Here the rescuers have been smart and brought a mini boat with them to help maneuver this very large dog from the water onto land.

At some point, the dog needs to be picked up, but the boat was sure to have saved them time and energy as they wouldn’t have had to carry it the whole way. Even though the waters don’t look too deep, you never know what’s lurking beneath the surface so we can’t underestimate these rescuers bravery.

Sometimes we are surprised by the behaviors of those looking out for themselves, and then again sometimes we can be surprised by the behaviors of those who go above and beyond for others. Those are the circumstances where real love has no bounds.
The Freezing Lake
In the Northeastern tip of Russia lies the freshwater Lake Vygozero, which is where the story of the mother bear takes place. Given its geographical location, it’s not surprising that temperatures can be as low as -20 Celsius (approx. -4 Fahrenheit).

Freezing temperatures such as these are too dangerous for humans to swim and therefore poses challenges to fisherman on the lake as well as some of the wild animals who like in the area. Keep reading to see living proof of this.
A Difficult Terrain
If you’ve ever hiked in difficult terrain you’ll know how challenging the outdoors can be, especially when the weather conditions aren’t easy, living out in the wild is never an easy affair.

Sometimes, this is the same for animals, and in this story, the mother bear realizes this as she tries to cross a freezing lake with two cubs. However, what she did not foresee was how difficult this would be for her two baby cubs
Crossing the Lake
So, what happened when the mother bear tried to cross the lake? she jumped into the lake with her two cubs on her back, she was certain that her babies were able to tag along with her.

Her cubs assumed they would be able to cling onto her back but very early on it became clear that the cubs would not be able to keep up with the speed of their mother, and as she too realized that her babies might not make it… at this point something amazing occurred.
Breaking Free
Despite everything we know about mothers protecting their young and even sacrificing their own lives for the sake of their babies, this mother bear decided to break free from her cubs and left them in the lake as she continued to swim to the other side alone.

Of course, this isn’t what we expect from a mother, but sometimes in the wild, there are no rules and it’s everyone for themselves.
A Strong Drift
There are always two sides to a story. This mother bear really did try to help her cubs across the lake, but there was a strong current running through the lake and ripped to cubs off the mother bear’s back.

Once the cubs were apart from the mother, she had no choice but to keep swimming to the other side, in the hope that her cubs would follow, and together they would reach dry land.
Left Alone
But what happened to the cubs who were left by themselves to swim across a freezing lake? These cubs have never been taught how to swim but had to use their instincts when they were torn from their mother who continued on without them.

lake was freezing cold and in such difficult conditions, the cubs were losing energy and desperately needed help. It was harsh,
Paddling Furiously
The baby cubs were having an extremely difficult time. It’s hard to imagine how they might have been feeling realizing their lives were in real danger.

We must assume that they have been terrified and paddling furiously to save their lives. Just as they were starting to lose hope, their fortunes were about to change...
Human Saviors
Just at the moment where all hope seemed to be lost, and the cubs could potentially drown, a boat appeared to save the day! Any human would have been shouting to the people aboard the boat to come and save them, but the cubs couldn’t do that.

Luckily, the people on board the ship could see exactly what was going on and were there to help. At the same time, the cubs caught sight of the boat and started swimming towards it, possibly thinking that this could be their saviors.
A Change of Plans
The people on board the ship were actually fishermen, and although they had come out to see in search of some fresh fish to catch, they had to make a quick change of plans in order to help the cubs from drowning.

The closer they got, the more they realized just how tired the cubs looked as they were struggling to swim and keep their heads above water. This may not have been in the fishermen’s plans when they set out for that days catch, but they decided they couldn’t leave the cubs to potentially drown.
Motherly Instincts
The fishermen sprang into action, but before they set about rescuing the cubs, they realized that the mother bear was still in the vicinity.

Despite her having left her cubs to swim on their own, the fishermen were concerned that if she saw humans interfering, her motherly instincts may still kick in and then who knows what would have happened. eventually, the fisherman waited for the mother bear to continue on before they went about rescuing the cubs.
No Time to Think
As the fishermen waited for the mother bear to leave the premises of the cubs, they began to think about how to actually rescue the tired cubs out of the freezing waters.

