There is an opinion held by many mothers (and we’re sure dads, too) that ANYTHING remotely damp or wet will destroy any furniture it touches. The case here is dealing with cabinet handles which, to be fair, are pretty vulnerable as far as furniture goes. Still, this note is a little overboard, and we can hear the collective sigh of children everywhere.

We’re sure this note was accompanied by many verbal requests. While tensions might be high in this house, hopefully, everyone plays nice and doesn’t push Mom over the edge, even if her requests make no sense and aren’t backed by science.
Popping Pills
Medicine is a tricky thing, and the least well-equipped people to understand dosage instructions are children. That's why you want to make things as simple as possible. This mom has done almost that. Her note is easy enough to understand (plus, we don't know the age of her kid, so we're going to go ahead and guess they are of a competent enough age), but the choice of paper is leaving a little to be desired.

The line at the bottom is sending a VERY unhealthy message when it comes to pills, and the paper's line at the top is a little easy to miss. Let's hope this poor kid knew what they were doing. Or, better yet, that they were feeling better enough to not need the medicine at all.
I'm Not Getting Any Younger, Honey
You get three types of moms when it comes to their kid's partner. The first one likes your choice of partner, and you live in marital and family bliss. The second does not approve of your choice and makes your life together difficult. The third likes your choice of partner, but feels you need to move things along and put a ring on it already! This card looks like it comes from the third type of mom.

Out of the latter two options, this is the mom-in-law you want in your corner. Still, it's a little passive-aggressive for a Christmas card, you have to admit. Hopefully, this mom got what she wanted for Christmas — a welcomed new addition to the family!
Eat Your Greens, Kids
Moms are always there to see you through the tough times. The problem is, they often have no filter. They want what's best for you, and they don't care what the cost is, even if that cost is all of your friends laughing at you at lunch. This letter is kind enough, although clearly embarrassing, and we assume that this kid crumpled it up and threw it away the first chance they got.

There is an alternative scenario here, though, and that is that this mom knew exactly what she was getting her child into and she did it anyway. Maybe this is a punishment for a kid who just will not eat their greens? We may never know, but we'd like to think this is just some innocent advice.
Come on, Coconut!
For many moms, their home and their family are their pride and joy. They spend hours each week trying to keep their house in order just for some mangy kid or animal to mess something up. In this case, this mom is fighting her dog, Coconut.

Coconut has clearly designated areas where he cannot go, and as we can see, he couldn't care less. This is beyond finding a few white hairs on your couch and knowing the culprit, Coconut is posing for a photo cuddling the mom's note banning him from the couch. In Coconut's defense, he cannot read.
Where Are Your Pants?
Alright, a lot has transpired in this house by the time we get to this note. One thing that has not transpired, however, is this kid putting on pants. How old is this kid? No idea. What will happen if he doesn't put some pants on before his dad gets home? Don't wanna know.

Why does this mom have the handwriting of a nine-year-old child? Well, that's not so relevant here, but it is curious. According to the original post, this kid was pretty pleased with himself for getting to this point and felt this note was a point of pride. All we can guess is that this house is not boring.
That's How It Works
Sometimes when moms leave the house, even for a short while, the whole place falls apart. In this case, these kids need instructions on the most basic of tasks. Maybe this is actually a trickier door handle than it looks to be, or maybe there have been one too many accidents and broken doors in the past.

Those are our kindest guesses — we have no idea why this would be necessary. But hey, at least when mom comes home to a broken door she gets to say she covered her bases, and direct the blame where it's due — to some clearly rowdy and not-so-intelligent kids.
Do You Know Something, Mom...?
Okay, mom. We're not sure what you're trying to drag the saint Bob Ross into, but kindly leave the happy little trees out of this conspiracy. As Mr Ross' unofficial attorneys, we're going to refute all claims that this man did anything bad ever, and we're ready to sue this mom.

The question does arise of just what led to this mom leaving such a heinous note. And the poster said that this note was left on the TV, front and center. Hopefully, this is all some kind of sick inside joke that the mom and child can laugh and bond over. Psychos.
Smart Mom
We're pretty sure that virtually every mom everywhere has a note like this lying around. This mom's IT guy has had enough of coaching her through these steps every two weeks. This mom is gaining independence and computer literacy, starting from the bottom.

