Parents come up with all sorts of ways to make sure their child stays within their reach at all times. This method here might just be the most innovative and creative one yet. It also might make you question whether certain people are meant to have children. And also, what brand is that plunger? That’s one heavy-duty device, and we would love one for our bathroom.

When this dad wanted to test out the effectiveness of the plunger, he used his own child as a guinea pig, and the plunger had such a strong suction that the child was lifted off of the ground. We are just happy that we don’t have to see the events that followed, like whether his son was left with a huge mark and if he crashed on the cement floor of the store.
Taking Things Too Literally
If you're a dad and your wife leaves you in charge of doing your daughter's hair, you basically have no choice but to panic. You don't grow up with long hair, so you have no idea what to do with it. When this dad's wife asked him to put his daughter's hair in a bun, he took the instruction a bit too literally. Looks like Dad should have gotten on YouTube to see what it actually means to put your hair in a bun.

Although this is a terrible interpretation of what the girl wanted, it's also pretty brilliant. Not only does she have her hair in a bun, but she also has a snack for later. Dads are like a breed of their own, and this viral photo shows that they are full of a lot of dad humor every which way they turn.
Take the Bus From Now On, Buddy
Taking the bus home from school can be a real bummer. Well, this father kindly offered to pick his son up to save him the hassle. But by doing so, he put his son in an even bigger problem, and that's being seen next to his dad as he dressed up as an Olympic swimmer; for whatever reason, he had to do so.

So, he threw on his most authentic speedo and galloped through crowds of kids with his arms stretched wide, professing his love for his son. Meanwhile, the other kids were getting a real kick out of the father’s look and took it as an opportunity to snap photos of him. The son couldn't even pretend that he didn't know the father because it was so clearly his own dad. We're guessing that next time he won't be so quick to accept a ride from his old man.
You Need a Shirt Under That, Dad
When Jeremy went to dress his little baby for daycare, he put his daughter in this cute set of overalls. However, he failed to understand that a shirt belongs under the overalls. In Dad, a.k.a Jeremy's defense, how was he supposed to know that a shirt belongs under overalls? Innocent Jeremy pleaded ignorance when his wife confronted him about it via text.

Unfortunately, we don't get to see the continuation of the conversation, but if Jeremy's wife is light-hearted, then she was probably able to laugh it off. And if she is the more serious mom type, then there's a good chance Jeremy's privilege of dressing Olivia in the morning was revoked.
Sleeping Like a Baby
Looking at this photo, we need several things explained. We don't really know what happened there any more than you do. Our first speculation is that this dad is pretending to be asleep, hoping that his little princess will fall asleep faster this way. We could be wrong, though.

Another guess as to how this situation came to be is that this is a warn-out dad who has spent the entire afternoon with his daughter, playing, bathing, and feeding, finding himself exhausted at the end of the day. Now he finally understands what Mom has to go through every single day.
Biker Baby
This is what the world looks like from the eyes of a Harley Davidson-obsessed father. When this baby's mom went to work, Dad decided that it was time to make his son 'one of the gang.' So, he painted a tattoo on the baby's arm, tied a bandanna around his head, and even gave his baby a goatee. Within minutes, the baby went from looking like a young and innocent child to a badass biker.

Without a doubt, this baby received a warm welcome into the gang, with no questions asked and no I.D. required. Unsurprisingly, people thought that the baby really looked like an actual biker. What his wife thought of the baby's new look is unclear, but if we were the mom of that baby, we would at least appreciate the dad's ability to have some fun with his child.
We Feel You, Dad
This dad is showing his wife how to take full advantage of every situation that comes his way. It can't only be about sleepless nights and diaper changing. There has got to be something good about this creature that has joined the family.

"If this baby is going to be joined to me all day long, then the least it can do is help me out while I am having a dripping lunch." It's not all take take take. Also, the baby is probably grateful for being able to be this close to Dad without having guacamole drip all over his or her tiny little head.
Spider Family
Saving the city on your own is not easy, even if you're a superhero. Spider-man couldn’t take on the big mission by himself, so he recruited his little spider man in training. After all, the young spider man would one day be taking over his dad's role and would need to learn the ropes sooner or later. Although his son is probably still too young to run or jump, he will offer his father some motivation when he really needs it.

It looks like they are trying to connect by shooting webs with their hands, and that makes the picture even more precious than it really is. Good one, Dad, but it doesn't seem like your son is ready to assume his position of world savior just yet. And anyway, we don't think Mom would be too keen on the idea. Perhaps in a few years.
Annual Photo Shoot With a Twist
If there's one thing that kids universally despise, it's the annual family photo. They are forced against their will to go, not to mention that putting on uncomfortable fancy clothes and posing in a cheesy way with your parents is the farthest thing from cool. This dad had a different idea for this year's photoshoot. An idea that wouldn't absolutely torture his son.

He wanted to show his son that the yearly photoshoot can actually be turned into something entertaining. So, he ordered his son to get dressed in his best 90s wear, and the two of them put on their best impressions of the decade. This dad actually looks like the coolest dad out there. He tossed his hat to the side to be like his son. They even posed in a way that resembles a boy band album cover. Lots of love for this father.
Winging It
A lot of parenting involves thinking on the spot and, especially, outside of the box. This father goes a great distance to assure the well-being and pleasure of their child, and we think that's awesome. He doesn't really care if he's going to get made fun of. Although he doesn't need a life jacket because he's an excellent swimmer, his child was embarrassed to go out in a life jacket by herself.

