We don’t know Jonathan personally, but we can learn a few things about him from his letter of resignation. We know he loves snacks and sweets, and probably has the best track record in bringing fun treats to the break room.

We can also deduce that he is a fun-loving guy with many friends in the office who will be very sad to see him leave. If they feel a little dramatic, his coworkers might even shed a tear or two to mourn their friend’s resignation and how no one will bring good treats anymore.
A Hangry Goodbye
Fighting for higher pay is unfortunately nothing new to most employees nowadays. However, it seems that this former worker was so fed up with not being able to feed himself that he quit.

With a little sprinkle of sarcasm and passive-aggressiveness, this former employee served up what's known as a dish best served cold...an unexpected resignation letter! And during Christmas!
Less is More
In some cases, it is not the content of your resignation letter that is important, what really matters is getting your point across. This two-word letter is definitely crystal clear. This person is leaving their position, probably as quickly as possible.

In this instance less was more. The story behind this letter, however, puts the whole thing into a more sensible context. When this resignation letter was shared on social media, it came with the caption: “My ex-manager wouldn’t give me my last paycheck without a resignation letter.”
Can’t Put a Price Tag on Freedom
Although this is not a letter of resignation per se, we still think it deserves a place on this list. First of all, the intent to quit couldn’t be clearer, and second of all, this person plainly does not care about their retail job at all.

This obviously disgruntled worker took advantage of their responsibility for making price tags for the electronic equipment to make a statement. Customers who came in got all the information they could want about the price of the oven plus as a bonus what this store assistant thought about their boss.
Ring in the New Year with a New Job
Although there are many reasons to quit your job, it doesn’t mean that you don’t want to keep in contact with the company you are leaving or with your coworkers. Especially during the holiday season.

This soon-to-be ex-employee made their feelings about leaving their job abundantly clear. The "I QUIT" in this resignation letter is enormous and in all caps. But that didn’t keep them from adding the small print that they would still be attending the office Christmas party. This person knows what it’s all about.
Resigning with Style
Here is another example that shows that, in some cases, less is more and what really matters is that you get your point across. Matt had been cooped up in that office cubicle for three years, and he just couldn’t take it anymore.

He felt like he had worked really hard and had little to show for it and that his actions over the past few years spoke for themselves. That made his decision to quit and the writing of his resignation letter pretty easy. He walked to the nearest bathroom, grabbed some paper towels and a magic marker, and got to it.
A Sincere Resignation
A nicely worded note can sometimes be even better than a gift. Especially if the touching message is written on a dedicated card. Alex, who obviously decided it was time to give notice, found the perfect message in this card, which we suspect is usually used for condolences.

Although the sentiment is beautiful, we have a feeling that the card sender’s intentions were anything but sincere. The truth is, we think that Alex isn’t sorry about quitting his job at all.
Quitting Never Tasted So Sweet
What's worse than not having a box of doughnuts for breakfast? It's getting a box of half-eaten doughnuts from a disgruntled employee.

Instead of going out with a bang, this employee went out with a ...bite! What a delicious way to get your message across to your boss.
So Long but Not Goodbye
All you have to do is look at that font, and you can tell this resignation letter is fancy, and that’s without mentioning writing the date in letters and not numbers. Leaving the office supply biz seems to have inspired this store associate to write the most heartfelt and eloquent missive of his young life.

This person seems to have a flair for drama, but it looks like they honestly enjoyed their time at work and performed their duties well. We’re sure that any manager who received this letter was sorry to see Pat go. At least they’ll meet again in the “Great Office Supply Store in the Sky.”
A Poetic Parting
When you first start reading this poetic passage, it is not clear whether you have stumbled onto an unknown passage by The Bard or if this is simply a resignation letter. Quite a bit of concentration and reading between the lines is required in order to understand that this is a person who wishes to quit.

The part that finally gives it away is when the author uses the phrase “the end of all ends to my employment.” We don’t know what mercantile establishment this person was working in, but it was clearly a waste of their incredible writing talent.
Bittersweet Boss
Now that's one hell of a hexagon cookie! Or rather a dozen! Whoever received this not-so-cookie-cutter resignation at least got a sugar high while dealing with the low of losing such a creative employee.

Also, can we talk about the icing? We would have these at our wedding (minus the snarky comment of course). Employees come and go, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
A Golf-Themed Goodbye
Caution! Do not force your employees to attend sporting events against their will. Especially if it happens to be a golf event. It's a one-way ticket to getting a resignation letter on your desk. Well, in this case, the employer received more of a golf-themed meme than a full letter.

This resignation is as close to a hole-in-one as you can get when you quit your job for golf-related reasons. What's great is that for employees out there who have fantasized about a football-themed resignation, here's your inspiration! Actually, this would work with any ball-centric sport. You're welcome!
A Tweet Goodbye
Despite the norm, you don’t always have to resign with a printed page, especially if you are a CEO. These days, with social media playing an integral part in many businesses, more aspects of work life can be carried out online.

