Even famous people get jealous of one another. Just because it may look like you have it all on the outside doesn’t mean that you are immune to wanting what others have.

Here is a photo of Kylie Jenner wearing a pretty unmissable outfit. But it seems she might be accessorizing with a little jealousy. Could it be that she’s jealous of the attention that Jennifer Lopez and Donatella Versace are getting from the paparazzi? Could it be because they are more famous than the reality television star? This could be chalked up to bad timing, but we have a feeling there’s a little bad blood here.
Jealousy and Fame
Even famous people get jealous of one another. Just because it may look like you have it all on the outside doesn’t mean that you are immune to wanting what others have.

Here is a photo of Kylie Jenner wearing a pretty unmissable outfit. But it seems she might be accessorizing with a little jealousy. Could it be that she’s jealous of the attention that Jennifer Lopez and Donatella Versace are getting from the paparazzi? Could it be because they are more famous than the reality television star? This could be chalked up to bad timing, but we have a feeling there's a little bad blood here.
Many of us may have that one friend who has the ability to get whatever they want, just about whenever they want. And, although we may not admit it, it can really inspire jealousy. They're just the type of friend who has everything handed to them on a silver platter (or, gray concrete).

This dog looked more than a little jealous watching the cat enjoying its daily feast while he had to just sit there and watch. But there’s little the poor guy can do as he’s simply less prioritized, as is often the case between cats and dogs. Funny how they go against nature's rules.
Spend a Little Time With Me
This is probably a familiar expression for anyone with a dog. Chances are, if you’re spending a lot of time with your laptop, phone, or TV, your dog will remind you that it’s time to spend a little more time with him, even going so far as to lay across your laptop or bat your phone away with their paw!

The jealousy is real for your furry friend when it comes to you and the technology in front of you. Do they care that you need your laptop to put a roof over their head or kibble in their bowls? Nope. Either way, their efforts at grabbing your attention are typically downright adorable.
The Bone Is Always Bigger
They say the grass is always greener, but in this case, the bone is always bigger (except it actually is much, much bigger). It makes sense that the bigger dog gets the bigger bone, but it never feels fair to the smaller guy.

The puppy in this picture sure wishes he had the bone that his friend had. You can see his smaller bone on the left and, with his eyes locked on the ginormous bone that’s just inches in front of him, it looks like he’s jealous. Maybe he’ll remember he has a bone to finish himself and be a little more content.
Forever a Nominee?
With a pained look of talent and hard work left unrewarded, the disappointment in this photo is almost tangible. A-list actor Leonardo DiCaprio finally became an Academy Award Winner in 2016, but before that, he had many moments like this one, long before he held the small, golden statue in his arms. And, hey, who can blame him for looking a little peeved? This is his life's work, for crying out loud!

Major respect is due to the actor who continued to push himself and pour himself into his various roles until he finally received the recognition and award he deserved. In 2016, Leo finally brought it home with his Best Actor win for "The Revenant."
Sometimes jealousy and insecurity go hand-in-hand. Sometimes they both can drive you to action — unusual, at times. The man on the right in this photo admitted that he was “jealous” of the photo of the man (on the left) that his girlfriend had on their fridge. So he decided to create his own photo to compete with the original.

We can’t say it looks a lot like the original but kudos to this guy for his effort and for going so far as to find a fake bird to complete the look. Also, that fake tattoo is top tier. Hopefully, his girlfriend noticed too.
Three’s a Crowd
Dogs: they are considered by many to make the best pets with their intense loyalty, unconditional love, and fun-loving nature. But even our pets can experience almost human-like jealousy when something tries to come between them and the people they love so much.

As you can see, this little puppy isn’t ready to have anyone come between him and his favorite human (either that or he’s very protective.) And he made sure to keep himself closeby by jumping really high so as to not be ignored. We have to say, that's some impressive height for a little pup like that.
There Can Only Be One
Is there a better photo to illustrate what jealousy looks like than that of the cast of "The Bachelor?" Just look at all these ladies who are competing for the attention of one man. We're actually intensely curious about what could be going on in this very scene to illicit such a range of emotions and responses.

It's all in the body language. They all may seem pretty sweet at first, but there is already jealousy brewing the first time the cast meets. After all, this is a competition, and there can only be one winner who will steal the heart of the sought-after bachelor.
Why Not Me?
This could be a novella for all we know. The drama, the betrayal, the passion. This little guy looks not only like he’s very jealous but also like he’s been betrayed by someone he trusted. Dogs often crave a lot of affection from their owners, and this little guy couldn’t stand the idea of another dog having his human’s attention.