So her father did what any genius father would do and decided to also put on this innovative homemade life jacket in order to encourage his daughter to go out in the water. You might just find these in stores near you soon. And we are sure that once his daughter saw his version of a flotation device, she no longer felt humiliated to wear hers.
To Each His Own Formula
When you become a father, you most likely write off beer nights with the boys and date nights with your lady. But that doesn't mean you have to write off beer for good! You're not breastfeeding the baby, after all. This dad scored big when he got to have a date night with his favorite little girl. When he was really craving an ice-cold beer in the afternoon, he saw that his wife left him instructions to feed his baby at 1:30.

So, he did what any creative genius would do and attached several straws together to be able to successfully drink his beer while feeding his daughter. Instead of waiting for his daughter to be done eating, this dad was eager to get started on that beer. If you can pull it off, more power to you. The perfect Christmas gift for this dad is definitely a twisty straw.
Taking a Selfie Together
With younger parents documenting their kids on social media, it's easy to get caught up in finding the perfect filter without noticing your rice is turning to charcoal. In Dad's eyes, this is what it means to be the best father. His daughter is helping him out in the kitchen, and he prioritizes a selfie session over everything else.

And we are ignoring the fact that she is standing in the oven tray. If he carries on like this, he might become a professional Instagram somebody, and his daughter might learn how to perfectly operate a cell phone, but we are not sure what the two of them are going to have for dinner.
Girls Rule
If proof was ever needed to show that women rule the world, it's right here in this photo of a daughter and her father. This is not, we repeat, not the way to teach your kid how to ride a bike.

This dad was going on and on about how easy it is to ride a bike and that all you have to do is believe in your abilities. This little angel was not taking any of her father's nonsense and said that if he can do it, then she will try too. So, can he do it? Apparently, he can, with a little push.
Way Too Much Information
As sweet as it was for this family to create signs welcoming home their mom, it seems like their signs reveal a little bit too much regarding what mom has been up to since she's been away. This sign is most likely a joke, and Mom wasn't actually serving a prison sentence.

The kids and their father just thought it would be a solid opportunity to mess with their mom after she's been away on a work trip. And we must say, it's pretty hilarious! Hopefully, Mom has a good sense of humor and will be able to laugh it off instead of being absolutely humiliated. If not for her laughing, the signs definitely had many others laughing in the airport.
Not Enough Room Inside the Car
This new family of six hadn't yet upgraded their vehicle when their fourth baby was born. When they piled into the car for their first official family outing, they realized that they didn't have enough room in the back for everybody.

So, Dad came up with a way to transport everybody to the store: just add a wagon to the back and have one of the bigger kids feel the breeze all the way to their destination. Although attaching a wagon to the back of the car doesn't exactly look like the safest way to transport a child, it is pretty funny.
Photoshop Brilliance
Even as we write these lines, we are still unsure if this dad is holding a doll between his legs or if this is actually his real misbehaved son. We haven't called child services yet, however, we are not far from it. The only thing keeping us away from the phone is our inability to believe anyone's calves are strong enough to hold a child, no matter how small.

Now, if there were a mother around, she would have better known what to do with a misbehaving child. However, as the mother is absent and the dad is yet again left to handle things, this is, ladies and gentlemen, the price to pay.
Dad Jokes
Looks like the kid lost her phone privilege for whatever reason, which is why if Dad wants to text her he has to go the old fashion paper route. We are suckers for classic dad jokes, much like this one. This is the epitome of a dad joke and shows how dads love to get on our very last nerves.

Even if his joke will only make him laugh, he doesn't seem to mind much and will make it anyways. I think we can chalk this up to dads being bored sometimes and just wanting to pull their children's legs as a form of entertainment. Well, Dad, find yourself some entertainment elsewhere, and stop being so annoying!
Whatever Works
If your dad ever did your hair when you were younger, chances are that it turned out somewhat like this. Honestly, can you fault them? It's not like they've lived their whole lives practicing on the long hair they don't have. When moms ask dads to get their daughters ready for school, there are many things that can go wrong. Hair doing is one of the things where the struggle is #real. With the many hairstyles and hair products to choose from, dads cannot figure out what goes where.

When this dad couldn't find his daughter's stash of hairbands, he made an impromptu one instead. Although it seems to be doing its job and keeping his daughter's hair in one place, we can imagine this girl got many stares, and we are not sure how fun that was for her. Hopefully, Mom took it upon herself to show Dad where those hair ties are stored.
Hold On!
Oh boy, does Dad been to be an Olympic-level bike rider to execute this move! Whoever said men are not able to do two things at once obviously never met this guy. Unlike the school pick-up we know, which involves a car with a back seat where the kid can nod off, this one is a lot more challenging.