It's kind of sweet to see such a basic note, this mom really wants to know what she's doing. Those of us who grew up in a computer-literate generation take for granted how easy some things are for us. This mom likely had to learn this skill later in life, and technology is a big fish to fry. Good for you, mom!
Stand Your Ground
Good for this mom. She's sick and tired of her family not replacing the toilet paper. We get it. How many times does she have to tell them? This isn't rocket science, people. You're only hurting yourselves. Instead of this mom going off at her family (which we're sure has happened in the past), she decided to calmly remind everyone that she is off the clock and they are on their own.

One argument that this avoids, however, is what the correct direction is to place the toilet paper. Do you have the flaps facing you or the wall? It's a dispute that has plagued many a happy home, and this mom is staying out of it.
Meeting a Jam Thief
This mom evidently shops in the woods. A strangely odd risk to take for your groceries, but that's life, we guess. This mom notes the chance that she will meet a bear. How high is this chance? We don't know, but that drawing tells us that this woman has seen some things up close and personal in her time.

You could argue that this is a strange last will and testament, but maybe Conrad needs some closure, and to know what to have for breakfast. Clearly, this family has been through these woods before (ha, ha) and they know the drill.
Jer's Derrière
There are few things more embarrassing than your mom walking in on you when you're not decent. One of those things would be writing a note to you about it. This mom has a point that this is not only the kid's house, and it would be considerate to have some clothes on.

In the kid's defense, though, he was in the privacy of his own room, he didn't know his door was open. Mistakes happen. At the very least, this mom was chipper about the incident and apologized for her intrusion. We can only hope that Jer has learned his lesson.
What Milkshake? Who Are These Boys?
If there are three universal blindspots of moms, it's memes, contemporary music, and their kid's declining mental health. But imagine if you were in the same boat here, and you didn't know that these were song lyrics. You would be pretty lost, too, at this seemingly nonsensical magnet.

Who are these boys in question? Why is a milkshake drawing them to your property? Since when did you have anxiety? The worst part is that, like with many moms asking for a joke to be explained, they'll just give you a puzzled look at the explanation and STILL not get the joke. Listen, Mom, we could teach you, but we'd have to charge.
Blu-ray Blunder
This mom is so touched by her son's thoughtful Christmas gift. She gets to watch her favorite movies! She even managed to sneak in a light dig at him while fondly remembering the old days when her son was little. Little did she know that she hadn't actually been using his gift, as the dad clarified that it was not set up yet.

Mom is apparently the only one out of the loop on this, but she remains blissfully unaware and grateful. It's nice to see that the dad here is working behind the scenes to make his wife think that everything is going smoothly.
Tricked Ya!
Lunch notes from moms used to be all the rage, but they've lost popularity in recent years. But not for this mom-and-kid duo. Even during summer school (as the original post tells us), this mom is keeping her notes fresh and fun. This time, it was hiding inside the sandwich. Sanitary and delicious.

It's a good thing the paper wasn't pink or this kid might have gotten an uncomfortable bite of his lunch. We're sure that while this mom probably isn't thrilled that her kid is in summer school, she's secretly happy that she gets to write more lunch notes.
Antique Emoji
Back in the old days, there weren't none of these fancy emojis here. No tech mumbo-jumbo, just art. This mom is taking her kid back in time with this note. The note itself is short and sweet, just saying "I love you, son!" The "antique emoji" (a delightful name, might we add) is a heart with a smiley face on it.

We don't know what prompted this mom to write her child this note, but who needs a reason? Maybe this mom just wanted to tell her kid that she loves them, and did it in the language he'll understand — text speak.
Solid Advice
This mom note is courtesy of a graduation notebook where people could write notes to the recent grad. You know, well-wishes, pieces of advice, the usual. This person's mom had one simple nugget of wisdom: "Marry up." We get it, why would any mother want their precious child to work a grueling 9-5 when they could live the high life thanks to their choice of spouse?