But it’s certain that there is plenty of love to go around from this owner, so hopefully, this pint-sized pup was also showered with love from his owner and quickly got over his feelings of jealousy and betrayal. Don’t dogs deserve the same unconditional love they give to us?
Care to Share?
This little boy looks on in both amazement and envy at this man’s impossibly ginormous dessert. He is probably wondering if he needs any help finishing this cold dessert that his head is disappearing behind and wishes he’d ask for a little help. Or maybe he wants one all for himself, though the ice cream looks about the same size as he is, so that’s probably not a good idea!

It just goes to show that sometimes the things we wish for may not be what we can handle. Not all on our own, at least. After all, sharing is caring, right?
Look at Me
Sometimes, pets get jealous of technology's hold on their owner’s attention. Just like this serious-looking bulldog. He's remembering all the walks they used to go on and the roughhousing they'd do. Just him and his pop. This photo is an example of how jealousy can drive someone to action.

Yes, it looks like not only is this dog fed up with his owner’s business with their computer, but he has also placed himself in the appropriate line of vision so he won’t be missed. And look at that face and those pleading eyes. Who could ignore a look like that?
Switching Places
Other people’s relationships can incite jealousy in their peers. Having another person to love and care for and who loves and cares for you is essential to the human experience. And, for those who are single or do not have the best relationship, seeing this can inspire discontented feelings.

This young guy looks like he would like to switch places with the person sitting next to him. Hopefully, he remembers that no relationship is perfect and that being single can have its perks! Also, maybe he'll remember that this was a paid gig for stock images, and that he's not *actually* losing his girlfriend to another man. Actually, what is this dynamic?
How to Get the Girls
Some guys really know how to get the girls, and this guy knew that having a cute, fluffy puppy nearby meant the ladies would flock around him. But, as you can see in the background, the other guy was feeling disadvantaged.

Maybe he’s used to having girls come around him, but his friend was getting all of the attention this time. He shouldn’t feel too bad, however as it seems all he needs to do is get himself an adorable puppy. Now, granted, the guy holding the puppy does seems more attractive than the guy in the back, so maybe the background-guy does have reason to be annoyed.
Eyes Up Here
Sophia Loren was an actress known for her stunning beauty, and Jayne Mansfield was also an actress who was known for her beauty and her, eh, other assets. Both were extremely talented actresses who, despite what this picture is telling us, actually got on well. Loren has revealed in interviews that she was in fact thinking what she looked like she was thinking, but she was still overjoyed that Jayne Mansfield had sat at her table.

Loren had no need to be jealous as she was not only known for her beauty but could hold her own on the screen and went on to be the more respected of the two. Still, this photo shows there may be a hint of green on her face as she gazes at Mansfield.
Catch of the Day
Ah, there's nothing like spending some time in the great outdoors with your dad (and, we guess someone else in this case). Alongside the nice greenery and the sweet father-son fishing trip, there is definitely jealousy in this photo, but also disappointment.

You can tell that the father on the left is thrilled about the fish he caught (and perhaps a bit proud of how he could prove to his son that their fishing trip wasn't for nothing) while the kid on the right is doing everything in his power to be happy for his dad instead of being bitter at how he himself hasn't been able to catch anything.
It Should Have Been Me
Most of us have had times when we have felt perpetually discouraged and defeated in life. And for athletes, these feelings can happen frequently as they pour themselves into their training only to be defeated, sometimes multiple times. If ever there was an image that conveys jealousy, this may be it.

Tennis pros Andrew Murray and Novak Djokovic had gone head-to-head multiple times at the Australian Open. On this third time the two competed against each other, Djokovic claimed the third victory. As he stood with his trophy in his hands, photographers caught the look of sheer jealousy on Murray’s face.
Is He a Prisoner?
It can be endearing and reassuring when a significant other is a bit jealous of anyone who seems to be trying to steal you away. But that jealousy can quickly get out of hand. Buddy, blink twice quickly if you need assistance. Help is on the way.

This girlfriend decided that she needed to give her boyfriend a T-shirt with her face covering it. And not only that, it has a special message for any girl who’s looking to take her man. Judging by her boyfriend’s face, this wasn’t a gift on his wishlist. We're sure this was a prank, but we'd love to see the reactions of passersby to this sight.
Not in My House
Just like with a new baby, a new pet can make other pets jealous, especially if the new one is young, cute, and getting all of the attention. It can be tough introducing a new member to the family. Especially when that new member is a puppy, and the family includes a cat.

This cat, who looks like he’s probably been a beloved pet for a long time, is a bit standoffish to the newest member of the household: an adorable dachshund. Perhaps he’s a bit annoyed with a new, curiously invasive puppy around the house. Hopefully, these two will create a bond and be fast friends.
Who Do You Love?
How do you make someone insecure feel secure? By letting them know you have enough love and attention to go around. Still, when you bring home a kitten as cute as this, it's understandable that other pets will start to feel the heat.

