It’s already frustrating when you receive one wrong order, but when you receive 50 wrong orders, that’s a whole different story. This guy’s boss tried his best to contain his laughter when he saw this odd yet hilarious situation.

To him, it was too funny of a situation not to share! Of course, he turned to social media to announce this mishap. Along with this picture, he wrote the caption: “My boss bought 50 chairs in an online auction.. It wasn’t until we went to pick them up, that it was at an elementary school!” Thankfully, his boss was a total sport about it and just laughed it off. We hope he finds the right chairs next time!
That face just says it all! She probably realized at that very moment that she should really rethink trusting something in good faith only because it’s found on the internet. So close yet... So so very far!

When you’re dealing with articles of clothing as detailed as this dress, you might want to be sure you’re purchasing it from a reliable and competent seller!
Tank The Dress
This guy was probably really excited to show off the body he worked so for by purchasing a new tank top. What’s the point of working so hard on your fitness if you don’t get to flaunt it every now and then, right?

Assuming he was getting that nice fit on the photo online, he was ready to have a dope outfit to work out in. Well, whoever sold this to him probably thought he was a fit woman as it turned out to be a body-hugging mini dress! Turn it into a makeshift gift for the girlfriend, maybe?
The Night King
We don't know what this mask was supposed to be, but we are sure it doesn't resemble its original idea. Apparently, it was supposed to be a Night King however, no one intended a four-year-old to make it out of paper mache.

So next time this dude orders something online, he better make sure it's from a legit supplier, or he will end up looking like someone who escaped the burned unit.
It’s always a struggle to define what the standards of dresses are across various clothing stores. Beth trusted that the flowing blue dress she was eyeing while she was browsing for a prom dress, would look good on her.

Beth trusted that the dress would look at least a little similar to the one she saw online and ordered it anyway. Now, she knows it was a mistake.
Auto Mislead
This one got us laughing our heads off! During her daughter Emily’s birthday, this mother thought that topping her birthday cake off with a doll that resembled her daughter would be adorable and thoughtful. She was so excited to see how her daughter would react when this little addition came to life. Well, just like many mothers, she ended up having some problems with her phone functions.

Thinking that she typed “blonde” on her phone, this mother ended up with an auto-correct that turned it into “blind”. Since the customer is always right, the baker went right ahead and created what she asked for. Her daughter must have been totally confused to receive such a cake!
Little Miss Not Perfect
We love this. We really do, and we will tell you why. Kids today are exposed to so much social media, and everything is about what you look like, what you wear, what you look like, and most importantly, what you think you look like. This next image is exactly what we want to teach our children.

It took us a while to notice this cute baby lizard has one-eye mispositioned. And when we did realize it, it put a great big smile on our faces. This stuffed reptile is absolutely perfect!
Now That's a Small Candle-stick Holder
How beautiful is this rustic candle-stick holder for a dinner table, of course, that's what we all think when we see it in the photo. But in real life, it's much smaller than you'd expect.

Maybe it's for a miniature table that hosts kittens or puppies who like to eat by candlelight...
Poor Pooch
At the old canine age of 13, Tiny the dog was long past his puppy days in dealing with the cold. With the winter season fast approaching, he surely needed something to keep him warm as the temperatures were about to drop drastically. As such, his owner knew to search for a doggy coat online to keep Tiny feeling comfortable and warm.

Already expecting to receive the right fit after making sure of the dimensions stated on the site, his owner ended up with a coat that was way smaller than expected! It turns out the company’s measurements were still way off! Poor Tiny!
170mm screw
This purchase is straight-up hilarious! Who’d ever think that such a huge screw actually existed? Apparently, this buyer didn’t realize that an extra zero can make a huge difference when it comes to measurements.

