We’d love to have seen this in action, but we’re also glad we didn’t have to see it, since we might have died from second-hand embarrassment. Sometimes people like to do some crazy stuff at weddings or other parties, and this event was one to remember.

A guy was so ready to get hitched that he climbed onto a chandelier to snag the garter belt, and swung around on the chandelier – which, miraculously, didn’t crash to the ground. The garter belt had already fallen, and he didn’t notice. Maybe he enjoyed acting like an ape on a tire swing.
He's Already Let Her Down
This well-meaning groom decided that the way to begin his life of holy matrimony was to pick up the lovely bride and carry her away, unaware that humans – even if they aren't big – are pretty heavy. Your average bride can weigh anywhere from 120 to 180 pounds. Have you ever tried to pick that much up on a whim?

Sure, she could hang on to him, but with all that extra dress, shoes, jewelry, and other items, things didn't turn out the way he intended. The picture shows them both sprawled on the grass, legs, and arms flying, but at least they both seem happy. Thankfully, this was after it had been made official.
She's Suddenly Rethinking Things
The groom in question really wanted his appearance to be serene, thoughtful – even so far as to be called cool as the woman of his dreams walked down the aisle toward him. In reality, it turns out his face was closer to that of a man thinking really hard about what kind of toppings he was going to get on his pizzas.

Weddings are often solemn ceremonies, and this kind of face is the perfect example of taking something serious and making it funny in the perfect way. The wedding went off without a hitch (don't say it!), and it came with a built-in funny story for the family to tell later.
Well, at Least They Were Coordinated
We have no idea how someone can have three grandmothers, but there are a couple of options. Maybe one of them was a step-grandmother or a grandmother-in-law. Regardless, the odds of this happening must be one in a million – all three matriarchs wearing the exact same dress?

Of course, it looks good on all three of them, but unless there was a big sale, we have a hard time believing this wasn't coordinated. They seem to have worn similar shoes, too, but maybe that's just a grandmother's intuition about how to look her best. One of the ladies has a long necklace while the other two are unadorned, so maybe it wasn't planned.
We Hope You Like Weenies
Yes, that's right, there was once a wedding reception that had, as the edibles, nothing but two hundred dollars of hot dogs. Not even some of the better brands like Ballpark or Hebrew National – just your basic franks. We at least hope that there were fixings and buns to go along with all that meat.

We don't know what the wedding party did to salvage this occasion, but if the elder members of the audience knew their stuff, they could probably name the best places to at least get cookies on short notice. Hot dogs aren't terrible as a food choice, but ONLY hot dogs? Pass.
Honey, It's Our Song!
Sure, the Baha Men haven't exactly lit up the charts ever since their release of this number one hit in July of 2000, but that song still gets people excited to cut a rug. Unless, of course, it's supposed to be the first dance of a married couple. There might be some who would be okay with this, but not all that many.

At least the song was a Grammy winner, unlike a lot of other classic first-dance songs. Interestingly, the version of the song that we all know and love was a different version than the Baha Men had originally come up with.
Lots of Names to Remember
There are a lot of people that have trouble remembering names, both first and last, after being told them a single time at a party or something like that. Of course, most of those people don't have the job of announcing the names to a church full of people, such as in this story.

The priest at least got geographically close, exchanging an Irish name for a Scottish one...or maybe that's worse? We're not sure anymore. Thankfully, he corrected himself quickly, everybody got a laugh out of it, and it became an immediate story for people to tell each other.
You Don't Get to Object
Quiet down, kid. Mom and Dad are busy. We're honestly a little surprised that people still do the whole “does anyone object to this union” part of the ceremony – you'd think a few decades of romantic movies would urge people to just cut that troublesome section out.

No chances for last-second declarations of love here. But, maybe this story takes place longer in the past than the Tweet makes us think. Obviously, the toddler son didn't really know what was going on, but it's not like anything would really change for him. Life is going to continue in just the same way.
Ominous Foreshadowing
There is a much-maligned running joke among people who don't know better, that women want to get married while men don't. Of course, plenty of men can't wait to get hitched (they do the asking, usually), but for some reason, this old joke persists.

One cake topper decided to put its own spin on the idea by having the groom lift off and fly away, with what looks like little footsteps leading down the cake as the bride waves goodbye. Hopefully, he did not get too far – those things are worth saving. Even if they aren't made of marzipan.
Sure Seems Like a Birthday to Us
Well, think about it. There is a big cake, there are lots of presents, the place is decorated, everybody is wearing their best, there are fun songs, and lots of cheering. What child WOULDN'T think it was a birthday party?

One little boy decided to do what had to be done to commemorate the event, and it seems like people were pretty close to joining in. The bride and groom loved it, everybody had a laugh, and things went on smoothly after that. This seems like the kind of thing that could turn into a tradition if you aren't careful.
Yeah, Sure. Of Course There Was
Some couples are just like that, we guess. Imagine being a guest at this wedding, as two people are celebrating what may just be the happiest day of both their lives and the groom suddenly slaps the bride across the face amid giggles and laughter from everybody at the altar.

