Hold on tight, for we’re about to embark on a mind-bending journey into the realm of optical illusions. Prepare to be enthralled, dear friends! This one isn’t exactly a fail, but more of a cool yet trippy optical illusion. There’s nothing more romantic than capturing the moment when a husband kisses his wife for the first time as a married couple, but if you’re like us, you found yourself distracted while looking at this photo.

Who can think about true love when it seems as if the groom’s hand and leg are one and the same? Let’s relish the wondrous ability of a single photograph to transport us to a world where boundaries blur, and love and curiosity intertwine.
Marriage Material
This may look like just another picture of a kid falling at a wedding, but it's actually a story of quick thinking and bravery. You see, just as the photographer was about to take the picture, the groom felt that the girl behind him was starting to fall.

He quickly grabbed her hand, thus saving her, all while still keeping his smile and his face towards the camera. Now, this is a man we'd want to marry. Quick thinking, always smiling, tall, and a great tuxedo. He seems like the perfect man to marry and spend the rest of life with. Too bad he's already married.
Bigger and Better
Weddings are a beautiful ceremony all over the world. In some countries, the celebrations can go on for more than three days; in some, they party for almost a week. In some cultures, if not most of them, drinking is essential to celebrating.

Many people will attest to barely remembering their wedding day, not because of the nerves but because they drank so much that everything got a bit hazy. For that purpose, this couple got themselves bigger glasses than their own heads! We have a feeling they broke some type of Guinness World Record drinking out of these glasses.
The Flower Girl That Wanted to Run
Most of the time, we understand that not everything can go according to plan and that people will not always do as their told. But, for some reason, we seem to forget about this simple logic when it comes to our wedding days, and we pray so hard that everything, but everything, will go according to our plan.

On our wedding days, we usually lose our minds if something goes wrong. We don't know how the bride reacted when she saw her flower girl having a diva moment at her wedding. We bet she wasn't pleased and gave the little girl's mother a piece of her mind.
Top Hats at the ATM
Weddings happen every day, but they are not what one would call normal events. What do we mean by that? Well, people who attend weddings usually wear things that would just not work for a simple day of running errands. Yet, wedding guests have errands to run too, which is how we got this priceless picture of two men in top hats standing in front of an ATM.

We believe that a wedding and it doesn't matter who's celebrating, is the perfect time to get out all those special outfits you never get to wear. It doesn't matter how outrageous your dress is or how tall your hat is, if you're going to a wedding, you can bring it along.
A Soap Opera
It's not that this one is a fail; blowing soap bubbles into the air has worked perfectly for the couple, and the picture even came out nice. It's just that, if you ask us, there's something quite tacky and gaudy about this picture. Maybe we've just lost the ability to have fun and find joy in life. Or maybe this couple should have thought of a more original idea for their wedding day.

We'll never know. We've seen tens of weddings using the same theme and doing the same thing. What about originality? This photo is on our list not because of the failure but because it managed to annoy us.
A Polish Wedding Fail
Hold on to your veils, folks, because we've stumbled upon a wedding moment that leaves us scratching our heads. We think there's been a mix-up. As far as we know, it's the bouquet that a bride should throw at her guests. Maybe throwing the veil is a Polish tradition we have just not heard of?

Or maybe the bride just accidentally lost her veil while dancing, and she hasn't noticed it yet, which is why she looks so happy? So, here's to the bride who unwittingly redefines the art of the toss and reminds us that, sometimes, unplanned moments create the most memorable tales.
Forever Alone
As far as we know, this woman is just crying because she's extremely happy to see her friends finding their happily ever after and getting married. But you must admit that it doesn't seem like that's the case when you look at her face. A part of us feels she's crying because she's scared that she will be forever alone.

Either way, this makes for quite a comical picture that reminds us of Monica and Rachel. When Monica got engaged to Chandler, Racher found it very difficult to embrace the fact that she is going to be .....left alone. Our heart goes out to you, lovely woman in the photo.
Yes We Can
When we imagine a wedding, we usually think of fancy outfits, a classy location, and great expensive champagne. We can visualize the extravaganza buffet, the astonishing gown the women will be wearing, and the amazing hairdos everyone will invest in. But not everyone can have that type of wedding, and not everyone wants to have that, and that's totally valid.

This bride and her bridesmaids, for example, are simply happy to be chugging drinks out of cans, the same way they used to back in their college days. Besides, nothing can be better than quality time with your best friends, and nothing says it more than a can of cold beer.
The Bathroom Bride
Is there such a thing as going too far when it comes to the pursuit of the perfect wedding picture? We'll let you be the judge of that. Part of us appreciates the sense of humor on these two newlyweds, but then there's also a part of us that feels like maybe posting a picture of yourself while in the bathroom is just taking it a bit too far.

We mean, whatever happened to intimacy? Whatever happened to, this is my private time, and no one is allowed into the bathroom when I am in here. Or is this bride saving this phrase for the time she has children?
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold
This could have been a perfect picture of a perfect moment — the first time the bride and groom kiss as a married couple. But, alas, this little flower girl was not feeling it whatsoever, and it shows. Kids just hate kissing, and you can do nothing about it.

Except maybe wait till she grows up, shows up at her wedding, and makes that same face while she kisses her new husband. We have a feeling this bride will embrace revenge time when she has children of her own. We can see their kid-to-be ruining this flower girl's big day photo.
It's not that there's a specific obvious fail in this picture. It's just that we all want to look graceful on our wedding day, which is why sometimes an awkward picture or an awkward moment is enough to ruin a wedding album. We sure as hell hope the photographer also managed to capture some sweet and beautiful moments, not just awkward ones.

Now, we do have one question. We find it hard to believe the bride just suddenly turned around, and the groom suddenly placed his hand on her behind. There was a buildup, we are sure. So why did the photographer click?
A Dancing Dad
Dads are good at so many things. Most of them are excellent handymen, many of them are wonderful cooks and plenty have an amazing sense of humor. But what is it about dads and dancing? No one wants to see it, but for some reason, it just makes the dads want to dance even more!