Despite the many questions of how to rescue the cubs, and what to do with them if they did manage to get them onto the ship, they didn’t have much time to think about it all too much as this was a desperate situation and there was no time to waste.
Going Viral
In today's world where video clips like this go viral, one of the fishermen decided to start filming what was going on and ran to get his smartphone so he could capture every moment of the rescue.

Within moments, one of the bear cubs had swum close enough to the fishermen and realized that this boat may be able to help them. The cub then placed a paw on the boat trying to get a good grip, possibly to pull himself up into the vessel.
Getting a Good Grip
The little bear cub was trying desperately to pull himself up into the boat, but unfortunately, he was too small to lift up over the side, and besides, he was exhausted from swimming and trying to tread water. The water was very cold and had a strong current, so these were difficult conditions for the bear cub.

Luckily one of the fishermen was on hand to try and help and started using any piece of fishing equipment that may serve a purpose in rescuing the cub. The bear responded by trying to get a good grip on some of the fishing equipment, but sadly the cub still wasn’t close enough to be lifted aboard the ship.
Thinking Outside the Box
In a strange twist of events, it was actually the cubs to started to think outside of the box in a bid to save their lives.

One of the cubs started to use their sharp teeth. Though usually bears use their very sharp teeth for hunting on this occasion, the cub used them to his advantage and started to bite down on the ship, it seemed to do the trick!
A Real Danger of Drowning
The cub, despite managing to dig its teeth into the side of the ship, was unable to lever himself onto the boat. The fishermen were going to have to find a way to help the desperate cubs out of the freezing lake.

After the rescue, the fishermen were quoted saying that they couldn’t “look the other way” and decided that it was their duty to do everything in their power in order to rescue the cubs who were in real danger of drowning to death.
Trusting the Process
Getting closer to the rescue, both sides realized there needed to be real trust between them in order to succeed, with so little time left, the fishermen and the cubs had to push their fears aside.

The fishermen knew that one wrong move could be potentially fatal for the cubs if they were to slip during the rescue. The fishermen and the cubs knew that they needed to trust each other to make sure they were successfully rescued.
Living on a Prayer
At that very moment, something amazing occurred. The cub, who had sunk his teeth into the side of the boat came into eye contact with one of the fishermen.

It was almost as if they were communicating with each other in a way which showed them they could trust one another. The look in the eye of the cub was heartbreaking for the fisherman, and it was almost as if he could hear the cub pleading to be rescued.
A New Strategy
Knowing that they couldn’t leave the cubs, the fishermen agreed that they would do everything they could to rescue them from the freezing lake.

They could have sailed away, effectively giving the cubs a death sentence, but this would have stayed with them forever. Instead, they enlisted their fisherman’s net and tried to lift the cubs aboard using that as a tool.
An Ingenious Idea
At first, sight, using the fishing net seemed like an ingenious idea, but this was not a foolproof method. It’s important to remember that this net is intended to catch fish, and does not necessarily withstand the weight of a bear cub, still, the fishermen decided they needed to give it their best try, in order to help rescue the pair of cubs.

They threw the net towards the cubs and tried to pull them in towards the boat. Time was against them and conditions were poor for the cubs.
A Real Fear
The fishermen then tried to raise the first cub into the boat, but this was not without its difficulties. The cub weighed a lot more than a net full of fish, which is what these men were used to catching in the lake.

It was also the first time the cubs would have been in a net, and no one knew how they would react. There was a real fear that the bears would think they were being captured and try and resist being hoisted into the boat.
Keeping Calm
Even though the cubs had been abandoned by the mother bear and were in real danger, there was no predicting how they would react when they were being reeled into the boat by the fisherman.

Bear cubs are potentially vicious and dangerous, so it was important the fisherman kept calm and kept the cubs at ease as they pulled them towards the vessel. The trust at this point was vital so that the bears would feel safe with the fishermen.
Weighed Down by Water
Even though these were not fully-grown bears, who as adults can weigh as much as 1300 pounds, they still weighed a considerable amount.

