This person has put thought into his or her poster. Being able to demonstrate exactly how you think in just a few words is good for only a few things; one of them is to increase your anger at the thing you’re talking about. However, opinions always have a history, which is why this person decided to take the long route.

There’s nothing like sitting down with a few cups of coffee between you and hashing out the differences in your trains of thought and the reasons why they might be headed in the same or different directions. Too many words, man!
A Rude Awakening
Let’s face it: protests can be really passionate events. Everyone in attendance is riled up and ready to stand up for what they believe in. Of course, religion is one of the most heavily debated topics at protests. But when it comes to religion, it’s just a matter of tolerating each other’s views and trying to find some common ground wherever possible.

Just because you disagree with someone’s orientation or way of life doesn’t mean you need to express that disagreement in a rude way. That was the inspiration behind this protester’s simple sign at the Anti-Westboro Baptist Church protest.
Not When It's Still Warm Out
At this protest at what looks like some kind of community center or community college, there's one man who is ready to take a stand. If there isn't snow on the ground, then the tree doesn't go up. He's put his foot down. Is this guy a Grinch or a Scrooge? Not likely.

There are plenty of people who are against the Christmas creep since the season seems to start as soon as the Halloween decorations have gone down. What did Thanksgiving ever do to deserve this? It's supposed to be a time of goodwill and gathering, just like Christmas. While it doesn't have as many classic cookie or movie options, it's still okay.
Less Is More
We would go as far as to say that this is one of the most meta protest signs on this entire list. Seriously, what are you going to do when you are protesting at an anti-deforestation rally? What material are you going to use instead of paper?

Whatever the case, this photo was actually taken at a global climate protest, organized by the UK Student Climate Network in London. This young lady made her point in the subtlest of ways, using the tiniest bit of cardboard to write the message “USE LESS PAPER” in all caps. Well done, missy, well done.
Do They Realize What Happened at Hogwarts?
After seven books set at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, multiple students have died, a Dark Lord has nearly come to power, and even the beloved headmaster died at the hands of one of his fellow teachers. We are pretty sure that “funding cuts” are the least of their worries.

In fact, if the only thing that Harry Potter ever had to deal with was having fewer supplies to use, he would be perfectly fine. Ironically, these teachers could benefit from reading a few more books, maybe some that they do not try to shove into every real-life situation.
Shouldn't We Have It by Now?
Time travel is not the easiest thing to develop. If someone asked you how you would sunder the bonds of time and step into the past – or the future – do you have any idea how you would even begin? This sign-maker is after that world-changing tech and doesn't care when he gets it.

Once time travel is developed, doesn't it become something that affects the entire history of the world? In fact, there are plenty of people who believe time travel will never be developed because if it ever was, we would already know. Or, maybe it will be developed, and the danger will be too great.
Highway to the Amazone
E-commerce company Amazon has certainly taken a lot of criticism over the last few years due to its reported toxic work culture, anti-competitive behavior, and general behind-the-scenes drama. So it’s no surprise that there have been plenty of protests surrounding this organization.

On the flip side, many people are in an uproar about the constant deforestation efforts happening in the original Amazon region, which is located in South America. So this lady managed to make two points with the same term and one killer sign. We hate to use this pun, but we think her creative skills are absolutely on fire here.
Don't Get Grandma Mad at You
Grandmothers know what it takes to get through life. They provided for themselves, their family, and their family's family, which means even in the most unassuming white-haired gal, there is some iron lying underneath. This grandma certainly isn't giving up.

Though from the construction of the sign, the crowd behind her, and the face she's pulling, it looks more like she isn't about to give up trying to get tickets to One Direction rather than pushing for social change. One big question remains: just what does she mean by nasty? This word can have all sorts of connotations at the end of the day.
Guess It Doesn't Grow on Trees
So, one, what was the point of this outfit and sign combination? Did he just do it for a laugh? He made a sign that asks if he's made of money and then covers himself in money. That doesn't really prove a point, my man. In fact, it kind of makes any point you were trying to prove pointless.

Is that real money he's covered himself with? It sure looks like it. We can see bills from multiple different countries, which raises yet another question – is he actually protesting something? Something about money or banks? We'll never know. The guy behind him seems to be enjoying the joke, but more likely, he just snagged himself a tenner.
Another Brick in the Wall
We’re not going to spell it out for you. But if you have been living under a rock for the last few years, we’ll try and break it down for you in a simplified way. Basically, a certain leader of the free world made a bold claim that they were going to build a wall along a specific large border to prevent immigrants from illegally entering one country from another.

