Technically this isn’t even a loophole, just a strict adherence to the literal assignment. Let’s be honest, if you’re a Chinese immigrant from 1870, you’re going to write a letter in your native language to your family.

Please tell us this student got an A+ on their homework assignment.
Fruity Snacks
During your childhood, there was always that nerve-wracking moment when you could choose your own snack but you knew you could only pick one. If you made the wrong choice, your entire day and maybe even your entire year would be ruined forever!

Of course, the task of selecting this bag of fruit snacks meant this kid came face to face with edible anarchy, but technically it's still one bag.
This Gift Giver
Our advice when it comes to buying gifts for people when they don't really need anything is to focus on the presentation. Simply get them a useful kitchen utensil and add on a thoughtful note, like this one.

Letting your loved ones know you care enough to take their indifferent responses seriously could go a long way in showing just how much you care.
Lazy Loophole
Sometimes being lay just means you're going to find an alternative route to get to the goal. It's not always pretty, like this picture can attest to, but at least he didn't have to do any dishes.

At least he's not afraid to admit it. We're just surprised he'd broadcast this on social media.
This Test Prep
Test aren't all they're hyped up to be. With a little bit of level-headedness and a whole lot of risk, anyone can get to the right answer while blatantly throwing all rules out the window.

While it's still best to err on the side of caution, sometimes, taking risks gets you to the right answer anyway.
Silly Rules
Some state laws require all dining establishments to have food on their menus, even if they're in the business of serving drinks, like bars and pubs. So, this bar decided to serve everyday dishes while revealing all of the dirty kitchen secrets behind it. We don't know about you, but microwave food has never been a first choice for us when dining out.

As for the limited options of coffee, canned soup, and we bet it is not of the expensive brand, powdered milk dish which can be customer made as we say à la carte, well as long as they are complying with the local regulations, because when it comes to restaurant standards, they are not complying with anything. And here is to another clever way of getting around things.
Looking for a Sign
If a sign says it, it must be true, right? What are rules, anyway? Why would anyone want to ban dogs? So many questions...

Whoever ordered this silly rule, probably hasn't spent much time with dogs. The person who corrected, the sign, though, knows exactly what's the right priority of things in this world and works to make it a reality. We salute.
Magic Tricks
Fishing for compliments isn’t impressive―it’s creepy. With that being said, if you can get your friends to rate you as being very attractive over social media, then you might be onto something...

Whether you’re trying to get better exposure on your Instagram, want to dazzle your crush, or simply inject some pizzazz into your comment section, here's an easy trick to whip out on your social media account.
Snacks and YouTube
While we would never promote eating while watching TV, there's a good reason they let you buy snacks at the movie theater, it's just so comforting to nibble on something while you're watching a film on the big screen.

Even at home, we like to graze while we're watching our favorite shows and this kid is no different. This is probably why his mom had to enforce strict rules about eating in the living room.
Burying Your Phone
You’re dying to splash about in the deep blue water in front of you, but you came alone and don't want to leave belongings unattended.

So instead of kicking yourself for not investing in that Beach Vault when you had the chance, stick your valuable in a ziplock bag, zip it up, and bury it! Just remember to leave some kind of indicator to show where you buried it.
Selling Dreams
There comes a time for each and every little kid out there to get out of the kiddie pool and dive into the deep end of making a living. He knew he needed some money to buy that video game he wanted and he wasn't going to let a ban on selling candy stop him.

Maybe it took a metric ton of hope and a box of toothpicks, but this kid did it: he launched his own business.
Faking a Proposal
Starters and sides are good, and while main courses are the centerpiece, there’s still something about that last course that’s just… sweeter than the rest. Around the globe, dessert has taken many different forms and they’re all insanely delicious.

So the question is, how far would you go to get yourself a complimentary sweet dish? For some people, it's pretty far, like this one. Faking a proposal is just one way to beat the system.
Download Netflix Movies and Shows
One of the biggest obstacles to streaming is the prerequisite of good quality internet. But Netflix changed everything by rolling out the ability to download select features, which basically means you can take some items from your queue with you without worrying about Wi-Fi or internet connection.

