold air kept them from dozing off in the early morning hours.
Closing Last Details
After getting back to sea, they had to go through another checklist as well. The preparations seemed never to end. It was time for them to get to work once again. First, they had to turn off the motor and get prepared for the hunt.

Luckily, the things they had to do at this time were much less, and definitely easier than the preparations they faced before leaving their port. They had to prepare the cages to get all of the ropes tied and then drop them into the water. This was something they could do quickly, since it was a job they had to do every day.
Season Of The Crabs
Finally, when the cages were ready to be used, the fisherman dropped them into the water until they hit the bottom of the sea, where the crabs lived. They knew the nest crabs were down this deep. Once the cages hit the bottom, they would then start to drag the cages around the floor.

Despite their major success this year during crabbing season, they were really hoping to go out with a bang and hit the crab jackpot in today’s trip. They wanted to end the year on a high note and really give each other something significant to celebrate!
An Amazing First Catch
In order to catch the crabs, the fishermen had to lower the cages to the sea bed and then slowly drag them along the sea bottom. One fisherman would take the wheel and slowly start driving the boat around. The other two were on cage duty - watching diligently.

They would shout commands at each other to communicate and ensure that everything was done right - there were no second chances. Everything had to be done correctly. Not too long after the first drag, the cage was ready to be taken out of the water, complete with their first catch of the day inside.
Hitting The Jackpot!
Their first catch of the day was mind-blowing! When they got the first cage out of the water, they couldn’t believe their eyes. They caught so many crabs! This seemed like a good sign - they had a feeling their day was going to be a good one.

Going into this day, they had high hopes of finishing their season off with a major crab jackpot, and with this amazing catch, it seemed that this dream came true. The friends were giddy and couldn’t stop giving each other high fives. They had to try and contain their excitement for a moment, as it was now time for the next catch.
Such A Good Catch!
This day turned out to be extra lucky for the fisherman friends. They were extremely excited about these catches. In fact, these were the best catches that they had had for weeks. They knew that this catch would be beneficial to them in many ways, they would be able to sell even more to restaurants and local businesses.

When Mallory Allan and Cliff finally finished collecting the crabs from their first spot, they were ready to move to the next location, which was deeper into the sea. The fisherman thought that it would be best to head out four miles from the shore in order to get the most amount of crabs for their catch.
Freezing Sea
The fishermen didn't often go to this area of the sea, and they did not know the area very well. They had to search for the next best spot to drop the crab cages, and that meant the three had to head out to find deeper waters.

Mallory was the one who was trying to find the best spot to boat towards. She was looking through the binoculars trying to navigate the unfamiliar waters. It did not matter how much they knew this sea, they still had to be very careful, since they were entering a part of the sea that was much colder than they were used to.
Calm And Beautiful Nature
They had to continuously check their coordinates every few minutes, since they were navigating towards an unfamiliar location. They saw that it was going to be a while before they were able to finally stop at the spot. But that did not mean that it was going to be smooth sailing. They had to keep their eyes peeled for icebergs.

It was uncharted territory for them. They started to see birds flying above them, they saw icebergs and even seals laying on top of the ice. The atmosphere was calm and serene. The three fishermen soaked in this new experience.
Massive Icebergs
Filled with huge icebergs that are insanely dangerous for sailors and fishermen, the Labrador Sea is known as one of the coldest bodies of water. The fishermen crew knew this, and were being extremely careful looking out for icebergs to avoid disastrous situations.

One wrong move among the icebergs would be a complete disaster for the fisherman. They had to observe. That being said, they knew how to navigate these difficult waters. They had a system, one fisherman would steer the boat while the other would make sure and keep an eye out on their surroundings.
Very Far Away
The fishermen were cautiously moving through and around the icebergs when Allan noticed something in the distance. He pointed it out to the other fishermen, and they all started to wonder what it could be. None of them could really see exactly what it was.

They all noticed that something was there - they thought maybe it could be an animal sitting on an iceberg. They had to get closer to see. After watching the movement of the figure for some time they just assumed that it must be a seal that escaped his herd and wanted some alone time.
An Animal In The Sun
The fishermen were used to seeing different animals basking in the sun on top of icebergs, so they decided to continue on their journey. It was not an uncommon behavior of seals, so they did not seem too concerned.