Of course, this is a severe measure that many have taken issue with over the years. This little guy made his own bold statement with the following sign. With every action comes a reaction, and this generation has a big reaction in store.
A Fine Contribution
If we were to say we know exactly what protest this photo was taken at – we would be lying to you. However, we do know that it was taken at a protest in Brussels. And it involves a group of protesters who apparently know how to make hummus. Or, at the very least, they brought hummus to Belgium at some point.

We don’t know how much that narrows things down. The point of this story is that sometimes, protest signs are incredibly funny because of how random they seem out of context. And now, all we can think about is getting some hummus for lunch.
Give Me a Sign
Over the years, Westboro Baptist Church has seen a lot of picketing by its members. And there have also been a lot of protests over the years too. Despite these incidents often revolving around serious topics, such as LGBTQ and reproductive rights, protesters often find weird, funny, and creative ways to express their views.

Take this young lady, for example, who thinks it’s bizarre that she needs to use a cardboard sign to make some kind of point. We can’t help but see the correlation between a literal sign and a sign from a higher power, which she may be alluding to.
Baby President
When you think of the American dream, it’s all about the idea that anyone can make it in this wonderful country, no matter where they came from and the challenges they were born into. We assume though that this little lady was born in the US.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense for her to hold up this sign. After all, only people who were born in America can one day run for office. It’s worth noting, though, that although she can be president, that doesn’t necessarily mean that she wants to be. But the fact that she has the option means the world.
Sometimes You Just Have to Do Something
If you are ever interested in attending a protest and want to bring a sign but do not have the creativity to come up with something new – or you do not know what the protest is for – here is something anybody can use.

Sometimes all you have to do is show up, and you can find one from someone else, but for a sign that's perfect for taking it to one protest after another, this option springs to mind. After all, protesters are generally angry about something. It's not as if they are simply turning up and perfectly content about everything in the world. They have a bone to pick!
You're a Protester, Harry
Listen, if you are going to protest at a university in London, then it’s best to appeal to the audience in a language that they’ll understand. We recommend using terms straight out of the Wizard World of Magic. Exhibit A. To be fair, students at Hogwarts saw some dark stuff happen over the years.

Most notably, that fateful moment when Voldemort took over the school for a minute before being overthrown by Harry Potter. Sorry, maybe we should have written “spoiler alert” before mentioning that. But shame on you; those movies have been out for more than a decade already.
No Means No
Sometimes, all it takes to make a point at a protest is to write the least number of words imaginable. And sometimes, all it takes is one word to say everything. In fact, we would go as far as to say that all protests can be condensed into one unifying word. That’s right, folks. That word happens to start with “N” and end with an “O.”

Seeing all of these NOs flying above a sea of hands is a pretty powerful image if we do say so ourselves. We just hope that all of those nos actually made a difference. And if they didn’t, maybe the protesters could’ve been a little bit more imaginative.
A One-Man Protest
Every so often, there comes a man who knows exactly what he wants. When you order some sizzling-hot fajitas at your favorite neighborhood restaurant, you'll also get a number of tortillas, but the number is never enough. Well, one person isn't going to stand for it any longer.

It doesn't matter what the protest used to be about; this sign has just taken control. More tortillas! More tortillas! It doesn't matter how many you get at first; keep them coming! Here's a rally that we can finally get behind – no longer will we have to fill those few tortillas with so much filling that it spills out the sides!
Daddy Issues
There are times when the best way to get a point across at a protest is to pull at the heartstrings of the recipients. Whether that means getting them to see your point of view or making them see the hypocrisy of their ways – it really depends on the situation. For real.

But this is one scenario where the alternative might not be so bad, after all. Sure, there are plenty of people out there who are against same-sex marriage. But they might start to change their tune a little when they find out who their daughters might end up marrying.
A True Trump Card
There is no denying that Donald Trump was arguably one of the most controversial presidents of all time. At the very least, he was certainly one of the most memeable. And to take things one step further, he has been one of the easiest presidents to make fun of, whether that be online, at work, or even at a protest.

These protesters found it very easy to make jokes about the “fake news” businessman. And one of them does make a good point. After all, the majority of Trump’s wives have been women who were born outside of the US.
What a Reference
The whole point of protest signs is to get your point across as clearly and as emphatically as possible. But if you are beating around the bush and a little wishy-washy with your language, you are not going to make that much of an impact at the protest.

Instead, you could just make people laugh with a half-baked statement. Take this guy(not the policeman, though upon first glance, it does look like he is the one who is holding up the sign), for example: he made a reference to the British sitcom “Father Ted” at a protest in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Hair Enough
If there is one person who has had the most fun poked at him because of his hairstyle, then it has to be Donald Trump. The man who once inhabited the White House has always been recognizable due to his luscious, golden locks. Up until this very day, people have speculated whether his hair is natural, a toupee, a wig, hair implants, or something else entirely.