In this photo, the roles are reversed from the usual jealous cat, and it’s a dog who is questioning his owner’s love when a cuddly kitten is present. He looks a little envious and insecure, wondering if he gets a cuddle session too. Both he and the kitten are so tiny that there’s probably more than enough room for both of them on their human’s lap.
Turning Green
In a classic case of sibling rivalry, this little girl showed her true colors (which looked awfully green) in this family photo. In a rather comical display, everyone else is smiling cheerfully and peacefully while the little girl looks like she is going to exact some sort of vengeance against her baby sister.

It’s unclear whether she was simply annoyed with her on that day or if she had been holding back her jealousy for some time. Mom must have intervened shortly after. And it’s safe to say this photo may not have made it on the Christmas card that year.
Friends of a Feather
This list features dogs and cats that appear jealous of one another, other humans, and even technology, but here there is an example of a bird stealing an owner’s affections. Chihuahuas are notoriously temperamental (no matter how wonderful their owners say they are and how THEIR one is different), so stealing attention is not something they will take lightly.

Heck, chihuahuas don't take anything lightly. This chihuahua isn’t too keen on his owner’s feathered friend grabbing up all of the attention. You can see him carefully sizing up the situation, and it looks like a confrontation could take place soon!
Stuck in the Middle
In yet another example of new sibling jealousy, it seems there could be a family feud in the making. The oldest brother appears to be delighted and fascinated by the new baby he’s holding, while the second born (and now middle child) right next to him seems a little less than enthused.

In fact, he looks downright sad! But, in a few months, he’ll discover that his new sibling is another family member to love and to love him back. Plus, being the middle child has its perks. You get away with a lot and can play the "middle child syndrome" card anytime you act out.
The Staredown
This picture of jealousy is so subtle you’d be sure to miss it at first. Upon your initial glance, you can see an adorable new and fluffy puppy that the owners are taking a snapshot of, but if you look closer, you’ll spot something else. What's unfolding here is a battle of the fluffs. One round kitty, who by the looks of things has been around a while, versus one fluffy puppy.

Back in the corner edge of the hallway, you can see a jealous kitty. He even looks like he could be plotting something. He’s probably getting used to the new puppy in the home, but the owners should keep an eye on him!
Save Me a Slice
Sometimes jealousy hits you without warning. Having a best friend that you can share absolutely anything with is a blessing, but what happens when one has something the other can't have? Take these two; two lovely young women, each beautiful in their own right. But only one has a cupcake, and that's not always so easy to accept.

We assume the two young ladies have come back from the Weight Watchers program. One had obviously come back with great results and was treating herself. The other, not so much. Whatever the reason is, just remember that no food is worth getting in the way of friendship!
Three's a Crowd
Feeling left out of fun activities can create jealousy, sadness, and even fractured relationships. Well, it's not limited to humans - even birds feel it. This parrot in this photo looks like he’d like to get in on the action that's going on between the other two. To be fair, we've all experienced being the third wheel at some point. It's definitely awkward, to say the least.

The poor green-feathered guy looks a bit jealous and sad that he wasn’t chosen to be the one. Plus, that's some chutzpah from his pals to go at it with him right there! You know what they say, three's a crowd.
Keep Your Nose Out
Sometimes in life, we come across situations where no matter how hard we try, we just can't manage to keep our big noses out. The situation is probably not as interesting as episode #73596 of "The Young & The Restless," but what can we do? It's stronger than us.

By the look on this lady's face, the situation between the other two is really juicy, or her nose is bigger than she thinks. Maybe she is this guy's bitter ex, and she's spying on him because she can't move on? That said, the guy doesn't look so enamored with this lady in red, so maybe he's not really over the relationship, either.
Friend or Snack?
It’s a bit hard to tell if this cat is jealous of the bird that has captured his owner's attention or if he is jealous of his owner because he’s close to the bird that he’d like to eat! Either way, the age-old feud between cats and literally any other animal continues with these two - and the cat has got that crazy look in its eyes.

His attention is definitely on the bird, who has also captured his owner’s attention. The bird, however, doesn’t seem bothered by the cat. It’s unknown what happened after this photo was taken, but hopefully, the bird was alright in the end.
Hustle for the Muscle
People may not often realize it, but even for those who seem super fit and ripped at the gym, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to maintain their physiques. And it’s not totally clear if the man in this photo is jealous or maybe just intimidated.

He may also be thinking about what he looked like when he was that age. It's distracting trying to exercise in peace and mind your business when someone who could snap you like a toothpick takes a seat next to you. But one thing’s for sure is that he can't take his eyes off the bodybuilder in front of him. Hopefully, he’s just inspired!
Welcome to the World
Have you ever received a welcome that was, well, a little less than warm? Thankfully this newborn doesn’t see their big sister’s disapproving gesture, but it’s safe to say she’s not too thrilled about the newest member of her family. Bringing home a new sibling can be tough for kids - they no longer get their parents' undivided attentions.