Now, it might not be so encouraging that this mom felt her child's best (or only?) option for improving their life was through marriage, but maybe it was more tongue-in-cheek than an actual recommendation.
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
There is an opinion held by many mothers (and we're sure dads, too) that ANYTHING remotely damp or wet will destroy any furniture it touches. The case here is dealing with cabinet handles which, to be fair, are pretty vulnerable as far as furniture goes. Still, this note is a little overboard, and we can hear the collective sigh of children everywhere.

We're sure this note was accompanied by many verbal requests. While tensions might be high in this house, hopefully, everyone plays nice and doesn't push Mom over the edge, even if her requests make no sense and aren't backed by science.
Spring Into Happiness
There's a lot of context missing here, we hope. We want to say that this kid deserves this (likely, hopefully) empty threat. Maybe he was being testy, and instead of lashing out, his mom chose to leave this note. Maybe it's actually a sibling impersonating their mom, although, in the original post, the kid was pretty sure this was his mom's handwriting.

The funniest part of this note is the paper it's written on. There's just something about punching your children that sounds incongruous with "springing into happiness." We're guessing this was a deliberate paper choice to either dull the threat or emphasize it through the juxtaposition.
A Great Victory
Excellent news, everyone, the dogs and cat were not eaten. This is the outcome we were hoping for. Yes, we know that this is meant to say that the dogs and cat HAVE not eaten, but this mom didn't proofread her note, so it was confusing at first.

There's not much else to say about this note beyond the funny typo. Hopefully, this kid fed the animals before he posted about this funny note online. We have a feeling that this mom will be a little more careful next time she writes a note — who knows what else has gotten lost in translation in this family.
An Important Reminder
Lance Bass was part of NSYNC and is a mildly successful solo singer. There you go, saved you the Google search. The original post said that this mom wrote this note because she "didn't want to forget" to tell her daughter this information. And thank goodness, because we don't know for how much longer this daughter would have walked around unaware of this fact.

Maybe the two were discussing the NSYNC members and what they're up to now, or maybe this mom just learned this celebrity fact and felt the urge to share. Moms love sharing context-less tidbits about celebrities that they've just learned.
Double Bluffing?
This mom is covering all her bases. If her darling child comes home and has forgotten their key — no problem. But if this is not their darling child — problem. And this mom is trying to throw any wannabe thieves off her scent.
Also, this mom wants to make her alliances very clear.

To her family, she is kind, thoughtful, and loving. To a thief, however, different story. No microwaved foods and NO love. Interestingly, the original post says that this isn't the first time that this kid's mom has left a note like this. This bears the question, was there a previous incident where a thief broke after reading an ambiguously welcoming note?
A Classic
Sweet. Cute. Classic. We're sure this note put a smile on the face of whichever kid was lucky enough to receive it. Ideally, this kid would be ten or under, because a tween or teen would likely get ridiculed by their friends for whipping this out of their lunchbox.

However, those friends would probably be secretly jealous that their moms don't care enough to put this level of effort into their lunches. Also, not for nothing but this mom's art isn't half bad, she's clearly no newbie at lunchbox notes. She got a hold of her kid's crayons and just let her creativity and love flow.
Spoiler Alert
If you're even remotely familiar with anything written by George R.R. Martin, then you know that this is a pretty accurate synopsis of this book. This mom didn't want to spoil too much of the book for her child, but this was a pretty safe amount of information to share.

For those unfamiliar, "A Storm of Swords" is two books after "A Game of Thrones" in the series, and it's chock-full of fighting and untoward behavior. A little awkward for a mom and child to co-read, if you ask us, but probably not as much as watching the "Game of Thrones" series together.
The Cats Are Away
Joshua has got the house to himself for the weekend while his parents are away for his dad's birthday. They clearly trust him, but they're still setting some ground rules. Some of these rules are more attainable than others, and some might be digs at poor Josh by his parents who know he could never score three girls at once.

Other than that, Josh has some reasonable expectations like not drinking and driving, which we assume is a constant rule and not just one to be followed without parental supervision. Overall, these seem like pretty relaxed parents and we're sure everyone had a great (and hopefully safe) weekend.
A Concerned Mom
This note is asking a fairly personal question, and doing it in a pretty public way. If you look closely, you can see that this note is pinned up on a notice board. We can only hope that this notice board is inside of her daughter's room, but we can't verify that.

