We’re sure if any woman from the 40s or 50s saw these tights she would be absolutely horrified. There was a time when even the tiniest rip in a stocking was seen as a sign of unkemptness. No more, ladies.

Ripped stockings started to become a symbol of ‘indifferent coolness,’ and nowadays, you can spot this laddered fashion trend on every other passerby. Oh, how the times have changed.
Whoever said that jeans need to cover your backside obviously had never heard of denim boots. They pretty much look like jeans that start at your toes and end at your knees, but who cares? For over $1,000, people actually buy these things.

High-end designers such as Versace had been coming out with these crazy denim boots - along with more affordable pairs from places like Forever 21. We challenge you to make your own pair, slip into a pair of your favorite cut-up jeans while wearing heels and voila, you have got denim boots!
Just the Sleeve Please
We are totally on board with hoodies, and even cropped hoodies (which are totally trendy right now), but this fashion trend is a little too extreme. This is a hoodie that is so cropped, it's basically just sleeves that are connected by an attached hood.

This sleeve-only hoodie will not keep your torso warm, but it will keep those arms cozy. A more applicable name for this may have been a scarf with sleeves. Whatever you decide to call it, we think we'll pass on this one and go for the full-bodied hoodie instead.
Big Block Crocs
Crocs were known, undeniably, as the most hideous breakout trend of the 2000s. Somehow, they have made a comeback, but not in the same way you may think.

In 2018, the high-end fashion designer Balenciaga came out with their own spin on a platform Croc. This basic, yet somehow cool, rubber shoe sold out in record-breaking time for a whopping $850 a pair!
Weird Windows
You know the old saying, “if you've got it, flaunt it!”? Well, while they are probably talking about flaunting physical features that people typically find attractive, this next bizarre fashion trend is all about flaunting your good old knees.

This pair of jeans, instead of having typically ripped knees, has clear knees. These are basically leg windows. Bizarre, right? These babies are sold at Nordstrom, which is known as a high-end retailer, so you know these will sell! The product description on the website for these jeans states that the plastic panels reveal your knees and have a futuristic feel. Who knew that knees were the future?
It seems like everybody these days, especially all over Instagram, are obsessed with eyebrows. Every day some new wild eyebrow trend pops up in our social media feeds to remind us that our eyebrows are in fact, subpar.

We are all here for a good groomed (yet perfectly messy) eyebrow, however, these eyebrow designs are just a bit over the top. What do you think about this trend? Would you wear an eyebrow squiggle? We could probably get on board to try the first two, but the other designs are a little bit too out of control.
Plaid Potato
We can’t tell if this over-oversized jumpsuit is fashion-forward or a total fail. Again, this strange fashion trend has seemed to gain attention from social media influencers. They have been posting photos in this jumpsuit and people seem to be responding well to it.

At least the color of this bizarre outfit is not blue and does not feature a model painted in blue, because it was giving off some serious Violet from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" vibes. This trend has got us really confused but also gave us a good laugh, so for that reason, we are on board!
Belt With No Cause
Possibly one of the clearest examples of fashion at time shaving ABSOLUTELY NO FUNCTION is the no-purpose-belt.

It's those big chunky belts that people for some reason or another drape around their waist as a mere accessory and not for the belt's intended purpose of holding your pants up. Give belts their purpose back!
Toe No!
Don't panic, this isn't an alien mutant invading earth. It's a person who chose to wear toe shoes.

These so-called "barefoot" shoes look pretty ridiculous and should really only be seen moving very fast on the running track, and nowhere else.
Talk about lazy fashion, if you are too tired to put on your pants, your socks, and your shoes, then we have the perfect item for you! Let’s shrink your getting dressed routine into one simple step. Introducing, shleggings! Shleggings are leggings (or pants) and shoes in one huge piece.

We may have made that name up, but we think shleggings could really catch on! I mean why not? They are very convenient, after all! The best part about shleggings is that they could also save you money. You no longer have to buy socks, shoes, and pants, you can get them in one piece. Yay?
RompHims - The One-Piece Jumper For Men
If the romper is too feminine for you, let us introduce you to the RompHim. The RompHim is a romper made especially for men. You may be wondering, what is the difference between an ordinary romper and a RompHim? Let us tell you! The RompHim has a zip fly so you do not have to get fully naked (like women do) to go to the bathroom.

RompHim’s also come equipped with adjustable tabs on the waist area, to improve your look. Somehow, the first release of the RompHim sold out entirely in just one week. Apparently, there was a huge demand for a male romper. Who knew?
Obnoxious Knit
Big chunky knit sweaters are all the rage these days, but this one is just a bit over the top! It looks like those big knit throw blankets that are all over Instagram and Pinterest these days, you know, the ones that are knit using your arm instead of a knitting needle, since the yarn is so darn thick.

We are all for those thick blankets, but I think wearing one would be a little too much. Not to mention heavy, this thing probably weighs 40-50 pounds! We have to admit it would be cozy to wear one of these, but maybe not out of the house. It would be a great blanket house sweater, kind of like wearing a mobile sleeping bag. Okay, maybe we are on board after all.
Sparkly Spit
We present to you, glitter tongues! This shiny trend seems to be mostly for the crazy photo ops that come with it. Thank goodness, because we can not imagine spending a day with our mouths filled with glitter.

While doing some research about this tongue trend, it seems to have started in Australia. A makeup artist accidentally got some glitter on her tongue and thought that it looked pretty cool, so she covered the whole tongue in glitter for a photoshoot. The rest is history. Be careful if you try this one - glitter can be toxic!
Fascinated How This Became a Trend
This trend originally stemmed from a very British requirement that all guests must wear a hat to a wedding. That simple requirement somehow morphed and spread worldwide into the "fascinators" fad today.