No back seat? No problem — just load the kid on your shoulders and have him nap right on your head. What's that? You got an important call? That's why you have TWO hands — one for biking, and one for answering the phone.
Never Let Dad Cut Your Hair
There are some dads out there who assume the responsibility of giving their young boys haircuts. Well, this is a prime example of why some of them shouldn't. This boy might not be aware yet, but his father basically just ruined his life as he knows it. When he goes to kindergarten tomorrow, he might be the laughingstock of his class.

His father was probably joking with him when he gave him an old man's haircut, but by only shaving off the middle of his hair, he ended up giving his son a reason to be bullied. Hopefully, the picture was taken halfway through the haircut and Dad ended up shaving the boy's head completely.
Human Napkin
When you're carrying a baby in a carrier, you should probably watch out when you're eating, considering that your baby's head will be directly under you. This father seems to have almost dripped ketchup in his baby's eye! If you have a parent who hates wasting food, then you will understand this father's intentions.

He is teaching his child from a very young age that you never waste food or a napkin. When the condiment falls on his baby's face, he whips out his tongue, much like a mother cat, to wipe his baby clean. When a kitten does this, it’s cute. But for humans... we aren't so sure. The child seems to be unaware of the whole matter, perhaps because he is already used to Dad's crazy antics.
Say No to Your Kids Sometimes, Please!
Although there is something to be said about allowing your children to make decisions for themselves, there is also something called "your parents know what's best for you." Here, the child's parents seemed to let him exercise the freedom of speech a wee bit too much. When he told Dad that he wanted to look like Cletus from The Simpsons, his father thought that it was a great idea and let his child proceed with the haircut.

Taking into consideration that even Cletus, a cartoon character, looked silly with the haircut, we aren't sure why the father agreed to allow his son to do this. We can only assume that Mom was nowhere near the situation when it happened and that she was not such a happy camper upon returning home later. Fortunately, hair grows back very fast.
Get Your Grades Up, Thomas!
This father from Cleveland, Ohio, found the perfect and, if we say so, the most humiliating way to encourage his son to get his grades up. He was originally supposed to go to the Cavalier's game with his son, but after discovering that his son's grades were down, he decided that Thomas wouldn't be able to join him at the game and would instead be subjected to staying home and studying.

Thomas's dad clearly has a good sense of humor, and we bet he was hoping to get filmed with the sign. Although this probably hurt like salt in a wound for Thomas, it may have worked in teaching a lesson: bad grades mean you don't go to the NBA game, and Dad will make sure to make you the laughingstock of the stadium.
Um, That's Not the Barre
This dad's hilarious photography has made its way all over the internet. The man in the photo is Dave Engledow. He has over 10,000 followers on his Instagram page. He sets up hilarious photos, much like this one, in which he does something quite contrasting from a good father, all the while mocking himself by holding a cup with "The World's Best Father" written across.

In this particular photo, he's in a matching tutu with his daughter, who is attempting to hold up her father's large leg. He's reading the book "Ballet for Dummies' while holding his trademark coffee cup. His daughter is absolutely precious, and something tells us that her dad is actually quite a good dad. She will definitely love having these pictures when she's older.
"I Can Do It Better, Dad"
One very important responsibility of parenting is instilling within your children the belief that they can do anything they put their hearts into. Within reason, that is. You don't want to give your child false hope or unrealistic beliefs about themselves. This dad seems to have taken things a bit too far when he let his daughter believe that she was strong enough to push him and their cart full of groceries.

The young girl seems to be putting every ounce of effort into the task. We are sure that the dad was just joking around and that the scenario got a bunch of stares and laughs from people passing by. Dads love being quirky with their children, and they don't really mind if people are looking on as they display their idea of parenting.
Just Hanging On
Sometimes you just don't have a choice. Not everybody has a drier. Those who are not fortunate enough to have a machine to dry their laundry are forced to hang all that wet clothing outside. This might result in some logic failures on at least one dad's side:

If the wet things need to be hung to dry, then when your baby wets himself you need to put him out to dry too, right? After all, it's not like the baby needs that time to run errands or do chores or anything. What does a baby even do? Nothing. Just hangs out.
When you're a parent, you figure out all sorts of hacks to things. Take this father, for example, who figured out that a video game controller could be used to play video games and prop up his baby's bottle, and even better, at the same time! When Mom gave Dad some instructions on feeding the baby, she made the mistake of not specifying word-for-word how it should be done. So, the decision-making was left in the father's own hands.

But hey, the father seems to be succeeding in his method, so why take away from his moment? As long as the baby seems happy and full, there isn't anything wrong with the picture. We're sure all you bottle-feeding dads out there are rushing now to try this on your own little one. We'll say it now; we didn't tell you to do it.
Just Another Big Kiwi
Leave your child alone with Dad for the day, heck, even for an hour, and you might get a text message with a photo like this. We have to admit; this picture is pretty adorable and clever. The baby's head does resemble a kiwi, which is what led Dad to place a kiwi sticker on his baby's head. This is one of the more tame "dad fails" you will see, and just shows what jokesters some dads can be.

We wouldn't be surprised if the dad snapped a second picture of the baby in the fruit bowl among apples and oranges. At the end of the day, you don't know how much you can trust dad alone with your baby, especially if he's a huge baby himself. We hope that his wife has a good sense of humor.
Pro Gamer and Bottle-Feeding Master
The only way to succeed at the whole parenting thing is to learn how to do multiple things at once. When you have a baby, they often require your attention. But, this doesn't have to be undivided attention. This dad understands just how well he can divide his attention between multiple things. His idea of the perfect world involves parenting while continuing to do what he likes.

