With positive attitudes, the two embarked on their monumental journey. Of course, their friends soon found out about their New Year’s resolution. While it can be a hit or miss as to whether people are supportive of big goals like this, Lexi and Danny’s friends were absolute champs. They made a bet with their friends with these rules that Danny and Lexi had to follow in order to win: “no eating out, no soda, no alcohol, no cheat meals, and working out for 30 minutes five times a week.”

The pair had to stick to this for just one month to win. The next challenge would be taken up from there. Framing it this way, as a bet they wanted to win, with people holding them accountable, lit a fire under their stores of motivation. Determined to prove that they were capable of self-control and discipline, the couple took the first bold steps along a path that would take them further than they ever imagined.
A Girl Who Has Always Struggled
While Lexi Reed was a happy and extroverted kid, she also had an ongoing battle with her weight. Over the years, her issues seemed to worsen and while she never let it get her down, Lexi knew that something had to be done. As anyone who’s battled with their weight will understand, Lexi tried every diet and exercise regime under the sun, desperately hoping one would finally stick. Yet, no matter how much progress she made, the weight just always seemed to sneak back on.

At the age of 25, Lexi weighed 392 pounds. While she kept on smiling, she had a discerning look in her eyes. The extra weight she was carrying around at this time was severely affecting the quality of her life. Getting fit and healthy felt, in many ways, like the one thing standing between Lexi and all the other dreams she had.
Love Comes Into the Picture
Lexi was still enjoying life to the fullest, especially when she was in the company of her man, her soulmate, Danny Reed. The pair had been inseparable for 10 years and it meant so much to Lexi to know that Danny loved her for who she was, regardless of how much she weighed.

The one issue the couple had was that they shared a weakness for indulging in a sedentary lifestyle made worse by unhealthy eating habits. While this sort of destructive enabling of each other’s weaknesses can be a danger for couples, Danny and Lexi remarkably managed to turn this weakness into their biggest strength.
Sharing Is Caring, but Not When It Comes to Bad Habits
While the loved-up couple was undeniably cute, Danny and Lexi simply weren’t comfortable with the extra weight they were each carrying around. Danny weighed about 280 pounds around the time this photo was taken. At this point in time, they were still feeding each other’s vices and, as many people do when they’re under love’s spell, they threw caution to the wind and ate whatever their hearts desired. So long as they were together, what did it matter, right?

This self-indulgence was something secret and special that the pair shared. They would sometimes spend hours at all-you-can-eat buffets, each one sounding that comforting little voice for the other that says “it’s okay to have more, you deserve it.” With unhealthy takeouts becoming the norm when they were at home, and treats indulged in whenever they went out, the pounds just kept piling on.
Caught in an Endless Cycle of Unhealthy Eating
For Lexi, breaking her unhealthy eating cycle was an overwhelming concept because it had been with her for pretty much as long as she could remember. As she explained to PopSugar: “Growing up, we never had a lot of money and my parents never cooked. Processed foods were always easier to purchase than healthy foods.”

This is a habit many people can sympathize with and it can be a particularly difficult one to break. Even when Lexi started dating Danny, the happy love chemicals weren’t enough to break her old comfort-eating habits. Quite the opposite in fact. Binge eating while binge-watching TV became the norm, and any uncomfortable emotions could always be pushed out of sight with food.
What to Do When Your Weight Is Holding You Back
While body positivity is a good thing, there’s a whole lot more to being overweight than just appearances. Danny and Lexi were becoming increasingly frustrated with all the things they just couldn’t do because of their weight. While they knew they were beyond lucky to be in such a happy, supportive relationship, it was painful to see other couples going biking together, hiking mountains, and even just enjoying long romantic walks. Meanwhile, Danny and Lexi had their life on the couch and empty calories to look forward to.

Over time, these visions and experiences were building up in the back of Lexi’s mind. Her weight was dragging her life down and holding her back. This image was becoming more and more clear and with it, a determination that she needed to turn things around. The problem was that she lacked both the knowledge and the motivation to get started. That was until a monumental event turned her life upside-down and changed everything.
The Proposal
This right here is a picture of pure joy. After taking her on one of those romantic walks she felt she was missing out on, Danny dropped down on one knee and proposed to Lexi in the most beautifully old-fashioned way. Obviously, Lexi said “yes”. While she was over the moon, a lurking concern started to creep into Lexi’s mind. Finding a wedding dress to fit would not be an easy task, as by that time her weight had crept up to 485 pounds.