These feathered and funky headpiece creations range from the beautiful to the downright bizarre. Ahem... we're looking at you, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice!
Lip Service
When it comes to lips, women these days seem to think the bigger the better. Big lips are definitely a trend right now, and unfortunately, some people will do almost anything to get them.

When Kylie Jenner got her new lips, her social media following started to soar. People began to think if they had big lips, they would get a following as well. That's when the #kyliejennerlipchallenge started. People were sticking their lips into water bottles to make them swell up and look like they got injections. Yikes!
Idolizing Ikea
When you spot an enormous blue tote bag in the wild, the first thing that comes to mind is IKEA. Maybe that is why people have begun to make their own clothing and accessories out of these huge Ikea staples.

While wearing an Ikea bag dress sounds tempting, we are pretty much sold on the original version, A HUGE BAG. You can quite literally fit anything in those bags! They are great for carrying chairs, sporting goods, laundry, literally anything. The straps fit nicely over the shoulder and it is a very useful little item, not to mention reusing it is a great way to recycle!
Lolita Lovers
Did you know that the term Lolita came about from describing a certain type of Japanese street style? It began being a popular term in the 1970s. Lolita Fashion is very layered and quite modest.

It is actually inspired by children's clothing from the 1900s, which keeps it very modest and put together, while also still looking very cute. Basically, you look like a cute, old-fashioned historic doll!
That's Trashy!
If you are one of those people who think dry cleaning is expensive and should only be a luxury, then we are sure you are not going to go and pick up this $700 dress.

High-end designer Moschino came out with this sheer overlay dress during their Fall 2017 collections launch. This dress was debuted among a collection of other items that were made from pieces of garbage. The Moschino website has this dress listed as a slip-on design. Sorry, Moschino, you do not have us fooled, we know what this really is!
Zip It Up!
These may look like an ordinary pair of jeans, but don't be fooled. There is a zipper going right up the backside...

We guess for those with stomach issues these quick unzippable jeans may come in handy in a bathroom emergency. Great?
Eye of the Tiger
Scleral tattoos are basically tattoos on the white part of your eye. Why would anyone do this!? We don't "see" the point...Ha Ha Ha

We are absolutely not on board with this one. In fact, it is actually illegal to do this kind of tattoo in the state of Oklahoma. We think more states should get on that bandwagon.
Just Pants
In the ’80s, high-waisted jeans were all people wore! Then in the 90s, super low-waisted pants were all the rage and knocked the high-waisted pants out of the park. Now, high-waisted pants took back the spotlight and people everywhere started rocking high-waisted jeans and high-waisted pants once again.

These pants, though, take high-waisted to a whole new level, literally. They're so high that they double as a shirt. You don't have to wear anything else, just these pants. We guess it's convenient?
Terrible Tights
Tights are a staple when wearing dresses or skirts in colder months. But, function aside, they can also really spruce up an outfit if they are unique enough. Enter, melting tights. These creative tights are designed to look like you spilled a whole bucket of paint down your legs!

At about $50-60 per pair, these are a pretty expensive way to accessorize. Throw them on under a skirt or a dress for a cool and colorful look. You are bound to turn heads or at least have people wondering if you are a starving artist or got some paint thrown at you for some reason!
Level Up
Platform shoes have been a thing since the 70s. While platform shoes and boots were obviously intended to add height, they were also a fashion statement that both men and women wore.

These shoes often came in dazzling colors and glittering embellishments that were meant to stand out in discotheques. The thing is, they also made you fall flat on your face at the disco back then and now!
Skirt Around the Issue
CLEAR-ly, there is a see-through trend here. Next on the clear clothing trend list, is this plastic scrap, also known as, a plastic skirt.

We are not sure what this one is made of, but it looks like regular old plastic. This clear skirt will draw attention to you for sure. If you decide to get yourself one of these, make sure that you are wearing something under it that is presentable, because it will leave absolutely nothing to the imagination.
Barely There Denim
Much like a bag of chips, this pair of denim is more air than anything else! People initially went a little crazy for these, but then realized they were not at all practical...Like not at all!

They soon became available for purchase at Halloween stores as a costume. That sounds a bit more fitting.
Who Needs Heels?
If you are a fan of things like meatless meat and meatless hot dogs, then you may just love these heelless heels! We are not sure how these can still be called heels when they literally have no heel, but people bought these weird shoes in droves.

Walking on your tippy toes sounds painful and just plain weird, unless you are a ballerina, of course. If ballet is not your thing, you should probably avoid these heelless heels at all costs!
Converse-Ation Starter
If high-top sneakers are not quite high enough for you, then you are going to love our next fashion trend. Converse pants are high tops that just never stop! They go all the way up and turn into pants. This is the new meaning of high tops.

We bet these are almost impossible to get on and off. If you find tying and untying your sneakers a chore then you'll have NO patience for these.
A Lot of Baggage
The classic Chanel purse is iconic. It is one of those timeless staples that everyone seems to have or want. It has stayed the same for decades and people just love it.

Chanel seems to have decided to capitalize on their fanbase and come out with a new bag, a line of Chanel purses that are really, really big. Like, enormous and impractical. Chanel seems to know that people these days have a lot of stuff and want to be able to carry around all of their belongings with them at once. These bags are so ridiculously huge they should come with a medical disclaimer!
Heart On Your Butt
You don’t have to have butt pride to wear your heart on your butt! Jumping back on the 'athleisure' trend, women have been wearing and loving these heart leggings. Whether you are working out at the gym or just hanging out, wearing your heart on your butt is always a good idea.