You can follow in the footsteps of Jonathan Schwartz and resign on Twitter, for example. Although, we’re not sure you want to be in his shoes since his company was on the verge of bankruptcy due to the financial crisis. Well, at least he still had a sense of humor about the whole thing and resigned using a haiku. Letters of resignation don’t always need to be tangible. In this day and age, where the internet and social media are integral to so many jobs, it makes perfect sense that many areas of work are conducted online.
A Crappy Situation
Inspiration strikes in unlikely places, which is what happened when a bored employee was using the bathroom one day. The experience caused him to have an epiphany: his time on the toilet was eerily similar to his working life.

Once he realized how his state of employment was comparable to a bathroom visit, the employee knew he was on the right track for the topic of his resignation letter. He let them know in no uncertain terms that the place was a “dump” and that he was ready to “flush” this job right out of his life.
Sorry, Not Sorry
Being passive-aggressive is not a great way to go through life, but it is sometimes a good way to let off some steam. It can also work very well in a resignation letter, and lets you express yourself without any actual cursing involved.

This person used the word sorry to make their point and managed to make it perfectly clear that they were not the problem in this scenario. If you are working overtime and not getting compensated, and if you are not being treated compassionately after the death of a close relative, you have earned the right to be as passive-aggressive as you want.
Peace-Out Peacock
The term "peacocking" refers to the act of dressing in extravagant outfits in order to draw attention to yourself. It appears this former employee used this as inspiration when quitting. There's no doubt that this brightly-colored peacock painting got the requisite attention from HR.

We also love the ironic joke included on the back of the...umm..artwork. "I am a peacock! You gotta let me fly." We hope that both employee and employer understood the joke since Peacocks aren't regarded as the most capable flyers.
A Vicious Cycle
Feeling like you are not earning as much as you deserve is actually pretty common. This employee, however, took that feeling to the extreme and claims it led their life into a downward spiral.

According to them, the low wages they were getting made their entire life into something negative, causing them to eat a lot, become fat and become detrimental to the company's image. Apparently, if they don’t resign, they will make everyone else eat a lot too. It’s nice of this soon-to-be ex-employee to be so considerate of the greater good.
He’s Grrreaaat!
With the sincerest hope that Tom was not employed as a journalist or a copy editor, otherwise, his atrocious spelling would have been severely reprimanded, we can enjoy this strangely informal resignation letter.

Tom was just trying to be considerate and let his boss know about his last day of employment for the record. He even took the time to include his last day and the date the letter was written, not once but twice, to make sure Doug definitely knew when this was going to happen. What a grrreaaat guy!
It's Been Brewing
What's more amusing than the weird and wacky flavors of craft beers these days are their rather...artistic..names. That's why we couldn't help but giggle at this former employee's resignation. He dubbed his resignation beer the "2 Weeks Notice IPA." Brilliant!

We truly hope that this person's next business venture involves making these resignation beers for job quitters everywhere. It would certainly make the whole process s a little lighter for employees and employers alike. We'd drink to that.
Out of This World and This Job
The usual resignation letter is normally a plain white paper with many long and boring paragraphs, which explain the individual’s desire to resign from whatever company they have been employed by. Although, sometimes people are not content with the ordinary and decide to reach for the stars.

There is no doubt though that his boss will never forget him, especially after leaving behind this epic framed picture. Not too sure what the vacuum cleaner’s for, though…
I, Printer
Working in an office for a lot of years can be hard, and not just for the people. Occasionally, office equipment needs a break too. Don’t they also deserve their chance to move on or retire with grace?

This printer had apparently had enough because, out of the blue, it churned out its own letter of resignation. The printer cited its bad motor and apologized for frustrating employees with the occasional paper jam. LaserJet 4050, we salute you! You will be sorely missed. Or maybe, someone wrote that message as a joke, but probably not.
Bang Up Resignation
It is hard to find the right way to give notice in an incredibly awkward way, while not getting into any real trouble or hurting your chances for a good recommendation. We’re not sure that Mitch was entirely successful in this letter. He clearly made his boss check if his fly was unzipped, which couldn’t have gone over well.

He then proceeded to imply that the message was attached to a bomb and would self-destruct in five seconds, likely making his boss want to read it and get rid of it that much faster. And the cherry on top was the P.S., talk about awkward...
If you are unhappy at work, not getting along with your boss, or are just plain bored with what you do, your best option is probably to quit and turn in your two weeks’ notice. These usually copy-and-paste-form letters can be side-splittingly funny if someone thinks outside the box.

This employee must have felt that his artistic talent was being wasted at his current place of employment. That must be the reason he turned this drawing of a dinosaur into a resignation letter. The breed of the dinosaur was revealed on the back of the note, it is a “Quitmyjobosaurus.”
This Boss is the Worst
People don’t usually quit their jobs for no reason, but some reasons are better than most. If you have been attacked by a drunk co-worker and your boss is too lazy to do anything about it, you are more than justified to grab your things and go.

