Bleach is bleach, no matter how much money you spend on it or what brand name it has slapped across the bottle. In this case, you can get 2.84 liters (96 ounces) for a dollar.

It’s a no-brainer, really. And that’s not the only cleaning supply you’ll save loads on by shopping at the dollar store. Keep in mind, though, that the bleach brands at the dollar store might have a smaller percentage of active ingredient and you could need something stronger for heavy-duty cleanup.
If you’re lucky, you’ll catch Dollar Tree on one of the days they get their bread deliveries before the loaves fly off the shelves. They sell all different kinds of bread, including Wonder and even some Nature’s Own.

It’s best to ask your local store when they get their deliveries so you can plan your shopping trip around it and make sure you get your $1 loaf of bread!
Bottled Water
You can easily spend $4-$5 on a six-pack of bottled water. But not at Dollar Tree! Here, you’ll find a six-pack (or gallon) of Crystal Geyser spring water for one buck!

This is the perfect place to stop before that beach or camping trip, or just to stock up on your weekly supply. It’s also not bad to keep water around in case there’s some kind of emergency, like a bad storm.
Art Supplies
Now, if you’re a serious artist that requires some serious art supplies, this may not work for you. But, if you’re just in need of some of the basics, like crayons, paintbrushes, colored pencils, glue, glitter, poster board, etc., the dollar store has you covered.

They have a pretty big craft aisle with everything you need to get through that project.
Candy is something that the dollar store has an awesome selection of, and all for $1 or less. They even sell some of the better name brand kind, although they may be smaller portions than what you find at other stores.

But they do sell things like six-packs of fun-sized Milky Ways and 1-ounce bars of Godiva. Their dollar selection of candy is way too good to walk past if you’re there!
Envelopes are something you should add to your next dollar store list. Depending on the size, you can get between 40-80 Mead envelopes for a single dollar – that’s an incredible deal!

They also carry bubble mailers and other types of mailing supplies for less than you’ll find elsewhere.
Cough Drops
You may be scared of buying any kind of topical or pill type of medication from Dollar Tree, but they still carry some name-brand stuff that can help with certain types of ailments. Among some of the things you’ll find are HALLS cough drops.

They may be smaller quantities than you’ll find elsewhere, but they’re perfect for storing in your purse, pocket, or car when you’re feeling a bit under the weather.
Bleach is bleach, no matter how much money you spend on it or what brand name it has slapped across the bottle. In this case, you can get 2.84 liters (96 ounces) for a dollar.

It’s a no-brainer, really. And that’s not the only cleaning supply you’ll save loads on by shopping at the dollar store. Keep in mind, though, that the bleach brands at the dollar store might have a smaller percentage of active ingredient and you could need something stronger for heavy-duty cleanup.
Plastic Food Containers
Like Tupperware, food storage containers are something else that can be found at the dollar store. Here, you will find some excellent deals on plastic containers that really don’t need to be name brands to do their job well. Although they do sometimes have Betty Crocker and Ziploc (and other name brand items), depending on the store and time.

The dollar store offers all different sizes and styles of food storage to suit your needs. Dollar Tree even offers different sizes of packs, including a mini 10-pack of Sure Fresh storage containers.
Whether you’re moving into a new place, getting a housewarming gift for someone who is, or you just need some new plates, why spend a fortune on them when you can get a pretty set from the dollar store? You could spend $30-$80 or even more on plates depending on where you look, but unless having nice plates is extremely important to you, this is definitely the way to go.

They even have several different collections available that appeal to different tastes, including the brightly colored Santa Fe collection, and the blue and white Paisley Dinnerware Collection.
No matter what you need a plastic bucket for, whether you’re taking the kids to the beach for the day or you need some new gardening supplies, the dollar store has you covered! They offer an array of sizes, shapes, styles, and colors for every occasion. Around holidays you can also find things like Easter baskets to stuff with goodies!

Like cleaning supplies and storage bins, plastic buckets will be far less expensive at dollar stores than at most other retailers. They’re great for indoor or outdoor cleaning, or washing the car.
Pregnancy Tests
Were you aware that you can buy pregnancy tests at the dollar store? You may question the reliability of such a test, but they’re actually over 99% accurate, which is no less than you’d get with any other drugstore test.