Of course, the guy in the back, much younger than the dad, doesn't seem to be doing a better job dancing than the father, so maybe it's a family thing and runs in the blood. Did the bride check this before and made sure her husband didn't inherit the dancing gene?
Three Little Girls
Three little girls, all reacting to the exact moment, and based on our experience with kids at weddings, we can only assume which moment they are witnessing — the moment when the newlywed couple kisses.

The first girl is just intrigued, the one in the middle is embarrassed and maybe disgusted, and the third girl is sincerely shocked. We have all been at least one of these girls at a wedding. Sometimes we were all three at the exact moment. And although the photo is not a classic wedding one you would want to put in your album, there is something about it that we absolutely adore.
Wise Beyond Her Years
We feel this little flower girl is wise beyond her years. She knows what the future holds and what her parents are planning for her, and she is having none of it. How else could you explain the fact she's nailing an expression we adults get when we look around us and feel like we are surrounded by useless people who can't get anything right?

At this point, it seems like she feels she's ready to go home and take a nap, but she knows all the silly adults around her want to stay longer and take pictures and party.
A Historic Fail
This isn't just your normal run-of-the-mill wedding fail. This picture was taken in 1927, which makes it a historic moment. Unlike today, this incident didn't happen very often, so when they did, they were considered an absolutely phenomenal moment.

Everyone was standing in beautiful clothes, ready to take a picture that would live on for future generations. But, alas, just as the photographer was taking the picture, a pig decided to show up. Most of the family members don't seem to mind, and we must admit that the pig made the picture.
He Couldn't Bear It
Now, it's one thing when a little flower girl doesn't seem to approve of your union, but it's a whole other thing when it's a bear that gives you guys a disgusted face. Now, since when do animals share their opinions, and why do they even count? Honestly, maybe he just didn't appreciate that they decided to come to his home and get married there.

You don't see bears barging into human homes just to exchange their vows next to all these cute little humans. Next time, send in the application form, wait for a reply, and then, the bear family will be happy to have you on your special day.
Graffiti Fail
While this isn't a photo that features the bride and groom, it's still a funny photo fail that was taken at a wedding, so we gave it space on our list. The groom's sister and her date wanted to have a cute picture of themselves but ended up standing next to the type of graffiti that gives advice no sane person will follow.

Maybe next time, read what's written on the wall before you choose a spot to take a picture of yourself. Unless this was deliberately done and the couple wanted to share their beliefs, wishes, and ways of life.
Where do we even start with this picture? Every little detail screams tastelessness. From the bride's dress to the groom's suit, from the forced poses, they were captured in the truck in the background, everything about this is wrong, wrong, wrong. This is one picture we hope did not make it into the wedding album.

Maybe the worst part is the fact that the two are standing in a puddle of water. Seriously, did they hire a blind photographer, or did they think this would be the best way for the to emphasize their uniqueness and get everyone talking about them?
Seems Unsafe
The places to have your pre-wedding photos are endless. There's the sea shore ad the promenade on the beach, and there is the first and the green woods, some prefer taking photos nearby in a neverending park, and others even take the shot at their own home.

Who are we to judge if these two wanted to get married in an ice rink and thought it was a good idea to take their wedding photos in the said rink? Yet you must admit that they look more like a high school team of ice skaters than a wedding party. Also, could you imagine having to ice skate in formal clothing like dresses and suits? Sounds unsafe to us.
Thanos's Wedding
Nowadays, it's not only geeks and nerds, everyone has come to appreciate superheroes and supervillains. From Superman to Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, anyone works. The grooms know their work when it comes to heroes and special effects.

If you love something so much, why not make it a part of your wedding? The one thing that is unclear to us is that if you choose which hero to dress up as why would you choose to be the bad guy? Should we warn his soon-to-be wife that she's marrying Thanos or let her discover it all by herself?
Let’s Face It – Weddings Aren’t for Everyone
Ah....the British Monarchy at its best. It really doesn't get any better than a real wedding of a real Prince and princes. This might be one of the most special occasions in recent times. When a prince gets married, like Prince William and Beautiful Kate, it is the closest thing the public gets to a fairytale wedding.

And their sweet embrace on the balcony of Buckingham Palace really appears like a prince and princess’s wedding. But there is one clue that shows that you are not dreaming after all — the expression of the flower girl on the left. She simply looks like she isn’t overjoyed or thrilled about what is happening.
Veil Fail
We must say we love moments like this. They remind us that royals really are human, just like us. And also that veils are just the most preposterous things. Especially the big, long ones that won’t come off unless a gust of wind shows up unexpectedly. We can't ignore Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan when discussing weddings. These two have been adorning our headlines for a few years now.

Did you know that their own wedding has its share of failures? If any grooms suffer from a similar veil fail in the future, they can always use this picture to defend themselves – if a dashing prince can flop at the big moment, what can you expect from us ordinary folk?
Leaf Her Alone!
This next photo is a classic example of what we call a little too much. And even in wedding photos, things can escalate to places we don't desire. Every bride dreams of having a fairytale wedding, and we can say this bride almost had her way. The autumn leaves beautifully set the scene.

The breeze is pleasant. The cherry on top is the groom kneeling down to her and offering her his hand. It’s really quite sweet. But no bride wants to have her thunder stolen, especially not by leaves! Rudely, the leaves hide the bride and pull focus away from her.
The Wedding llama
According to the information we have, this picture is the result of one brother who promised his sister he would bring a llama to her wedding. That was five years before she actually got married. She didn't think he'd go through with that until she showed up and saw a llama in a suit.

Is this a wedding fail, or maybe a wedding win? We'll let you be the judge of that! Now, in case this dude is not the bride's brother, but in fact he is the groom, well he is in for a bit of trouble. He is going to wake up beside that grumpy face for the rest of his life.
No Doves, Then
It's not always about the bride. It's not always her falling into the water, and it's not always her dress getting messed up. This time it's all to do with the other half. This picture was taken in Milan, Italy, outside of the Duomo Milan Cathedral, where many young couples go to get wedding photos.