He seems to have found the perfect solution for bottle duty. Who said that you can't hold your kids close while staying loyal to FIFA? The baby looks happy and satisfied, while Dad gets to continue playing his video games; it's a total win-win situation for all involved. Plus, his baby may grow to be a video game champion one day.
Dapper Baby
You said the dress code was black tie, right? When you left Dad in charge to get the baby ready, you should have expected that something like this would ensue. Although Mom had bought him a perfectly sized little outfit for the event, Dad had other ideas for how he wanted his son to look.

Mom should have specified exactly which outfit she wanted him to wear. You know dads, unless they are given very strict instructions, they never seem to do as Mom wanted. Dad probably put him in this because he couldn't find the baby's real outfit and was too lazy (or terrified) to go ask Mom.
Didn't You Say It Was Too Hot?
There are only so many reasons to bring out the leaf blower, and two of them don't involve leaves. Either it's a hot day, and you need to cool off your family, or your children are misbehaving, and you need to teach them a thing or two about discipline. Whatever the reason behind this picture, it has resulted in a hilarious outcome!

Whether she's enjoying the experience and finding it hilarious, or suffering, is left up to the imagination of the viewer, as her facial expressions are far from being discernible. If the dad is trying to cool off his daughter or teach her a lesson, we are pretty sure that there are other more humane ways to do this without possibly losing custody of your children. Yes, Dad, there are other solutions besides blowing pressurized air on your daughter.
Not the Right Toy, Dad
When Mom sent Dad to Target, she should have known that the shopping wasn't going to be completed as expected. It was, how should we put it, going to have a fatherly play on things. A lot of people love those toys, but this baby was definitely in for quite the surprise when Dad used the toy on her face. We're not quite sure whether the facial expression is one of fear or happiness.

The pin art toy outline of her face is pretty hilarious, and we can understand why Dad decided to take the moment to snap the photo. If this girl doesn't realize it yet, she will soon understand that she's lucky to have a dad with a great sense of humor. We hope that her father at least bought her a toy after taking advantage of her face like this.
Buff Baby
Sometimes when you leave your baby at home with dad, they'll end up looking like a motorman. Other times, you might come home to a baby with a six-pack. Hey, if your husband ain't rocking one, somebody's got to. When dads are home with the baby, they get pretty creative with their parenting.

Dads like to have fun, and that fun can look like a number of things. This father posted this hilarious picture of his baby on Reddit with the caption: “My son was Joe Rogan for his first Halloween.” We must say, he nailed it. Hey, parents, does this give you a costume idea for this year's Halloween party?
This dad could write a guide on how to babysit the kids while enjoying a nice cold beer on a hot day. We are sure that the book would easily be a bestseller. A lot of parents can't manage to find the balance between being present in their children's lives and also taking time for themselves.

Well, this dad seems to have figured it out. While he had to put some thought into it, he managed to come up with a way to do both things at once. The baby is enjoying her time in the swing while the dad is getting in some much-needed r & r. This is one of the most viral dad fails on the net.
Remember When We Were Kids
Apparently, what we're looking at is not a "so cute I could eat him" type of situation. Nope, we are looking at the result of a bet. Many years ago, this dude of a dad had a bet with his friends. They said that he could never put a whole handball into his mouth.

He said that in years to come; he would prove them wrong. And so he did. So the years went by, and the dude of a dad had already quit the handball team and was only left with his one-month-old baby and his imagination. The end.
Hail to the King
Dad seems to have done a good job training his kids. Perhaps he's an Army officer. We at least hope that this picture was taken on Father's Day. If not, then we're a little worried about how this dad defines quality time with his kids. We are sure that this picture is a joke, and it is pretty hilarious.

Dads are just kids with bigger bodies, and it's no wonder that kids have so much fun with their dads. This dad seems to have come up with creative ways to get the biggest bang for his buck by using his children. And the children seem to have a lot of respect for their father. We hope that he let his kids have some ice cream after this.
No Stroller Needed
Parents come up with all sorts of ways to make sure their child stays within their reach at all times. This method here might just be the most innovative and creative one yet. It also might make you question whether certain people are meant to have children. And also, what brand is that plunger? That's one heavy-duty device, and we would love one for our bathroom.

When this dad wanted to test out the effectiveness of the plunger, he used his own child as a guinea pig, and the plunger had such a strong suction that the child was lifted off of the ground. We are just happy that we don't have to see the events that followed, like whether his son was left with a huge mark and if he crashed on the cement floor of the store.
Bags Are Packed
When his wife told him to pack the baby bag, he did exactly as he was told; he packed the bag. But looks like he took the request a bit too literally. Instead of packing a bag with his daughter's essentials for their day out at the zoo, he packed his daughter inside the baby bag.

