Protein is one of the things that keep you moving and that keeps your metabolism going. Peanuts are a natural source of protein, as well as a number of key vitamins such as B3, E, B1, B6, B2, and B9, and minerals like potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, all things that keep your body running and burning fuel at peak efficiency. And don’t worry! Peanuts have plenty of fiber.

Grab a handful of these treats for a mid-afternoon snack, or add them to a meal like stir-fry, salads, and soups. Like any nut (peanuts are technically legumes, but that’s splitting hairs), they’re high in calories, so snack responsibly.
This Popular Food Deserves the Praise
You've probably heard plenty about the avocado, which waited long years for its time in the spotlight. From avocado toast to guacamole to everything in between, this fruit (yes, technically a fruit) is a great way to keep yourself healthy and active.

It has vitamins B3, C, B6, and K and also has carnitine, an amino acid that plays a critical role in energy production. Guac might cost extra at your favorite burrito place, but it might be a luxury that's worth it. It's filling, tasty, and good for you – what's not to love?
Don't Eat Until You See the Whites
Watching your weight? Egg whites are a perfect choice, and the amino acids in egg whites help boost the big M while you're at it. Egg whites are seen as the healthier alternative to whole eggs. Whites have zero fat and zero cholesterol, and they're packed with protein, so you can build muscle and repair your body even if you're trying to slim down.

They also contain vitamin B2 – which is great for digestion and maintaining energy supplies. There's nothing wrong with adding part of this classic breakfast food to your daily lineup.
A Healthy Snack
If you like almonds, there are many ways to get the nutrients this little nut offers. Grab a glass of almond milk, scoop a handful out of a jar, or use some almond spread. They have healthy fatty acids and a good dose of protein for energy, as well as dietary fiber and vitamin E. Snack on a handful during the evening for a food that will keep you feeling full and tastes great at the same time.

But watch out – the innocent-looking almond is surprisingly high in calories. There's no point in boosting your metabolism if it can't keep up with your intake.
Hold Your Nose and Start Chewing
The smell and taste of onions are a split decision. Some people love it, some hate it, and it seems to be entirely random, not even based on genetics. Just like all the other veggies on this list, they're super low in calories and high in fiber, so eating them fills you up without expanding your waist.

Not only that, but they have lots of components that are said to fight against disease, and they're also natural diuretics. What's the upside of having to go to the bathroom a lot? It keeps your body clean.
Dig Them Up and Chow Down
Mushrooms are one of the most divisive foods on this list, but even if you aren't a fan of the taste, you're sure to like the health and metabolism benefits this fungus provides. Along with the expected protein and fiber, mushrooms also afford several of the B vitamins and a powerful antioxidant named selenium, which keeps the immune system healthy and prevents damage to cells.

Damaged cells and tissues don't burn fuel as efficiently, which means eating mushrooms every once in a while helps keep your body burning calories the way it's supposed to be burning them.
Asparagus Might Just Be Worth It
It's one of the lesser veggies as far as popularity goes, but asparagus should probably grace your plate more often. These green spears are chock-full of nutrients like potassium, calcium, and phosphorus – they also contain “flavonoid compounds” that make very good antioxidants.

Some studies have even shown asparagus may be helpful in preventing breast, colon, and lung cancers – if you have a worry in the back of your mind, grab some of these healthy veggies at the store and start looking for recipes to introduce them into your regular diet.
This Classic Fat-Burning Food Has Lots to Offer
It's almost a cliché that grapefruit is the food you eat when you're trying to lose weight, but it's for good reason: an entire grapefruit is usually only around eighty calories, but you'll get plenty of vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, fiber, as well as antioxidants and phytochemicals!

It reduces the risk of kidney stones and improves heart health. Watch out for spraying juice, and dig in to get the energy and nutrients your metabolism needs to keep running smoothly. This citrus fruit may not be as popular as oranges, but don't pass them by if you have a mind for health.
Fresh Yellow Energy
Lemon is not only a low-calorie treat that is great in desserts and salads — it's brimming with vitamin C too. Plus, there's nothing like sucking down some sour juice to get yourself moving – it's sure to crank up your metabolism.