Lexi shared the difficulty she faced in a post on Instagram: “Nobody knew how to make me feel like a bride and not my size. Thank god I was strong enough to know my worth and kept searching for my 34W dress even though I questioned if I would ever find one.”
The Beautiful Bride on Her Wedding Day
While it was an emotional rollercoaster for her, Lexi did eventually find a stunning dress that fit her just right, allowing her to look and feel like the beautiful bride she was. Unfortunately, while their married life was only just starting, so was their biggest trial. The Danny and Lexi you’re looking at here had no clue as to the challenges that lay ahead of them.

As many of you know, with marriage comes talk of children. While parenthood was something both had dreams of for their future, both Lexi and their unborn child would be at risk if she were to get pregnant. While this was a big issue, it wasn’t the only dream that was in jeopardy for the newlyweds.
The Small Things Start to Weigh Them Down
The thought that raising their own family might be an impossibility for them certainly weighed on Danny and Lexi’s minds. However, it’s not always just the big things that get to you. Many smaller goals they each had, were starting to feel impossible to achieve too. The idea of traveling, for example, which should bring excitement and joy, only inspired a sense of dread.

Lexi was particularly hopeful of going to Orlando, Florida, and visiting Universal Studios' Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The idea of trying to fit in a plane seat was mortifying. Yet, situated as they were in Indiana, the options for getting there were limited.
Love and Comfort Food: The Wonders and Pitfalls of Married Life
A year had gone by after this photo of the newlywed couple was taken and not a lot had changed. While the unrealized dreams and frustrations of daily life were still piling up, the couple still hadn’t found the spark they needed to get up off the couch, switch off the TV and make a stand against the unhealthy processed foods they were consuming.

Lexi had quietly begun to feel like her whole existence was spiraling out of control. If anything, her issues were getting worse. She knew something had to be done, but what? Her saving grace was that positive attitude she had. Even in her darkest moments, she never gave up hope; which goes to prove how much value hope holds. Little did Lexi know, a big change was just about to flip her downward spiral on its head.
The Unexpected Change They Needed: A New Year’s Resolution
Remarkably, Lexi and Danny’s astonishing transformation all started with something that has a terrible reputation for being doomed to fail: a New Year’s resolution. Having reached a sort of breaking point with the lifestyle she was living, Lexi received the first day of 2016 with a brand new commitment.

Given how loving and supportive we’ve already witnessed their relationship to be, you would think Danny would be all for joining Lexi on her quest. However, it wasn’t an instant decision for him. In fact, Lexi had to face the possibility that she might have to do this all alone.
Would Lexi Be Doing It Alone?
Danny was not keen on the idea at all because life without his comfort foods seemed too bleak to imagine. With food in hand and the TV on, all the troubles of the day just didn’t matter anymore. This had been his pattern and his safety net for so long. How could he live without it?

While the idea inspired more dread in his heart than hope, Danny realized that his love for his wife was stronger than any fear he might have felt. With that realization came another: he could not let his wife do this alone. Deep down, he knew this was the right thing for them to be doing, for their health and their future together.
Friends Weigh in on the Journey
With positive attitudes, the two embarked on their monumental journey. Of course, their friends soon found out about their New Year’s resolution. While it can be a hit or miss as to whether people are supportive of big goals like this, Lexi and Danny’s friends were absolute champs. They made a bet with their friends with these rules that Danny and Lexi had to follow in order to win: “no eating out, no soda, no alcohol, no cheat meals, and working out for 30 minutes five times a week.”

The pair had to stick to this for just one month to win. The next challenge would be taken up from there. Framing it this way, as a bet they wanted to win, with people holding them accountable, lit a fire under their stores of motivation. Determined to prove that they were capable of self-control and discipline, the couple took the first bold steps along a path that would take them further than they ever imagined.
No More Missing Out
In such a short time, Lexi made so much progress, however, she was still feeling the sting of all the things they’d been missing out on as a couple. Every workout was fueled by dreams of slipping effortlessly into a plane seat, bound for Florida; or even just taking a long romantic walk with Danny.

