This absolutely terrifying photo is the result of a selfie gone wrong. Upon first glance, it looks like there are three people in the photo, including a set of twins, but look again and you realize the “twins” are sharing a neck!

The man set his phone camera to a wider shot and, when he went to take the photo, his girlfriend sneezed which caused a glitch in the camera’s capture.
Garbage Photography
What is going on in this photo? Okay, we want to believe that this guy is taking a photo of something in the pile of rubbish, but he’s actually taking a perfect snapshot of the garbage. He probably found something interesting in the garbage, but we can’t figure out what exactly he was trying to pull off.

Maybe he does this on each vacation that he goes on to make sure he captures the scenery, but then again let’s just give him the benefit of the doubt even if this looks too funny! We are sure, he was trying to prove something or he was just being goofy.
Love and Death
Someone help this poor man out, we think he is drowning. These two wanted to share a romantic kiss, maybe enjoy their vacation, but their horse wrangler is having a hard time staying above water. He seemed to be the one suffering through this image more than the horses, as you can see his head is almost just right above the water.

It’s funny, maybe when they look back on this photo a few years from now and see how they looked, they would probably cringe at the fact that they look like this in the photo. Who can blame them, it's pretty embarrassing yet oddly too funny to look at.
Baby Meet Dolphin
This baby does not seem happy at all. Don’t get scared sweetheart, this dolphin just wants to greet you for visiting the zoo. It’s funny though because she’s super scared and yet she is outside of the dolphin tank, what kind of parents wanted this for their child? Who thought this was a good idea?

It’s okay, it makes for a great first memory though. When she grows up and looks back on this photo, she’s either going to laugh or cry, which still makes it a great memory to remember, just maybe not for the little girl seeing as she was too terrified to even look at the dolphin.
Crocs Nightmare
This guy seems to have been a victim of one of the worst sunburns in history, and what's worse, he probably didn't even realize it until it was too late. It seems sneakers are the only thing he's going to be wearing for the next few weeks.

These shoes are ugly enough as it is. Add a bad sunburn and you're sure to win first prize for the ugliest feet in the world competition.
Best Sunscreen Ad
Not only will these two never forget to put on sunscreen again, but this will be the family photo they will show for years to come so the next generation never forgets it either! Just looking at this is painful!

We don't know how these two even intend to get out of their bathing suits without screaming in pain, but before they do, they should send this pic to Coppertone and see if they can get a deal for an ad campaign. If anything is going to make people wear sunscreen, it's this photo.
Dr. Dolittle Jr.
Yes, this photo is actually real. This little kid is, in fact, lying on the sand nonchalantly, with his monkey pal chilling on top of him, and a big, beautiful parrot perched on his knee. Now, this is a photo this kid can brag about for years to come.

Move over Dr. Doolittle, you've got much younger (and cuter) competition now!
Dangerous Waters
This isn’t a scene from the movie Jaws, it’s a real-life photo! You would think that a sign like this would keep everyone out of the water but as you can see, many beachgoers were undeterred by a potential shark encounter.

Now, if this was your only time to get in the water on your vacation, we can see the temptation to get your feet wet. But is it really worth a possible shark attack? Hopefully, everyone who was in the water came out just fine!
Beach Fashion Fail
When you first get to the beach, do you ever have that awkward feeling as you take your shirt and pants off to reveal your swimsuit underneath? Take a tip from this man, who honestly looks like he was in the middle of changing and was not self-conscious in any way.

Whether he was caught in the middle of changing or he was trying to set a trend, we can’t recommend this look for a day at the beach. It’s uncomfortable...for everyone!
Blown Away
It’s heartwarming for parents when kids in a family get along long enough to take a photo. This one was almost Christmas card perfect until a strong wind or sneeze got the best of the girl on the far left.

Getting the right facial expression on everyone in a group photo is a whole other challenge. Hopefully, they eventually got that perfect shot!
Hungry Mouse
Has Mickey gone mad? We’re not sure what is happening in the background, but it certainly looks like the beloved Disney mascot has grown tired of cheese.

It’s most likely the angle of the photo when it was taken, but it certainly makes for a hilarious photobomb in the back. Aside from that, this little girl gave the perfect pose for her vacation picture.
Freaky Photobomb
Imagine you are taking a selfie with your significant other only to find an uninvited guest on your shoulder posing with you. That’s exactly what happened to this couple just outside the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany.