Precision is key when you’re dealing with these kinds of things! Expecting to receive a 17mm screw, he ended up with this ridiculously huge 170mm one! We wonder what this could even be used for.
Knock Off Nightmares
It’s always best to think of your loved ones when you get to travel abroad to show them that you thought of them. Sarah, though she intended to bring back a nice souvenir for her niece, ended up having a tight schedule on her short business trip to London. Dealing with one meeting to another, she realized she wouldn’t be able to go to any souvenir shops before going home.

Thus, she decided to place an order online for a genuine crystal as a souvenir and have it delivered to her New York apartment. Well, she ended up not having a souvenir, instead, she received a spray-painted rock.
Carry on Cat
A woman ordered a backpack to carry her daily essentials. She obviously didn't check the measurements before placing the order (or she ordered it from an unreliable supplier which is more likely) and ended up with a bag that fits nothing bigger than her cat.

Now, to be honest, we don't see any problem with this. The bag has plenty of room for keys, a phone, a small purse with loose change, and even a book. What else do we need in life?
Check Your Dimensions
Yup, we have the same sentiments, little kitty. We see right through this cat’s disappointment with his owner’s gift. Though his owner probably had all the right intentions to please his furry friend, the turn out didn’t seem too favorable.

How is Shorty going to deal with that boredom with this flimsy little thing now? Well, it’s the thought that counts, I guess!
Smells Great
Obviously a drunken purchase, Emily was immediately enticed to see something titled as “bag of unicorn farts.” It was especially attractive to see a description that says “100% magical, majestic, and mythical.”

Who wouldn’t be curious to know just what was in that bag? As hilarious and adorable as it could have been, Emily ended up with this bag of cotton candy. Though she probably still enjoyed it, it’s still frustrating to know that she spent way too much just on candy! Well, what was she expecting, anyway?
Resourceful Packers
The employee of the month? Whoever ran out of tissue paper thought of another useful shoe stuffing alternative- tighty whities!

I guess you can't really complain, the guy got his new shoes, plus free underwear, win-win. You can never have too many underwear. Just be sure to throw them in the washer!
Internet Decisions
We have another drunken purchase over here! Did this guy actually pay for this thing? It looks like something that came out of an arts and craft session, and someone decided to pack it in a box and sent it the guy who paid for it.

Are the eyes made of cardboard? Have they just been glued on? Let's talk quality. Forget the dimensions of this creature that are all out of shape, does quality even exist here? And he actually paid for this?
Too Much
One, thoughtful boyfriend thought it would be romantic to buy his girlfriend a nice soft pillow with his face on it. He thought she could cuddle up with him while they whenever they were apart.

When he got it, he realized he should just go with a bouquet of roses, because if she saw this pillow it might actually put their relationship on thin ice, or give the poor girl nightmares. Not exactly the image that you want your significant other to have in their head before bed.
Always Go for the Cheap One
This woman wanted to buy a swing set for her backyard. Her grandchildren were coming over to visit regularly, and she wanted them to have a swing. One thing she never took into account is that she would have to put them on a very strict diet first.

Now, this beauty cost only $17, and apparently, there was a more expensive version for $22. So, buying cheap is not always the best way, and we can be assured that if this granny would have invested an extra $5, her grandchildren could have stayed for dessert too.
Bowl of Fun
Teddy, being the busy high tech executive that he is, felt he needed to turn to some online shopping for some much-needed home supplies. He thought he found a great supplier for a ladle he’d been looking for and clearly, did not stop to think that there were actually different ladle sizes available.

Well, he ended up with this humongous ladle that would only really work well if he was a server at a soup kitchen working with enormous pots! He might want to look into inviting some friends and family over for that!
Working as a paralegal at a well-established New York City law firm while simultaneously being a student at New York University, Tiffany definitely did not have any time on her hands to wander around for a new dress. Yet, it was her sister Stacy’s wedding so this situation was an urgent one.