Also, we get that no mom wants their daughter to make bad choices, especially ones that result in sleepless nights and constant screaming, but why is this mom so concerned about her daughter? Hopefully, this is just their sense of humor, and the daughter found this note funny, and not hugely embarrassing or offensive.
At Least She Paid Her Dues
Everything about this picture is chaotic. We'll start with the good — Mom paid her son back for taking his alcohol. Paying your debts is a great trait to model for your children. Now, the fact that that debt was taking her son's alcohol to get her into the right headspace to write her sermon is another story.

We're not sure what lessons we can take from this, but the whole scenario is hilarious. The icing on the cake here is the paper that the note was written on. We have no idea why "The Hangover Part III" commissioned its own branded sticky notes, but presumably, it was for house notes like this one.
Sounds Uncomfy
The medical community refers to this procedure as a colonoscopy, but to each their own. We have a feeling that the dad wasn't feeling as chipper as the mom was on this morning, but maybe the mom viewed this as his repentance for not doing enough around the house. You want to be a lazy bum? Here you go.

This kid was probably thankful to only be involved in this peripherally, and it serves as a great reminder to be thankful for your youth when you don't have to deal with things like this. It seems like the mom is on top of things in this family.
That's Not Really What That Means
The original post says that this mom said she put a note on her phone to remind her to bring cake. Something clearly got lost in translation. Either this mom hasn't caught up with modern technology and doesn't know that there are "notes" and "reminders" apps on her phone, or she's intentionally kicking it old school by sticking an actual sticky note onto her phone.

If it is the latter, then we can still kind of understand where she's coming from. How often do you set reminders on your phone that pop up but you blissfully ignore them when you look at your phone? Is that just us?
She's Going In
Listen, we all know Walmart is a scary place. The aisles never end and you leave there with six times the number of items on your shopping list. Not to mention the types of people you see wandering around. Going into certain Walmarts is like walking into ongoing sociology studies.

This mom knows the drill and has enlisted her child to cover her spiritually while she's away. What's more, the original post notes that both the mom and child are atheists, so you know this is no small feat if they need to consult the Big Man on this ad-hoc occasion.
One Full Tank of Regular, Please
There are many Sarahs in the world. Just innocent, well-intentioned children who accidentally filled their diesel cars with regular gas. And then a very awkward phone call to their parents ensued. This mom is trying to avoid this scenario happening again by leaving this kind and thoughtful note. She's even gone so far as to name the car 'Diesel.' Helpful!

We're sure after the first time, Sarah learned her lesson, and we're pretty sure it's only been one time because we can't imagine this mom would be so playful if this were a recurring situation. There's a good chance the mom was in this same predicament herself when she was younger — it's kind of like a rite of passage.
Good to Know
Nothing to worry about here. Just a regular man doing some regular work. With a machete. Exactly what jobs require that kind of instrument? Dave made it out just fine and his mom knew what she was talking about. Steve was there on a professional basis only.

Mom and Dad were having a far more relaxed morning than their son — they got to go canoeing. A fun, healthy way to spend time in nature, and with so few machetes. Presumably, Dave was made aware of this plan ahead of time, because if this was the first thing he saw when he woke up (or worse, the second), he would've jumped out of bed pretty quickly.
The Rules Are Very Simple
We're pretty sure that almost every mom can relate to this note. You spend hours cleaning every inch and making things shine. She even washed the floor! So the last thing she needs is for those leeches — we mean, delightful children — to go and mess it all up. There's no doubt that Kevin and Molly were on their best behavior for a few days following this note.

We don't know if two teenagers can last more than a week on their best behavior, but they likely gave it their best shot. This isn't the only instance on this list of a mom threatening to punch their kid/s in the throat — was that taught in parenting classes of the 90s?
This kid told her mom that she was "too old" for lunchbox notes. Listen, kid, if you're too old for notes in your lunchbox, then maybe you're old enough to pack your own lunch and let Mom sleep in a bit. If not, suck it up. This mom took things in her stride, and let her child know two things.