They were also soaking wet which meant their fur was weighed down by water, making them even heavier for the fisherman to try and lift them out of the lake. There was a fear that the cubs would be too heavy to be pulled from the water but the fishermen persevered.
Keep Pulling
The fishermen feared they may not succeed in rescuing the cubs and so they had to muster all of their strength to keep pulling. Slowly by surely, the fishermen worked, and the first cub inched closer to the deck of the boat.

They were nearly there and both the cub and fishermen felt how close they were to this ordeal is over. It was a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. Excitedly, the fishermen pulled on the net one more time. They were so nearly there.
Bear on Board
The first bear cub was now on the boat! They had done it! Even though only half the task was done, the fishermen were confident that the net would work and they would be able to repeat the process with the second cub.

However, it may not be quite as simple, as this cub was swimming further away from the boat, and had been in the water longer so was going to be exhausted from trying to tread water for even more time than his brother cub.
Catch the Cub
This was still a dangerous situation for both fishermen and the second bear cub, but now the fishermen knew what to do in order to rescue him from the lake successfully.

They navigated the boat closer to where the cub was swimming and threw the net out into the water to catch the cub. The second time around the fishermen knew how the process should go and so things were a little easier. They encased the cub in the net and began to draw him closer to the boat.
Brothers on Board
The fishermen used all their remaining energy to pull the second bear cub onto the deck of their ship. They had succeeded once already so they knew how much effort it would take but they were willing to put it in to rescue the second cub.

He was also heavy, fur soaked with water but they managed to hoist him up onto the deck, and they were now both safe. The fishermen needed to decide their next steps in dealing with the cubs.
A True Wonder
To think that two bear cubs were now aboard a fishermen’s vessel is a strange thought, but of course, knowing the full story, this was a moment for everyone to celebrate.

The cubs had been successfully rescued and could now recover from this ordeal, which could have very easily taken their lives. Thinking about the whole story, it is clear that their rescue was almost an act of divine intervention.
Shivering Cubs
The cubs were now safe with the fishermen onboard the boat, and so far the fishermen to properly examine them. It didn’t take long for them to realize that the cubs had some severe shakes. Perhaps this was the cold, or they may have been terrified.

Imaging how the cubs must have felt, not only were these dangerous conditions in the water but now they had been pulled to safety they were confronted with a whole new challenge or being surrounded by humans.
Out of the Woods
Realizing what a frightening situation the cubs were in, the fishermen wanted to do whatever they could to help them. The cubs had found a way into the hearts of the fishermen and seeing the cubs shivering and scared was difficult for them.

They resolved it would be best to return the cubs to their natural habitat, in the woods. Given that the mother bear was only just a little ahead of them, the fishermen decided it would be best to bring them back together.
Finding the Right Place
The fishermen started to look for the ideal location to reunite the mother bear with her cubs. They decided it would be best to look on the island which the mother bear had swum towards as even though at the moment she had left the cubs to swim for themselves, the fishermen were confident she would still want to be with her cubs.

After searching, the fishermen identified the last location where they had sighted the mother bear. But, how long would it take for the mother bear to be reunited with her cubs? and what would she do when she saw them again?
Will She Attack?
As the fishermen approached the shore, there was no sign of the mother bear, there was much anticipation on the boat, both among the fishermen as well as the cubs.

The fishermen on board had no idea how the mother bear would react. There was a real chance she could attack the fishermen, but they had already decided the right thing to do was to reunite the cubs with their mother, even if this put the whole crew in danger.
The Safest Way to Reunite
The fishermen waited for the mother bear to appear but after some time they still hadn’t seen her. Still, the fishermen knew it was best to leave the cubs to try and find her, even though they had grown fond of the cubs in this short time.

The little cubs were tired and lacked in energy, so the fishermen carefully picked them up and brought them onto dry land. They thought this was the safest way to reunite the cubs with their mother.
Close to the Cubs
Having safely returned the cubs to dry land, the fishermen could reflect on the amazing events of that day. Since it had all been filmed by one of the fishermen, they were able to recount the entire thing in all of its beauty.

The fishermen had proof that this had happened and they were very proud of their achievements that day. They had become close to the bear cubs, which was something that would stay with them forever.
Inspiration for Everyone
This story is touching and inspirational. The fishermen literally risked life and limb to rescue these two cubs who could have savagely attacked them if they thought they may have been in danger.