If you do not feel safe at work and your boss isn’t taking responsibility for other employees, that is not the place you want to be. So long, and have a swell day.
Too Little, Too Late
This may not be the most typical resignation letter, but there is no question that this worker is not going to put up with this anymore. A manager cannot expect their workers to be punctual and efficient if they are not capable of doing so themselves.

When customer complaints start pouring in about the store being closed during business hours, it’s pretty certain that they won’t just be hiring a new employee, but also a new boss.
Edit and Out
Who knew that you can change your (and your employer's) professional life with five...scratch that...six words! There are no bells and whistles with this resignation letter. It gets straight to the point, and it's no wonder why. It seems like this person had no time to waste!

What makes this letter particularly funny (but still a bit brutal) is the passive-aggressive smiley face. We suppose it could've been worse as there are fewer "happy" faces that this employee could've drawn.
Burnt Out
Life can be pretty boring and bland at times, so why not use any opportunity to spice (or scent) it up? That's where there this quitting candle comes in handy.

Instead of a passive-aggressive letter or angry email, simply give your soon-to-be former employer this delightful "gift," and you'll always be remembered. For better or for worse. Well, either way, it's gonna be lit.
Down the Toilet
Here is someone who has elevated resignation letters from mere corporate texts to pure art. The person behind this note has given much thought not only to the content of his letter but to the material it was written on. Much like a true artist. We have no doubt that his next employer will know how to properly appreciate those artistic skills.

Also, may we just point out that no matter how terrible the company was to work for, it appears that it wasn't cheap when it came to toilet paper. Generic, single-ply toilet paper used by many large corporations will never endure the sharpie or brush pen used to write this note. We hope the disgruntled employee got to swipe a couple of rolls before leaving.
The Scot Way
Take a look at the most Scottish letter of resignation to have ever existed. Let's start with the employer. Never has there been a more Scottish name than MacGillivray. Then there's the delightful line reading "I'll no be back after June 30th. Canny wait." For those of you who aren't familiar with Scottish slang, let us explain that 'canny' is the Scottish way of saying 'cannot'. We canny wait to meet this woman in real life.

Marlene is obviously not one to be messed with. We read her letter multiple times, and the more we read, the more we can hear the rolling Rs in our heads. Does anyone else feel a sudden urge to put on their tartan and go looking for their clan in the highlands?
Toxic Corporate Policy
There once was a time when regular workdays in a functioning society were 12 hours long (or longer). That being said, there were also times in which it was acceptable to fine women for wearing skirts that were too short. Things change. It seems that this company's policy doesn't.

Some companies seem to feel their employees are machines. We know that machines have been taking over some fields of employment, but that is hardly an excuse to treat your employees like robots. We can only hope that the way things work in this company has since changed.
Pirate Power
Whether this letter was written seriously or jokingly, it made us really happy. Many little kids fantasize about leading the romanticized lives of pirates. We can totally imagine a modern-day Captain Jack Sparrow sailing the seven seas with his crew, looking for treasures, and fighting a designated Kraken.

Honestly, with the social benefits this guy is offering his buccaneers, he sounds like an employer worth working for. Full medical and dental plan plus a job that takes you on adventures around the world? Sounds awesome! Where do we sign up?
Congrats Jonathan!
We don't know Jonathan personally, but we can learn a few things about him from his letter of resignation. We know he loves snacks and sweets, and probably has the best track record in bringing fun treats to the break room.

We can also deduce that he is a fun-loving guy with many friends in the office who will be very sad to see him leave. If they feel a little dramatic, his coworkers might even shed a tear or two to mourn their friend's resignation and how no one will bring good treats anymore.
Goodbye Kitty
This resignation letter looks like it was given to a cat lover by a fellow cat lover. The two may not work together again, but if this card has taught them anything, it's that they always have cats to rely on. Some would take consolation in that, others would say they should consider getting a couple of human friends. We are not here to judge.

This card was probably originally written for people who lost a pet, but we commend the creativity of repurposing it. That's exactly the way to treat our planet. Greta Thunberg would be proud, but she probably has bigger fish to fry, so we won't tell her about it just yet.
Heavy Reading
Complaining about your boss to your boss can be a rather delicate dance that often ends in being fired. Well, one of the many perks of quitting your job is that the threat of being fired disappears! It's magical.

While this former employee's reason for resigning is VERY clear, we wonder if their former employer read between the lines and got the message.
Going Away Card
Greeting cards have expanded to include a variety of situations in the past few years, but somehow, there are still a few occasions in human life not yet covered by them. Birthdays and graduation cards are super easy to find, but what about cards that say "Congratulations on finishing your first Netflix binge" or "Good job not crying at your best friend's bachelorette party"?

Sometimes you just have to make do with whatever card you can find. In this case, the former employee went with a card designed to mourn someone. Could they have found something a little more appropriate? Sure. Would it have been his funny? Probably not.
The Wait Is Over
Waiting tables isn't exactly the most glamorous of jobs. Especially when the restaurant manager tells you that you're "just a server." It doesn't exactly build up employee morale, now does it?

