This driveway is versatile, it can make a great place for skateboarding and bicycle exhibition (just apply safety precautions, please). Also, walking up and down on it is a great way of exercising, which saves you a lot of money from expensive gym memberships. The drawbacks: daily risk of serious injury, especially during the rainy season!

But, if you have one of these at your house, we can garniture all of your friends who have little kids will be over for a day of entertainment. There is a price to pay for any decision we take, so if you want to have an open house and an open elbow, this one is for you.
Laziness at Its Best
If the purpose of this unexplainable design was to keep out videogame heroes, then it would probably work; however, we have a feeling this was not the initial intention. So what is the deal? When you order a fence, is the supplier responsible for cutting it so it fits the gate area of your property, or is the one who ordered the fence supposed to know the exact dimensions of what they need?

Either way, this assembly required a little common sense which seems t be lacking both with the fence supplier and the homeowner. Well, at least no superheroes will be trespassing here.
The Long and Winding Road to Nowhere
There has got to be a logical explanation behind this. We assume the escalators were there all along and for some reason, the wall was built after. They are probably reconstructing or renovating the passengers after blocking the site off, but what about the rest? Didn't anyone think about the other end of the escalator and what was going on there?

This is a perfect example of what happens when build before you think. What will happen now? Are these passengers trapped? How will they get back down? Is this thing reversible? Hellow? Is there anybody out there? Is there anybody behind the wall?
You Can Never go Too Small
Small apartments and houses, especially those that are designated for single people, are very small families that always seem to have an issue. It kind either be a bathroom that is too small, a lounge that your grandmothers' sofa won't fit in or a bedroom not big enough for your supersized king bed.

In this case, the space for the fridge is where the problem lies. What we love most about this is that the landlord had no shame ( or enough implements to just go and buy a smaller fridge); he just put a brick on the floor to make sure it is steady and didn't fall. Has he no shame?
Puzzled Neighbourhood
This is one of those images that you can't get enough of. The more you look at it, the more things you discover, and the more things you discover, the more you realize how absolutely incredible (and overwhelming) this structure is. It looks like these are a few houses put together; however, we can't seem to count the exact number.

So, according to the house listings we have received lately, this is not the worst thing on offer. In fact, it's an absolute bargain. Where else can you find a place with so much light, windows for fresh air, two front doors, and a spacious front yard?
Changing Perspective
This is a perfect example of what we mean when we say it's time to think out of the box. Not all toilets have to be oval-shaped, and not all people sit the same way when they are minding their own business. This was spotted in a local coffee shop somewhere, and the owner has been reportedly known for saying, "if you don't take your time while in there, yous shouldn't have a problem."

We wondered if it were the other way round ( the bottom part being oval and the top being square) would have still been such an issue?
Brocken Lock
This could be one of those automatic doors that you don't even have to push open, and it senses whenever a person comes close. Whatever it was supposed to be, the outcome seems to be like a big mashup. Maybe it's broken? Maybe whoever put this together had some pieces missing and could work out what was going on.

Then, the dime dropped. This is probably the best way to make sure the toilets are clean at all times. There is no need to pay cleaners anymore. Just install one of these and see your monthly expenses drop as we speak.
Plug Up High
It took us a while to understand what was wrong with this design, and to be honest, even after it was revealed, we found it hard to understand what s so bad about it. Way up high, there is a plug. So yes, most electirc devices will not be able to be used when on top; however, they are plenty of tall people and plenty of devices that don't need to be used every day that can be placed up there.

You can place an emergency light on the top shelf, you can place a 1980s tape recorder you just can seem to say goodbye to, and you can put a nice plant and hide the plug. Between you and us, it has no use anyway.
Dinosaur on Fire
So your best friend has called you up and invited you to come and see the newly renovated place. You prepare yourself to go, expecting to see a new carpet, some new shelves, and maybe a new sofa to sit on. The last thing on your mind is a dinosaur head hanging on the wall above the fireplace.

We don't know what scares us more. The fact that the dinosaur is about to melt and drool all over the fireplace, or the fact that the person who designed this, honestly, thinks this looks good.
Innovative Pavement
It happens everywhere. The bricks we walk on every day eventually wear out, and one or two get loos, leading to what you see here. The builder saw this as a great opportunity to spice things up a little and decided to through in a bit of color. Not only that, new shapes were welcomed, and this is, ladies and gentlemen, the final product.

Let's put aside the fact that it's still dangerous for any pedestrian who walks by. They are wrong if the council thinks they are saving money by hiring an unprofessional builder. We can see someone suing them from a mile.
Dripping Taps
This has got to be a joke or someone trying to get back at someone, or a joke. Is it a bad design? Is it a mixup while on the assembly line? Is it some kind of new generation and modernized taps that more mature citizens will never ever understand?