You are bound to have people doing double-takes, trying to decide if they are staring at your pants or some crazy illusion. This kind of reminds us of the trend back in the 2000s where people would wear those pants that said “juicy” or “love me” on the butt. This seems like an upgrade from that, for sure!
Endless Sleeves
We love a cozy long-sleeved hoodie or sweater. Long sleeves are great for keeping our arms warm and even look really cute with certain outfits. However, designers have gone a little overboard here, and have been creating these extra long sleeves that seem to never end!

These long sleeves could be good for keeping your hands warm on cold wintery days, but other than that, we can not seem to find a good purpose. Our consensus is that these never-ending sleeves are not practical and look really silly. We will give it a hard pass.
Los Angeles-based fashion brand, Fashion Nova, is known for its bold and daring creations, but this time, they may have gone too far. Behold, the cage trousers! For when you can't decide whether to use a skirt or pants, just pull out these cage-looking pants and enjoy the benefits of both worlds.

Granted, it does defeat the whole purpose of wearing pants in the first place, but it's still an interesting concept. We think it's worth a try, even if just to see the looks on people's faces when you walk down the street.
Clear Chest
Don’t wear this new trend to your office party or the HR department will have a word with you! These sheer shirts are sure to get someone in trouble. While they may look pretty cool, they are definitely not suitable for most situations.

Celebrities and models everywhere are rocking sheer shirts, and some even go so far as being bare underneath!
Who Said Men Can't Wear Crop Tops?
Crop tops are constantly at the forefront of every season's fashion trends, but what about crop tops for men? We would probably prefer men’s shirts to cover their bellies. There is something about a hairy man's belly that we just do not want to see.

We can not think of one good reason to reveal those beer bellies and happy trails! Even if you are a dude with a six-pack, we are gonna say, pass on the crop top, it’s just awkward.
Not Nude!
We are totally on board with the leggings as pants movement, but when we spotted this pair we admit we did a double take. This pair of leggings is not a basic color, they are nude.

It has been an ever-growing popular trend to wear athleisure in everyday life. This is where these nude leggings start to pose a problem. It is hard to tell if she is wearing pants, from a distance it looks like she is completely naked walking down the street. The woman in this photo said that she thought the color of the pants was cute, but then she realized that it made her look naked. #Fail.
Face Mask
A Chinese accountant named Zhang Shifan created this next fashion trend that will leave you completely bewildered. This bizarre face mask is called a Facekini. Yes, essentially a bikini for your face. These masks are made out of the same type of fabric as bathing suits, and they are (somehow) very popular in Asia! The Facekini masks are meant to protect your skin from harmful sun rays.

This sounds like a pretty practical idea, that is, until you actually put it on. If you want to get mistaken for a burglar, then the facekini is for you. Otherwise, we recommend some SPF and a hat.
Is The Fanny Pack Actually Back?!
The ’80s are making a comeback! The iconic fanny pack from the ’80s is making a huge comeback. High-end designers are bringing their own version of the fanny pack to market and people are going wild for them!

This particular fanny pack might not be the one we would find ourselves purchasing. It is humongous and filled with extra padding that is definitely not needed. We definitely are on board for the return of the fanny pack, but we would purchase a more basic one. We think a nice small one is perfect to carry around the things you need close at all times.
Nailed It?
The jury's out on whether or not you can wear lavishly decorated nails that bling almost as much as your diamond rings, but what we do know is that they're a safety hazard for yourself, those around you, and any balloons that may be floating nearby.

Sure fashion doesn't always have to be functional, but these excessively long nails just look creepy! Freddy Kruger anyone?
In Tokyo, Your Grandparents' Fashion Is Cool
Street fashion in Tokyo is always really entertaining. Year after year, people continue to be surprised by the number of insane fashion trends coming out of this magical city.

They are the leaders in crazy hairstyles, bold bright colors, and layering. Now it seems that grandparent-chic is IN!
Bedazzled Beards
Men, your beards are beautiful in their natural form, but if you are looking to spruce things up a bit, we have just the thing for you. Introducing glitter beards!

Achieving the perfect glitter beard is simple. Choose a color of glitter (we love silver or gold, so classic!) Dip that beard into the glitter, or rub it through the glorious beard hair, and voila! You now have a glitter beard. Shine your way into your next meeting and leave a little trail of sparkle wherever you go.
Bizarre Boots
Love him or hate him, Kanye West is constantly all over the news. These bizarre boots were released as part of Kanye’s famous Yeezy collection. At $700 a pair, we are genuinely baffled how these sold out.

These clear boots made of PVC made their way all over social media, popping up in the feeds of all our favorite Instagram influencers. Everyone wanted to be the first to show off these ridiculous boots. In addition, to see through vinyl boot, the heel is also completely see-through and made from Plexiglas. Just imagine the sweat!
Dirty Denim
The designers at PRPS had a genius idea. They decided to make jeans that looked filthy. Yes, they created jeans with mud stains already on them. We are not sure what is baffling us more, the fact that these bizarre dirty jeans were actually put into production or the fact that they were totally sold out at Nordstrom where they were being sold.

Hopefully, only a few were made and those were purchased as a costume idea or a silly joke. Nonetheless, these Barracuda jeans with a straight leg in natural brown color are lurking on legs all over the country.
The Star Trek Look
In Canada, the most bizarre trend in body modification had been discovered by body mod lovers. It did not last long there, and now it is mostly found in Japan, in their underground scene.