We might never have the answer to that debate. And regardless of how you feel about the man, this protest sign encapsulates perfectly one of the reasons that Trump puts smiles on so many people’s faces.
Nice Guys Finish Last
This photo was taken at a protest in London back in 2014. A whopping 90,000 people turned up to the TUC General Anti-Austerity and British Needs a Pay Rise march. And despite what the protest was actually about, this guy had other things on his mind. He was more concerned with the general way people were behaving in his country.

He’s seriously worried that there are no nice people around anymore. And regardless of where you live, sometimes it can feel that way, depending on the day. We’re sure, though, that his mind was changed when he walked around with like-minded people that day.
Careful Now
Protests are, as the name should tell you, a way for people to let their displeasure be known. Sometimes you just have to grab a sign and get the conversation going with a pithy saying. The person in this picture wants to let her displeasure be known.

However, this person has a personality that doesn't lend itself to big displays, so a little sign will have to do. Here's another protest classic that can show up at any kind of gathering you want to add yourself to. You can even use it to talk about the weather. In fact, that might be why this person is holding it.
A Real Sage
We’re not entirely sure what this dreadlocked lady was protesting about at this event. When you’re mentioning sage in your protest sign, it’s difficult to work out what all of the fuss is about. What we do know is that the protest took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2020.

But seeing that she’s making a peace sign, we imagine that she is something of a pacifist and is against the concept of war. For safety reasons, we need to blur out one of the words in the sign. But you can imagine what the word was, and we think that’s good enough.
Jabs at Fellow Sign-Holders
There's a slice of the population that thinks people who show up at each and every protest with a sign-of-the-day might need to spend a little more time – or maybe a little less time – putting all of their thoughts onto a sign.

If your system of beliefs can even FIT on a sign, this sign says, then maybe you should try and come up with something a little deeper. Of course, this sign might be in response to the sign right behind it, which mentions its holder's love of turtles. You can think of a more interesting reptile than that.
The Struggle's Real
Truth be told, there are some downsides to protests. Of course, the good thing about them is that you are standing up for what you believe in. And if it’s for a noble cause, then even better. But there are some practical cons.

For example, you may need to stand in the blistering cold for hours on end just to make a point. Or, like this young lady, you may need to hold up a sign for a very long time. She even made a point about this with her actual sign. She does, however, look pretty happy at that moment, so we can’t take her too seriously.
Ask, Don't Tell
World leaders can typically fall into the trap of thinking that they know what their people want and need without even really understanding them. That's when dictatorships form because they will simply come up with policies that they think are what's best for the country without considering the people's well-being and rights.

We are not saying that the UK is a dictatorship by any means. This photo was taken at an Anti-Brexit rally at Trafalgar Square. And this guy is holding up a sign that clearly makes the point that instead of assuming that they know what the people want, the government should actually talk to the people and treat policy like it is a collaborative effort.
It's a Really Complicated Process
Lots and lots of books make their way onto the New York Times Best Seller list. We're not sure how it happens, but it's much more complicated than you might think. The reason there are so many is that every book that is on the list – not just the top spot – has a right to claim itself as a New York Times Best Seller.

The list is pretty long, and a book can claim the title even if it's on there for just a week. Or less. But don't be fooled – there are tons of books that never get close to this big list, and for good reason. It's because they're very bad.
She Hates Him
Don’t you just love it when someone is holding up a protest sign that kind of has nothing to do with the protest itself? This sign was held up during the Chicago Teachers Union protests. And we assume that the protesters in question have a problem with politician Rahm Emanuel.

Because when you say that someone likes the rock band Nickelback, you’re basically implying that they have bad taste or there is something wrong with them. We think people need to cut Nickelback some slack. After all, they have made a few good songs over the years. Think about “She Hates Me” and “Rock Star,” for example.
One of the Bigger Signs
This person has put thought into his or her poster. Being able to demonstrate exactly how you think in just a few words is good for only a few things; one of them is to increase your anger at the thing you're talking about. However, opinions always have a history, which is why this person decided to take the long route.

There's nothing like sitting down with a few cups of coffee between you and hashing out the differences in your trains of thought and the reasons why they might be headed in the same or different directions. Too many words, man!
So Absurd
Sometimes, a protester might be wondering why the protest they are attending even needs to happen to begin with. And it seems fitting that someone would be having an existential dilemma at a March for Science. And yet, that’s exactly what was happening when this protester created and held up the following sign.