She thought all would be well when she settled for online shopping and found that perfect dress. Well, it didn’t come out as perfect as it seemed on the photo and description... Not perfect at all! Don’t worry, Tiffany ended up borrowing a friend’s dress. Who would want to show up to a wedding in that?
Stilts Not Included
Well aware of the horror stories that online shoppers share about their misleading purchases, George decided to do his research in order to not fall victim to the same situation. Being the overly cautious shopper he already is, he decided to make sure that the jeans he was buying from ASOS had the right length.

Satisfied with the information provided on the site, he went ahead and bought the jeans. Little did he know that ASOS can make mistakes, too. They ended up having measurements that were way off! What he expected to be 32 inches in length, turned out WAY longer! This pair would definitely have him looking like slender man!
We Hope His Wife Understands
One hopeless romantic wanted to buy a lush and colorful bouquet for his wife, so he ordered the beautiful one on the right. Instead, his wife got the lame one on the left.

We hope his wife wasn't disappointed and they shared a good laugh. But still, get a refund man.
Why bother with some old regular boring sunglasses when you could purchase a cool, laser-cut, trendy, angular heart-shaped pair? Clearly, the seller and his buyer weren’t seeing eye to eye here.

This company is definitely going to end up with some bad reviews and angry customers if these are the kind of deliveries they’ll constantly be making. Another deceitful purchase!
Photo ornament
Family portraits are always a good pick to have when you want to give out some personalized gifts to your loved ones. Aside from it being a sweet gesture, you also don’t have to spend too much on them.

However, this guy probably didn’t expect that his seller would have a different idea about personalization. Apparently, photoshopping some penguins would be a great addition to their portrait. Nobody asked for that awkward addition, Sir!
Two Left Feet
Imagine ordering some new running shoes, and soon as you press the order button you anticipate its arrival. You finally get your package, only to discover you got two left shoes! Tragic.

Either this online shopper didn't read the small print, even though that would be weird in itself, or maybe it was just a joke (or a message??) for a person who is extremely clumsy.
This is deceit at its finest! Riding the wave of the heat-sensitive mug trend, Peter was probably stoked to purchase this festive mug. Changing colors according to temperature, this mug could’ve been the perfect Secret Santa gift for the Christmas season. His coworker Andy would’ve loved it... If the mug actually worked.

The seller totally deceived Peter by literally using the printed photo of the heat-sensitive mug. Time to look for another gift, Peter!
Chairs for Toddlers
It’s already frustrating when you receive one wrong order, but when you receive 50 wrong orders, that’s a whole different story. This guy’s boss tried his best to contain his laughter when he saw this odd yet hilarious situation.

To him, it was too funny of a situation not to share! Of course, he turned to social media to announce this mishap. Along with this picture, he wrote the caption: “My boss bought 50 chairs in an online auction.. It wasn’t until we went to pick them up, that it was at an elementary school!” Thankfully, his boss was a total sport about it and just laughed it off. We hope he finds the right chairs next time!
Small Enough for a Cat
Christy was very frustrated to find out her daughter used her money on this misleading crochet top. Knowing good and well that more people would probably be fooled by this seller, she ended up leaving her 1-star review elaborately expressing her disappointment.

She even made her cat wear it to get her point across! She wrote the following review: “My 16-year-old daughter bought this thing. It is ridiculously small and I probably couldn’t legally post a picture of what it looks like if she attempts to wear it. But, so you can see.., here is a picture of our cat wearing it. To be fair, it does cover all of the cat’s nipples. However, she hates the weave. In summary, do not buy this, even for your cat.” Hilarious!
A Whole New World
One online shopper didn't bother to check the dimensions of a small carpet he wanted to purchase, and that is probably rule number one when it comes to shopping online! Never rely on the photos, they're just an optical illusion as far as you're concerned.