Lemon has lots of natural detoxifying qualities to give your liver a boost. Want to get a double dose of flavor and nutrients to start your day? Create a lemon and ginger drink for a tasty energy boost that also has lots of vitamins the body requires. Citrus is famous for its health properties, and lemon is no exception.
Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit
Kids know what kidney beans are good for, but adults should know, too: they're very healthy. Not only do they have lots of protein – which, as you should know by now, is great energy and a big boost to your metabolism – but they have many other benefits. One of them is fiber.

There are also lots of vitamins and minerals, which keep your body running and energetic enough to burn off those calories. Plus, the magical fruit toots are evidence of an improved gut biome — another big advantage this food offers.
All You Have to Do Is Reach Into the Spice Rack
A lot of the spices you might enjoy putting into or on your favorite dishes are great ways to help yourself lose weight. Herbs like oregano, rosemary, cilantro, thyme, dill, and fennel are packed full of antioxidants. But they have another special feature: add some of them to the healthy food you're preparing, and you might never go back to prepackaged and processed foods.

No reason to be shy when adding these flavors to your dishes. You can even ask for more if you're getting dinner at your favorite restaurant for a healthy boost.
Don't Be Ginger With This Food
Ginger might not be for everybody, but if you can stomach this strong taste, you're going to end up reaping the health benefits. Ginger is said to boost metabolism by up to twenty percent in three hours.

It contains a mixture of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that means your immune system will get a boost, and there are lots of ways to get this veggie, from roasted dishes to gingersnap cookies to sweet drinks and much more. Asian dishes feature this root heavily, which may offer some insight as to why many of those nations feature thin, healthy populations.
A Watery Fruit to Cool Off
It's right in the name: Watermelon is super juicy and full of hydration, and it's also really low calorie and offers plenty of electrolytes. Watermelon has also been seen to lower blood pressure, improve eyesight, and hydrate your kidneys to prevent disorders and reduce kidney stones.

You're sure to know all about how tasty watermelon is, but did you know about all the extra health benefits? The next time you're at a cookout, bring an extra melon – once everybody knows how good they are, they'll be the treat to beat when you're under the sun.
Put a Flower in Your Cap, and Your Stomach
Cauliflower is another one of those foods that are said to be “negative calories,” though that's still not possible. On the other hand, cauliflower is naturally high in fiber and many of the B vitamins and provides antioxidants and phytonutrients that can help protect against cancer. It even has choline, which is good for keeping your brain and memory strong.

The fibers are the big one here since they're great for keeping you feeling full and energetic – if you're hungry, you may end up snacking, but fiber keeps you feeling full.
Don't Be Blue, Have Some Berries
Blueberries are sweet, great on cakes, and wonderful in cereal, as well as being high in nutrients and low in calories. That fact alone is a great reason to grab a handful, but there's more. They're the reigning king of antioxidant foods, so your system will be cleansed and running smoothly.

They may reduce or prevent DNA damage, may help lower blood pressure, and can even protect the good cholesterol in your body from becoming damaged – and your body needs that cholesterol to remove waste from your body. Waste, in this instance, means burned fat.
Nothing Like a Little Bit of Spice
Chili peppers contain a lot of nutrients, and they're also capable of speeding up your metabolism. They offer manganese, iron, potassium, and magnesium, all essential minerals the human body needs. You might not love the spice, but adding hot foods of any kind is a healthy additive to your meals.

Chili peppers also have vitamin C, which offers tons of health benefits – you'll get healthier hair, skin, and a stronger immune system. Plus, all that heat in your body really warms you up and gets you moving, so your metabolism will be better in no time.
Your Health Will Turn Green With These Beans
Whether you had store-bought beans or ones from your own little garden, chances are you've sampled plenty of these beans under your mother's watchful eye. Mom was right all along, guys.

Green beans are heart-healthy, which keeps your most important organ going and helps you lose weight. They're naturally low-calorie and low in sodium, and even if you aren't into eating these plain, there are hundreds of dishes and meals to make out of this green staple. Get vitamins C and K, as well as folate and silicone, to improve your health even further. Oh, and say it with us now: they're high in fiber.
You Could Build a Wall With These Nuts
What can't walnuts do? They're rich in antioxidants, which help remove bad cholesterol from your bloodstream. Just like fish, they have lots of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for your heart. Like sweet potatoes, they promote a healthy gut biome.