We feel like maybe they could have come up with something more powerful. But hey, we’re just neutral bystanders looking for the funniest signs, and this one certainly deserves its place on this list. Because if this was a list of the most effective protester signs, this certainly wouldn’t have made the cut.
A Generational Divide
Some protests happen because of the disparity in outlooks between different age groups. Today, a new generation seems to sprout every few months. What about the good old times when boomers were the thing for what seemed like decades? This photo gives us a warm, fuzzy feeling.

It’s good to know that protesters in this age bracket still know how to let out their funny side every once in a while. You can even see the little smirks plastered on their faces as they hold up the sign. This photo was taken at the Aged Care Protest in South Australia back in 2009.
A Ruff Rider
You know, it’s not just human beings who have a bone to pick with society every once in a while. Man’s best friend also has plenty of reasons to be upset. To take things one step further, it’s safe to say that climate change affects not just homo sapiens but also the rest of the animal kingdom.

Dogs need fresh air to play in and nice green trees to pee on when they go out on their walks. And if this beautiful hound hanging out of his owner’s backpack with his tiny sign can’t convince world leaders to stop climate change, then nothing will.
I'll Fight for My Right to Converse
A lot of signs that appear at protests are made to get people's blood up, get them angry, or give them something pithy to shout at the object of their disdain. This person, on the other hand, has decided to let the people around him or her know something.

If they want to chat about the topic of the day, then they'll have to pull out their dayplanner and find a time that works for everyone. Respectful discourse is at an all-time low these days, it seems, which means this person is doing the Lord's work in trying to cool things down.
Tea Time, Anyone?
If you have found a more British protest sign than the one in this photo, then we would love to see it. This clearly shows just how much of an impact Donald Trump has had on the world, even outside the US.

This photo was taken at a protest directed strictly at the former president during a women’s march in London. It took place outside the US Embassy, and we can’t help but chuckle at just how quintessentially British it is. It’s so positive, so proper, and so polite all at once! Now we just want to have a nice, hot cup of tea.
We Hope There's a Lot
The sign here doesn't look like it's part of an actual protest. It looks like it could be anything from your standard street crowd to a rally for something, though nobody seems to be pushing for anything, and the demographics of the picture are all over the place.

The person holding this sign seems to be expecting something sweet after getting all gussied up and making a sign to go outside with. The fact that there isn't any cake won't have this person looking forward to his or her next opportunity to step onto the street. We'll turn up to any protest for cake, to be fair.
Pension Problems
This photo was taken during a mass demonstration in Brighton, UK. People working in unions and the public sector took to the streets to protest against the proposed changes to funding cuts and pension plans. These three workers found an ingenious way to take a classic song by the Beatles, “When I’m Sixty-Four,” to make a point about the government’s treatment of soon-to-be pensioners.

They really made the most of the signs too. Each person was holding a sign up while also hanging one from their neck. Every country has issues in its education system, and the United Kingdom is no different.
The Nutty Protester
You know, animals have rights too. They just don’t have the ability to get up and start a protest as we humans do. Imagine, though, if a stampede of squirrels just marched through the streets of Oregon to stand up for themselves. That really would be something.

We simply have to settle for a human dressed up as a squirrel instead. Thankfully, that’s when you end up with seriously funny signs like this one. Come on, White House, all this little squirrel is asking for is a nut! It’s not like they are asking for gender equality, free medical care, and the right to choose. They just want a nut!
Fantastic Plastic
There is no denying that one of humanity’s biggest crimes over the last century is the amount of plastic that they have managed to create and waste. As a result, marine life is suffering from the amount of plastic pollution happening in the world’s vast waters.

That’s why many people take to the streets to protest about the overuse of plastic and the damage it does to our planet. Every once in a while, though, a plastic protester puts together a sign that adds a bit of levity to the occasion. As you can see here, they are using the ultimate embodiment of plastic, Barbie, to get their point across.
The Lidless Eye Is Ever Watching
Sauron, the evil enemy that makes life difficult for the members of the Fellowship of the Ring, rules as a huge, burning eye at the top of his impenetrable fortress Barad-dûr. At nearly a mile high, it's the biggest item in the land of Middle-Earth, but even it can't stand up to the height of The Shard, a tall tower built in downtown London.

At a ceremony to celebrate the opening of the huge construction, one man brought a goofy sign that no doubt got him plenty of laughs. Thankfully, the Shard is no evil ruler's tower. It's just a business building that is both quite tall and has a bit of an ominous look.
Just Looking for Someone to Play With
A protest is one thing, but you know what's really fun? Board games. Gathering some friends around the table and setting up the game is a surefire way to cap off a great day of protesting. This person is looking for a group, but the kind of people who attend protests a lot might not have much to offer when it comes to word skills.

