Excuse us for asking but, is this a cake? Or a poorly decorated orange? This year, the birthday boy was put on a strict diet, so instead of making him a cake, his family decided they would fool him into believing this fruit was a cake.

Who knows, if they had a better job decorating it, it might have done the trick? Who doesn’t want a fresh, one-of-a-kind BB-8 orange cake?!
Wonderburger Woman
Excuse us while we try and figure out what ingredients were used to make this Wonder Woman cake. Is it possible that we're looking at a beef and cheddar cheese cake?

Maybe the person celebrating loves savory more than they love sweets! What other excuse is there for using these colors when Wonder Woman's theme colors are bluntly red and gold?
Welcome Baby?
When you're asked to bring a cake to a baby shower, and the baby's gender hasn't been revealed yet - going with neutral colors like yellow and green is your best bet!

Now that we have that covered, we'd like to understand what exactly is going on on this cake. What animal is this? And who thought it would be a good idea to welcome a baby with it?!
You Only Had One Job
Please tell us this doesn't have you smiling from ear to ear! This looks like a "you only had one job" kind of moment! Someone called their local supermarket to order two cupcake cakes, and when they opened up the boxes, they were in for a big surprise!

It's an honest mistake, really, and it brightened up our day, so we're going to give this cake fail an 8/10 for its smile factor!
A One-Hand Army
Now, this is what we call, miscommunication at its finest! When this family asked for an army cake over the phone - we're guessing this isn't what they had in mind.

In this cake decorator's defense, this is not an army cake! Just a slightly different interpretation of the word army; a literal one.
Beauty & the Beast
Why choose between Beauty and the Beast when you can have them both in one cake? Okay, that may have been a little harsh, but how else are we supposed to go about describing this cake?

If it weren't for Belle's distinct yellow dress and brown hair, we would have never guessed that she's the character this cake was supposed to embody.
Follow the Arrow
Well, this is what happens when you don't use your common sense. When Simone's family sent the cake request to the bakery, they forgot to add the "16th," so they said it with an arrow - a familiar gesture.

Instead of using their thinking caps, this bakery copied the particular request word for word, and the final product is priceless!
Chip is the adorable and charming teacup who befriends Belle and tries to help her and her father escape. We wish we could say the same about this cake version of the beloved Disney teacup.

For some reason, Chip's eyebrows are giving us WiFi signal vibes, and the sugar sheet looks absolutely inedible, if not to mention toxic.
Let's Toast!
People are always looking for unique varieties when it comes to celebrations, especially when it comes to ringing in the new year. When they were asked to think out of the box for 2018's New Year's cake, this cake decorator went all out!

It took us a couple of moments to understand the meaning behind this cake, but the second we got it, he couldn't help but chuckle. Let's toast 2018! We love it!
A Night in Paris?
Paris is the most romantic city in the world, right? Well, this high school took the romance right out of Paris with this Eiffel Tower drawing on this cake. More like a-fail Tower, right?

The flowers and writing are so precise it almost looks like someone failed to draw the tower on purpose! Perhaps someone was a bit upset about not being named prom-king?
Ha Ha Ha
It looks like the person decorating this cake was not in the best mood when this consumer popped in. Instead of playing along with Matt's friend's light humor, they decided they had had enough and did precisely what Matt's friend told them to do.

In all honesty, this is a pretty hilarious cake, and we're glad this was the final product. Here's to hoping Matt has a sense of humor!
Check, Mate!
When your best friend is the chess champion of the county, you know exactly what cake you're making them for their birthday!

A checkerboard cake! This cake may easy, but it is quite a hard cake to perfect, and these guys did an excellent job! Bravo! Now, tell us your secret...
(Don't) Do It Yourself
DIY? More like, please don't do it yourself! The thought behind this cake is absolutely beautiful, really. This Belle doll that's actually a cake brings birthday cakes to a whole new level...

It's just the person trying to recreate it did a below-average job. It looks like Belle's dress was made out of play-doh, which makes us wonder, is this cake even edible?
Finn the "Human"
Listen, if we weren't comparing the left cake to the right cake - the little fella on the right wouldn't be THAT bad. But, when you see the two side by side, it triggers something.

These two cakes look nothing alike, and other than the fact that they are both wearing blue - we wouldn't ever have thought that this was supposed to be Finn, the Human from "Adventure Time."
Peppa, the Rebellious Pig
Don't mind Peppa, she's going through her grunge, "I hate everyone" stage. It shouldn't last more than a couple of months. Just kidding!