In fact, she’s making her jealousy pretty impossible to miss (although Mom and Dad seem to be oblivious). Jealousy among siblings is almost unavoidable and part of family dynamics but usually passes with time, a well-developed relationship, and reassurance from parents.
The Real Hot Dog
Have you ever wanted something so badly, but it was just out of reach? Sometimes you have to take action to get what you want in life, and other times, if you wait around long enough, you just might get lucky. This dog knows what that’s all about as he gazes at the delicious hotdog above him.

He’s probably jealous and certainly hoping that at least some toppings will fall off, but he may be disappointed in the end. Hopefully after this picture, the guy manning the hotdog stand stopped teasing the poor pup and actually gave him something to eat.
Still the Baby
For anyone who has welcomed a second child into the world, it can be a difficult time for the firstborn as they realize they have to make room in their home and in their hearts for their new sibling. Just like in this photo, where the little boy still finds it hard to share his grandparents with his new little sister.

With her cute little bow in her hair and her sundress, we get it; she's some tough competition. We suppose it's the same in all families. The older child envies the secondborn, the thirdborn envies the firstborn, and the middle child envies them all.
Daddy-Daughter Time
The bond between parents and kids is one of the most precious in life. This dad set aside bonding time with just his daughter because they hadn’t had very much time together. The two boys remain outside the room but close by, still wanting to feel they are part of the hangout.

But nothing beats one-on-one quality time with Dad; no brothers allowed. The boys probably wonder why their sister has dad all to herself, but then again, they probably have their own father-son bonding time too. Plus, it's not impossible that there was some full family fun happening, but then the boys got too rough and tumble and got put in time-out.
It’s Our Turn!
It may seem a bit cliche, but we’ve certainly seen photos similar to this when a couple gets engaged publicly. While many bystanders smile and offer their congratulations and well-wishes, other couples wonder when they can turn around to see a ring box in front of them.

This woman turned to her partner with a look that asked him, “Are we next?” And with a look like that, the pressure is nearly palpable. Hopefully, they can tie the knot soon. Maybe they'll get engaged at the next big game, with the kiss cam on them. That's romance at its finest, is it not?
Oh, Please
An eye roll can mean much more than you think! This girl is either disgusted by the PDA she’s witnessing, or she’s both disgusted and a bit jealous. Either way, she's not hiding her emotions. She seems like the type to spend her single days talking about how great it is to be independent, but it's all a facade.

Maybe she went through a bad breakup recently or wishes she had someone to give her affection to, or she may genuinely disapprove of the mushy gushy display she’s looking at. But most observers subconsciously read her reaction as she might be a little jealous. The lovey-dovey couple, however, couldn’t care less.
Do You Still Love Me?
We know a father's love is unparalleled, but there are moments when hubby is in need of some affection too. Of course, a mother's work is never done, and striking a balance can be hard. Even when sometimes all a mama wants to do is snuggle with their kid. That said, moments of jealousy for attention can happen!

While they usually put on a brave face, this photo perfectly captures a moment of secret jealousy that this husband might be experiencing. Oh well, it's just one of those things. Before this dad knows it, his little girl will be all grown up.
Stop Hogging All the Good Snow!
We don't really know what a pair of precious penguin chicks could be arguing about, but it's bad enough to bring out the chompers. Wonder what it feels like to be bitten by a penguin. Once they grow up, they probably realize that poking with the sharp tip of the bill is a better solution for these kinds of spats, but giving a good chomp is a classic way for animals to work out their differences.

Boys, stop fighting. There's literally nothing to fight about. Nothing whatsoever. You live in the most desolate place in the world. You barely have rocks.
The Most Famous Lech in the World
If you've been on the internet for more than a few minutes, you've probably seen this image. Turns out it started as a stock photo. You might think the guy is a cad for so clearly checking out the lady in red, but there's actually a backstory to it all.

In other photos from the same set of stock images, his girlfriend (in the blue) constantly ignores his attention as he tries to woo and love her. Then, of course, she gets all upset when he gives a fine young lady an approving glance. You only have yourself to blame, Missy.
Flipping the Script
We all know about the unfaithful boyfriend that is turning away from his girl to check out another lady, but it turns out that this kind of sentiment can go both ways. This lady is giving the guy that just walked past an appreciative glance...despite him not really being special or even all that attractive.

I mean, he looks fine, just going about his day, but this lady looks like Chris Pratt or Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth just gave her a wink. We just don't see it. And her boyfriend is similarly perplexed. Maybe she just really likes that other guy's shirt.
I Need Attention, Too
So, you want to get a perfect picture with one of your dogs. We couldn't agree more. Just look at the two on the left – big smiles, happy dispositions, good light, and nice framing. It all makes for a premium pic for social media or the mantle. Of course, having another dog means that isn't going to last.