The baby looks frightened, the father looks confused, and the situation seems pretty funny. However, we do question whether this situation is humane. But we are sure that it's just a joke and that her father removed her right after the picture was snapped... at least, we hope!
Number One Dad
We love seeing dads who are so dedicated to their children that they are willing to sacrifice their own comfort in order to make their children happy. We will chalk this one up to a "dad win" rather than a "dad fail" because this dad rocks. Would it have been easier for the dad to just take his daughter to the local park? Possibly.

But maybe bad weather prevented them from going outside, and he decided to make her a human swing indoors instead. This girl is lucky that she has a dad who cares so much about her happiness. And dad is lucky that his daughter isn't so big yet that her weight would be too heavy for him to hold up. We're sure that it was a funny sight for Mom to come home to.
Deliberately Annoying the Bride
While dad fashion is not exactly considered haut couture, some fathers will pledge their allegiance to it no matter the day or the time of year. Not even on their daughter's wedding day. What did she ask for? One day! Simply one day when her father dresses appropriately and doesn't insist on putting on those dorky sandals and got to do with nothing pair of Bermuda shorts.

Apparently, it was a little too much to ask. This Dad had an excuse all ready for when the big question comes as to why couldn't he respect his daughter's wishes. The invitation said that the dress code will be semi-formal. What else could she expect?
Under Investigation
A few things worry us in this photo. Firstly, the Dad posted this; "Today I babysat my son for the first time while his mother was out." Sorry to break it to you, but a father doesn't babysit his own child. A teenage neighbor babysits and gets paid for it. When a father does it he just stays at home with his kid.

The second thing is, what is the baby dressed like he's 50 years old? And last but not least, and maybe that's just us being way too serious here — what kind of sick sense of humor does one need to have to joke about your baby being a crime scene casualty? Where are you, mother?
Extremely Organized
When Mom left town for the weekend for a girls' trip, she knew that she had to leave the house as organized as possible in order to prevent a disaster from occurring. Considering that her husband doesn't know where anything is in the house and has the tendency to misplace things, she decided that it would be best to label everything in the house, including the baby.

As if the father would forget... But maybe he would! It's not easy remembering all of your responsibilities as a parent, especially when you're a new parent. Now that a label is on his baby's forehead, he will never forget what the baby is for unless, of course, the label falls off of the baby's head.
Come On, Dad!
Anyone who used to envy children who got to ride around in a bike seat on their parent's bikes can now gladly be happy it never happened. By the looks of this unfortunate girl's face, she would rather be anywhere in the world but behind her father's ill-fitting jeans, and we really don't blame her.

After seeing the look on this girl's suffering face, we understand just how easy it is to scar a child forever. And not only is it unfortunate that she was stuck n this position, but the image went viral all over the internet, which is even more humiliating. We just hope that the dad didn't eat chili the night before because then the daughter is really in the ring of fire.
No Dads on Facebook
There are several reasons why you shouldn't friend your dad on Facebook, with this being one of them. Social media is one particular place where parents have great power to embarrass you in front of a large audience, and basically ruin your life as you know it. One of the roles of parents is to be embarrassing — they can't help it.

The dad behind the genius comment in the photo is evidence of why you shouldn't be Facebook friends with your parents. If do that, then you better make sure to set some privacy limits, so they aren't able to view all your pictures. This daughter apparently forgot to do that, and after her dad mortified her in front of her friends, she very quickly told them that her father wrote the comment.
New Age Parenting
Here is an example of a father that has no idea what to do in public with a two-year-old toddler. It's a determined-looking two-year-old, we'll give him that, but it's a two-year-old nonetheless. Alas, no, letting him do whatever he wants is not the answer unless it guarantees you peace and quiet and the ability to eat your dinner in relaxation.

We're not sure if the dress code for this restaurant allowed its guests, being two-year-old toddlers or not, to run around the restaurant in their birthday suits, but then again if they don't mind, who are we to argue?
As Long as She's Asleep
It seems that the only place and time that kids don't like to sleep is in their bed when it's bedtime. Other than that, they tend to fall asleep in weird positions and places. This girl fell sound asleep right on the coffee table when she was being watched by her dad. Obviously, her mom wasn't home, or she would have been moved to a more comfortable sleeping arrangement.

Seems like Dad has made light of her daughter's sleeping position and has been piling up stuffed animals on her to see how many he can do without waking her up. Looks like her father is a big baby himself. Dad, this isn't college anymore! This is your kid we're talking about, not some guy who passed out from drinking too much.
Go Your Own Way
At first, we thought this was the 21st-century modern way of teaching children how to ride a bike with no auxiliary wheels. Then we realized the bike had auxiliary wheels, and we had to come up with a new story for this photo with a child on a leash. It's either a kid on a leash or a very human-like puppy who somehow learned how to ride a bike. We're gonna go with the kid thing.

You know when you are out with your kids on a bike, and then they decide to cycle off far away from you, leaving you to worry about where they have gone, and what has happened to them? Not anymore, my friend, not anymore!
Best Facebook Hack
Reason number 1,092,093 why you shouldn't allow your parents anywhere near your Facebook, or near your computer, for that matter. This is what you would call next-level embarrassment. Dan's dad, with a few swift brushes over the keyboard, single-handedly destroyed his poor hospitalized son's life.