That's why we LOVE Bobby's very creative and very public resignation. We chalk it up to courage mixed with the frustration of being under-appreciated for so long. Here's hoping his regulars decided to find a new favorite dinner spot!
Toilet To Go
Whether or not Lena meant for her boss to see the flushed (well almost flushed) name tag we'll never know! What we do know is that this has to be one of the funniest and most effective ways to quit and show how you feel about the job.

Toilet cubicles are often synonymous with being a space to hide from your belligerent boss, but Lena turned the tables (or...toilets?) and used it as a way to quit. In this case...DO forget to flush! ha...ha...ha
Fast food is supposed to be...well fast. Unfortunately for hungry customers who pulled up to this McDonald's "drive-thru" there would likely be a far longer wait for a Big Mac than usual.

We do love the honesty of this former employee about why the drive-thru is closed. Especially in light of the ever-mysterious myriad of excuses that McDonald's gives to explain why you can't get a Mcflurry ice cream. We've all heard "The ice-cream machine is broken" one too many times...A conspiracy indeed!
Mixed Feelings
Leaving a job is not always easy, even when it's a job that you really hate. But sometimes it's just so liberating, like in this case, where the person quitting does it with mixed feelings, "mixed because [he] can't quite decide between elation and relief."

He then proceeds to point out everyone else's incompetence, which makes you think he's had all of his arguments locked and loaded for quite some time. Our favorite thing about this letter is the ending, which tries to be somewhat encouraging. He does have a point, though. Sandwiches really are simple and great. We're going to make one right about... now.
Some Regret, Not Much
According to this letter, it appears that Theodor is intent on embarking on a new journey. One that doesn't involve the Emergency Dept., and that there is nothing the department can do to make him change his mind. Not even bribery or slashed tires.

We wonder if the workplace could still have made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Maybe a two-month-long, all-expenses-paid vacation to the Caribbeans with Angelina Jolie? We doubt the workplace can afford it, but it wouldn't hurt to ask, would it?
Cheeky Chocolate
We'll admit it, it took us a moment or so to understand the joke here. but once we did, we LOVED it. Jonny used a Twix candy bar to give his two weeks' notice...get it? T-Wix and Two-Weeks. It works, people!

Now that candy bars have entered the resignation chat, the pun opportunities are endless! Think Payday, Milky Way, and Snickers bars. Have fun!
Life Imitates Art
Someone give these guys an Academy Award or, at the very least, a standing ovation. The reviews are in...This resignation is brilliant! Critics are calling it "the most hilarious way to quit" and "a must-see (especially if you're their employer)."

We just hope that their boss appreciated their effort and understood the joke. We hope to see many a film-poster-inspired resignation in the future.
Super Supermarket Resignation
It's safe to assume that this former employer was inspired by their supermarket work environment when drafting their resignation letter.

The letter is unique and handmade, which makes it a top-shelf item. We can't help but wonder just how long it took to create this masterpiece, and if the said letter was created during work hours. We're pretty sure their former employer had the same thought!
No More Katy Perry
There are many reasons for quitting your job. The boss could be a jerk, your coworkers could be jerks, the office supply could be atrocious, the toilet paper in the bathroom could be giving you allergies, people could be stealing the yogurt from the fridge. The list is endless, but this one is a true novelty.

We've never heard of someone quitting because of music, though we must say we sympathize. Have you ever walked into a clothing store and thought to yourself 'What is this noise? Why do they call it music? Does anyone really enjoy it?' It looks like even the employees are fed up with the store's playlist at some point. We hope this one got noise-canceling headphones and got some much-needed peace and quiet.
Saying No to Noodles
Saying that running your own business is hard would be an understatement. There is nothing like running a small business to bring out the worst in people. Apparently, that's what happened to May from M Noodle.

It's a good thing that working at M Noodle didn't ruin Spencer's sense of humor. We don't doubt that his time at this place was terrible, but at least he was able to produce a hysterical resignation letter and sign it as "Your stunningly handsome ex-employee." Silver lining, anyone?
But Why Chipotle?
Big food chains are fun for the most part. You know what to expect, there is always something nice and familiar to look forward to, and it feels like you're never really away from home because you identify your lunch even when you're miles away. Backstage of this industry, however, is often not as fun as the customer's side of things.

This resignation letter serves two purposes — one is to obviously let the big corporate bosses know how badly they've treated their employees, and the other is to spread the word so more people know about this. What helped us get over the sad story here is the thought that all the employees possibly started their own business together. Preferably ethically sourced organic coffee shop with 3000 different kinds of soy milk.
Quitting Cake
Mel here obviously knows how to deliver bad news. They don't teach you that in college, kids! You are either born with it or you aren't, and Mel was born with it for sure. Looking at her cake journey (yes, it's a journey) makes you fall in love with her and feel bad that you're not moving to her new workplace with her.