They can even help your metabolism by controlling your diet – they contain materials that reduce your appetite and hunger – scientists have even spent time monitoring brain scans and have found that walnuts may increase activity in the area of the brain that helps people resist tempting foods like cake and french fries.
Lettuce Never Lets You Down
This veggie has lots of water, and we all know how good that is for you, for a myriad of reasons. However, lettuce is also high in nutrients, like all the other leafy vegetables in the world, including things like iron, potassium, calcium, and manganese.

It's also said to possess anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and antioxidant properties. If you're getting dinner with your friends, opt for the side salad instead of the fries, and you might feel yourself getting healthier as you eat. Even better, these leafy goods are frequently found at low prices, so it's easy to fit into any budget.
Crack Open Better Health
Protein is one of the things that keep you moving and that keeps your metabolism going. Peanuts are a natural source of protein, as well as a number of key vitamins such as B3, E, B1, B6, B2, and B9, and minerals like potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, all things that keep your body running and burning fuel at peak efficiency. And don't worry! Peanuts have plenty of fiber.

Grab a handful of these treats for a mid-afternoon snack, or add them to a meal like stir-fry, salads, and soups. Like any nut (peanuts are technically legumes, but that's splitting hairs), they're high in calories, so snack responsibly.
More Citrus Means More Flavor and More Health
For your fruit money, almost nothing beats the humble orange. Oranges are just crazy with Vitamin C, and only a few fruits come close. One orange contains 116.2 percent of your daily vitamin C, so put one on your lunch plate for good feelings for the rest of the day. Vitamin C is good for a healthy immune system and is thought to help the body get rid of “free radicals” that may be one source of cancer.

You'll get healthier skin and lower blood pressure thanks to vitamin B6 and vitamin A for healthy organs and eyes, and many other benefits. It's full of healthy sugars that leave you feeling full and happy, and your metabolism is sure to thank you.
Here's a New One for You
Ever heard of fenugreek seeds? Take note of these healthy little pieces, and you might find your health improving faster than you imagined possible. It's practically a secret weapon.

The Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology has stated that fenugreek seeds increase digestive enzymes for better digestive health, help regulate blood glucose levels, and provide plenty of our old friend antioxidants. They're shown to shrink adipose tissue, though the reason why remains somewhat of a mystery. Start searching for the closest place to pick up these seeds and experiment to find the tastiest way to experience this interesting food.
Instant Energy
Waking up in the morning and getting a bowl of tasty oatmeal has been a tradition for many for a long time. Oatmeal is packed with fiber, which keeps you feeling full and at high energy levels, and it is great for burning more fat.

As you might already know, fiber is also great for staying regular in the bathroom. You may want to stay away from the pre-packaged varieties, which come with lots of additional sweeteners and other additives. Instead, buy a big cartoon of steel-cut oats and learn how to make your own – your body will thank you, and you'll probably save money, too.
Pack Yourself Full of Black Beans
Beans are generally full of protein and other helpful nutrients, but the simple black bean is one of the best. They're rich in iron (for healthy blood, bones, and skin), potassium (for active muscles and nerves), protein (for energy and strength), and magnesium (for muscle function, heart health, blood pressure, and cholesterol).

They're easy to cook, they're cheap to buy in bulk, and they taste great with all kinds of meals. Throw them in with some white rice and a bowl of veggies for a meal that is healthy, tasty, and sure to keep you satisfied.
Go Bananas With This Yellow Fruit
Want to know something wild? Bananas are, botanically, a berry! Anyway, bananas are known for their potassium levels, which are great for muscle energy, control, and fine motor skills, but bananas are also high in vitamin C, which keeps you moving and keeps the fat moving off.

They have manganese, they aid digestion, and they have plenty of fiber while being low in calories. This berry is a favorite of kids and adults alike, but even if they aren't already in your diet, there's no reason to skip them.
A Rare Full-Fat Option
Yogurts are known to be good for you, but many opt for the low-cal varieties. While doing so won't hurt with many foods, doing so with yogurt means you're missing out on lots of advantages the full-calorie options offer.

The fat in full-cal yogurts helps you feel full longer than the low-cal – real animal product fat is digested slower. You'll also get plenty of good gut bacteria, which encourages you to eat better foods and improves digestion. Throw some healthy fruit on top for a snack you'll want every day.
Oh, So Now the Whole Egg Is Healthy
The health properties of egg whites are pretty famous, but guess what? Don't throw those yolks out! You may be thinking that egg yolks are high in cholesterol, and you might be right – the funny thing is, there is a good type of cholesterol, and eggs are chock-full of it.