The person who put this together must have been aware of the state of this, understanding that the only way to wash your face and brush your teeth properly every morning will be accompanied by splashes of water going everywhere. Bad. Bad joke.
Withdrawal issues
Is this one of those new designs that force you to get a workout to get what you want out of it? That’s a pretty decent climb and solid squat you have to engage in to get your cash. It may not be the most comfortable or convenient ATM in the world, but your glutes will thank you later!

Now the more we think of it, the more we question what lies behind this. Yes, we apriciate the fact that the stairs are there to assist people in drawing out money; however, it also assists thieves in breaking into the machine. Something to think about...
Game of Thrones
The owner of this building most likely dreamt of the splendid and kingly structure he would create for his clients. Well, he certainly created a building fit for a king. But the final product just doesn’t look like the kind of throne he was imagining! His building is certainly a show-stopper… but then again, anything that looks like a giant toilet would be.

People invest so much money in furniture and getting the best beds and sinks; the best chefs are probably going to serve the best food, and the spa is going to be the best n the country. So why couldn't they dedicate some of their fortune to a decent designer?
TV for everyone!
Is this for real? Is the TV still functioning despite its awkward position? We can’t believe that anyone in their right mind would install a television in this manner. Who’s benefiting from the half-screen? Do the residents have to call through the wall to let each other know what’s happening on the side they can’t see?

Whatever prompted this strange creation, it seems they at least had good (if terribly misguided) intentions. This could also be a new way of punishing, especially when your child only partly misbehaved. "Why didnt you do your homework, son? It is half television for you until the end of the week."
No Kids
There is one thing for sure about the person who designed this. They do not have children. And why do we say that? Because no parent would ever crat an escape root for their kid, who has just been sent to their room to think about what they said or done.

It's either that or the homeowners wanted a touch of innovation and decided to use the window as the entrance and exit of the house and leave the door just a door. Now when we think of it, having the door the way it makes it much easier for the adults to escape, so maybe they do have kids.
Minimalist balcony done Wrong
This balcony designer has taken minimalism to whole new heights! Here’s hoping the tenants are happy to use their “balconies” for hanging plants, clothes, and nothing more! If you’re looking for some downtime with your cup of coffee, a good book, and a nice breeze, this is not the apartment building for you.

But let's look on the bright side. Do you have a long sheet you have washed and now has to be freely hung? This is the balcony for you. Nowhere to stoor your ladder, or the brooms take up too much space? Only a balcony like this will be there in times of need.
Isn't it Ironic?
An old man turns ninety-eight, he won the lottery, and dies the next day; it's like rain on your wedding day; it's a parking space no disabled person could ever use. And isn't it ironic? Don't you think? So, whoever is responsible for this chaos probably didn't think too far, as no person, being disabled or not, could ever use this for their car.

Saying that, I give a thumbs up for the funnel-like edge. This way, no matter what happens, no one will find themselves in a pond. Traffic jam, when you're already late, and a no smoking sign on your cigarette break.
Upside Down
This upside-down door may not be the owner’s cup of tea, but we’re willing to bet their dog is pretty stoked with it. No more staring at the bleak, painted wood for this pup. He gets to gaze out at the world through his very own puppy-level window. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get too excited at the sight of the mailman or a neighborhood cat… the owners may come home to a broken door and a missing canine!

This is also a great game for the kids. Do you know the door peephole that lets you see who is on the other side? Well, forget about that. Let's guess who there just by the shoes they are wearing.
Sole window
This building stands strong with all its might, but if you take a closer look, you’ll spot the one and only window on the side. There’s a definite Being John Malkovich vibe to this construction. Who installed that lonely little window? And why? Another renovation failure with a fascinating backstory we’re dying to know.

This mystery window can go either way. It could be a reward of an office of their own, for the employee of the month, or it could b an isolation cell for those who insist on bringing fish for lunch. There are times to be considered, and fish for lunch is one of them.
Incomplete Door
To be fair, the door is fine. It’s the wall that has a problem. Or lack of a wall, to be precise. Here’s another pro renovation tip from us to you: if you don’t have walls, maybe don’t worry about splurging on a door. It’s not going to do much for your security. Although, we bet all guests and employees entering this door get a giggle out of it.