Although he did it with good intentions, he pulled a classic embarrassing dad move, and Dan might end up extending his stay in the hospital after waking up from his surgery and experiencing cardiac arrest thanks to discovering his dad's post. It's safe to assume that Dan will be plotting some kind of revenge against his father. If this post was real, as somebody in the comments hoped for, then it could quite easily go down in the hall of fame of dad trolls.
Many of these pictures have a touch of humor. There are zero things funny about this picture, though. Zero. The danger is lurking closely down below, and things can go downhill too quickly if Dad's biceps aren't up to par. And whoever snapped the photo isn't doing any better of a job, and they are just as guilty in the situation.

Child protective services, where are you when you're needed? This is not okay, and we don't applaud this photo at all as it shows how careless some parents are and even encourages other parents to imitate the act. Worst of all, the baby is laughing because he has zero idea of how dangerous the situation is.
The Cheerios Tower
In 2016, the Cheerios Challenge went viral all over the internet. The challenge is quite simple, and anybody with a box of Cheerios at home can participate. Dads — do this at your own risk (of getting in trouble with the lady). The challenge requires two ingredients: a sleeping child and Cheerios. The goal of the challenge is to stack as many Cheerios as possible on your baby's head while they are sleeping.

Unsurprisingly, most of the participants in the Cheerios Challenge are men. The dad from this photo is clearly a Cheerio-stacking genius and basically deserves an Olympic gold medal for the hard work and dedication he puts into the sport. Whether or not he has an advantage because his child is a deep sleeper is up for debate.
The Tooth Fairy Was Drunk
Not putting a little money under your child's pillow when they lose their tooth should be a crime against the imagination and dreams of children. But when we say money, we mean a few dollars. This dad seems to have been a little tipsy last night when he crept into his daughter's room to put money under her pillow.

His daughter woke up the next morning $100 richer. Although his daughter was ecstatic, her father, on the other hand, was bummed to see that his wallet was that much lighter this morning. It's clear from her father's reaction that he's not going to be able to explain this one easily. And he can be sure that the next tooth will cost him $200.
Parenting is no easy task, and sometimes parents just need a break! This dad was at home with his baby when his parental duties started weighing him down and he needed a nice can of cold beer to lighten things up. Was that too much to ask? Apparently yes.

The dad is obviously joking here (or so we hope) and decided to have some fun and try to see how long could his baby daughter balance a can of beer on her head without dropping it. Luckily enough, this dad was wise enough to keep his hand nearby just in case.
Taking Actions
This dad has crossed the line here. It is known that fathers can generally be less mature than mothers, however, this photo proves just what hights the immaturity can sometimes reach.

We understand that all he wanted to do was watch the soccer game and that he has been waiting the whole week for this, but attaching your baby to the wall using duct tape? First, there's no way that just two strips are going to hold the kid for long — he's going to need at least four more. And second, has he any idea how much paint it could peel off?
Foam Pit Accident
We're not sure if this father meant to send his daughter plummeting head-first into the foam pit, but it looks like that's what happened, whether he meant to or not. Well, if the daughter was scared of the foam pit before, then she either feels like she's finally mastered the evil foam pit and is capable of anything, or she's extremely traumatized and will never step foot near it ever again.

And if this dad was attempting to teach his daughter a lesson on trust, he failed at the task miserably, and his daughter might be seeking out therapy to heal from this moment for years to come.
Dads Should Never Do Makeup
Leave Dad alone for 10 minutes with the little one, and you might end up with an angry little infant, pretty much like this tiny tot. “I leave my husband with the baby for ten minutes,” joked a Reddit user who shared this hilarious but adorable photo of her insane-looking baby.

Although we are pretty sure it's all in good spirits, you be the judge; is this picture a dad fail or a major dad win and a hilarious memory that this little baby will have for the rest of her life? One thing is probably certain, and that's that Dad hadn't intended to have his artwork go viral all over the internet. Well, Dad, the joke's on you!
Baby Table
While this dad was on the way to the kitchen to satisfy his sweet tooth, his fussy baby started crying. The dad looked at the kitchen and back at his baby, and once again at the kitchen and back at his baby. There was no way he was willing to veto the triple chocolate cake that his wife had just picked up from his favorite bakery.

So, he did what any nurturing dad would do; he cut himself a nice thick slice of decadent cake and grabbed his child to rock while eating. Well, turning the baby into a placeholder for his plate seemed to be the answer. “The only way my three-day-old daughter would fall asleep. After two hours of carrying her around, I got hungry,” he wrote.
No Escape
If there's one thing that you need to know as a parent, it's that you shouldn't leave your child alone as long as they're able to walk. This can end in something seriously bad and even fatal. For that reason, there's something called a baby (or kid) leash keeping your child close at all times.

This Dad was obviously having a bad financial year. How else would you explain this improvisation? It doesn't look as if this kid is going anywhere. Also, Dad, next time, consider tying whatever makeshift leash you make around the kid's waist. You know, just so it's more of a leash and less of a noose.
That's My Baby Pen, Daddy
When mom left her husband, baby, and kid at home together, she didn't expect to come home to this; the dad inside of the baby's pen and the baby outside of it. It seems like the joke is on Mom and Dad this time. Perhaps the kid who took the photo wanted to show Dad who was the boss around there.