Egg yolks are rich in water-soluble as well as fat-soluble vitamins that help your body function normally and keep you ready for anything, a surefire way to help yourself lose weight. Interested in the raw egg Rocky method? Better heat up the griddle – most egg protein can't be broken down by the body until it's gone through a cooking process.
Greens are Good for You
This one you're sure to know about if you're looking for healthy foods. While many think kale and spinach are the same, they aren't – though they are in the same family. Kale offers vitamin C and vitamin A in large amounts, as well as potassium and magnesium.

The big difference between spinach and kale is the taste. Kale has a bitter taste, but it maintains its shape and volume better than spinach while shopping. It's easy to add to smoothies and salads, and since it's full of fiber, it will keep you satisfied for a long while.
A Recent Famous Health Food
The goji berry might not have been in your fridge when you were a kid, but this fruit has become famous for its health properties. It's related to the strawberry and has many similar features: they regulate your body's pH levels, help flush out toxins, and are super low calorie, which means you can enjoy them without worrying about your waistline.

They're tasty, they're popping up in most grocery stores nowadays, and there are lots of ways to enjoy them. Add them to smoothies, snack on them free-hand, or pour a few into your oatmeal.
A Little Bit of Sleepy Turkey
Most meats aren't what you would call health foods, despite having plenty of nutrients your body needs. But turkey is frequently touted as the protein to try if you're trying to get healthier, and for good reason. It's leaner than most other meats and quite high in protein, so your body takes its time digesting.

All that protein helps keep your muscles big. Chow down on some turkey after hitting the gym to keep your strength up and your muscles pumped – muscles burn more energy than fat, so those calories go down faster than before.
This Is Actually a Berry
The fig isn't usually part of a regular diet, but this berry is known to help people lose weight by being a tasty, filling snack that leaves you smacking your lips. They're high in fiber and pretty big, too, which means you won't have to eat a whole lot to feel satiated.

Figs are available in dried or fresh varieties, so depending on your preference, you're sure to find something you like. They also have plenty of minerals and vitamins, so there's no reason not to add this berry to your normal fruit intake.
Wholesome Grain in Whole Bread
Ignore the white bread in the aisle and go for the whole grain. It has far more nutritional value, is usually lower in calories, and keeps you fuller for longer. Whole grains have a lot more vitamins and minerals that your body needs and even usually have less sugar. They also offer short-chain fatty acids that release leptin which decreases your appetite and helps you eat the right way.

There's also lots of fiber in these whole grains, which means you'll stay regular and enjoy a full, energetic feeling after lunch or dinner. Next time you're getting ready for avocado toast, try whole-grain bread.
A Sweet Spice Helps Everything
Everybody loves a dash of cinnamon on the eggnog or hot chocolate, but did you know this tasty bark has plenty of healthy properties as well? Put it on your oatmeal to get a double dose of health.

Cinnamon is a natural weight-loss ingredient that is full of energetic flavors and compounds. Research says cinnamon boosts insulin sensitivity, keeps blood sugar low, and reduces blood pressure. Throw some cinnamon onto your meals to get a dose of extra health that might make a big difference in the quality of your life.
How Did They Get All Those Apples in There?
Apple cider vinegar has tons of uses, not only in cooking but in keeping yourself healthy. Is there anything it can't do? Apple cider vinegar helps to balance your pH levels, which keeps your metabolism going strong and gives you plenty of energy for movin' and groovin'.

It also helps lower levels of serum triglycerides, which at high levels contribute to an increased risk of atherosclerosis – which can lead to coronary artery disease and strokes. Tip a bit of this healthy topping onto your salad instead of dressing for a healthy change.
A Trifecta of Leafy Goodness
Cabbage is one of the best cruciferous vegetables out there and is one of the classic health foods thanks to its volume and fiber, which keeps you full and satisfied. Cabbage also gives you plenty of great nutritional value: calcium for strong bones, vitamin A for strong organs, vitamin C for a strong immune system, and a boatload of other uses.