Bagel head is a short procedure people use to modify their bodies. In attempting this progressive look, you will go through a procedure that will inject saline under your skin. It leaves you with a forehead bulge, that thankfully is temporary. This bizarre bulge is then shaped to be made into anything you want... but in this particular body modification, they shape it to look like a bagel. Feeling hungry? Yeah...us too.
Ripped Up
We're sure if any woman from the 40s or 50s saw these tights she would be absolutely horrified. There was a time when even the tiniest rip in a stocking was seen as a sign of unkemptness. No more, ladies.

Ripped stockings started to become a symbol of 'indifferent coolness,' and nowadays, you can spot this laddered fashion trend on every other passerby. Oh, how the times have changed.
Crotchless Craziness
More appropriately called cowboy chaps by some, these crotchless jeans were introduced by Asos in 2018. At £75 a pair, you can walk around in these bold jeans and feel 'liberated and risky', according to a model that wore them for an entire day out in the city.

Maybe we're just being old-fashioned, but isn't covering your whole legs one of the main reasons for wearing pants? Besides, you're going to have to make sure your underwear is always brand new and in tip-top shape, and let's face it, ladies, this isn't always the case.
Car Mat But Make It Fashion
In 2017, the luxury fashion house, Balenciaga, introduced a leather skirt that looks like a car mat. Yes, you read that right. It is actually called the 'Car Design Skirt' on the brand's website, and they can be yours for the modest amount of $2,495.

Well, we guess you can sell anything for thousands of dollars as long as you stitch a fancy fashion brand's name on it. And hey, you can always accessorize with a $5 car freshener!
PJs All Day?
We've all had those lazy days. You know, the ones where you roll out of bed and stay in your PJs for most of the day. Those are arguably the best of days!https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/ashley-roberts-seen-outside-global-radio-on-globals-make-news-photo/1250615822

However, the unwritten rule is that if you intend to venture outside you have to change into a suitable non-PJ outfit. Well, it seems that some people want to defy this norm and where their silky PJs all day every day (and night).
Senseless Sneakers
This is a definite no-no for us - who in their right mind would want to wear sneakers that look like they've been chewed by a dog?! A lot of people, apparently, including famous celebrities like Kim Kardashian. French-based fashion company, Margiela, came out with the shoes in 2017, and for the price of $1,425 they can be all yours!

Besides, next time you're late for a class or a job interview, you can actually say, "I'm sorry, I was late because my dog chewed on my shoes!".. and have the evidence to back it up.
Duvet Dress Up
Even though it may not be the sexiest looking piece of clothing, we are loving this duvet/poncho fashion trend that British fashion design house, Mulberry, introduced to the world in 2017.

The poncho, which basically looks like a duvet cover with a hole on top, looks extremely comfortable, and even though we're sure it costs about 10 times what your actual duvet cover costs, it's worth a try. We can certainly tell you that this is any lazy girl's dream.
Muscle Madness
We get it, if you've worked out a lot in the gym you'd want to show off your muscles. However, these pants aren't exactly what we had in mind.

Not only is this muscle print a bit off-putting, but it's bound to distract anyone from admiring your actual muscles!
Chainsaw Couture
Amsterdam-based fashion company, Viktor & Rolf, introduced this crazy fashion trend in their Spring 2010 collection. And it is exactly what it looks like: a high-couture tulle dress with sections hacked out by a chainsaw. Yes, a chainsaw. And it's not just one dress, it's an entire collection! But the one in the photo below is definitely one of the most shocking ones.

Apart from Katy Perry wearing this exact dress at an Awards Show (good on her, by the way!), there have been a few A-list celebrity sightings, and, most amusing of all, people actually trying to replicate this trend at home by cutting out parts of their dress! Hey, at least it looks like it's properly ventilated.
So Long Symmetry
Can't decide if you're in the mood for 70s-style wide-legged pants or modern-day skinny tight-legged ones? Worry no more! We have a solution for you! Well, actually, a Ukrainian fashion brand does. One of their latest creations, we present to you the asymmetrical jeans - the pants with one fitted, tight leg and one wide leg!

Perfect for when you can't decide what jeans to wear, these pants combine the best of two fashion worlds, and times, in one single jean! Would you wear these?
Two famous brands, Vetements and Reebok, joined forces to create the ultimate sock and sneaker combo - the sock sneaker.

Literally looking like a sock that grew sneaker soles underneath, the sock sneaker is for those people that really can't be bothered to put on cold shoes on their warm socks in the morning, or for those that always forget to wear a pair of socks with their sneakers. Practical? Maybe. Fashionable? Not so much.
Plastic Handbags Make a Comeback
We all had a see-through handbag at one point or another, didn't we, ladies? Well, they've been making a big comeback since 2018. While these handbags do have a unique quality to them, there are certainly more environmentally friendly options.

Besides, we're not really crazy about having every single passerby see what we have in our bag.
Originally from the Netherlands, this is a trend we wouldn't recommend trying at home. The eyes are usually a part of the body that's ignored in fashion, and apparently, the Dutch decided this had to change. In what seems like an absolutely terrible idea, this crazy eye jewelry is a new technique that involves small studs (made from metal) being inserted into the eye.

This trend started in the Netherlands more than eight years ago, and while the Dutch say it's a perfectly safe procedure, eye doctors around the world strongly disagree. People, no fashion trend will ever be worth risking your health for. Ever!
The Manba Trend
Japan is known for having some of the most eccentric fashion trends in the world. And this one is no different. Called Manba, this is a fashion trend that has become wildly popular among teenage Japanese girls who date men with a Minstrel Show fetish. The trend basically consists of having dark skin and using heavy makeup - which is odd, considering the more elegant standards of beauty among Japanese women.