There's a reason that all of them end up shouting the same thing. Then again, they do like to come up with new words, so maybe some of them will be a challenge. Anyone fancy a game?
Comic Book Guy Does Not Approve
When it comes to protests, America has the gold medal, but there are plenty of countries that are always vying for the top spot. Australia is one of them, and this protest for whatever has been going on down there features one of the many famous side characters from “The Simpsons,” Comic Book Guy, who is often heard declaring things the “Worst. (Insert item here). Ever.”

The person behind this sign doesn't approve of the government, calling it the worst one ever. We are sure that Comic Book Guy has had plenty of things to protest about in his heyday. Most notably, all of the retcons in his comic books.
This Sign Is on Fire
The following protest sign definitely works two-fold when you think about it. At this protest in Germany, a local used the classic phrase “Make Love, Not War” and flipped it to refer to the overuse of non-renewable energy sources such as oil. Instead, she refers to burning fat, as in performing exercise in order to stay fit and lose weight.

While the two things aren’t exactly related, she still manages to get her point across that we should be focusing more on renewable energy like air, water, and sunlight. Now that is the kind of play on words that we can truly get behind.
I Put a Spell on You
During a student protest against tuition fees, a student held up this sign to make their point. We don’t know exactly how the point being made is connected to the main message of the protest. But it sure did get a laugh out of the rest of the protesters.

We keep looking over this sign trying to figure out if there is an actual spelling error or not after the joke that was used. It is a good point, though – you actually can’t use spellcheck on something that’s handwritten. Let us know if we missed anything – it’s really driving us crazy at this point.
Karma's a...
Don’t you just love a good old play on words? We get that this sign is inspired by the phrase, “your car ran over my dog.” But this reinterpretation has got us thinking up all kinds of theories. Call us crazy, but we feel like this sign is a cheeky conservative dig at Eastern philosophy.

Some people just can’t get over the fact that Americans enjoy yoga, perform transcendental meditation, choose a vegan diet, and believe in reincarnation. This sign is kind of a microcosm of the religious intolerance that is present all over America. The fact that they’re covered in red, white, and blue only adds to the drama.
Looks Like Somebody Didn't Call
When Grandma is not happy, nobody is happy. Whatever happened to make this matriarch take up her sign and join the protest must have been pretty bad. Did the store run out of Werther's Originals? That would get us pretty upset, too.

Grandmas have seen a lot of what the world has to offer, which means most things won't get their dander up very much, but it looks like this grandma has snapped, grabbed her best piece of posterboard, her sturdiest ruler, and taken to the streets. This is even one of those handy signs that G'ma can take anywhere.
Money Troubles
You know you have problems when you are struggling to buy the materials to create signs for the protest you are attending. This guy made the point very clear that he just was not getting paid enough for the hard work he was putting into his job. Financial injustice is rife throughout the United States of America, and the world, in general.

People are literally saving lives for peanuts. So it’s no wonder that eventually, they will take to the streets and complain about it. But you know that something’s wrong when you can’t even afford the sign you are using to protest with.
Nothing Will Strand in Our Way
No matter what evil life sends your way, it's important to keep a stiff upper lip. Even if you're upset with looking in the mirror and seeing that head peeking through a little bit more every morning, it's nothing you can't defeat.

Even if you are at a protest for whatever has got your dander up these days, this simple sign will get people laughing but will also communicate an important point – humanity can get past anything that tries to keep it from progressing. But what is the woman protesting? It's hard to tell without being able to zoom out of the picture.
Whatever This Guy Is Protesting, We're Gonna Protest It Too
When Batman steps outside during the day and shows up to argue against something, a lot of people are going to have his back. In fact, the sign the Caped Crusader carries doesn't even have anything to do with whatever is going on. All it gives is a declaration of who he is.

Today, we are all Batman. What a hero – dressing in a heavy black outfit and standing in the blazing sun. Just standing there. Sweating. Probably putting together a pretty bad stink. It's just one of his many tools against bad guys. We're not sure how many protests Bruce Wayne would actually attend.
So Hot
Here is a question – what’s worse? Standing outside for hours on end in the freezing cold, or standing outside for hours on end in the sweltering heat? Either way, you are definitely putting your life and comfort at risk. But context is everything, and it all depends on what you are protesting for.

These two young women had the perfect reason to be protesting in the hot summer sun. They were raising awareness about climate change and the effects it is having on the planet. And still, they managed to bring some levity to the serious situation with a cheeky little joke.
Why So Serious?
This is a classic case of the old reverse psychology trope. But did it actually work? This man was walking down the streets of London in some kind of protest. And he does look very serious by all accounts.