The bride is not looking too shabby, but the groom, on the other hand, is struggling. While feeding birds sounds like a nice, peaceful activity, it can be overwhelming. In this case, the doves created a wedding photo fail, and we thank them for it.
The Groom's Special Day
They say a wedding day is the bride's special day, but this groom did not get the memo. It's usually all about the dress, the hair, the makeup, and the photo of her, however, this groom was not letting anyone take the spotlight off of him. It was HIS special day.

While posing for a picture with his bride and his best men, he decided to take center stage and hide his lovely bride. She doesn't seem upset in the picture — we would even guess she finds it funny. If that's actually the case, then it seems the two are a good match.
Someone's Special Day
This little kid decided there was no time to waste, and when the beautiful bride picked him up, he just stuffed his hand to see what was under the dress. The poor bride didn't know that as she was trying to get his hand out of her dress, the photographer took a picture of the whole thing.

While it makes for a funny photo the photographer must be proud of, for anyone involved, including the boy's mother, it's just plain embarrassing. This is what happens when you want to stop breastfeeding and your child is just not ready for it yet. He will find his way down the dress, even if it's not his mother's.
A White Wedding
When we think about a white wedding, snow is the first thing that comes to mind, but in this case, that's what this couple got. As they were walking out of their wedding venue, they learned that it was snowing outside. While they were given an umbrella, it's safe to say the bride did not dress for such weather!

Their own guests are standing behind them and laughing at them. Now, you must be prepared when you have friends that can be up to anything just to pull a prank and make the guests laugh. We bet the groom knew one of his friends was about to do something, he just never thought he would go that far.
A Warm Welcome
Did you know that according to scientific research conducted by us, kids are the number one reason for wedding fails? This photo looks innocent enough, but the person who posted it admitted that he is indeed one of the kids holding the bride's dress. He has also admitted to wiping his nose on her dress while she was walking down the aisle. You can't blame a kid for blowing his nose on a soft white piece of fabric!

After properly analyzing the photo, we have come across another failure not everyone can see. If you look carefully, you can see that the bottom part of the dress is stitched up with a big patch. We don't have a problem with a dress that has alterations, but don't you think it would be a good idea to make sure it wasn't visible?
Best Witches
What happens when the person responsible for your wedding cake is not a native English speaker? The answer is right here in front of you. It's either the person who ordered the cake or the person listening on the other side. Hell, it could even be both of them.

As far as wedding fails go, we think this one is sweet, not just because it's written on a cake, but also because we think the witches deserve to know they are the best! Thankfully, AI is kicking in, so next time, the robot will be responsible for this, and we can expect to receive no grammar mistakes but a dry and tasteless phrase.
Too Much Glitter
Whoever said there is no such thing as too much when it comes to a wedding was obviously not invited to this party. For some odd reason, many cultures have a tradition where guests and friends throw things at the bride and groom. While it's hard to understand the logic behind throwing things at people, we must accept it as a reality.

This couple got married just before Christmas, so everyone thought throwing white glitter at them would be funny. What ended up happening is that they both had glitter on their faces and mouths for many days to come.
Let's Dance
This picture comes with a cute story about a little boy who wanted everyone to dance with him... while the bride and groom were exchanging vows. But that's not even the worst part. When he saw that nobody was joining him, he started crying, distracting everyone even further. We hope the couple forgave him.

We want to say that he's just a child, so he doesn't know any better, but we also know that hasn't stopped some bridezillas from being mad in the past...And in the future, when this couple has a child of their own, they can take him to someone else's wedding, and ...it"s payback time.
Black and White
If there's one thing everyone, and we mean everyone, should know by now is that no one, and we mean no one, should wear white to a wedding but the bride herself. We feel like, at this point, every person on Earth should have already gotten the memo. But, alas, it seems that some people will always insist on stealing other people's thunder.

In this case, it wasn't one person but an entire army of sisters who choose to wear the forbidden color to their dad's wedding. An honest mistake? Or maybe a calculated move? We guess we'll never know.
The Bride's Brother's Backside
There's actually a lot going on in this picture. Both the bride and the groom are on the floor, and according to the bride, that's because she fell to the ground. Her husband decided to join her down there, but while they were chilling on the floor, the bride's brother had other plans.

Guess the brother was having too much fun, as his fancy pants ripped, revealing his backside to everyone, but especially to the couple sitting right in front of him. We know you can't see the brother in this photo, but believe us, it happened, and it's a moment no one will ever forget. And here's another story to tell the children.
Bride Down
We don't know anyone who enjoys falling in public, but let's face it — it happens to all of us from time to time. Still, there are times when everyone is watching us, or we're wearing something fancy, and those always seem to be the time we fall flat on our faces.

However, we all agree that it is ten times worse when something like this happens on your wedding day. This bride stepped on the front of her dress, and her brave husband did everything he could to soften her fall. He succeeded in saving his bride and her dress but ended up ripping his pants in the process.
The Ripped Pants
This wedding fail picture is almost artistic enough to be displayed in an art gallery. The photographer seemed to have captured the exact moment when this guy's pants were ripped. Of course, this person just wanted to show his dancing moves and make sure the bride and groom know how happy he is for them.

But god had plans, and now the one thing everybody knows for sure is the color of his underpants. This is another lesson in life to teach you what happens when you are too cheap t invest in a decent pair of pants and go for the ones on sale just because you are going to wear them only once.
Cheeky Groom
We have to confess that we're not sure if this picture was staged by the photographer or maybe he just caught the couple in a cheeky moment, but either way, you have to admit this pic is funny! The bride might not be in on the joke, as she's looking ahead, oblivious to what is going on behind her.

Let's face it, with so many layers of fabric, we don't think anyone can see much of what's actually going on under her dress. The groom's facial expression says it all and adds so much spice to this photo, so even if he can't see a thing, he still takes his role to the extent.
Priests Deserve Rest
Not many people have thought about what it must feel like to be a priest who has to officiate countless different weddings. It must be tiring, not to mention having to remember so many different names. This couple got to see a side of priests not many of us get to see — the human side! The priest fell asleep and said the wrong names when he finally got up. What can we say? Better have the priest get it wrong and not the groom!