And if the results come back positive, you’re going to be glad you saved as many of those dollars as possible.
Cotton Rounds
Whether you use them to take off your makeup, clean your pet’s ears, or remove nail polish, cotton rounds are super handy to have around the house. You can get 80 of them for a dollar at Dollar Tree, so why not?

After all, who wants to spend $3 on something that’s just going to go right back in the trash after it’s been used?
Hair Bands
If you’re like most of us with long hair, you probably always have a hair tie or two around your wrist at all times. Unfortunately, even the good hair ties can snap in a heartbeat, so you may as well buy the cheap ones and save a few bucks!

You can grab a pack of 30 (black or multicolored) for just a buck. It never hurts to have extra hair ties lying around. Next time you’re perusing the dollar store make sure you take a stroll down the hair accessory aisle.
Storage Boxes
Using plastic storage boxes to organize things in drawers, closets, and under beds, can make life a lot easier. But those storage bins can cost an arm and a leg at stores like Target, etc. Something you would find for between $8 and $12 only costs $1 here!

That’s definitely an offer that’s way too good to pass up on. And, if you find yourself staring at an empty area on the shelf where the boxes are supposed to be – you can always order them from Dollar Tree’s website!
With Amazon, many people are simply reading free eBooks on their Kindles today. But for those of you who still prefer to hold a physical book in your hands – you don’t have to spend a fortune for the privilege, at least, not for any of the books you’ll find in your local dollar store.

The coolest part is you can find both paperbacks and hardcover copies of some great stories for a fraction of the price you’d pay at a bookstore.
Trash Bags
For something that literally goes right back into the garbage can, trash bags can be super expensive - but not at the dollar store.

They sell both store and name brand, the latter of which is typically sold in smaller quantities than you’ll find at the grocery, but they’re still a good deal.
Coffee Mugs
Plain ceramic mugs are good for so much more than just coffee and tea. You can microwave soup and oatmeal in them, etc., which makes them a smart investment when you need to feed the family without breaking the bank.

You’ll find some solid color varieties along with some funny graphics if they’re more your style.
While you’re still hanging around the candy aisle, make sure you take a look around for the caramels.

Stock up and keep some handy for the next time you feel like baking some extra-delicious cookies (if you can keep from eating them all straight, of course.)
Reading Glasses
While reading glasses may seem like something that would require a visit to an eye doctor, that’s not necessarily the case. Before you run off to get a prescription, try the (much) cheaper version and simply buy a pair of reading glasses from the dollar store.

They carry several different strengths, from 1-3.5 diopter. You can even buy an extra pair ahead of time for when the first pair gets inevitably misplaced!
Gift Wrapping Paper
The dollar store offers a wide variety of beautiful wrapping paper for all types of occasions. You’ll find solid, sparkly, and printed rolls of paper for everything from baby showers to birthdays, and beyond.

At other stores, wrapping paper can cost $5 per roll, but at the dollar store, a 20-foot roll is $1. Even the gift boxes and gift bags are much cheaper at the dollar store.
Paper Plates
Even if you’re shopping at Walmart you could easily spend more than $5 for a single package of disposable plates for your next gathering. In fact, they charge nearly $10 for over 100 plates.

But if you head to the dollar store, you’ll find packs of 40 for a single dollar. So, who wouldn’t want to just buy three or four packs for $3 or $4, rather than spending $10?
Unless you’re determined to get nonstick foil, buying it from the dollar store is a wise move. You can pick up either a smaller (18 ft) package of name brand (Reynolds Wrap) or a 25-50 ft package of the store brand.

A 50 ft. package of Reynolds Wrap from Target or a similar store will run you $3.
Movie Candy
Anyone who’s lived near a dollar store during college is probably well aware of the boxed movie candy trick. After all, no one wants to pay $5 for a box of candy they can get for $1, right? So, why not hit the dollar store and stock up on all different kinds of treats before the show?

Just make sure you bring a big enough bag to sneak them in with you! And, even if you’re not going to the movies and you just have a sweet tooth, go easy on your wallet and head here before you go to the convenience store.
Birthday and Holiday Cards
There’s always some holiday or birthday right around the corner, and you could easily spend $5 or $6 for each greeting card from your average store.

Dollar Tree sells a pretty great collection of cards – even of the Hallmark variety! Next time there’s a special occasion coming up, you don’t need to break the bank to show them you care. Simply stop by and pick up a card for less than $1!
Journals and Notebooks
If you’ve got a kid or grandkid that’s about to head back to school, or if you’re the type of person who likes to doodle and/or make lists, etc., you probably need at least one notebook lying around the house at all times. Lucky for you, the dollar store sells them in all shapes and sizes for just $1!