This cake looks like it could have been a delicious cake, and considering its hand-decorated, we're very impressed. The only downside of a cake like this is if you leave the cake in the sun for a few hours, you'll come back to this!
All Bets Are Off
We're taking bets on what you think this cake was supposed to be. Whoever's closest - wins! And what is the grand prize you may be asking? You win this cake!

Just kidding, we would never do that to you! This cake is was a failed attempt at none other than Thomas the Tank Engine. Don't worry; we would have never guessed it either.
Spongebob Meltingpants
Is this what happens when you take Spongebob out of Bikini Bottom? What is happening here? We don't even know where to start when it comes to this cake. Are the two antennas coming out of Spongebob's head supposed to be his arms?

Do they not know anything about sponge anatomy? What did this poor guy go through before reaching the table? We can't tell if he's wholly melted or if the frosting used has expired. Either way, we hope there was a backup cake at this party!
Gotta Catch 'Em All
Pokemon's catchline is "gotta catch 'em all," right? Well, this is one Pokemon we don't wish ever to catch. Our poor Pikachu looks like he's falling apart, and there's nothing anyone can do to save him.

Guess that's what happens when you pile up what looks like six cakes! Hey, at least this guy's ears look good!
Nothing Means Nothing
What happens when you're surrounded by people that take everything you say seriously or literally? This, this is what happens. When this guy was asked what he wanted to be written on his cake, his answer was, as you have probably already guessed: "nothing."

His wish was their command and boom! He got a cake with nothing written on it. They could have at least used more careful handwriting, don't you think?
Amber's Notes
Everyone knows how much Amber loves music and how snobby she is about it! Every year her family tries to make her a cake with musical notes on it, and every year they seem to fail - which is when Amber gives them an hour lecture on musical notes, one that has everyone rolling their eyes.

This year, they decided to let a professional take care of the cake, and instead of making it themselves, they ordered one from the local bakery. It looks like Amber's going to be making a trip to the bakery to give them a piece of her mind.
Missing M&Ms
Isn't the whole point of an M&M cake the fact that you get to see the M&Ms? Without the accompaniment of the chocolate candies, this just looks like an awkward face staring into your soul.

If the person in charge of this cake didn't have M&Ms on hand, the least they could have done was written an M on the poor guy. He's probably having an identity crisis!
Holy Cake Fail
Typos seem to be a big theme when it comes to cake. Your first Holy Communion is definitely something to celebrate! Your fist Holy Communion on the other hand (no pun intended)...is something one may be concerned about.

This cake was full of good intentions, but the final product is a little less than holy, to say the least.
Cake Wars
Excuse us for asking but, is this a cake? Or a poorly decorated orange? This year, the birthday boy was put on a strict diet, so instead of making him a cake, his family decided they would fool him into believing this fruit was a cake.

Who knows, if they had a better job decorating it, it might have done the trick? Who doesn't want a fresh, one-of-a-kind BB-8 orange cake?!
Disney Horror Story
You know the saying, "don't judge a book by its cover?" Well, we can't help but judge this cake by its frosting. There is something so off about this Minnie Mouse, and we may not ever be able to look at our favorite mouse the same ever again.

Thanks for ruining one of our childhood heroes, and thanks for making us never want to eat birthday cake. Ever. Again.
To be perfectly honest, it took us a couple of moments to understand exactly what was going on here. We're not sure, but we think we know, so we're gonna give it our best shot!

Someone yelled, "write number one on it," and without giving it a second thought, that's exactly what this cake decorator did!
Lost Our Appetite
We're going to give you a tip on how to handle this cake - if you squint your eyes, it makes this atrocity a little easier to handle.

We're not sure what exactly what the cake inspiration for this eyesore was, but we're sure they're very, very far off.
Not So Happily Ever After
If we were Prince Charming, there is no way we would have found Cinderella based on this cake. Thankfully it was her shoe that was a perfect match...and not her face.

It looks like the orphan turned princess got some bad plastic surgery done, what's going on with that upper lip? This cake is a fairytale that probably didn't end up with a happily ever after.
You Get What You Ask For
This family is firm believers in asking for what you want; they believe it's a great way to learn. When Zoe's parents asked her what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday, this is what she responded. Being the household of values that they are, they gave Zoe the exact birthday cake she asked for.

