Spongebob Squarepants is everyone’s favorite sponge. His facial expressions are the best, and it’s hard not to smile when he pops up on your screen. In our humble opinion, there may have been a more appropriate place to put the blowhole, but as we already know, balloon designers don’t really pay close attention to detail.

In any case, we’ll forgive it because Spongebob’s face is so jolly we can’t help but crack a smile.
Identity Crisis
At first glance, this looks like a pretty legitime toy. The design is up to par, the color scheme is on point, just your average plane toy. Wait a minute...this isn't a plane, it's a helicopter. As it turns out, even the most well-designed toys sometimes fail.

This poor helicopter has an identity crisis. They've been telling it its a plane for as long as it can remember. But lo and behold - the truth is out in the open. You're a helicopter, buddy, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Queen of Breaking Hearts
How bad do you need to be at your job to put the Queen of Hearts as the three of clubs? Now that all of our faith in humanity is crushed, we just want to know who the person that designed this deck of cards used as the Queen of Hearts? Cruella de Vil? Jafar?

Who better fits the part than the actual Queen of Hearts? If you need us, we'll be outside. We need to get some fresh air. We're furious!
Spiderman's Panty Line
The designers of this children's ride did everything in their power to make Spiderman as lifelike as possible. Along with the lifesize and colorful ride, they made a point of giving good ol' Spidey a visible panty line.

The only thing we're a little perplexed over is the way he's holding his arm up like he's marching through the sky. Isn't Spiderman supposed to be holding his arm out to let the web out in a particular Spiderman-Esque way?
My Little Ponytail
Sometimes taking a poorly manufactured toy and repurposing it into something else is the only way to go. When the poorly constructed toy is put into another broken toy, it's only a matter of time before the ugly truth comes out.

We wonder how long after this pony was purchased did the kid realize that "My Little Pony" was actually "Barbie's Little Ponytail." This is awkward, to say the least...we really hope we don't have any doll's heads in any of our toys!
Eye Love It
The toy company that manufactures these squishy toys knows that their product is cheap. Instead of fighting it and coming up with a better toy - they decided to take an alternative route. When the toy's eyes fall off (they inevitably will) - the doll has backup eyes drawn on the ball itself.

In all honestly, it's not the worst idea. In fact, the backup eyes make the toy even cuter than it was, to begin with.
Jurassic Party
Either this little fellow came back from a late night of partying - or he's been up all night because his owner is afraid of the dark.

We know both of these options aren't plausible - which just goes to show you how far imagination went and how poorly this stuffed animal was designed. Now, excuse us while we drip eyedrops into this poor guy's eyes.
Nesting & Resting
When you've built a career around painting faces on Russian nesting dolls - you know you're at the top of your game. Around doll number one thousand, you start losing your patience. The great thing about Russian nesting dolls is that no one really ever reaches the smallest one.

Whoever was in charge of this Babooshka became tired pretty quickly. After doll number two, they decided that enough was enough and drew two eyes and a "flower"...if we could even call it that.
Go Back to Zoology School, Fool!
We're not claiming to be as smart as the Animal Planet Zoologist that was in charge of this toy - but we do believe that this package contains false information. In fact, we're sure of it. If there was ever a doubt in our mind that we may be confusing tarantulas and cockroaches - there is a picture of a tarantula to ensure that we aren't losing our minds.

To be honest, we're not sure what's more terrifying, a tarantula or a cockroach, they're both equally cringeworthy.
Emma Watson and the Beast
The designers of this Belle doll managed to copy Emma Watson's face onto this Beauty and the Beast Doll. They did it so well, in fact, that it's actually quite a frightening doll. It's so close to reality, and it actually seems like someone took Emma Waston, shrunk her, and turned her into a baby.

The weirdest part about this whole ordeal is that as much as the doll looks like Emma, it also oddly resembles Justin Bieber. Does anyone have an explanation for this?
Real Life Doll Expressions
What real-life expressions do you think they were going for when they designed this doll? Happy? Shocked? Un-hinged? Whatever the case may be - this doll's expressions are ones we wouldn't want our kids to mimic.