You’ll find spiral-bounds, mini, composition, and inspirational/PVC-covered journals.
Dish Soap
You can get a 14-ounce bottle of Ajax or Palmolive, or an 8-ounce bottle of Dawn dish soap for just $1.

Of course, you can get the same deal on Ajax at some other stores, but if you’re already there and you need dish soap, why not?
Paper Clips
Office supplies should never break the bank either; after all, you’re likely using them for work, right? Whatever you need them for, you can find 80 packs of colored paper clips and 250 count packs of silver paper clips for, you guessed it, a dollar!

You really aren’t going to beat that price, and paper clips are definitely something that you can avoid splurging on.
Tooth Cleaning Supplies
Although toothbrushes and toothpaste aren’t going to cost you an arm and a leg in any store, you’ll still find a better deal on the items here than during your next trip to the grocery shop.

You can get two-packs of brushes, or a brush and a small tube of paste for just $1.
Scotch Tape
You can buy clear tape by the three-pack from a store like Target for around $5. You can get a two-pack from Dollar Tree for $1.

You tell us, what’s the better deal? Yes, it’s definitely the dollar store.
Disposable Cutlery
Sometimes it just makes much more sense to use disposable forks, spoons, and knives than it does the real deal. Whether you’re at a picnic or just trying to cut back on the water bill, the dollar store makes it easy with 48-count packages of plastic cutlery.

They’re even available in several different colors, including red, purple, and translucent pink.
Everyone should have plants in their home. They are not only good for our air; they liven up a room and make everything feel a bit cozier. And thanks to the dollar store, you can get two and three packs of smaller terracotta vases, along with some single larger ones, for just a dollar.

These make excellent starters for family crafts, too!
Feminine Hygiene Products
If you’re a man, you’ve already skipped to the next item, but if you’re a woman who still requires the use of pads and/or tampons, you know how expensive they can be, and it just seems unfair to have to pay so much for something that’s a health necessity.

Luckily, the folks at Dollar Tree understand the struggle. Here, you can find an eight-count of store-brand tampons or a 16-count of store-brand pads for just one dollar.
Reusable Shopping Bags
If you haven’t jumped on the “save the planet” bandwagon yet, you should, since single-use plastic is terrible for the environment. Enter: reusable shopping (tote) bags. You can store these bad boys in your trunk and take them with you wherever you’re doing your shopping, and you can rest easy knowing that you’re doing your part to reduce plastic waste.

Plus, they’re good for carrying other stuff, too, and handy to have around in general.
If you’re like most of us, you probably lose socks in the laundry quite frequently. At this point, it’s sort of just expected that the sock gnome will come and scarf one of them down every now and then, forcing us to buy more socks (or walk around mismatched.) Luckily, you don’t have to spend a ton of money every time this happens.

After all, it’s not like you need cashmere socks, right? Dollar Tree offers two and three packs of regular white socks alongside some cuter, printed pairs that cost $1/each.
You don’t need to spend a fortune on a frame to make your photos and paintings stand out. Isn’t that what the painting itself is for? So why not go light on your wallet for the frames?

Dollar Tree carries a lovely selection of different types, materials, and sizes of frames, all for just one dollar.
Chewing Gum
Like most other types of candy, chewing gum is something you should add to your next dollar store shopping list.

They’ve got all different types and sizes, including Wrigley’s, Eclipse, Dentyne Ice, Juicy Fruit, and Dubble Bubble.
Coffee Filters
You’ll probably notice that coffee hasn’t been on our list, and that’s because the dollar store definitely isn’t the place to buy coffee. It is, however, the perfect place to buy coffee filters, which you can find the standard, 150-pack sizes of for $1.

At most stores, this would run you at least $1.50-$2, so you may not be saving a ton of money, but why not save it where you can?
Even the most expensive eyeliner in the world can’t guarantee you that you won’t end up with some of it where it doesn’t belong, so you may as well save some money on it.

Dollar Tree recently started carrying E.L.F, a cruelty-free brand of cosmetics. They also carry L.A Colors, which actually works pretty well for the price.
Halloween Costume Accessories
Around Halloween, Dollar Tree gets all kinds of fun costume accessories that can be used by both children and adults! You’ll find everything for the kids, from bumble bee wings to silly press-on nails.