But hey, at least the tiny carpet wasn't bought in vain. The guy's cute little dog can pretend that he's soaring through the sky on a flying carpet, Aladdin style. All he's missing is his princess Jasmin, well nevermind, there's no space. Stick to flying solo.
Chairs On Deck
One mom decided that it'd be a nice idea for her and her husband to have a couple of lawn chairs for when they sit out on the lawn. She thought she found herself a bargain when she saw these online. Why go through the hassle of going to ACE, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, lots, apparently. Not only will they (still) not have the lawnchair they wanted, but she's practically bought garden furniture for the pesky little rodents that may be lurking around. #Fail
Want Combat Boots?
One girl on Twitter posted a picture of the boots her sister ordered online for her Halloween costume, The only thing is, they came in Barbie doll size. Where did she go wrong? Guys, beware when you see items online that look two affordable.

Perhaps she thought that she caught a good sale but if fact, it's just an accessory item for dolls. Always read the fine print, and check the sizes!
Sideways Rings
This purchase would have been totally adorable... If it were actually what was in the photo provided! Though it may look pretty similar, the sellers didn’t indicate the crucial information that the cats would be completely sideways.

What’s the point of wearing cat rings when people can’t view it correctly? It just ends up looking like a Facebook logo, which was most definitely not what the purchaser expected. This could totally hurt the company’s income and credibility!
Terrible Fit
This was definitely not the dress Emily was hoping to confidently show up in. Yes, it looked great in the picture but when she tried it on, it was a little small and barely reached her knees.

Too bad she can't wear it out, but she might be able to repurpose it, those prints might make for an interesting pillowcase!
Stretched Face pillows
In theory, face pillows of your kids should be an adorable addition to the living room. However, what this family ended up with was a total nightmare! Their seller ended up filling a whole pillow with the kids’ face alone, making it look absolutely creepy.

Next time, they should probably note that blowing up the size of any face wouldn’t give them the best results for any type of customized gift. We definitely won’t be getting good dreams tonight.
Gold Leggings
If you’re ordering from a brand that is famous for their dolls, you should probably expect that you’ll be receiving purchases that aren’t catered for a human being. This girl was probably oblivious to what Bratz really was as she expected to receive some cute new gold leggings that she could wear out.

Unfortunately, she ended up with this tiny pair of leggings that she’d never be able to fit in a million years. That explains the super cheap price!
When you’re purchasing something as simple as a bouquet of flowers, the last thing you would expect is your order getting all messed up. Colleen thought all was well and prepared when she placed an order on 1-800-Flowers just in time to surprise her boyfriend for his 28th birthday.

She had the brilliant idea of getting a bouquet shaped like a Golden Retriever’s face, her boyfriend’s favorite dog breed. As excited as she was to make her boyfriend smile, she disappointingly received this monstrosity of a bouquet. What came in her door ended up looking like a melted, sad attempt at a cartoon.
Dry pizza
With the ease of delivery applications, ordering your late-night cravings has never been more efficient. However, nothing sucks more than getting excited to devour your food delivery but ending up with a completely unsatisfying order.

This guy must have been totally furious when he opened the pizza box and saw this sad attempt at a pepperoni pizza. They obviously forgot the most important ingredient - the cheese. This just doesn’t look appetizing at all!
Pride Aside
Hooray for Canada Day, Canada’s federal statutory holiday that celebrates the anniversary of July 1, 1867! Of course, a patriotic celebration calls for a patriotic parade! As such, people love wearing the Canadian flag colors all over the country during this time. This man was no exception in participating in the year’s festivities.

He absolutely couldn’t wait to feel the patriotism with the shirt he purchased online. Disappointingly, the shirt he received was several sizes smaller, making him look ridiculous! If it were you, would you pick celebrating your patriotism or absolutely humiliating yourself?
Tent The System
Is this a tent for a full-grown man or for a full-grown toddler? This man was probably oblivious to the information of what he purchased since what he received was actually a 2-person child’s tent! Thinking that he’d find a steal of a price for a full-size tent, he went right ahead and purchased this one online.