He very quickly explains that there was a bee, flustered and worried that people would take his action the wrong way and maybe call the whole thing off. There was actually a bee, just like the video attached to the Tweet shows. Everybody laughed as the ceremony got back on track.
In the Biz, That's Called Husband Material
You know a guy is ready to start the rest of his life as a married man when one of the first acts after saying “I do” is to keep the bride from taking a tumble. Wedding dresses are, like, really expensive, so people have a vested interest in preventing any damage.

Maybe they can sell it to someone else, or save it for a family member down the years. Men's dress suits aren't the cheapest outfits around, but they're a fair sight less expensive than a wedding dress, especially since you can just pick up a new pair of pants.
A Very Handy Wedding
Not only did this gal get to marry her best friend at her wedding, but she also got some premium career advice from the people who jumped into action. We can't say for certain if the dress was saved by the quick thinking of these two scientists, but it's clear that the bride had a moment of clarity about her career path.

She doesn't share the solution, even though there are lots of red wine spills on white dresses that have been happening ever since they first started showing up at weddings together. Which was probably something like the fifteen hundreds.
Everybody Needs a Little Help
Having little tots bear the rings down the aisle, or sprinkle flower petals in front of the bride used to be a lot more popular than it is today. It was pretty much expected. While they can be cute, and it's fun to get young family members involved, sometimes it just does not work out.

In this case, the flower girl was frightened of being the center of attention unless she had her favorite stuffed animal with her — Simba from “The Lion King.” Hard to get better than that – a big, powerful lion? Nothing could ever scare her.
Good Start to the Marriage
You'd be surprised how many wedding stories have to do with fire. Lots of flammable fabric and pretty candles don't always go together. This one was a little different than other stories about ring bearers, since the subject of the story got down the aisle without issue, only to cause a conflagration after the work was done.

It must have been a pretty small table if such a small tray knocked it over. We're imagining a small circular table with a single wobbly center leg. Or maybe the kid is just really strong, and it was more like a dining table.
The Wedding Singer?
This would be pretty rough to attend. There are lots of famous wedding songs that people love to sing along to – being shot down while you're belting out the hits puts a damper on the fun. Maybe this was supposed to be a bandleader who would provide the right ambiance, but you have to let other people sing!

That's the entire point of songs, sometimes! Do you expect people to just dance, and not show off their pipes? Did the wedding party demand this kind of entertainment? And, if so, why didn't anybody let them know that it wouldn't be well-received?
Yeah, Me Too
We all get overcome with emotion, sometimes. Maybe you're watching a really sad movie, or you see a cute puppy, or you're trying to say something important to the most important person in your life on the most important day of your life. Whatever. It happens.

This woman was struck mute by the poetic words that her new husband was telling her, and she could say little more than to repeat what he said back, and not even in as many words. Did she have her own vows planned? We'll never know. Yeah, flowery language has its place, but sometimes simplicity is best.
Better Than Some Things
You're busting a move through the opulent doorway into the reception hall when you look down and see something that sinks your heart straight into your knees. Toilet paper is really helpful for a lot of specific reasons, but it has a bad habit — especially after it's been on the damp bathroom floor — of sticking to places where it doesn't belong.

The number of times this has caused public embarrassment might be too high to count. While it's a common problem, there are certainly worse things to have stuck to your shoe after leaving the bathroom, trust us.
Swing for the Fences
We'd love to have seen this in action, but we're also glad we didn't have to see it, since we might have died from second-hand embarrassment. Sometimes people like to do some crazy stuff at weddings or other parties, and this event was one to remember.

A guy was so ready to get hitched that he climbed onto a chandelier to snag the garter belt, and swung around on the chandelier – which, miraculously, didn't crash to the ground. The garter belt had already fallen, and he didn't notice. Maybe he enjoyed acting like an ape on a tire swing.
Are You Sure? She's Kinda Important
We didn't know this could happen. A wedding really only needs two people, and if one of them isn't there, you can't really have a wedding. Of course, if it's a busy day and there are other weddings to get to, then sometimes you have to hurry things along.

Plus, a good hour of a Catholic wedding (we assume) is the sermon, which doesn't really require the bride and groom. They might be able to pick up some good advice, but it isn't like there will be a test. How long did he go without the bride, and, also, why was the bride so late to her own wedding?
A Fall to Remember
Nerves affect everyone, even the people that aren't in the spotlight. Sure, the bride and groom are supposed to get jitters, and the ring bearer might not like all the attention, but the MoH is supposed to be there to make things easier, not to fall down the steps.