But like the bread, it’s something that tends to go quickly, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled around that time of year!
Disposable Pans
Perhaps you’ve got a potluck dinner coming up and you’re going to bring your famous lasagna, or maybe you’re going to make it at home and you just don’t feel like doing the dishes. In any case, disposable foil pans from the dollar store are the answer!

What size you get depends on whether you buy one or two. They sell everything from small loaf pans to large roaster pans.
Holiday Decorations
When it comes to what you’ll find in your local dollar store around the holidays, it really depends on a lot of factors, like what they choose to stock up on and what usually sells in your area. Typically, they don’t have the best selection of holiday gear, but if you get there early enough to get your hands on the goods they do have, you’re going to save a lot of money.

Around Christmas time you may even find mini trees that come complete with ornaments!
…And Then There’s Something You Should Never Buy at the Dollar Store
Dollar Tree may be wonderful for many things, but then there are other products that just really shouldn’t be sold for so cheap.
Wine Glasses
You've probably been through the awkward moment of getting home after buying a nice bottle of wine, only to remember that you don't have any wine glasses. And yes, of course, you can drink the expensive wine in a normal glass, but it's just not the same. So, next time you're in need of some nice-looking, affordable wine glasses, run over to the Dollar Store.

They have all kinds of shapes and sizes, and the best part of it all is that, while they're still a good-quality glass, they're super cheap! This is a definite must-buy when visiting the Dollar Store.
You can never have enough silverware. It's just so easy to misplace a spoon, lose a fork, or just have one piece of a beautiful cutlery set missing. But worry no more! Thanks to the Dollar Store, you can buy a beautiful silverware set for less than a dollar!

They have a huge variety of silverware, and the best part is, you won't feel so bad next time you lose one piece. After all, you can just buy an entirely new set for a buck.
Kitchen Towels
If you're anything like us, you've probably had more kitchen towels in your life than you can count. And that's absolutely fine! The only problem is, at any regular kitchenware shop, towels aren't so cheap that you can just keep buying them like chewing gum. Thankfully, there's the Dollar Store!

There is a huge selection of different sizes, colors, and textures to choose from. Stock up your kitchen with extra towels next time you visit this wonderful store.
Flower vases are an important thing to have around the house. You know, for whenever anybody decides to bring over a beautiful bouquet of roses, or Mother's Day flowers, or you just decide to pick up some flowers for yourself on your way home. But glass vases can be expensive.

That's why the Dollar Store is the perfect place to buy a vase. There's a wide array of shapes, sizes, and designs you can choose from.
Artificial Flowers
Even though we'd all rather have real flowers, we have to admit it's not always possible. Whether it's because you don't have a green thumb, or you have allergies, or your pet is constantly destroying them when you're not home, having real flowers can be a problem for some people. That's when artificial flowers become an excellent option.

And where can you buy beautiful artificial flowers for less than $5? You guessed it! Our beloved Dollar Store.
Candle Holders
While candles are not something you would want to pick up from the Dollar Store, candle holders certainly are. You can find any type of candle holder you could ever imagine for less than a dollar.

Candle holders are not only great for, well, holding different-sized candles. They also serve as classy home decorations that add an extra homeliness factor to any household.
Garbage Can or Wastebasket
Whether it's for the kitchen, the office, the study, or the bedroom, a wastebasket is a necessity. But we don't always feel like buying a massive, often overly expensive garbage can. This is where the Dollar Store comes in.

You can find a wastebasket to suit any room. The Dollar Store has a huge stock of different-sized wastebaskets that come in a variety of colors and designs.
Large Snack Bowls
For some reason, it's very easy to never have enough snack bowls. Maybe they're just always in the dishwasher after being used for big salads, or the kids used it to mix batter for a cake, or God knows what. However, whenever you need the bowl to serve dips or snacks for guests, they're nowhere to be found.

But don't worry, because the trusty Dollar Store has you covered. You can buy a pack of large snack bowls for under $5 so you never have to go crazy looking for a place to put the chips ever again!
Coloring Books
Coloring has been proven to stimulate child development, and kids just love them! However, some kids seem to go through these books in no time, needing a new one every few weeks. And if you're getting them from a bookshop, chances are they're not very affordable. Luckily, you can find these at the wonderful Dollar Store.