And it’s no small gift to decorate someone’s day with a good belly laugh. This is very much like a gate with no walls on the side or a fence, lower than an average person's knees. What is it with designers these days? Do you have to qualify as some clueless dude to graduate?
McDonald’s: Failing to Support Logic
This load-bearing column at a McDonald’s store is doing a great job of taking up a lot of room without bearing any load. Whose idea was it to install a giant, dysfunctional object that causes hassle and obstruction without actually serving a purpose?

Unless McDonald’s is so ahead of its time, it’s actually got some magnetic technology going on here; we’d say that, just like the Mackebab, this is a failure of epic proportions. Name one person or even one state where the Mackebab was a success. We don't understand big chains who think that if they are good at one thing, they can be good at everything.
Would You Dare Take the Plunge?
If you thought the last handicapped amenity was bad, check this puppy out! While there would likely be some brave souls who would see this “ramp” as a whole lot of fun, we don’t like their chances of making it down in one piece. Although, they have thoughtfully placed that giant plant at the bottom, presumably to help with the impossible task of stopping once you’ve busted your way down.

We heard some people took advantage of this and brought their kids over during the summer holidays. With or without water going down, this turned into a great slide and kept the kids busy for a whole 10 minutes.
That’s One Way to Solve a Problem
What to do when you have a fire hydrant installed where you need your stair rail to go? Definitely not this! Sure, the curved railings fit perfectly around the hydrant. Can’t fault them there. But we’re dying to know what their plan of action is if they ever need to actually use the hydrant.

Here’s hoping that the building has an eternally fire-free future, and we are also hoping to find out what came first, as we have a feeling the obvious may not be the right assumption. You would have thought that the rails were installed after the fire hydrant, but what would you say if we told you it was the other way around? People are more useless than you can ever imagine.
Cruel Design
A handicapped person’s life is tough; that’s why there are dedicated bathrooms designed to make life a little bit easier for them. Unfortunately, when not enough thought is put into these designs, the opposite effect can end up being achieved. This particular example is unbelievable. Have a close look at the bottom of the door.

Surely, given the fact that the handicapped symbol depicts someone in a wheelchair, it would act as a hint that stairs aren’t an appropriate feature. We’re sure this restaurant has received its fair share of complaints about this construction failure.
Stairs, Stairs, and More Stairs!
It seems like the person responsible for this confusing staircase may have been a Harry Potter fan. But their construction, unfortunately, didn’t turn out to be nearly as magical as the ever-shifting Hogwarts stairs! We can imagine the “delight” of the residents as they go through the daily ritual of heading down, then up, and then down again.

We’re getting exhausted just thinking about it. Imagine delivering a new fridge or, even worse, a new corner sofa that won't fit in the elevator. There is no way anybody is getting a new sofa here.
Lowest spot
To the person responsible for this drain: have you heard of a little thing called gravity? Surely, this is the first thing they teach you when you’re learning about drain placement. One thing’s for sure; the engineering department should fix this drainage problem before the flooding gets worse.

This could also be a result of global warming. Did you think countries were flooded because of too much rain and ice melting? You are wrong. Global warming is people's brains getting overheated and designing things like this. If only these designers had listened, the world would have been better.
Irrelevant Deco
There are some designs that have no logic behind them. Take this next one, for example. We understand that many hotels, Bed & Breakfasts, and even private houses may have a brick wall built right next door, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Excpey, emphasize it by placing a window in front of it.

So what do we suggest? We suggest leaving the wall (facing the brick) as it is, do not add a window, do not buy an over-decorated curtain that will draw even more attention, do not pass go, and do not collect two hundred.
Bent and Extended
Who would’ve thought an innocent plastic clock could create such a predicament? No chance of moving it, we’ll just have to bend the pipe around it. You can’t even call this laziness because surely it would’ve taken more time and effort to bend the pipe than move the clock!

This has us wondering why anyone would go to such extraordinary lengths to maintain the precise position of their timepiece. Now, on the other hand, this wants we call innovation. This is what we call thinking out of ht box and making do with whatever you have.
Inaccessible Seating Area
Now here’s an innovative solution to the problem of finding yourself in charge of a haunted hotel. Bring some contractors in, and design yourself some seating areas that keep the ghosts happily occupied and out of the way of guests. Brilliant.

We’d love to see what other ghost-ready installments will be found throughout the rest of the establishment. Could you imagine what a bed against the wall would look like, or even worst, an upside-down toilet? With the things we've seen here, nothing goes, and very few things are able to surprise us.
Strategic Painting
It’s nice to have your house renovated and repainted. The process may be tedious, but the results (if flawless) are refreshing. Unfortunately, this painter might find himself coated in the same paint color he used in painting the roof! He has found himself in a perfect, real-life enactment of the old warning not “to paint yourself into a corner.”

