In theory, you don’t have any legal or moral obligation to clean your neighbor’s home. You should try to keep the surroundings of your shared entrance relatively tidy and pleasant-looking, but that’s about as far as it goes.

Would it have killed this guy though to remove the snow from the entirety of the shared steps to his and his neighbor’s front doors, not just his half? It’s like they worked even harder to make the point that they were only going to attend to their half. We think that’s kind of petty, if you ask us, especially around Christmas time.
Grass House
Talk about forgetting to mow the lawn…these neighbors take 'a bad cut' to a whole other level with this grassy disaster.

From raising the water usage taxes of the entire block to losing your dog in the hedges time after time, this house comes to show you there are much safer things out there than the grass being greener on the other side.
A Sore Sight for Eyes
When it comes to front lawns, neighbors have the right to adorn them in any way they see fit, as long as they are not offending anyone with their ornaments or causing any significant inconvenience to anyone else. However, we don't all have the same kind of taste.

Moreover, what one human eye considers beautiful can be extremely unappealing to another. In other words, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In this case, this neighbor sincerely believed that the end result of their front lawn makeover project was a success. We can wholeheartedly confirm that it simply wasn't.
Roof Couch
Need we say more? Literally, nothing says bad neighbor more than a COUCH ON THE ROOF. While this isn't the most savory choice from the neighbor's perspective, this sure does have its perks. For a start, you have a great vantage point of the entire neighborhood from the comfort of your roof. Neighborhood watch has never been more secure.

What's more, is that you can simply kick back, sunbathe, crack open a cold one, and enjoy the cool summer breeze coming from the trees. On the other hand, it's an easy way to fall off the roof and sprain an ankle. Maybe you should be closer to the ground when you’re planning on doing all that drinking…
Upsidedown House
Ever wonder where Spiderman lives? Well, now you don't have to wonder anymore. It is in this upside-down house, obviously. Climbing up regular houses must not have given the same ol' rush of adrenaline anymore…

Seriously, what were these people thinking? Assuming we overlook the incredibly flawed stability issues of this house-like construction being based upon a pointy edge, the glued-up green garbage dumpster is a nice touch to the whole thing.
Neighborhood Dispute
Checkers is sooooo old school. You called the police on my lawn? Here is a flock of tiny pink flamingos! YOUR MOVE.

Talk about petty neighbors… what happened to the good old days when a neighbor could walk over to another neighbor's door and ask them for a glass of milk without worrying about a massive neighborhood feud?
Powerful Message
Everyone has their own way of conveying their feelings toward neighbors who they don't get along with. According to the original poster of this photo, an anonymous neighbor picked up the phone and called code enforcement regarding a friend of the poster who had not cut his grass.

Naturally, the friend didn't take so well to this action and decided to let the neighbor know exactly how he felt. Hmmm...FU. We wonder what these two letters could stand for. Maybe "Fix Up?" Or how about "Friends Unite?" We give up, we have no idea what it could mean. Unless the "U" is actually short for "you." Oh...
Biker Butt Mailbox
These wonderful neighbors must really hate the mailman if their willing to let him stick his hand down this cyclist's pants each time he brings by their mail.

Pro tip: even if you like reaching in through a mailbox-butt, it's not for everyone. Don't force your mail-box-butt-reaching habits upon the rest of us!
Outdoor TV Setup
These neighbors figured their living room was no match for this fine spring day we seemed to be having and hooked up a pop-up TV station on their lawn.

Those huge speakers are sure to kill someone's eardrums, too, you know… since they are OUTSIDE! I don't even want to think about the kinds of people who might just drop by to support this kind of thing.
Toilet Driveway
If Andy Warhol doesn't live here, there is really no excuse for this kind of thing. Did this guy really think this was the best solution for a plant holder? Did he just happen to have the number of an old dysfunctional toilet seat dealer?? The road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but it is also lined with toilet plants.

To be fair, empty unused (hopefully pristine) porcelain toilets seem to be perfectly good vessels for plants and many other things, for that matter. At the end of the day though, they still look like toilets, so this is pretty much a non-starter.
Hello Dogs
Well, these neighbors are just glorious… canine or homo-sapien; if these were our neighbors, we would never set foot on that sidewalk. Apparently, the person who took this photo had a couple of new neighbors who had recently moved in next door. And guess what? They brought these guys with them.