It’s difficult to tell if this is a clown, a mime, some sort of street performer, or...just someone who really likes makeup. Either way, it would be a tad unsettling to see this face suddenly looking back at you in your camera. The couple probably got the shot they needed after their new friend left.
Monkey See, Monkey Do
This poor gentleman ended up on the wrong side of this monkey, which is not a phrase you hear every day. Some countries allow monkeys to roam freely without human interference due to cultural and religious beliefs.

Whether this man wanted to get up close and personal with this primate, he probably didn’t want to, well, get this close. It’s definitely an unforgettable photo that will bring laughs for years to come.
Seeing Double
This absolutely terrifying photo is the result of a selfie gone wrong. Upon first glance, it looks like there are three people in the photo, including a set of twins, but look again and you realize the “twins” are sharing a neck!

The man set his phone camera to a wider shot and, when he went to take the photo, his girlfriend sneezed which caused a glitch in the camera’s capture.
Frozen in Time
This incredible photo is the result of super frigid air! The girl in the photo was enjoying her soak in a hot spring and flipped her wet hair back into the -20-degree air.

The result is this amazing hair sculpture that, hopefully, didn’t hurt too bad when it began to melt in a warmer place.
Furry and Feathered Friends
One of the benefits of traveling is that it opens us up to new experiences. It appears that this woman got more wildlife encounters than she anticipated.

Her facial expression and grip on the llama reveal that she may not be keen on big birds. The poor little llama looks nearly as bewildered as she does.
Wave Tackle
We all know what it feels like to get excited when a wave comes only to get hilariously slapped in the face by it. At some point, we would even try our best to stand tall, and try not to get tackled by a wave, and sadly this family failed that game shamelessly.

While trying to take a sweet innocent photo, this couple gets taken out by a huge wave, they got wiped out too quickly before they could even get the chance to take a nice photo. Too Funny! We feel you guys!
First Camel Kiss
A close encounter with a camel is not something we can say we've ever dreamed of. Now, being kissed by a camel sounds like the stuff of nightmares. We don't know what's worse, being kissed on the face, or in the hair, like this little girl was.

We are also starting to wonder how she would react to this photo when she sees it after a few years. Definitely a photo worth remembering.
Sandy Stuff
Aww, these two look like they’re having fun. Or at least like they were having fun before the woman fell straight into the sand. Sure, running on the beach looks like a romantic activity, but anyone who has tried to do it in real life knows it's incredibly hard to pull off.

While the beach seems like the perfect place to take cute vacation photos, that's not always the case.
Painful Photo
Sometimes an idea for the perfect vacation photo comes to us when we see something cool in our vicinity. In this case, it was this mural in Byron Bay. The two friends thought it would be funny to make it seem as if one of them is jumping into the ocean.

While they did get a niche photo out of it, we have a feeling the landing was painful.
Sunscreen Problems
This is a story about a family who went on a vacation, possibly for the first time in their life. How else could you explain their rookie-sunscreen mistakes? Our theory is that for some reason they didn't realize one should rub the sunscreen and make sure you it gets everywhere.

But, we have a feeling that they have learned their lesson and won't make such mistakes anymore.
Relax, You're on Vacation
We all already know that nowadays a vacation is not a real holiday unless you have incredible pictures to post online. How will people know you had fun and be envious of you if you don't upload an outlandish pic?

These two acrobats decided to show off their skills by posing on a bridge, and while we are very impressed we also want to tell them to relax. It's a vacation, just enjoy yourself, you don't have to try that hard.
Do Less, Please
While in the ancient city of Hoi An in Vietnam, this family was determined to try and see if they can stretch the limit of what counts as a tacky family vacation photo.

We are both delighted and terrified to tell you that they've succeeded. Yes, seeing the four of the wearing the same print while doing the same pose is just too much for our little weak hearts to handle.
You Can't Always Get What You Want
All this Australovenator ever wanted was just a friend. But, for some peculiar reason, every time it tries to make one, the friend ends up running away from the poor lonely dinosaur.