In fact, the last time they headed out this deep in the water they saw many seals coming out of the water to eat or relax in the sun. They used this knowledge to assume that whatever Allan saw on top of the iceberg in the distance was just a little seal. Different kinds of wildlife were always part of the scenery on their boat rides, and they assumed this was no different.
Nearly There
They decided the most logical answer and explanation to the little speck they saw in the distance on the iceberg was that it was a seal. They agreed on this, since they had seen plenty of them in the past soaking in the sun on top of icebergs.

Allan, however, did not feel right about this assumption. He could not take his eyes off of the dot in the distance. He would observe it the entire time. He took out his binoculars to get a closer look. He did not think that the seal was moving like a seal ordinarily would. He still had no explanation on what it could be.
A Strange Creature
Allan could not hold it in any longer, he had to explain to his friends that he did not think it was just a seal. He was almost positive it was something else. He could not let this feeling go. He was tracking the animal, and the movements it was making were not consistent with that of a seal.

The other two fishermen decided to have a look for themselves. They looked through the binoculars to try and get a good look at the creature. They agreed with him, they did not think it was a seal either. It was still a mystery though, no one had any idea what it could be.
A Strange Animal
The fishermen had to go back to work. They couldn't just watch this animal all day, but it was difficult for them to stop observing it. It was still such a mystery to them, and they were dying to find out exactly what it was.

They were so confused trying to figure out what exactly this animal was. But also they had to wonder, how in the world did this animal get on top of an iceberg in the middle of the sea? It was common for a seal to do that, which is why they thought it was a seal, but knowing now that it was not a seal the situation did not make any sense.
A Sea of Ice
They were still quite far from the iceberg, but they were getting closer and closer. They still couldn't see the animal without using their binoculars, so they decided to get closer to be able to assess the situation correctly.

There were chunks of ice floating all over the sea. They were traveling slowly toward the iceberg but had to remain extremely careful to avoid the floating ice and other debris in the sea. These chunks of ice were able to cause significant damage to their boat if they hit it, they were also dealing with dropping temperatures and increasing winds.
Approaching The Iceberg
As they got closer to the iceberg, it started to get much colder. The winds picked up, and we're getting stronger as well. The fishermen were absolutely freezing, but they knew they had to get to the animal fast because they knew if they were cold, whatever animal was out there was freezing too. They started to get closer and were able to get a good look at the animal. It was covered in fur, and it was soaking wet.

They knew that this animal needed help fast. The animal must have been freezing. They still could not wrap their head around how this animal got there on top of the iceberg completely stranded in the middle of the sea.
Nearly At The Iceberg
Allan was able to see that the animal was pacing back and forth on top of the iceberg. They finally were able to get a closer look at the animal, and discovered they were right. It definitely was not a seal. There was no way a seal could move like this.

Now that they had come this far they knew that they had to get to the iceberg. They didn't want to just look from afar, they wanted to get there. The fishermen decided to adjust their route and get close to the iceberg while maintaining safety procedures so that they did not hit any ice floating around.
Extreme Curiosity
They were so excited to get to the iceberg so that they could finally see what was on top of it. They still were so confused, how did it get there? They had to act fast because the weather was getting worse, and it was getting colder by the minute.

At this point, they did not know what they should do. They were really invested in this animal, but they also knew they had to return to fishing. They still had to make a living. But they decided they had to take care of the animals first. They knew that this animal was in danger.
Far Out At Sea
They had never been this far out into the sea, they were not familiar with this area at all. It was impossible for them to travel against the current, and they didn't know how that would work anyway. They decided to let the water itself bring them to the iceberg. They waited it out.

The current carried them slowly towards the iceberg. Thankfully they were able to avoid all of the enormous pieces of ice floating in the water and they were able to save their boat from suffering any damage. They knew that if the ship got damaged they would have to jump right into the water, and they wanted to avoid that at all costs.
Cautious Movements
The fisherman knew that they could not make any big moves while aboard the boat. Mallory let everyone know to proceed with caution. In this condition, big moves would make the boats weigh much more than they usually did. This could lead to them accidentally falling into the sea, and that could be deadly.

The floors of the boat were extremely slippery. Any sudden movement of the ship could throw them overboard. This was a scary situation, but the friends were not thinking about that, they were just excited to finally get to the iceberg to see what was there.
Lurking Danger
Luckily, Mallory was a skilled sailor, she had to drive extra careful to avoid hitting icebergs and chunks of ice floating in the sea. The wind was picking up and getting stronger by the minute. The boat was moving all over the place. She had to carefully direct it in the right direction towards the iceberg.

