Why is it that pets and their owners so often look alike? Is it because of the similar living environment that subtly pushes them in the same direction regarding their outlook? Does the owner want the dog to look like him or her for some psychological reason? Is it truly random, and we just always happen to notice the times they look alike?

We’re not sure, but something about these two really does seem similar. That curly white hair atop the head? We’re going to have to go with that. The expression they’re pulling for the camera also seems similar.
We Go to the Same Groomer
These two are waiting for their turn at a dog show in the 1980s. But which one is going to parade around, and which one is going to hold the other end of the leash?

Afghan hounds have memorable, long, beautiful fur that is often the highlight of their look, but we don't often see an owner that can stand to beat the dog when it comes to the hairdo, especially if it's a guy. The guy is smiling, and he seems to be pretty pleased with their chances, but the dog is all business right now.
Similar Smiles
Now, you might be asking yourself: “What is similar about these two?” They don't really look all that alike. Maybe they have a bit of a close face shape, with the pudgy elements coming into alignment in some ways.

But look at the way they're eyeing each other – that look of affection looks to be identical whether it's coming from a human or a beast. The smiles also look like they're growing off of each other. They're just so happy to spend time together that they look a little bit alike, even if it's mostly in spirit.
Using the Same Tailor
Sure, the reason these two look similar is because of that classy style of dress, but there's a little more to love about this duo. For one, the dog's name is Sherlock Bones — a name that we bet more than one brainy pooch has earned, but it seems to work extra well for this little guy.

Throw a flat cap on his head and make sure the owner is dressed up as Watson, and you have a recipe for a winning look, even if they might not have brought home the Best in Show. Even their facial hair looks similar!
Show Them the Pearly Whites
This picture shows us Douglas Woods, an army vet who was a hostage, and his goofy-looking dog Pietra, who likes showing off her chompers for the camera. Woods has said that he picked Pietra from the list of available dogs at the RSPCA because she reminded him of him – old and ugly.

Both of them may have had better days, but anybody who can bust out a grin that big is going to be a hard sell for ugly in our book. World-weary, perhaps. Weather-beaten. But ugly? Not in our book.
Curls From Here to Eternity
Why is it that pets and their owners so often look alike? Is it because of the similar living environment that subtly pushes them in the same direction regarding their outlook? Does the owner want the dog to look like him or her for some psychological reason? Is it truly random, and we just always happen to notice the times they look alike?

We're not sure, but something about these two really does seem similar. That curly white hair atop the head? We're going to have to go with that. The expression they're pulling for the camera also seems similar.
Award Winners
These two clearly look alike and we're not even the only ones that think so. Hideto Yamaguchi and his pet dog Pushikun, a one-year-old French bulldog, got the top spot in 2004's annual “Look-Alike Pet Contest” that was held in Tokyo.

For their efforts of looking a little too much alike, this pair took home the grand prize of three hundred thousand yen...which is about twenty-seven hundred dollars. Not as much as it seemed at first, but that's still not a bad prize just for looking like your pet. That's going to buy a whole lot of kibble.
Ready to Charge
Imagine looking across the line of scrimmage and seeing these two bruisers waiting to blitz. Both of them look like they could take you down without much issue, but one of them looks more likely to lick your face than celebrate a sack.

Wrinkles upon wrinkles and plenty of chubby cheeks fill this picture (the good kind, thankfully), so there's no question as to why we find these two beasts looking similar. We're sure both of them are perfectly nice. For the record, the guy is Richard Austin, and the British Bulldog is Angus. Good name for a British Bulldog.
The Updo for Two
People have been noticing that dogs and their owners have looked alike for years now, and this picture is proof. It's from a dog and owner look-alike contest that took place all the way back in 1986. Dogs and owners competed for a ten thousand dollar purse in a contest that was sponsored by a dog food company (natch).

Denise DeMaria and her dog Finnegan have hairstyles that look like they were done by the same person. Finnegan looks like he's ready for a nap, but DeMaria is all smiles as she poses for the camera.
Made for the Camera
We're sure that at least a little bit of primping and layering had to happen for these two to look so similar, but it's fun seeing pictures that are off-the-cuff and not just staged at a pet look-alike contest. These two were just chilling, watching a movie when someone pointed out that their hair was parted exactly the same way.