Perhaps next time, he’ll keep the old saying in mind when devising his plan of attack. So what does one do in such a situation? Find something to lean on while painting the last spot. Or jumping in the air, painting whatever is left, and hoping for the best?
Trick of light
This may not have been done intentionally (although you never know), but the resulting reflection couldn’t be more perfect. We’re pretty sure we don’t need to explain why. However, we do want to commend the interior designer who combined his best styling skills with a great sense of humor to create this masterpiece of refracted light. We hope the homeowners aren’t intimidated while looking at the ceiling. It is a mighty distracting view!

Maybe this could be the first step towards a new profession. Creating unique and innovative light effects on the wall. It can be custom-made, it can be something the changes according to the hours of the day, and the idea and opportunities are endless.
Saving Space
This is not a design failure; this is a life failure. How could the person responsible for getting away with this? How could this thing be around enough time for someone to take a photograph of it? We can only think of two options to make this thing work.

It's either you stand and do your own business, explaining to those next in line that they will have to wait patiently to use the toilet behind the door, or you go in the door, and when you are finished doing whatever it was you were doing, you cross your fingers really hard wishing there is no one on the other side.
For flying Cars Only
Okay, we understand the excitement. Flying cars are going to be pretty boss. But it’s still just a tad bit early to go installing a garage on the second floor of your house… and a massive, double garage at that! Tip: You need to save a lot of moola before you can purchase a flying car, and you have to wait a couple more years before its launch (if it’s even approved for public use).

It feels as if this is the outcome of a massive earthquake and the residents of this village just helped themselves to whatever they could find. They took one house from one side and another from the other, and voila. A two-story house big enough for the entire family.
No Parking Allowed
Do you remember the rule of not parking within 15 ft. of a fire hydrant? Oh yeah, not to do it. The homeowner here clearly has a BIG problem. Not only is the homeowner not preventing others from blocking the fire hydrant, but he has prevented himself from parking at all.

The garage will now turn into a gym, a television room, or a museum for the car, but there is no way the vehicle is getting out of there. The photograph looks as if it was professionally taken, so we have to ask ourselves, if there was a professional photographer around, why couldn't they have been a professional fire hydrate installer around?
Futuristic Garage
Since driverless cars are in, it seems the world is already preparing for futuristic garages, in case flying cars will be the next big hit like this building owner, who was clearly way too excited to get in his flying car. We admire his advanced decisions and hope his car will fit in his garage.

But maybe someone should tell him a futuristic car deserves a nicer-looking garage. Or at least a garage that is located on the ground floor has a decent entrance, will open from afar, and would look relatively appealing from a distance.
Underground Parking
With the advent of technology, the impossible becomes possible. Take this superhero-inspired underground parking, for example. Someone is overly precious about his car… or has a serious Batman obsession… or both. What we’re wondering is: where do you go once you’re parked?

Just how decked out is their underground lair? It's like a now you see me, now you don't. We just can't wait to see the top part full of grass and flowers in a year's time; just hoping it doesn't get too heavy for the electronic automatic roof to escalate.
Sliding Driveway
This driveway is versatile, it can make a great place for skateboarding and bicycle exhibition (just apply safety precautions, please). Also, walking up and down on it is a great way of exercising, which saves you a lot of money from expensive gym memberships. The drawbacks: daily risk of serious injury, especially during the rainy season!

But, if you have one of these at your house, we can garniture all of your friends who have little kids will be over for a day of entertainment. There is a price to pay for any decision we take, so if you want to have an open house and an open elbow, this one is for you.
A cat's Doorway
This is what we call innovation, and we are all for new designs, new inspirations, and anything you can think of to make your cat's life that much easier. So next time someone knocks on the door, as long as your cat knows who is on the other side, you can feel safe and assured.

There is no reason for both of you to be able to see what is going on, just trust your companion and let them lead the way. This new door design is great for young children and extra short people.
Not Aligned
This construction is a perfectionist’s nightmare. When we hire a contractor and his team, we rely on them to build our house properly and safely. After all, they are the so-called experts in their field. From measurements to space, we are confident that they can do the job perfectly.

But how did this happen? The walls are not aligned, and it’s obvious that their measuring tools were not properly used; otherwise, the walls would, you know, line up. Innovation is the magic word, and creativity is what it is all about.
Mind the Window
Here is another example of how not to install a basketball net for the children at the back of the house. Is this some kind of new trend we’re not aware of? This driveway setup looks like an accident waiting to happen. It won't need much, and whoever is shooting the ball will probably break the glass window on the first attempt.