So, if you have little ones in the house, coloring books are a must-buy next time you visit the Dollar Store. They have hundreds of different types, for a variety of ages.
No matter how old we are, stickers never go out of style. And if you have kids, you know how necessary they are to have around the house. The Dollar Store is the perfect place to buy stocks of different stickers.

They have an impressive variety of sizes and themes, and they're dirt cheap!
Pet Toys
Nothing is ever enough for our furry family members, which is why, if you have a pet, chances are you're constantly buying them new toys to play with. Yes, we are aware of how expensive this can get, which is why we fully recommend the Dollar Store next time you want to spoil your four-legged baby.

The Dollar Store offers everything from rubber duckies and squeaky balls, to frisbees and catnip toys. And you can probably walk out with a whole new toy collection for just $5!
Wind Chimes and Outdoor Decor
We're always looking for ways to make our house a little homier, and that usually happens through small details and decor. Whether it's a beautiful wind chime or some dangly, mosaic hangings for the outdoor area, sometimes these pieces can have a higher price tag than we expected. Fortunately, you can find a beautiful variety at the Dollar Store!

So next time you visit the store, make sure to go to the 'Outdoor Decoration' section and browse away! You can get a lovely wind chime for under $5!
Power Strips
When it comes to buying electrical gadgets, you probably shouldn't skimp. And while there are extremely cheap power strips available at the Dollar Store, you should probably avoid them and go to a proper electrical supply shop.

After all, it can be very annoying to realize that the new power strip you bought isn't working, especially in the middle of a busy day when you need to plug in a million different things. Or even worse, if you buy a low-quality power strip, it might seriously harm your electronics.
Electrical Cords
The electrical cords available at the Dollar Store may be cheap, but there's a reason for that. They're usually not of the highest quality and could be more likely to break, causing a fire hazard.

So, just to be safe, you should stick to buying electrical cords from reputable retailers and make sure they always have the CSA sticker of approval.
If you shouldn't go for the cheaper option when it comes to electrical supplies, you definitely shouldn't skimp when it comes to electronics. Whether you're looking for a new laptop, iPad, cellphone, or any type of electronic device, you should always stick to name-brand stores. Or at least a general electronics store, and not the Dollar Store.

Electronics at the Dollar Store are most likely cheaper because they are made with lesser quality materials, which can cause the device to not function properly, and in worst cases, electrical fires.
Plastic Wrap
Plastic wrap is one of those things you would surely think to buy at the Dollar Store. But don't. As tempting as it might be to buy a huge roll of plastic wrap for a dollar, just remember the quality likely equals the price.

And as we all know, there are few things more infuriating than perfectly covering something with plastic wrap just to have it rip right in the middle.
Oven Mitts
It's pretty obvious why should steer clear of low-quality oven mitts, and unfortunately, the ones at the Dollar Store are not the best. Cheap mitts offer far less protection and can expose you to serious skin burns, so stick to known kitchenware stores.

We know there's a colorful variety at the Dollar Store, but your skin's health is far more important than looking pretty when you take the cookies out of the oven.
If you're planning a camping trip and need some cheap knives (which you'll probably use twice a year, at the most), then the Dollar Store is the place to go. However, if you're looking for good-quality knives to do some proper cooking, go to a proper kitchenware store.

Even though they may look super professional, the knives at the Dollar Store will just make you frustrated next time you're trying to finely chop an onion.
Pet Food
When it comes to our furry family members, nothing is too good. So, when it comes to pet food, you should only stick to pet stores and name-brand products. Unfortunately, some pet foods available at the Dollar Store are not as regulated as in a reputable pet shop.

This means that your pet's food may consist of low-quality ingredients that aren't healthy for them. Unless you're very careful when looking at expiration dates and ingredient lists, just stay on the safe side and buy your pet's food at a known pet store.
Kids’ Floaties
When it comes to products or anything involving safety, you should never go for cheaper options. So when buying floaties for your kids' summer vacation, stay away from the Dollar Store. They may have a big selection to choose from, but the quality is probably not great.

Stick to safety and buy a stronger, more durable floating device for your little ones.
If you're looking for candle holders, go to the Dollar Store. If you're looking for actual candles, go somewhere else. The candles they have may be extremely cheap and tempting to buy, but they will probably last 20 minutes to completely burn down.

You're far better off buying more pricier candles that will last you a lot longer. Definitely better value for money.
While you can find a lot of name-brand deodorants at the Dollar Store, you should definitely check the size before you buy. There is often a larger size available at your local drug store for just a dollar or two more, making it much better value for money.