While such goals were motivating, there was a deeper fear that drove her on too. “If we didn’t get our health under control, we would never be able to start a family,” Lexi explained. It was this fear that sparked another major turning point in her journey.
Another Important Milestone: The Gym
While working out at home can be great for many people, for others, there’s just something about the atmosphere of the gym and the financial commitment that makes them stick to their goals with more verve. Realizing they were in the latter category, and could use some professional support to boot, Danny and Lexi joined their local Terre Haute gym in Indiana.

The pair were relentless, sticking to their 30-minute-a-day workout commitment as if their lives depended on it. At this stage, they didn’t take on personal trainers, preferring instead to be each other’s support. However, Lexi soon fell victim to a setback that could’ve stalled her progress for good: she became crippled with pain in her joints, a common issue when people embark on a weight loss journey.
Tip: Free Gym Trials Are Your Best Friend!
Things had improved and the two were dropping the pounds. What helped was not continuing to forge ahead in a gym that wasn’t working for them. Instead, Danny and Lexi shopped around, finally finding a place that fit them. It wasn’t too crowded, meaning they felt less self-conscious and also had free reign over the equipment.

There’s nothing worse than losing your momentum waiting for a machine to free up… apart from being on a machine and having someone impatiently waiting for you to get off! Lexi explained that the couple took advantage of the free trials most gyms offer to make sure they had the right place before committing to membership. Doing this allowed her to discover things she never knew were there to help her. “I found a machine called the CrossRamp that didn’t hurt my joints at 485 pounds — I fell in love with it.”
The Hardest Part of Weight Loss: What to Do About Food?
While working out is certainly important, the biggest part of weight loss comes down to diet. This part of their new lifestyle was just as hard as the exercise, if not harder. All the comfort foods, the restaurant meals, the takeout, and the unhealthy snacking had to go. Everything they were used to had to change and, in place of their old comforts, they had to learn to cook healthy meals for themselves.

We’re sure Lexi thanked her lucky stars every day that Danny decided to embark on the weight loss journey with her. Trying to give up junk food while your partner is indulging on the couch would be next to impossible. However, with each other’s support, the pair slowly learned to cook better meals, all designed to assist them in reaching their goals.
Tip #2: No Diets, Only Lifestyle Changes!
What a drastic change! Clearly, whatever the couple had been doing, was working. Their biggest tip at this point? Healthy eating should never be about dieting. Danny and Lexi saw each healthy choice as being part of a new and permanent way of living. This meant no extreme, short-term fixes, no rushing, and no depriving your body of the nutrients and energy it needs.

Instead, Lexi embarked on a mini-mission: taking all her favorite comfort foods and inventing healthy versions that would satisfy her cravings, while nourishing her body and propelling her forward on her healthy living path.
Maintaining Motivation With a Strong Support System
As we all know, staying motivated is perhaps the hardest part of achieving any New Year’s resolution. At a certain point, the excitement wears off and the daily grind of it all starts to feel monotonous. This is the point at which many people lose momentum. The gyms that were so packed in January and February, quiet down again by March. Dreams are traded for the comfort and familiarity of old habits.

This was not the case for Danny and Lexi. The reason? They had each other. Whenever one was flagging, the other would bolster them up. Between them, they always had enough motivation to keep them set on their goals. Before they knew it, they’d hit the 30-day mark, winning the bet with their friends. They were already looking like different new people.
The Joy of Finally Seeing Major Results
With the results now really starting to show, Danny and Lexi picked up the pace and threw even more energy into their health endeavors. Feeling more confident and less self-conscious, Lexi began taking classes at the gym. With all the new people she met, this ended up being one of the best decisions she made in her weight loss journey. Her support system and accountability network were growing by the day.

Lexi also had a crazy amount of fun in the classes and fun is one of the key components of sticking to an exercise plan. If you’re enjoying it, then why wouldn’t you want to stick to it? Lexi’s favorite class was Pulse, a music-fuelled dance workout. In her words: “we can do a song full of squats and even though my legs are burning, it’s so much fun that I don’t even notice.”
Fears Are Conquered and Stares from Strangers Slayed
With her hard work clearly paying off, Lexi was relieved to discover that her fear of working out in public at the gym had faded away. In its place came a fierceness she never knew she had before. Where stares from strangers had once made her whither, they now gave her fire: “if people were going to stare at me because of my weight, I was going to give them a reason to stare by being the hardest worker in the room.” What a boss attitude!

However, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. As anyone who’s embarked on a similar mission will tell you, there are ups and downs. Weight loss is certainly not a linear progression. While Lexi was losing up to 20 pounds a month when she was first starting out, she hit the dreaded yet inevitable plateau. It’s tempting to let stalled weight loss get you down, but because Lexi had adopted her new exercise and eating habits as a lifestyle, whatever the scale said, she was still doing wonders for her health.
Lexi Was Right on Track, but What About Danny?
We’ve heard a lot about Lexi, but how was Danny doing? As it turns out, Lexi wasn't the only one not fitting into her old clothes. Danny had been by Lexi’s side for every step of her journey and, by doing so, had made a massive impact on his own health and fitness.

From an initial bet with friends of just one month of healthy living, this inspirational couple persevered through 11 more months of hard work. After that year was up, Danny had dropped from his starting weight of 280 pounds to an impressive 190 pounds.
Lexi Needs a Whole New Wardrobe!
Of course, the couple did not give up after just one year and continually changed their life. It’s safe to say Lexi's life is now completely different. Her whole body now fits into just one leg of her old jeans. She had dropped 312 pounds from her starting weight which is truly a mind-blowing achievement.

It’s funny the things you notice when you lose weight. With a giggle, Lexi described going back to one of her favorite restaurants; one she used to frequent before starting her weight loss journey. The last time she’d been in there, her stomach was so big it rested on the table. Yet, this time, she actually had wiggle room.
Lexi and Danny Are a Big Deal on Instagram
Having learned the value of a good support system, Lexi wanted more. Not only did she want the opportunity to receive support, but she also wanted to give support. So, in the fall of 2016, she set up an Instagram account to document her progress. Titled “FatGirlFedUp,” Lexi’s profile kept her accountable while also offering inspiration to others. She posted daily pictures along with motivational captions.

Lexi’s account blew up beyond what she ever expected. As of 2019, she has more than 1.1 million followers and is still posting daily. It’s truly amazing to scroll through her profile and see the massive journey she’s been on, all documented from start to finish.
From Instagram Fame to TV Shows
With massive support growing by the day on the internet, it wasn’t long before TV stations caught word of the buzz surrounding Lexi and Danny’s journey. The pair were soon being swamped with interview requests and enjoyed a number of television appearances, including a segment on The Rachael Ray Show where they shared their tips on cooking and eating healthy.

The strong and loving couple were still 100% down to earth, despite their sudden stardom. In fact, the humble pair were just thankful to all those who’ve followed them, as this has been a major factor in driving them forward in the latter stages of their journey (the time when it’s so tempting to think you’ve come far enough and then slip back into old ways).
A Gorilla Off Their Backs
Together, Danny and Lexi have now lost more than 400 pounds. That’s the size of a large male gorilla! Can you imagine lugging such a big beast around with you every day of your life? That’s basically what Danny and Lexi had been doing. Now, though, they are free of this oppressive burden and you can see the difference in their glowing faces.

Around the time this picture was taken, the happy couple went back to the same beach where Danny got down on one knee and proposed. Can you believe Lexi weighed close to 500 pounds that fateful day? This time, the pair ran down the same beach they’d once struggled just to walk down.
You’re a Wizard, Lexi!
While it was an important milestone for them, Lexi and Danny are now capable of far more than simply running along a beach. Lexi finally got to fulfill her dream of visiting Hogwarts.

The pair can now both fit comfortably into any plane seat, meaning they were finally able to head down to Orlando, Florida to visit Universal Studios and, most importantly, Harry Potter World. Not only can they fit comfortably into the plane seats, but they can also fit on all the rides, making the trip a far more enjoyable experience than they could’ve dreamed of.
Finally Free
Having finally reached a healthy weight in a sustainable way, Lexi was able to admit that she had once felt like a prisoner, trapped inside her own body. While it was easy to simply fall into denial at the time and bury the feelings in food and distractions like TV, Lexi says she sees her former self with so much more clarity now.

Every new day feels like a victory to her now. What a way to wake up every morning! In Lexi’s words: “I loved myself even at 485 pounds, but just to be able to wake up and do whatever I want to do and go wherever I want to go… I don’t feel like I’m a prisoner in my own body anymore.”
Lexi Shares Tips and Advice
With the bulk of her weight loss journey now behind her (though, of course, her new habits will be with her for life), Lexi has done something truly admirable. She has shifted her attention almost fully from her own needs to those of others. Lexi has stepped up her work on Instagram in inspiring others, sharing pictures, inspirational messages, and the journeys of others who are on the same path she is.