While they are both very sweet, we didn't sign up for a mythological two-headed dog to infiltrate our garden every two minutes. Whatever happened to some privacy?? Besides, if they're in the same yard and want to chat with each other – keep us out of it! Some neighbors really give you the urge to go and jump off the 'woof.'
I Guess Bob Wanted That Fence Painted
I don't wanna jump the fence on this one, but I'm guessing this guy's neighbor Bob must have been all on this guy's back for days before this happened.

Well, guess what, Bob? He has painted the fence Bob… have you painted your fence, Bob? If he had painted it before, would you have been all up in his face Bob?…with all that passive-aggressive energy going around, I must say I'm still quite taken by this guy's meticulous grammar.
Not My Snow
Awww, look at this neighbor… so giving! So open-hearted! With all the winter merriment, he must have confused the words of that great song…"This snow is your snow, this snow is my snow…" or was it in the land?

What kind of neighbor paves his snow into someone else's yard? I hope you're not living in this neighborhood because it's going to be a long winter.
The Neighbor Who Stole Christmas
We have all heard of the classic story "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas." But have you ever heard of the neighbor who stole from the people who lived next door? Yes, we've never heard of that one either. Well, that's not exactly what happened in this photo.

According to the original poster, a random guy came along around Christmas time and stole the Christmas decorations of the poster's neighbor. It's unclear how close he lived to the person, but nevertheless, a despicable thing to do. Thankfully, the person had a CCTV and showed off the neighbor to the rest of the community in a pretty creative way.
Did Legolas Move Next Door?
Let's face it, a neighbor is going to damage something that belongs to you at some point in your life. Maybe a kid next door will throw a basketball at your window by accident. Maybe a neighbor will run over your pretty flowers in the front yard. The possibilities are endless.

But not even this person could predict that someone would end up shooting an arrow through one of his windows. We guess one of the neighbors is very much into archery and was practicing their targeting skills. As you can see, they were way off target this time around.
Donkey Box
When this man put this up, did he consider his neighbors? The passers-by? I don't think so.

What kind of world do we live in when a neighbor has no consideration of his fellow neighbor and their stay-out-of-sight-of-scowling-donkey-mailboxes needs?! Well, I can't change the world, but I can definitely change zip codes.
Drunk Guy Passed Out
I don’t want to see this guy's house if this is what he looked like leaving it and, as it appears, he has no intentions of going back anytime soon.

Seriously, man, this used to be a nice daughter sits on that bench waiting for the school bus each morning! There will be no more sitting from this day onwards. Do you hear me, Katie?? NO MORE SITTING!
The Hangover Part 4
Sometimes, our neighbors can get a little too out of control, and we only see the effects of this lack of control after it's already happened, aka, the day after. Apparently, this person's neighbors had a party the night before and were baffled when they saw their own trampoline nestled on a couple of branches of their tree.

It's one of two possibilities. Either, someone simply threw the trampoline up the tree and got lucky when it got caught in the branches. Or, they purposefully put it up there and created a makeshift treehouse. We think it is probably the former.
Truth be told, Christmas decorations can be quite a painful thing to look at if they are too "in your face." More often than not, they're quite pleasant-looking and capture the magic of the holidays. But sometimes, they are way too larger than life to even comprehend.

And some neighbors take things way too far during the "most wonderful time of the year." In this case, this neighbor decided to purchase a Santa ornament. But with one catch. When fully inflated it was three stories tall and basically bigger than the entire house. We don't know whether to be impressed or terrified.
No Storage Skills Whatsoever
Apparently, some neighbors have serious hoarding issues and simply can't throw away anything. In some cases, the problem is so severe that the resident has actually run out of space in the house and has had to resort to using the backyard for storage. As a result, the possessions are starting to overflow into the neighbor's backyard, nearly causing the fence to collapse.

Seriously, this looks like one of those landfills where trashmen go to dispose of their morning's work of garbage collecting. When you think of all of the damage being caused to the environment around the world, it's people like this guy who don't do the world any favors.
Where There Is Smoking...
Unfortunately, you can’t account for other people’s smoking habits. Well, maybe you can with a child or a loved one. But if it’s neighbor, they have every right to pump their lungs full of smoke until their hearts (and lungs) are content.

But as the smoking neighbor, you do have a responsibility to make the smoking experience as subtle and as inoffensive as humanly possible to those around you. For example, maybe smoke outside, but not right next to the backyard fence. Also, be mindful of where you put the cigarette butts, unlike this person, who had them returned to him like this.
A Hole Other Story
Kids have such wild imaginations. Either that, or they are just evil, conniving little things who can get quite creative with how they vandalize stuff. Sure, cutting down a neighbor’s tree might be a little too on the nose. That’s pretty difficult for any child to do and get away with. So what did this toddler come up with? That’s right folks.