Unfortunately for both the fisherman and the animal, the conditions were getting worse. The waves were picking up, and the iceberg was beginning to move. This was not a good sign. The boat was in danger, and the animal was in danger. They had to get there fast.
Nearly There
The fishermen had a lot to worry about. The weather was getting worse, and they were getting anxious that the animal was going to get scared and jump into the water. There was also the possibility that the animal would accidentally fall right into the boat. Both of these scenarios were too scary to think about. And they were getting really stressed out.

They were getting even more cautious while maneuvering the boat to the iceberg. They had to navigate the situation and figure out how to get close enough to the iceberg to see exactly what kind of animal this was and figure out what to do from there.
Quick Thinking
The closer they got, the more questions started running through their minds. Now that they were getting really close to the iceberg they realized they had no idea what they were actually going to do when they got there. Additionally, they had to figure out how to get home, which was going to be a feat in and of itself, because they had no idea where they were.

In some parts of the sea, the ice was getting really thick. This was a sign that meant they could not linger in that spot for long. They also had to be mindful of daylight and get home before dark.
Racing With Time
The iceberg that was home to this mysterious animal begun to move very fast. The fisherman quickly decided they had to keep up with the iceberg and follow it. They knew that if they were patient, they would be able to reach it.

Mallory was driving the boat, she adjusted their sails, and they were able to catch up with the iceberg. She could finally see the animal up close and personal. It seems like they had finally solved this mystery they had been investigating all day, and it was so much wilder than they ever could have imagined.
A Cold, Wet Animal
The animal they discovered had four legs and looked like it could be a dog. After that thought running through their minds, they knew that it, of course, could not be a dog. They had to get closer to see. They were so curious about this. This four-legged dog-like creature looked right at them.

The sad, lonely, cold animal was wet and shivering. It was clear that the animal was freezing from the cold winds and water. The fishermen were so worried about the well-being of this animal, but thankfully now they were close enough to realize exactly what they had found.
The Arctic Fox
They literally could not believe their eyes. The small animal that was sitting on top of this iceberg absolutely freezing was an arctic fox. The mystery was finally solved, they knew what animal it was, but that didn't explain everything. The fox looked completely terrified and was drifting even farther out to sea. It was their job now to figure out how to best get to the iceberg.

Seagulls were flying around the fox, anxiously waiting for something to happen. The fisherman realized that if they did not rescue this animal, he would have certainly died in these conditions.
Under Pressure
They knew they had to act fast. They had to get to work. They knew that they could not leave this fox on the iceberg alone to deal with his surroundings and his terrifying situation. They were losing daylight fast, time was of the essence and they had to figure something out.

They noticed that the fox was getting scared the closer they got. They knew that this fox most likely never saw a human before, and they knew that the fox probably thought that they were dangerous. They had to somehow get this animal to trust them and realize that they were actually about to save its life.
A Reluctant Fox
The friends were at a loss. The fox was terrified and was not able to come to them. They tried to calmly speak to the fox and call it, they even reached out their hands towards the fox to signal it to come to them. The winds were picking up fast, and they were becoming unable to keep the boat at a safe distance from the iceberg.

The fox was still scared despite their best efforts. They were feeling like it was going to be impossible to get the fox to come to them. That coupled with the fact that the boat was getting almost impossible to steer, was turning this into quite a sticky situation.
Nothing Was Getting Better
The friends were trying everything to get the fox to come on board their boat. They were getting absolutely nowhere. The fox was refusing to come close to them and in fact, was trying to run away, but soon realized there was nowhere to run. The fox knew that it was in danger on top of that iceberg.

The fox just looked at them right in the eyes, shivering. The friends knew that they had to act fast. They had come so far and done so much to try to rescue this animal, there was just no way they could leave now. They were too invested.
Being Patient
They knew that they had to come up with a plan. The fishermen decided they had to get the fox to trust them. There was no other way the fox was going to get on board that boat. They tried so many tactics, they even tried luring it with food, but nothing was working.