So what do we suggest? We suggest the boy doesn't play ball, we suggest whoever put this there takes responsibility and receives it, we suggest to make sure you have a number of your local glazier, and most of all, we suggest you think before taking action.
Ten Points for Ingenuity
Toilets tend to be the smallest room in the house. We all know this, and it’s something we all have to adjust to. Yet, instead of, oh, say, installing a door that swings out instead of in, this clever homeowner made a cutout in the door to fit around the throne. This is what we call creativity and useing what you have instead of buying new.

The dude responsible for this saw no reason to buy a new toilet, order a new door or move a house altogether. He spent alot if thought and came up with the best solution.
No Way Out
An emergency escape is designed for safety and security when emergent situations happen, like fire. However, this emergency escape (a.k.a; the emergency spiral stairs of the building) is designed to put the residents’ lives in further danger. The staircase appears to be going nowhere.

It looks as if you can go up; however, there is no way of escaping the fire and getting the hell out of there. Oh, and another small tip from us to them. When people are escaping a dangerous situation, they need the staircase to be as easy to go down as possible. Do they have to be so curvy?
Terrible Door
Either someone has never seen a functioning door before, or they’ve taken their need to be different to a ridiculous extreme. We would love to see the person responsible give us a demonstration on just how to enter and exit the house via this marvelous, horizontal monstrosity.

There is no sensible way of explaining this unless whoever lives here is super short, super thin, and obviously doesn't show any interest in going out of the house every now and then.
Don’t you just hate it when you’re super hungry but can’t open the fridge because the oven’s blocking it? Or has that never happened to you? This is yet another problem that could’ve been solved by simply measuring first and installing second. Tip: bigger isn’t always better. Oh yes, and sense is not always as common as you may think it is.

This has got to be a house someone is renting out, and that someone obviously doesn't care if his tenants are able to make use of the kitchen or not. As long as he advertised a "fully fitted kitchen and well designed."
The Contortionist’s Toilet
Here’s another home renovation for you: no matter how elegant your bathroom design is — if you can’t actually sit on the toilet, the aesthetic is going to rapidly wear thin. Marble counters are all well and good, but you kinda need to be able to actually use the bathroom.

This is one home renovation fail we really can’t see any way of fixing without pulling everything out and starting over. It's either that or it's time to take yoga or pilates lessons to make sure you are flexible enough to somehow get yourself around this.
Wrong Measurements
It’s nice to have drawers for storing items like dishes and silverware. It’s also super nice if you can actually open said drawers. It’s pretty clear that the contractor did not get the exact measurements for this kitchen cabinet installment. Either that or this is the worst attempt at child-proofing ever!

Sure, the kids can’t get into the knives and scissors… but neither can anyone else! This could have been easily turned into a narrow wine draw, a sliding rack for spices and other bottles, but no. the constructor preferred taking a short way. Jut leaving it as it is.
Stairs, Please
Okay, so there is nothing wrong with installing a door several feet above the ground. People do it all the time. They just usually remember to include a staircase, you know, so you can actually use the door. Is this an epic prank pulled on the unsuspecting tenants of room 70?

If so, we hope they were out when the prank was enacted because if they’re inside and decide to head out before having their first cup of coffee for the day, they might not notice the missing staircase in time!
Room With a… View?
Windows: they’re pretty pointless if you can’t see out of them. Try telling that to the owners of this house, who figured building a window behind the chimney flue wasn’t at all counter-intuitive. We suppose the dream of an attic with a picturesque view got put on the back burner as the chimney was prioritized. Sigh.

What we’re wondering now is, how many other renovation disasters are lurking, in the depths of the house, behind this view-less window? The only other explanation we have is that the room was renovated at a later stage; however, that still brings us to ask - why wasn't the window blocked off?
Dysfunctional Balcony
At first look, these balconies look pretty sweet, right? A perfect spot to relax and enjoy the fresh air. But then you realize the disaster that hides here. They could be just emergency exits; they could be just a teaser for those who can't afford an apartment with a balcony; either way, this is wrong.

As it turns out, these are not real balconies. They were put there to deceive the eye. The council wanted to do something to make these buildings look better and decided to add these concrete boxes, just to freshen things up.
Bath University
No pain, no brain. That is all we have to say about this next design failure. It seems to win them all. We are doing our best to see if this is an optical illusion; however, the more we try, the more we acknowledge the fact that some human is responsible for this. All that is missing is a small ramp to make this perfect.

This is for all those times all you wanted was a bit of peace and quiet sprinkled with a touch of flooding. The next question is, how do we solve this? Do we break this apart and crest a new and proper one? Or do we just level out the floor by placing a few bricks?
Problem Solved?
We are not sure if this is a design failure or someone being very lazy. There is plenty of room to place the pipes where they should be, so why were they placed this way? We found it hard t believe that there are people out there that are this stupid and did this without realizing what was going on.