Very stealth-like, and quietly, they tip-toed around their neighbor’s home and used this tool to punch holes in the leaves of this beautiful plant. Sure, they thought they were adding their own personal signature to it, but when they ran out of the house without the tool, it was clear to the neighbor that a caterpillar was not responsible.
Snow Problem
In theory, you don’t have any legal or moral obligation to clean your neighbor’s home. You should try to keep the surroundings of your shared entrance relatively tidy and pleasant-looking, but that’s about as far as it goes.

Would it have killed this guy though to remove the snow from the entirety of the shared steps to his and his neighbor's front doors, not just his half? It’s like they worked even harder to make the point that they were only going to attend to their half. We think that’s kind of petty, if you ask us, especially around Christmas time.
Garfield, NOOO
If you thought living next to Garfield gave you higher chances to be in the vicinity of some good lasagna, you must have been thinking of Garfield Senior.

This is his son – not so lovable now, is he? I must admit it is partially Odie's influence, but that doesn’t change the fact that dark and lonely street corners occupied solely by oversized once-adored now-a-mess, cartoon characters are not where I see myself raising my children.
Trend Cemetery
This is certainly one of the weirdest things that a neighbor has done on this list. Usually speaking, graves and tombstones are dedicated to living beings (or should we say, living beings who are no longer living). This could be a loved one or a pet.

We would be more understanding if maybe you dug a grave in your garden. We’re not entirely sure whether that’s even legal. But if it is, at least get a permit for it. But never in our lives have we seen a cemetery only for trends that have come and gone. From here, we can see Snapchat, Cardi B’s Shoe, and the Floss dance.
In-Laws Can Be Such a Drag
They say that when you marry someone, you marry the entire family. While this might not apply to everyone, this guy seems to be more committed to his in-laws than most. They also say “til death do us part.”

Of course, if the natural order of things didn’t throw anything out of whack, the mother-in-law would ideally kick the bucket before the wife. Here, we can see that his mother-in-law has been gone for quite some time now and these days, is just a bag of bones. And yet, she still managed to get a bike ride from this neighbor. Happy Halloween y’all.
Kiss My Jack O' Lantern
Halloween can be such a cheeky time of the year. Either, you’re dressing up as something genuinely scary, or you might want to wear a costume that makes people want to give a little wink when they lay eyes upon it. Truth be told, this is not even a person.

It’s some kind of weird Halloween scarecrow that one of the neighbors built. But what makes it unique is the pose that the model is making. They seem to be revealing their backside, which is made out of a pair of pumpkins. Pretty creative if you ask us. That is definitely a trick, not a treat.
Microwave Mailbox
When in doubt – don't put out your microwave and use it as a mailbox! Do I leave my dishwasher outside to collect pretty-looking rocks and twigs? Do I set up my laundry machine in the doorway for the placing of shoes?

There must be a reason that the word appliance is made out of the acronym for: Apparently, these people Live like animals And have no conscience…
He Couldn’t Bear to Go to Work
Of course, most neighbors are humans, there’s no denying that. But according to this person, one of their neighbors is actually a giant teddy bear. We can imagine that being quite a pleasant arrangement, living next door to something so warm and cuddly.

But even teddy bears have been know to let things get out of control at parties. In fact, it is believed that many of them don’t know how to handle their drink. As you can see here, this teddy had a pretty rough weekend and was caught throwing up in the dumpster.
Leave Me Alone
Here is another example of some petty neighbor who just had to make the point of only cleaning their half of the lawn, to the exact inch of course! Listen, when the Fall comes, leaves fall from the trees. They land on our front lawns. And it’s on us to decide whether or not we want to remove them from the grass.

But you know folks? Wind comes and blows the leaves all over the place. Do you know what that means? It means that Mr. Pedantic’s little leaf-free cleaning session is going to be undone very quickly. Jokes on him!
Interesting Rain Gutters
If your neighbors decide to do this to their rain gutters - it is time to call the authorities. What better place to hide a body? It's time to get out. Now.

As if the blackboards and rock combination making up this house wasn't creepy enough, am I right? Either way, If you do decide to stay, look on the bright side; they are probably very neat people… I mean, they sure know how to clean up after themselves…
Holy Cow
Jonathan is 18. Since when is that an acceptable excuse for turning the town into a farmyard of plastic animals? Cow tipping and littering aside, this seems to be a MOO-t point.