Here's to hoping that Mel's new job is as sweet as her farewell cake. And if it's not, we are sure she will know exactly what is the right treat to deliver her news.
Mourning Shift
Here we are thinking Hallmark cards were no longer a thing that people actually purchased. Well here comes the greeting card revival! If you're thinking of resigning then why not pop into your local store and grab the nearest grievance card? Bam! You've got yourself an effective yet hilarious way to quit.

It has all the creativity of a hilarious resignation with MINIMAL effort. Just sit back, relax and let the card do the talking!
Homer Humor
We didn't think freedom had a color until we laid our eyes on this joyful note. Now it's clearer than ever that the color of freedom is Simpson yellow. If we were fancy art critics, we would say that this piece makes wonderful use of a pop culture reference to demonstrate the weight of corporate life doomed to be carried by common workers. But we're not, so we won't.

We commend this person for using the company printer as the last hurrah before leaving. It is simple, funny, sophisticated, and perfectly delivers how happy this employee must be to tell his corporate job to kiss his behind goodbye.
Hallmark Farewell
Want to greet your mother on Mother's Day? Hallmark is there. Feel like writing a sentimental birthday card for a friend? Hallmark is there. Looking for a nice way to congratulate your cousin on graduating from college? Hallmark is there. It's like they're stalking you or something...

Apparently, Hallmark isn't stalking Todd, or he would have found the right card to break the news to his boss. We do have to appreciate Todd's ability to deliver his message in such a thoughtful way despite him not finding the right card to do it with.
Tough Cookie
Grace's mom is a role model. Not just for Grace, but for anyone who feels like they've had enough of their abusive boss and his diabolical minions. These giant cookies and the vibrant design on them are the perfect way to let her superiors that her spirit isn't broken and that she's off to a better future.

In the words of Fountains of Wayne, Grace's mom has got it going on. Thanks to Grace's tweet, the whole world is about to know that too. Where can we enlist in Grace's mom's army? We promise to serve and protect her at all costs.
Me Three
So here is how we imagine the legend behind these two cakes: Once upon a time, there were two people — let's call them Purple and Violet. Purple and Violet worked together in the same drabby call center for a year, constantly denying their feelings for each other.

When Purple found out that Violet was planning on leaving, his world collapsed. He realized that her absence would make his work and his life unbearable (a tad dramatic but that's the way we like it). He immediately confessed his love, much to her delight. The two got matching quit-cakes and started a small basket weaving business. Needless to say that they lived happily ever after.
Edible Resignation
Most of the time, when you see cakes decorated with edible paper, the paper features the image of a superhero or a cartoon character. Apparently, you can get a lot more creative than that. Well, Mark can. And he did. With this resignation cake. What's next? An edible paper proposal? An edible paper CV?

Slicing that cake must be a pretty funny experience. You know how people are always fighting for an end cut? Here they probably fought over which words they get to eat. We call dibs on the signature! It looks delicious.
Bathroom Plaque
Plaques are often reserved to commemorate an important person, location, or financial donor. This rather creative former employee obviously doesn't care to follow convention. Instead, he decided to create a plaque to announce his resignation. That's not even the best part.

He decided to place it in the bathroom! There's just something about toilet humor and resignations that have us entertained. Either way, let's hope he washed his hands.
Professional Prescription
Usually, the best medicine for any ailment is to drink some water and get a good night's sleep. However, when you are in a terrible job, the only antidote is a good old resignation. If only "Dr. Feel Good" was a real doctor.

We're just VERY relieved that this employee only ticked the "Quit Job" box and not any others! Ah, and in classic prescription fashion, the signature is barely legible. We appreciate the attention to detail here!
Auto Quit
Big bosses making a lot of money are often antagonizing and they rarely deserve to drive the fancy cars they do. More often than not, they treat their luxurious cars better than they do their kids, not to mention their employees.

This Beemer seems to belong to a jerk who has no respect for their employees. We don't know the case first hand but we assume the resignation letter in the form of vandalism was well deserved.
The internet is filled with formal letter templates. There are people everywhere trying to help you put together a recommendation letter, your CV, and yes, even resignation letters. They are usually one page long, pretty structured, and include very specific language.

This picture obviously doesn't reflect any of the aforementioned templates. The person who did this is a person of few words looking to make their message clear using no more than the necessary language.
Sign Language
James may have reservations about the way things work around this burger restaurant, but he has an impeccable work ethic. Even when turning in his two-week notice to his manager, Brian, he doesn't slack off. He makes sure that the front sign has enough space for both his resignation and the new double-loaded. What a trooper.

We hope Brian took in just how bad things are going to be now that James is leaving. Crying in the corner and texting James obsessively seem like the appropriate response on Brian's part but we're not here to tell him how to live his life.
Grammar Police
Nick and Jessica are so over their job. They are over their job, inventory, and their boss, and terrible grammar. We can almost see the idea of quitting forming in one of their heads — Nick or Jessica probably came in to start their shift and was first met by this grammar scandal.