One, she does not care how old her child is, they are getting notes in their lunchbox. Two, she loves them dearly. We're honestly pretty impressed with this mom's resilience and her show of humor to this insult! Hopefully, this kid has learned their lesson.
The Instructions Are Loud and Clear
This is the kind of note that every parent dreams of writing. It's been who knows how many years since they've been able to sleep in, and their kids are finally old enough to (hopefully) follow these instructions. The terms are clear, and this mom has covered all of her bases.

What's for breakfast? Boom. Cereal. Can I have a snack? Boom. One (1) orange only. Can I go over to Tommy's house? Boom. No, you may not. If all goes well with this pilot, we can see a lot more late mornings for these parents in the near future.
There's No Better Joke
This right here is about as classic a mom joke as you can get. It's not as lame as a dad joke, nor is it as funny. It won't offend anyone (okay, maybe the odd literate chicken), and your mom will tell it over to all of her friends at her book club.

We don't know how old the child was who received the note, but we're sure they enjoyed it enough to appease their mom. Based on this note alone, we would guess that this is an all-round sweet mom with a penchant for mild puns and cute notes.
Need Cannolis, Will Pay
This mom's note is actually for the dad, probably because he's the only one with a car. The task is pretty simple; take the money, move your butt, and don't come home without some cannolis. No need for please and thank yous, this is just business.

It's in the dad's best interest to comply and keep his wife (and life) happy. When all it takes to keep the peace is a few measly cannolis, it seems like something to grin and bear and not complain about. We're sure that most moms could be kept pretty content if they received a few sweet treats every now and then.
Okay, we won't lie, this one threw us at first. We full-on thought that that did not say "gum," and that whoever was looking for a weapon was sent on a side quest to brush their teeth. But even now that we've read this correctly, not all the pieces are suddenly falling together.

The original post says that this family had a "gum drawer" in lieu of a cookie jar, but the mom has since made some changes. Gum seems like a pretty reasonable replacement for cookies, and certainly a better option than brushing your teeth every time you get a craving for a chocolate chip cookie.
That's a Lot of Love
First things first; this mom has got some serious artistic skills. That's one impressive taco person if we've ever seen one. Even her handwriting indicates that she can draw. As for the content of the note, this is a pretty sweet thing to find in your lunch box (especially if it's accompanied by tacos for lunch!).

We would expect that any given mom loves her child more than a food item, but tacos are pretty high up there. More than broccoli? Sure. More than Acai bowls? You bet. But more than tacos? That one will at least give a mom pause for thought.
Still a Pretty Good Deal
If your mom comes up to you and asks if you want to split the chance at a million-dollar jackpot ticket, why not say yes? 500k is a lot to give up, but it's still a sizeable chunk to take home. Who knows how many tens of thousands of dollars Dani and her mom have made from these things?

Well, according to the original post, they won a total of ten bucks off of this particular jackpot. 5 dollars a piece isn't so impressive, but hey, they probably broke even, and that's a good place to start. We just hope that this habit doesn't get out of control.
It's Simple Math
Every family has had at least one argument because someone took more than their fair share of dessert. This mom is trying to avoid this happening again and is a little disappointed that this now requires a written warning. Given that there are three kids in the family, there's a good chance that all of them have been guilty of this at least once.

They better be careful, though, these treats are going to stop if people won't play nicely. We can't discredit the theory, however, that Dad is also guilty and this note is equally aimed at him, not just the kids.
An Odd Display of Affection
Okay, before you start asking questions, we'll provide the answers. "Freddie Foo Foo" is the name of the family dog, and this mom has embodied him to bring her daughter this note, based on what she would assume he would say. So, to be clear, the mom has no plans or intentions to lick her daughter's face at Thanksgiving, or presumably ever.

This is a cute idea from this mom, even if the delivery is a little weird. Plus, the daughter enjoyed her card and her gifts, so who cares whether it comes from the mom or the dog itself?
Still Relevant Today
This mom note comes straight from 2004. While a lot has changed in the world, some things will always stay the same. There will always be kids who don't tidy their room and throw their clothes all over the place. In a way, it's comforting. But probably not to this mom.