You know, a cow's opinion.. but is this really the best way to celebrate a birthday party? Are you really willing to MOO-ve in next to this guy who can't even throw a proper birthday celebration? And you know those cows are gonna stick around for years on end… I'd say that’s a pretty strong MOO-tivation to get going in the opposite direction.
A Strange Slam Dunk
We can’t confirm this exactly, but from what we can see, it looks like a Christmas tree somehow found its way into a basketball net. If that’s the case, we’ll break down the following story this way. Christmas time is a time for giving, for forgiving, and for doing good to others.

While this neighbor certainly got the “giving” part locked down, all he was giving his neighbor was a hard time. The original poster of this photo saw one of their neighbors take the tree, walk over to another neighbor’s house, and do this, before running away. ‘Tis the season to be petty!
Giraffe Mailbox
You're a long way from home if you bump into this… and this is a long way from sane. I bet the mailman was like: "yo, move your mailbox farther into the street. I don't want to go all the way down your driveway!" and these people were like:

"Hey, we ain't moving nothing!" So, the mail guy was like: "If that mailbox isn’t a hard reach away from the sidewalk tomorrow, then good luck getting your mail!" So these neighbors were like: "(picture of giraffe mailbox here)." It is possible. But do you really want to live near people with that kind of conflict resolution ability? I didn't think so.
Even Their Trees Are Cruel
Sometimes, a person’s energy can be so infectious that everything around them starts to take on that very same energy. In this case, this person’s neighbor is such a cruel, aggressive person, that the snow that year was extremely violent, reminding the person of the neighbor.

What’s more, is that the bamboo tree in the garden ended up being pushed over, causing serious damage to a lot of stuff in the other person’s backyard. We think this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. This person needs to move already.
Not So Independent After All
When we’re talking about the 4th of July, we’re talking about Independence Day. We’re talking about the day when we celebrate the US of A in all of its glory. Every neighbor in the community celebrates in their own way. Whether it’s by going to the park, having a block party, or simply having a BBQ in your backyard, everyone seems to be taking this national holiday pretty seriously.

And whether you’re putting some hot dogs on the grill or setting off some fireworks, there are plenty of fire hazards during this special day. Here, we can see an incident where one of those fire hazards went out of control. Someone took a photo of one of their neighbor’s reenactment of Dante’s “Inferno.”
Creepy Neighbor
Can you possibly imagine a worse neighbor? Talk about paranoid… A scarecrow is one thing, but this is taking it too far!

I bet the people across the street from this guy have a pretty hard time getting to sleep. As if the binoculars, hat, and mustache weren't creepy enough, this guy has nobody… five bucks says there are tiny little cameras in those big blue eyes. RUN. RUN FAST.
The Great Escape
It seems like both dogs and cats alike are always trying to figure out how to get out of their homes and explore their surroundings. Whether it be through a door flap designed for easy access in and out of the house, or through some kind of window, they will find a way if the (dare we say) window of opportunity presents itself.

This good boy was caught on camera by one of the neighbors. Apparently, he likes jumping out of the top window and relaxing on this slanted roof. Oh, what a life to be a creature so pure of heart.
Not Creepy At All
Some neighbors can put the weirdest things on their front lawns. Of course, gnomes and ceramics of animals are right up there, but this might be the strangest example of them all. One person living in this area spotted a pair of mannequin heads randomly laid out next to their neighbor’s front door.

Then, as he looked around, he started to see more, and more, and more mannequin heads dotted all around the house. They were all over the lawn. As the weeks went on, he started to notice that new heads kept popping up around the place. Apparently, the neighbor kept replacing them.
So Many Questions
When you live in a neighborhood (which, let’s face it, we all do, in some shape or form), you need to prepare yourself to see some weird and wacky things being delivered to your neighbors’ places. Sure, most things are delivered in either a box or an envelope, so normally, we can’t even tell what’s inside.

However, sometimes, we can see the shape of the package as it’s just the item covered in wrapping paper. But when the package is shaped like a human body, there are only a handful of options for what could actually be inside. Either, it’s a mannequin, an inflatable, or, the real thing.
People Put Everything in the Laundry
Curing meat is a pretty normal thing and there is quite a big industry surrounding it. But we didn’t know that curing octopuses was a thing. This person was minding their own business when they turned their head and saw a bunch of the eight-legged sea creatures hanging to dry in their neighbor’s backyard.