Honestly, this cake looks like one of the most delicious cakes there is. For her birthday, Zoe got her dream cake and a lesson in manners!
Over the past couple of years, unicorns have made a significant comeback. From bags to hats, from onesies to cakes - unicorns are dominating pop culture. This could have been an excellent unicorn cake, the decoration part of it is top-quality, and the cake itself looks flawless.

This unicorn's eyes and horn on the other hand, well, they need a little work! Can someone please teach the person that made this cake what a spiral is?
Planet Earth
This cake was made as a science project and shown at the science fair, where little Rebecca wanted to prove just how delicious Planet Earth can be! That being said, we can't be positive that this is Earth we're looking at - but we're going to give Rebecca the benefit of the doubt and say that it is!

We just want to know what kind of cake this is, is there surprise lava at the core of it? Wouldn't that be magnificent?!
...His Name is Josh
The downside of being named Richard is, the nickname that comes with it is also a vulgar slang word. You can never tell if someone is insulting you or just calling you by your name...

Wait a minute; this cake was made for someone named Josh, not Richard! See, the name is so controversial they someone turned it into a practical joke!
Marc With a C
If you have a common name that's spelled uncommonly, you're probably familiar with how hard it is to place orders at Starbuck's. The same goes for ordering a cake.

This baker had never heard of Mark being spelled with a C, it was such a foreign concept for them, "Mark with the sea" felt more probable than Marc with a C.
Bieber Fever
Here's another example of someone taking an order too literally. The birthday girl's brother ordered his sister a birthday cake. She specifically asked for Justin Bieber and pink color frosting.

What she got was Justin Biber and Pink, the singer. In all honesty, from some angles, Pink looks like Justin Bieber- so maybe they could try telling everyone it's a Justin Bieber 2.0 cake!
The Not So Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald is rolling over in his grave as we speak. "The Great Gatsby" is one of the greatest novels of all time, that was eventually adapted into a Hollywood movie. That is precisely how it should have stayed.

This failed attempt at turning this book cover into a cake has us feeling all sorts of things. None of which are good. Fitzgerald, please forgive us on behalf of this unfortunate mess!
The Snow Queen
Elsa's giving us attitude, and we're not sure how we feel about it. This cake could have been salvaged; in fact, it may have even been somewhat Elsa-like, if it wasn't for the fact that her eyes were so far apart.

We're going to call this the Wallmart version of the Elsa cake - it isn't the worst, but it isn't the best.
Twelve Letters
The person asked to make this cake was given strict instructions - write "happy birthday, boy" only using twelve letters. They did what anyone would do - they merged two words into one, and voila!

The final product is "Happy Birtboy." Listen, it isn't the worst idea; in fact, we may start using this word daily! Birtboy has a nice ring to it!
Expectations vs. Reality
Life is full of aspirations - if we're lucky, our expectations align with reality, and we're exempt from disappointment. But every so often, even if we try our hardest, expectations have a way of letting us down.

This cake, for example, is one of those expectations turned into a harsh reality. We're sure it's delicious, even if it looks less than perfect!
Teddy 2? Shrek 2?
Is Teddy turning two? Is this a "Shrek 2" birthday cake? Did someone ask for a "Ted" (the ill-mannered animated teddy bear) cake? Though we do understand why someone could get Ted and Shrek confused, we want to understand the rationale behind this cake.

The confused mastermind behind this cake turned the grumpy ogre into a pretty friendly guy! Look at him; he's smiling at us!
Some bakeries ask you to send a picture of your desired cake, which is pretty considerate when you think of all the custom cake orders that get placed a day. What this family got was the picture they sent in printed ON a cake.

We call this a meta-birthday bash. Quick! Change the party theme to "Inception!"
Welcome to the World, Janson
Leave it to cake decorators to come up with the most original baby names. Baby Jason was named after his late grandfather, and his parents couldn't have been happier about his arrival into the world.

That's why it was so awkward when the nurse taking the baby's name walked into the room, saw this cake, and wrote, "Janson." This is one birth certificate we are dying to see!
Baby Shark
This shark cake inspiration on the left has it all - it is scary, realistic, and it those jaws are really look sharp! The shark on the right, on the other hand, well, he seems like the neighborhood shark everyone's friends with.

He just wants everyone to get along! He's smiling at the world, and the world is smiling back!
Just Happy Birthday
As we've seen, people love going all out on their birthday cake wishes. Cakes have become more than just something you put candles on and eat at a party; they have become a way to show your appreciation, your love, and are sometimes even considered a social status.