Just look at them. They're practically twins. We even think that the smiles that they're pointing at the camera look quite alike, but that might just be the fact that they're both looking straight at the lens.
Just an Extension of the Hair
We're going to see plenty of examples on this list with the dog and the owner boasting similar hairdos, but this one might be at the top of the list. Jimmie (the handsome pooch) and Judith (the lovely lady) look like they decided to get their hair done with the exact same look in mind.

The fact that both are getting up there in years has let them have the same classy gray color. They also both feature a wavy style, but who knows if that was intentional or not. Also, we really like the warm color that this picture has.
Like Father, Like Dog
Dog dads are all the rage right now, even if it's weird and kinda creepy to replace a real human child with an animal that you picked up from the pound. The hair color looks like they're exactly alike, and the eyes are pretty similar, too.

He's cradling this little boy, and we think he's just adorable, even if – again, we have to point this out – he isn't actually the man's son. The youth of the pup probably made him take on the elements of his owner more than a dog adopted in the prime of its life.
Soaking up the Sun
Sometimes dogs look like their owners just from the random elements that make up their lives, and sometimes dogs look like their owners because the owners want their dogs to be just as fabulous as they are. This duo is almost certainly the latter.

The hair and fur colors are almost identical, and there's a happy face on both of them – well, the dog, at least. The lady looks more like she's trying out for an acting headshot – making them look even more similar. Remember, if you want to look good, natural light is a godsend.
Which Is Which?
Look, we just don't see it. Sure, they might have the same world-weary expression on their faces, and they might have whiskers that are more or less the same color, and they might both be looking at the camera with a face that says, “how long is this going to take? I have a nap to get back to.”

Okay, we guess we can see it a little bit, but the dog on the left and the human on the right don't look THAT similar, do they?
Well, at Least Something Matches
These two don't look so alike, but there is at least one element they very clearly have in common – their photogenic natures. Both of them take the camera like a fish to water. The guy has a wry look, and the dog has a happy, at-ease pant going on.

All right, fine, you caught us – clearly, the reason these two look alike is the color of their clothing. The guy's shirt has blue patches, while the dog boasts a fetching blue collar that goes perfectly with fur that is of some color that probably isn't all that important.
This One Is a Little Easy
Well, sure, if you have the guy and the dog wear the same hat, then, of course, they're going to look alike. Also, both man and beast have a look on their face that means, “fine, I'll put the stupid hat on, but only for you, kid, and only for one picture.”

The mean dog scowl doesn't have to just be on a pooch. Humans can apparently have it just as much. The little bit of gray around the dog's muzzle is the icing on the cake – it matches the dad just right.
Ready to Get to Work
Handsome hound Klopp and his owner, Jim Holyoak, might not look exactly alike, but both of them look prepared to get down to business and do whatever it is they do at their jobs. Office work, we're going to have to guess, just because we don't really know much else about the situation.

They both have the kind of expression that tells us they know what they're there to do, and they know how to do it well. Klopp even gets his own chair and a keyboard to update his cats-chased spreadsheets.
Time to Hit the Park
This pair looks like they've been spending too much time taking naps and not enough time taking walks. They have that winded look on their faces, which is bound to happen if you've been pounding the kibble without balancing it out with some physical activity.

But don't worry, cardio is easy to come by for both man and dog – some longer walks, more time spent chasing balls, and a little more time outside. Making these kinds of changes might seem difficult, but it's easier than you might think.
Focused on Their Goals
No matter what these two have on their to-do list, you can be sure that they're going to check them off. Both are laser-focused on getting their reps in at the gym, fetching the ball, or whatever they have to do.

The brown eyes, the set jaws, and the hairy cheeks make them two of a kind in this picture. Turns out this guy is one of the musicians from the band All Time Low, so maybe the dog is just as musical, too.
We All Look That Way When We're Sweaty
A man and his faithful hound had been spending a hot, sweaty day in the sun when they stopped to take a pic. They have looks on their faces that tell us they're ready to get home and kick up their heels after a day of hard work.

Have they been fishing? Chasing squirrels? Hiking up mountains? Building a house? Probably something just as tough – something that takes a lot of hard work. After they finished up, they sat together for a picture that looks pretty darn good.
Trying Their Best
Okay, while they might not look all that similar, at least they tried their best. Who wouldn't want to look like that cute little dog? Spaniels are hard to beat when it comes to puppy good looks, and this guy tried his absolute hardest to try and recreate the look.