Much to his dismay, he ended up with this tiny thing! We wonder what ended up with for the music festival he was preparing for! Definitely not this tent!
Wooden TV
Again, it’s important to remember that when purchasing pricey things like electronics, you’re better off buying directly from the company or from a completely reliable source. If not, you can end up with some real trouble and a blow to your wallet.

Alfred thought he made a good purchase with this television he came across online. Being all excited to receive it, he ended up completely disappointed to find out what was waiting for him inside. Yep, he ended up with a big piece of wood. All that money absolutely wasted!
Sheet masks have been all the rage in the skincare world. Ever since western beauty consumers discovered this Korean beauty secret they've been posting funny Instagram posts and even scaring the fellow airplane passengers that sit next to them when they put them on mid-flight.

This poor woman got a rude awakening when her sheet masks arrived. Instead of joining the trend she had to write the company's customer service for sending doll-sized masks. Perhaps her baby can use the face mask? That was a joke! We do not provide medical (or cosmetic) advice.
Not Quite
People should probably take this advice to heart when doing some online shopping - when a product deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You can expect the possibility of a scam when you stumble upon something that is absurdly cheap. There is no way these boots (as shown on the left) cost only $12.

You may think the deal’s a steal, but the only steal happening there is probably your own money. This guy learned this the hard way when he ended up with not quite what he expected boots. And there's more money going down the drain.
Purple Rug
One of the best things to look forward to as a newlywed couple is furnishing and creating your dream home. This adorable couple was absolutely ecstatic to do just that. In order to represent their new and beautiful beginning, they decided they would throw out all the old and start purchasing only new furniture for their humble abode.

As such, they came across this pretty purple rug online and thought it would be perfect for their living room. Well, what they received was a purple rug, alright. Just four times smaller!
Scallion Flower Bunch
Hoping to purchase a beautiful bouquet of flowers, this buyer probably didn’t prepare to hear some bad news upon reading the receipt. Apparently, the flower shop ran out of the flowers he requested for and instead, gave him an alternative to a bouquet.

This hilarious alternative ended up being some spring onions. Who would even be satisfied with a substitute like this? He probably just used this for dinner that night.
A Medium Sweater
What is it with Amazon and their sweaters? Don't they have any decent ones? Now we are not going to say, I told you so, brag on how important it is to check the size chart and that a Chinese Medium is nothing like an American Medium, but we told you so.

And another thing. Even in the image on the left (what was expected to be received), it is perfectly clear that in order to pull this one off, you need a PERFECT body. What was this dude expecting? He is nowhere near perfect.
A Little Too Tight
If you’re one of those people who love dressing up for Halloween, you’d probably share in the frustration that this guy felt with what was delivered to his door. He’s been protecting his reputation of coming up with the best Halloween costumes over the years of being a well-respected drama teacher.

This year would be no different to him in brainstorming for the ultimate costume. He wanted to burst some laughs by being Catwoman, but it turns out the stockings he ordered weren’t made for a full-grown man. It would be great for a full-grown doll though!
You’ve probably come across those adorable tiny cooking videos that captivate you, leading you to watch a ton of them straight. Though it’s pretty pointless to watch, you can’t deny how entertaining these videos are! Well, this guy had no intention of buying himself one of those tiny cooking sets.

Upon placing an order online for a new cooking set, though, he thought he’d finally be able to get some work started in the kitchen. Unfortunately, he ended up with a pan that was way smaller than what he expected. Maybe he can use this to gain some online fame, too!
Size Does Matter
After moving into his new college apartment with his roommate Tom, George thought all logistics would go smoothly after he agreed to chip in with the general shopping. Since Tom already purchased some curtains for the living room windows, George went ahead and decided to buy a rug to complete the look.

Apparently, he didn’t spend enough time reading through the information because what he ended up with was this tiny piece of cloth that resembles a bookmark! This pathetic little thing obviously was of no use to them.
Interesting Positioning
This purchase was definitely lost in translation. You’d think that a clear photo of what you’re buying would make things totally easier, right? Well, that wasn’t the case for this girl!