But the fact that he is holding up a sign that says “this is not funny” in all caps makes us struggle to keep it together. It’s almost like a skit from some kind of deadpan comedy show. We hope that his protesting was worth it because he does look like he is a little uncomfortable in that suit of his.
Silence Is Golden
There are a few catchphrases that you can attribute to this protest sign. The first that comes to mind is definitely “silence is golden.” The second one is most certainly “either say something nice or say nothing at all.” This is definitely the spirit that this woman used to make her protest sign.

She was marching on the Sacramento state capital with another woman in order to fight for women’s civil rights and reproductive health rights. And she’s got a point. We think it’s better to keep your mouth shut than spew words of hatred and prejudice. It’s just common sense.
That's Where Malcom Is
The middle class is all of us, really. The common folk. The ones who go to work, come back to our families, try to have a social life, and generally live our average life and be left in peace. We aren't loaded with enough cash to get involved in tax fraud and we aren't the dregs of society who might resort to immoral deeds just to make ends meet.

So why would anyone come at us so hard that we need saving? Only the person holding this sign has the answers. Sadly, this isn't Hogwarts, so their picture can't speak and give us answers.
Just Squidding!
We don’t think we have ever seen a protest quite like this one. Instead of standing in a sea of humans holding up a sign for hours on end, this protester simply painted their message onto a banner and fixed it on the top of the store it was protesting for.

This was part of a Reclaim Brixton anti-gentrification campaign to preserve the stores that are located under some of Brixton, South London’s railway arches. Some people just love their fish and chips so much that they would do something like this to save them. Now that is true commitment.
And You Actually Went?
People who go to protests want other people to go, too. And since those other people might not be interested or might have families to take care of or jobs to go to, sometimes a few lies are mixed in with the truth.

This sign tells us that one of those lies was that famous pop star Justin Bieber was supposed to be in attendance, or maybe even performing! Sadly, The Biebs was no to be found. Yet this man had a sign prepped and ready to go! Maybe the other side read “I <3 Justin Bieber.” Still, he looks like he's having a good time.
Nothing's Free!
It is a bit rich (no pun intended) that the United States of America would claim itself to be the Land of the Free. This photo was taken during a protesters’ march in Hong Kong on their way to the US consulate. And let’s face it. In America, nothing is free. You have to pay for pretty much everything.

Hotdogs are not going to grow off trees. People are not just going to hand over some Air Force Ones for nothing. Heck, even healthcare costs an arm and a leg. So you can understand this guy’s frustration just a little bit more.
Save Me!
We are not entirely sure how much this counts as a protest sign. If you mean that it’s a sentence typed out on some random guy’s T-shirt while he was at a protest, then we guess this technically qualifies on this list. It was taken back in 2013 when a man attended a gay pride march in Rome.

What is useful about this T-shirt is that people will instantly see that he can attend to them if they are injured or suffering from some kind of emergency. The Italian capital always has protests going on, so this is nothing new.
Where Do You Think You're Going?
Just because the plane's wheels are on the ground does not mean that you can just go. There are things that have to happen first! Important things! Safety things, probably, and even though we don't know what they are, they definitely have to happen.

Standing up before anybody can even leave the plane does nothing and is going to annoy the people around you. Besides, even if you could leave as soon as the plane touched down, you would take quite a fall if the accordion bridge is not connected yet. We hope you like the taste of the tarmac!
The Ultimate Sacrifice
This protest sign proves that as passionate as people might be about what they believe in, this doesn’t stop them from hating going to protests. After all, you basically have to share an open space with hundreds, sometimes even thousands of people for maybe a few hours.

And for people who are claustrophobic, a mass protest could be the stuff of nightmares. As you can see here, this young lady, who was protesting for a second referendum on Brexit, clearly showed that while she was uncomfortable being out there with all of those people, she still needed to fight for what she believed was right.
Some Bad News for This Guy
At the very least, this guy has accomplished more good than the actual Occupy Wall Street. No, this isn't really a protest sign, but it got us laughing, so we included it. We're in charge here.

The best part is, it's easy for you to create your own version of this event – Wall St. is a pretty common name, and in cities that are of even moderate size, you're likely to find one. A little bit of poster board and some markers, and you're on your way to sticking it to the man. The single man that lives on Wall Street, if this picture is any indication.
So He's to Blame!
Yes, the first three seasons that appeared on Fox were unique and special, and memorable, but once they made the jump to Netflix, they really lost control of the writing. At the very least, the original version of season four was a mess, focusing on one character for an entire episode.