Now, this photo is a failure on all parts — the creature who couldn't make a friend, the girl who was scared, and the parent that just wanted a cute vacation photo. No one got what they wanted.
So Predictable
Is there a bigger touristy cliche than going to Tuscany and pretending to be holding the leaning Tower of Pisa? If you can think of one, please let us know. It seems that from now on till the end of time, we will be stuck with unoriginal vacation photos.

What can we say? In a world that is changing way too rapidly for our taste, at least we can count on one thing to remain the same.
Working Hard, Effortlessly
This is the type of picture that can be misleading. On the one hand, looking at these two, they seem to be having a chill time. How could they not?

They literally have their own sofa bed at the beach. But, if one thinks about it, one must ask themselves how much time and effort it took these two to get this piece of furniture out there.
We've All Been There
Let's just face it and admit it, we have all, each and every one of us, been that woman. It's easy to point and laugh, but who here hasn't found themselves exposing a little bit more than they wanted to while at the beach or its vicinity?

If the beach boardwalk provides crane machines, what can a mother do but put on a cover-up and try and help her son win a prize?
Windy Hair Don't Care
If you look at a magazine, or on Instagram, it seems like the beach is this magical place where everyone is happy, pretty, and extremely comfortable being half-naked. But, if you've ever actually been there you know that's far from the actual truth.

It's windy, it's sandy, and no one truly feels comfortable. Well, at least this picture gives us realistic expectations about the beach, and life itself.
Mom, You're Smothering Me
Most of us have been this kid, and some of us have been this mother, but most of the time it's not captured on camera for everyone to see. We bet the mother is not pleased and asked to have this pic removed from all photo albums.

While today everyone posts only the perfect family vacation photos and deletes the ones that look like this, back in the day when this was taken, one couldn't just easily delete a picture.
Monkey See Monkey Do
Anyone who has ever taken a vacation where monkeys were involved knows that these sweet little fellows look innocent, but they are actually nothing but.

Monkeys have been known to steal food, hats, and other random items from unsuspecting tourists who were simply trying to learn about monkeys and have a good time. This little guy is getting a little too intimate while begging for food, which makes for a funny photo. At least he didn't take her phone. Yet.
Grin and Beer It
Sometimes life is just about grinning and bearing, yes, even while on vacation. This young lady just wanted a cool-looking beach photo to post online, but alas, right behind her was an old lady who was chilling, drinking beer, and ruining the picture.

Of course, this young lady could have just moved, but that wouldn't make for a good story now, would it?
Unhinged Ostriches
Despite what watching Disney movies might have led you to believe, birds don't usually help princesses braid their hair. Most birds just like to chill in the sky, but the ostrich, who is too big to fly, just enjoys creating chaos here on the ground.

This picture will tell you everything you need to know about this big bird — its main activities are eating and stealing, so maybe it's better to just stay away from them.
Give Spring a Break
The type of holiday photos you have from spring break are ones you'll always remember, but maybe not ones you'd want to show your parents. This picture is a classic case of photobombing, it's just not 100% clear who is photobombing who.

Was someone trying to take a picture of a young man being taken into custody and was interrupted by the girls, or maybe it's the girls who were interrupted by the police? We'll never know but we bet there's an amazing story behind this pic.
Why Oh Why
Is there anything more frustrating than trying to take the perfect picture in a public place? First, you find that one of you had their eyes closed.

Then, a bunch of people walk in front of you, and just when you thought that's done and over with, some guy with a broom showed up. According to the person who took this picture, they waited forever but still couldn't get the perfect shot.
Scary Stuff
Most of us don't remember anything from before we were at least three years old. But, just because the baby won't remember being so close to a huge tiger, doesn't mean it's a good idea to take him to see one.

The tiger must have looked at the little baby and thought that it was just the perfect size for an after-dinner snack. Luckily it was just a thought and now everyone's got a nice picture to remember that day by.
Horsin' Around
If there was an awkward family photo in existence, it is this one. You see, there's a reason why modeling is an actual profession. It might look easy and effortless, but that's just because the models make it seem so.

When you try a creative pose yourself you learn it's a lot harder than it looks. Everything about this photo is awkward, from the way this couple lays down on the grass next to the horse right down to the horse trainer who seems both bored and exhausted at the same time.
Mud Bath
We bet that when this man pictured his amazing vacation photos, he didn't picture one where he looks like this. But, alas, this is what you get when you take a mud bath.