This chef doll looks like the kind of toy that would wake you up in the middle of the night with a knife in hand, staring into your soul and demanding you play with it! We think we'll pass.
Evil Yoda
We don't claim to be Star Wars experts, but if there's one thing we know for sure - this is not how the characters of the franchise look. We understand that niche toy companies are trying to think outside the box, but these new toys are getting a little out of hand.

Here we have some type of soft sculptor by Funko, which we understand is supposed to be Yoda, we just don't know why they decided to make this beloved character look so evil!
Sleep Tight, Don't Let Minnie Mouse Bite
We can hear kids all around the world, asking their mothers why Minnie Mouse looks so scary. And all around the world, those mothers are giving their children the same explanation, "because someone underqualified was hired to design this nightlight, Honey!"

We're not going to lie, we don't understand the exact science that goes into designing a functioning nightlight, but one thing is for sure, we know that it isn't supposed to look like this!
Scare Bear
Please don't tell us this is what bears look like after hibernation? If so, bears - do us a favor and stay in hibernation forever. We can't understand how this was marketed as a children's toy.

Moreover - why on earth did someone think that designing a Teddy Bear made up of two legs and a head was okay! We know who's going to visit us in our dreams tonight…or should we say nightmares?!
What You See is What You Get
What came first, the chicken or the egg? That's the only thing that comes to mind when looking at this toy. Did the company that designed this Yoda make a poorly planned doll to market it as a "Super-Deformed Plush"?

Or did they decide to nonchalantly sell this Star Wars fail as a deformed toy when they realized that the person that designed Yoda did a pretty unfulfilling job?
Spongebob Squarepants
Spongebob Squarepants is everyone's favorite sponge. His facial expressions are the best, and it's hard not to smile when he pops up on your screen. In our humble opinion, there may have been a more appropriate place to put the blowhole, but as we already know, balloon designers don't really pay close attention to detail.

In any case, we'll forgive it because Spongebob's face is so jolly we can't help but crack a smile.
Gotta Catch 'Em All
We love Pikachu. We love his rosy cheeks, his perky ears, and his lightning bolt tail. Wait, what's going on here...something's off. Someone got everyone's favorite Pokemon's ears and tail mixed up and made a morphed Pikachu.

Though this is considering a design fail, we kind of like it, maybe that's because no matter what Pikachu does, he has a special place in our hearts.
Teenage Mutant, Mutant Ninja Turtle
This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle looks like a legitimate mutant. It looks like they added braces to create the full "teenage" experience. This guy's neck is so long he may as well pass as a mutant giraffe.

This toy was hung like a prize at an amusement park, and by the looks of it, it was waiting for someone to claim it for a while. You can even spot the dust through the photo! Guess we're not the only ones that didn't find this toy appealing!
Gone in a Flash
If you're going to come out with a line of superhero Hot Wheels, you may want to do your research before you start designing...or at least read some comics. You would think, at least, that if they were to make a Batman Hot Rod, they would try and make something similar to the Batmobile, right?

What we think happened here is that someone accidentally printed Batman on The Flash's Hot Rod, and no one cared enough to edit the typo. It's a shame too because The Flash's Hot Rod looks pretty darn cool!
You're Not Alone
We've never resonated with a toy more. These animals have been through something, and it shows. The bags under these stuffed animals' eyes tell a long and challenging story, and we just want them to know - we are here to listen.

We are used to seeing happy stuffed animals, the kind that makes you feel bad about feeling tired. These are the stuffed animals you buy new parents, so they know they aren't the only ones losing sleep at night!
Bunny Business
At first glance, we thought to ourselves, why on earth is this bunny laying eggs? And then we read the advertisement and realized that it was actually...bunny glitter poop? Imagine being the person that works at the toy store that had to unpack these toys and then organize them on a shelf.