It was all fine, though – nobody in their right mind could get upset at someone for falling down the stairs. She wasn't hurt, and eventually, she settled into her stance alongside the bride as the service went on. And good news! The video was captured, which means lots of people everywhere have seen this young woman's embarrassing moment.
One of the Traditional Tunes
For potential brides and grooms out there, remember that the wedding is your time, but the reception is for your guests. It's a party, all about you, but the point of the reception is to make sure everyone else is happy. Don't get us wrong, there are lots of things just for you, but if there are no guests, there's no reception.

And sometimes vice versa, too. While embarrassing your guests for their choice of music isn't always the best idea, choosing a song like “Christmas Shoes,” which is almost universally disliked, deserves to be mocked. The guest was game, however, and decided to put on a show.
Siblings Never Change
Sisters and brothers might have grown up, moved out, gotten jobs, started businesses, and gotten married, but they're always still siblings. They grew up together, which means there are always going to be little spats, making fun of each other, and embarrassing memories brought up at the best times.

A wedding photographer happened to catch a snapshot of a member of the wedding party falling out of another bridesmaid's arms with a terrified look on her face, and it became one of the central parts of the decoration in the new bride's house. No doubt the sister is reminded of it every time she visits. If it isn't that way, it should be.
A Hockey Game Broke Out at the Wedding
Some people might watch a little bit too much wrestling if this is the immediate response to an action like the story relates. Of course, we don't know if he grabbed the chair unaware that it was destined to be the bride's perch, or if he did it on purpose because he thought it would be funny to see her fall.

If the latter is the case, then maybe he does deserve to be hit with a Stone Cold Stunner or something like that. Also, congratulations to the bride who has enough energy to swing a chair after a day of wedding work.
May the Name Go Down in Infamy
She even called the guy out on Twitter. That's cold, so cold. But, obviously very much deserved. In case you missed the broader scope of this story, this is what's known as “theft” to almost everyone, unless there was some agreement signed.

But no agreement signed would allow the DJ to peace out and keep all the money – at least no one with a brain in their head would choose to sign. So let it be known: DJ Gravy Legs isn't to be trusted to spin at your wedding, or anywhere else for that matter. Are you reading this, DJ Gravy Legs? Feel the shame.
This Is the Worst One
Some weddings just end up in disaster. They often don't have literal flaming wreckage as this one did, but they can be pretty bad. Did anything go correctly here? From playing a horrifyingly explicit song to sabotaging the wedding to actual property damage, it seems like the couple should have just eloped.

Why did the Best Man hide the marriage license? Was he not a fan of the union? In that case, he should have just said no to being the Best Man. That sends a pretty clear message. Plus, those cash gifts are often pretty important for the couple just starting out.
Get an Extra Set of Eyes
Writing seems like it's easy, but there are lots of ways it can go...poorly. Every keystroke is a chance for disaster, and if you have someone that doesn't like to use spell check to write up the programs, you can end up with something like this. Of course, most spellcheckers wouldn't have even caught the problem, since “vowels” is spelled correctly.

It's just not the correct word. If you're worried about something like this, give it to a friend and have them look it over. When we create art – even something like a program – we have blinders. Others can see mistakes better than we can.
That Was Before the Wedding, Even
If this is the kind of stuff that you have to do before the wedding has even happened, we almost don't want to see what the reception is like. But maybe we should witness it – it's bound to be a one-of-a-kind event. Just in case there's any confusion, the bride was getting a shot in the rear end.

In fairness, “Derriere” isn't the easiest word to spell, especially if you're almost certainly recovering from the hilarious injuries that follow you all over, as it does for this couple. Was there a crazy pre-wedding party, or something else entirely? Nausea and a walking boot aren't normal party favors.
Any of Them?
Plenty of people take the opportunity of having all their friends around them to let off some steam, even if the very next day is the most important of their life. Most people know to take things easy since they'll have to be up bright and early to set up decorations or get their makeup done or whatever.

However, there are plenty that end up having a little bit too much fun. This groom arrived twenty minutes late, but it was nothing compared to the groomsmen, who apparently never showed up. It was just the rehearsal, so it didn't hurt much, but still. Come on, guys.
Walking Home, Maybe?
For those not in the know, a walk-about is something in Australian culture. It originated in Aboriginal culture, where males would take long journeys to learn about themselves, and the area around them, forge connections, learn skills, and become strong. That's not exactly what this guy did, but he still decided a stroll was in order.

Apparently, the wedding also had another groomsman get in a fight with his girlfriend in a cornfield, and they had to bail him out with the dollar dance money. You'd think a wedding in Iowa wouldn't be that crazy, but stories come from everywhere.
Keep the Blood Flowing, Boys
Ladies in high heels talk about how uncomfortable they are, but they aren't in danger of passing out. Unless they're REALLY bad high heels. Guys that wear dress shoes and are required to stand motionless for long periods of time – such as, for instance, groomsmen – suffer as well.