While Lexi has a wealth of knowledge now and is full of golden advice, here’s one of our favorite quotes from this inspirational lady: “Start small — small changes add up to big results — and focus on each day, not how far you have to go.” And, if you’re hoping for magic pills or quick fixes, take it from Lexi, the only way to achieve lasting results as incredible as hers is to go the natural way (you know, the one filled with hard work and dedication). Nothing worth having is ever earned the easy way.
The Most Beautiful Before and After Photos
Lexi’s before and after photos are nothing short of jaw-dropping and mega-inspirational. What a change she’s made to her health. Knowing that they could’ve taken this wonderful path so much sooner had they been able to find the inspiration, Danny and Lexi have dedicated themselves to being that motivating force for other people.

The genuine love and human kindness the pair offer through their channel got them an invite to the Screen Actors Guild Awards in 2018. Their story is so inspirational it really cannot be shared enough. Lexi thought it would take her years to shed the 300+ pounds she needed to lose to be in a healthy weight range yet the determined young woman, with that endless fountain of positivity, was able to do it in just two.
Reaping the Rewards
Pictured here on their wedding day and then a little over two years later at the Screen Actors Guild Awards, the difference this pair has made in their lives is so apparent. To Lexi, this change was nothing short of life-saving: “Every day I wake up is a blessing. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and this new life that I’m living. I saved my own life and for that, there are no words — only gratitude.”

As far as Danny and Lexi are concerned, they were alive before, sure, but they weren’t truly living. Now, fuelled by the abundant energy that has resulted from their newfound healthy lifestyle, the pair have some exciting new developments to announce.
Stepping Out in Style on Hollywood’s Red Carpet
With her remarkable transformation out in the public eye and garnering so much love and attention, Lexi was selected by TNT Drama and L’Oreal Paris as an “inspiring strong woman of 2018.” Along with this honor came an invitation for both Lexi and Danny to make an appearance at the Screen Actors Guild awards that same year.

As you can imagine, it was both a delight and a shock to Lexi. Just a few years earlier and she would’ve dreaded the idea of picking a dress and trying to fit into a plane seat, let alone being seen on the red carpet among the impossible perfection of celebrities. Yet, here she was having a blast picking out a gorgeous, figure-hugging dress, rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous, enjoying a luxury hotel… and maintaining her health and fitness regime like a champion.
Gorgeous Lexi’s Top Meal Tips
When seeing such an astonishing transformation, the first question that comes into many people’s minds is: “how did you do it?” Which, for many people, really means “how can I do it?” Lexi is an endless source of answers to this question. One of her best healthy eating tips is to make life easy on yourself by prepping all the ingredients you need for a week’s worth of healthy meals on a Sunday. The trick is to make healthy eating as easy and hassle-free as fast food and junk!

When it comes to the junk food-laden holidays, Lexi is all about planning, making healthier versions of your favorite treats, and practicing portion control. Since many people don’t have a clue how to do any of this, Lexi backs up her advice with recipes and meal ideas, all made with real whole foods, nothing fake, nothing processed.
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
The lifestyle changes you make need to stick with you for the rest of your life if you are to maintain your health and wellbeing. However, this is not a bad thing! In fact, if you’re eating tasty, healthy treats, nourishing your body, and keeping yourself engaged by getting into new and fun activities, the endless nature of the journey is an absolute joy.

Instead of hotdogs, fatty burgers, marshmallows, and junk food snacks, choose healthy proteins such as grilled chicken or beef. Meals like lean meat and colorful veggies are the best fuel through days of hiking and adventuring.
The Exercise Tips We All Need
Exercise can be fun for a while but, like most things in life, it can start to get boring if you’re doing the same things all the time. Yet consistency is the only way to get results! Knowing this conundrum all too well, Lexi and Danny Reed developed some clever ways to keep their heads in the game. The pair kept things interesting at the gym by switching up their workouts and heading to different classes each week. They also worked their fitness into their social activities.

In fact, the couple even hit the gym before date night! With the treat of spending a lush night together ahead, they find themselves super motivated to smash through their workouts. Of course, it’s not always so easy, as Lexi explained in an Instagram post: “some days we don’t know how we’re gonna do it, but every day we get it done!”
Nothing Beats the Support of a Like-minded Community
As you’ve probably picked up by now, Lexi and Danny wouldn’t have made it as far as they did without the support of friends, family, and the wider community they reached out to. While their results are theirs alone and they were certainly the ones who did all the hard work, there were moments of doubt and weakness along the way that were defeated with the help of their community.