People with more than one dog will agree: there's always that one dog that has to be at the center of everyone's attention. And this dog, clearly, is fully aware of both what a camera does and where it was pointed. No. Pay attention to ME.
If you needed a single picture to point out the difference between dogs and cats, this is it. The very essence of everything the internet has to say about these furballs we raise at home. The cat looks like she (her name is Maggie) just hates everything that is happening, from the dog being present, to the picture, to the plant.

The dog, on the other hand (name unknown, we're going with Bonkers), is excited about everything. Oh boy, you're taking a picture! Oh boy, the cat friend is here! Are we going on a walk? Oh boy! This is great!
I See You Are Petting the OTHER Cat
Cats, for the most part, are pretty content doing their own thing. Just like any other creature, however, there are some times when they need attention, a friendly hand, or a warm lap to sleep in. Kittens, particularly, are prone to these kinds of habits, and only the meanest, coldest souls could possibly ignore such cute creatures.

However, most laps only have space for one furry friend, which means that some jealousy can develop. Most cats would just try to smoosh their way into the cuddle puddle, but some varieties will get testy. A few swats, maybe, but it could really blow up.
It Always Happens With the New Kid
Do you remember when you used to hold your puppy like that? The dog certainly remembers, and he or she is hearkening back to those halcyon days. We all understand that a new kid in the family needs lots of face time, skin-to-skin contact, and attention, but the dogs usually don't get it.

Sometimes they're fine, but sometimes they can get upset by not having all the love poured on them anymore, and we get pictures like this one. The dog looks on with a tear in its little doggy eye that it doesn't have the top spot in the family anymore.
I Got Next
Here's the thing about this picture – it doesn't look like either dog is all too happy about this situation when it comes right down to it. The dog in the back looks way too upset that it isn't getting the requisite amount of cuddles, as stated in the lease, and the dog in the front looks like it's ready to make a break for it.

However, it is being fully smothered by the tatted-up guy. It's hard to tell what the dog is thinking since we can only see the face, but, to be honest, it doesn't really look all that happy.
I Just Need to Squeeze in a Little
Introducing a new baby into the mix is going to throw any kind of family dynamic out of whack. Just ask this dog, which seems to think it's small enough to fit into the baby seat, or that it deserves to sit there more. Sorry, Poochers, into the dog carrier with you.

It could be a dominance thing, with the dog thinking it needs to retake its rightful place in the family as one of the top dogs, or it could be a way to get the family looking his or her way again. Well, at least that one succeeded.
Snuggle Jealousy
There are some cats out there that just can't get enough of the snuggles. Sure, they're few and far between, but they exist. They're the good ones. These two little kitties look like they're used to competing for cuddles, with one of them currently getting the lion's share.

And we're sure that you can see the other one doesn't look all that pleased. Don't worry, kitty cat. We're sure that gal is going to bring you into a hug as soon as the first one has had enough kisses, which should be in mere moments if we know anything about cats.
You Said It Was My Weekend
How does it work when two people win one award? Even if it's for a project that they worked on together, it still has to be at one of their houses. But that isn't even what happened here – actor Will Ferrell was hoisting his comedic genius award when actress Aubrey Plaza ran onstage to try and wrestle it away from him.

It was all a publicity stunt for her new movie (at the time), “The To Do List,” which Plaza had written across her chest. She actually had to be escorted out of the area, though watching Ferrell parade around in a suit made of money is enough to drive anyone to madness.
Somebody Is the Favorite
When it's hot out, getting ice cream is the name of the game. The kid in the middle has it figured out, but what appears to be his two siblings look on with green eyes as he enjoys his snack. And they aren't even trying to hide it, either – they're staring straight at that cone like it's the only thing they have to live for.

And, if it's hot enough, that might be closer to the truth than we think. But don't worry – the other pictures in this set have all three of the kids enjoying their own treats, and even sharing with each other.
The Odd Dog Out
If you have a dog, that means you also have tennis balls somewhere in your home. We don't make the rules; we just report them. It makes sense – they're the perfect size for many dogs, they're fun to chase, and they're easy to hold in the mouth. Of course, if you don't have the correct ball-to-dog ratio, then things can get a little bit...well, it's a good thing the golden retriever is the envious one here.

They're very good-natured as long as they're trained well. The dog in the front is mashing that ball with all its might as the golden looks on with the austere dignity goldens often exhibit.
Too Big to Hold Now
Never have we seen a dog – or any animal – look as forlorn and unhappy as that one. What is a poor dog to do when its favorite human suddenly has a new cuddle buddy? Unfortunately, there just isn't anything this dog will be able to do if it still wants to be part of the family.