Manba lovers paint their whole faces in a dark brown tone, contour their eyes with bright white paint, and dye their hair a million different colors. Oh, and we forgot the heavy pastel-color makeup and dayglo outfits.
Don't Be Foiled!
Sure, foil is great insulation material...for food and NOT for clothing! We can just hear the "crinkle crinkle" sound the wearer of this garment would make with even the smallest arm movements. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/guest-is-seen-wearing-black-pink-down-feather-puffer-jacket-news-photo/1199237711

We guess there's no harm in wearing a bright pink foil down jacket as long as there's some foil left over in our kitchen!
Fly Away Pants
We wonder if instead of "apple bottom jeans" lyrics in the hit T-Pain song "Low" were replaced with, "She's got them feather bottom jeans." Hmm just doesn't sound right. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/yasmin-von-schlieffen-nannen-seen-wearing-a-dark-blue-coat-news-photo/1395326413

We suppose if you've ever wanted the power of flight, these pants may be the closest thing to it?
Nasty Nails
There's a whole world of nail art. Crazy colors, stick-ons, jewelry, beads, you name it. And some, as flamboyant as they are, can look amazing. These furry nails, however, is where we draw the line. Not only does it look like you have a terrible hormone problem coming out of your fingertips, but can you imagine scratching an itch?

There is nothing more satisfying than scratching an itch with a strong pair of nails. If you're going to be scratching your nose every time you get a tickle, furry and furry fingernails sound like a straight-up nightmare. While fashion isn't always functional, this just looks torturous.
Siamese Shoes
The thing with shoes is that they're made for your feet, and the thing with feet is that they're all built in the same way. Granted some folks may be missing a toe, or even carrying one too many, but for most of it, a foot is a foot. Sadly this shoe did not get the memo and was created for a leg having a whole other foot on the other side. Makes perfect sense.

Not only is this anatomically incorrect, but it also seems rather confusing. We don't understand the added twin shoe on the other side. Perhaps it acts as a decoy for which direction you want to take. Whatever the reason behind this, this should not exist.
Down Wind
Seen alongside the scrunchies, these 80s windbreakers are quite the sight... and sound. We're not sure what to focus on, the strange material or intense color-blocking.

There is definitely a lot going on in this picture! So much so that we might run out of time trying to understand all the crazy color clashes that these windbreakers display.
Fit For a Jester
Some fashion trends work strictly in a certain century and a certain century alone. Such is the case with these pointy poulaines. These shoes from 15th century France belong exactly where they came from and no one should be wearing them today.

That is of course unless you want to look like a 15th-century nobleman in Europe. Just don some red tights, a puffy white shirt, and perhaps some sort of leather-suede waistcoat, and you're good to go.
Ah, the emo days. How can we ever forget the infamous "scene" hairdo with the extreme side bangs and that seriously heavy eyeliner? Granted, in the early to mid-2000s, that style could sometimes look pretty cool, if you were 16 that is. But this particular look we have below is a little out of hand.

The striped bangs are a little too much, and we're not quite sure how it morphed into a bee-hive. From the quality of the picture, it does look like a 2008 flip phone, so we will forgive her this time.
High-Heeled Roller Skates
Saint Laurent is known for cutting-edge fashion and really pushing the envelope with their designs, however, this design should never have been put into production.

As if walking about in heels was not hard enough, Saint Laurent decided to take things to the next level and add wheels to these heels. At the low cost of $1995, you will likely only get to wear these once before breaking your legs!
Denim On Denim On Denim
Not many people have could have made this look this iconic. Britney and Justin, back in those days could get away with just about anything, but even this was difficult to get on board with. The famous pop power couple possibly overdid it. Also, the bejeweled neck and denim fedora? Guys.

When you have that amount of star power, a denim fedora can sound like a good idea. We're wondering if we need to blame them or their awful stylists of the time. Or perhaps just the decade. Whatever the case, this belongs in the past.
The Homeless Suit
Ashlee Simpson tried to recreate the classic formal wear look by being shirtless, with a waistcoat, a tie, and fingerless gloves. Is this homeless-looking fancy man look working for us? No.

What were we all thinking back then? We do not know. Here is another example of fashions that need to stay in the past.
Alien Shoes
Looking like something out of a cyberpunk, spice girl closet, these shoes seem more fitted to be worn by Milla Jovovich in "The Fifth Element." Obviously designed to go viral and shock most consumers, Dsquared2, an Italian fashion brand, debuted these shoes in a runway show in Milan some years back.

We like how colorful they are, but we're going to have to pass. They look incredibly uncomfortable, and we're not really digging the half sports shoe, half heel vibe.
Completely Camouflage
Camouflage designs are great. They allow you to traipse through the bushes completely unnoticed. You can strategically combat your enemies if you're well-hidden, or if you're out in the wild, your clothes will help you blend in with the background, making it harder for animals to spot you. Unless of course, you're Paris Hilton.

The Paris pink skin-tight "camo" dress is the perfect outfit for the wild of course. No to mention the clunky speed-boosting boots that will assist you as you run through the wilderness. Once again, we want to blame the year for this one, but we think this is all Paris.
The Dreaded Uggs
Thankfully Uggs disappeared over the years, but there was a period of time in which these things were absolutely everywhere to be seen. And then of course there was the rip-off version of Uggs that plagued our universe. These things were clearly not great quality, which, considering how they look, was even worse.