We don't know what educational purposes this toy serves, but it must have some sort of hidden agenda; otherwise, why else would anyone purchase such a thing?
The Lion Elsa
A crossover is the placement of two or more fictional characters into the context of a single story. This toy looks like a crossover between The Lion King and Frozen. There is something about Elsa's eyes and nose that makes her look more like Simba than she does Elsa.

We're guessing the guy that painted Elsa's face on had been in charge of The Lion King toys for so long - he was at a loss when they asked him to take the lead on the new Frozen series.
It's Not Always Black and White
The designers knew that the size of the soccer ball's print was not going to fit the actual ball, but they decided to go ahead and produce the balls anyways.

We're going to make a life lesson out of this fail - even if you don't fit perfectly on the team, you're an integral part of it! Every time you doubt yourself, just look down at your soccer ball! It has all the answers.
Power Batman
Hmm, last time we checked, the Power Rangers looked nothing like this. We would go out on a limb and say they packaged this wrong, and this is Batman, but that too seems like somewhat of a stretch, considering this Batman is green?

Whatever the case may be, and whoever messed up this design, we have one question for you. Why on earth did you think anyone would want five versions of the same figurine?
Super Wario Brothers
This looks like the perfect Christmas present - state-of-the-art Mario Kart. It seems like the ideal gift for our favorite little ones, and there's only one detail that has us scratching our heads. Why on earth is the "M" for Mario flipped upside down?

We bet the toys designer's boss looked at this and yelled, "YOU ONLY HAD ONE JOB." And then, decided to try and sell it anyway, because the everyday consumer probably wouldn't have noticed. We did! We noticed!
Literal Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
When you're designing keychains, it's critical (no pun intended) that you stay creative. Everyone wants a unique keychain - one that will stand out. So, when this designer was asked to design Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, he took his assignment seriously - perhaps a bit too seriously.

It seems to us like this guy took the "mutant" part a little too literally because these are pretty morphed little turtles. Though the design may be a bit offputting, they sure got the unique role of this task down!
Product Placement
There's no better feeling than finding that specific something that you know will make your kid's face light up. Whether it's their preferred candy or a balloon of their favorite animated character, there's always that small thing that will brighten their day.

The thought behind this balloon was utterly adorable, and we appreciate the sentiment, but what's going on between this guy's legs? Don't you think the designers of this balloon could have found a better placement to blow this guy up?
If You Know, You Nose
How many noses does one mouse need? For some reason, when they designed this Nutcracker, they decided to add two nozzles to each mouse. On the surface, this looks like a pretty legitimate toy, right? But the moment you notice the unusual feature - you can't help but stare.

Obviously, the right nose is the one that's painted on - it even has whiskers and everything. So our question is, why on earth did they think to add that second nose?
One Family is Very Happy
Where do we begin with this one? Everything about this toy is wrong. Let's start with the name, The Simpsons is a rather unique way of spelling this family's last name! Then we have the family of figurines itself...

Forget the fact that Lisa and Maggie are the same sizes, and the whole family looks like it has a substance abuse issue. There is something about their eyes that has us feeling all sorts of uncomfortable.
Interesting Toy Indeed
This questionable toy looks like it's running away from something. One can't help but wonder why. The fact that they called this little fellow "Interesting Toy" may be even more interesting than the toy itself.

It seems like this toy store had a hard time selling this guy, which doesn't surprise us at all. Who would ever spend 79, let alone 149 of whatever currency this is on such a toy?!
Batman has his Batmobile, so why shouldn't Spidey get a Spidermobile, right? Right! Well, that was our train of thought until we realized that Spiderman likes driving around naked. Whoever designed this, we'll give you a "D" for effort? But you're getting an "F" for design.

Aside from the Spidey-Esque color scheme, this toy is frightening, and perhaps the last thing we would think of buying our nieces and nephews for Christmas. There is no way anyone could convince us to purchase this item. Absolutely no way!
The Original Duck Face
There are two ways to understand what's going on in this photo. Either they accidentally put a duck's face on a mammal's body, or the opposite. You can tell by the duck's expression that it isn't too thrilled about its current state, and to be honest - we can't blame him!