Whose bright idea was that? If this picture is to be believed, it was Obama. And people say his presidency didn't have any controversies. Clearly, we all make mistakes. In all seriousness, it's an absolute travesty that Netflix took "Arrested Development" off their streaming service. That show is simply hilarious!
The Air Is Pretty Important
Who doesn't love reaching into a bag and pulling out one of your favorite snacks? But far too quickly, we reach the bottom of the bag, and our hand brushes sad tiny crumbs. This man doesn't like it, but the problem is that all the air in the bag is really, really important.

If the bag was full to the brim with chips, by the time they shipped from the plant to the store where you bought them and then to your home, you'd have NOTHING BUT crumbs. Changes in air pressure will give you more or less air, too, so a bag without that air padding might just straight-up burst.
No Charge Whatsoever
Truth be told, gay pride marches can often be quite steamy affairs. After all, members of the LGBTQ community and supporters of it will tend to go to extreme measures to express their pride. There’s a lot of cross-dressing (obviously), the playing of loud music, and every color of the rainbow on display.

But giving out free kisses wasn’t something that we were totally prepared for. This is one of those situations where the guy didn’t exactly bring a protest sign to the protest. It was just more of an advertisement that he was offering free kisses to whoever wanted them.
Uh Oh, the Internet Went Out
It must have been something pretty bad that got these anti-social people out of their holes that day. Did DoorDash decide to stop delivering in their area? Netflix took “The Office” out of rotation?

There are lots of possible reasons for people who cannot stand crowds to get out and make their voices heard. The picture is close-cropped, so we might never know what is really going down, but we see a star-spangled “AMERICA” on the sign to the right, so it must be something really important. Unless that sign says, “AMERICA needs its Chipotle delivered right to its doorstep!”
The Long Game
The Bans Off Our Bodies March and Rally were certainly emotional protests that affected a lot of people in the United States of America. Many people participated in these protests from all walks of life. This includes women, men, members of the LGBTQ community, children, and senior citizens. In this photo, we see the latter involved.

She managed to bring a sign to the rally that really painted a picture of her connection to the issues revolving around it. This woman has been dealing with this sensitive topic for most of her life. And she’s not planning on giving up on it anytime soon.
Please Stop Asking
It's after work. You're tired. Meetings were long, and coworkers were annoying. But now you're home, and all you have to do for the rest of the day is eat your pot of buttered pasta and enjoy some quality television. You don't want to have to move any more than necessary – fork to mouth, and that's all.

So why does Netflix keep making you reach for the remote? This is oppression. You just want to watch your programs in peace. When I'm done watching Netflix, I'll turn you off. Capeesh? Otherwise, keep the shows rolling. I need to find out if Monica and Chandler will ever get together.
Go Home? No, Not Yet
Sometimes in life, you're given two options. Go big, or go home. It's clear at first glance what this guy picked when he headed to the weekly protest down at the university.

We can see that the sign itself is made from cardboard, but something that big still has plenty of mass – we wonder what the handle of the sign is made from. We also hope this guy is ready to use his muscles if the wind picks up. All that surface area is going to turn his sign into a big sail. Check the sky, and you might see him flying by.
But Don't We All?
This kid doesn't care. He just doesn't. He's going to talk about his love of trains, whether his mom wants him to or not. We have some good news for this kid: There are adults out there who still love trains, and there are even some who have taken their love to the next level.

They're called rail buffs, trainspotters, or ferroequinologists, people who frequent rail yards to take pictures of the latest machines that have rolled in for a stop. Once he figures out the right way to use the internet and his mom lets him, he'll be able to find plenty of fellow fans.
Put Your Phone Down and Enjoy It!
You're out at a concert, and you're having a great time. That band you like so much is playing that one song you like so much. Everybody's singing along or dancing, but there's that one guy or girl in the back who looks like he or she is just on his or her phone the entire time.

We're all acquainted with someone like this – someone who posts the entire dang thing on Instagram or Snapchat or whatever the latest one is these days, but you don't care – you weren't there. You can't tell who it is or what they're singing.
Got No Milk?
Protesters can come in all shapes and sizes. Take this photo, for example, which saw a baby in attendance at a protest in San Diego; shows how basically anyone can stand up for what they believe in – even an infant. This event was essentially an animal rights march that was organized by vegetarian and vegan activists.