You know what they say about mud baths — they're good for the skin but bad for social media. Honestly, being covered in mud makes him look like he could have booked the leading role in "Sherk: The Musical."
Screaming for Ice Cream?
For each parent that decides to take their kids with them on vacation, there comes the moment when they wish they would have just left the kids with grandma.

For this mom, it was this moment. It's not clear why this kid is screaming at the top of her lungs while holding a fork, but it is apparent that no one was pleased with having to listen to her.
Had a Bad Day
Pictures are the type of thing that stays forever, but ironically they always only capture one specific moment. Maybe that's what makes them special. While this family was just about to go on their vacation they decide to take a family picture.

Everyone seems happy enough to get to spend some time with the family except for the little kid who looks like he's having a miserable time.
SeaSha Time
There are only two things that can explain this picture. One is that this guy has found a vacation hack that allows him to do his two favorite things at once.

The other is that he was actually enjoying his Shisha at the beach when a big wave came, but he decided he wouldn't let that bother him. Both options are just as likely and we have a feeling this guy will be able to find a way to enjoy himself no matter the circumstances.
Bear With Me
It seems that this person's vacation has truly gone horribly wrong. Unless you have some other way of describing having your car attacked by a bear.

Unless we got this all wrong and the bear is just using this car as its photo shoot accessory. Maybe it's actually the people who are in the way, not letting this bear get its perfect vacation photo to upload online.
Lesson Learned
While this photo was taken at home, it tells the tale of a beach vacation gone terribly wrong. This girl, who self-identifies as a pretty pale person went to the beach and put her faith in what she was told was a waterproof sunblock.

In reality, the only thing that didn't get burned was her knees, which were stuck in the sand. At least she's learned a lesson, it seems that sand is better than sunscreen.
Ungrateful Kids
While many children across the globe would kill to get to go on vacation, some kids give anything to get to not go on their family vacation. That's what life is like, we all want what we can not have.

The mom seems happy enough to be spending time with her two daughters, but the one who is pictured on left could not be more embarrassed and annoyed at having to spend time with her mom and sister.
Roman Fun-Guards
Ever been to Buckingham Palace and try to get one of the guards there to move his face an inch? It's impossible. On the other hand, if you ever find yourself in Split, Croatia, you'll see that guards over there are more than happy to smile, move and pose for silly pictures with tourists.

Of course, the major difference is that these guys are not real guards, but who cares about the truth when you get cool pictures?
Thanks for the Memories
We can't seem to decide if this is a vacation photo gone horribly wrong, or maybe one gone just right. While nobody wants to have some random bird land on their head, something about the composition of this picture actually makes it oddly satisfying.

As long as this bird didn't bother the tourist or steal anything from her, we'd actually say this is a successful interaction, and maybe even a good memory.
This is why tour guides work as tour guides and not as photographers. Simply put, while they might be great at showing you around and explaining everything there is to explain about the area, they are usually not natural-born photographers.

We bet this group of tourists was extremely disappointed when they learned the photo their guide took of them doesn't really capture anything but him.
Fun Out of the Sun
Are these guys failing or winning their vacation? Well, that all depends on how you interpret these photos. If you think they just decided to hang out together in this hole in the sand when all of a sudden their sun umbrella fell on them — that sounds like a terrible time to us.

But, if you think they purposefully decided to lower the umbrella down so that they could escape the sun and have some privacy, then we feel like they might be onto something.
Do Unicorns Need Swimsuits?
So many things about this picture confuse us. Let's say you are going on your dream vacation — there's so much to pack, but what's the one thing you'd never leave behind? For this girl, it seems like the obvious answer is her unicorn head mask, of course!

But why? Well, so that she could whip it out at the perfect moment and take a tacky vacation photo with it on, of course.
Get Ready to Ride
Us humans can be a little bit silly at times. One of those times must have been when we decided to invent scary amusement rides and then willingly go on them. For "fun."

But, one look at the little girl who sits at the front of the log is enough to know that fun is the last thing she is having. Luckily for us, someone decided it makes sense to put a camera there and document the faces of everyone who is about to go on the ride, so we can all know we don't want to try it ourselves.
The Grass Is Always Greener on the Other Side
Could you imagine being this guy? You're just trying to get a photo of you yourself enjoying your lawn chair, while all of a sudden a young man in a green shirt walks into the frame and ruins your picture? Ok, we're done joking!