It’s unclear if the guy caught all of these poor things while fishing, or if they just bought them from a fishmonger of some kind. Whatever the case may be, this is certainly one of the weirder images on this list. Also, this is like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.
Sod Blanket
I’ve heard of people being floored before, but being 'grassed' is a new one for me. This guy drank so much last night that he forgot where he lives and used this piece of grass as a blanket.

P.S. his house is ten feet to the right. His own house. The one that belongs to him, only. The sidewalks are for all of us guys! And baseball season is still some time away… you're no grassy knoll, and you're no use to anybody. If I were this guy's parents, I'd be sending apology muffin baskets all over this neighborhood.
Nice Fence
Take a minute… see if you can tell that there is anything wrong with these neighbors.

These guys have got a gate with no fence! Being effective is obviously not their forte. Having a gate with no fence is like having a sharpener with no pencil, or a shoe with no feet… or something a little more normal-sounding and a little less logical. The big letter 'D' here is sure to stand for 'dumb'…
Hopefully There Are No Bulls Nearby
We have no problem with people displaying some ceramics in their backyards, or front yards, for that matter. But when you decorate your lawn with so many ornaments to the point where you can’t even see the grass, then it’s probably time to get a second opinion.

Isn’t a garden supposed to be a place of peace and tranquillity, where you can water the plants and play ball games with your kids? This is the opposite of order and serenity. This is chaos and eyesores of the highest order. What’s stopping someone from stepping on that fake hedgehog and having to go straight to the ER?
He Means Well
Sometimes, we think we know exactly what we’re doing. But no one is there to tell us that everything we have been doing up until this point is completely wrong. Thankfully, someone finally came along and spotted this man doing some maintenance on his yard. He immediately noticed that the senior citizen was using a shop vac to, we guess, suck up the grass.

The neighbor decided against telling the man that there was a better way. Eventually, he realized that the man would do this every morning. At that point, he shared the photo on social media, before finally correcting him.
While walking down the street, it’s perfectly normal to see a dog lounging around on their owner’s balcony. You might also see a couple of house cats looking out through the bedroom window.

Perfectly normal stuff. But never in our lives have we seen a fully grown horse, or any horse for that matter, standing on someone’s balcony or front porch. Usually, these equine beauties can be found in the countryside or in a stable of some kind. This is a first and the person who took the photo simply had to share it with the world.
Totally Trashed Yard
These guys' exterior decorating skills can use some work. I mean, red AND blue solo cups together?? That's just tacky. But for real – what kind of humans leave a place looking like this?? My mom raised me better than this.

If we all just took a little more responsibility for the trash we produce and cared a little for Mother Nature, we would all live in a much safer place. Our environment is calling out to us people! And I'm calling off the search for housing around this mishap of a property.
The Chair of Death
This might be one of the most pointless things we have ever seen. For some reason, some weird neighbor decided to stick a bunch of nails onto a chair on the front lawn. Maybe the chair had been out there for a while and passersby had taken advantage of it, sitting on it for a well-earned break.

But if you don’t want random people sitting on your chair why don’t you just take it into your home whenever you’re not using it? By doing this to the chair, you also can’t sit on it anymore. This is basically the furniture equivalent of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The Crow Catcher
This image is certainly not for the faint of heart. This person was cursed with having to see something truly disturbing in his mom’s neighbor’s home. For some reason, in her shack, she had hung a bunch of dead crows to its roof. Sure, these birds can be invasive, like many other birds are.

But what’s the point? Maybe she thought hanging these poor things in her yard would act as a deterrent to other crows in the area. Either that or maybe it's some kind of strange ritual that we have no idea about. There is no easy answer to this puzzle.
Camo House
I would love to tell you about the people who live in this house, but you're probably wondering like "What? Which house?" but I kid you not – if you look straight ahead you'll see it!... can you see it now? There you go!

We hope it didn't take you too long to see what kind of neighbors we're talking about because they do a pretty good job hiding it, you know, being camouflaged and all… Well, let us tell you about the obnoxious neighbors that live. Wait, where did they go? They were here a minute ago… Shoot. If the only camo actually did make these guys disappear…
Fairy Land House
And you guys thought Hansel and Gretel were just a hoax. If your neighbor builds a house that looks like this, it may already be too late to get out.