Aside from it being a whole lot baggier, the material also looks totally different from the original. We hope she got her money back!
Ho Ho No
When Christmas season approaches, one of the most anticipated activities that everybody loves doing is prepping the Christmas tree. It’s definitely something to look forward to doing with the family around. Since nobody likes ending up with a sad, bare, and naked tree without any branches or leaves, people usually turn to the plastic versions instead. Unfortunately, this buyer didn’t have any luck on his side when he received this wretched little plastic thing.

He was under some major false pretense in thinking he was going to receive a full and healthy-looking plastic tree. What a blow to the Christmas spirit!
This Doesn't Work
This next one is problematic in many ways. It doesn't say anywhere the true size of the Jamsone bottle, so we can't really consider this as false advertising. What concerns us most is that someone out there thinks that Jameson and Ginger Ale go together.

And what's with the "just add friends" part? With a bottle of Jameson that size, what kind of friends will this dude have?
Super High-Waisted Pants
High-waist pants have definitely made their place back in the fashion industry today. They’ve come to be that fashionable article of clothing that all the girls make certain to own.

However, this pair of pants that this girl received probably took the definition of “high” way too far! It’s either the seller was expecting someone extremely tall or this girl just got really unlucky.
Worst Decision
Many girls would rather save their money and shop online rather than spend unnecessary amounts of money on a dress. After all, if it’s for one night, why spend all that cash? However, you might want to sacrifice your time and money if it’s for your own prom gown!

This girl was able to find herself a cheap substitute just in time for her big night, but unsurprisingly, she ended up with this absolute monstrosity of a dress! No woman would want to show up in that!
Carry on Wishing
It is no coincidence that the name of this online store is Wish because after receiving your order, all you can do is wish you didn't order it, wish you were wiser, and wish for something better to come your way. Well, carry on wishing.

This knitted blanket not only won't be big enough for three people like shown in the image, but it won't even be good as a scarf. People just keep falling for scams.
Almost the Same, But Different
All she ever wanted was a cute romper to rock on the weekends but instead, she'll have to settle for her worse online purchase ever.

Hopefully, she's able to get a full refund for this horrific purchase, personally, I would sue for emotional distress.
Not That Type Of Girl
There are purchases that people receive that aren’t similar to what they imagined, and then there are COMPLETELY different purchases that others end up with.

We can’t quite wrap our heads around why this seller would confuse some rubber shoes for a pair of high heel pumps. This girl sure doesn’t seem like the type to be wearing those either! How is she going to get down to some serious business with such a girly pair of heels? Perhaps this was the time for her to get in touch with her girlier side?
Cat’s Little Bag
Danny took to Twitter to share his mom’s hilarious latest shopping spree mishap. Apparently, his mom, being the novice online user that she is, ended up making some foolish decisions when she placed an order on eBay for a backpack.

She thought she’d be able to surprise her grandchild with this cool converse rucksack. Well, this is just another situation that proves we should always monitor what our elders purchase online since she ended up receiving this tiny little accessory instead. Nevertheless, this cat gets to enjoy it anyway!
Spider Scam
This one is not as bad as other shopping fails we came across, but it does put Spiderman, our childhood hero, in a new dimension. Luckily enough, Spiderman always lands on his feet.

Maybe next time, the guy who bought this would be so cheap and invest in a proper Superman hero figure from a legit shop. That is the least Peter deserves.
Ghost Of Star Wars
We’ve all gone as our all-time favorite characters for Halloween at one point, right? This girl had an intense adoration for Princess Leia and decided to go the lengths and buy a costume online for her friend’s Halloween bash.

Instead of looking like Princess Leia though, she ended up looking like a ghost! How are any of the Star Wars fans going to drool over her costume now? She could probably make a few adjustments here and there to try and achieve the look but... We could still just imagine how disappointed she was!
50 Shades of What?
This had to be part of an April fool's day prank. Otherwise, we will find it very difficult to explain. The book "50 Shades of Gray" was supposedly ordered on eBay. This is what the enthusiastic reader received.