He had enough hair to make a couple of fake ears, but that's just about all he could manage, aside from sticking his tongue out like he was panting. They might not win the next look-alike contest, but at least they're having a little bit of fun.
Nobody Looks Good While Napping
Dogs love to take naps, and they especially love to take naps next to their best friends while they're napping. Dogs are goofy creatures almost all the time, and that goes double for when they're asleep, as we can see from this picture.

These two are enjoying a snooze, and while most of the physical things aren't all that similar, their tired, half-asleep expressions look like they're one and the same. Eyes half open, mouth hanging open to show the teeth, and body relaxed to get the best sleep possible.
Getting the Smile From the Best
Just because a dog and its owner don't look that much alike doesn't mean they can't be alike in spirit. These two might not have a lot of physical traits that line up, but that smile, oh boy, that smile.

They each have a set of pearly whites that looks like they could win awards. Both are clearly thrilled to be there with each other, and both are looking directly at the camera and letting the person on the other side know just how happy they are. Other than that, there isn't much, but they still have their smiles.
Big, Bright Eyes
These two look ready to take on the world, even if the dog (the one on the right) looks a little bit hesitant to start an adventure right now. The dog also appears to have a little bit of a tired or annoyed look on his or her face.

Maybe this is the kind of thing that happens daily, and this dog just wants to get through the requisite selfie and then go to the dog park. As you can clearly see, the eyes are the thing that links these two. Both of them sport a pair of shiny peepers.
Time for a Comb
Nobody has a good hair day after being in the wind for a while, but at least these two could keep their looks more or less the same after a trek outside. The hair colors even look pretty much the same, which really helps these two look like they belong together.

On the other hand, while the woman has a huge smile, the dog looks about ready to collapse. They have to have a meal and a nap before anything else happens. Or maybe the dog just woke up – that's why the fur is all over the place.
Chocolate Coats
Everybody loves having a good hair day, and dogs are no different! So what could be better than twinning with your dog up top?

The lady's hair is notably longer than her dog's, but you've got to admit, that's some pretty uncanny curl resemblance. And the color match? Pretty on-point if you ask us. Top it off with the loving stare-down that's going on here, and it's like these two are looking in the mirror.
Headed Downtown
There are all kinds of people on the subway to marvel at, some good and some bad, and this is, thankfully, one of the good ones. It's also a premium example of why people think pets and their owners look alike. This lady and her dog look a great deal alike, and it's possible that she doesn't even know that others might consider it.

Her hairstyle and her dog's match a little too much – what does she have going on there? Does she have random sections dyed? White roots maybe? The picture isn't clear enough to tell.
In the Cuddle Position
These are two of a kind. Clearly, they know how this whole relaxing thing goes, and neither one of them wants to give up until they're good and relaxed. If the gal on the left looks familiar, that's because she's none other than actress Amanda Seyfried, who loves taking pictures with her dog if her Instagram account is anything to go by.

Her dog, for the record, seems to be perfectly fine with it, and will happily pose with her in plenty of photos. We just thought this one was the best.
She Needs More Volume
Being told that you look like your dogs isn't always a compliment, but being told that you look like your Newfoundlands sounds like a good thing. If you've ever seen a dog that looks like it's part bear, then you've seen a Newfoundland.

They're huge, they're hairy, and they are big sweeties if the internet is anything to go by. If you want to look like your Newfoundland dog, just get the biggest and wildest hairstyle you possibly can and go from there. It will be hard to reach the level of shaggy fur that these big beasts have, though.
We Saw a Squirrel
Both of these intense creatures are intent on whatever it was they saw creeping through the underbrush, be it a deer, a rodent, or just another member of the family. Neither is blinking; neither is looking away.

Both of them are stock still, waiting for the chance to go racing through the wild in pursuit of their prey. Just like the hunters of old, these two will work together to bring home the bacon, or whatever kind of creature they're actually after.
Hairy and Happy
We're not going to try and pull the wool over anyone's eyes here – these two are on this list because of all those chin hairs. We didn't know a dog could have a beard, but there are plenty of pooches that sport whiskers that would put even the hairiest man to shame.