It was not only the cubs who were in danger but the fishermen too as they had no idea how the cubs would react upon rescuing them. It was a gamble on the part of the fishermen, but they did what they thought was right for the well being of the cubs. This is a fantastic story of humans risking their lives to save animals. In this story, we saw a group of fishermen rescues two drowning bear cubs, but this is not the only example of exemplary human behavior. There have been cases of one-man swimming to save a 400-pound bear stuck in the ocean, and other people risking everything to rescue a dog from a canal. These are special people who you can read more about here.
Man Dives Into Ocean And Saves 400-Pound Bear
The story takes place in Alligator Point in Florida, where a black bear, weighing 400 pounds was spotted in a residential area. Knowing that these bears can be vicious, it was sedated to try and protect the residents living in the area.

The bear began to act strangely and strolled into the bay where he was in danger of drowning. One man saw all this unfold and decided to dive in and rescue the bear, taking his life and the bears into his hands in an attempt to bring him to safety.
Young Man Runs Into Traffic To Save His Dog
A small boy saw his dog run into a busy road. Whereas usually, a child would wait for an adult to accompany them into a road, this boys’ instincts took over, and he ran after his dog who had now been hit by on-coming traffic.

The dog was petrified and didn’t know which way to go. It took all of the boy’s strength to pick his dog up from the road and carry him to safety. This was a life and death situation for both the boy and his dog who had to dodge oncoming traffic to reach the other side of the road.
This Guy Saved A Deer From A Flood
This helpless deer found himself in a grave situation as he was sure to drown in severe flooding. A fearless man then jumped into the waters to rescue the baby animal.

Holding his breath as he swam to shore, the brave man held one arm above the water to keep the baby deer safe. Don’t worry, both the man and the deer were safe. Even though deer can be considered an annoyance, they should still have a chance to grow up into fully grown adults.
Little Boy Saves A Puppy From A Flood
We can see here that a young boy had braved some murky floodwaters to rescue a poor dog that was at risk of drowning.

All this young boy was armed with was the sense that he needed to rescue this animal as well as the bravery and adrenaline it takes to actually fight flood waters to rescue an animal from a grave situation.
Saving A Pig From A Roof
This rescue takes place in the village of Vojskova after a devastating flood. One rescue boat patrolling the area discovered a pig, who unbelievably was taking refuge on the roof of a building. Getting closer to the pig they scaled the building where the pig was positioned and tried to encourage it into their boat.

Once the pig was on board, they were able to sail through the wreckage and make sure he was safe on dry land. This was as bizarre a story as it was brave on the part of the rescuers.
A Fisherman And A Dog
Out in the open icy waters, a fisherman spotted a lone dog that was alone of a floating piece of ice.

With instinct taking over, the fisherman headed into the freezing water to rescue the poor dog who was completely stuck out on his own. The fisherman managed to bring the dog to his boat and bring them both ashore to safety.
Animals Know When They Have Been Rescued From Death
Don’t underestimate animals. They know when they are in danger and can appreciate when they are being rescued.

With a building aflame, this cat was rescued from the fire and held on tightly to the person who brought it to safety. Animals have feelings too and should be treated with respect and love, as this love can be reciprocated.
Man Saves Dolphin From A Beach Stranding
A small dolphin was washed up onto the shore, and a man was able to rush to his rescue. He picked up the dolphin, who wasn’t too large and placed him back in the sea where he belonged.

Performing good deeds for animals in need is easy. All you need is some love in your heart and the will to help those who need it. Perhaps more people will act to help rescue animals now they know how easy it is.
Saved From The Building
This dog has been rescued from a collapsed building. The dangerous ground meant that the two rescuers were in real danger, but the wellbeing of the dog was too important to leave him behind.

The dog seems to be very appreciative as he has extended his arms to embrace his rescuers.
The Deer Is What Matters
Even though these waters don’t appear to be too high, chances are that an animal would need rescuing from them. Such is the case here with a large deer that needed to be carried from the water onto land.