Locking your legs slows down blood flow back to the heel, which can make you dizzy. Add in tight ties, excessive heat, or a few pre-wedding drinks, and you have a recipe for falling over. As in this case, it can sometimes cause a domino effect that, while embarrassing and disruptive, is rarely dangerous.
Her Cheeks Are Probably Red
Candles tend to pop up in a lot of weddings, but they also have their place in a whole lot of wedding fail stories. Open flames tend to be like that. It's hard to not include them since they provide light, have a nice aroma (usually), and are an easier addition to the ambiance than something like a spotlight.

But if your grandmother catches fire and accidentally exposes herself to the entire wedding, it might not be worth it. It's a great story to tell, but Grandma probably wasn't a fan of the event. She didn't even get to hit the dance floor.
Yeah, Insult the Bride, That Should Do It
There are a lot of unwritten rules about weddings. One of them, many will probably agree, is that if the bride wants something, she gets it. Within reason, maybe, but if it's possible, it's going to happen. This bride, apparently, wanted bacon, and lots of it.

Now, you don't see the waistline results from food for a day or two, but there's plenty of salt in bacon, which means water retention, and that means swelling. Sometimes that means fingers will puff up like tiny little sausages, and thus it will be more difficult to get that fancy new ring onto her hand.
It's Memorable, at Least
We bet the number of yodeling bands that have appeared at weddings can be counted on one hand. Except for during the yodeling craze of seventy-four. You couldn't swing a bridal bouquet without hitting a yodeling band on their way to a wedding gig.

Nowadays, of course, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks it's a good idea, but it's certainly unique. Plus, they probably won't charge that much – always a bonus if you're trying to keep the bills manageable. A laptop connected to Spotify is almost certainly even cheaper, but how much will those memories be worth?
Almost Done...Almost There
The heat got to the bridesmaid, and the groom's eating habits finally caught up with him. The DJ had an issue with the sound system, and everybody had to stand through the entire wedding because the preacher got his cues mixed up.

The last one is probably the worst of the bunch. There are often elderly in attendance at weddings, and sometimes they aren't prepared to stand for a full hour in the heat of a destination wedding in their fanciest clothes. Did any of them break protocol and sit without being told to, or did they all tough it out?
Ah, the Classic Alpaca Wedding Destination
This story goes hard with the personal pronouns and doesn't have enough commas, but you still pretty easily figure out where things went wrong. This was, we only have to assume, a grown woman who was more than capable of extricating a young child from an alpaca pen, but she still felt the need to conscript that child's seven-year-old sister.

We doubt this did much to disturb the wedding, but we don't know how it ended up. Maybe the alpacas went on a stampede because of the kid, who knows? Maybe the bride was horribly allergic to alpacas and didn't know that until this trio returned covered in fur.
Oh, You've Got Some Payment Coming to You All Right
While the popularity of the traditional wedding cake has been waning in recent years in favor of cupcakes, candy buffets, donut tables, or other choices, it's still a pretty common choice for the new couple's big day. Wedding cake bakers make a pretty penny thanks to their skill at baking and decorating, but a pre-made frozen cake just doesn't cut it.

Delivering something other than what you promised as a business is also pretty low on the totem pole of acceptability. Demanding to get paid is the topper on this cake of a story. This caterer also apparently ran out of food, prompting the bride and groom to hit none other than Taco Bell.
Conflicting Information
This woman was, apparently, told that she could eat the strawberries, despite them being special and beautiful and meant for the bride and groom. So, whose fault is this? We're going with the unknown “she,” who could be the caterer, a friend, or the bride herself. If you're peckish at a wedding, almost anything sounds good, especially some fancy fruits.

The story's poster seems to indicate that she should have known better. If those special strawberries were set apart then maybe, but someone still indicated that they were fair game. There's obviously still some embarrassment, but it's not like she knew any better.
Where Did They Come From?
If you want everything to be perfect for your big day, then you're going to have to give people very specific instructions. You have to make up the seating chart, talk with the caterer, and get everything squared away with the venue. All that work and you might forget about the DJ, who needed you to choose your entrance song.

If you don't, he will, and you might not be a fan of the tune that he picks. “Cotton-Eyed Joe” is a classic song that lots of people love, whether one of the originals or a cover, but is it an entrance song?
Children Are a Wild Card
This story goes on to say the daughter also refused to walk down the aisle with the ring bearer and instead walked with the bride and the bride's father, which was certainly quite cute, even if not how it normally works. For some reason, this little gal also wouldn't accept a piece of jewelry from the groom, stating that she already had one.

Well, sure, but you could have another one, and it would also prevent Mom from getting mad at you for messing up the wedding. Sometimes that's worth it to a little kid, even if they don't really know what's going on.
Here's Hoping
It's an honor to be asked to stand at a wedding. Whether you're an usher or the maid of honor, you're there because the couple wants you to help and because you're close. This best man might have been a little tongue-tied, but he almost certainly got a laugh from this off-the-cuff statement.