According to religious law, we wonder if the priest makes a mistake and if the marriage is still valid. We mean, maybe the bride can claim now (after being married for a few years) that there was a mistake, she is not who they said she is, and just saved herself aggravation while going through a divorce.
Ew, My Brother Is Happy
What we love most about this photo is the honesty. Not too many people would feel comfortable expressing their true emotions in public, especially at an event where everyone knows everyone. Usually, children or immature people let themselves be caught showing their disgust so publically at a wedding.

There's always going to be someone at a wedding that doesn't quite approve of what's going on, in this case, it's the groom's sister who was captured on camera making a face while the groom kisses the bride. But, we can't really judge her, can we? Most of us would not enjoy watching our siblings smooching.
Crashing a Wedding
We have heard of people who crash weddings. They show up uninvited in order to enjoy the free food and drinks, or maybe because they have some personal vendetta against the happy couple, and they want to upset them. Still, this is the first time we've seen some type of nuclear death angel crashing one.

The happy couple is oblivious to what is going on behind them, and maybe that's for the best. Next time they should think twice before setting their wedding day on Halloween. There is a price to pay, and the wedding failure is on them this time.
Shopping for a Bride
Wedding photos have become the ultimate battleground for couples trying to outdo each other with their creativity. It's like a contest to prove who's the quirkiest and most original duo in town. And let's be honest, you can't win that game if you're just posing like everyone else. But hold onto your hats because this Polish couple took the prize for the wackiest wedding pic!

Just have a look at this. The groom turned into a shopping cart chauffeur, pushing his blushing bride around in style. Yep, you read that right. They ditched the traditional poses and went full grocery shopping mode. Talk about breaking the mold! Their audacious move left everyone laughing and wondering what other surprises they had in store. Now that's what I call a wedding album that truly stands out from the crowd!
Cold Feet? More Like No Feet
There's something undeniably captivating about those adorable mid-air snapshots, where everyone jumps for joy, radiating happiness and boundless hope. Well, this couple nailed the airborne element, but there's a twist that gives their photo an unsettling vibe. The groom and the rest of the crew are perfectly suspended in the air, but the bride's legs are mysteriously absent.

Before you freak out, don't worry! Her legs are fine and snugly tucked beneath her beautiful wedding dress. But let's face it, this peculiar optical illusion probably didn't make the cut for the official album. Can you imagine the reactions, though? People would be scratching their heads, wondering if the bride had some magical power to levitate.
You May Now Pass Out
What is it with people passing out at weddings? Is it because they can't contain their own excitement? Maybe they've had too much to drink? And why do they always seem to pass out at the most inconvenient time and right in the middle where everyone can see it?

This sister lost consciousness right when the groom was told, "You may kiss the bride." Was she trying to avoid having to see her sibling smooching? Possibly. This is a great example of members of the family who find it difficult to show support and respect for their sibling's choices in life and felt they just have to go and ruin everything.
Say Cheese
When it comes to experiencing new things, kids have got it made. Unlike us grown-ups who think we've seen it all, they're constantly surprised by life's quirky twists. And boy, do they know how to express themselves! Sometimes, their emotions lead to sweet moments, other times to side-splitting hilarity, and occasionally... well, let's just say things can get a little inappropriate.

In this case, we suspect the cheeky little rascal was just trying to give the photographer a good laugh with a silly face. If the bride and groom aren't too uptight, we bet they saw the humor in it too. Because hey, who needs picture-perfect perfection when you can have a candid capture of pure mischief?
A Romanian Wedding
This photo was taken in Romania. Now, we don't know if this is common practice over there. Maybe all Romanian weddings look like that, and who are we to judge? It actually looks like great fun, and it has its own advantage. For example, the bride can wear high heels all day and night long, and her legs won't hurt.

Also, driving around town like that is a great way to let everyone know you've just tied the knot. Not only is it a fun-filled ride, but it also serves as a grand announcement to the world that these lovebirds have officially tied the knot. So, whether it's a unique local tradition or simply a whimsical choice, this spirited escapade adds a dash of flair and unabashed revelry to their wedding day, making it a memory they'll treasure forever.
At Least They're Not Wearing Red
It's always important to try and look at the bright side of life, in fact, knowing how to focus on the positives is one way of ensuring a long and happy marriage. So, why not start by trying to find the positive in this wedding photo that was interrupted by no other than an angry bull? We bet the two were extremely thankful that weddings are all about wearing white and not about wearing red.

They dodged a bull(et) here. So, let's raise our glasses and toast to this duo, whose remarkable ability to see the bright side (and didn't lose it when they realized what was coming their way) has undoubtedly laid the groundwork for a marriage brimming with laughter and joy.
Thanks for the Help
Certain bridal dresses are so big and heavy that the brides end up needing people to help them get dressed, get undressed, and even move! In this case, the guy was innocently trying to help this lovely woman with her train but ended up seeing more than he anticipated. Or maybe, he hasn't seen a thing but just realized that making this silly face would turn a normal, boring picture into a priceless one.

After all, what better way to transform an ordinary, run-of-the-mill snapshot into an absolute gem? This spontaneous act of comedic genius turned a potentially humdrum image into a priceless keepsake, forever capturing the delightful absurdity of that unforgettable moment.
A Moment in Time
We can't tell for sure exactly when this picture was taken, but to us, it just screams the early 00s. Something about the shape of the suites and the colors chosen tells us these were the early days of the new millennium. Looking back, everyone will admit it was a weird time in fashion, and the outfit choices of everyone in this picture lead us to believe it was taken back before any of us knew any better.

We assume they tried to get an image of everyone jumping at the same time but ended up with a messy image, with each one of the four in a different stage of their ascent toward the air.
So Many Questions
While recent years gave us a lot more events streamed online, some people were ahead of their time and streamed their weddings way before the 2020s. But, that's not even the weird part about this wedding, it's something about the guests. These people are just not your typical wedding guests, who invited a dinosaur? Or Ronald McDonald? Are they related to the bride or the groom? So many unanswered questions.

Were they long-lost relatives, whimsical friends, or just the result of a mischievous wedding planner's brainstorming session? The mind boggles. One thing is certain as we unravel the enigma: this unconventional celebration will forever remain etched in the annals of wedding folklore, sparking conversations, laughter, and endless speculation.
The Horror
What is a groom's worst possible nightmare? Simply put, it is losing the ring right before the ceremony. This poor groom had his ring fall out of his pocket straight into a drain. And so, just a few hours before his wedding, he had to lie on the ground and stick his hand down the drain to see if he could find it.