They were feeling frustrated, and so was the fox. They felt like they had exhausted all of their options to try to get the fox on board the boat. They did not want to frustrate the fox any further because they knew if they did so, the fox would never feel comfortable coming to them. They knew that from here on they just had to be patient.
Something Changed
The fishermen were at a loss. They had been trying so hard for so long to get the fox on board their boat, but it felt like nothing was going to work. All of a sudden something changed. The fox stopped backing up and started to look at them with less fear in his eyes. They began to think the fox was deciding if it should come with them or not.

After what felt like an eternity, but was really only a few minutes, the fox took that first crucial step. The fox started to come closer towards the boat. The three fishermen could not believe their eyes! Their patience and persistence had worked!
Slow And Steady
They had absolutely no clue what they had done to make the fox decide to come close to them after being so scared for so long. They did not ask questions though, the fox continued to move towards the boat. The fox was now a mere couple of inches away from them. They decided to try food once again, Allan held out his hand and tried to feed the fox a snack.

The fox was clearly exhausted. It did not want to eat the food, but they could tell the fox trusted them now. Without hesitation, Allan reached out and grabbed the fox, he carried it right on board the boat. They had done it!
Proceeding With Caution
It seems like the hardest part was now over. Unfortunately, the fox was still terrified. The fox did not want to be touched by any of the fishermen and was still very anxious. Two of them decided to try to dry the fox off. They started to try to keep the fox warm by drying its fur with towels, but the fox did not want to be touched and continued to back away from the friends.

They did not want to make the fox feel threatened, so they stopped right in their tracks. They were worried that the fox would try jumping back into the water or even attack them despite their efforts to save him. Both of these outcomes were something they did not want to have to deal with.
Returning To The Water
Bad luck struck once again, and the fox jumped back into the water. They did not know precisely what happened, but something must have scared the fox, and he jumped. The fox was trying to make his way back to the iceberg.

Since the water was absolutely freezing the fishermen were not able to jump into the water to save the poor fox. They had to act quickly. Thankfully the fox was extremely tired and unable to swim fast. This allowed Allan to reach into the water and catch the fox once again. He brought it back on the boat, and the fox sat down, defeated. He knew he was not going to be getting back to his iceberg.
Too Weak
They felt a sense of relief now since they got the fox back to safety. They knew that they had to do something to ensure that the fox was not going to escape again. They also knew that since the fox was so exhausted, it was not going to try to attack them or run away. They decided the best thing to do would be to corner the fox.

They were smart. They waited for the fox to get calm once again before trying to go near it. The poor fox was still freezing cold and wet once again. But they had to remember that they saved it, it was not on top of the iceberg anymore or swimming in the water.
A Little Better
After a while, the fox seemed to want to cooperate. They could tell the fox wanted to find a place to warm up. They were all anxiously awaiting the moment when they could act and help. They also knew they were not entirely out of the water and the fox could definitely escape again, so they had to keep their eyes peeled.

The fox began to walk around the boat to look for a place to relax. They could tell that the fox was exhausted, and they knew that the fox was not going to attack them. That being said, they still took caution and waited just a little bit longer before approaching the fox.
Getting It Warm And Dry
During all of these crazy events, someone still had to drive the boat back to the dock. That was left up to Mallory. She wanted so badly to be there with the fox to help the boys and witness the amazing recovery. Someone had to navigate the sea, and she was best suited to do so.

The two friends that were taking care of the fox knew that they had to keep the fox warm and comfortable. The first step was to get the fox dry and warm to restore its body temperature and avoid the fox going into shock. Time was running out.
An Animal In Need Of Help
Once the fox found a place to rest and relax, they noticed that it stopped moving. They knew that the fox had suffered greatly and was going to be very weak, but they did not know the extent of his trauma. They began to feel so sorry for the poor fox and wondered what they could do to keep it warm.

They did not have supplies or anything to nurse this fox back to normal. But they did think of something. They remembered that they had not cleaned the bottom of their boat and that there was an abundance of sawdust down there. Using their heads, they decided they could make that a warm bed for the fox. It would be better than nothing.
A Makeshift Bed
They began gathering all of the debris from around the boat and started creating the makeshift bed for the fox. They found a plastic bin that they could use to make a frame for the bed as well.