From everybody, that is, except for the bride and groom, who is rethinking the promise that he made. Was the bride angrier at the best man or the groom, Howie? There's plenty to go around. Even if there is a chance for a repeat, we can bet that the best man will end up being someone else.
I'm Not Ready Yet!
Kids might know that weddings are special, but it takes a little bit of time for them to understand exactly what is going on. This kid, unbelievably, was already aware of the implications of walking down the aisle. This free spirit was too fond of the bachelor's life to get to the altar and had to be guided with the rings by his father.

Thankfully, he got away without a ring on his finger, which meant he could enjoy the reception like the lady's man he was. Maybe someday he will be ready to commit to a special someone... But it is not today!
Come Again?
A simple slip of the tongue during a wedding is sometimes causing disaster – just ask Ross Geller. This was clearly just a bride nervous about getting things right who accidentally got things very wrong, but it still probably gave a lot of people in attendance a pause and had them sharing confused, side-eye glances at each other.

Someone may have even tugged on his collar. Did the bride laugh it off and repeat the statement correctly? Did the priest continue without batting an eye? Did the groom raise a stink? We don't know, but it's fodder for an emotional sitcom episode if nothing else.
Called It
More than one best man has passed out at a wedding thanks to a combination of factors like heat, heavy clothing, uncomfortable shoes, and more. Still, these instances are relatively rare, unless you have a clairvoyant in the pews, of course. What happens after something like this?

The best man is revived, obviously, but then what? Does he just go on standing in the same spot? If he isn't relegated to a nice, comfortable pew, at least get him a chair so that it doesn't happen again. Everybody knows that passing out once is a coincidence, but passing out twice is a bad omen.
Quick, Get a Seamstress!
People who have been to more than one wedding know that you have to be prepared for anything, and that's why people have pockets and purses. A handful of safety pins will make sure that even the worst fashion accidents will be no problem until the night is over. Every maid of honor and best man should have a few at arm's reach.

It certainly isn't going to be comfortable – indeed, the groom chimed in to say driving to the church was a struggle – and it might be noticeable to some of the guests, but it's still better than going pantless. Or worse, wearing the wrong color trousers!
Not Invited to the Next One
A lot of the stories on this list, while nominal wedding fails, might not affect the moods of those in attendance that much. This one, however, is the kind of thing that will create a generations-long rivalry. A family, who wasn't actually invited, chowed down on the entire cake, keeping the actual wedding couple from having any of it.

The explanation was lacking, and there was apparently no apology forthcoming, either. Nor was there an offer to replace the cake, or repay. The cake was theirs, now. Well, hopefully, that family is happy, because they aren't going to have many chances for more.
Hey Honey, How Did the Wedding Go?
Sure, this stunt might have ended up in the ER, but at least the bride didn't get hurt. That's what's really important here. Also, care to explain what “leaping the bridesmaid” is supposed to indicate? To us, it sounds like jumping over her as she crouches on the ground, but there are a lot of people out there who might think that it's something else.

Was this a planned event? Was the bridesmaid in on it? Was the bridesmaid also hurt? Let this be a lesson to everyone: drinks are fine, but make sure you can still do what you're supposed to do, such as not get hurt hurtling another person.
There Was Also No Wine Opener
Well, needs must, even if that means you ripped some benches out of the ground so the elderly could take a load off. How hard is it for the chair guy to show up on time? Or show up at all, if this story is to be believed. People pay good money for fancy wedding chairs, and they expect to get their money's worth.

Which, at the very minimum, means there have to be chairs. That's just how things work. At least there was some nice, soft grass for people to perch upon as long as they could find a bare spot.
Minions Don't Belong at Weddings
Sure, they're popular, but we don't think that the obnoxious yellow helpers for Gru belong at something like a wedding. Bright yellow usually doesn't go too well if you're wearing a black suit, but some people might be able to make it work.

Most people look better in darker colors. Oh, also, the bride forgot her bouquet, which doesn't seem like a terrible thing until you're up there at the altar and you don't know what to do with your hands. Do you hold them in front of you? Behind? We don't know, but there's a pretty easy way for it not to be a problem.
Just Like in the Days of Yore
Back in the day – and we're talking way back – the father of the bride walked the bride down the aisle because she was part of his family until she started her own with her new husband. Nowadays it's a symbol of the two families becoming one, and the tradition continues.

In this instance, of course, the tradition took a turn. Dad split his pants right down the middle right before the big moment. There are a rather large number of stories of men splitting their pants open, but usually, they aren't someone who wants to look their best for their little girl.
There Have Been Worse Weddings
Why was the bride sick? We don't know. We do know that this celebration was one slip away from being a disaster, but it seems to have turned out all right. The bride had to be in the hospital, and just barely made it to her own reception.