According to the plumbers association, something must have been in the way. This is not something done by an amateur plumber and definitely not by a professional one. Saying that, in our books, nothing can excuse this.
First You Think, Then You Do
This guy (we have a feeling it's a guy who is responsible for this major fail) was obviously so preoccupied with his wife nagging him to hang the satellite dish all he wanted was to get this job over and done with, and didnt pay to much attention to what was going on.

So to all those wives out there. We recommend keeping your mouth shut while patiently waiting for your husband to install the dish. We know you have been waiting for this since Christmas. However, men can only do one thing at a time. It's either hanging the dish or listening to you.
Our Door is Always Open
The person who installed this doorknob clearly took the saying “Our door is always open” far too literally. Either that or they were drunk. If only we could’ve been there with our cameras to capture the moment of realization when the person responsible for this masterpiece first tried to put it into action.

These kinds of design failures always get to us. When the person responsible for this was in the process of putting all of the parts together, didnt he (we have a feeling it is a he) see something was wrong?
Wet and Wild
Small sink + big faucet = total disaster. On the bright side, at least it comes in handy when you want to mop the floor... which you would end up having to do every time you went to clean your teeth or wash your hands. If you happen to visit this place, our advice is: bring hand sanitizer with you and steer clear of this bathroom monstrosity!

On the other hand, we have even better advice for you. Just keep away. There is no need to go to places like this; there is always an alternative; this is pure cruelty.
Jump For Your Life
Before signing a contract for a prospective apartment, there are many factors to consider… not the least of which is the emergency exit. In case of a fire, you need to have a safe and viable escape route. This particular apartment building decided to offer the occupants on the upper levels a different kind of exit: one that, in case of emergency, simply offers a different way to die.

Unless you have the presence of mind and ninja skills necessary to notice the missing stairs while you’re running for your life and avoid plummeting into the gap.
Slow your roll
This prankster likes to keep their toilet rolls hidden away from the prying eyes of guests. We can only imagine the discomfort of the guests looking for toilet paper while the homeowner is giggling outside. Or maybe they’re just sick of people using it all up. Perhaps they inform guests on arrival that the bathroom is strictly BYO.

What other logical reason could there be for this secretive bathroom installation? It could be like a new version of an escape room. There is no way out until you find the hidden toilet paper. Gosh, people could be stuck in there for hours until rescued.
What on Earth?
Here’s another toilet you’d need some high-level intelligence to work out how to use. We can't imagine anyone being able to relax and spend time on this toilet. No matter what number is concerned. This is a terrible sight to anyone; however, for the women out there, this is an absolute nightmare.

We all make mistakes, and we all have our own personal touch and preferences, but when it comes to putting together toilets, there is only one path to take. It just won't work any other way. And no matter how hard you try to convince us, it doesn't look good; it's not a matter of compromising, and no, we won't get used to it.
Half Toilet
Is this some kind of art installation? If not, we would love to see a demonstration from its creator of exactly how you’re supposed to use the thing… starting with how in the heck you’re supposed to get into the insanely narrow room in the first place. Now that would be a piece of performance art you wouldn’t want to miss.

When you think of it, whoever is responsible for this took advantage of the situation. The room is small, that is a fact, now what do we do with a full-sized toilet? We make use of it and cut it in half. No one will ever notice. They might just feel they have out on a little weight.
Nature: 1, Driveway: 0
Okay, so you love your tree, we get it. Trees are awesome. But paving your driveway around it and building your garage behind it? The tree so perfectly blocks the garage door that you might as well save your money and not have a garage at all… This makes us wonder just what’s going on inside said garage since there’s definitely not a car in there.

Perhaps it's a gym? Maybe ita a spare room plus a playroom plus a guest room plus anywhere to escape your husband who planned, designed, and executed this.
Stairs to Nowhere
Analyzing this photo and the staircase/ramp relationship is a wonderful exercise in making your brain hurt. Our best guess is that the initial plan was to allow the residents to enter the door using the staircase. However, in the middle of construction, they decided to slap a walkway over it (presumably), connecting it to another building on the opposite side. Whatever the cause, this pointless staircase makes you wonder how much you could trust the rest of the construction.

We assume this was a last-minute change of mind. Initially, the building was supposed to have a staircase however, something made them change their mind, and they built a bridge instead. Haven't they heard of cleaning up the mess after then?
A most Important Message
This image is logic at its finest. “Gosh darn it, those neighbor dogs keep getting into our yard and pooping on the lawn. It has to be a problem with the gate. This sign should fix it... Closed and locked. Problem solved. Building the fence? Ah, I’ll worry about that another day.” Brilliant.