Sure, there are probably some older humans around that will still have a friendly petting hand or a warm lap to snuggle in after the kid has gone to bed. Sorry, Lumps, that cat is just so much easier to hold. Also, holding it will get it used to human contact, so it doesn't scratch as many people.
Dreaming of the Old Days
Easy to see who the envious one in this picture is. It's all of us, being envious of those pajamas. No, but really, that dog looks like it's finally realized that there isn't much it can do now that the cat is willing to cuddle in the arms of this lady.

We have to admit, the dog is a little too big to fit in most arms nowadays, but there are plenty of people out there who would still give it a try. We can't see the dog's eyes, but we have to imagine it's giving her the most powerful puppy-dog eyes it can manage.
That Looks Way Better Than My Mush
Ah, pizza. The Italian dish of heaven. It's one of nature's perfect foods. Bread, meat, cheese, sauce, and all the other toppings you could want. Yes, even pineapple. Adults love pizza, and kids love pizza, and even infants love pizza, but they shouldn't eat it just yet.

That doesn't do much to stop this tyke, who has his eyes nearly popping out of his head as he watches an older brother chow down on a slice. While this might be food envy, it could also just be the baby is taking in all the information it can. Babies tend to do that.
I Am Forgotten
The yin and yang of this picture are palpable. You can practically taste it. A guy gets a new dog and is showering that dog with love and kisses, but his old dog doesn't look all that excited about the proposition. In fact, it looks downright frustrated with the fact that it is no longer, literally, the top dog.

Of course, any good dog owner will still have a big place in his or her heart for the older hound of the family. It might not seem like it to this dog at the moment, but there are plenty of snuggles in the future.
Get Used to It, Kid
Somebody just realized he isn't an only child anymore. Or maybe this is when he realizes he now is stuck in the lifelong swamp that is middle childhood. You aren't the oldest so you don't really have responsibilities, but you aren't the youngest so you can't just do whatever you want. It's a rough place to land but it's not the end of the world. It definitely beats having no siblings.

Maybe this kid will realize how much fun being an older brother is, but right now he looks just about done with all of it. Giving birth is hard on everybody, it seems.
Look, I Can Do It Too!
Some families are crazy enough to add a puppy at the same time they have a baby because they're overachievers. The puppy looks like it still has plenty of growing to do, but it still understands that if it has the pacifier, it gets a little bit of attention.

Maybe it's just a thing that all young animals like to do, as long as they're mammals. Even dogs need to get some milk. On the other hand, if this little squirt didn't get any milk, it would probably just spit the pacifier out and go on its merry way after a ball.
I Will Be a Good Boy
If not for the specter of jealousy hanging over this entire article, this picture would be really sweet. The infant hands a young dog – perhaps even a puppy – a nice, tasty treat as an older dog, the puppy's parent perhaps, looks on with approval.

As it is, we also have to point out that the bigger dog is probably licking its chops for a treat of its own. Still, it looks like it's willing to let the young pups have their fun for the moment since it knows it has some tasty, nutritious food waiting after the photo shoot is over.
Space for One
Having more than one pet in the house is a good way to make sure they don't stay bored and have some kind of friend to communicate with when the humans of the household are all busy. On the other hand, it does come with some downsides.

Most laps, unless they are of the most prodigious size, only have space for one animal, which means this kind of picture becomes all too common. And look – that cat even has green eyes. Sure, it's a little more common in felines than in humans, but it's still fun to see jealousy displayed so literally.
Please? Just a Couple of Pats?
If you live in a household that has a pair of animals that are both about lap-sized, we bet something akin to this picture occurs almost every day. The first animal to reach the lap gets the first pick, while the second has to wait for its turn.

That's quite the face the dog is pulling here, so it looks like the cat tends to reach to prime position first. There's a good deal of hair in the way of the dog's face, but the angle of the face and the underbite make the dog look plenty annoyed. Don't worry bud, you'll have your turn too in no time.
Kanye West Was the Most Jealous of All Time
Just think about how much both of these recording artists have gone through in the time since this famously embarrassing event. Taylor Swift seemed to just be starting her career, and she was receiving a big award when Kanye West jumped up to snatch the mic and start yelling about Beyonce.

The guy gets a tiny bit of leeway since he wanted the attention on someone else, but he's still clearly the bad guy in this instance. Come on, West, let Swift have her moment. There will be plenty of other times for you to make a fool of yourself.
It's a Shock to All of Us
Did you know that Kristen Stewart won a Best Actress Award for her role as Bella Swan in “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”? No, neither did we. Having not seen the film, we can't say whether or not she deserves it, but it does seem...surprising. And standing right behind her is...Nicki Minaj? Is that Nicki looking on with envy as Kristen seems to struggle to hold that small trophy?

Maybe Minaj was the presenter at the 2011 MTV Movie Awards, which would certainly explain her toned-down attire. And look, Stewart actually seems surprised in this photo. It's more emotion than she showed in any of the movies.
I'm Coming for You, Cat
A lot of these lap photos give us things that are really similar – one of the pets is cuddled up and enjoying some body warmth as the other one looks on in despair. This one is a little different. In this one, it seems like the dog is plotting something, and the cat just doesn't care. The dog can plot whatever he wants, I still have the lap.