We wonder how many of these new species were put together on the assembly line. Who knows, maybe this is evolution happening in front of our eyes!
Picture Perfect
Have you heard of those dolls that are custom-made to your specific requests? Well, this thoughtful mom thought it would be nice to make a doll based on a picture of this guy as a baby. If you look closely, you can see the exact picture this toy was made after.

Though we are sure the sentiment behind this was 100% innocent, this doll's face is anything but. It's all in the eyes - something is haunting about them!
The Birds, the Bees & The Bunnies
Looking at these two baby toys separately - they seem wholesome. Two bunnies, what's wrong with that, right? Wrong! Together these two toys make for a pretty "R" rated scene.

Perhaps, when the time comes, parents can use these toys to show give their kids the birds and the bees talk.
Santa's Little Helper
This delightful toy was placed at a shopping center's Santa's elf workshop display. We admit we don't really know what Santa's elves look like - but we're sure it's not this. Someone took a baby doll, ripped her head off, and then attached her to a stuffed animal's body.

We're not sure that that's what the spirit of Christmas is all about. To add insult to injury, whoever made this horrible toy also painted the doll's face an almost toxic shade of yellow.
A True Care Bear
Okay, we know exactly what you're thinking! Snap out of it! This is an entirely innocent children's toy! Let us break it down for you, this bear was built so that when you squeeze it, the balls pop out of its mouth and shoot across the room.

See, there's nothing naughty about it. Though we do understand why you were thinking what you were thinking, we admit, we were thinking it too!
Not So Pearly Whites
What's going on with Wolverine's teeth? Should we call his dentist? If these statue designers were planning on making him look feisty, the least they could do was make sure the poor guy flossed before.

We admit we don't know much about the X-Men, but we're sure that if Hugh Jackman were to lay eyes on this guy, he'd be upset.
To Infinity and Beyond
By the look on his face, Buzz Lightyear knows something sketchy is about to happen. We understand the reason one would feel compelled to buy this water bottle, but we don't really understand why the designers would put the straw exactly where they placed it.

You know what they say, size doesn't matter. We feel like in this case, it might. Buzz seems awfully pleased with himself.
Animal Instinct
Oops! It looks like the packaging of this jungle playset could have been thought out a little better. The gorilla and giraffe both received their little segments in this package, so we're wondering why the rest of the animals were jammed together in the lower half of it.

Besides the fact that each of these animals is unproportioned to the others, it looks like the zebra and gazelle are getting a little too close for comfort. Awkward!
Spongebob & Sandy Forever
Other than the fact that this ride has Spongebob's signature face - we've never seen anything quite like this before. There's something about this guy that's giving us the creeps. It looks like Sandy, the squirrel, and Spongebob had a baby - and the baby turned into a children's ride.

If that isn't the story behind this - we would like someone to come and explain Spongebob's mammal arms and legs to us. Go ahead; we're waiting...
Animal Anatomy
By the looks on this guy's face, you can tell that he's having a fun time inflating this bouncy toy. The fact that the blowhole area was placed where it was placed aligns perfectly with this animal's anatomy. So, jokes aside, maybe this is a pretty educational toy?

It can teach your kids how the animal and human anatomy works and what happens to what we eat! Yeah, we know it is far-fetched, but at least we're trying!
Wolverine Hammer
The truth of the matter is, they could have put a blowhole on any side of this hammer. Alternatively - the designers could have thought out the sketch of this hammer better.

It's not like it's the end of the world, but it isn't all that pleasant either. Imagine if your kid came up to you and asked you to help them blow up this toy - we know we wouldn't be able to keep a straight face.
Do You Want to Eat a Snowman?
The title of this song is "Do You Want to Build a Snowman," right? We didn't get the lyrics wrong? By the looks of this toy, the song may as well go, "Do you want to eat a snowman?"