Definitely, do not let your kids take walks alone in the forest, do not teach them to throw breadcrumbs, and under no circumstances do not permit them to lick strangers' houses. They may get lucky and find it's only Barbie waiting for Ken, but it's not worth the risk. Once this happens, you're pretty much stuck living next to this weirdo.
An Explosive Neighborhood
In America, you simply need to be prepared to live next to neighbors who bear arms. Of course, you might be carrying yourself, but every American citizen has the right to defend themselves from robbers, home invaders, and trespassers. But you can’t always account for where those bullets might end up.

In this scenario, a resident was quite displeased to find a bullet hole in his own bedroom, which they had attributed to having come from one of the neighbors. What would have stopped that bullet from hitting one of them if they had fired at a slightly different angle? Not cool man, not cool at all.
We Are Not Alone After All
Plenty of people believe in the existence of aliens and that there must be other lifeforms out there in space. And many have even suggested that aliens have come to this planet throughout human history. Then there are those annoying people who conjure up hoaxes to scare people and try and convince skeptics of their existence.

Take this crazy neighbor, for example, who set up a fake UFO and two inflatable models of aliens in his backyard. Of course, upon first glance, the other neighbors were taken aback by this sight, before finally coming to their senses and realizing it was a joke.
Jurassic Balcony
We have seen some weird things on neighbors’ balconies in our time. But never have we seen a skeleton of (we think it’s) a horse on full display for all of the neighborhood. Who does this neighbor think he is? Some kind of curator at the National Museum of Science and History?

This does look like a shot straight out of “Jurassic Park.” Maybe he’s got some kind of passion for paleontology or just the study of bones. Whatever the case may be, he hasn’t exactly read the room in this scenario is bound to scare a few of the neighbors.
Pet Raccoon
It’s one thing to have wild raccoons running around your yard at night, but what about that one neighbor who leaves cat food out for them? Thanks a lot, lady.

Now they think they’re part of the complex. In her defense, she has trouble seeing, and she may actually think that they’re cats.
The Worst Couple Ever
I don’t know about you, but I try and avoid hearing my neighbors handling their private business at all. But when they start screaming at each other at the top of their lungs, knowing they’ve got neighbors behind the next wall – it’s kind of hard.

Like, yeah, Linda, I’m on season 3, episode 4 of your terrible relationship at this point, and you only have yourself to blame!
Don’t. Park. In. Someone. Else’s. Residential. Spot. I’ve actually had a very similar fight with a neighbor in the past. He was a real jerk, just like this guy. And, speaking of, I wonder how this situation was resolved.

Did he yell the codeword? Did he get towed? Probably. The person who wrote this note seems like he’s had enough.
Free WiFi
This guy! “Oooooh, about that. How about I bring you a case? One beer for each month I’ve been piggybacking off of your WiFi. Thanks so much!

Also, you should probably call someone about that. I’m really into this show on Hulu, and I’d hate to miss out for long.” Who does that?!
Call Security
Security cameras around the house can be helpful for a lot of things, like catching someone who’s stolen something from your home. But what about using them to spite your neighbors? That’s what one man did after the people next door called his neighborhood association about his pool deck being too long and running onto their property.

He reacted by installing a line of security cameras pointed at their yard and a sign that read, “Peekaboo. I see you.” NOOOOO, sir!
The Multiverse of Windows
When it comes to homes, we ideally want the edifice to be structured and consistent throughout. This means that, in theory, all of the measures should be on point and all of the furnishings, including the doors and the windows, should be the same. But here, we have found a neighbor who doesn’t give two hoots about any of that.

As you can see here, absolutely none of the windows are the same. Each of them is unique, with different designs, and each opens with a completely different mechanism. Some close in, some close out, some have two panels, some shut up, some shut down. Quite the variety!
Mr. Butts
Hmmm... it sounds like someone else is trying (and failing) to quit smoking. Poor cat takes the blame for everything! This is what cans and ashtrays are for. Sure, cigarette butts are technically biodegradable, but it can take forever, and it looks and smells gross during the process.

Plus, these cigarette-fiend cats are all over the place, just waiting to pounce. There was a whole recent expose on the phenomenon. Didn’t you see it?
The Knocker
Do you know that one neighbor who just can’t seem to stay on his (or her) own property? They want to know about everything that’s going on with you, your house, your family, your health, and your basic existence. You try to be nice, but every time you turn around, there they are, hovering about.

GO HOME, already! You know the golden rule: treat others how you wish to be treated. I do; I leave them alone and respect their privacy, and only interact with them if it's absolutely necessary.
Boooooo, You
It’s one thing to shut your lights off at Halloween to try and keep people from knocking on your door, but THIS? This is next-level evil right here. It means the person had the time and energy to spend, and they could’ve just put out a bowl of candy, but instead…this.