Lexi’s community exists in both the online and offline worlds. Along with her Instagram account, she has a Facebook group where she hosts contests and shares tips, advice, and motivation. In the real world, she is never short of a workout buddy or a friend to chat to when she is feeling unmotivated. The #Fatgirlfedup social world is now filled with people sharing their own journeys and encouraging each other to achieve their goals.
Fit Friends Are the Best Form of Motivation
As we mentioned, Lexi’s offline community was just as important as the online one she created. Surrounding herself with friends who had the same healthy living goals was essential and Lexi has come to have a bevy of best buds who are always happy to meet up for a gym date or outdoor adventure.

In fact, this need for community actually brought Lexi out of her shell, giving her more than just support for her fitness goals. In Lexi’s words: “over time, I found others along the way who helped make me who I am today and helped to make my journey more enjoyable.”
Rest Is Also Important
While your health and fitness are important, and it’s not that hard to make the work it takes to achieve the fun, it’s still important to take some time to just chill out when you need to. Danny and Lexi take plenty of active rest days, enjoying a break from the gym while taking a casual stroll through the park with their three gorgeous golden retrievers.

Rest days should be fun, with gentle activity, preferably involving something different from what you do to work out. You can take it lightly with things like yoga and walking, or try something new, like surfing lessons, trampolining, or even beginner trapeze classes!
A Whole New Life Filled With Dirt Bikes and Adventure
Taking this “try something new” ethos to heart, Danny and Lexi discovered a new shared passion they never would have dreamed of before: dirt bikes. Captioning this image on her Instagram, Lexi wrote: “from 765 lbs to riding dirt bikes, life with you is an adventure & I’m enjoying the ride.”

This brings us back to one of the most important tips Danny and Lexi shared: to stay in shape, make sure you get into physical activities that you find fun. There’s nothing like learning new skills and getting fit at the same time. The sense of achievement is its own kind of natural high. It may take a few attempts before you find what does it for you (dirt bikes aren’t for everyone), but rest assured, your fun-inspiring activities are out there just waiting for you to discover them.
Danny Is as Much of an Inspiration as Lexi
We have focussed a fair bit on Lexi Reed and her inspirational ways, now let's shift the attention back to Danny, who has been an equally remarkable inspiration to many men who are traversing the same weight loss path as him. Danny shares his own progress photos, life lessons, and advice through his Instagram account, DiscoveringDanny.

Along with tips and words of wisdom and inspiration, this super sweet dude also shares snaps of him and Lexi out and about doing all the things they feared they’d never be able to do together just a few years earlier.
We’re Kind of Famous
It’s not just Instagram and Facebook where Lexi and Danny have a presence. The pair also has a YouTube channel that allows them to deliver long-form advice on healthy eating and fitness. They also document certain special occasions, like their trip to Hollywood for the SAG awards.

While the video covered the event, what was more helpful for viewers was the way it showed exactly how to fit a healthy lifestyle in, even when you’re out of your comfort zone, traveling, staying in hotels and away from all the new routines you’ve developed for yourself. Let’s face it, slipping up while you’re on vacation is a pretty common theme so advice like this is crucial for many people.
Looking Calm and Casual on Live T.V.
With such a monumental online following of more than a million people, it’s no wonder the TV stations wanted to get in on the action. In January of 2018, the couple braved the set of The Today Show (where the live format would mean no second takes) and shared their remarkable story.

For this interview, the lucky duo got to fly to New York. The best part about Danny and Lexi’s story is that they did it all the natural way. It is inspiring for people to learn that such a feat is possible without having to resort to invasive surgery like liposuction or gastric banding.
Could Kids Be the Couple’s Next Big Milestone?
Once upon a time, there was a couple who looked nothing like today’s Danny and Lexi. The pair were told it would be far too dangerous for Lexi to get pregnant at the weight she was at. Not willing to risk the life of any child they may have, Lexi was faced with the prospect of never meeting her dream family in reality.

Now that the pair is healthy, fit, and happy, their abundance of energy has got them thinking about a future that may be filled with kids. Speaking to Life & Style magazine, Lexi hinted that such a future didn’t feel so distant anymore.