We're not sure what to think of this, on the one hand, it's a charming idea, making snow cones out of Olaf. But on the other hand, the thought makes us sad, and we don't want to eat Olaf, he's our friend!
Monkey Business
Really, toy manufacturers? Did you think this was the best way to sew the banana onto this toy monkey? We understand that the banana placement task may be difficult, but you could have put the banana on his head, or even moved it a little higher up, just a tad higher - we don't think that's too much to ask!

Though we may not agree with this design, we're happy that the monkey is happy!
What Would Freud Say?
These are toys for blowing bubbles...do you see what we see? We get that this was supposed to be an inclusive toy, that the swords were made for both boys and girls, and we're all for it!

It's just that making the "girly" sword a bit too girly with the heart decorations turned this toy into something our old friend Freud would have a lot to say about!
Under the Sea
Yes, we could go on and talk about this poorly designed children's water bottle, but wouldn't that be rather obvious? What we want to talk about here is the fact that these plastic bottles have been priced at $54.90!

Why on earth would a children's water bottle cost that much money? Is it full of special water that turns you into a Disney Princess? Is it filled with gold? We demand answers...and for someone to buy us this bottle!
It Wasn't Me!
We are just going to come out and say it: if this is what dinosaurs looked like - we're glad they are extinct. This toy dinosaur looks like it was caught red-handed doing something only bad dinosaurs do.

Even its facial expression looks like it's saying, "what are you looking at? I swear, it wasn't me!" There is something so offputting about this toy, and we're wondering who bought this in the first place...and why?
New and Improved Winnie the Pooh
This toy company made a huge mistake when they decided to hire folks from the retirement home to help them with the mass production of "new and improved" Winnie the Pooh bears. Of course, the first thing that popped into Grandpa Al's mind when they asked him what he thought Winnie the Pooh was missing was...teeth!

And what better way to update the bear than by giving it dentures. While they were at it, they took away Pooh's nose - who needs a nose when you're a stuffed bear, anyway?
In Need of a Web Designer
Here we have another case of a misplaced balloon blowup hole. It doesn't seem like it should be that hard to find an appropriate placement for such a thing, yet time after time, the world proves us wrong.

If it were up to us, we would have one of Spiderman's arms be the balloon hole, you know, instead of where spider web comes out, air would go in! But hey, we didn't go to balloon design school, so what do we know!
Mama Bear & Baby Bear
As if taking a teddy bear and turning it into a kangaroo wasn't eerie enough - this little bear joey doesn't seem to have a body. What's the point of adding a feature that allows you to take the little teddy bear out if there's nothing to the little bear other than its head?

If they wanted to design this right, they should have either tightly fastened the bear to its mama, or given the bear arms and legs!
"Kids Stuff"
We can't be the only ones that find this wrong, can we? There's something about this photo that takes our minds elsewhere...and we can't say we're proud to admit that that was our first thought when looking at this toy!

We know that this is a clean design "mistake," but when parents are buying their children squirt guns, we're sure they may walk right past this one - pretending not to notice.
What is This Exactly?
It seems the color at this toy factory ran out as this toy was being made. It's supposed to be completely yellow but instead, it's just a little yellow in between a mostly transparent toy.

What's even worse, it still managed to reach the public, which is why we can see it now.
A Puzzle or an Airplane
These puzzle pieces can build an airplane-like toy, but if we're being completely honest, it's definitely not an airplane, it's simply just an airplane shape.

While it won't be as accurate for kids trying to learn about aviation, it might be a fun toy for toddlers who don't need to know specific details about how an airplane works.
Much like Hollywood, toy manufacturers are constantly changing things and doing so in outrageous and sometimes baffling ways.

And to wit, we have this attempt to capitalize on the Star Wars franchise by creating made-up characters that appeal to an untapped market, girls who have probably never seen Star Wars.
Just in case you felt like the baby wasn't portable enough for you, or you were always carrying a toy doll and a massive plastic bottle with you while walking, you could purchase this toy doll that fits perfectly in a plastic bottle. Genius!