You'll need to snag the mobile app and factor in that downloading requires a bit of time and storage space, but soon you'll be watching great movies and shows while traveling.
Dogs in Carriers
Dogs aren't allowed to travel on the NYC Subway, only if they can fit in a carrier bag. The reasoning behind this should only allow for small dogs, but people can be enterprising and know a good loophole when they see one.

For those ambitious enough to carry their medium-sized dogs in a bag, it mostly meant sore shoulders but at least their fur babies got a nice view.
Request a “Fragile” Sticker for Your Luggage
Any bag that's been marked with this sticker should be put on top of the rest of the pile and will end up being among the first to hit the baggage claim conveyor belt. That means you can quickly get out of that game of human bingo and closer to the exit.

You might end up having to sign a waiver, absolving the airline of any damage that your fragile items could potentially incur, but if you don’t actually HAVE any fragile items, you’ve got nothing to lose.
Perfect Disguise
Women are not allowed to attend any sports matches in Iran, especially not highly-publicized soccer matches, like this one. This woman decided she was going to sneak into the Azadi Stadium while wearing a disguise.

This specific event was to celebrate the Persepolis Championship in Iran's Persian Gulf Pro League. While it's sad that she had to do this in the first place, she nailed it!
Pineapples or Pumpkins, What's the Difference?
This dorm had a rule against pumpkins during the festive season, but there wasn't any mention about pineapples, so this group of mischievous boarders figured they'd use pineapples.

The result is something that is both creepy and comical. Also, this might make their dorm smell like a tropical island.
Time to Hit the Gym, Kid
If the kids are tired, they start to demand things. This guy didn't have the arm strength to hold his phone up, so the dad of the family co-opted a glass table to use as a stand as the kid lay on the couch.

Now granted, the child might have been sick or had a hard week, but come on — too tired to hold his phone up? It's not like those things are all that heavy. Clever as this might be, our advice to the dad is to move the table back where he got it and gift his son a set of dumbbells.
New jobs often have strangely specific requests, like this one, who required a photo for their website of their new employee wearing a suit. The only problem is, he didn't own a suit. Should he go buy one just for the photo?

So in the slyest way possible, he photoshopped his photo to make it look like he's wearing a dapper suit. Eventually, he might need to get himself a suit, but for now, he's dodged another bullet and still didn't have to buy a suit.
Landlord Rules
Think your landlord could be the worst? This guy wouldn't allow his tenant to paint their apartments while renting, but with all the horror stories going around, that seems fairly tame for a landlord.

This guy instead settled on covering his wall with paint samples for a gradient effect. Sure, it won’t be like a true accent wall you’re used to, you diva, but at least it's clever and looks great!
Festivals Who Don't Allow Beverages Sales
For music fans who are always down to brave the heat in exchange for a full day of exciting line-ups—a lack of hydrating beverages can make your festival feel a lot less festive.

Despite bringing this particularly glaring issue to the organizer's attention, the festival's rules were set in stone, so this store decided to sell peanuts and include a free drink. Good for them!
Netflix and Chill
Going to a strict school often means no mingling with members of the opposite sex, this specific school didn't allow their students to mingle in their respective dorms, but there was no mention of spending time outside the dorms. Which just meant deviating from the rules just enough to cause a stir but not enough to actually get in trouble.

Should you be eager to dust off your impeccable reputation and take a walk on the wild side, here's one way to do it. Having movie nights outside means Netflix and chill takes on a whole new meaning in the winter.
Dress Code
Some schools require a uniform that consists of a full suit and tie. Are students about to attend an important business meeting? Are they about to sign a contract with a multinational conglomerate? Do they oversee diplomatic crises and need to maintain constant professionalism in case of all-out global war?

Then why in the world do they need to wear suits? At least this school allowed coats to be worn over their suits which meant this student could express his style a little more and wear a bear overcoat. It goes without saying that his principal could 'bearly' stand this.
New Puppy New Rules
We totally understand the need to embrace your new puppy to sneak into your heart but also onto your bed. Still, it's not practical and you might end up teaching your fur-babies some bad habits that could be very difficult for them to unlearn.