They even lit a candle as a honing beacon for soon-to-be pissed-off children. You know what this means for this person’s home, right? Their yard was probably covered in toilet paper the next morning, and you can’t really blame the kids on this one.
Hey, Crab Man
We’ve all had that one neighbor with the weird pets. For me, it was the ferret lady. She earned her nickname due to the fact she had, like, ten ferrets living with her. In her defense, though, she gave out full-sized Snickers for Halloween.

But if you have a fear of sea creatures or pinchers, this guy may not be the best neighbor for you. Plus…WHO PUTS A CRAB ON A LEASH?! What exactly are you drinking out of that cup, sir?
They’re Trashed
Can you imagine having to look (and smell) this pile-up of garbage every day? This guy’s yard looks like an episode of "Hoarders" waiting to happen. Seriously…what kind of a person thinks this is an acceptable way of existing around other living beings…with eyes…and noses?

I can barely look at the picture without gagging; I don’t want to think about those poor neighbors. I’d be telling them to pick up their garbage, and if they didn’t listen, then it would be time to make some calls…
Very Special Delivery
It’s perfectly normal to see a box or two in front of someone’s house. This usually means they have ordered something, often from Amazon, and they just aren’t home to formally receive their delivery. And it seems here that the neighbor in question is not home to sign for his delivery. But here’s the thing.

He didn’t just order one box. He ordered, by our count, at least 100 boxes of God knows what. Either he deliberately wanted that many boxes, or he very easily could have selected and added two zeroes to the order by accident. In this case, why did he never question why an order for one box was so expensive? Now he knows.
Smoke and Soak
You’ve really got to wonder who this sign is meant for. It can’t be for the neighbors, can it? I mean, as long as I’m not standing in your yard with my cigarette, you definitely better not try and “drench me with water…” Were there people just hanging around on their grass lighting up?

It sounds like somebody has teenagers who blamed the random people walking by! This person must live in a smoking taquito girl’s neighborhood, huh? NO SMOKING, OR ELSE!
The Award Goes to
We’ve all been there… You’re watching your favorite show when you notice a car alarm going off outside. After making sure it isn’t yours, the next thought is usually, “Okay, whoever’s car that can get up and shut that off ANY MINUTE NOW,” and most of the time, they do. But not in this case.

I don’t care how hard you partied or what you did to knock you out so hard you’d sleep through a hurricane; letting this go on alllllll night is NOT okay. So, don’t do it, or you too will be cursed with the worst sleep of your life for the next fortnight!
Living next to someone who peeps and creeps on everything you do can be a real nightmare. But what about when they take the crazy to the next level?

One Reddit user posted about a neighbor of hers who went so far as to stage fake phone calls with “the FBI headquarters” when he didn’t like what was going on next door, like a friendly get-together. It sounds like that guy’s unstable, no matter what was really going on in his head. Time to find a new place!
His Home is Literally His Castle
Ever heard of the expression “My home is my castle?” Well, it appears that one neighbor took that phrase quite literally. Back in the day, only the richest and most noble of families lived in castles. And to a certain extent, there is still some truth to that.

Well, apart from the fact that there are a lot fewer noble and royal families these days and the rich and famous have traded in their castles for mansions. This guy, despite not exactly being the richest guy in the world, felt that his traditional-looking home simply wasn’t enough. In his might, he deserved a castle. So he had one built...on top of the house.
OK You Win
When Christmas comes around, neighbors can often defeat the purpose of the holiday and get pretty competitive. Sometimes, it’s all about which family has the most Christmas lights decorated around the house and who can be the most extravagant with how they ordain their home. From what we can see here though, it wasn’t even a contest between these two neighbors.

The left household takes Christmas very seriously and lit up their home from top to bottom. While the other home doesn’t seem to have this festival high up on their agenda and simply lit up an arrow, pointing everyone’s attention to the home next door. Pretty genius stuff.
Poop Quarterback
When you find your neighbor consistently neglecting to pick up their pet's feces, the most neighborly thing you can do is to confront them about it, explain the situation, and why it’s important to you and your surroundings that they pick up after their pets. If, however, they fail to comply with your demands one too many times, you might have to take things into your own hands (hopefully while wearing sterile gloves). This bothered neighbor knows their strengths and talents as they have probably played on a few ball teams.