It's incredibly low in calories, but it keeps you full for a long time. You'll also get lots of extra water. Switching out french fries or breadsticks for a cabbage salad is a big step toward helping yourself feel amazing.
Get a New Mate With This Tea
This tea is called yerba mate tea, and it's one of the stronger and more flavorful varieties available. Just like green tea, it has plenty of healthy features.

Scientists have found that yerba mate tea keeps you feeling full and reduces snacking, and is especially helpful right before a workout to keep you focused on your health and your grumbling stomach. You'll get better energy levels, a better mood, and a boosted metabolism, so if green tea isn't your thing, maybe give this variety a try if you want to drop weight.
Are You Seeing a Pattern With These Foods?
Wow! Another vegetable with metabolism-boosting properties! I wonder what that could mean. This time we're talking about broccoli, which not only boasts a healthy green color but tons of vitamin C and calcium. It's super low on calories but high in fiber – you'll stay full, which leads to burning more calories.

It also has iron, magnesium, and zinc. Put broccoli in your rotation, and you may begin to realize multivitamins won't need to stay on your shopping list. Don't like the flavor? There are plenty of recipes out there – you're sure to find something you like.
These Potassium Packed Veggies Are Full of Much More
Carrots are seen as one of the famous healthy foods, and for good reason – while they don't actually improve your eyesight (that was a false rumor spread during WWII to keep certain secrets unknown) – they do have plenty of great attributes.

They have vitamins A, K, and C, lots of potassium – even more than bananas – and are low-cal while remaining tasty no matter how you enjoy them. They help detoxify your liver and are even thought to help fight off cancer cells and hinder their growth. Bugs Bunny had it right.
Sometimes Health Comes in a Can
Like salmon, tuna is a healthy bit of fish that is frequent in many people's diets, and the energy it provides to your body keeps your metabolism in tip-top shape. Tuna has tons of protein per gram – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson's diet is mainly tuna, so the story goes – but it's also heart-friendly, good for your immune system, strengthens your bones, lowers your blood pressure, and can even help prevent cancer.

Pick up a can of tuna, and you'll not only get a healthier metabolism but plenty of the nutrients you need in your everyday life.
Get to the Tip Top of Health With Tea
Green tea is known to contain catechin polyphenols, which help you feel energized, thus keeping your metabolism high. It also has a rock-bottom number of calories, vitamins A, E, C, and B, and caffeine for more energy.

This is the go-to drink for people who are looking to get or stay healthy, and there are plenty of different varieties to keep you interested. Brewing your own is known to be relaxing and calming, and the health benefits of this legendary drink bring it to the top of our list of healthy intake options.
Get Cheesy at Your College
Want an easy protein boost without having to choke down a ton of meat and get it from a surprisingly low-calorie source? Cottage cheese is full of the stuff since it's made directly from the cheese process. One hundred grams of cheese has an average of 11 grams of protein. Even better, almost every essential mineral (calcium, magnesium, etc.) is included in a serving. The only one it's missing is iron.

If you're after better heart and blood health, cottage cheese should be your first choice. The magnesium protects against spikes, and the protein regulates the release of sugar into the bloodstream. Pick up a tub of fat-free cottage cheese for one of the healthiest items ever.
Lentils Leave You Satisfied
Plant protein is at a premium these days, and lentils have these and lots more to fill your belly. You'll get protein and fiber to protect against hunger pangs, as well as plenty of minerals and vitamins. They're shown to reduce diabetes and cancers.

Lentils also tend to improve digestion and gut health by aiding the development of healthy gut bacteria, and you're sure to feel energized by the power these easy grains contain. Boil lentils or throw them into a soup to make it easy to improve your health from top to bottom. They're easy to add to other healthy foods, too!
The Queen of the Healthy Foods
This grain staple has risen in the ranks of famous healthy foods in recent years, and it's easy to see why. First, obviously, it's high in fiber. It's also surprisingly high in protein, and we all know how good protein is for maintaining your metabolism.

It includes lots of essential amino acids and has a low glycemic index – another food to add to your list if you're worried about your blood sugar. It's also gluten-free, so it's a great way for those who shy away from wheat products.
Wave Away the White Rice for Better Health
Rice is enjoyed by billions around the world every day, from the Americas to the far east of Asia. While white rice is the more traditional food, brown rice is a little bit healthier. First and foremost, it's full of fiber – almost all fiber, in fact. For information on why fiber is so good for you, see almost every other entry on this list.