Perhaps the deer was injured and unable to move. Either way, this human helped rescue it from what could have been a dangerous situation.
Huge Dogs Gets Saved
Here the rescuers have been smart and brought a mini boat with them to help maneuver this very large dog from the water onto land.

At some point, the dog needs to be picked up, but the boat was sure to have saved them time and energy as they wouldn’t have had to carry it the whole way. Even though the waters don’t look too deep, you never know what’s lurking beneath the surface so we can’t underestimate these rescuers bravery.
Deep Waters Calls For The Experts
This dog was saved from the waters in a dock. The dog has ended up in the water and couldn't swim which called for a swift rescue operation to retrieve the dog.

Action must have been taken in moments as the chances of the dog drowning in such high waters was extremely high.
Manhole, No Problem
It’s not often that you’re required to go into the sewer system through a manhole, but on this occasion, a small kitten had fallen in and needed rescuing.

Luckily the owner called 911 very quickly and so the firefighter on call was able to go into the manhole and rescue the kitten. Not just that, but the firefighter emerged with a smile on his face.
Don’t Forget The Owl!
It may be unusual to have to rescue an owl from a tree as they are able to fly. This owl, however, had injured its wing and so had found itself stranded at the top of a tree.

Not to fear, the firefighters are on hand to rescue to owl too. You have to assume that firefighters aren’t afraid of heights because being lifted into a tree to rescue a bird takes a certain level of bravery.
The Kangaroo Gets Rescued
It’s a pity that kangaroos can’t read as perhaps that would have kept this joey out of danger. It was not to be the case, and this kangaroo found itself caught in a floodway and needed rescuing.

Luckily a friendly man was on hand to dive into the water and help to marsupial to dry land. The world is a better place with people like this guy in it.
MMA fighter Saves The Day
This is a famous MMA fighter named Cathal Pendred who found a dolphin washed up on to shore.

Pendred sprung into action and scooped up the dolphin returning him to the sea in moments. This could have been much worse as who knows who might have taken a liking to that dolphin. All is well that ends well!
Piggyback For The Win
Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and ages and this is an example of a young hero. It’s sometimes just a matter of determination that will get you to give a piggyback to a dog who is struggling in floodwaters.

We don’t even know if he is the owner of the dog, but it doesn’t matter. The dog needed saving, and this young man was on hand to help.
War Save
It may be the middle of the Second World War but these are the ultimate heroes, so it’s no surprise when they come across an injured baby goat that they adopt it and nurse it back to health.

It will undoubtedly be a story they can tell their grandchildren, and perhaps a moment of respite from the reality that surrounded them.
Brush Fire Koala
This Koala was in desperate need to be rescued from a bushfire, in fact, you can see how its fur is covered in ask.

Luckily there was a firefighter on hand to help, bring it to safety and give it some much-needed fluids. Firefighters put their lives on the line every day to help those in the most dangerous of circumstances, and for that, they deserve our thanks.
Freed After 50 Years In Captivity
This incredible elephant had spent the last 50 years living in the most terrible of conditions. Wildlife SOS had planned an escape for the elephant, leading it out of captivity and back to its natural habitat.

. These kinds of rescue operations are often quite dangerous and so employ large groups of people, each with specific roles to ensure the safety of all those involved.
Fire, Electrical Wires, And Saving Animals
Here a shed had caught on fire, and when the firefighters arrived on the scene, a man was there going in and out of the shed pulling animals from the flame-engulfed shed.

The fire was not to only hazard this man was dodging, as there was an electrical wire that had come down in the wreckage. The firefighters were able to take over and ensure the animals were brought to safety without the man risking his life re-entering the burning shed.
Fukushima Animal Rescues
The Fukushima nuclear plant disaster was the worst in Japan’s history, with people having to flee the area to avoid nuclear poisoning.

One man stayed to help the animals in the area. When asked why he put his life in danger to help these animals he said, “They told me I wouldn’t get sick for 30 to 40 years. I’ll most likely be dead by then anyway, but I couldn’t care less.” This is the spirit of someone who puts others before themselves.
This Man Goes Undercover To Save Dogs
This is Marc Ching who puts his life and money on the line to help dogs who are kept in terrible conditions and then killed for meat.