Some people can't stand receptions even when they're in the best of health – imagine going to one when you're sick to your stomach and feel gross. Could she even skip out? It's her reception, after all. If it's just the guests and the rest of the wedding party, it's going to feel really strange.
Kinda Like “Toy Story,” But Way Worse
There are a lot of jokes about it, but it's pretty uncommon for a man to go through with a wedding they don't want to go through with. They're usually the ones that ask, so they are almost always certain it's what they want. Still, there are a bunch of comedians out there who think that getting married is a bad thing.

Somehow it's still a punchline despite there being clear evidence that married men live longer, are happier, and are more successful. One of them wrote a little message on the bottom of the groom's shoes. Yeah, great joke, buddy. You're going to have a message on your pants soon.
Dads Know Best
As you get older, you start to realize just how much your parents have gone through to raise you. Jobs, bills, medical issues. That's just the tip of the iceberg. After all that time and all that work, your loving parents might end up knowing you better than you do.

So if one of them has a big problem with the person you're marrying, at least give them an ear. They might be totally off their rocker, but sometimes they have a point, like in this case, when a dad embarrassed his daughter, only to turn out right in the end.
Maybe They Were Just Hot
Weddings may be solemn affairs, but the reception is a party, and no one can deny that. People dance, they eat too much, they drink too much, and they make fools of themselves – we all need some time to cut loose once in a while.

On this occasion, the groom's party decided that they needed a little bit of private time with the ice sculpture (the design is unknown). So they did what any of us would do – took their shirt off and parked it in the photo booth. We assume there is evidence. It was the photo booth, after all.
And the Man's a Doctor
The brother of this bride, who is apparently a doctor of some sort, was asked to take pictures of the reception but failed in a very specific way, which meant no memories saved of the big party. Oops. It might be strange to think that a doctor could mess up in such a way, but doctors are specialized in their knowledge.

They might know how to set a bone, but do they know how to fly a fighter plane? Or replace a car's engine filter? Or make nachos? Not always. We guess this doctor was thinking about his work instead of the film in the camera.
Only the Best for Our Guests
Weddings are expensive, but they're supposed to be big, memorable events that guests, the wedding party, and the happy couple remember for the rest of their lives. A lot of people think it's only right to go all-out, but there are those that are always trying to make sure their hard-earned dollars go a long way.

This dad figured out a way to save a few bucks from one of the many groups that jack up prices for weddings – just have guests transport their own chairs to the reception. Would this tactic save some money? Yes, probably. Would it also be kind of weird to have your guests do this? Yes, definitely.
Great Job, Everyone
Weddings are usually quite slow, somber, and important, so moments of brief levity hit a little harder. The pastor telling a well-timed joke or a funny look from the groom will lighten the mood and get smiles on people's faces. In this case, it was a little flower girl who was letting the audience know she was done.

She had a perfectly good reason for doing so – that's how the wedding planner had been doing it during the rehearsal. Why shouldn't the tradition continue through to the actual event? Everybody laughed, but it was certainly more of a “laughing with” than a “laughing at” moment.
Hopefully, the Green Blended in
If it's needless to say, why did you say it? Whatever – the pictures of a wedding party are one of the things that multiple people will look back on with fond memories, even if they weren't part of them. Photographers are paid a lot to get the best shots, so they're often in control of how people are posed, which direction they're turned, stuff like that.

This photographer wanted a jumping pose – which is a trend we hope goes away soon – and it turned disastrous for one of the bridesmaids. A messed-up dress is one thing, and a destroyed bouquet is another, but both together during a wedding is a bad time for everyone.
Dear, Can You Help Me With Something?
Tears sometimes flow during weddings for the right reasons. You're so happy to see someone you love getting married or taking the next big step in life that you can't do anything else but cry. It's weird, but that's how it works.

The mother of the bride is so very often one of the people to turn on the waterworks, but this occasion is a little different than the others. The story says that they stopped to fix it halfway down – did they do it right there in front of everyone? Was it a hasty over-the-clothes fix? Or did they leave the aisle and restart the walk after everything was in place?
The Chandelier Is Now Looking at Groomsmen
The bouquet toss is one part party game, a one-part tradition, and one part stress reliever. The bride has to hold that thing the entire time, and now it's someone else's problem. Really, it's not that difficult to pull off. All the single ladies gather, the bride turns her back, and she tosses the flowers over her shoulder.

You don't even have to practice. Even the biggest bouquets weigh a pound or two at most, and the weight is spread out. Then again, if you don't check the overhead area, the lucky lady could be part of the venue, and you'll have to make do with a sad little bridesmaid bouquet.
It Isn't Set in Stone
The reason the bridal bouquet toss is such a hotly-contested event is what happens when you catch it – or what is said to happen, anyway. The bride is passing on the wedding power, the marriage energy. The single lady who catches it is, as the story goes, destined to either find her guy or be the next bride walking down the aisle out of the bunch.