Thankfully, she's gone ahead and written out an easy-to-follow guide on what to do with clothing in varying degrees of cleanliness, and where they should be put. Did these kids learn? No idea, but this note is framed somewhere in their house, so it clearly had some kind of impact.
Knock Knock!
A classic joke in a lunchbox note. These simple pleasures in life are the ones worth remembering. It makes the most sense that the child receiving this note is not yet a teenager, but we think even older kids would appreciate this note and cute joke.

It's also got an impressive illustration, and many moms on this list are clearly very talented. The joke itself won't win any breakthrough comedy awards, but it's a tried and true knock-knock joke, so you can't really go wrong with that. At the rate of these lunchbox notes, we hope the lunches themselves can live up to the standards set by these notes.
You Know What Day It Is
It's Wacky Facts Wednesday, people, and Mom is coming in strong with this week's fact. Apparently, yawns are contagious for dogs, too. Who would've thought? It's pretty much a medical mystery why yawns are so contagious among people, so it kind of makes sense that other animals also experience the phenomenon and we have no idea why.

Our question, though, is did this mom figure this out by yawning in front of the dog, or did she learn this information first and then test it out on poor old Fido? Either way, we imagine that there is a very tired dog in that house all of a sudden.
Blurry but Beautiful
This note is a little blurry, but the message is inspirational nonetheless. We don't know what this daughter was going through at this point in her life, but Mom has swooped in with a comforting message to reassure her that it will all be okay. Life's tough sometimes, and it's helpful to know that your mom is in your corner to get you through it.

Given that this daughter posted online about this note, we can imagine that she feels the love and support from her mom, and agrees with the message! Now all she has to work on is maybe focusing the camera a little better so that no one thinks they need to get their eyes checked when viewing her Instagram.
Saving Marine Life
This mom had been on a vegetarian diet for the summer before she started trying to eat fish again. It was a recommendation from her doctor, and while she tried her hardest to reintroduce fish into her diet, the fish ultimately won. The salmon can rejoice that they are slightly less threatened now that this mom doesn't like the taste anymore.

It's tough trying to change your eating habits only to learn that you no longer even like your healthy foods. Why couldn't it have been chocolate? Or french fries? Maybe this battle will be revisited another time, but for now, the fish can rest easy.
It's a Simple Question
Moms are always trying to be helpful. You forgot your school lunch at home? Mom's got you covered. You have an art project due tomorrow morning that you forgot about? We'll figure it out. How about a weapon? Luckily, there is a reasonable answer.

This was for her son who was headed to a karate tournament, and the mom wasn't sure if the karate teacher was bringing the weapons they teach the kids to use, or if they needed to come from home. The original post says that while this wasn't amiss to those involved, her husband had no idea what he was reading, and got quite the surprise.
A Hairy Situation
Out of all the weird but endearing things that moms do, keeping locks of their kids' hair definitely falls on the weirder end of the scale. Most of the hair was from mundane haircuts, but some of it had stories. Like this note, detailing that this lock of hair has gum attached to it because little Leah couldn't keep her hands out of Libby's room.

This apparently wasn't the first gum incident for Leah, and her mom wanted the whole family to remember this curious obsession. Granted, we don't know that a kid being fixated on playing with gum is any weirder than a mom keeping her kids' hair, but to each their own.
The Price Is Right
If you were to look into the audience demographics for "The Price Is Right," there is a high chance that moms would make up a good portion of viewers. This mom right here is a case in point. The original post says that she was recovering from surgery, and this was her main request for her kids to make her recovery that much smoother and more enjoyable.

We're not sure if the "Who cares?" at the bottom of the note is part of the stationary or added later, but it is a curious feature. Either way, hopefully, this mom got to enjoy her uninterrupted Bob Barker time.
She Means Business
There's an old saying that goes if you see a kid outside with a jacket on, it's because his mother is cold. That could very well be the case here because this mom is past asking her kid to wear his jacket. She's at the threatening stage. You can practically hear her yelling through the paper.

DJ sounds like a bit of a handful, but based on this note, his mom doesn't seem like a pushover, either. This note has no "Love, Mom xxx" tacked on the end. She didn't even need to sign her name at all. Everyone knows full well where a note like this is coming from.