They quickly pulled out their red pen in an attempt to rectify this monstrosity, realized they had too much work to do as it is, and decided to call it quits on the spot. Elated with that new decision, they added the smiley face to perk other people up too.
Rhyming Resignation
This poetic soul is obviously not cut out for a job in retail. How much creative juice can flow through a job in retail? This person needs a job as a writer, and perhaps that writing career can start with a memoir of experiences from her year of working in that photoshop.

A nice boss playing Jedi mind tricks on his employees, neighboring stores being robbed, overworked and underpaid employees, and even an eccentric character named Torturing Joe — the memoir is pretty much writing itself. When you think about it, it could also work as a TV show. We will be the first to watch it.
Poof and You're Gone!
There's a lot to unpack here despite the "letter" being only seven words long. First things first, yes, it is a piece of tissue. Secondly, yes the cartoon man is...umm...displaying some flatulence. Thirdly... well I think we've covered everything!

We guarantee that this rather low-budget yet resourceful resignation blew their employer away. Ha Ha.
Self Confidence Boost
Christian sounds like a fun guy to be around. Just like RuPaul always says — if you can't love yourself, how are you going to love somebody else? And it looks like Christian sure knows how to love himself. We don't know many people who take such public pride in their "ethic, wit, charm and handsomeness."

We are sure that there are many places other than CVS which would love to have Christian as an employee as long as he comes with the full package previously mentioned. We know we would.
High on Life
It's usually not recommended to leave a bad taste with your resignation letter, for obvious reasons — you might end up needing your boss' recommendation. Unless you've already got a new job. With a new job, you can finally tell everyone how you truly felt.

Better yet, you can phrase the whole thing as if you've enjoyed every minute of serving fries for $9. Who knows, your old manager might be dumb enough to read this at face value.
Hope to Never See You Again
Some lucky people actually enjoy what they're doing. They wake up every morning with a smile on their face and are excited to face the day. This guy, on the other hand, felt like he works in a building that sucks the soul.

He hated working for Boss Man so much, that he decided to use his final notice to tell it like it is: This didn't pay enough to own his soul. It barely paid enough for his presence, which is why he figured it was better to just not have a job.
Terrible Management
Could you imagine being the boss and coming in, thinking this would be another day of work only to discover all of your employees, all of a sudden, decided to quit?

We are not sure what the management did or who they sold the company to, but we are 100% sure the workers were not happy with the changes. The new owners probably didn't appreciate this letter, but hey, at least they could hire a whole new staff that doesn't hate them!
What Do You Meme?
If this person's employer didn't know this meme, they might have found this resignation letter unclear and peculiar, but we are sure they still got the message. You have to admit that using a meme to quit is genius and makes the whole situation a lot more light-hearted and fun.

This guy also has one good point — if you are already leaving, why bother being professional? This is your time to make yourself and your co-worker laugh without really fearing any repercussions.
Hitchhiker's Guide to Quitting
Out of all the ones we've seen yet, this one takes the cake, or maybe, in this case, the fish. We like that it's both public and short. It delivers a very clear message without going on and on about how hard and annoying this job was.

Still, we really can't imagine why anyone who was working in a cinema would want to leave. Think about all the free popcorn and movies this person got to watch! Maybe they were just more into books?
It's Not Me, It's You!
Back in the good old days, before people turned into invisible ghosts every time they wanted to stop dating someone, they actually took the time to break up. We know, it's shocking. It's also shocking to us that some people actually ghost their job!

This gal decided to be respectful and use a card, letting her boss know exactly who is responsible for her leaving.
No More Sally
Working as a waiter or at a counter can be trying. You have people ordering their food on one side, and on the other, you have the entire kitchen stuff. Luckily, at least when it comes to the fellows in the kitchen, one can communicate using order slips.

This is a great way to check if the guys in the back are truly alert or are just cruising through their shifts. Either way, Sally isn't gonna be there to find the answer.
See You in Hell
Out of all the different ways people have found to leave their job, we think that making a cake takes the cake. People who resign and their bosses are usually both bitter, so what's better than some sweet, sweet cake to balance everything out?

But, is a cake still sweet if it sports a sour message on it? Guess we'll have to try it for ourselves, in hell.
Making a Mess
Leaving one thing for another, be it a person, a house, or a job, can get messy. We didn't mean that literally, but the youth of today does seem to enjoy taking things at face value.

We bet the boss, Michelle, didn't really enjoy Blake's goodbye gift. Especially since the blue cup is filled with sprinkles that will go all over the place as soon as she tried to pick it up.
Just Drilling Holes
Young people these days really do get satisfaction out of finding the right meme for each and every moment of their lives.

Writing a long respectful letter to the boss explaining why you are leaving? That's out. Printing a screenshot of a scene from a movie? In! Let's hope this guy didn't work in a factory and decided to literally just drill holes for his final two weeks. He won't be ending this job on good terms.
The Two-Week Limerick
We get it, her passion just wasn't in candy. We actually think it's safe to assume that her true, actual passion was in writing, and we hope that's something she'll choose to pursue in her next job.