The story is that the green-shirt guy took this photo without noticing the other guy in the back! By the time he realized his picture was ruined, he was already back home and couldn't get a new one.
I'm Too Old for This
Young children usually love going on holiday with their family, but there always comes a time when that changes. Usually, that's when the kids become teenagers.

This picture is the perfect proof of that. The two younger brothers seem to be incredibly excited, while the older sister is demonstrating the face of a teenager who was forced to spend time away from her phone.
Why Always Me?
When an entire crew of people, or even a family, go on holiday together, there's always that one person who doesn't get to enjoy as much as the others. In this case, it's this dad that was given everyone's bags and shoes to look after, while the rest of the family got to go into the water.

We only hope that at some point, someone will replace the dad and let him rest and enjoy the water and the sun too.
Too Much Sun to Have Fun
This traveler seems to have lost his desire to try or will to live. Or maybe we're just being dramatic and he has simply found himself a way to hide from the sun. Now, we have already heard of better ways, like a parasol, but maybe he couldn't find one.

Who is to say chairs don't work just as well as parasols, if not better? We just hope this guy also thought of a way to cover his legs, otherwise, they will fry!
Beachy Friends
If we had to guess, we would say this picture was probably taken before the year 2010. Everything about this picture from its graininess to the girls' clothes and hair, just screams early 00s to us.

This girl named Elia wanted to take a nice little beach selfie when her friend decided to try and steal her thunder. But, Elia noticed it last minute and made this face and the result is the picture you see here.
Usually, it is other humans who photobomb us exactly when we are trying to take the perfect picture. In this case, it wasn't a fellow tourist but a local pigeon that destroyed the holiday photo.

We have heard that sometimes locals get mad at travelers for taking too much space, but couldn't this local pigeon do something else to demonstrate its frustration?
A Cautionary Tale
This girl was spending way too much time taking pictures of her donut instead of actually eating it. It's easy to look and laugh at her, but let's admit that most of us have been that person. This is when nature decided to teach her a lesson.

While this picture is epic, we kinda wish we had a video of the incident, it must have been amazing to see.
Coming Up for Air
This picture was taken by a GoPro, remember those? There was a time these were all the rage. This guy was desperate to try his new camera, but ran into a problem many of us run into when we want to get the perfect shot — the beaches were just too busy.

So, instead, he found a pool. While yes, there are no other people in the shot, it's incredibly awkward, just for different reasons.
Funny Face
All this mom ever wanted was a picture of herself and her two children smiling and enjoying their vacation. But, you can't always get what you want now, can you?

We're trying to imagine what it is that has made this girl make this face. Did she see something funny or scary? Maybe, just like many other children, she's determined to ruin the perfect family picture her mother wanted to achieve.
You're Doing It Wrong!
Have you ever heard it being said one picture is worth a thousand words? We think this picture is proof of that. It's funny how by just looking at this picture we can clearly see and imagine exactly what was going on while it was taken.

For those of us who still need an explanation: This couple asked an old man to take a picture for them, but the man didn't understand he should move his fingers away from the lens. They had to try and explain, and the result is this awesome picture.
The Cruise
Families of alternative bikers go on vacations too! And when they take a holiday picture of themselves, that's what it looks like!

According to the guy holding the camera, named Jeff, the reason why they all look so sad is that the cruise they were on is over and now they have to get back to the airport. We all know that terrible feeling when you know your holiday is about to end and you have to get back to real life.
Jesus, Is that You?
This couple decided they should take a cute picture of themselves with this beautiful Jesus statue. They had no idea they were being photobombed by a guy in the back.

Funnily enough, the photobomber happens to look like a reincarnation of Jesus himself, and he also stood right in front of the statue, making it a lot more life-like than what the couple excepted. What could have been a forgettable picture ended up being an epic one.
PDA? No Way
This cute little couple knew that when couples go on vacation, they take adorable pictures of themselves so that can upload them to Instagram and make everyone jealous. But, if they had to be honest, they'd admit they aren't really big on posing or on public displays of affection.