He didn't feel that it was fair for the baby to be locked up inside the cage, and the second kid wanted to free the baby. So, he freed the baby and locked up his dad in the pen. By the look on the baby's face, it seems like he was in on the plan as well.
Mom, I Decided to Put Dad to Sleep Early Today
We all know there are fewer things in life more exhausting than parenting, and this dad clearly couldn't take it anymore. The question is, how did he end up passing out inside the baby's crib? Did he just try to pick him up for the last feeding and keel over from exhaustion?

One thing is clear; this baby seems very understanding of the situation. It almost looks like he was just surprised by Mom and is trying to tell her, "give him a break, mommy, he tried his best." Just look at how his cute little hand is grabbing Dad's as if making sure he's soundly asleep.
Laziness at Its Worst
Though we do have to appreciate this dad's effort to make sure his baby doesn't miss the view, this is clearly not the right way to go about it. Think about it, just one slip and that stroller could roll right off the rails. And what's most shocking is that the mother doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with this!

We get it; maybe this dad knew that taking him out of the stroller was a sure way for the baby to have a full-blown tantrum — something no parent is ever happy to deal with. Still, maybe just pick him up next time, Dad, like a normal person would do.
DIY Mouse Pad
You have to applaud this dad's resourcefulness. Maybe he had a deadline for work, or maybe he just wanted to surf the internet on the five-minute break before he had to change diapers again. In any case, he found the perfect way to watch over the baby while finding the perfect surface for his mouse so he could stay in bed.

And hey, we all know how annoying it is when you don't have a mouse pad and you are trying to find a surface it can roll on properly. Who knew it would end up being this baby's onesie?
Time for Nature
There is nothing that is going to come between this dad and nature. Not even a tired child. Ever since he was a kid, he could visualize himself hiking in nature with his partner and children, enjoying the real gifts God has given us.

Never in a million years did he think he would have to carry his two-year-old boy up and down the mountains. We do, however, have to applaud whoever dressed this kid in overalls — these things have built-in straps in them, and Dad here saw the carrying potential in them. This is, for sure, parenting at its best.
Ninja Baby
Mom probably thought it was a good idea to leave around a watermelon as a healthy snack for Dad and the baby. You know, to make things easier while she was gone. Little did she know, this dad had other plans for that watermelon. To be fair, this baby girl looks incredibly amused with her new ninja helmet.

And hey, they probably did eat the watermelon before Dad decided to turn it into a DIY helmet. This mom will surely think twice about what she leaves lying around in the kitchen the next time she leaves the baby with her dad.
How did this dad manage to have his photo taken keeping a straight face? And how did this baby stay so calm and just keep on staring at his father without bursting out in tears? This baby is at an age where he is trying to make sense of everything that comes his way, and we wonder what is going through his head.

Our first guess is that the thought was "maybe it's a good thing Dad is naturally bald". This is a photo that must be preserved and cherished forever. We would suggest having this painted as a portrait in a Baroque style.
(Very) Extreme Sports
Having kids shouldn't stop you from doing what you love most, and we completely agree with doing all kinds of sports with your kids, no matter how old they are. This is dad here took things a little too far. There is no such thing as too early, apparently.

Especially when you are a military man, trying to educate your daughters on the importance of executing a proper plank. When you think of it, these children are receiving great values at such an early age, and even the little baby is really giving her best and putting up a fight.
Darth Baby
Nothing like having a die-hard Star Wars fan for a dad. Maybe this dad found his favorite Darth Vader helmet lying around in the closet. Or perhaps he was taking the baby for a stroll and happened to walk by a costume store and thought, "ok, kid, bear with me; I have to do this!"

We can even imagine him doing the entire "I am your father" bit. Absolutely hilarious. Even though this is one of the most hilarious baby pranks we've seen, we really are hoping Dad quickly took this huge helmet off that tiny baby's head immediately after taking the photo!
You Scream, I Scream
We all know how frustrating it can be to listen to a screaming baby for hours on end — even if it's your own. This dad seems to have exhausted every possibility to try and calm his baby and decided to simply give the baby a taste of her own medicine and scream back.

We feel your desperation Dad, and to be honest, we wonder if it worked. Considering that this baby can't be more than a few days old, we doubt she had any understanding of what was going on, and if she did turn quiet it was only because that bug man made a scary loud noise.
Nice Try, Dad
Mom probably figured, what's the worst that can happen if I leave him in charge of the costumes this year? Well, having your toddler go trick or treating around the neighborhood dressed as a pack of Marlboro cigarettes, that's what.

But don't worry, Mom, Dad wasn't going to let the kid make a fool of himself on his own, so he decided to dress up as a bottle of whiskey! This dad probably figured it's never too early to teach your kids about cigarettes and alcohol. We hope that the lesson was concluded with how the only proper use of those things is for ironic Halloween costumes and nothing more.
Talking to No One
There's nothing cuter than a father reading a nursery rime to his child. And it doesn't matter if it's read out of a book or from a phone or tablet. As long as there is reading done. One thing is for sure, it's best to have a baby around and make sure they stay around.