We really hope he did, otherwise, he just ruined a perfectly good suit for nothing, and he'll have a lot of explaining to do. Here's to hoping this tale has a happy ending and that this courageous groom emerged victorious from the drain, clutching his beloved ring, ready to embark on a lifetime of love, laughter, and improbable adventures.
A Wedding Planning Fail
This story might be enough to justify the existence of wedding planners or maybe just of planning in general. You see, this couple got all dressed up and was ready to go and get married on a boat on the Colorado River. There was just one problem when they got there, they learned that the river was being dredged that day. They had to have their wedding on the riverbank instead. If only they has someone who was in charge of planning the whole thing.

Alas, they learned the hard way that meticulous planning can be a lifesaver in ensuring a seamless celebration. Let this tale serve as a reminder that even the most meticulously crafted dreams can take unexpected turns, but with a bit of laughter and a dash of adaptability, love will always prevail, regardless of the venue.
A Minor Minion Fail
This bride shared that she was so nervous on her wedding day that she forgot her bouquet. But, according to her, that wasn't even the worst part of all of it. If you look closely at this picture, you'll be able to see that the groom is wearing a bandaid.

But it's not just a plain bandaid, but a minion one! Listen, personally, we don't even consider this one a fail, we find it adorable! Amidst the chaos and last-minute adjustments, this adorable couple found a way to inject a touch of whimsy into their special day.
It's His Day Too
At this point, nothing can surprise us. Not even a ghost showed up uninvited. Life threw us yet another curveball just when we thought we'd seen it all. Even we were taken aback when we saw that this tiny little cat had the nerve to crash a wedding and even interrupt a happy photo of the bride and the groom.

Luckily, we have a feeling these two are cat lovers because they seem overjoyed with this turn of events. Who knew that a furry gatecrasher could bring such delight to a sacred union? In this tale of unexpected antics, love prevails, and the uninvited guest becomes an endearing symbol of the delightful surprises life has in store.
Sibling Rivalry
The groom said that this was his favorite wedding picture and that he even framed it and hung it in his living room. Is it because of how happy and grateful he and his new wife look? No, it's about something much more primal and petty than that — he just loves seeing his sister going down.

At the end of the day, it is always sibling rivalry that rises above. Oh, the delight of seeing one's sibling gracefully descend! In the grand tapestry of life, it's the bonds of kinship, peppered with playful jabs and friendly competition, that often transcend the ordinary.
Finding Your Feet
Hold on tight, for we're about to embark on a mind-bending journey into the realm of optical illusions. Prepare to be enthralled, dear friends! This one isn't exactly a fail, but more of a cool yet trippy optical illusion. There's nothing more romantic than capturing the moment when a husband kisses his wife for the first time as a married couple, but if you're like us, you found yourself distracted while looking at this photo.

Who can think about true love when it seems as if the groom's hand and leg are one and the same? Let's relish the wondrous ability of a single photograph to transport us to a world where boundaries blur, and love and curiosity intertwine.
Too Many Murrays
Ah, the eternal struggle between well-meaning guests and the desire for privacy on a couple's special day. When will guests and friends understand that all brides and grooms really want is just to be left alone? Even if they love Bill Murray, we bet all they wanted for their getaway car was to say, "Just Married."

Rumor has it that upon seeing that their car was covered in Bill Murray, the two ripped all of his pictures before they drove away. Honestly, we can't blame them. So, here's to the brave couple who dared to reclaim their car, remove the whimsical symbol of celebrity obsession, and embarked on their matrimonial adventure with a sense of autonomy and ownership.
Don't Drink and Ride
No one likes it when their partner has had one too many drinks. There's a point at which the whole thing stops being fun. Now, imagine having that experience at your own wedding. Sounds like a major fail on the groom's part to us! Looking at the picture, it's clear that the bride is not happy that her new husband is drinking.

She has no choice but to look away and hope this isn't what the rest of her marriage is going to look like. Let's hope he quickly realizes that weddings are all about making memories, not just getting blurry ones. Cheers to a sober, happily ever after!
A Veil of Sorrow
The photographer thought it would be fun to have an image of the bridesmaids holding on to the bride's veil. It can make for a very cute picture if it's successful. Here it seems that unbeknownst to them, they pulled on the veil too much, and at this point, the bride is no longer enjoying the situation.

Honestly, she looks kind of upset, we can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be to be pulled like that. In her eyes, we witness the longing for a gentle release from this unintentional entanglement. Let us pause for a moment, acknowledging the fine line between spontaneous joy and unintended discomfort.
Taking the Plunge
We're not sure what happened in the moments leading up to when this picture was taken, however, we do know it has made a great new entry onto our list. Maybe the bride tripped on her own dress, or maybe it was her heels that betrayed her. Perhaps her fall was actually someone's else fault, we'll never know.

But it is sweet to see that her groom and his best man are both helping her. If this moment is an indication of what their married life will look like, then we have a feeling they'll know how to have fun and laugh even in hard times.
Weddings Are Hard
What is this kid thinking to himself? We bet it's something like, "I swear if I have to hear another adult tell me I'm adorable one more time and give me a great big unwanted kiss on my cheek that is already covered in all shades of lipstick..." We, adults, tend to look at younger children and feel as if they have no worries whatsoever.

This picture proves otherwise. This little cousin is seen here resting after a long and tiring day of attending a relative's wedding. If any of you are wondering what his suitcase holds, the answer is that it's full of his travel toys.
A “Just Married” Emasculating Moment
This next photo is a glimpse of what the future holds. It describes the roles each member of the house will take after the big day is over, and to be honest, we are not surprised at all. It is no secret who is going to wear the pants in this house. This is the face of deep regret.