These shoes had no real soles and were more like slippers than anything else. Everywhere Ugg-footed wannabees roamed the stress with collapsing heels and matted faux sheep wool.
The Tree Shirt
Everyone loves Christmas and there is nothing more fun and cozy than getting into the Christmas spirit. The best way to do that is getting sweatered up of course. It's hard to resist a good reindeer or snowman sweater, but this tree-themed top is pushing it.

The lights and tree wrapping around the sweater might inspire good vibes for the season, or just might weigh you down. Do we want to find out? Not really.
Silly Scrunchie
Another relic of the past. Thousands of years from now archeologists will be digging up scrunchies, this bizarre hair type that lasted thankfully only a few years, and wonder why? Would they think it's for hair? Because essentially why does a hair tie need to be so puffy? No one knows.

It will then invariably end up in some museum where people will gaze upon the hairpiece trying to decipher '80s fashion trends and why anyone in their right mind would wear a puffy velvet hair tie with a neon jacket.
Crochet All Day
Thinking of repurposing your grandmother's old blankets into awesome new sweaters? Great! But don't, at least not like this. This type of design firmly belongs in one place, and that is strictly in the bedroom of an old lady.

We will admit, as horrible as this looks, it is a pretty creative way to make a sweater.
My Blue Snake Shoes
This is an interesting choice. The heels aside, this took a few too many elements and mushed them together to create one very odd-looking shoe. The heels themselves look like the legs of an oak coffee table, and the snaky design is questionable.

We're not sure why they went ahead with the lace-up style. A nice open heel could have been nice, but here we are.
Shut Everything Out
No item in the history of fashion has ever made less sense than the shutter shades. Somehow, these things shot into popularity, flying off the shelves, especially for parties and various club events. And we are still trying to understand why.

These glasses don't really do much, they block out the sun, but they also block out your vision. Good luck to you and your eyes for this one.
Birds of a Feather Stick Together
Feather-philes rejoice! Your dreams of looking like Big Bird are now more achievable than ever with this full feathered trend!

Just be warned, if a strong gust of wind comes your way you may literally be swept away!
The Meat Knee Patches
Probably the strangest fashion trend on our list, these are, again, jeans that have been given an edge. Only this time, it involved adding meat knee patches, because why would you want to eat meat when you can just wear it?

We're not sure where or who this trend came from, but we're definitely not big fans. Food and fashion? Never a good mix.
Itty Bitty Bag
Yet another completely unfunctional fashion trend is the tiny bag made popular by beloved pop sensation Lizzo.

Usually, when it comes to fashion, more is more, however with this tiny bag trend, the smaller and the less you can fit inside it...the better.
Double Trouble
Bring a whole new meaning to "2 shirts for the price of 1" is the Balenciaga Oversized Dual Combo T-Shirt.

We have to wonder if this was Balengiaica's way of turning a sewing machine malfunction into high fashion. Next time maybe just throw it in the trash and start over.
Exaggerated EVERYTHING
On paper, this woman's makeup is pretty standard. Red lips, sculpted brows, and long lashes. But it’s the exaggeration of normal makeup that drives people away. It’s amplified so boldly that it makes one cringe.

The lips look overinflated like they might pop, and the lashes are so long they overtake her brows. It’s unsettling, but some think it’s a smart beauty trend.
Too Much!
We’re not exactly sure when it happened, but at some point during the late ‘90s raver fashion moved from the underground to the red carpet. At least that’s what we think happened, otherwise, we really can’t explain Gwen Stefani’s look.

We’ve heard of matching accessories to your outfit, but most people don’t typically match their hair color to their bra! And that’s just what’s going on above the belt, let’s not even get into her weirdly futuristic shiny skirt over pants? We’re really glad this chapter in Gwen's lookbook is done!
Loco for Logos
It's hard not to think that that subtlety is a dying art form when we look at the logo overload trend.

Every inch of your clothing (including your underwear) must have a big and bold designer label (real or fake) if you want to be considered cool these days. It's just too much to read for one outfit in our opinion.
Silk Sick
Men's fashion was always known for being functional with a no-frills policy, but the 70s tell a different story when it comes to silk shirts. Sure, an older generation may have raised an eyebrow, but don't they always?

Either you loved these frilly shirts or you hated them, and now they have certainly seen a return in contemporary times thanks to the likes of rappers like Drake and Wiz Khalifa who were seen wearing floral silk shirts.
We Can't Keep Track!
We just can't understand the point of these suspender tracksuit bottoms. Aren't sweatpants supposed to be comfortable?

The joke's on us we guess. We'll go find our scissors and suspenders now...
No Brows, No Worries!
They say that eyebrows are the frame of the face...so it begs the question WHY BLEACH THEM? It just looks...creepy!

This makeup look has us desperately looking for a makeup remover and an eyebrow pencil. It seems even Kim Kardashian can't pull off the brow-less trend.
Wedding Bells?
We’re honestly not sure what this designer was going for. Are those supposed to be cups? Bells? Flower buds? Whatever they may be, they’re more distracting than anything and there are simply too many of them.

This dress may be a high fashion creation, but that doesn’t mean it was never worn down the aisle. It may be that this retro design was very stylish back in the day, but it doesn't ring our "bell!"
Inflatable Insanity
We're all for recycled fashion but this trash-bag-as-fabric trend... STINKS!

Queen Missy Elliot has been serving us groundbreaking hits and looks since the late 90s and hasn’t stopped since. This trash bag chic look is something ONLY a true queen can pull off. Not you!
All That Glitters...
Teen shows like "Euphoria" have brought the glittery eye shadows trend straight from the '90s into peak popularity again. Perhaps this trend should've stayed in that decade.