A good way to make sure the baby stays around is to find out of the baby can roll over yet or not. Any misinformation on the matter and you might find yourself in the same position as this clueless father. One more page and his baby will roll himself into a different room!
Playing With the Baby
Just when we thought a person couldn't get any lazier or less irresponsible, we found a photo of this dad. OK, Dad, we know that sometimes all you want to do is play video games with your friends; however, there are responsibilities in life that can't be ignored.

Having a mug and a glass so close to your keyboard can end up with no keyboard at all. We acknowledge the fact that a journey all the way to the kitchen might seem like the end of the world sometimes, but things just have to be done whether you like it or not.
Responsible Dad
There are a lot of things we can say about this father and about this photo. We can assume that he has had a very hard afternoon, and we can assume that he has had a rough time trying to get the baby to sleep, and with all that, we can't say that this dad is irresponsible.

He has gone out of his way to make sure that no matter what happens, the baby is not going to get hurt. It is circled safely within the dad's arm and body, assuring that whatever happens, and no matter who falls asleep first, there will be no rolling out of bed around here.
Check Matt
This looks incredibly fun... and extremely dangerous! You have to hand it to this dad for his creative idea and DIY slide, but it's probably not the best idea to pack four kids on a small mattress and push them down the stairs. No matter how much fun they seem to be having.

For this dad's sake, we are going to assume that there is a second mattress at the foot of the stairs. And besides, maybe this was the dad's last resort after hours of trying everything he could think of to keep the kids busy. We know the struggle, Dad.
Best View Ever
Don't you just hate it when you can't see over a crowd of people? This dad sure hates it, but as long as he's got his baby with him he knows he can handle it. We don't know what was so incredible to watch that made this dad use his baby's stroller as a footstool — while the baby was in it, mind you!

Not only could he have slipped and stepped on the baby, but the stroller's safety lock could've snapped and sent Dad flying into the air. We hope the view was worth it because one small slip and this could've turned into a pretty bad accident.
Bad Photographer
We have a suggestion. You know, when a couple is about to have a baby, especially a first one, so they take Lamaze classes and breathing sessions, and God knows what other things and services people are making money off of. Anyway, we have a suggestion.

Every soon-to-be parent will receive, at childbirth, ten free photography classes, teaching them how to operate a camera, when how to click the button, and how not to end up with photos like this once their kid needs to go off the stage after his piano recital. Thanks, Dad, for failing to immortalize this memory.
Does He Get Points for Trying?
We know this dad knows what his baby looks like inside his DIY "carrier" because he's actually taking a selfie of it in front of a mirror. he knows this is not how you're supposed to wrap this thing but he still couldn't be more proud of it!

The essentials are all there — the thing is holding the baby on him and that's all that matters, right? We're sure he did this as a joke (at least, we really hope he did), but the baby's face is still priceless — "Seriously, dad?! I'm holding on for dear life here, man! Snap the friggin' picture already!"
21st Century Nursery Deco
So many disturbing things in one photograph. Obviously, the two pictures on the wall scare us the most (Vigo the Carpathian and the Goblin King are hardly qualified to babysit). However, it doesn't end with the wall decor. Is this a new 21st-century nursery theme? The black and white stars and moon baby mobile make this scene even creepier.

Now, what's with the crib? To us, it looks like this baby's parents took an old draw cabinet and somehow attached some fenced bars. Also, the black marks on the pink fabric can be many things but we want to hope that it's a pattern obscured by the angle.
First Lesson in Life
Anyone who has raised little children knows that, at some point, going to the bathroom on your own will not be taken for granted. Dave here only wanted five minutes alone in the WC to take care of his private stuff. Was that too much to ask? Can't a man have five minutes of peace, updating on the sports and having a cup of coffee?

Well, apparently, no. And initially, we thought that Dave was up there simply teaching his cute little girl that there is more than what she is taught at school and that, in fact, the toilet room has so many more uses than she could even imagine.
Ice Cream Lesson Time
When your eyes are bigger than what your stomach can actually consume and when you are a spoiled brat that won't take no for an answer, this is what happens. In this case, the father looks happier than his kid, and we wonder why. We can only assume that it has to do with how his serving of ice cream is bigger than hers.

Look at this thing, it's almost as big as her head! This brat of a girl couldn't (or wouldn't) make up her mind as to what flavor to choose (or, her dad told her she could have only two scoops, but she insisted on having more). He decided to teach her a lesson.
Pancakes From Scratch
Letting your kids take part in your kitchen adventures can either help your child be more responsible and self-sufficient, or it can result in what we see in this picture here. This is an example of a dad who had no idea what making delicious pancakes from scratch on Saturday morning with a toddler meant.

And he has learned the hard and dirty way. So, next time your kid asked for pancakes for breakfast, remember. No matter how expensive it is and no matter how unnutritious they are, just go to Pancake Pantry. A clean and tidy kitchen is guaranteed.
Masculine Quality Time
Let's face it, in today's world, it is rare for dads to have quality time with their young children. Between work and household chores, finding that time is becoming mission impossible. It is only when they grow a little that they become more active together and go and enjoy themselves at a ball game.

Until then, it's all about playdoh. And here, we can clearly see why dads avoid so-called quality time with their young toddlers. They just have other things on their minds. And if we're all honest with ourselves, we are probably thinking exactly the same thing as Dad.