Their idea of taking matters into their own hands as well is questionable, at best. After seeing that their neighbor was continuously shirking their doody lifting duty, this veteran ballplayer decided to threaten to throw the poop directly into their neighbor's mouth if they ever did it again, as a way to make sure that they don’t repeat this behavior. Gross.
My Anaconda Note
“There might be a bomb in the building but don't worry it's not armed, probably.” This is as close to what someone reading this will undoubtedly be thinking. The sheer irony is astounding when you claim that you accidentally lost a 7-foot snake and then saying in the next sentence that there's nothing to worry about.

Most likely this was just a prank note meant to scare people into calling this poor Nick fellow, but if it is not, we would probably prefer to live as far away from this aforementioned Nick as possible. Listen, we don't want any snakes in our building. A python? Forget about it!
Unlocked WiFi Connection
If you choose to see the cup half full, you may construe Nick’s note as a genuinely concerned fellow checking up on the welfare of his internet-paying next-door neighbors. However, this was most likely the work of a selfish, leeching neighbor with no internet of his own. Either way, this note is a reminder that anyone using Wi-Fi should opt to put a password on it if they don’t want other people to use their Internet.

If you would not leave your own home unlocked with all the doors open, why would you do that when it comes to your Internet connection? No more Wi-Fi for you, Nick!
Somebody's Riled Up
We'd love to get a little more context for this note, but for now, we'll just have to draw our own conclusions. This is clearly a reaction to a note, report, or the comments that were made about the things that this person has in their yard. Somehow, these things indirectly reached the neighbor, and now they are infuriated, to say the least. As the saying goes, "The best neighbors are the neighbors that you don't even know exist."

That is clearly not the case here because this neighbor knows very well that his neighbor has been barking up the wrong tree. There's absolutely no shame in this note, and having a neighbor like this one can't be fun. We just hope you won't ever have to deal with a neighbor such as the one who wrote this note. Their existence will very much be in your face, we'd think.
Poop Wars
In the eternal battle of poop between humans and dogs, it seems that dogs take the cake (or the ‘pie’) and win this one. Regardless, nobody likes to have someone poop on their property, human or dog. If we were the ones seeing this sign and it was directed towards us, you’d probably see us picking up poop every day from now on.

Trust us, you don’t want to mess with ANYONE who’s willing to weaponize their grandson for fecal warfare. It’s best to skip these wars, as they might have a rather smelly ending. Just ask Bill the neighbor, or better yet, ask his grandson...
The Passive-Aggressive Smiley Face
There's nothing quite like a smiley face to end an already annoying neighbor note. Although, in all fairness, they are totally right. people usually need some kind of permit to build a garage, especially when it crosses over to another person's property.

At the end of the day, these people are just looking out for their own plot of land and when you need to keep a neighbor in check, a friendly note is probably the right way to go. Hey, at least the neighbors were friendly enough to welcome them to the neighborhood. Maybe a tray of freshly baked cookies will go down well too.
Muffin or Doorknob?
If you have to lose a doorknob, you might as well lose it to a neighbor who is, as he says, trippin’ pretty hard. The fact he thought it was a muffin instead of a doorknob has us dying to know what did he do with the knob once he had it?!

Try to eat it?! Realize immediately it wasn’t actually a muffin?! We have questions, and we must have answers! One thing is for sure: if you try to eat a doorknob, then you will probably chip at least some of your teeth if you do not break them completely.
Vandalism Is Not the Way to Go
There's leaving a note for neighbors in a civil manner with an actual piece of paper, and then there's this. We get the frustration about a barking dog that never ends, but to go and write on someone's wall with an actual marker is another thing. We can totally see how people do stupid things when they are going through fits of rage, but vandalizing someone else's property like this is definitely not the way we would have handled a situation like this.

We just hope that this isn't a permanent marker, as every action has a reaction, and we could totally see how this has the potential to completely rile some people up, and that would just start a neighbor war. So, we definitely don't recommend doing this when your neighbor's dog's back gets out of hand.
Spam Mail
Receiving spam in your mailbox is no fun. Having to sift through what is real mail and what is actually just spam takes up a great deal of your precious time. Furthermore, it's also a waste of paper. That means it's a significant waste of our earth's precious resources. Spam should actually be banned if you think about the consequences it has not only on our time but also on the environment.

One way to deal with unwanted spam is to leave a note for the mailman in hopes that he will abide by your requests. But it wouldn't be any fun if your neighbor doesn't get involved in the way that this person's neighbor has inserted himself in the situation. Ah, thank goodness for a funny neighbor's humor, that has turned an unpleasant situation into a funny one.