Although, we must admit, $119.00 is an awful lot for a toy and bottle, or are we missing something?
Oh Dear
This unfortunate scene was stumbled upon by accident. Their dog got a hold of their cactus toy and once he'd bitten through it, they discovered an obviously sad cactus had been trapped inside.

If that won't haunt your children's dreams, we have a few more slides that definitely will!
Is That Cinderella?
We wish we could say that these were just isolated eye-rolling examples of mistakes made in the toy factory, but as this list proves time and again, these little glitches seem to happen all the time.

And this specific puzzle of Cinderella is the perfect example of how poor placement can thwart all our hopes and dreams.
Can you imagine what it would be like to work in the office that prototyped this badly designed toy? Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a world where this toy still reach the shelves of any toy store? Well, it happened.

If we didn't know any better, we'd say that maybe toy manufacturers are running out of ideas.
Fail Fix
So much of mainstream media is about boasting about how we look on the outside, and during a time when so many are trying to accept themselves for who they are, this toy brand decided to go in a different direction.

As much as we like makeovers, this makeover doll targeting young girls makes us feel incredibly uncomfortable. Why couldn't they make it at least a little empowering?
Umm... Ok
Batman is known for his cave of awesome gadgets and the insane villains he fights, and Robin is his sidekick. But this duo poses a challenge for kids who like to play with their heroes.

Not only are these two squatting down, but their hands are clearly meant to be holding something, which must make it pretty darn hard to fight crime.
Kids can’t help being annoying sometimes, and they need attention. When they don’t get it, they amuse themselves. They scream. They kick the table. They talk at a volume not suitable for human ears.

If your child happens to be a screamer, it might be worth your while to invest in this Elmo that clearly knows what to do.
Wait, What?
Are the puppies a class of dangerous counterrevolutionary subversives that threaten the utopian vision of the Paw Patrol Nation?

Or are they largely innocent bystanders and the Paw Patrol Nation's economic ideology is fundamentally flawed so its production depends heavily on forced labor?
The Rock
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is bigger than the movies he stars in. Quite literally, he often towers over his co-stars, filling every screen with his broad shoulders, ginormous arms, and bullet-shaped head.

Yet somehow, with his larger-than-life features all over the place, these designers still managed to miss the mark, and quite inaccurately portrayed the wrestler as a funny-looking plush toy.
Space Boys?
This Space Boy might look eerily familiar. If you ever watched Pixar movies growing up, it's almost as if it's a complete replica of the Toy Story toys, except with a different name, and Woody's arms have grown way out of proportion.

If we were speculating, we'd say this brand is just trying to make some money off of Toy Story's success.
Winnie the Pooh
Did your parents read you Winnie the Pooh's beloved children's books? Have you watched the animated movie? Do your friends refer to you as Eeyore on a regular basis? Whatever it is the box you tick, you have a whole lot of strong feelings about a tubby bear called Winnie the Pooh.

Unfortunately, not everyone gives Winnie the honor he deserves, and someone came up with a bad toy design like this one.
Hydro Power
Two hundred million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth. and have been at the forefront of our collective imagination, from early sci-fi novels to big-city museums. Today, they reign over the toys aisle filled with water guns.

This particular one, though, is just wrong, and not just historically speaking. First of all, there are the hands. Actually, there aren't any. And then there is the question of the unfortunately-placed trigger. We couldn't shake our heads harder if we tried.
Is That You Buzz?
Yep, Buzz Lightyear has actually been to infinity and beyond and reached an alternate universe where he became an actual Avenger.

That sounds complicated, right? Well, actually it's pretty easy and we bet whoever designed this would love to explain to our children the world where Buzz Lightyear and Avengers collide.
There’s plenty of superfluous bad design out there, both in form and function, and Tardy the Man Pony is no exception. For a toy so simple, he sure does stand out, so to speak.

While the occasional eyesore contributes to the less-than-visually appeal of many toys, the real problem with Tardy is the complete lack of planning and design. If they had just made Tardy into a centaur, he would have been way better.
If you think you know all the worst toy design fails by now, you're wrong! This design fail is worse than just wonky — it doesn't even exist. Like this teddy bear, without a face.