It's a low glycemic index food, good for keeping your heart and blood in peak condition. Keep your body running warm and burning energy without getting worn out, and get a large amount of your daily magnesium at the same time with a serving of brown rice.
Bright Red Means Healthy
You've almost certainly eaten this bright red “fruit” in the past week – it's one of the plants that almost every diet has a place for. This juicy and tasty veggie has lots of antioxidants, as well as vitamin C and lycopene, and antioxidants that prevent and reduce cell damage.

By eating a daily dose of tomatoes, you'll be helping to reduce cancer rates, lower cholesterol, and reduce your chances of heart disease. If you've been getting burgers or salads sans tomatoes, it might be in your best interest to switch it up. Surely good health is worth it.
The Heart of Health
If you're looking for the right foods to eat to make your entire body healthy, artichokes are the way to go. They come with the prerequisite nutrients, they lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, they regulate blood pressure, and they improve digestive health.

You get the picture. It's the kind of veggie you sometimes can't bring yourself to eat. But eating shouldn't always be about the way food tastes. Sometimes – a lot of the time – what you eat should focus on the health and materials of the food, not just the flavor.
Power-Packed Spinach Is Ready to Fight
Popeye certainly had the right idea when he downed a can of spinach to get the energy he needed to fight the latest bruiser in his way. Spinach is low in calories but high in fiber, water, and iron, all things that keep you feeling energized and full, so you'll eat less junk and burn more fat. While it won't swell your muscles instantly, it's a wonderful health food.

You'll also get zinc, vitamins A and K, and a nice crunch. Early reports of its nutritional content may have been overblown, but there's no reason to avoid this leafy food.
Keeps Vampires Away, Too
Experienced chefs already know the wonders of adding a touch of garlic to their dishes, but did you know this low-cal food is packed full of nutrients? It has tons of vitamin B6 (great for brain and liver function, body growth, blood cells, and plenty more) and our old friend vitamin C. It also gives you calcium, iron, phosphorus, and manganese.

With enough garlic, you'll not only get these important things, but you may see your skin starting to look better and your immune system working better. Too much may make you turn up your nose, but a dash is usually just right.
Ewe Won't Believe Your Eyes
Looking for meat that's packed full of nutrients, but you're tired of chicken and turkey? Head down to the butcher to pick up some lamb, which is a rich source of high-quality protein and a large number of vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, and vitamin B12 (good for the body's nerves and blood cells, as well as DNA).

Lamb also provides phosphorus, which is essential to the body's growth and maintenance. If you want to keep your metabolism going strong, this meat should make its way to your plate. Just watch those portions – too much, and your metabolism won't be able to keep up.
Chewing Doesn't Burn Many Calories
It might take some willpower to chew into this fibrous food, but doing so on a regular basis is sure to help you improve your health. It's a well-known health food, but don't let the rumors draw you in: no, celery is not a negative-calorie food. No food is negative calories, that's not how bodies or thermodynamics work.

However, this leafy veggie is quite low in calories and high in fiber, which means it's a great snack if you want to get to dinner without going over your calorie budget. Throw it into soups, salads, and even smoothies, but lighten the peanut butter.
Ch-ch-ch Chew
You've probably played around with these little guys by growing some interesting hairstyles, but did you know they're packed full of nutrients? Even better, they're incredibly low in calories.

One serving (about 28 grams) of chia seeds includes 11 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, eighteen percent of your calcium, thirty percent of your manganese, thirty percent of your magnesium, twenty-seven percent of your phosphorus, as well as amounts of zinc, vitamin B3, potassium, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2. We shouldn't have to say it twice — if you're trying to improve your metabolism: eat chia seeds.
Cukes Are Cool Under Pressure
Need to hydrate more while getting all the nutrients your body needs? The cucumber would like to introduce itself. You're probably familiar with this low-cal veggie, but did you know that its high content of water is a great way to make sure your body gets the H2O it needs during the day?

Cucumbers also offer alkaline minerals — a healthy way of maintaining your body's natural pH balance. Cut up a cucumber for a quick snack, put them on your next salad for extra crunch, or put them in water to make a cool, refreshing treat.
An Easy Treat from the Fruit Family
If you've avoided strawberries, now is the time to stop. They have lots of natural sugar – certainly palatable – and are also wonderfully low in calories, as well as high in fiber and vitamin C. They'll taste good, you'll feel good, and you know what fiber does – your whole body will thank you for eating a little more fruit.