They just weren't sure how to get it right, which is how they got this funny photo. But, at least they are self-aware and have a sense of humor, they posted this picture and poked fun at themselves.
A Very Possessed Holiday
One way of understanding this picture is to think this little guy is so over having to spend time with his family that he's not afraid to let it show. But, what if there's something more sinister involved? Is it possible that this little boy is possessed? When will his family finally notice?

And what will they do to try and help him? Man, now we wish this were a movie we could watch so that we'd get to see the ending.
A Hug From an Elephant
Being hugged by an elephant, is that considered lucky? Do elephants hug humans on a regular basis? Since we don't get to interact with elephants too often, we don't know.

But, despite the fact this guy seems like he finds the whole interaction awkward, we have a feeling that deep down inside he's happy to get a hug from an elephant. How many people can add that to their list of life experiences?
What Happens at the Campsite...
They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas and we have a feeling the same rule should be applied to a camping vacation. These two fellows were bored out of their minds, which could happen if you are out in nature and don't have your phone to entertain you.

They found a wig and some type of wheel cart, and the results can be seen in this picture. What can we say? At least it looks like they are having fun. Still, it's not the vacation photo we'd choose to post online.
Too Much Stuff
A big part of going on holiday, especially if we're going out to nature is learning how to live without all the things we're so used to living with. It's all about learning we can make do with a lot less.

But, not everyone got the memo. This family packed everything and then some. The poor children were the ones who were tasked with taking everything out of the car. This resulted in a funny vacation photo, one that seems more like work and less like a holiday.
The Goat Got It
When going on holiday, it's important to remember that there are many reasons why you don't want to leave your stuff unsupervised in nature. One of these reasons is that you don't want random goats to come in and eat your food, or your... paper towels? We're not sure what prompted the goat to eat paper, but we hope it knows what it is doing.

Either way, the person who snapped this picture got an amazing photo to put in the vacation family album.
Sleep Walking
Camping during the winter means cold weather, and cold weather means you forget about what's pretty and attractive and go straight for the thing that will keep you warm.

Yes, even if the thing that will keep you warm is a sleeping bag suit. But, if you do end up wearing something like that while on vacation, maybe it's not the best idea to document it and post it online for everyone to see.
A Stubborn Donkey
A very important rule for a camping holiday is that you should never leave your food outside. Why? Well, because sooner rather than later either a different camper, the elements, or a wild animal will get to it.

In this unlikely case, it was a donkey who found the campsite food and got to enjoy it while the unsuspecting campers were out and about. Now, why is this person taking a picture of it instead of stopping the donkey?
Sleeping in a Bag in a Car
When you know you won't be able to pitch that tent before it gets dark and you're camping with children, sometimes you just have to come up with creative solutions. In this case, the problem was a very tired child, and the solution was the trunk of the car.

Now, the parents thought it would make for the sweetest vacation photo, but it just makes it seem as if their family vacation was a lot less than ideal.
Don't Drop the Baby
This guy had one simple task: just hold the baby and don't drop it. Not ever, but especially not while the family photo is being taken. But, alas, many times it's exactly the thing that we wish would never happen that ends up happening.

And so we have this half-funny half-terrifying vacation picture. The baby is ok, but it's still a not-so-great holiday photo.
Everything's Fine
Some people are just masters at making the best out of everything. Take this beer-loving fellow for example.

This flooded campsite is a sure way of ruining his entire camping experience, but he refused to let that bother him. As long as he has his drink and his floating matters, nothing can bring him down. He even posed for the photo, showing us all that nothing will ruin his day.
Falling Down
Tents are harder to pitch than they seem. They should be easy to build as anyone is supposed to be able to erect them while outside in nature. But, alas, they just aren't. These two people thought they had it covered, so they built the tent to the best of their ability and then went to bed.

Only they woke up with the whole tent on top of them, including a hole so that everyone could see their defeated faces. This is definitely one holiday gone extremely wrong.
Oh, Sheep!
It's funny to think that people go out to be in nature, where all kinds of animals run free, but then they are surprised or they complain when all of a sudden they see said animals touching their stuff or munching on their food.

While this camping family went hiking, the brave sheep used the opportunity to try to get herself a snack. One of the campers caught her but decided taking a timeless picture is better than saving even the most delicious food.
That's Just Creepy
Sure, it's a free country. This man has every right to build a tent, sit in it, and weirdly stare out of it. But, just because you have the right to do something, that doesn't mean you should exercise that right.