Why didn’t this groom man up and pay for a limousine? Alternatively, he might have rented a car. Imagine, he could have been commandeering a steady chariot of pomp and decorum. Why? Why didn’t he listen to her? Bride, it's not too late. You can still run for your life.
I Do Take Thee in Bondage
We all have an embarrassing moment in life we wish we could go back and erase, but what happens when that moment is documented, and there is no going back? Just look what happens to this poor bride (we feel the groom was so concerned). She will be embarrassed by this forever.

She will never forget it. A perfectly good group shot was ruined. For the rest of her life, she will be saying to herself now and again, “Why didn’t we make it ‘M & S’? Why? Why? Why?” They could have drooped this photo of holding their initials, they could have even changed their first names, and where on earth was the photographer that encouraged this?
Who put Jack in charge of the cake? All he had to do was retrieve the cake from the back of the minivan and set it on the cake table not even fifty feet away. Why Jack? Why? Everyone knows he’s an accident waiting to happen. Wait one minute. That guy on the left with his foot slightly raised....oh my God, did he trip Jack?!

Ok, we get you. It's staged. The shocked impression on those girls' faces is not real, the cake is flying in the air without a drop of frosting moving, and the groom should have been in tears of something like this would have happened. But now, seriously, could you imagine what if?
Who thought this would be a good idea? Pile the entire wedding party on a rickety old dock and see what happens. Total panic. Obviously. All ready-to-get-married couples try to make their special day memorable and different. They all try to think out of the box and amaze their guests ( and themselves) with a special moment during the ceremony or a spectacular surprise during the dancing.

But no, that wasn't enough, and like this couple, a unique snapshot in a place no bride or groom have even been before had to be their special touch. Out of all the places in the world, that's the best they could come up with. An old wobbly doc?
Nothing can prepare the bridal couple for a wedding day disaster of this magnitude. Caught on camera mere seconds before the three-tier cake’s fateful demise, this wedding memory will be etched in their minds forever. Please say the top tier did not hit the floor!

Now, we know the cake falling is an absolute disaster, but we see something far more wors than that. Look at the groom's facial expression. He knows he's going to have a rough night with his bride as she is going to have to find someone to blame for this chaos, and it's going to have to be him. he knows what coming, He is already 10 miles ahead in thought.
Something Blue
We would love to know what kind of food was served at the reception to make the bride's tongue go blue like that. Perhaps she realized she didn't have her 'something blue' and got some last-minute blue candy to sort it out. We love this bride for going with the flow and are willing to have her snapshot taken.

Not all women are as easygoing as she is, especially not on the big day. And the more we think of it, the more we like it. It could work as a great concept for brides who can't find or want to have a different and unique something blue and don't want to ditch the tradition.
The Beach Boy
There's nothing like the beach as a background for the perfect wedding photoshoot. The sea, the sand, and the sky make for an ideal setting. The beautiful bride is barefooted, soaking her feet in the warm sand, and her groom has never looked more charming in his light shirt and rolled-up pants.

The sun is about to set, seagulls are singing their song, and there's always room for splashes of color in the background. Or not. Unfortunately, swimmers and other beach-goers should also be taken into consideration when choosing a location for a photo. Next time a deserted island would make a better location.
Stealing Her Thunder
Is this for real? There is an unwritten rule when it comes to weddings, and this rule applies to all countries, all brides, and all mothers-in-law around the world, with no exceptions whatsoever. Unless you're the bride, never wear a white dress to a wedding and no matter what excuse you bring along with you.

This simple rule usually goes without saying. But apparently, not everyone is aware of it. This bride must have been shocked to see none other than her now mother-in-law wearing a long white gown on her wedding day. We wouldn't be surprised if this wedding ended up with a funeral.
If you had to choose one wedding fail to happen on your big day, it wouldn't be this next one. No matter what happens during the big day, if it occurs while you are walking down the aisle, there is no way anyone will miss it. All eyes are glued on the bride and groom; you don't need a photographer to document the moment.

Seems that walking down the aisle could be mission impossible for some. Take this couple, for instance. While we have no doubt that they learned how to walk when they were little, they still managed to trip and fall on top of one another on their way to saying, 'I do.'
Saving Herself
At first, we thought this next wedding failure was part of a show or some kind of act this bride was putting on, however, after deep research, we sadly discovered this is a real event that took place at a real wedding and involved a real bride and groom.

In case anyone was wondering, this bride wanted to be clear that she was waiting for the right man and finally found him. With a playful nod to the film "Robin Hood: Men in Tights," she couldn't be happier about not having to wear metal panties anymore. We've asked to see a photo of the groom while this was going on, however, a responds is still pending.
The Hitchhiker
Any bride's big day involves so many precious scenes, having all her loved ones around her and taking part in the best party of her life. The first hours of that memorable day are the kickstart of the entire excitement, and the Limo picking you up and driving off to the distance is where it all begins. But what happens when the Limo doesn't show up?

Among the moments a bride wants to remember from her wedding day are walking down the aisle, exchanging rings, and some drunk friends dancing. A moment that she would rather forget is how her limousine never showed, and she had to hitchhike to her own wedding. Take that as a note, photographer.
Classy Bridesmaids
Obviously this next one was staged, and no big wedding failure was considered here, however, when we came across it, there was no way we could ignore it. We don't know if the bride had this idea, but apart from having a few inside jokes and a funny pic to remember the day by, we really hope she left this one out of the wedding photo album.

Not the classiest photo to include in your wedding day memories, and still, thumbs up to the loving brides made who participated and didn't mind showing off their backsides just to make the bride happy on her big day.
Modern Bride
Every bride is different and can choose to wear whatever they like on their wedding day. And although we do understand that times have changed and today's wedding dress choices have become more daring, this is just a bit much.

At first, she resembles a kind of controversial mermaid, but then on second thought, even Didney's mermaid, Ariel, had more on under the sea, however, it was more than four decades ago. Besides, with all that fabric hanging on the back of her "dress," she could've afforded to cover up a little more skin. Then again, if that's what the bride wants, that's what's happening!
Anything But Water
A wedding failure that, in our eyes, is all got to do with a photographer, lacking in experience, who hasn't acknowledged the fact that there is no added value in taking a bride and groom to the edge of the waterfront. The sandy beach is just as good!