There's plenty to love about strawberries, and not only can you eat them raw by the handful, but there are lots of ways to work them into salads, desserts, and plenty of other dishes.
The Vegetable for the Sweet Tooth
Sweet potatoes, like a number of other foods on this list, help encourage you to eat healthily. How you might ask? By providing the right materials for healthy gut biomes, which in turn secrete solutions that actually subconsciously encourage you to continue eating foods that are also healthy for you. Incredible!

All those other foods, like veggies and fruits, have plenty of great vitamins and nutrients to help you and your metabolism get along, but sweet potatoes also have plenty of their own vitamins and minerals for healthy vision, brain function, immune system, and more.
Oily Fish Are at the Top of the Food Chain
If you're a seafood lover, you'll be happy to learn about the many health benefits they can provide. If you're interested in maxing out your health, however, stick to oily fish like salmon.

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for many reasons, including preventing and managing heart disease and increasing heart strength, lowering blood pressure, reducing plaque in arteries, and more. It also offers leptin, which provides plenty of energy and helps you burn off fat.
Turns Out the Saying Wasn't Lying
Keeping the doctor away is one thing, but this popular fruit has many other helpful features – aside from being a tasty treat that people of all ages enjoy. They're very filling, which keeps you from feeling hungry, and they're low in cholesterol, fat, and calories. Some say they help to reduce Parkinson's disease and every type of cancer.

Apples are full of pectin, which expands in heat and liquid, so you'll feel full of energy long after lunch. Nothing beats a fun snack that is also good for you, and the humble apple checks all the boxes.
Coconut Oil: White Gold
Coconut oil is another one of nature's well-kept secrets since this oil is full of antibacterial and antiviral agents that develop a good balance of bacteria in our guts. They help digestion, help your mood, and even encourage you to eat healthier food, believe it or not.

Coconut oil has good fats that aid digestion and energy. It provides medium-chain fats, which provide ketones to the body, which are useful for keeping the brain, heart, and other major organs running smoothly. Use coconut oil to fry up your favorite veggies, and you'll find yourself with a double dose of nutrients and energy.
Go on, Go Nuts
Like a lot of the foods on this list, macadamia nuts are packed with useful nutrients, loaded with antioxidants, help your digestive system, and more. But, unlike many of the foods on this list, they may actually reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome has a cluster of risk factors, including high blood sugar and cholesterol levels that raise your risk of stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Thanks to the nutrients and monosaturated fats, researchers have seen a significant increase in hemoglobin A1c, a marker of long-term blood sugar control. Like other nuts, macadamia nuts are high-calorie, so while they're a great treat, too many and your health might still take a dive.
Everyone's Favorite Drink Has Another Use
Coffee not only keeps you awake and alert during the day, but the taste is loved all over the world. So, not only will it get you going in the morning, there's plenty of metabolism-boosting energy inside your favorite cup.

Coffee also carries plenty of antioxidants that flush out toxic substances which may have a relation to cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and more. Coffee might be one of the things you have to have to get through a hard day, but it's actually doing a little more to help you than you might think. Avoid adding lots of cream and sugar if you're after real health – black coffee is super low in calories, but additives aren't.
Keep Things Dark
It's frequently thought that dark chocolate is good for you and that you should grab a square of the more bitter variety instead of milk chocolate. And while it is better for you than milk chocolate, “good for you” is sometimes difficult to determine.

Dark chocolate is frequently lower in calories than the milk versions, and also provides antioxidants to flush out your system, provides good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol (HDL and LDL respectively), has been shown to help reduce blood pressure, and might even protect your skin from sun damage. This is still a dessert, so watch those portions, but if you've been working hard, nothing beats a dark square.
Squeeze Some Health Onto Your Next Burger
Now here's a surprising one: mustard. It's a favorite condiment for plenty of people, but did you know it has lots of health benefits, too? It's a great source of healthy fats, which slow digestion and help you feel full.

Grab mustard powder for a taste that's even closer to the original that you can add to soups, curries, and other dishes. Be careful not to add too much – it's a bitter spice, and too much will make your healthy food unpalatable. Grab a bottle on the shelf to add to your next day of grilling.