It is told that in some cultures they believe the meat tastes better if the dogs have been tortured. He buys the dogs, pretending that he is an American businessman and wants to buy the dogs and use them for meat. Instead, he buys them out of his own pocket and helps get them adopted by people who will love and care for them. Marc is saving them from these terrible conditions and the slaughterhouse.
This Firefighter Saved Baby Hamsters From A Trailer Fire
This firefighter has managed to rescue a baby hamster from a fire, who is in desperate need of oxygen

When a firefighter arrives on the scene, their goal is to save as much of the building as possible, and more importantly, make sure that the people stuck inside are brought to safety. However, all living creatures deserve to be rescued, including baby hamsters.
Into A Freezing Lake To Save A Dog
Diving or falling into a frozen lake can be a life-threatening act. If you’re fully clothed, then that can be even more dangerous as if you manage to be pulled from the lake you are then wearing freezing wet clothes and at risk of hypothermia.

This woman carefully walked through the icy water and coaxed the scared dog out of the freezing waters. The cold is unimaginable, but for this hero, it didn’t matter. Her goal was to save the dog, and nothing was going to stop her.
The Flood Means Nothing
When you’re determined, nothing will stand in your way. Such was the case for this man who waded through chest-high waters to save his scared dog.

Luckily for this man, he was quite tall and so able to keep them both above the water. Once on dry land, they both looked much happier.
Rooftop Rescue
Firefighters risk their lives every day to help save those in danger. This firefighter had to save a dog who had managed to find itself on a roof.

We have no idea how the dog found itself there but what we do know was that the firefighter was there to bring the dog back to safe ground. Respect to this everyday hero.
Rescued From The Hurricane Harvey Floods
On August 26, 2017, Hurricane Harvey hit Texas leaving chaos and destruction in its wake. Some areas received over 40 inches of rainfall over the four days which caused terrible flooding and leaving 30,000 without shelter. This was the worst hurricane to hit the US since 2005.

Some people chose to leave their animals behind, but this lady carried her dog through waist-deep water to safety. Pets feel like a member of the family, and to some people, it’s unthinkable that you would leave them behind if you were to flee your home.
This Man Jumped Into a Frozen Lake To Save A Bird
This bird got itself into danger when it landed in a freezing cold lake in Norway. A passer-by noticed the bird was struggling, took off his shirt and dived into the water to save the bird.

When they were both dry and warm again, it was all smiles, and the man is definitely a hero for putting the birds’ life before his own.
Man Creates Boat to Transport Sheep
In 2016, Louisiana and Mississippi were hit by dramatic floods that caused devastation to homes and risked the lives of many. We’ve seen the rescue of beloved pets like cats and dogs, but this man wanted to rescue a flock of sheep and improvised using what he could find to create something that would help transport them across a flooded field.

To this man, his livestock really mattered. Perhaps he is a farmer, and therefore they are of great value to him? Whatever his reasons, he was determined to bring these sheep to safety and luckily for them, they were soon on dry land.
Breathe Little Buddy
This poor goose appears to be struggling to breathe, with a firefighter supplying it with oxygen. We can assume it was caught in a fire and the smoke was causing it breathing difficulties.

Usually, geese can be aggressive around humans, but this goose looks particularly friendly and relaxed. Maybe it realized the firefighter was only trying to help and make sure it was healthy enough to be released back into the wild? It’s not every day you can say you gave oxygen to a goose, so I guess that’s something this firefighter can cross off of his bucket list.
Teamwork at its Finest
It may have taken six firefighters to rescue this poor freezing pup, but it looks like they were all happy to help. By the looks on their faces they’re not just content, but relieved and this freezing dog looks like it can’t wait to warm up next to a cozy fireplace.

We aren’t sure if this dog has an owner but we hope that now it has been returned to safety it will be looked after by someone who loves it, keeping it safe and warm. Perhaps one of the groups of firefighters decided to adopt it and giving a loving home. We hope so!
Bogged Down
This horse has managed to slip and be submerged into a bog, looking scared and desperate. A man has kindly come to try and help the horse out of the swamp. It would be impossible to lift the horse without machinery as they are extremely heavy and so the man has been clever and brave in coaxing the horse onto safe ground.