There is no way any dog, big or small, on the lead or of it, no one is getting through this one. This must have won the 2020 best innovative gadgets for a personal household award.
Leaning Tower of... Jeez, is That Thing Stable?
We can just picture the owners claiming that this isn’t a fault in the house; they totally designed it to emulate the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Their neighbors politely smile and nod, but deep down, everyone knows this was the product of a renovation disaster.

At least living in a leaning home would keep life interesting, right? And besides, when money is short, and the world recession is knocking on the door, let's pretend we are in Pisa, and let's pretend we don't really need to trave as we have everything just outside our door.
Improvised Shower Head
While we’re on the topic of money-saving renovation improvements, here’s another creative homeowner who wasn’t going to be beaten by a busted showerhead. His immediate solution (and we can only hope this is just temporary) came in the form of duct tape, a soda can, and a whole lotta holes. You know what? This idea is so brilliant and seems to be working so well we’d almost back him keeping it as his permanent shower rig. Engineering level: boss.

We know this is more of a D.I.Y hack and less of a faulty design; however, we have a feeling that somebody out there is going to deliberately execute this as part of their new innovative design.
Renovating on a Budget
Who says home renovations have to break the bank? A fancy new faucet might set you back a bit, but why waste your funds when a simple plastic drinking straw can do the job in style? The best thing about it is you can get a whole packet of faucets for less than a dollar. And, as each one wears out, you get to change up the color.

Kitchen renovations just don’t get any cooler than that. So, why waste your money on expensive faucets and them complain the entire month that you have no money left for takeaway? hence, no dishes to wash, hence, no need for a faucet?
Road Tripping
You spend six months planning your gap year, marking the route on maps, saving up enough money to explore the world, and come back home with great stories to tell. Never in a million years could you imagine telling a story like this. A sight like this can only happen in Cambodia.

Ok, so you couldn't afford a sea or mountain view, but by the look of it, you couldn't afford a view at all. Now, between you and me, we don't mind having a view, but after traveling all day and exploring the country, we could use a bit of fresh air.
M.C. Escher Was Not an Architect
If you’re a daredevil, or an Escher fan (preferably both), this staircase probably looks like an absolute treat. But for those of us who like our staircases to, you know, get us safely to our destination, it’s an outright nightmare. No handrail either, of course, because that would detract from the gloriously creative design.

Next is just to make sure the doors are where they are supposed to be, the windows are not facing any sir blocking brick wall and the toilet seat is where it was originally designed to be.
Big Foot
So, simply Simon decided it was time for a bit of renovation. He planned months in advance; he knew exactly where he wanted what and how long it would take for him to complete it all. There was one thing he didn't take into acount. And that was his four-legged companion, named Tom.

So, the satires are ruined, but we think that with a little imagination, Simon can think of a great way to turn this disaster into an innovative, chic design. We can picture the cat saying on every step, "F@#K you, this bl@@dy house, Simon you IdI@t.
One Job
You know those hilarious articles (and photos) of people who had to do just one little thing, and they managed to mess things up? Take a look at this. All the dude was asked to do was hang the new television set on the wall. How complicated can that be? So apparently, for many people - it can be!

Some clever people will say that if the television has a rotating option, then it shouldn't be a problem, or alternatively, how do we know he had more than one job to do that day? We say pay more attention to what has to be done and do it properly.
Angry Fan
Here’s a hot tip: prior to installing a fan, make sure you’ve measured the room, given it enough space to circulate, and ensured it’s in tight and won’t start gyrating when you turn it on. Otherwise, you may end up inadvertently creating your very own, in-house, Indiana Jones-style booby trap.

Can you imagine that happy moment when the energy-saving fan was switched on for the first time? And then the horrifying one that came immediately after, when the fan got its sway on and started hacking violently into the walls?
Unusual Bedding
Composite rooms can be a clever, space-saving idea. But a combo bedroom and bathroom? What on Earth would have to be going on in your mind to make you come up with such an idea? It is convenient; we’ll give them that. And if you have company at night, they will never have to ask where the bathroom is awkward.

When we think of it, what could be more awkward than the situation they already found themselves in? This room was found in Italy, which very much surprised us. Italy is all about design, style, prestige, and down-to-detail. Apparently not.
Talk About a Public Bathroom!
This homeowner clearly has a unique—and very open—personality. We cannot help but conclude that, during the construction of his place, he specifically requested a grand appearance where more than just doing your own private thing can be done. Like, wall climbing, for example.