Sometimes you misjudge how difficult this is going to be and in the end, your significant other might have to snuggle up next to the puppy on the floor.
Rock and Rolling
Sometimes, these workaround hacks look a lot like trolling, or should we say T-Rolling! After many misfires and misused shopping budgets, this teenager's mother felt the need to specifically demand that her child only bring rolls home for dinner.

Little did she know, rolls come in shapes and sizes and her teenager wasn't going to pass up on the chance to defy his mother's orders so easily.
Fake Tickets
Life in the city isn't for everyone — it's crowded, rent is over-priced and let's not forget the parking tickets. Only an incredibly uptight person believes in the merit of parking tickets. Avoid being that person.

One life hack suggested on Twitter had the perfect solution — simply leave an old parking ticket on the windshield of your car and you might not get another ticket. Either that or the parking inspector will act like a heartless jerk and just let them stack on your windshield.
No More Plants
When you promise your husband you wouldn't buy more plants, you try your best to keep him happy and stick to your assurances. However, there was nothing said about growing your own...

These are technically cuttings taken from other plants that will eventually grow into their own as succulents. Basically, everyone could use a tip or two when it comes to propagating their own plants.
Brunch Anyone?
You’re strolling through your neighborhood, eager to try something new, and you spot a restaurant. There’s just one problem: it's a B-rated restaurant like this one. These guys, however, sneakily covered it up with a Brunch sign.

At least this restaurant has any rating, which means it’s been deemed safe enough to eat and drink at, it's just not as hygienic as it could be.
Camp Rules
Summer isn’t really summer if it doesn't remind you of your experiences from camp. Many kids look forward to packing their bags and getting out of town, so they could spend the summer months with their friends and enjoy Mother Nature.

Some camps require kids to write their folks a letter after their first week, which is actually kinda cute.
Reverse Psychology
There's no guarantee that reverse psychology will work every time, but you've gotta risk it for the biscuit! One clever student got around his B+ grade by using the well-known psychology tactic.

And it worked! Whether you're working in business, as a waitress, or hoping to become an expert in your field, using simple tricks and street smarts can go a long way to scoot the odds in your favor.
It's the Thought That Counts
For us, the margarine vs butter debate was never a debate at all. If there’s one thing to be learned from the French, it’s that butter makes things taste much better.

So with all that being said, we're just glad to see that this packaging is at least half-honest. If your choices are limited to something you truly can't believe isn't butter, then why not go for something that will taste almost like it?
We like to imagine there was once someone who looked down at all the LEGO pieces sprawled across the floor and thought to themselves, "This could end badly, what if I build my own shoes made entirely out of LEGO?!"

Parents are probably all too familiar with the inevitable pain that comes with having a LEGO set at home. Now, imagine, no more writhing in pain after accidentally stepping on a seemingly innocent piece of LEGO.
Candid Camera
The reason why nothing looks weird here is that the hidden camera isn't actually filling the living room. It is filming a picture of the living room taped to the lens! To ensure your next house party doesn't end up in a stern talking-to, take this guy's sage advice and cover up any unsightly footage with a simple readjustment and a real-life photo.

No more worrying about controlling your invited guests, but to really have fun with this, you’ll want to make sure that all evidence of your party is taken care of.
Make Your Own VIP Wristbands
Seeing as the best things in life are free, and the best free things are tickets that include VIP status, it only makes sense that you should try your best to get your hands on them! Either you can enter contests and hope you win or you can DIY and wing your way into an event.

No one wants to be that person aggressively trying to enter a VIP event only to be banned from all their future parties.
But Is It Really Green?
A person who would drive a bright-green car like this, probably has a wicked sense of humor, and chances are, they're going to pull a stunt like this and park their car in the parking space reserved for "Green Vehicles." So which cars are truly eco-friendly and environmentally efficient?

Fuel efficiency is often mentioned as the main ingredient to determine a car's green factor, so how would you argue with this guy's definition of what constitutes a "green" vehicle?
Single Page Formula Sheet
If you only have so much space to fill in all your formulas on a single sheet, there is absolutely no way you're going to waste a single blank space.

This student was up to the challenge and somehow managed to craft this masterpiece, or rather, with great organization skills and attention to detail, he filled this page with all the necessary formulas. With all this dedication and effort he spent on this page, we hope he managed to study as well!
Banned From the Stadium
This unfortunate fellow was banned from the stadium that hosts his favorite matches. We're not sure why exactly, but we bet it had something to do with his fervent opinions and subsequent behavior.