This guy wanted the most straightforward cake; all he wanted was for them to write, "Happy Birthday," a request we're guessing they hadn't gotten in a long time. Which may have been why there were a little confused...
Look What the Stork Dropped Off
Okay, what on earth is going on here? Why does it look like baby Adam has been delimbed?

We have so many questions, but we're also not sure we want the answers. Are these supposed to be teeth? Because to us, they look like baby body parts, and it is making us feel a little uneasy!
The Bee's Knees
Winning the spelling bee calls for a victory cake! After months and months of practice, Violet won the county spelling bee, and her parents wanted to make sure she remembered this moment forever! So they bought her a celebratory cake!

The person taking the cake order couldn't hear much over all the celebration in the background. All they heard was Congratulations and Bee, so they put two and two together, and this is what they got!
We're not sure exactly what we're looking at here. We understand it's a baby pegasus inside of a bigger pegasus. Perhaps some sort of prediction of the future?

What many party-goers saw was a much less PG version of this Hercules cake, and in all honesty, we can't blame them! What's good about this is that the birthday boy was only five (one candle for good luck) so he'll never remember this cake fail!
Alison? Allison? Alyson?
Was it Alison with one L or two? Alyson with a Y? Someone should have paid closer attention to Allison when she started working at this company. Now she's been there for three years, and it's too late to ask her how she spells her name.

So the office manager tried her luck and decided to add a question mark at the end - just in case they got it all wrong. That way, they could laugh it off when Allison told them they misspelled her name!
The Cat's Meow
This cat does not look happy about the cake made for him, but then again, do cats ever look happy? Even the cake is frowning!

It seems like the person that made this cake had such a hard time carving a cat out - they were left with a tiny cake instead of this placemat sized cake as they had initially been planned.
Those Pearly Whites
Imagine making a cake so ugly; a kid starts crying because of it. That's precisely what happened at this party. This cake was brought out, and a kid (not the birthday girl) started crying uncontrollably.

This porcupine cake could have had a chance of being a cute cake if it wasn't for the teeth. Those teeth ruin it all.
The Big 5-0
So your family isn't big on celebrations. Of course, there's the occasional birthday cake, and every once in awhile, someone remembers it's your mom and dad's anniversary. This year, your parents are celebrating 50 years of marriage, and you want to make it unique!

You went to the bakery around the corner and asked for a "Happy Anniversary" cake in lime green. This is what you received. This is probably the exact reason your family decided to give up cakes in the first place, isn't it? It's not that they don't like celebrating; it's that the local bakery is the absolute worst.
Organized But Unlucky
Well, its good to know that Rebecca's confirmation was in order! Everyone that has ever made fun of her for being unorganized can sit in silence because Rebecca is back in the game!

The only thing is, the people that know that Rebecca has bad luck are going to go to town with this! It's just like old Rebecca to accidentally send in her confirmation number to the bakery instead of the actual decoration. You can't have it all, can you?
Superhero Mama
It's a known misconception that mothers can do it all. Don't get us wrong; we love our mother, and we know she can do almost anything - emphasis on almost. What she doesn't know how to do is make a Hulk cake.

And we'll forgive her for it because when you're running the world - there's no time to perfect superhero cakes. You're too busy being a superhero yourself!
Something's Fishy
There's nothing grandpa loves more than fishing, is there? Thanks to his grandchildren - Paw Paw will never fish again. Johnny wanted so very badly to draw a fish on his grandfather's birthday cookie because he knew how much he loves fishing, but what he ended up doing was making a mess.

That's when his mother took some blue icing to try and cover up this unfortunate mistake. Didn't make things any better if you ask us!
Despicable You
This Minion was so close, yet so far from being perfect. The colors are on point, the shape, the famous Minion smirk - it's just the poor guy's eye is completely off.

Perhaps they thought that we would direct our focus to the happy birthday candle and pay little attention to the awkward eye, but we can't stop looking and wondering why they decided that it wasn't something worth perfecting?!
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
All we're going to say is, at least they tried! In this bakery's defense, this baseball team's logo is a pretty hard one to decipher.

Where does the L end and the S begin? Is that a tiny T? Our only critique is the way they wrote the T and S together really makes it look like J - oops!
She Loves Me Not
Making a cake decorated with flowers may seem more straightforward than it actually is. So hats off to this woman for even attempting the endeavor.

Of course, the cake on the right isn't as impressive as the one on the left, but all things considered, the effort put into this cake really shows! Good for you for trying, we hope this cake tastes as average as it looks. No more, no less!
Almost There
At first glance, this looks like a beautiful, well-made fruit cake. The fruit looks fresh and delicious, and we can't wait to eat a slice of this cake! Wait a minute, what's that written on the side of the cake?