Thus, when the toss goes awry and a nine-year-old happens to pick it up, there are going to be some chuckles from those in the know. Of course, there is a minimum age limit for the bouquet's effectiveness, and nine is pretty far under it.
The Helpful Sort
Weddings are a lot of work. You have to set up the venue and the reception area (often two different places), and then you have to also tear them down to an acceptable level. Chairs and tables, lights, decorations like balloons or banners, and who knows what else.

A little bit of help goes a long way when it comes to the end of the night, and this lad was willing to do his part. However, he did it before the night was actually over, leaving people without any dancing music. He's got the right idea, but timing is everything.
I Already Have a Date
While indoor weddings are the classic option, plenty of people spring for something in the great outdoors. It provides fresh air, there are some fine scents to have if you pick the right place, and the sun is always a bonus. Of course, there are some downsides, such as inquisitive bumblers who are excited about all the new flowers that are suddenly everywhere.

This can, as the story illustrates, lead to complications if one of the bees gets a little too friendly. If you have no other options, you're just going to have to make a break for it, even if that will have all eyes on you for a moment.
Just Don't Walk So Much
How old does a pair of dress shoes have to be before they start disintegrating while you walk? Years? Decades? Do you keep them in the closet right next to the barrels of acid? “Disintegrating” brings a certain something to mind, like the very molecules of the sole are coming apart in a sludgy, goopy mess.

But of course, it was likely just pieces of hard rubber were being torn off. Unfortunately, this also means that the guy in question could cut a rug unless he wanted to display the fact that his footwear was on its last legs.
It's Not Often Someone Is This Open About It
We're going to be really, really generous to this person and assume that he is calling what he did a 'fail' because what he did was absolutely a fail. You found out you couldn't get drunk so you went back to your gift and took money out of it? So the only reason you gave money in the first place was because there would be drinks?

This dude is just posting his L out there for all of us to see. If you happen to see this, buddy, understand that you are the bad guy in this story. Do no drinks mean no gift? Just don't go to the wedding if that's the case, you'll be saving the couple a lot of time.
Setting a Wedding Speedrun
When you're five years old, it can be tough to do things at the right speed. You don't really know how things work, but you're determined to do them. You either race around or crawl around, and this display of ring bearing had both options checked off.

Going too slow? Well, I'll pick up the pace. I'm five, I'm great at running. This is going to be the fastest wedding ever. Hopefully, this didn't result in any rings getting lost or any groomsmen toppling over, and all the wedding ended up with was a funny event that is a story to tell for a few years.
We All Have Our Priorities
A member of the catering staff dropping a bowl or a glass on the ground is pretty common, just because of all the moving and carrying they do, but tripping over someone who had bent down to pet a cat is a little rarer. Thankfully, nobody was hurt (except for the glasses of wine), and the cat got a great name out of it.

We can't help but notice that the person doing the petting might have been a little more observant not to stop in the middle of a walkway and crouch down. Just keep your head on a swivel, that's all we're asking.
Maybe She Was Crying From the Smoke
Was it actually great, though? Was it great that the church almost caught fire and the bride started crying? Memorable, yes, and funny after enough time has passed, but great?

Look, we've all been at a wedding where one of the candles decides to create some issues. Open flames and lots of lace together in the same place aren't exactly chocolate and peanut butter. What was supposed to be a bit of soft lighting and a pleasant smoky smell turns into ruined dresses and burned skin. Memorable, yes...but great? Great is nailing the splits on the dance floor, this is dangerous.
Longer Lines Than Normal
Caterers have to do a lot, depending on what you ask of them, but “toilet service” isn't often something that they get into the work for. Slinging dishes of fancy food and serving up drinks, maybe, but the bathroom generally isn't their area. Nor should it be. Sounds unsanitary.

What's worse, all that good stuff that weddings are known for often creates plenty of urgencies when it comes to using the restroom – having to manually refill the toilets every time will slow things down to the point that every single guest could be waiting in line. That's what we call service.
I Hope Everybody Knows Each Other
While we'd normally not recommend doing something to surprise the bride on the day of the wedding, this doesn't seem like such a bad idea as long as the music is something she would appreciate. Of course, a bride is always going to be antsy about the wedding day.

Maybe she'll get there two hours early to make sure everything is just the way she wants it for her trip down the aisle. This is why the surprise singers and accompanists had to sit inside a closet. We hope it was a big closet. The last thing the couple needed was a suffocated singer.
This Is Called Foreshadowing
At the very least, it's good that this didn't happen DURING the wedding. Getting to the venue and finding that beautiful little church you picked out now has a gaping hole in it because some teenager is going to put a damper on your plans, but knowing the place wasn't packed with guests is a relief.