Those little curly-haired white dogs can be particularly vicious if they're prodded the wrong way. Make sure there are separate beds for these two once the light goes out. In fact, you might even want to get separate rooms.
I Need Way More Space, Kid
This list has plenty of examples of new children getting more attention than the pets of the family, but this picture flips the script a little bit. In this pic, the immense dog (identified as one-year-old Moses) is getting all the love, while a six-year-old daughter clearly doesn't approve.

Moses, on the other hand, is a big fan of this situation, since we bet he doesn't get a whole lot of lap time anymore. He's almost as big as the lady. Just look at that. And if the size of his paws is any indication, he might not even be done growing!
Not the First Time, Not the Last
Brushing time is a great time for cats that like human contact. They get a nice, smooth, clean coat, and they get to enjoy time with their favorite big pals. It's a fantastic bonding pastime for all. But what if both cats want to be brushed, and one of them is noticeably more impatient?

Then you have to introduce the angry box, as seen and demonstrated here. Imagine having a cat that is so famously grumpy that you build her a space where she can go and be angry without getting in anybody's way. Just wait your turn, Nakia. Sheesh.
Ignore the Kitten
Getting a kitten is a big part of anyone's life, and that means lots of pictures for social media. Admit it; you like pictures of kittens, too. We all do. This person wanted to get a good one of the new kitty enjoying a meal, but the other cat in the house hadn't signed off on the plan.

Even better, it's clear that the older cat is not excited about the prospect of some other little animal cutting into its food supply. Look at that angry eye, the tilted back ear. That feline couldn't be more obviously upset if it was hissing.
Does Not Approve
We get that a lot of huskies can just look grumpy. It's usually an appearance caused by the pattern they get around their eyes. But this seems to be a little more than that. Is the dog upset that the owner brought along THAT person? It doesn't even matter which person it is. Could be either.

Maybe the huskie is over the snowy weather and wants to curl up by the fire. That collar does look pretty tight, maybe that has to do with it. Or, and this is a very strong possibility, the dog is just a grump. It can happen to any of us.
Making His Thoughts Clear
Most of the time, a pet will acquiesce to an owner's new girlfriend or boyfriend. There are some animals, however, that don't like the intrusion of a new member of the family. This can be because they have a weird smell, it could be that person is suddenly getting all the cuddle time, or it could be for any number of other things.

It's clear that the bigger dog in this picture isn't fond of its owner's new best bud, but the other dog in the picture isn't very happy, also. Hopefully, they can figure this out sooner rather than later.
A Lesson in Patience
Have you got more than one dog? That's why God gave humans more than one hand. Two dogs in the same household mean there is competition for affection, and it can even occur out in the sunny dog park. This picture even has the lady giving out the scratches telling the second dog to settle down and wait its turn.

It doesn't look ready to do so, but the attention it's giving the lady tells us things will be all right. In the meantime, just look at the smarmy face the English Bulldog has. It obviously knows it's number one.
Unable to Process
While there are plenty of dogs that understand how a pack works, it's becoming increasingly clear that there are plenty of dogs who simply cannot understand affection being given to any other kind of creature. There's just no denying a golden retriever, even if your other dog simply can't believe its eyes when you start lavishing the other dog with love.

This picture could be moments before a crazy dog fight broke out, or it could be moments before the other dog tried to weasel its way under the scratching hand of its owner. One way or another, it doesn't look like everything was fine.
Please. We're So Hot
We bet there are more than just a couple of dogs waiting to jump into that nice, cold pool. A hot summer day collects sweat on everyone's brow, not just the furriest members of the family. Still, these three pooches have to patiently wait for the pool to get ready.

Or, they have to wait for this young kid to have his fill of fun before they get a chance. Those heavy dark coats have got to be a rough deal while the sun is shining. We're sure they eventually got their chance to splash around and have some fun.
The Look of Betrayal
Despite the fact that these two dogs look almost identical, it's clear that they have some differences. While one of them is content to snuggle against a warm body and have a nap, the other must look on with a look of pure desire on its face.

It's just too bad that there's only enough space for one dog on the couch while a fully-grown human is napping on it. A good dog owner, however, will spread out the cuddles to each and every dog, so none of them feel left out. It's like being a parent, in a way.
A Tale as Old as Time
No, it's not “Beauty and the Beast,” it's the cat and the dog (so, "Olive and Company" maybe?). This time, the cat is getting all the attention while the dog looks on, wondering when it will be able to enjoy a friendly hand.