We're guessing it's supposed to say "Enjoy the Adventure," but someone didn't check their spelling before going all out on this cake. There's only one thing to respond to this: thanks for tha memories!
Looking at this cake, many things come to mind; a soccer ball is not one of them. We just want to understand how the person that made this cake thought this would pass as a soccer ball.

If they didn't have enough black icing to fill in the hexagons (if you can even call them that), the least they could do was connect them!
The Little Engine That Could Almost
We all know the story about the little engine that could. He huffed and puffed up that hill until he finally made it. Well, it looks like this little engine could...but it took him around seventy years to make it.

We can't be the only ones that see that this train looks like a very old man, right?
Frank's Only Birthday Wish
All Frank wanted for his birthday was a Star Wars-themed birthday cake. Maybe this isn't exactly what he had in mind - but it isn't all that bad!

It's tremendously cut to the point - there's a short happy birthday wish for good ol' Frankie, and then the words Star Wars, what more could one want?
Congrats, Grad!
It seems like this graduation cake was made by someone who has not graduated themselves. Oops! When you've gone through four years of high school or college, you may think you deserve the world, and we don't blame you!

So, eating this cake at your graduation reception may be a bit underwhelming, but at the end of the day, it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
Don't Mess With Texas
Well, it seems like Ben is going on adventures in Texas! We caught on to that because someone took what was written on this request sheet a little too seriously.

Lucky for them, there weren't any typos, and the person who decorated this cake has exquisite handwriting - so we forgive this unfortunate slip up!
Happy 50th, Randy!
We're not going to lie; it took us a couple of moments to understand what was going on here, especially since we aren't big golfers. At first glance, this looks like a perfectly reasonable cake.

But then you reread it and suddenly notice that something doesn't quite sit right. That's when it hits you like a golf ball! "50th in the flag" actually means that Randy's friends wanted 50th written in the flag! A true fail!
Winner Winner
Winning raffles is always a fun surprise! You never expect to win, and when you do, the feeling you get when you win is often more exciting than receiving the prize itself!

Let's just say, in this case, the winning was better than the prize! An expecting woman won this cake from her local bakery...and we're guessing she preferred leaving it there rather than taking it home!
Pokemon Go, Away!
If this cake weren't Pikachu yellow, we wouldn't have known this was supposed to be our favorite little Pokemon. He looks a little unsatisfied to be representing the fictional character!

His eyes are entirely hollow, if not to mention uneven - giving this cake a "please don't eat me" vibe. Don't worry, buddy, you didn't look that appealing to begin with!
Time to Avenge
Let's put aside the fact that this cake looks inedible - that's something we can forgive. What we cannot overlook is the fact that the Avengers sign is backward. Someone traced it and flipped it, and what we're left with is this eyesore.

If there was ever a time for the Avengers to come and save the world, this might be it! Captain America, please, we're waiting for you!
Keep it Up!
This cake could make sense if the person receiving this cake was a wood-worker. Chances are, they're not. We're not going to get caught up on the words on this cake, because we all know what was supposed to be written.

What we do want to point out is the complete mess going on, on this cake. We find it a little less than appealing, to say the least.
Tired BB-8
When you're a drone this cute and manipulative, it would only make sense that you need to wind down every once in a while. This BB-8 cake was so close, yet so far from looking like the real thing.

The slight tilt has this cake looking more like the Leaning Tower of Pisa than it does BB-8! We will give credit where its due and admit that using a Ferrero Rocher as an eye may be a spark of genius!
Con-cat-ulations Laura!
What makes more sense than asking for a cap drawn onto a graduation cake? A cat! Clearly, this bakery misheard Larua's mom when she made the order for her daughter, but what makes matters concerning is that they didn't double-check the order to make sure they weren't making a mistake.

We guess some people just want to do their job and get it over with? It's a shame too because the rest of the cake looks absolutely perfect!
Goodbye Kitty
The famous animated cat is known for putting her hand over her mouth...as if to chuckle. Which is probably what they were going for when baking this cake.

But they messed up her fingers a little bit, and this cake fail is hilarious! This Hello Kitty is done with everyone expecting her to be friendly; she wants you to know exactly what's on her mind.
Land Before Cake
We wish we could go back to a time when we never had to see this "Land Before Time" cake. We understand that they used an edible sugar sheet for this dinosaur, but something just isn't adding up.