It's not all bad news, though, as eBay did stick to what was ordered (from their perspective), and we counted the number of shades on the paper. Indeed, there are 50.
Undersized chair
This girl was probably just one of the many foolish buyers who doesn’t care to thoroughly research on what they’re purchasing online. Obliviously thinking she’d be receiving the right chair size without checking on the dimensions, she ended up with this little toy instead.

This is why you should never rely on just the pictures sellers provide online. It could look totally misleading!
The Easy Way Out
Always look on the bright side of life. Remember that? So even in this horrific shopping fail, we are able to find the bright side, and not all is bad news. Yes, we agree, what arrived in the post looks nothing like what was expected, but to be honest, what was expected isn't the highlight of the day either. asked, simply reply by saying that this Halloween, you decided to give your kids a taste of what it was when you were growing up and decided to make the costume by yourself. The first prize in the original costume competition is guaranteed!!
Bad Apple Pad
If you’re looking into buying original products, your best bet would be buying directly from the company or store. This is important in avoiding any fakes that sellers might manipulate you into purchasing online. It’s especially important if what you’re buying is pricey.

This guy was looking forward to enjoying his money’s worth on an Apple iPad that he found for a ridiculously cheap price. Newsflash, that’s a total warning sign already! Disappointingly, he came home to this Apple iPad knock-off and ended up being a victim of a scam. Next time, remember to do your research and ask for a warranty before you end up like this guy!
Distorted, to Say the Least
We’re pretty sure you’ve seen these hilariously deceitful masks around the internet already. This girl was another victim to those supposedly cute facial masks.

Expecting to look like Winnie The Pooh, she was probably horrified to see such a disturbing sight in the mirror. Since her mom bought it for her for Halloween, she still ended up deciding to wear it to school anyway. What a trooper!
No No NO!!!!
We can't always blame the supplier, just like in this next example. What arrived is exactly what was ordered, the problem here is that, unfortunately, this lady was expecting it to look a bit different. So she ordered an Avatar model and ended up with a Segzy banana.

We are sorry, but we can't have it all. And no, the black top and underwear don't make it look any better. On the contrary.
The Magic Airfreshener
This was bought on Facebook, and before you say that it is a complete scam, read what we have to say, and you might change your mind about Facebook and about what they sell.

This is a perfectly working air freshener. The fresh and intoxicating scent comes from the magic smoke that is only visible to those who are smart enough not to fall for Facebook scams.
Dinosaur Pillowcase
This guy must have been totally excited when he purchased this adorable dinosaur pillowcase online and we can’t blame him. However, what could have been a cute addition to his bedroom ended up being a total disappointment.

His mood probably immediately shifted when he saw this piece of paper in the mail. He’s definitely not going to be sleeping as comfortably as he thought. Then again, would he even have a pillow to fit that kind of case?
Model Not Included
Though there may be some ridiculous sellers online, there are some ridiculous buyers out there, too! This guy should have expected that the model in the picture wouldn’t be included, seeing how human trafficking is such a huge issue.

Who would even dare to publicly sell a person online, anyway? I guess there were some serious communication issues on his side as he expected more than just clothes to arrive in his house. We hope he learns to fix his morals before he goes on the internet expecting to purchase some women. Not the place for that, buddy!
Supersize Me
Just check out that look of disappointment! This guy was excited to finally purchase a brand new armchair after putting some of his hard-earned money aside through the months. Though, as a statistics analyst, he’d much prefer to be shopping in a risk-free environment, he came across this great deal and thought that it would be unwise to pass this one off.

Going right ahead with such a great opportunity, he obviously didn’t get the bang for his buck. He must’ve been really frustrated to spend his precious money on something so teeny tiny!