Glimmering makeup only minimizes contours and while it has its place, it can also exaggerate wrinkles and fine lines. Not to mention it's a pain to remove! If you want, you can dab a little sparkle at the inner corner of your eyelids to draw attention to your eyes.
Color Me Crazy
We first saw these in magazines, then we saw them featured in our favorite TV shows, and soon enough they were everywhere. From Robert Downey Jr. to the Spice Girls, shady-chic eyewear was all the rage of the late 90s.

While we admire their attempts to capture the hopeful atmosphere of the decade, these color-tinted glasses only proved that the world didn't look better through them. Unfortunately, these tinted specs are back!
Outlined Lips Should Be OUT
It's great to stand out, but when it comes to your lip liner...perhaps it's better to blend in. The "stand-out" lip liner trend that doesn't blend well with your lipstick is one we still can't quite understand.

This trend from the 90s really knew no bounds when it came to making women look like creepy dolls. Unless that's the point?
Fashion Meets… Activewear?
So sure, activewear is basically all celebrities wear these days — or rather, athleisure wear — the mix between athletic and loungewear. But this outfit is just…well, we're sure you have your own opinions too.

The lingerie corset tucked into some snap-button track pants with fishnet tights underneath… It doesn't strike us as very comfortable at all. It also doesn't look good enough to be uncomfortable.
Loony Lapels
Something strange transpired in the 70s: people grew paper airplane wings on their collars and somehow nobody seemed to mind.

These groovy cuts were called disco shirts and soon started sprouting out from under vests and even sports jackets around the time Tom Jones and Elton John ruled the music scene. It seems that this lapel trend will never not pop up on the collars regardless of the decade.
Fluffy Hats
Let’s be honest, subtlety is not a word in Pamela Anderson’s vocabulary. Like most things on the buxom blonde, Pamela also prefers her hats supersized. Like her other larger features, the centerfold applied the “bigger is better” to her headgear.

The playmate-turned-pop-culture-icon turned to celebrity milliner, hat designer Ivy Supersonic, to create the oversized pink hat she wore to the 1999 VMAs.
Bell-Bottoms Bonkers!
Known as the fashion symbol for the hippies, these pants surprisingly originated from Navy uniforms. They were then famously worn by folks like Sonny and Cher and even Elvis Presley and became the trademark jeans of the 60s and 70s.

Young boomers loved their bellbottoms, especially when they were paired with beautiful suede or leather boots. That was peak coolness. Nope, you haven't stepped into a time machine, bell bottoms are back. Why people, why?
Iron Woman
Whoever thought using a straightening iron would be a good idea? Iron is in the name! Using one on your hair just to have dead straight locks makes no sense!

Sure this hairstyle can make you look sleek and chic, but ask yourself, is it worth it to burn your hair to a crisp?
Peculiar Patchwork
If you really wanted to make an entrance in the 70s at a PTA meeting, then you'd arrive in one of these patchwork skirts. It showed off your talents as a seasoned seamstress while also being so colorful, there's no way you'd miss it.

While quilts are still popular, back in the 70s, they liked them so much that they decided to wear them as skirts. Regardless of whether you actually like quilts or not, you should never actually wear one.
Stilettos Still!?
Back in the ‘90s, stilettos were a popular way for a woman to “show off” their features and attract some wanted attention. Nowadays, it just seems like a huge chore, and if there’s one thing that millennials hate, it’s chores!

You’d be hard-pressed to find millennials wearing high heels or stilettos in this day and age. It’s much more likely to see them wearing boots or sneakers, which are both selling like crazy in the US and Europe. There’s still a market for heels, but they are definitely not as mainstream as they used to be.
Mom, Can I Borrow Your Jeans?
There's a lot we should take from our mothers. Their wisdom and their life lessons? Sure. Their jeans? Maybe not.

While these jeans are incredibly comfortable, the dreaded "pancake butt " side effect is not particularly appetizing...
Highrise Hair
The point of this hairdo is to see IT before the person. This hairstyle would have been considered fabulous back in the 70s and 80s, but now Dolly Parton looks like she's just stepped out of a time machine...or a wind machine actually.

Teasing, hairspray, and over-styling, really damage your hair, leaving it dull and lifeless. What you really want to be doing is keeping your hair healthy and hydrated.
Bad Patch
Why oh why would anyone want to wear patchwork denim? The garments are intentionally made to look like they've been sewn together in a pitch-black room.

Patchwork jeans first soared in popularity in the '70s which mostly involved hand-stitched patchwork, but nowadays, the look is everywhere! We may need eye patches to shield us from this trend!
Everything Neon
Believe it or not, neon was a sign of good taste in the 80s and everything that was even remotely cool was made fluorescent so you could spot it from a mile away.

Everything and anything was now made with bright neon colors, with the most important thing being to be seen from outer space!
Facing the Facts
Let's face it. This dress is so bizarre it just makes us want to look away. Yet, like with a gruesome car accident, we simply can't take our eyes off of it. On September 26th, 2021, Khloé attended an event called the SheIn look challenge in California.

Looking at this garment you'd think maybe she was trying to style something she got on SheIn, but she was actually one of the judges. Basically, she wore this creepy dress out of her own free will.
Please Explain This
Apparently, jeans are the ultimate fashion craze, and regular jeans just won't cut it anymore. Take these one-legged jeans, for example. A fashion trend that started in 2019, you can already spot quite a few women wearing these in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Apparently, two-legged jeans were becoming way too conservative.