In the meantime, she left the candy store with a sweet and funny Limerick that probably made everyone who worked there smile. Maybe they should have offered her a job in the marketing department instead?
Is he threatening them? Or is he just telling on all of his co-workers and all of the things they do, even though they shouldn't, while working? This guy is not worried about burning bridges, actually, we wouldn't be surprised if he burned this board after he was done with it.

But, if everything written here is true, he probably didn't really need to burn anything, as this company was already on its way to hell.
A Rom-Com Ending
It's safe to assume that Stephen had a pretty chill, bro-ey relationship with his boss. We can't imagine him photoshopping both of their faces on the poster of a romantic comedy if that wasn't the case.

Not to mention that he later posted it to Twitter for likes. Still, isn't this a cute way to go? This guy gets extra points if he was actually a lawyer as that's what Huge and Sandra are in this movie!
Go Big and Go Home
One simply can't quit a franchise as big and controversial as McDonald's without doing it with style. Have you heard of the saying, "Go big or go home?" This fellow decided to do both, at the same time.

While calling future workers losers isn't the nicest thing to do, we suspect this guy wanted to emphasize how this place treats its workers. After pulling this trick off, he will 100% no longer be one of these losers anymore.
One Way Exit
The good old exit sign. We all know that when entering a big building or boarding an airplane, it's always good to look for that little green guy in order to figure out where is the nearest exit. Now, one should really also implement that rule when it comes to jobs!

Read the contract guys, it's important! There was probably nothing in there that prevented handing this cake as his resignation letter, probably because that's something even the best of lawyers couldn't have imagined.
Resignation by Manga
We are a bit perplexed. Maybe this is something only true manga and anime lovers can understand? Maybe this gal worked in a comic book store? Still, the drawing isn't bad and it gets the message across perfectly.

This little character seems so pleased to be leaving, moving on to greater things. As this letter was signed with a heart, we think this one ended on good terms.
This Bird Has Flown
If this person worked at a kindergarten, this is actually the best resignation letter ever. Both employees and children can understand what is going on here. If you'll allow us to analyze this little drawing, Freud style, we'll tell you we think this person really believes in a bright future when they can reach above the clouds and towards the sun.

Still, with all of these thoughts of dreams, we think he forgot to let everyone know when his last day will actually be.
Rootin' Tootin' Resignation
When you're leaving your job, it's smart to have another gig lined up. In Cody's case, he's shooting for the stars, ready to drop a full-length album after his departure.

This Honkey-Tonk man is tired of how his company is being mismanaged, and how he (and his beard) aren't getting the respect they deserve. We wonder if there are any office-themed songs in his new album!
A Simpsons Sayonara
Is there any better way to inform your coworkers of your resignation than to have a Simpsons character do it for you? We think not. This guy is being brutally honest about what his next plans are, and we're sure his coworkers will miss his humor as much as he will miss them.

Also, let's be honest with each other, you read the letter in Troy McClure's voice, didn't you?
An Easy Decision
At first glance, this resignation letter looks formal and straightforward, but the wording shows a different side. Lucero's not keeping any secrets as to why she's leaving, telling her boss exactly how it is.

Let's hope her boss got the message loud and clear, and that Lucero is having a better work experience in her new blue uniform.
Love, Connor
You can't make this stuff up. As far as creative resignations go, this one takes the cake. Literally. We have no idea what kind of work Connor was in, but the more boring and corporate we imagine, the funnier this gets.

Still, we have so many questions... Who took the photo? How did he get the flowers to stick? Looks like we'll never know!
A Noble Send-Off
Some people want a quiet, low-key exit from their workplace... and some want a four-day-long parade across a highway. This lady knows her worth, and she wants to go out with style. Can you blame her?

While her expectations for her mourners and horses seem a little high, we're sure her former employers did everything in their power to make it happen. After all, this is Her High Priestess of Love, Faith, and Diet Sodas we're talking about here!
Dramatic Doug
Doug was the president of an entertainment company, and we can see why. He clearly has a flair for the dramatic, and even the religious by the looks of things. This somber, gloomy resignation was intended to give his coworkers "something to remember [him] by," and we're pretty sure they'll never forget their old boss Doug.

It makes you wonder, though — Doug seems perfect for the entertainment industry, so where could he be off to next?
Leaving in Latin
Okay, this one needs some analysis to truly appreciate it. If you don't already know, the "Lorem ipsum" text is a placeholder to show copywriters where they need to write the actual copy. By including just that paragraph, Brandon is showing his boss that he is no longer doing his job and that they will need to find a new copywriter.

Brandon also seals the deal by pointing out that he is the company's only copywriter, reminding them that the stakes for finding a replacement are high!
Farewell to Five Guys
We can't see that much of the formal resignation letter, but the pinned picture gets the message across just fine. From what we can read, David clearly enjoyed his time working at Five Guys and is now onto bigger and better things.