That dog looks like he or she is getting up there in years – you can tell from the shock of white hair on the chest – but it still has enough energy to pose for a picture with its main pal.
Where Does One End and the Other Begin?
Sometimes a dog and its owner will be so simpatico that the two beings can seem like one big, multifaceted entity. These two are ready to take on the world snuggled up together, and they have hairstyles that look like they were planned that way.

In this small picture, we can see that both of them love spending time with each other – maybe the hairstyles just came out of that naturally. Upkeeping curly hair takes a lot of work, so maybe it was more intentional than that.
There Is Something Similar There
One of those creatures is a beautiful example of a silken Windhound, a very long and lanky dog that actually isn't that large – they max out at about 55 pounds if they're healthy. They have big eyes and shaggy fur, and always look like they're working through something right now, and they just need their space.

Well, well, would you look at that, a lot of humans fall into those same camps as well, especially if a human messes up the hairdo and tries to look as tired as possible for the camera.
This One's Cheating a Little Bit
The guy is wearing a furry hat that looks like it matches his dog almost exactly, but we'll give it a pass. still, you're on thin ice, HAT.

The guy in the picture has a good amount of personal fur to warrant these two looking similar enough for the list. Even if he has no chance of reaching cockapoo levels of fur unless he decides to just forgo the razor for all time, and those others in his life might not approve. Sorry honey, I have to look more like my dog. We're falling behind in the look-alike contests.
What a Bunch of Wieners
Being told that you look like a Dachshund might not be the biggest compliment, but we're not going to stand here and say that it's an insult, either. Dachshunds are mighty fine animals, and in the past, they had the important job of hunting down badgers by digging into their dens – that's where this recognizable breed gets their strange body shape.

Of course, even a human that looks like his or her Dachshund won't have that body shape (we hope). Still, this lady has proved that she can at least get a similar expression.
Let's Just Go
These two are pulling the same face in response to, we're guessing, a horrific faux pa (resist the urge to pun! Resist!) that occurred at the dog park. Maybe they saw a ball get nabbed by a dog that hadn't properly chased it, or maybe there's been a little bit too much rear-end sniffing by the two Labradors that are over there by the trees.

One way or another, there are plenty of other places this pair of similar-looking friends could go to stretch their legs. We're sure there are plenty of other people there they can judge as well.
That Must Take a While
There are plenty of people out there with curly hair, but there are also many that curl their hair because they like the way it looks. We can't tell which camp this example falls into; we're just saying that for both of these creatures, it might be a lot of work to keep their looks similar.

However, we have to admit there's a big bonus for the gal when it comes to doing this sort of thing – if she's losing hairs around the house, she can just blame the dog! All that hard work is surely worth it.
Both Drawn to the Same Thing
So these two guys (or maybe the dog is a girl, but for now, we're going with guy) were just chilling on the couch when they heard a noise outside. Both of them looked to investigate, and someone (probably the dude in the picture) took a photo of the event to prove that he and his dog look alike.

Well, maybe there are a few things, but just like many other examples on this list, it really comes down to the expression – the mindset. These two are together in the hunting mindset. They're always looking for something new.
Like a Couple of Clouds
These two might have gotten an assist from the lighting above them, but we think it's close enough to call it good. They both need to head to the stylist for a trim, but at least they got to enjoy their similarities with some time in front of the camera first.

It almost looks like they both have the same kind of smile on their faces, too, but there's so much fur on the dog that it's impossible to tell. We assume the dog is about to go spend time with the kids from “Peter Pan.”
Giving Their Best Snarky Face
We see a few things here that would fit into the category of looking alike. The fur (and hair) on top is long and messy, and it falls around their eyes, highlighting them nicely. Once again, there is the expression, which looks like neither of them is super happy about taking a picture (even though, obviously, the lady is snapping the pic herself).

A little bit of snark helps both humans and dogs get through the day, but for the dog, at least, it seems to be real. It's just trying to take a nap, lady, give it some space.
Does the Dog Have Ear Gauges, Too?
You know what? We don't see it. We really don't. The dog and this gal don't really look all that similar unless she's trying to say that her smooth, pulled-back look is in some way similar to the dog's pit bull aesthetics. Even then, it's hard to say what she was thinking when she took this picture.