Personally, we prefer the old fashion, two-legged denim jeans. But hey, to each their own.
So Many Sequins!
If you’ve ever wondered what a mermaid crossed with a country singer would look like, look no further. Paula Abdul showed up to the 1987 VMAs looking like a mermaid that took a job singing at a local honky-tonk.

Wearing a turquoise sequined skirt suit and matching bra, she looked like Princess Ariel’s less-stylish cousin. We know we should cut her some slack, given that it was the late ‘80s, but we just can’t get past it. Between the sequins and the western-style fringe on the jacket, this whole look is “Straight Up” horrible!
Matrix Reloaded?
Yep.. it seems that the uglier the eyewear the better these days...These specs would have worked great for the premiere of any Matrix flick, but otherwise, it's a bit too futuristic for us.

Maybe Kim Kardashian was trying to cosplay as a superhero here? Or an insect? Either we don't see the point of this trend and we bet that Kim can't see very well either!
Sick Style!
Typically, eye makeup is done on the upper eyelids, but in Japan, they like to do things a little differently.

Let's look at the Me No Shita Chiiku, also known as the Byojaku trend that's become viral on Japanese social media. This trend has people wearing blush under their eyes, giving them a tired or sickly look. Is looking sickly the new style?
On a Thin Line
What is it with women thinking they need to shave off their eyebrows? This trend is ridiculous and needs to be stopped.

This otherwise beautiful woman must have thought that penciled-in eyebrows are a good look, but she is horribly mistaken. Grow your eyebrows out and never do this again!
See Through & Skin Tight
The sheer trend has taken over the planet. Almost every garment you pick up in a store will have at least one fabric panel cut out and replaced with mesh material.

However, the trend of wearing a full sheer bodysuit is just plain confusing. You may as well just go out on the town in your birthday suit!
A Fluffy Eye
Are those feathers, fur, or lashes? That is not the question you want people to be thinking when looking at your lash extensions. These "lashes" risk obstructing your eyesight and attracting some unwelcomed insects to hide in the fluff.

We don't mean to "lash" out but this trend is just ridiculous.
Karen's Calling
"The Karen" aka "I want to speak to your manager" haircut is possibly the most confusing hair trend we've ever seen.

With its struck by lighting meets dry grass look in the back and its dead straight chunk of hair in the front, this look has anyone who works in the service industry running for cover (while also rolling their eyes.)
Do You Remember Bratz Dolls?
She’s a real-life doll. Plastic painted several shades darker orange than skin comes in. She pays attention to style trends with white eyeliner on the inside bottom lid. Using her assets in all the wrong ways, this woman put together a look to be remembered. Though not fondly.

One Redditor thought she looks like a video game villain, and another compared her to one of those dolls that pop out in horror movies.
Surgical Gloves??
Many use Fashion Week in order to test out and show off their most outrageous, fashion-forward looks. So, is it possible that the future of fashion is in... baggy blue gloves?

We heard that Kim is taking a great interest in the law but we had no idea she wants to be a surgeon as well. Honestly, we suggest she'd stick to the rules and laws of fashion next time, as this is one botched outfit.
Faux Scar Style
This girl’s face is done in scar makeup. She did not cut those designs into her face, thank goodness, it’s just an illusion.

Scar makeup is an actual product and very helpful in Hollywood costuming and makeup. It’s become part of the bad makeup trend.
Pull a Wedgie
We all know the saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" We wish whoever created wedge sneakers had listened to that sage piece of advice.

Half the reason why sneakers are cool is that they're flat and comfortable. Adding an unsightly wedge reduces the sneaker's cool level by at least 50%.
Cone Crazy
The only person who could ever pull a cone bra off is Madonna and therefore she is the only one who should ever wear one!

Drawing inspiration from the even pointier 1940s bullet bra, the cone bra's sharp shape is the furthest thing from a functional undergarment.
Stranger Strings
Built-in g-strings are just one of many strangest trends inspired by the 90s and early 2000s.

While showing off your g-string through your low-rise jeans was all the rage, this trend has leveled up. Now you can get your very visible g-string BUILT-INTO your pants.
Mexican Trival Boots
These extremely pointy boots are called Trival Boots. These Mexican pointy boots are typically meant to be worn ironically or comically by men in the Trival music scene. Haven’t heard of trival music? No worries! It is a fusion of electropop and Latin music. Trival music is quite popular among teenagers and the younger generations and has only been around since 2001.

Male trival dance companies would all wear these bizarre shoes and decorate them with sequins, rhinestones, and even LED lights! It is common for these dance troupes to have dance competitions, so of course, they want to stand out!
Extendo Extravaganza
Ok. We have a LONG list of questions as to why these 9-foot-long jeans exist.

Bronze56k created the $500 "Extendo Pants" and has advised that the best way to wear them is scrunched up... Thanks for the help!
Leg Warmer Warning!
It's not uncommon for a fashion to make the leap from functional sports attire to everyday wear. Leg warmers made the leap (exercise pun intended).

However, these days leg warmers are used for anything but keeping their legs warm. Some even sweat and suffer for the sake of the trend by wearing them in summer. Why?
Not So Mellow Yellow
Her eyeshadow is stunning, her eyebrows are shaped nicely too. Her cheeks look good. But when it comes to her lips, canary yellow is unsettling. It’s an unnatural lip color on humans and so we're taken aback.

It also makes her lips appear to protrude out of her face, sticking out like the bill of a duck. It’s purposely bad. The makeup look managed to attract over 2,000 likes on Instagram, which proves some people think it’s cool.