Apparently, when the groom said 'I do' to the part where the priest says 'in sickness or in health,' that didn't include rescuing your bride from falling into the waters of the sea. Even though it looks like he's trying to grab her feet and stretch his hand, it still looks like he's not willing to bend more than that to save his falling bride. Just jump in the water, man!
Best Photobomb Ever
Here is a lovely picture of a happy bride and her happy bridesmaids...made even better by the random woman sneaking up behind the window! To be honest, that woman looks as happy to be there as the bride herself. We wonder if it was a friend playing a prank on the bride or just a (very weird) random passerby that saw an opportunity to make people laugh.

Could you imagine the strange bypasser wearing the same colored dress as the other bridesmaids? That would have been even more funnier. The bride would have ended up with an extra maid she'd never seen before.
Odd Man Out
A wedding photo of the bride and groom kissing, alongside both their parents kissing too, is sweet, a little too sticky, and kind of boring. What happened here makes the entire scene a lot more interesting. And there is a story behind it. This guy's partner went to the bathroom right before they decided to take the picture.

Or maybe he is the odd sibling that hasn't found his true love yet. You decide. Either way, he seems to be dealing with it perfectly fine. Don't worry, buddy. You'll find your soulmate when you least expect it.
DIY Balloon Bride
It's a fashion choice that screams, "Look at me! I'm the epitome of avant-garde insanity!" The balloons, strategically placed to cover any hint of traditional elegance, create a chaotic mess resembling a twisted cloud of confusion. One can't help but wonder if she's secretly auditioning for a role as a human balloon animal.

The bride's expression oscillates between excitement and a hint of regret as if she's questioning the life choices that led her to this balloon-filled nightmare. Certain projects — like choosing your wedding dress — should never be DIY. Although we must say, that's quite the creative way to fluff up a dress.
The Centaur Bride
If only someone had told them that riding a horse and taking a photo from the back was not a good idea. Where is the photographer's responsibility, I ask? Couldn't the photographer just fix the train of the dress so it didn't look like this bride had horse legs?! Apart from that, the photo would've been beautiful.

But hey, maybe the bride just didn't have time to shave. Now, if we put the legs aside ( pretend that we can live with this), what excuse can we possibly find for the tail? No matter how hard we try, there is no logical reason for this.
The Camera's up Here
Ahh, puberty. The hormones, the acne, the awkwardness... everything. We're happy for this pair of twins to have each other through this difficult time. However, we do think they need some parental guidance. You know, like teaching them that you shouldn't wear t-shirts to a wedding or stare into the bride's cleavage.

And supposed these two teenage tweens were not even invited to the wedding and the bride just happily took a photo with them (it's acceptable in some countries apparently, to just take photos with brides), didn't the bride realize not everyone was saying cheese to the photographer?
Playing Dressup
Veils — out. Unicorn masks — in! This hysterical unicorn mask is one of the best things we've seen all week, and the humor in this picture makes it even better. The angle makes it look like even the cameraman wasn't able to keep a straight face and a steady hand to take the picture properly!

The more we think about this, the more we understand why a full cover-up mask was needed here. No bride would expose herself in such a ridiculous appearance. Now the groom has to figure out how he will prove it was his real bride underneath the mask.
Walk the Plank
Those of you who've been online in the past few years know all about planking. But what about this couple's kids? A few years from now, they will look through their parents' wedding pictures with no idea of what that... priest, maybe? Is doing in the background.

In the year 2050, a priest will be a long-forgotten figure that attended weddings back in the day. This photo will emphasize the last few years in History when priests still insisted on coming, even though they did nothing except decorate the newlywed's photo albums, as we see in this example.
Training Day
This bride definitely knows what friends are for. While she has been holding out for her big day, we can’t exactly say that her mates feel the same. Fortunately, their teamwork is beyond excellent. We can safely say that the bride’s train and veil are in the best of hands. We’re not even sure if they are her bridesmaids, but they definitely deserve the promotion.

Perhaps this bride could have spared some of her extravagances to invest in outfits for her bridesmaids. What really finishes this picture off is the expression of the man in the tuxedo! It's absolutely priceless.
It’s Supposed to Be Good Luck
Whether it is good luck or not, some wedding planners do their utmost to avoid a wedding being rained out. Not this couple! They definitely heard the superstition that rain on one’s wedding day means good luck – something about having kids. No matter the reason, this couple has decided to embrace the rain.

They even packed in an umbrella for this iconic shot. Little good it is doing. Despite the wind and gray skies, the backdrop with some lambs in the distance makes for an interesting wedding pic – to say the very least.
One Wedding You Don’t Want to Crash
We can definitely say that no one is crashing this wedding, not when two bridesmaids are sporting assault rifles. And they make the look work, pairing the rifles with brown cowboy boots. On the right, there is either a groomsman or a cowboy. He looks like the happiest of the lot, even though he has the smallest gun.

While this might be the most satisfied, trigger-happy wedding party, we can safely say that everyone who thought of crashing it is going to have second thoughts. Now at first, we all thought it was hilarious and was a unique way to take the big day's snapshots, however, the more we looked at it, the more we disliked it.
Best Buddies
This picture is definitely not one for the albums. Maybe the groom or one of the groomsmen can add it to their private collection. We know that groomsmen are supposed to be there to help the groom out and support him, but this is taking it a bit far.

Or maybe the photographer thought that out of all of the things one can do with their hand in a picture, this is the best one. The only good news for these men is that you can’t see any of their faces or spot the groom from his groomsmen.
Optimal Street Sweeping
Bigger is not always better, and sometimes the classic paradox ‘less is more’ still stands. And just sometimes, expenses should be spared, especially in this case. While the bride seems blissfully unaware, her gigantic pink balloon-sized dress is getting attention. The city council should be paying attention as this balloon-sized dress is doing a great job of keeping the city’s streets clean.

Perhaps, once the wedding is finally done, the city council will offer her the dress. Now seriously. Didn't this not-so-smart bride think about this before? Had she no idea that wet weather means wet ground, which means a not-so-clean dress?
Time for a Spot of Gardening
This is either just one of those perfectly timed photos, or this bride is keeping a secret. We’re guessing that the man in the awkward position is not the groom. Or maybe he is the groom, and he just decided to do a bit of gardening before the ceremony. Whatever the story, he just happens to be bending at the wrong moment.