This is an incredible act of bravery as the man could have also taken a fall into the bog and horse could well have tried to kick the man as it is in a state of distress and may not have understood the man was trying to help him. We hope that the horse is happily trotting in a field now.
“I Didn’t Like That at All”
We think this might be what was running through this cat’s mind as it was saved by a firefighter. From the looks of it, we can see some ash on the firefighters’ jacket and so perhaps the cat was caught in a house fire, which is a nightmare for any person, let alone a poor helpless animal like this little kitty.

The cat looks very appreciative to the firefighter and is maybe deep in thought about what a close call that was and how it might serve it well not to chase birds or hiss at dogs.
Housefires are frightening things and can be life-threatening to humans and animals alike. At one house fire in Wisconsin the firefighters re-entered the burning building to rescue Koda, the families 7-year-old dog.

Unfortunately, Koda was in a terrible state and wasn’t breathing. The firefighters on the scene, James and Jared, had to think on their feet about how to save the dog’s life and decided to perform mouth-to-nose resuscitation. Amazingly it worked, and the Koda, as well as all the family, are happy and safe.
Recovery Time
After being rescued from a fire, both humans and animals need to recover from the shock and benefit from some sympathy and care.

Here we see a moment of respite for this little poodle in Connecticut who was rescued from a burning building. Covered in ash, this little pup is taking a much-needed sip of water, straight from the bottle. This probably isn’t normal behavior from the dog or the firefighter, but it looks like these two have a special bond and will be friends for life.
Lucky Dog
China’s Sichuan province was subject to a natural disaster which left buildings in a terrible condition, and people and animals trapped inside.

This lucky dog was found by two rescuers and is being pulled to safety from inside a collapsed building. The rescuers have risked their lives here as the building looks precarious and very unstable. It looks like they were all happy to have discovered this stranded dog, and the dog seems to be cooperating with its rescuers. We hope that it was reunited with its family in no time and that it goes on to live a happy life.
The Rescue Attempt With A Tragic End
In 2017 the Thomas fires swept through Los Angeles leaving many homes ravaged by flames. Some footage of a man tempting a rabbit towards him so that the rabbit wouldn’t get caught in the fire went viral.

Sadly, when their bodies were retrieved from the water by those who witnessed the incident, they were unconscious and attempted to resuscitate them were unsuccessful.
Wouldn’t You Do The Same?
When a flood occurs, like the one in Louisiana in 2016, one of the many repercussions is that animals are abandoned in a panic, and therefore shelters become overcrowded.

The volunteers, therefore, have to work day and night trying to rehouse these animals to people who will love them. Leaving them waiting in a shelter is too heartbreaking to think about.
Threat Of An Eruption Prompts A Rescue Mission
In 2017 on the island of Bali there was a high risk that the volcano might erupt. The locals thought it might be imminent as there had been a number of tremors felt in the lead-up. As a result, the population was evacuated to shelters set up especially for these people.

Unfortunately, not everyone could take their pets or livestock with them, and many animals were left abandoned and in real danger. A brave group of rescuers decided they had to retrieve these animals and risked everything by entering red zones to make sure that all the animals were safe.
By Any Means Necessary
This image is of a man in Houston using an inflatable mattress to transport himself and his pets to safety amidst wading through the high waters from the flooding that has occurred there.

When someone has a bond with an animal, they will do anything for them, and that includes transporting them across flood waters to safety.
He Could Have Given Up
Passers-by noticed a dog trapped in a river that had frozen over. They didn’t try to rescue him themselves but thought the emergency services would be better equipped to retrieve the dog out of the river safely.

The emergency respondent was able to help as he was fully trained and equipped with protective clothing. Even still he had to move very carefully so as not to break the ice and fall in himself. Eventually, the dog, named Charlie was lifted to safety and has since been adopted by a loving family.
Rescuing A Sheep With No Concern For Their Own Lives
These two young men rose to the occasion when this sheep was drowning in a river’s current. At first, one of the young gentlemen jumped into the river, but he was unsuccessful and required the help of his friend to help lift both him and the sheep out of the water.

Such is the power of teamwork that the managed to rescue the sheep without causing any harm to themselves.