While everyone has their own opinion on the drinking of cow’s milk – we have to respect this group of people’s opinion that ultimately, we have no right to take milk from them. Pay attention to our words – we said to respect them, not necessarily agree with them.
Didn't He Kill a Lot of People?
There are so, so, so many signs that, after just a modicum of thought, break down into useless words written on a cheap piece of board. In this picture, we have a woman, probably a teacher, who is protesting who knows what, but it almost certainly has something to do with teaching and not prostrating yourself before that holiest of professions.

She's probably trying to say that teachers can do big things – such as get lots and lots of people killed, hooked on illegal substances, and die an ignoble death after betraying their entire family even after his health scare went away.
Why, Do You Know Anybody?
Back in the day, the older members of the family were critical in helping a young man or woman find a family. But now, their role in the situation seems to have decayed into saying, “You should get married. You're not getting any younger, you know!”

You know Grandma (or Mom, or Auntie), this would probably go a lot smoother if I had some HELP. You know, the kind of help that comes from a retired woman who wants the best for her son/grandson/nephew/niece. I know you know a lot of people. There have to be some single people somewhere in there.
And Now for Our Favorite Sign:
Yes. It's perfect. What else is required to say about this just (chef's kiss) piece of art? It's easy to make – you just need a bit of cardboard and some of your favorite crayon colors. This little baby is getting her start at protesting with a sign that is quite a bit more interesting to look at than other protest signs and contains more or less the same amount of thought put into it, too.

And she gets some good bonding time with Dad, too. There's no downside. We think we will give this baby a pass for putting together a protest sign that we don't understand in the slightest. After all, so many protesters spew nonsense when they are fully grown.
Sometimes, there are more important things in life than attending a protest. Maybe you have a huge overflow of clothes and sheets that need to be put in the washing machine. That is a huge priority that must be taken care of at any cost.

But when you take into consideration that this protest was the “Women’s March on Washington” in protest of Trump’s presidency, we have to wonder if he needed to do laundry at that exact moment. Ultimately though, the woman was simply putting together and conveying a witty message about women’s rights, and we are all here for it.
Not Well at All
We understand that there are a lot of protest signs in this photo. But we think it is safe to say that we are mainly dealing with the sign in the middle of the image, at the bottom. This photo shows a sea of protesters doing their thing at the People’s Vote anti-Brexist march in London, UK.

What is clear about Brexit is that it caused a lot of division in the country, and people are still torn about the move until this very day. This sign perfectly encapsulated the feeling at the time. And to a degree, people are still feeling this way now.
This Was His Last Sign
This young man has gotten a little bit of fame on the internet for his funny, irreverent signs that don't really have anything to do with protests, but we have yet to see one we don't agree with.

However, this was likely his final sign since the “Friends” fandom is so rabid it might as well be a full, ready-for-battle army. Now there is a lot to say about “Seinfeld” versus “Friends,” and a lot of it is subjective. Saying one is WAY better than the other, on the other hand, is going to get some strong words and maybe even some strong actions sent his way.
Inception Protest
It does feel like people will protest about virtually anything in this world we live in. We are currently part of a culture of outrage, where somebody is going to have a bone to pick with whatever you do. And this protester seemed to be against the protest that was taking place and so decided to do something of an anti-protest in the middle of it all.

Now that’s just such a radical thing to do. But to be fair, there are plenty of people who protest against certain protests all the time. So this wouldn’t be the first time in the world that this kind of thing has happened.
This Is What You Get for Silent Gs
Everybody, stand back; the math majors are here. Judging by this picture, we can't really see what they are protesting against, but it seems like those mathletes are too smart to be wrong. Then again, they weren't smart enough to know the difference between sine and sign, so maybe we shouldn't trust them so blindly.

At least now we know who to turn to when we need to calculate the circumference of the next glass of beer we are going to have. In protests, we really should be regulating what signs should be held up. Everyone should be able to understand them, after all.
Double Trouble
We think that this is one of the most unique examples of protester signs on this entire list. “Why?” you ask. Because there are two signs on display in this photo – one being entirely serious and the other not taking itself seriously at all.

Taken at a demonstration in Orlando, Florida, back in 2020, one of the protest signs in question makes the point that the people are more important and more influential than the people who are in charge. Cool, we’re on board with that. But the other is simply saying that Obama is this protester’s dad, which is pretty weird if you ask us.
No Class
This protest sign is all kinds of clever. We personally hate the idea that teachers would lose their jobs and classes would be combined into mega superclasses of 40 just to save some money. Instead of focusing that attention on poorly thought-out education strategies, think about the number of lives that are lost from speeding and high-speed limits, specifically.

Tens of thousands of protesters came together in Toronto to protest Premier Doug Ford’s plans to make financial cuts in education. Yes, we are totally on board with this sign and want to see more signs like this in the future.