Who knows, maybe there is a little boy or girl out there that's always wanted a faceless teddy bear.
Batman, The Avenger
By turning a superhero like Batman into a toy, these toymakers had to reckon with his existence and for some reason, they were more comfortable making him an Avenger than they were with leaving him in Gotham City. We wonder if they got into legal trouble seeing as Batman and the Avengers belong to different comic book companies.

As with most movies, the ultimate goal for these superheroes is to get back to their home base where they belong. So maybe Batman just needs to find a new home?
21st Century Doll
The new 21st-century barbie doll is definitely up to date. Her hair is bleached and well-cut, she's stylish when it comes to her clothes and her make-up is neat. The manufacturers of this Barbie version have even added a built-in filter.

This will save us from having to apply a filter and having to edit the photo when taking one on our smartphones. The out-of-space eyes will remain like this forever, keeping you up to date even in 3030!
Baby Doll Backpack
Not sure what the designer of this bag was thinking. Was it supposed to be one of those bags little girls ask for when they want to imitate their moms (usually after having a new sibling)?

Or was it supposed to keep the pocket pickers away, assuring your personal belongings are safe at all times? We wouldn't go near that thing either.
A Doll Too Far
We have an issue with this one. On one hand, we want to encourage our girls to make the most of their childhood years and to teach them that they will have plenty of time when they grow up for makeup and fancy clothing.

The creator of this doll wasn't thinking alike and as far as they are concerned, their girls can paint their faces as soon as they are born. But white lipstick? Why?
The Children Are Our Future
The world is progressing and everything — and we mean everything — is changing. The clothing we wear, the food we eat, the shows we watch, and even the way we count. If you think you don't understand your kids this is the reason why.

The 21st-century toddlers are taught that the number three comes twice after two, skipping the number four completely. Our children are our future.
More Than Just Friends
If you're going to be honest, then be honest all the way. No need to hide anymore. If Ken is not up for a real serious relationship, then neither am I.

This Barbie set has finally solved all the issues we had as kids between Ken, Barbie, and the rest of the figures. No commitment, no strings attached.
Emojis Have Come to Life
This next out-of-this-world toy design shows us that there is more to our lives than just our smartphones. We need the real thing and expressing ourselves with just emojis on the screen will not do.

Grow your own pile of poo and when it reaches its peak, show your ex exactly how you feel. No need for charging, the battery never runs low. The perfect gift for the perfect occasion.
What Would the Queen Say?
When you imagine a Friday afternoon tea party, the last thing on your mind is a slice of New York Pizza. This designer has ruined someone's party and on top of that made their future trip to the UK a complete disaster.

Could you imagine a little girl with her mother at the Ritz hotel all dressed up for afternoon tea-for-two, asking for a slice of pizza? How embarrassing.
Teletubby Vibration
The beauty about the "Teletubby" is that it manages to say so much and teach kids without saying a single word throughout the entire show. Indeed the narrator opens every episode and throws in a line every now and then, but for most of the show, the Teletubbies don't say a word.

And like the Teletubbies, we have remained speechless after seeing this Teletubby doll. It might have been an attempt to create a stoned vibration version of Dipsy, but other than that we prefer to remain silent.
Baby Bear
There is nothing more frustrating for a child than to see one image on a toy's box and then get the exact opposite after opening it. Let's forget about those black unexplained marks on the head. What was the creator of this thinking?

We've already acknowledged that the creation looks nothing like a bear, but was it so difficult dressing the so-called bear in the same colored clothing as shown on the box?
She Has Definitely Been Switched
Was Shannen Doherty ever aware of this? Did she know that this doll existed? Did they consult with her before placing it on the shelves? How much did she get for every doll sold and did she know that it's likely that none will even be sold? All questions that can never be answered now.

The mere fact that the actress's images had to be printed on the toy box just proves our point. Never in a million years would we have a guest that this is supposed to be Miss Doherty. We're guessing you didn't either.