Why is this dinosaur's bottom side so big? We're not hating on plus size prehistoric creatures; we just want to understand!
Sent From iPhone
This one had us giggling to ourselves. Someone forgot to enter the text that they wanted to be printed on this cake. So instead, what they got was the default signature that iPhones attach to an e-mail you're sending.

Perhaps this was a hint that the person celebrating was about to receive a new phone?
Girls & Football
Some things go together like peanut butter and jelly, like fries and ketchup. The list goes on and on. Two things that don't go together are girls and football, though we're willing to prove that they do!

When Sarah's mom told the bakery that the cake was for a girl and that she likes football, this is what they came up with. Original, right?
Superhero Swim Party
Logan sure loves his superheroes! He loves them so much he doesn't care if they wear clothes or not, just as long as they're wearing their superhero masks.

Here we have Spiderman, Batman, and Ironman - who would have thought that superheroes match their bathing suits to their masks? Not us!
USBeing Safe
One of the biggest baking trends over the past couple of years is printing out customized photo cakes and cupcakes. It's pretty cool when you think about it - eating a piece of cake with your face on it.

This guy thought that bringing a USB flash drive to the bakery would be an excellent way to save paper - the photo would be uploaded straight to the computer. Little did he know that the person in charge that day wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Oops!
Oliver has been working on their summer body all winter. He started a strict diet and even started working out - only to be subjected to this cat-astrophe of a cake.

Come on, Brenda! Did you not notice all of Oliver's hard work? It's like you don't even care anymore...Oliver, don't worry bud, we got your back! You look great!
Please Don't Build a Snowman
Though you don't need to be an engineer or a math genius to figure out the dimensions of this Olaf cupcake arrangement - it may help. For some reason beyond our understanding, they decided to make our favorite snowman's head much more significant than its body.

The result is giving us chills (not for the right reasons). Maybe they should have listened to "Do You Want to Build a Snowman," while baking?
Counting Sheep
Next time you can't fall asleep, and someone tells you to start counting sheep, we hope you don't count sheep that look like this.

Even the sheep itself is in shock - it cannot believe that it is what it looks like, especially since it knows it's supposed to be eaten at a baby shower. Seeing as it has no legs, it can't even get up to run off and save itself!
If You Know, You Know
Sweet cake, right? That's until you notice the slight typo in the text! The balloons are perfect, as are the sprinkles, but it seems like this office wasn't too happy about sending off their favorite employee.

They couldn't have the perfect cake - they wanted this sendoff to be one everyone would remember!
Love, Lola
Some of you weren't paying attention when the teacher taught cursive, and it shows—R's end up looking like N's, which often makes for some pretty awkward miscommunication.

Not only did Aunt Lola royally mess up Curt's cake - but to make matters worst, she signed it! There's no point at blaming anyone other than Lola for this cake fail!
Happy Birthday, Ana!
Hmmm, Ana's birthday cake is giving off a totally different vibe. Her mom didn't plan out the spacing of the letters right and, unfortunately, didn't leave enough room to dot the exclamation point.

Here's to hoping Ana cut this birthday cake fast enough that no one noticed the embarrassing typo.
Avada Kedavra!
This cake is so spooky, for a moment, we forgot we were looking at a cake. Is this supposed to be a mummy cake? A "he who shall not be named" (Voldemort) cake?

What on earth was this supposed to be, and how on earth did they manage to make it so oddly realistic and creepy?!
When they asked Tommy what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday, he pouted and said he didn't want cake; he wanted a BBQ. What ten-year-old Tommy doesn't understand is that living in New York in the winter means absolutely no BBQs.

His parents wanted to make him happy, so they made him a BBQ pumpkin pie. The hotdog and hamburger don't look that appealing, but it's the thought that counts, right?
My Beloved Aunt
What do you do when your least favorite aunt drops by out of nowhere? You get her a cake to show your appreciation, of course. When you make the cake order, you ask your local bakery to throw in a hint of what's really on your mind.

Obviously, the genius cake decorator did this in the best way possible. Your aunt was probably quite pleased with the cake - just a little dubious about it's hidden meaning.
Congrat, Grad!
It's known that students live a budgeted lifestyle. When you're studying hard, you barely have time for work; you have to weigh out your options and decide where your money would best be spent.

When this group of friends graduated, they decided to all pitch in for a graduation cake! When they realized the bakery charged by letter, they decided "Congrat" got the message across!