Also, you can't be surprised if others who are camping with you will take a picture and share it with the whole world. You brought it on yourself.
Old Age Failure
It's not just youngsters and families that go on vacation and take funny photos of themselves. Seniors can do that too.

This group of retired ladies decided it was about time to take themselves out on a lovely, relaxing beach vacation. Just like most of us, they found themselves falling into the water and laughing hysterically. This makes for a funny holiday photo, one that must have great memories attached to it.
Don't Shoot!
Pictured are two species fighting for their lives and their rights: the common human and the Lekking Capercaillie. The big grouse did not consent to being photographed by this photographer, which is why it can be seen fighting for its right to privacy.

The photographer wasn't about to give up without a fight, and luckily, another photographer was in the neighbored and captured this epic battle for all of us to see.
Bunk Beds
While this does make for a fantastic photo opportunity, you must be wondering, "weren't there other good trees to hang all those hammocks?"

This arrangement works pretty well, so long as the people up top aren't afraid of heights. Just remember what goes up, must come down!
Just My Luck
This photo is beautiful, so what seems to be the problem? Well, this was this person's first time ever in the Grand Canyon but it turned out that for him, it was more like Grand Can'tyon, because it was so cloudy and foggy he couldn't see a thing.

Kind of disappointing, especially if this person traveled from afar. We really hope this person got a chance to go again and see the spectacular view without anything getting in the way.
Kissing Dolphins
Ever since he could remember, the guy in this picture had one dream and one dream only, he wanted to swim with dolphins. He finally got to do it and was excited to have someone document the whole thing for him.

But his magical moment turned into an awkward and uncomfortable picture. It looks more like he's kissing the dolphin than swimming with it.
Dad Bod With Sand
This picture feels like it could have been taken out of our own life. When we went to the beach with our father, he always somehow ended up covered in sand from top to bottom, and he didn't even seem to mind it! Maybe it's because he was asleep and didn't notice anything until it was too late.

When this dad wakes up, be sure that he will look like a beach monster that has emerged from under the sand.
Frat Boys Will Be Boys
What is it with frat boys and crazy stunts and poses? Why must they always get themselves into trouble in the loudest, most apparent way?

We don't need to give this picture a second look to know this is a hotel pool party where no one was up to any good. This guy looks cool in the picture, but we bet his landing was very painful.
Hulk Holiday
Even superheroes need to go on vacation from time to time, even if they are big, green, and seemingly unbeatable. The Hulk found himself vacationing in the beautiful Rio de Janeiro in Brazil when he was caught on his way to the pool. Luckily his usual outfit also works as a swimsuit.

The two other ladies, which we assume are also guests of the hotel, seem surprised but not shocked, maybe they have already seen him around before.
Trolly Dad
For some reason, we all tend to think the past was a lot better than the present. We keep imagining the individuals of the past had fewer problems. But, this black and white holiday photo from the late 70s or the early 80s proves otherwise.

Just like us today, this dad had to carry not only his suitcase and bags but also his tired children. Nothing has changed.
The Worst Picture, Like, Ever
The girl pictured here did us all a favor when she decided to upload this online. She really didn't have to, she even admitted, when she posted it, that this is the worst picture of hers ever taken.

We don't want to be rude but we totally agree. If this were us, we would have never uploaded it. Still, she is a good sport and wanted us all to enjoy a good laugh.
Where Is My Instagram Husband?
Have you heard of the term Instagram boyfriend or husband? It's a significant other who has gotten incredibly good at taking great photos of his girl. Most men find that they have to improve at taking photos, but not this guy.

This sweet husband wanted to take a beautiful vacation photo of his lovely wife, but we don't think anyone told him how to do that. On top of that, the wind came to destroy the picture completely. Maybe it's for the best — can't blame the husband this way.
Not the Head!
Elephants seem to be playful and fun to be around. At least, that's the impression we get from looking at this vacation photo. Taken in South Africa in 2014, the pose the elephant chose for this picture caught the tourist by surprise.

We bet it's a weird feeling to have a trunk on the top of your head, but in our opinion, nothing could have made this picture more memorable and adorable.
That's Commitment
For us, when we finally get to a beautiful temple or any other tourist attraction we've been waiting to see forever, we usually try to get a flattering pic. Hell, we usually attempt to be vertical and add a cute facial expression. Not this guy.