Also, many people have switched to organic brands nowadays, especially when it comes to cosmetic products, and the Dollar Store doesn't exactly have a variety of organic products.
Small Toys
If you're on the look for big toys that can weather a lot of use and abuse, the Dollar Store is the place for you. But if you're looking for something that will last your kids years, it's probably not the best place to go.

Also, when it comes to small toys for toddlers, steer clear of the Dollar Store, as some cheaper toys might have parts that come off and may become a choking hazard.
We know it's hard to not grab those $5 earbuds at the checkout counter, but trust us, you'll be happy you didn't. The Dollar Store is definitely not the place to buy earbuds or headphones, as they're usually very low quality and sound awful.

Besides, nowadays, you can probably buy a decent pair of earbuds for $15 to $20 at any electronic retailer or online.
USB Chargers
When it comes to buying USB chargers, it all depends on what device you need them for. For instance, if you want to charge old cellphones and devices that don't require that much power, you can totally go to the Dollar Store and buy a pack of USB chargers. They'll work fine and save you a lot of money.

However, if you need to charge new devices, you might want to stay away from the Dollar Store electronics section. Their USB chargers may not be powerful enough for the latest smartphone or tablet, and if they are, they will charge your device at a much slower rate.
Face Masks
Are you accustomed to overpaying for face masks and other beauty products?

Well, not anymore, now you can get yours from the dollar store and save a lot of money, they have loads of varieties and while they may not be the best quality, who's to say they don't get the job done?
Almond Milk
Whether you're vegan, lactose intolerant, or find drinking cow milk kind of gross, almond milk is the ultimate replacement for the popular dairy drink in everything — from coffee to cereal and even to ice cream.

And now, you can get yours at the dollar store!
Doing a puzzle reinforces connections between brain cells, improves mental speed, and is an especially effective way to improve short-term memory.

So why wouldn't you buy as many as you can, not only for you but for your whole family?
First Aid Supplies
To get by as a functioning member of society, you need to have a first aid kit with all the necessary supplies.

After all, it's always better to be safe than sorry so get prepared by stocking your first aid kit with all the necessary supplies.
Sewing Kit
Buttons fall offs. Pants, skirts, and dresses occasionally require hemming. Jeans need patching. There are all sorts of tasks that can be accomplished with a needle and thread—but only if you have them on hand.

This is where sewing kits come in, they're great for quick fixes and clothing corrections, most emergency sewing kits come with a wide selection of tiny tailoring supplies!
Laser Pointers
Laser pointers can be fun or they can be super serious, like when they're used in presentations or lectures.

So when you're buying these from the dollar store just keep in mind they won't be the best quality.
Screen Protectors
If you carry your phone in your purse, backpack, or pocket with change or keys, the screen can easily get visible scratches from hard surfaces.

Fortunately, screen protectors are relatively cheap and the best way to protect your smartphone's screen is to get yourself one (or more) of those.
Baking Soda
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda, is a popular baking ingredient.

It gives foods like bread, cakes, muffins, and cookies a light, fluffy texture. With it being such an important baking agent, you might as well get it in bulk at the dollar store!
Canned Tuna
You'd be surprised to know that you can also get all your food staples at the Dollar Store!

The same canned tuna that you would pay $2 or $3 for somewhere else, is only $0.99 at the dollar store. Now that's a bargain!
Hair Gel
Whether your hair is curly, wavy, or super straight, you might like what hair gel can do when it comes to taming that frizz.

Leave it to the Dollar Store to get your hair sorted with some defining hair gel at a super-affordable price.
Frozen Juice
If you're a fan of lemonade in the summer, this won't disappoint. Beat the heat with these cool and refreshing Minute Maid frozen products.

From orange juice to frozen lemonade to juice bars, and you can find them all for a dollar when you shop at the Dollar Store.
Dried Fruit
Some afternoons call for a mild sugar boost. We like dried fruit because they’re more substantial than raisins and they’re not overly sweet like a candy bar or a packet of gummy bears.

So whether you like dried chewy mango, sweet coconut chips, or dried citrus slices, the dollar store will have your sorted.
Feather Duster
Aside from the fact that it's very effective and efficient, another great thing about using a feather duster is that you can use it over and over again.

As long as you take good care of it to make sure it's free of oily residues, one can last several months, if not years.