We mean, who doesn't want to practice their climbing skills after taking a leak? This is wonderful. Everything you can do in nature, and we mean everything, can now be done just in one room. You don't have to go too far anymore for all the things you love. Exercise and tranquility in one.
Stairway to Heaven
Someone clearly didn’t think the logistics of this staircase through (unless they were trying to pull a prank or something). Seems like the homeowners either need to prepare themselves for regularly recurring concussions or call in some experts to fix this disaster.

After full research, we have discovered what lies behind this design failure. As it turns out, when the clock strikes midnight, the ceiling opens, and the second floor of this apartment is revealed. At six AM, before the toddlers awake, the ceiling closes itself and this dreadful design is shown to the public once again. We wonder what happens to those who forget to go down...
Tiles Version 2.0
This confusing photo shows what it would look like if you took a before-and-after composite picture and turned it into your actual floor. Carpet and tile can live in harmony together, but for the love of OCD, find a way to avoid making a weird diagonal cut through your tiles!

We hope the owner will hire a professional for their future home renovations to avoid further confusing their abode. The other alternative is to ask IKEA to create a carpet that fits uneven tiles. We can't see this happening any other way.
Wrong in So Many Ways
Pretty sure someone had a little too much to drink when this bathroom was designed. That’s the closest we can get to an explanation for this hilarious renovation failure. Why else would you place a toilet holder two miles away from the actual toilet? Someone must tell them this is not the way a bathroom should look.

Wetness issues aside, you’d need some freakishly long arms to reach the roll from where you usually tend to need it. We want to know who designed it, where dod they got inspiration from, and most important when they are going to fix this.
An Affordable Apartment
The sizes of apartments are much smaller today than what was built 50 years ago. They are even smaller than what was built 20 years ago; however, the question is, how small is too small, and how to think do you have to be to fit into a modern-sized condo?

Even the vending machine's door is wider than the apartment's entrance. How do they expect anyone to fit in after stuffing their face with what the machine has to offer? The only thing that comforts us, hers, is Ikea. You can buy your table, chair, and bed, and they will all arrive flat-packed with no hassle delivering them to your new home.
What’s The Issue?
Toilets. These are not exactly the first things you think of when you want to get creative and nouveau. Well, it turns out you’ve been missing out on a creative goldmine by ignoring the humble Rumble throne. These homeowners decided to install this toilet on a jaunty angle.

We’re curious whether the world feels all askew whenever they make a trip to their diagonal throne. And was this done as a design feature or was their bathroom so small this was the only way they could fit the thing in there? What do you think?
Saloon Bar
What to do when you and your house disagree about the size of the door? Just force the issue. What’s the house going to do about it? Or what is the wife going to do about it? As it turns out, somebody's husband said that all doors are the same size. There are universal standard measurements.

The poor wife insisted he took measurements, but it was like talking to no one. No matter how hard she tried, as far as he was concerned, there was no need to measure anything. The only solution we can see here is cutting the door in half, hanging each piece on each side, and there you have your own personal saloon bar.
The Other Side
It’s common for householders to make extensions to their homes, especially those supporting a growing family. However, this particular homeowner had a burning desire to be different, demanding a contrasting design to offset their classic home. Everyone’s entitled to express their own unique style, right? We have no judgment.

Okay, maybe one little bit of judgment: Ew! Surely they could’ve at least made the colors match? This is what we call modern 21st-century innovation. Anything goes. All material, all colors, and in any size you want. To us, it's more like a Victorian-era touch to a 1950s common American suburban house. It works for us.
Extraordinary Garage
Is this a garage or a storage area? With the size and placement of the door, we cannot imagine how a vehicle could wiggle itself inside. This “garage” would have a mini Cooper feeling like a Hummer. Our only explanation is that there is some kind of wizardry involved here that our puny muggle minds can’t comprehend.

If there’s no magic afoot, then we humbly suggest this failed garage should be converted into an over-sized bin for rejected household items. Fun fact; many years ago, this was the way houses were designed. People found it a little awkward, so they never lived in them. Things had to change.
Probably one of the weirdest approaches to establishing a "strategic location." The person(s) responsible for this renovation must’ve been drunk or just plain crazy, with their workmanship ensuring that danger is now an ever-present fixture in this part of the house.

No man in his right mind would place a faucet this close to an electrical outlet. We're pretty sure you can figure out why. Try washing your hands and then plugging a cord into the outlet. What a blast! One thing is for sure. Not a tiny drop of intelligence and/or common sense was invested here while putting this thing together.