He stood in line for 30 minutes just to get to take a picture, but when it was his time to strike a pose, he went for whatever this is. We can't say we understand him, but we respect his commitment.
Elephant Shower
Taken in Goa, India is this picture of two tourists getting showered by an elephant. Is it trying to send a message? Something like, "You smell, let me help you with that"? Or maybe it's simply trying to have fun. Honestly, elephant showers look a lot more fun than regular showers.

We bet that it would be a lot easier to get kids (and also some adults) to bathe if we promised it would be done by these cute big fellows.
Throwing His Family
What does a dad do when he and his family have finally reached the mountain's peak? Lift them all up, of course. This father is one strong fellow, which means he could easily lift both of his kids, even after climbing a mountain.

They should be careful, if they annoy him too much, he might throw them off! Honestly, this chaotic family photo is an instant classic in our minds.
Walk Like an Egyptian
We're not 100% sure what we're seeing here. Did these two tourists, a couple we assume, start fighting while someone was trying to take their picture?

Is it the wind that's trying to take this guy's hat and his partner is trying to help him? If we're being honest, the temple behind the two is so beautiful our eyes will also go there, no matter what kind of silly little pose they'll try.
One Lady, Five Macaws
We bet this elderly woman finally realized that this is her time to go on a great adventure, travel the world, and see everything she wants to see.

While in Florida, she surprisingly met Macaws, not alligators! The macaw gang must have loved her because they all huddled together to sit on her head and shoulders. Together, they all look like an unconventional-yet-happy family.
As Happy as Pigs in the Muck
This picture was taken in Suriname, which is a country in South Africa. If you go to the beach in the Bigi Pan Nature Reserve you'll be able to enjoy a mud bath just like these two tourists.

While we have heard that these types of baths can be very healthy, we most likely would not want to be photographed while covered in mud and we definitely would not include such a picture in our family photo album.
Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter
If you have ever been to Italy you know the country is filled with beautiful elaborate fountains such as this one. It's usually very hard to get a picture next to these fountains without being photobombed in one way or another. This is one of the funniest accidental photobombs we've seen.

We don't want to say much, but let's say that we should all just get our minds out of the gutter.
Life Is a Struggle
It's always easy to point and laugh, but if you have been on one of these little boats you would know it's actually pretty hard to balance yourself on them. Everyone in this picture is struggling, but the lady at the front is literally falling right in front of our eyes.

But honestly, it's the candid photos that help you remember what our vacation was truly like, not the overly produced and posed ones.
Snowed In
This mom thought it would be great fun to take her two little kids, both under the age of two to play in the snow. They could go sledding, build a snowman, and even do snow angels. That's what she thought at least, the reality is that it didn't really feel like a vacation at all.

Looking at this cute little family picture it's clear that she's got her hands full, but it still looks like they've had fun.
Hump Day
If there ever existed an incredibly awkward vacation photo, it must be this one. Camels can be great fun to ride, but when they move from standing up to sitting down, it literally feels like they have turned into a slope and you just have to hang on to your dear life.

Somehow, a genius photographer caught these two tourists just at the moment of descent and their faces just say it all.
Kayaking Accident
We've never gotten what's appealing about being stuck on a little kayak and having to paddle you're way to a safe shore. But, what can we say, maybe we're just lazy. Plenty of people enjoy kayaking and even chose to do it out of their own free will while on vacation.

Still, we feel like this funny photo of a kayaking accident proves exactly what we were talking about, and shows why we would rather stay on land.
Hard Proof
While almost every girl and even some guys on Instagram make it look as if taking photos next to bodies of water is super easy, our experience as well as this picture proves otherwise.

There's nothing graceful about falling into the water and making a big splash, but sadly that's exactly the moment that was caught in this picture. For some reason, we have a feeling this image did not make it into this girl's Instagram.
Too Cool for Clothes
This picture is just something we can't explain. We don't want to sound like an old grandma, but all we want to do is give this guy a coat and a warm cup of tea.

He, as well as others around him for some reason, don't seem bothered at all by the cold, and they seem to think the best thing to wear while skiing is boxers and nothing more. Hell, we wouldn't leave the house in our boxers even on the hottest day of the year.