While it might be easy to say that the cat is feeling superior, other pictures in the same collection show that there are no bad feelings going on in this two-pet household. It's just that the cat was in reach before the dog, and so the cat gets first scritches. Surely nobody will forget the dog, right? Right?
Jealous? Or Just Hungry?
We don't see a lot of cats and bunnies on this list. Plenty of cats in other combinations, but not a whole lot of rabbits. This, however, raises a question. Rabbits are the kinds of animals that a lot of cats would choose to hunt if given the option, so is this cat jealous of the attention the rabbit is getting, or is he just imagining the rabbit on a platter surrounded by some roast vegetables?

With cats, it's impossible to know for sure. Seeing as how this rabbit is perched up on a lap, it could very well be both.
Intruder Detected
People who have raised cats from kittens know that you have to slowly let them get acclimated to their new areas. Start them with a single room, then a single floor, and then eventually the entire place. After a bit, they'll be able to go anywhere they want.

This can, as we see here, sometimes make other animals in the household a little jealous of all the attention the younger pets are getting. They might even be able to nap on the bed! But that's where I nap! They can't do that! This will not stand! I'm going to go pout in the corner.
Have You Ever Needed Something Really Badly?
For some reason, cats are all about seafood. Whether that means watching, chasing, or chowing down, they can't get enough of the fishy animals.

So, when a human goes out to the shop and comes back with what appears to be nigiri – a slice of fresh fish that is lying on top of a bed of rice – it's all that a cat can do not to lose its mind right then and there. And if the human has the guts to start eating right in front of the cat, well, there will be quite a bit of meowing going on.
I Could Look Like That. If I Wanted To
Most of the time, the hottie that book ladies can't wait to find out about is some hunk that wears a tilted cowboy hat, a pair of fresh boots, and no whole shirt, ever. This hardcover, on the other hand, has a ginger, wide-eyed, and fresh-faced young kitty that is sending the household's actual cat into a fit of jealous rage. Clearly.

Don't turn your back for too long, lady, or this cat will let loose its fury and tear your new favorite book to teeny tiny shreds. Don't look so good now, do you, book cat? That's what I thought.
He's Watching Me, Isn't He?
This picture is a bit of a strange addition to our collection because, other than the proximity to the camera, it doesn't really look like there's much going on here. One cat is lying amid a pile of blankets, and the other one glowers from the other side of the room.

There's no food in sight, nobody is getting any pets, and we can't even see a human in the shot. Maybe that's just the prime spot in the house – cuddled up in the warm patch on the bed. But there's only space for one cat on the spot, so the other one just has to watch from the side.
Hey Guys, I'm Ho-...Hey!
There's absolutely no way in the world you haven't seen a sight similar to this one if you have at least a pair of cats in your home. You're petting one of the cats, just enjoying each other's company, and then around the corner, here comes the other cat. Oh boy.

Everybody goes quiet as the second cat realizes what it's looking at. Things can be awkward for a little while, depending on the cats, but usually, it just means the other cat will whine a little bit until you give it some scratches. That usually solves all the issues.
I See You Are Eating. How Nice for You
Quite the meal you have there. Looks very tasty. Very nutritious. Here you are, sitting down to enjoy this meal for humans. Yup. Only food that humans can eat. Sure would be a shame if you just so happened to drop some of that food in your lap, right next to my waiting mouth.

But you know what would REALLY be a shame? If someone – not gonna say who – reached up there with a paw and knocked that plate off the table onto the ground. Then, there wouldn't be any other solution but for me to eat it all. The first option is sounding pretty good, right?
Watching the Kids Eat
A parent of any kind knows that kids have to eat a lot – they're doing all that growing, you see – but the parents don't always get to eat at the same times, or the same stuff. We're sure that, on some level, the doggy mom in this picture knows that, but she still wouldn't mind being able to have a snack during a long, hard day of being a parent to three puppies.

On the other hand, it's not like the puppies will let Mom even get close if she tries – they're going to town on that kibble. Sorry, Mom!
Everything Looks Fine Here
This picture shows us a pair of pups enjoying some nice, warm blankets, but we don't know exactly where...ah. Look in the upper right corner. It turns out that one of the dogs in the center is actually a stuffed animal that is a present to the REAL dog in the blankets, but the dog in the corner of the image didn't get anything.

He just has to sit and watch the other dog have fun with its new toy. Don't worry, old pal; there are plenty of other toys around for you to play with. Nobody could forget about you.
This Means Fewer Presents, Doesn't It?
Kids, at a young age, usually don't have any idea why Mom's belly is suddenly growing so big, why the whole family has to go to a hospital, and where that little human came from, but they almost always don't like it. Like in this picture, for instance.

It's usually because the kid is tired, bored, in a strange place, and either over or understimulated, but there are plenty that realize the parents will suddenly have a lot more on their hands than catering to the child's every whim. But, eventually, you can share clothes with your younger sibling. That's worth it, right?