Well, it seems his fun wasn't ending there. He could have given up right then and there, but no, it turns out, he's such a diehard fan that he hired a crane, just so he could get a spectacular view from the outside as the game unfolded.
Crazy or Genius?
When the mayor bans bar owners from setting up tables on the sidewalk, you're probably going to listen. Or you could think outside the box and find another way to seat your customers, like this guy, who loaded tables on the back of a truck.

Now everybody's happy, as pedestrians have enough space to walk on the sidewalk, and these customers get to lounge outside without having to worry about spilling their drink.
Even at the best of times, homework is a drag, this is why the common phrase "the dog ate my homework" has become so cliche. But getting an assignment like this sure helps — you get to be creative and if you use your head right, it's a fairly easy gig.

In this case, knowing the Marvel characters and their distinct personalities would definitely help.
Professional Attire
As we all know, some places have a very strict dress code. Whether it's a fancy event, like a wedding or expensive restaurant, or even a corporate job, dressing like a professional is just part and parcel of showing up.

But not everyone can fit into the cookie-cutter shape and sometimes just need to express themselves. Like this fellow, who wears these sneaky socks just to feel like he's not a complete sell-out.
Outsmarting Locks
Some parents like to lock up their valuables for safe-keeping, others like to store away their kids' devices when they're misbehaving. Lucky for this kid, he figured out a way around it and was able to outsmart his way past the lock.

We can't help but wonder, was this kid's mother impressed or even more mad than before?
When a sign forbids all forms of transport, from bicycles to skateboards, the chances are good that someone's going to get upset and try to find a way around it.

Probably spent quite some time learning how to ride a unicycle just to break that rule! Kudos!
Play Time
Forcing your kids to play outside during this decade might seem impossible, but this kid knew exactly how he could both keep his parents happy and still play his favorite games.

We can't really fault him, this is basically like reading a book outside. At least he's getting some fresh air.
Expert Parking
For most car people, parking in the city can be one of life's biggest headaches. Parking tickets and fines, out-of-control drivers, reckless pedestrians. It's a mess.

That's in no small part due to the fact that there's just not enough space. That is if you don't look hard enough, or at least don't know how to look for a loophole in the parking sections.
What's the Answer?
Not knowing the answer to a question doesn't necessarily mean you'll get it wrong. It just means you have to use every little bit of luck you can, and in this case, that luck came in the form of a hint.

Not everyone will get points all the time, but sometimes, you get a bonus point for trying your luck.
Humans Will Be Humans
Being human sometimes means you're just going to behave badly, as our list can confirm. But at least these little misadventures show just how creative humans can be.

Even if that creativity comes in the shape of a lengthy straw, just so they can drink their beverage while swimming at the pool.
When your office has a thermostat that cannot be adjusted, things can get a little contentious. No matter what your preferred temperature is, you’ve no doubt felt uncomfortably cold or blazing hot at some point.

That's why this woman came up with this idea, why not just trick the thermostat into thinking it's colder than it actually is? Evil or genius?
No Statues Allowed
Some small towns have strange rules, many of which serve a very important purpose, but that doesn't mean that they aren't weird, bizarre, and otherwise nonsensical laws that can be a real pain for many of the town's inhabitants.

Like this town, that doesn't allow statues. The store here, however, found a way around it. The town laws say nothing about flag poles so the store figured that a human-shaped flag pole should be fine.
Company Policy
We can all agree that soda in a can does not taste as good as soda in a glass bottle, just like your favorite canned mochaccino beverage does not taste the same when it is poured into a paper cup. But what do you do when your new place of work, following the health inspection regulation, requires that all beverages must be in a cup with a straw at all times, with no exceptions?

We can see the health inspector downgrading the audit this place received, not because the beverage was still in the original can, but because there was not lid on the paper cup like the local code requires.
Homework Assignment
Technically this isn't even a loophole, just a strict adherence to the literal assignment. Let's be honest, if you're a Chinese immigrant from 1870, you're going to write a letter in your native language to your family.

Please tell us this student got an A+ on their homework assignment.