The longing look on the bride’s face just adds to the scene. Even though this photo is giving us a good ole’ laugh, it will probably not make the wedding album. This is definitely no tone to remember.
The Show Must Go on
Even if one of your bridesmaid's faints, the ceremony must go on. The bridesmaid, who is lying on the ground, seems to be at ease. The officiant, bride, and groom seem deadset on getting the job done. Excuse us, but sometimes there are more important things than the wedding ceremony.

And at least two of the groomsmen are on the same page as us. They are more concerned with the fate of the bridesmaid lying on the ground than the two lovebirds who are about to tie the knot. For God's sake, couldn't this bridesmaid find a better day to faint and take all the attention? Talk about support and being there for one another.
Wardrobe Disaster
This is what happens when you don’t try your clothes on before the big day. Or perhaps, the family ran out of money for the groom’s wardrobe and told him to pull out the suit he wore for his prom. At the very least, the groom could have made the wardrobe malfunction less noticeable by wearing more inconspicuous socks, but no, he is just rolling with it.

And his wife-to-be is rolling with it too. Nothing is going to ruin their big day. The pants could have reached his knees, he would have still worn them and still made it onto our list.
Literal Wedding Crash
Certainly, nothing gets this bride down. The whole ceremony might have been plagued by transportation issues, but she is drinking up anyway. Let’s just hope the police didn’t drive past at this very moment when she was taking a swig of champers.

At least they won’t have any fears about the bride driving because the car in the photo is wrecked, and it’s going nowhere. And the good news is that the party is not over – the bride can keep partying until she has to figure out a way back home.
Revenge of the Photographer
Now, we're not suggesting that this guy isn't being a gentleman by helping out his bride. He even extends the courtesy of lowering his head. But he had no idea that the scene would be captured by the camera. This is what happens when you order your photographer to go to any lengths to capture the ideal romantic photo of you on the beach.

They exact their vengeance by taking an unflattering picture of your future wife's legs. Even for a disinterested photographer, we can state with certainty that this one is a little below the belt.
The Pope’s Blessing
Admittedly, the Pope is a busy guy. But surely, getting the Pope’s blessing for your wedding means your marriage will succeed. Did he officiate the whole ceremony? Perhaps this couple did not even need to hire a marriage administrator for their wedding! If that is the case, then this might not be a wedding failure but a life hack.

We have to give this retro couple the credit for being in the perfect position to receive the Pope’s blessing. It still counts, even if it is from a portrait. And besides, when they realized the real thing wouldn't be able to come, they had to do with second best.
Brace Yourself
That’s what the couple should have said to their wedding guests. This poor guest decided to take a bite out of the wedding decorations, which turned out not to be candy. Sadly, this guy lost a tooth in the process, but at least he had enough humor to go along with it.

While it seems to be a laughing matter for this guest, the bride, and groom are probably thankful they didn’t accidentally take a bite of that fake candy. We can definitely say there would be no photos of them with missing teeth. And another thing, this is the only photo we have of this guy as the happy couple refused to be seen next to him in public.
Bridesmaid Trio
Is this what bridesmaids look like when elderly spinsters find love? Who said that marriage is only for the young? The only other explanation is that a popular franchise threw a sale on this wedding outfit. It was a surefire hit, especially with the mature crowd.

Apparently, these three grandmothers all turned up wearing the same smashing outfit. But we’re still going with the first explanation – that even when you are over the hills, you can still find love, and your three best friends will be there to cheer you on. Love has no age, and a dress on sale has n limits to the number of people that can buy it.
Here Comes the Bride
Did the wrong bride turn up? Did the bride turn up at all? Is this the face of a groom who realized that he clicked on the wrong image of the wrong mail-order bride? Whatever the story behind this groom’s expression, we can guess that the bride was not overly pleased when the photos were finally developed.

The groom cannot even defend himself since the photo was taken during the bride’s walk down the aisle. His expression does not exactly scream, ‘This is the happiest day of my life.’ And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what the groom's face is going to look like for the rest of his life.
Veil Trouble
The wedding dress in this photo is chic...the veil, not so much. One positive point is that the veil does a good job of hiding the bride, especially when a gust of wind appears. And that is a good thing when you are an English socialite and heiress, Lady Charlotte Wellesley. We supposed it was too much to ask them to check the weather forecast for the day.

Lady Charlotte may have tried to prevent the paparazzi from having access to her wedding to Alejandro Santo Domingo, but the paparazzi were extremely lucky – they walked away with one of the most prestigious weddings fails…sadly, at Lady Charlotte’s expense.
Bouquet Bouquet
Movies and TV shows stereotypically show women fighting for the bride’s bouquet. And judging from this photo, there might be some truth in it. The girl and the maid-of-honor are involved in quite the challenge for the bouquet. The 10-year-old girl was the victor.

Just don’t tell her that she must wait another 8 years to get married because it might deflate her spirits. There is a happy ending as the mother of the girl asked her to give the bouquet to the maid of honor. Now, that’s sportsmanship. We do wonder where this tradition originates from. Any idea?
Not the Best Garter
This bride thought using granny panties instead of a garter would be quite the prank. Judging from his position, we can say the groom is not too impressed. In fact, now he is probably less than enthusiastic about the honeymoon. He is likely hoping they can do some lingerie shopping before getting on the plane so a later activity won't fail too.

After this, we can understand why modern couples are not so keen on traditions, especially the garter tradition. And another thing. What's with the flip-flops, lady? If the granny under panties didn't turn the groom off, we have a feeling the flip-flops will.
Fiery Love
Is this what happens when a firefighter gets married? Instead of a chariot, he gets a firetruck. And instead of having to pay for a photographer and lighting, you get the beaming lights from the truck. We should be thankful for him not staying in his daily uniform.

This is probably not the most romantic of wedding photos, even with the couple’s sweet embrace. But we will give it to the bride and groom for having a very unique photo to add to the collection. Let’s just hope that the firefighters did actually put the fire out and weren’t delayed by the couple’s tender moment.