Otherwise, things could have gone really differently, "Game of Thrones Blood Wedding" kind of differently. And we can't help but say that a BBQ restaurant called Hole-In-The-Wall sounds like the perfect place to cater a rehearsal dinner. You KNOW that place has some great sauces.
You Requested This Much Money, but...
If you're a professional musician of any caliber, then you know that people have specific asks for their performances. Maybe they want you to play some of your own music, maybe they want you to play other music that they've picked out. And that's too bad! If they're paying you, they're kind of in control.

If you want to keep your customers happy, you comply. However, this pianist didn't seem to get the memo and swapped the first dance song without the bride or groom's knowledge – even announcing it beforehand. That's the kind of thing that gets you a bad review on Yelp.
Not a Receptive Audience
Dad jokes are, even at the best of times, something that not everybody will enjoy. If you're being asked to come to a wedding with the sole purpose of telling jokes, you'd better be getting your money's worth, even if they are dad jokes. Also, one in the morning? What kind of wedding reception goes that long?

Anybody over the age of forty will have checked out long ago... But maybe that was the intent since it then allows the kids to continue their partying ways without having the parents around to scold them. Was this person on the agenda as a featured comedian? It just seems like a bad idea.
I've Got Time
There are a lot of moving parts to a wedding – really, to any big event like a wedding. You have to manage guests, catering, the venue, the music, the decorations, and much more. There are some things you can't control, however, such as long trains and the weather.

One thing you do have control over is the battery in your car, which is just the icing on the wedding cake for this story. Being an hour late to your own wedding isn't the best, but as long as the bride and groom both go through with it, it all works out in the end.
Broadening Your Cultural Experience
For those not aware, Tagalog is the official language of the Philippines. We are sure that Ave Maria is beautiful in any language, but this wasn't exactly what the wedding was looking for. Well, they were asking for someone to sing bilingual, but maybe they didn't determine which two languages they needed.

The music is pretty important for a wedding, but at the very least, this won't really hurt the ceremony or reception all that much. It will just turn into one of those funny stories you tell for a few years. Maybe longer, if the singer was good enough.
Crisis Averted
High heels and certain types of flooring sometimes just don't get along. Just ask anyone who has ever tried walking on the grass while wearing stilettos. That means bridesmaids that might already have some issues keeping their balance are put in even more precarious positions.

This story doesn't have a maid of honor toppling, but it got pretty close, and she did make an exclamation that was heard by the video, if not the entire wedding. Good thing there wasn't a big party right afterward, where everyone can laugh about the shared moment that was hard to notice. Good thing.
Starring Kevin James, We Assume
If you want to have a good start for a comedy that includes a wedding, this isn't a bad place. The father of the bride gets stuck in an elevator right before he is supposed to walk his daughter down the aisle – whatever is to be done?

Looks like the father will have to climb up the elevator's cable until he gets to the next floor, and pry open the elevator door using his lucky pen (which was set up earlier in the film, obviously). This includes lots of falls and near-misses, but everything is fine in the end.
Dedicated to the Part
When someone asks you to perform a wedding, you'd better do your very best to make sure it works, just like this trooper did. Not even a medical issue would stop him from joining two souls in holy matrimony. It was even before the ceremony started – not halfway through, where he might be able to stumble through it or speed things up.

This occurred before the bride and groom even got to the altar. Kudos to everybody involved, and while we respect this person's will, maybe just go with the paramedics next time. A surefire way to ruin a wedding is by dying.
Maid of Dishonor
The maid of honor is chosen because she's the bride's best friend (usually), and is also the person most able to keep things flowing smoothly during all the chaos that a wedding entails. This MoH got the wrong set of instructions, we think.

There's a lot of stress before and during weddings, but it seems pretty clear that this gal was a little too excited to get the party started. Most of those things are okay, but ruining the bride's dress in such a memorable fashion is going to get you disinvited from future weddings, or at least bumped down the ranks of bridesmaids.
Taking From the Best
We all know it and we all love it, but the speech from this famous movie isn't really a very traditional speech for two loving souls. First, pretty much everybody has to be in on the joke. Second, it's always better to come up with something original than to take what someone else has already done.

Also, as the story points out, intentionally mispronouncing a word that you can say correctly is going to raise some eyebrows among people that know you, and this priest was apparently part of the family. Unless someone requests it specifically, maybe leave this one for the reception.
Truly a Wedding Fail
There must be so much to this story that it would be impossible to fit it all into one Tweet, or even several. How could a relationship fall apart so quickly, even after going all the way to Hawaii? It was less than a day before they were going to tie the knot, and then it's just all gone?

Were there irreconcilable differences that slowly cropped up over the engagement? Did a big bomb recently drop as to one of their histories? What's worse, a destination wedding isn't a cheap thing – for the people getting married or the guests.