Maybe the expressions seem the same? Then again, the dog looks like it's looking out the window at a car or something, while the lady is clearly giving her best blue steel to the camera. Maybe someone else sees it.
Everybody Looks Good With Bangs
Actress Lusia Strus and her dog don't look that alike, do they? If either of them could see the camera, we might be able to tell, but we can barely see their eyes. Chinese crested dogs, like Strus's dog there, commonly have long bangs that will get in the way of their eyes.

It requires a bit of care to make sure they aren't a bother, but they're one of the things that makes them their own special breed. Strus probably had to do a little teasing to get her bangs down there, but it happened eventually.
The Flow
Australian Shepherds come in all shapes and sizes, but most of them have a few certain things in common: they have wild hair, they love running around outdoors, and they're friendly to most people. They're perfect for the outdoorsman that wants to keep exploring new places and meeting new people, and we bet that this guy fits that bill perfectly.

The hair is the biggest thing that makes these two look like they were separated at birth. The color doesn't match exactly, but it's still pretty close – the length and wild nature are what we're looking at here.
Grins That Can't Be Beat
Every dog has its own personality, just like every human, and it's a match made in heaven when you find a dog that matches you. This human and her dog look like they go through their days having fun, throwing and catching balls, and going on long walks.

The pit bull is a very energetic breed, so a lot of time outside and running around will do them a world of good – and it's bound to be a good thing for the owner, too. These two hopped in the car and gave the camera their best smiles.
About to Drop a Beat
These two might not be of the same species, but that doesn't mean they can't jam. They even both have the feathered boy band hairstyle going on, though maybe they're more of a punk group or something.

Maltese Yorkies commonly have fur that will fall in front of their eyes, but we're guessing that the human had to tease their hair until it totally covered the upper half of the face. Depending on how long your hair is, that can take a while. On the other hand, if it's too long, you wake up looking like this no matter what.
Out Here Having a Good Time
Everybody likes a little bit of time by the water, and these two good friends are showing us why. Some natural lighting, fresh air, and surf let everybody feel relaxed. They're even sporting the same kind of smile, the kind that says, “we're having a good time, and we don't want to stop.”

Still, all good things must come to an end, but we're going to remember those alike smiles for a long time. While both of them do sort of have long faces, it's just a physical trait. The dog, in particular, looks like it's part horse.
Prepared for the Weather
Both of these lads look like they're all bundled up to head outside and face down the winter chill. The guy has a distinctly northern look to him, which makes us think that both of them will need all the help they can get.

There's also a heater and a fir tree in the space with them – it's like they needed to make sure people knew they were from somewhere cold. Both of them have the shaggy, unkempt style that makes us think of Danish warriors tromping through deep snow toward the next village.
Bugging Out
Frenchies are one dog breed that, while certainly not unattractive, many people would be hesitant to say are the most beautiful. But that doesn't matter much when they're a friend, right? These two are taking a look at each other, or at something beyond the camera, but both of their eyes are popping out.

Are they surprised? Worried? Or just enjoying their time together? Who knows, but nobody can say they don't look similar. We still wonder if dogs try to copy the expressions of their owners, consciously or subconsciously.
Tangled and Tossed
Surely you can see from the very first glance that these two have something in common, but it will only happen if they've been out in the rain or running around on a hot day. Their hair goes all over the place, and if you've ever smelled a wet dog, you know that this isn't something you try to do very often.

The guy might smell a little better, but we bet there's still a little bit of a stench. Still, it's impossible to put this example of similar dogs and their owners aside.
Two Pictures of the Same Person
At least, that's what it looks like the first time you look at this image. On second glance, of course, it's clear there are two different kinds of creatures in front of you – they just look so similar! They both look like they've just finished an intense eighties workout with that pink headband and frizzy, feathered hair.

It must have been a particularly tough workout, too, since both of them look like they're about ready to collapse. Collapse, have a nap, and then eat a ton of food.
Either One Has Enough for Both
It doesn't matter which one you pick; either of these two has enough hair or fur for both of them. Not only do they seem to have the same masses of brown curls, but both have their hair tied up in a knot atop their heads.

Third, they both have big, happy smiles on their face. Are they getting ready for a night on the town, or are they just having some fun? Well, clearly, they're having some fun. We're just amazed at how much fur the dog has on its face.