He also didn't pass up the opportunity for the classic condolences joke that resigning employees love using. David updated the tweet that management took his letter down from the notice board because it was "unprofessional." Hopefully, they took his actual resignation better than they take a joke.
Resignation of Employ-Mint
There's nothing like a sweet send-off, and this employee has done it perfectly. With nothing but a cute pun, their boss will get the message and appreciate the gift.

This person captioned the picture with "I quit my job but want a good reference," and we're sure their boss will be happy to oblige. With any luck, this person has found a new job where their pun skills will be appreciated.
An Out-the-Box Resignation
Okay, this one technically isn't a resignation letter, but it's not hard to read between the lines here. The caption for this photo said, "We came in at 5 am to find one of our coworkers had done this the night before, then quit."

That must have been a pretty rough shift that night because this is one calculated move that took some time and effort. Still, not a very nice thing to do to your coworkers starting at 5 am!
Stick It, Nicky!
There's nothing worse than working your butt off for a company, only to be insulted by your boss. This employee is using good old-fashioned passive aggressiveness to remind her boss just how wrong their accusations were, and they are not going to sit around and take being disrespected.

We hope Nicky learned their lesson, and that this person found a new job where their hard work is appreciated and recognized.
Leaving a Legacy
Everyone wants to leave a legacy, and this guy's legacy is still going strong after leaving his job two years before. We just know this guy was the prankster in the office. We mean, just look at that photo... and on the back of a clock, no less!

He played the long game with this Easter egg because we all know that wall clocks don't need battery replacements for ages. This guy made his very own time capsule, and who knows where else he's hidden more photos...
Whiskey Business
Now, this is how you leave a job you love! Okay, okay, it's not a traditional resignation letter, but who cares? This employee clearly had a great work experience and wants to thank their colleagues. We bet this office had one hell of a time after work on this day, all thanks to great company culture.

After this exit, you just know that this employee was still invited to the Christmas party.
Dumped by Desktop
This person wants to make their exit crystal clear, and they are not holding back. It's common to feel underappreciated at work, and this employee obviously felt like their boss royally messed up.

It's nice of them to have offered a chance to renegotiate a contract, but we have a feeling that after this display of frustration, their boss probably isn't all that interested. Wonder what that HR report contains...
Burning Bridges
This employee obviously didn't see any reason to beat around the bush. We don't think this person can expect a reference from their former boss, but they probably weren't banking on one anyway.

We love the juxtaposition of the formal "Dear" and "Yours Sincerely" with the absolutely not dear, though probably sincere, official resignation line. Let's hope this person has better luck with future employers!
Leaving Big Shoes to Fill
Clearly, there was more going on here than just a shoe scandal. This person must have been fed up, and this was the last straw. Otherwise, we would expect more than a note scribbled on some scrap paper.

In the caption for this image, the resigning employee says that management fired her after receiving this resignation notice because they felt it was rude. Yeesh! That sounds like a tense day at the office!
Bye, Felicia
You know a meme is popular when it transcends internet jokes into the real working world. In just two words that have nothing to do with work, this employee's whole office would have gotten the message.

This was probably part of a bigger, more formal resignation, and the coke was just the icing on the cake. Still, it's funny to think of this as the full shebang. Wherever the OG Felicia is, she would probably approve of that.
Jimmy Eat... Resignation Cake?
Jimmy is movin' on up in the world, and he's letting everyone know. But, we have one bone to pick... a picture of a cake instead of a real cake?! Hopefully, Jimmy didn't do his colleagues dirty and leave them with just that tantalizing picture instead of the real deal.

Either way, this is a hilarious way to let your coworkers know what's up without having to do too much talking.
Quitting Old-School Style
This lady is no stranger to typewriter resignations, proudly letting us know that this is her second rodeo. She seems sincere in her enjoyment of her job, and strong enough to let her employer and coworkers know that she won't sacrifice her passions and dreams for a job. Now that's a lesson we could all learn!

There's something hilariously old-school about using a typewriter for, well, just about anything nowadays, but certainly a job resignation. These are some pretty specific reasons for her resignation, so we wonder what happened at her first job...
Schoolyard Resignation
This resignation letter is a classic schoolyard prank-turned-corporate. Brooks wanted to mark their territory even after leaving, and also remind everyone that they were OOO for good.

But, we have to ask, who is Rich? Did Brooks accidentally start a company-wide strike with their resignation? Words can be powerful, people. Even ones that we thought were only found graffitied in school bathrooms.
All SysTIMs Go
Ah, the break-up story of the ages — Tim and Smokey Joe's. This is a pretty heartfelt card, and Tim is making his impending absence known. No one makes a Bloody Mary quite like Tim, and Larisa knows it.

It's nice to see that Tim is still considerate of what Smokey Joe's is going to need without him. That must've been one impressive Bloody Mary he could whip up.