They began to put the dust in the bin and moved it to a location on the boat where it was able to get a little bit of sunlight. They were hoping that this makeshift bed would provide a warm shelter for the fox and restore its body temperature to normal. They really did not have many options, but they worked with what they had and hoped for the best.
Slow Breaths
They carried the fox to his new bed, and carefully placed him inside. They stayed with him, watching closely until they saw the fox relaxed. Soon enough, the fox fell asleep. At this point, they were just hoping that the fox would survive long enough to make it back to the dock. Nobody knew what was going to happen.

The fishermen were getting worried. They were observing the fox and its health, and they noticed that his breaths were very shallow. They were just hoping that he was resting good and getting his strength back. They knew he had gone through so much that it would take quite a while for it to recover completely.
Out of nowhere, the fox woke up. He jolted awake and began looking around the boat. It seemed like the fox was scared once again, they could see the fear in the fox's eyes and they were worried that now he had a little bit more energy and could possibly attack them.

The fox was looking directly into their eyes while sitting in the bed that they made him. They wondered if they should feed him again. They had to make sure to stay safe because they did not know the temperament of this animal. Mallory decided that they should try anyway. After all, they had an abundance of fish and crab on the boat, and they thought maybe the fox would enjoy a feast.
They started to feed the fox the fish and crab that they had caught during the day. The fox did not want any of it though. Mallory continued offering food to the fox, and the fox refused. However, the fox did seem to be making a little bit of progress. They were hopeful that it was going to be able to make a full recovery.

As time went on the fox looked like it was getting more comfortable with the fisherman, the boat and his special little bed. Despite this, Mallory was still convinced it was hungry. They had some sausages on board, so she decided to try that. She gave the fox a little bit of water and a bowl of sausages.
Regaining Its Strength
While the fox may not have wanted the feast of fish and crab, it was definitely interested in these sausages. The fox perked up and went towards the bowl. To everyone's surprise, he started eating the sausages!

Thankfully, Mallory's persistence paid off. Everyone was so excited to see the fox eat and regain strength. The fox was very focused and eating every last bite of food that it was given. The friends could not stop watching with delight. For the first time since it got on the boat the fox was eating! Things started to look up for the fox.
Almost There
The fox started to look better. It was gaining strength and seemed to be satisfied after eating its meal. The fox was still feeling shy and was staying in its bed. But thankfully, it was no longer shivering or trembling. The fox seemed to be getting really comfortable with the group of friends.

They knew that everything could change in a moment. They knew that they should not touch the fox, especially since it started to get its strength back. They could easily scare the fox, and it could jump overboard or even worse, it could attack them. So they just stayed close and watched.
Reaching The Dock
After what felt like an eternity, they could finally see that they were getting closer to land. They had to start to prepare the boat to be docked once again. Thankfully, after the fox was able to eat its meal, it was able to fall asleep. However, the sleep did not last for long, and the fox got woken up by all of the noises surrounding the act of docking the boat.

Their next seemingly impossible task was to get the fox off of the boat without anything terrible happening. They started to talk to the fox calmly. They knew that the fox would not be able to understand them, but they were sure they could get through to the fox simply using calm tones of voice.
Its New Home
The hard part was over. They got the fox home. They anchored the boat and secured it to the dock. Now they had to decide what they were going to do with the fox. They knew that the fox was finally out of danger now that they had rescued it. It seemed to be recovering, as well.

They knew that as much as they would want to, they could not take the fox home as a pet. After all, the fox is a wild animal. They wanted to keep the fox close to them and close to the dock where their boat was, so they began to brainstorm where they could release the fox.
The Abandoned Shack
Not far from the fisherman's dock, they found a small dog house which had been abandoned. It was far enough away from crowds and the town, where it would be noisy and filled with cars and other people. But still close enough that the fisherman could keep an eye on the house.

The fisherman started to look for the dog house that they had found, they hoped they would be able to find it quickly. The fox needed a new home, and Cliff was gently carrying the little fox, hoping to deliver it to its new home. The poor fox was still just sitting in the bin, anxiously awaiting.
Its New Home
The fishermen were able to find the old dog house. They put the fox just a few feet away from the house and left it alone to explore the new and exciting surroundings. The fox even shook itself like a dog does. Then the fox cautiously walked out of the bin.

It seemed like pure magic. The fox went straight towards the dog house. She sat there at the entrance of the house and looked at her new friends. The three fishermen were so happy that they took the chance to save this little fox. The friends had high hopes that it would be able to fully recover and have a long wonderful life.